Writers Solution

Social environment and reporting on how it structures opportunities related to health and illness

Pick a neighborhood in the proximity of where you live[1]. You will be studying the social environment and reporting on how it structures opportunities related to health and illness.  You may choose your neighborhood, but be careful, as we tend not to recognize the obvious in our lives. McCamey, Texas. This project involves observation. You shouldn’t interview, survey, or speak with anybody as part of your study for ethical reasons. If you took any photos of people, you wouldn’t be at your best. Any project that incorporates interviews with locals or other people WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, and a grade of 0 will be assigned. I want you to concentrate on the actual surroundings instead. Even if your knowledge is solely observational and needs no interaction, no specific people should be included in your report.
You should abide by all applicable local, state, and federal laws. NO TRAFFICKING AT ALL. A grade of 0 will also be assigned for any documented unlawful action. Furthermore, it would be ideal if you avoided placing yourself in risk. Avoid going to places where you might endanger yourself. Please be reasonable. Never go out at night or alone yourself, and avoid any scenario where there may be a danger to your safety. Take extra precautions. I don’t want you to live in an area where drug sales are conducted openly, and I don’t want you to hang around in parks late at night to watch shady characters commit crimes. I don’t want you to provide a conflict zone report from a renegade journalist. Instead, you may do the majority of the task using a computer.Webcamsscreenshotsareas through online street views, maps, and all-you-can-eat establishments, among other things.

You may take digital pictures (a camera phone should be just fine) to include with your project.

You may use Google Street View (but not required) and show screen shots of specific area. Any photos you take should be of places, NOT people.  No individual should be identifiable in any of the photos you take. 

What types of factors should you be looking for?

•      Public spaces. – exercise, playgrounds, parks

•      Food – groceries (type of), fast food availability, all you can eat buffets, etc.

o   What type of food displays are prominent in the grocery store? Healthy food/junk food?

o   If there is no grocery store in your area, find the closest one(s) that ·you think people in your selected area use for their food.  all-you-can-eatIs smoking allowed indoors? Only in bars? Not at all?

•      Pedestrian safety/ability or need to drive everywhere

•      Bike lanes

•      Road safety – How often do major car accidents occur? Official data may not be available, but in Odessa, for example, the news covers them in detail. 

•      Proximity to medical clinic/hospital

•      How do people come together? How many churches/if any? How many bars? Do people have to walk to the bars or do most drive? Other positive/negative areas of interaction?

•      Other factors may be unique to your specific situation – proximity to power plants, waste dumps, industrial areas

Your paper will take the following basic format: (NO GPT CHAT OR ANY AI)

1.  Introduction 

-introduce social causation of disease

-introduce your neighborhood. Where is it? Do you believe residents are healthy?

-based on available data, what do the statistics say about the general health of your area? This may include broad information, as noted above, such as car accidents reported on the news. Alternatively, the EPA provides data on environmental hazards (and there,lots in Odessa, Midland, and Houston, for example), which you can are also discussthreeare summarize criticalthree summarizethree thetiny Introduce.  Findings

-Pick at least three key areas to examine (among those listed above). Discuss what you found. I don’t want a list of all 47 restaurants, but you could summarize how many fast food places there are, etc. Provide critical details and avoid adding filler that doesn’t speak to the project.  Think critically. Analyze what is going on.

3.  Conclusion

-Summarize your findings. Perhaps suggest how you think health could be improved if needed. 


[1] What constitutes a neighborhood?  This is somewhat undefined.  Generally speaking, it should be a residential area bordered by a few major streets. 1-2 square miles would be about right, but depending on population density, this could vary.  If you live in a tiny town (say up to 10,000 people), and for example, there is only one place to buy groceries, three summarizeyou may use the entire town. I provide an example below.

Social Risk Autopsy

Part A: Introduction 

· Introduce the threesummarize three the must also asocial causation of disease

·         Introduce your neighborhood. Where is it? Do you believe residents are healthy?

·         Based on available data, what do the statistics say about the general health of your area? This may include broad information, as noted above, such as car accidents reported on the news. Alternatively, the EPA provides data on environmental hazards (and there are lots in Odessa, Midland, and Houston, for example), which you can also discuss.

·         Five pages, excluding the title page and references page. You can use up to three pictures in your five-page project. You can add the rest of your images in the appendix.

Part B: Findings

·         Pick at least threesummarize three key areas to examine (among those listed above).

·         Discuss what you found. I don’t want a list of all 47 restaurants, but you could provide a summary of how many fast food places there are, etc.

·         Provide key details and avoid adding filler that doesn’t speak to the project. 

·         Think critically. Analyze what is going on.

Part C: Format- Academic Citations

·         3 sociological journals (from approved journals listed)

·         One source of your choice (still must be scholarly), such as a website.

·         The title page has all the required elements and formatting:

·         Formatted in the ASA style or APA (APA is allowed if you are not majoring in sociology. However, you must inform me which style you will follow). Remember to be consistent with your style.

Part D: Conclusion

·         Summarize your findings.

·         Perhaps suggest how you think health could be improved if needed.

Writers Solution

Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures


ANTH-12 Osteology Research Assignment/Essay

Prompt: Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures. Since hominin are only discovered as fossilized remains, the study of their bones and skeletons is very important for our understanding of human evolution! For this assignment, each student will write a short research paper on a hominin osteological feature (i.e. a bone or skeletal structure) of their choice. Students should pick a feature that is both interesting to them and important for our evolution. Look for skeletal features that aid in things like locomotion, bipedalism, and tool making etc. In the paper, students should describe the bone or skeletal trait in detail and explain how and why it is important to human evolution. Students may also want to include a discussion of key fossil hominin finds that feature their chosen subject. In addition, students are expected to include a detailed hand drawing of their chosen osteology feature to accompany their research paper. This drawing can be embedded in the submitted word document or included as a separate upload. A minimum of 3-4 scholarly references are required; non-academic sources are categorically not appropriate references. All references should be parenthetically cited and included in a works cited page at the end. Example of a topic: hyoid bone, calcaneus, non-opposable hallux, foot arch (tarsal and metatarsal bones), pelvis, knee joints, femur, vertebral column, thumb metacarpal, dentition/molars, wrist bones, clavicle, finger phalanges, hip joints, sagittal crest, bone density, etc. Due: Saturday, April 10th by 11:59pm PT. Submission: Online on Canvas Requirements: About 3 pages (approximately 600-650 words, not including bibliography page) Works Cited Page/Bibliography (3-4 citations) Drawing of bone (can be embedded in word document) Total Points: 20 points How to structure an essay: Introduction Thesis statement (A thesis statement is composed on three parts: context, subject and claim!) Body Paragraphs Conclusion How to Research: Website based internet sources are not a legitimate basis of information for this paper. Instead, try these sources: SJSU Library: Google Scholar:

Ø Example search: “human evolution hyoid bone”




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Osteology is the study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bony structures

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d cons of the two ownership structures in exhibits 6 and 7 in the Core Curriculum: Corporate Governance

describe the pros and cons of the two ownership structures in exhibits 6 and 7 in the Core Curriculum: Corporate Governance.    References

Stanwick, Peter and Sarah Stanwick. Understanding Business Ethics. (2015) 3rd edition.

Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1506303239

Also the attachments

2-3 pages APA7 style. The references another page


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on SSHPP is located in Siberia, Russia d cons of the two ownership structures in exhibits 6 and 7 in the Core Curriculum: Corporate Governance

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The film ultimately serves as a condemnation of unseen power structures

  • Please type your answers in a SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT (doc or docx file) and please DOUBLE-SPACE and use size 12 font!  Please also clearly NUMBER your answers. NO GOOGLING answer questions from reading material

Answer every question from readings and fulfill every question requirements  I Also attached the reading document



1. “The film ultimately serves as a condemnation of unseen power structures.” Who are the authors of this quote and which film are they describing? Explain what this quote means. 

2. “In any case, according to this argument, the conventional NFB documentaries did not simply represent reality but showed a selective version, thereby transforming public service into public relations.”  Who is the author of this quote? Explain what this quote means in connection to a film from the first half of the course. 

3. “The flower itself does little dances and even cowers in fright as the men get violent.” Who is the author of this quote and which film are they describing? Explain what this quote means. 

4. “He favoured a camera with a short focal length, so as to get closer to his subjects and capture the unexpected.” Who is the author of this quote and which filmmaker are they describing? Explain what this quote means in connection to a film from the first half of the course

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SKY HIGH Real Estate Developers want to understand the present structures of Australian households

Assessment Title Individual Report Project

Purpose of the 1/ Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of Marketing Research in the context
assessment (with ULO of marketing-related business decisions
Mapping) 2/ Analyse business problems/opportunities using their Market Research skills and

develop appropriate strategies to achieve a competitive advantage.

Weight 20 % of the total assessments

Total Marks 20

Word limit Not more than 2000 words

Submission • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed
Guidelines Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm
margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at
the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.

HC2022 Marketing Research Individual Report
Assignment Specifications
Student will gain experience in applying the marketing research process, collecting secondary data and providing recommendations for and organisation’s strategy
SKY HIGH Real Estate Developers want to understand the present structures of Australian households and
families, as well as how these structures will change in the next 20 years. This will allow them to plan for the
kinds of properties that are in demand now and in the future. Using secondary data sources, find this
information for the real estate developer. This secondary data can be obtained from a variety of credible
sources, including: The Australian Bureau of Statistics website ( and searching for ‘family
characteristics’. The most recent publication, released in 2015, is entitled 4442.0 – Family Characteristics and
Transitions, Australia, 2012––13, available at You can also
gain some insight from: You may
also source data from other credible sights.
Assignment Structure should be as the following:

  1. Introduction
    Introduce the main problem the real estate developer is facing and how the data will be collected
  2. The research Process
  3. 1. Define the Problem
    Clearly explain the problem that requires market research
  4. 2. Planning the research design
    Explain why secondary data will be used in this research
  5. 3. Planning the sample
    Provide information on the sample sizes used for the data you are using (this will come from the research organisation)
  6. 4 Collecting the data
    This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Show the data you have collected. This should be well organised and easy to understand.
  7. 5 Analysing the Data
    This is the one of the main sections (it should be around 300 words). Explain what the data means in the context of the problem.
  8. Formulating conclusion and recommendations
    Conclude on the research and provide two specific recommendations for the real estate developer. 4. References

Holmes Adapted Harvard Referencing
Holmes has now implemented a Holmes adapted Harvard approach to referencing:

  1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources which provide full text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
  2. Your Reference list is to be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
  3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
    For example;
    Hawking, P., McCarthy, B. and Stein, A. 2004. Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of Information Systems Education, Fall,
  4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, paragraph where the content can be found.
    For example;
    “The company decided to implement an enterprise wide data warehouse business intelligence strategy (Hawking et al, 2004, p3(4)).”

Adherence to Referencing Guidelines is Mandatory
If students do not follow the above guidelines:

  1. Students who submit assignments which do not comply with the guidelines will incur penalties.
  2. Students whose citations are fake will be reported for academic misconduct.
    HC2022 Marketing Research

Marking criteria
Marking criteria Weighting
1 Show the data you have collected. 5

  1. Accurately analyses the relevant secondary data including recommendations 6
  2. Shows knowledge of relevant theory 6
  3. Overall presentation and referencing 3
    TOTAL Weight
    Assessment Feedback to the Student:


Marking Rubric
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

1 Show the data you have Data collected is very: Data collected is: Data collected is Data collected is Data collected is not
collected. relevant, well organised relevant, well somewhat: somewhat: relevant, relevant, disorganised
and easy to understand. organised and easy relevant, well well organised and and difficult to
to understand. organised and easy easy to understand understand
to understand and contains some

  1. Accurately analyses the Very accurate analysis Accurate analysis of Somewhat Analysis of the Little to no analysis of the
    relevant secondary data of the relevant the relevant accurate analysis of relevant secondary relevant secondary data
    including recommendations secondary data secondary data the relevant data including including
    including including secondary data recommendations, recommendations
    recommendations recommendations including but with some
    recommendations errors
  2. Shows knowledge of A deep knowledge of Good knowledge of Some knowledge of Knowledge of the Little to no knowledge of
    the theory shown the theory shown the theory shown theory shown at the theory shown
    relevant theory
  3. Overall presentation and Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and Presentation and
    referencing referencing are at a referencing are at a referencing are at a referencing could be referencing are at a low
    high standard high-medium medium standard improved standard
    HC2022 Marketing Research





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study of law and legal structures help us understand the history of the United States in the twentieth century?

How does the study of law and legal structures help us understand the history of the United States in the twentieth century? (500 words)

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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals study of law and legal structures help us understand the history of the United States in the twentieth century?

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What is the purpose of control structures?

Information Technology

Form 5

Control Structures

WORKSHEET  (17 Marks)

What is the purpose of control structures?

Your Answer:The purpose of a control structure is to control the flow of a program by analysing the variable.

For each control structure listed below state the category it belongs to.

While Loop     ________________

IF-THEN     ________________

Repeat Until    ________________

For Loop    ________________

IF-THEN-ELSE ________________

In your own words, explain the difference between:

IF-THEN and IF-THEN-ELSE statements.

Your Answer:


For Loop and While Loop

Your Answer:

When do you use the IF-THEN-ELSE statement?

Your Answer: 

When do you use the Repeat Until Loop?

Your Answer:





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Examine the well-established principles of building structures and the way those principles have developed

Module name Building Structures
Module code TEC5STR
Assignment 1
Level 5
Programme start month and year April 2021
Pass mark 40
Word count 1,600
Assessment weighting 40%
*for further information see the Word count and overwriting section.
Submission details
For this assignment, you are required to submit:
• a report as a Word (or similar) or PDF file.
Please refer to the assignment guidance in the assignment area of the module for further guidance on the file types accepted by Turnitin.
Submission of assignments
All assignments must be submitted online in the module area of the VLE. The assignment submission link opens 21 days before the due date. Please refer to the information provided in the ‘Assessment preparation’ week for submission guidance.
NOTE: Postal submissions will not be accepted.
Learning outcomes
Code Description
LO1 Examine the well-established principles of building structures and the way those principles have developed.
LO2 Apply key concepts, theories and principles in structures and undertake analysis of the appropriateness of different approaches.
LO3 Analyse information to develop technical arguments in the selection and application of structures in simple situations.
LO4 Apply relevant legislation, standards and regulations to develop a range of structural solutions in simple situations.
LO5 Present, interpret and communicate technical information on simple situations clearly and concisely, using sketches, drawings, calculations or in written form.
You work for a construction management company as a site manager. Your line manager has asked you to report on a number of projects that the company is involved with, which require some calculation.
The list of projects is:

  1. A marine defence project on the North Sea coast of England, which involves the placing of a mixture of large granite blocks which are up to 1m3 in volume, together with a mixture of concrete tetrapod blocks and concrete dolos blocks.
  2. A multi storey car park consisting of pre-cast concrete T beams (Figure 1 – See Appendix).
  3. A project to install a bridge (Figure 2 – See Appendix) on a service road. The bridge is designed to carry vehicles up to a four-axle articulated lorry with a gross weight of 36 Tonnes. The design incorporates Warren Trusses for the side walls and these are connected by Rolled Steel Joists (RSJs) which support the bridge deck. The bridge has a span of 10m and the width of the deck is 4m.
    Write a short report to your line manager in which you analyse and provide advice on the following matters:
    a. Calculate the lifting capacity of plant for the marine defence project for the three different materials to be used in the scheme. Take into account that the cranes used to place and move around each item will have to operate so that their lifting cables can to be at an angle of up to 45°. Use your own research about marine protection to estimate typical weights for this project. Give your answers in Tonnes and in kN.
    b. Determine the position of the centroid of the pre cast T beams that are used for the floor slabs of the car park and explain why this would be the best place to drill any small holes as lifting points or for the location of any small services.
    c. Analyse the bridge structure with the aid of sketches. Your line manager is particularly interested in understanding the likely forces on the members of the bridge structure, the loads on the connecting RSJ’s and the necessary support reactions for the bridge.
    Reference list
    You should include a reference list with a minimum of six separate relevant and appropriate sources that you have written about and cited within your work.
    A bibliography of uncited sources is not required.
    Further information to support you with this assignment is available within the study materials for this module on the UCEM VLE. If you have any questions about this assignment, please contact your Module Tutor or Module Leader via the VLE.
    Marking guidance for this activity
    This guidance is designed to help you to do as well as possible in your assessment by explaining how the person marking your work will be judging it.
    Your work will be assessed in relation to the requirements set out in the assessment criteria marking guide at the end of this document and the grading guidance section below.
    It is recommended that you read both of these sections before starting your assessment to learn what will help you to achieve the highest marks. Once you have finished you should review the assessment before submitting it, to check you have done what is required to achieve the highest marks.
    When you receive your feedback from your tutor you should clearly be able to see which categories you gained marks in and, where relevant, recommendations about how to improve your performance going forward.
    Grading guidance
    This grading guidance section explains in more detail what a submission for this assessment should include in order to achieve a mark at the threshold, good and excellent standards.
    You will have attempted all the tasks in the assignment and have arrived at approximate answers for parts a and b. You will have included a brief description as to why the centroid of the T beams is the best place for lifting points, and identified the likely forces on the bridge structure.
    You will have met the criteria for Threshold and have explained the method of analysis for all the tasks. You should have solutions to tasks a and b that are reasoned and supported and be within 25mm of the correct position of the centroid in task b. You will have included a brief explanation as to why the centroid of the T beams is the best place for lifting points, and realistic analysis of the likely forces on the bridge structure with basic sketches.
    You will have met the criteria for Good and your answers to parts 1 and 2 of the task will derive acceptable results, using the correct units. Your analysis for task 3 will be logical and clear. You will have assessed reasonable maximum loads for the supporting RSJ’s in the bridge structure and you will have analysed the warren truss, to determine the axial loads in the truss members, using a recognised method of analysis, such as the method of resolution of joints.
    The overall structure of the report will be clear and informative and it will be supported with reliable sources.
    Word count and overwriting
    Exceeding 10% of the stated word count may limit the marks allocated for communication (see assessment criteria marking guide below).
    The following table outlines the inclusions and exclusions in the word count of the most common features of assessed pieces of work.
    Included Excluded
    Introduction Executive summary/abstract
    Main body Title page/front cover
    Footnotes/endnotes Contents List
    In text citations Calculations
    Words in tables Drawings/Images
    Conclusion List of references
    Recommendations Bibliography
    Headings and titles, except for those explicitly excluded Appendices
    The total number of words used must be stated on the first page of your assessment.
    Plagiarising someone else’s work, whether copying from the internet, UCEM study materials, a textbook, a fellow student or elsewhere, is a serious offence. Before you submit your work for assessment, you must check it to ensure that you have fully cited within the text all the sources of information you have used and that all your sources are listed in a reference section at the end of your submission. Quoted text must not be excessive in length. You will find guidance on correct citing and referencing in The UCEM Guide to Referencing and Citation in Section 6 of the e-Library on the VLE.
    Be aware that your work will be checked using text-matching software. The ‘Turnitin‘ software is as much for your benefit as ours at UCEM. You can use it to check that all your citations have a matching reference, and review any highlighted text that may not be original and requires a reference.
    A high text-matching result could indicate plagiarism. If plagiarism is identified, this could result in a penalty ranging from a loss of marks to exclusion from your programme.
    Note: Please use the assignment referencing link to check the originality of your work before submitting it.
    Source: UCEM (2021)
    Figure 2: A bridge
    Source: UCEM (2021)
    The bridge has a span of 10m and the width of the deck is 4m.
    LEVEL 5
    Inadequate 3–4
    Limited 5 Below threshold 6–7
    Threshold 8
    Good 9 Very good 10–11
    Excellent 12–15
    Relevance to task
    • The relevance of the information provided to the context of the task
    • The way the needs of the intended audience have been addressed. Irrelevant and addresses neither the task nor the needs of the intended audience. Largely irrelevant and does not effectively address the task or the needs of the intended audience. Partially relevant and attempts to address the task and the needs of the intended audience with significant irrelevance or omissions. Sufficiently relevant to the task and the needs of the intended audience to meet the learning outcomes. Mostly relevant to the task and the needs of the intended audience, with some minor irrelevance or omissions. Consistently relevant to the task and focussed on the requirements of the intended audience. Highly relevant to the task and precisely focussed on the requirements of the intended audience. Completely relevant to the task and fully focussed on the requirements of the intended audience.
    Structure and presentation
    • Organisation and presentation of ideas A lack of structure beyond a loosely connected list of points. Largely unstructured and does not have a clear logical flow. Inconsistent structure and logical flow. Adequate structure and logical flow. Reasonable
    structure and logical flow. Capable structure and logical flow. Advanced structure and logical flow. Proficient structure and logical flow.
    • Format appropriate to the intended audience and/or industry protocols
    • How structure and presentation enable communication. Presentation format is inappropriate.
    Communication is obstructed. Presentation format is ineffective.
    Communication is hindered. Presentation format is confused.
    Communication is only partially effective. Presentation format is satisfactory.
    Communication is sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Presentation format is appropriate.
    Communication is clear. Presentation format is effective.
    Communication is sound. Presentation format is sophisticated.
    Communication is articulate. Presentation format is innovative.
    Communication is insightful.
    • Selection of words, sentence construction, spelling and punctuation. Use of grammar is deficient and meaning is obstructed. Significant grammatical errors and meaning lacks clarity. Several grammatical errors and meaning conveyed insufficiently clearly. Notwithstanding some minor errors and oversights, grammar and clarity of meaning are sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Grammar usage is fair and conveys meaning clearly. Grammar usage is capable and conveys meaning effectively. Grammar usage is advanced and conveys meaning precisely. Grammar using is exceptional and conveys meaning eloquently.
    Inadequate 7–10
    Limited 11–13
    Below threshold 14–17
    Threshold 18–20 Good 21–24
    Very good 25–27
    Excellent 28–35
    Knowledge of the key principles of the field of study Little significant knowledge of the subject matter. Incomplete knowledge of the subject matter. Some knowledge of the subject matter with significant omissions. General knowledge of key elements of the subject matter. Reasonable knowledge of the key elements of the subject matter. Sound knowledge of the subject matter. Comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter. Full knowledge of the subject matter.
    • Demonstration of understanding of the key principles of the field of study Misrepresented or misunderstood understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Ineffective understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Inconsistent and confused understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Basic understanding of the key principles of the field of study, sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.
    Clear understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Effective understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Sophisticated understanding of the key principles of the field of study. Very advanced understanding of the key principles of the field of study.
    • Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is incorrect or omitted. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is unsatisfactory. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is inaccurate and partial with significant omissions. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is adequate. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is competent. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is capable. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is accurate. Knowledge and understanding of how the key principles have developed is exceptional.
  6. USE AND
    Inadequate 6–8
    Limited 9–11
    Below threshold 12–14
    Threshold 15–17 Good 18–20
    Very good 21–23
    Excellent 24–30
    Application of UCEM Harvard referencing style A minimal number of sources have been referenced. The referencing system is applied incoherently. Referencing is unsatisfactory due to
    significant omissions, inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the application of the referencing system. Referencing is insufficient due to several omissions, inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the application of the referencing system. Referencing is sufficiently complete, accurate and consistent in the application of the referencing system to meet the learning outcomes. Referencing is competent with mostly complete, accurate and consistent application of the referencing system. Referencing is effective with complete, accurate and consistent application of the referencing system with few errors. Referencing is comprehensive with complete, accurate and consistent application of the referencing system with minimal errors. Referencing is comprehensive and applied faultlessly.
    Source materials
    • Selection of course materials
    Minimal and incoherent selection of course materials.
    Ineffective selection of course materials with significant omissions.
    Inconsistent and inaccurate selection of course materials.
    Adequate selection of course materials.
    Competent selection of course materials.
    Capable selection of course materials.
    Sophisticated selection of course materials.
    Innovative selection of course materials.
    • Further research Further research is minimal. Further research is incomplete and unsatisfactory. Further research is insufficient. Further research is basic. Further research is reasonable. Further research is sound. Further research is.
    advanced. Further research is proficient.
    • Use of industry practice and personal experience. Industry practice and personal experience omitted or irrelevant. Limited and incomplete reference to industry practice and personal experience. Simple reference to industry practice and personal experience. Satisfactory reference to industry practice and personal experience. Clear reference to industry practice and personal experience. Effective reference to industry practice and personal experience. Perceptive reference to industry practice and personal experience. Insightful reference to industry practice and personal experience.
    Application of source materials to task Source materials are used inadequately and applied incoherently. The assessed work is not informed or improved by the source materials. Source materials are used ineffectively and applied unsatisfactorily. The assessed work is informed and improved in a limited manner by the source materials. Source materials are used inconsistently and applied partially. The assessed work is informed and improved in a simple manner by the source materials. Source materials are used satisfactorily and applied adequately. The assessed work is informed and improved in a basic manner by the source materials, sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.
    Source materials are used competently and applied clearly. The assessed work is informed and improved in a reasonable manner by the source materials. Source materials are used capably and applied consistently. The assessed work is informed and improved in a consistent manner by the source materials. Source materials are used perceptively and applied accurately. The assessed work is informed and improved in a comprehensive manner by the source materials. Source materials are used innovatively and applied insightfully.
    The assessed work is informed and improved in an exceptional manner by the source materials.
    ANALYSIS 20 0–3
    Inadequate 4–5
    Limited 6–7
    Below threshold 8–9
    Threshold 10–11 Good 12–13
    Very good
    Excellent 16–20
    Critical analysis
    • Analysis of source materials Analysis of the source materials is superficial, deficient or minimal. Analysis of the source materials is shallow ineffective or incomplete. Analysis of the source materials is insubstantial, inaccurate or inconsistent. Analysis of the source materials is adequate and of sufficient depth to meet the learning outcomes. Analysis of the source materials is substantial clear and competent. Analysis of the source materials is thorough, effective and consistent. Analysis of the source materials is rigorous, accurate and comprehensive. Analysis of the source materials is profound, proficient and very advanced.
    • Application of analysis to the demands of the task. Analysis is not applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is applied unsatisfactorily to the demands of the task. Analysis is partially applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is satisfactorily applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is reasonably applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is effectively applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is perceptively applied to the demands of the task. Analysis is innovatively applied to the demands of the task.
    Development of solutions Proposed solutions are incoherent and deficient. Proposed solutions are unsatisfactory and ineffective. Proposed solutions are confused and inaccurate. Proposed solutions are satisfactory and sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Proposed solutions are clear and reasonable. Proposed solutions are consistent and effective. Proposed solutions are advanced and sophisticated. Proposed solutions are ambitious and exceptional.
    Technical ability
    (where appropriate)
    • Quality of drawings Drawings are incorrect or omitted. Drawings are incomplete or with
    significant omissions. Drawings are inaccurate and only partially completed. Drawings are completed at a basic level sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Drawings are completed at a competent level. Drawings are completed capably. Drawings are completed accurately. Drawings are completed to an exceptionally high standard.
    • Accuracy of calculations Calculations are incorrect or omitted. Calculations are incomplete with significant omissions. Calculations are inaccurate and only partially completed. Calculations are completed at a basic level sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Calculations are completed at a competent level. Calculations are completed capably. Calculations are completed accurately. Calculations are completed to an exceptionally high standard.
    • Appropriate selection and application of information. Selection of information is incorrect or minimal. Information is applied inadequately or incoherently to the task. Selection of information is incomplete with significant omissions. Information is applied ineffectively or unsatisfactorily to the task. Selection of information is inconsistent and partial. Information is applied inaccurately to the task. Selection of information is satisfactory and sufficient to meet the learning outcomes. Information is applied adequately to the task. Selection of information is clear and reasonable. Information is applied competently to the task. Selection of information is consistent and effective. Information is applied capably to the task. Selection of information is accurate and comprehensive.
    Information is applied perceptively to the task. Selection of information is proficient and insightful.
    Information is applied innovatively to the task.

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Project scope template, work breakdown structures (WBS), and the Gantt chart

 Included example template of how paper should be formatted  

The Project Management Final Paper needs to include screenshot  examples and explanations of project selection form, project scope  template, work breakdown structures (WBS), and the Gantt chart created  in prior weeks. Be sure to update these examples based on: (a) any new  criteria presented in these instructions, (b) any feedback you received  on the previous assignments, (c) any knowledge you obtained in the  class, and/or (d) any additional information you obtained during your  research so that your final paper can reflect project management best  practices.

Include the following elements in your paper:


  • Introduce the paper and highlight what the paper will include.
  • Explain what a project is and how project management can contribute to an organization’s success.
  • Briefly outline the five process groups in the project management life cycle.


  • Explain the pre-planning stage of the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to the pre-planning/project selection stage.
  • Describe the elements of the project selection form. 
    • Provide an example of a project selection form.
    • Explain the purpose of a project selection form.
    • Insert an updated and corrected copy of the project selection form from week 1 to use as an example.
    • Explain the elements of the project selection form and their importance.


  • Explain the planning process of the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to the planning stage.
  • Explain the purpose of the project scope statement and all the terms used in the project scope template. 
    • Project Basics: 
      • Project Name
      • Project Sponsor
      • Project Scope Statement
    • Project Scope: 
      • Assumptions
      • Milestones
      • Out of Scope (Exclusions)
    • Project Execution: 
      • Stakeholders
      • Time estimate
      • Cost estimate
      • Project Acceptance Criteria
    • Insert a corrected and updated screenshot of your project scope template from week 2 into your final paper. 
    • Explain the work breakdown structure (WBS), project milestones, and the critical path. 
      • Explain how these elements relate to your project’s status.
    • Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) in the ProjectLibre or  modify the example you created in week 3, incorporating both instructor  and peer feedback (as applicable). 
      • Include a screenshot of the WBS as an example in your paper. (Make  sure the example contains the appropriate level of details, so the  reader understands the full context of the project without assuming  anything.)


  • Explain the executing process group of the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to executing the project.
  • Explain the change control process.

Monitoring and Controlling 

  • Explain the monitoring and controlling within the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to monitoring and controlling the project.


  • Explain the closing process within the project management lifecycle. 
    • Explain project management terms, tools, and techniques that are applicable to closing a project or phase.
  • Explain what a “Lessons Learned” report is and highlight its importance for future projects within the organization.


  • Conclude the paper by reiterating how project management improves an  organization’s success and highlighting the importance of using the  five process groups for accomplishing a project’s objectives. (Review  the Writing Center’s page on Introductions and Conclusions  (Links to an external site.)for more information.)

Your Project Management Final Paper





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Types of lipids, their structures, functions in the body, and health effects

The lipid panel of a blood test measures the total cholesterol in blood. This consists of the four types of lipids in blood, which include those considered as “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Besides, the body stores excess calories by creating triacylglycerols, which are stored in fat cells. The amounts of lipids in the human body are very important since researchers suggest that saturated fats and cholesterol are associated with diseases. Prepare a research paper in MLA style (3 pages long) on the following topic:

“Types of lipids, their structures, functions in the body, and health effects”

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