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important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners)

Instructional Plan Title:

Lesson Summary and Focus:

In   2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus based on   the content and skills you are teaching. 

Classroom and Student   Factors/Grouping:

Describe   the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student   factors (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, students with behavior concerns, gifted learners),   and the effect of those factors on planning, teaching, and assessing students   to facilitate learning for all students. This should be limited to 2-3   sentences and the information should inform the differentiation components of   the lesson.

National/State Learning   Standards:

Review   national and state standards to become familiar with the standards you will   be working with in the classroom environment. 

Your   goal in this section is to identify the standards that are the focus of the   lesson being presented. Standards must address learning initiatives from one   or more content areas, as well as align with the lesson’s learning   targets/objectives and assessments.

Include   the standards with the performance indicators and the standard language in   its entirety. 

Specific Learning   Target(s)/Objectives:

Learning   objectives are designed to identify what the teacher intends to measure in   learning. These must be aligned with the standards. When creating objectives,   a learner must consider the following: 

  • Who is the        audience
  • What action        verb will be measured during instruction/assessment
  • What tools or        conditions are being used to meet the learning

What   is being assessed in the lesson must align directly to the objective created.   This should not be a summary of the lesson, but a measurable statement   demonstrating what the student will be assessed on at the completion of the   lesson. For instance, “understand” is not measureable, but “describe” and   “identify” are.

For   example:

Given   an unlabeled map outlining the 50 states, students will accurately label all   state names. 

Academic Language

In   this section, include a bulleted list of the general academic vocabulary and content-specific vocabulary you need to   teach. In a few sentences, describe how you will teach students those terms   in the lesson.

Resources, Materials,   Equipment, and Technology:

List   all resources, materials, equipment, and technology you and the students   will use during the lesson. As required by your instructor, add or attach   copies of ALL printed and online materials at the end of this template.   Include links needed for online resources. 

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set

Your goal in this section is to open the   lesson by activating students’ prior knowledge, linking previous learning with   what they will be learning in this lesson and gaining student interest for   the lesson. Consider various learning preferences (movement, music, visuals)   as a tool to engage interest and motivate learners for the lesson.

In a bulleted list,   describe the materials and activities you will use to open the lesson. Bold any materials you will need to   prepare for the lesson.

For example:

· I will   use a visual of the planet Earthand   ask students to describe what Earth looks like.

· I will   record their ideas on the white board and ask more questions about the amount   of water they think is on planet Earth and where the water is located. 

Time   Needed

Multiple Means of   Representation

Learners perceive and comprehend   information differently. Your goal in this section is to explain how you   would present content in various ways to meet the needs of different   learners. For example, you may present the material using guided notes,   graphic organizers, video or other visual media, annotation tools, anchor   charts, hands-on manipulatives, adaptive technologies, etc. 

In a bulleted list,   describe the materials you will use to differentiate instruction and how you will   use these materials throughout the lesson to support learning. Bold any materials you will need to   prepare for the lesson.

For example:

· I will   use a Venn diagram graphic organizer   to teach students how to compare and contrast the two main characters in the   read-aloud story. 

· I will   model one example on the white board before allowing students to work on the   Venn diagram graphic organizer with their elbow partner.

Explain how you   will differentiate materials for each of the following groups: 

· English language learners (ELL):

· Students with special needs:

· Students with gifted abilities:

· Early finishers (those students who finish   early and may need additional resources/support):

Time   Needed

Multiple Means of   Engagement

Your goal   for this section is to outline how you will engage students in interacting   with the content and academic language. How will students explore, practice,   and apply the content? For example, you may engage students through   collaborative group work, Kagan cooperative learning structures, hands-on   activities, structured discussions, reading and writing activities,   experiments, problem solving, etc.

In a bulleted list,   describe the activities you will engage students in to allow them to explore,   practice, and apply the content and academic language. Bold any activities you will use in the lesson. Also, include   formative questioning strategies and higher order thinking questions you   might pose. 

For example:

· I will   use a matching card activity where   students will need to find a partner with a card that has an answer that   matches their number sentence.

· I will model   one example of solving a number sentence on the white board before having   students search for the matching card. 

· I will   then have the partner who has the number sentence explain to their partner   how they got the answer. 

Explain how you will differentiate   activities for each of the following groups: 

· English language learners (ELL):

· Students with special needs:

· Students with gifted abilities:

· Early finishers (those students who finish   early and may need additional resources/support):

Time   Needed

Multiple Means of   Expression

Learners differ in the ways they navigate a   learning environment and express what they know. Your goal in this section is   to explain the various ways in which your students will demonstrate what they   have learned. Explain how you will provide alternative means for response,   selection, and composition to accommodate all learners. Will you tier any of   these products? Will you offer students choicesto demonstrate mastery? This section   is essentially differentiated assessment.

In a bulleted list, explain the options you   willprovide for your students to express their knowledge about the topic. For   example, students may demonstrate their knowledge in more summative ways through a short answer   or multiple-choice test, multimedia presentation, video, speech to text,   website, written sentence, paragraph, essay, poster, portfolio, hands-on   project, experiment, reflection, blog post, or skit. Bold the names of any summative assessments. 

Students may also demonstrate their   knowledge in ways that are more formative. For example, students may   take part in thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down, a short essay or drawing,   an entrance slip or exit ticket, mini-whiteboard answers, fist to five,   electronic quiz games, running records, four corners, or hand raising.Underlinethe   names of any formative assessments.

For example:

Students will complete a one-paragraph reflection on the   in-class simulation they experienced. They will be expected to write the   reflection using complete sentences, proper capitalization and punctuation,   and utilize an example from the simulation to demonstrate their   understanding. Students will also take part in formative assessments   throughout the lesson, such as thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down and   pair-share discussions, where you will determine if you need to   re-teach or re-direct learning.

Explain how you will differentiate assessments   for each of the following groups: 

· English language learners (ELL):

· Students with special needs:

· Students with gifted abilities:

· Early finishers (those students who finish   early and may need additional resources/support):

Time   Needed

Extension Activity   and/or Homework

Identify   and describe any extension activities or homework tasks as appropriate.   Explain how the extension activity or homework assignment supports the learning   targets/objectives. As required by your instructor,   attach any copies of homework at the end of   this template.





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The Non-Thesis student who plans to take an internship and not write a Thesis as part of our program, must complete the Applied Research Report Assignment

Applied Research Report Assignment Instructions


The Non-Thesis student who plans to take an internship and not write a Thesis as part of our program, must complete the Applied Research Report Assignment and the Applied Research Presentation Assignment. Student desiring to learn a great deal pertaining to their selected research topic but intend not to conduct any original research in the form of a Thesis will write in a more pragmatic, practical, and applied manner. Students desiring to advance application of research and seek upward mobility in their current or future position in the Sport Profession often recognize additional competencies and knowledge with pragmatic application are essential. What better way to learn how to best apply practical research is to write about the practical applications of their research as it pertains to their career advancement.


Utilizing the ideas you expressed in the first two Discussions, you will write a 10–15-page paper on a sport or recreation management topic of interest and relate it to ideas such as how you might go about practitioner research and professional development, the application of research in the workplace, knowledge transfer, integrating research skills to solve pragmatic problems, etc. In the development of this paper, you are encouraged to envision what kind of internship placement and/or career you desire and consider disciplinary connections from this (and other) course(s) to the internship site as a place of experiential learning. You must follow current APA format and include the following elements:

1. Title page with a running head

2. Abstract and keywords

3. Body

a. Introduction 

b. Discussion of key terms

c. Application and future integration

d. Summary/Conclusion

e. Reference list 

As you complete this assignment, please consult your textbook and review the Applied Research Report Grading Rubric for further details





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Have you ever precepted an APRN student before

Precepting APRN Students11 unread reply.11 reply.

After reading the articles and watching the videos in the “Precepting APRN Students” Module, please answer the following question on this Discussion Board.

  1. Have you ever precepted an APRN student before?
  2. If you have precepted, what was your experience like with the student…good, bad or indifferent, we want to know.
  3. Do you think that APRN preceptors should be compensated? Please include why with citations. Try to sell your fellow students on your side of the argument!

Please support your answer with no fewer than two (2) peer reviewed journal articles, not used in this module. 

Your initial post should be between 500 and 750 words and the word count should be noted in your post. 





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To increase the high school’s capacity by 20% and improve the flow of student traffic between classrooms to decrease time between classes to 6 minutes to be completed by September 2020 with a budget of $200,000.

Project Charter

  1. Official Project Title
Project Title:
  1. Project Objective Statement

Explain in one short paragraph the overall objective of the project, the budget and completion date.

Examples of objective statements:

  • To increase the high school’s capacity by 20% and improve the flow of student traffic between classrooms to decrease time between classes to 6 minutes to be completed by September 2020 with a budget of $200,000.
  • To meet new compliance regulations by developing digital archives for 25,000 documents currently held in paper files by January 2021 with a budget of $1 million.
  • To raise $40,000 dollars for Tsunami disaster relief by October 2020 by organizing a community swap meet and bake sale within a budget of $3,000.

C. Project Scope and Critical Success Criteria

1. Scope

The Project Scope defines the products and services provided by a project and identifies the limits of the project. In other words, the Project Scope establishes the boundaries of a project.

Use as much space as you need, however, it should be no longer than ½ to ¾ of a page.

Examples of Scope statements:

  • The Community Bake Sale will use the facilities at North Hill High School to host the bake sale which sell donated baked goods from Whole Foods, Acme Shopper and Walmart’s to the general public which will be informed of the bake sale through the network of community churches, posters at the community center and park as well as with direct emails from the Chamber of Commerce.
  • The New School will replace existing math textbooks with free resources obtained from the digital library and linked into the class website by the four assistant librarians.
  1. Measures of Success

Provide a summary of the Success Criteria.  Consider the criteria that would determine the level of a project’s success.

For example, a project could be deemed a success:

  • If the bake sale increases sales by 15% over last year’s sales
  • If the bake sale collects $200
  • If the bake sale has no incidents of food poisoning
  • If the bake sale attracts a minimum of 500 attendees

The methodology section should describe how these criteria will be assessed.

For example,

  • A baseline of current expenses would be required at the outset of the project and at the end of one-year following the project completion the expenses will be calculated to determine if the 50% increase was achieved.
  • A survey of all attendees will be taken as they exit the facility
  • A quality test will be conducted to determine if the number of defects was decreased by 20% from the original manufacturing run.

You may include as many success criteria as you feel are appropriate but there should be at least three.

Success Criteria 1:
Success Criteria 2:
Success Criteria 3:
Success Criteria 4:
  1. Required Resources

Identify (to the best of your ability using general estimations and ranges) the initial funding, number and type of personnel, and other resources such as raw materials or plant/facility space, committed to this project by the project sponsor.

ResourcesAllocation and Source
FundingSource: (i.e. Federal Grant)Amount: $
Project Team (include all of the functional departments which will be involved in the project)
Plant and Facilities
Software and Technology
External experts (if needed)
  1. Signatures

The Signatures of the people below document approval of the formal Project Charter. The Project Sponsor is the major funder of the project and has the authority to increase or decrease the budget, scope or timeline of the project. The Project Manager is empowered by this charter to proceed with the project as outlined in the charter.

This section does not need to be completed, it is placed here because it is a critical component of the charter but for the purposes of this course, it is not needed.

Position/TitleSignature/Printed Name/TitleDate
Project Sponsor
Project Manager
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Programmatic student learning outcomes (PSLO)

Assignment Content

Top of Form

Write a400-word paper in which you:

  1. Explain how programmatic student learning outcomes (PSLO) help prepare students for career success.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Please note that you are expected to cite and list a few scholarly references.

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

Clinical Regulatory Affairs/Specialist, Clinical project manager and Clinical Director.

  • Why are you interested in them? How will you pursue your career goal in this area?





Health Administration Program


Grade Course:

Tutor’s Name:

Date of Submission:

  • Explain how programmatic student learning outcomes (PSLO) help prepare students for career success

Programmatic student learning outcomes (PSLO’s) is described as outline that helps the students to know what they know and how to make conclusion on the applications that are admissible within specific professions. The students are provided with the manual that contain preset text that is specific to that occupation(Zlatkin-Troitschankaia, et al., 2016). The manual prepares the students to perform specific tasks within the occupation. It also highlights the issues that the student is likely to encounter within the profession and it explains how to address these issues considering the principles of the profession. In essence, they are presumptive situation or problems in a specific profession where students need to learn how to handle constructively to be successful in that profession.

For example, in the health care, PSLO’s serves as essential tool that exposes and prepare students to deal with the challenges they will encounter as medical professionals. It is important to note that PSLO’s does not only prepare students to be successful, but also to observe social skills, ethics and make correct decisions. This means that PSLO’s help the students to sharpen their skills and prepare them to handle challenges that they may encounter within the profession. This way, the students becomes more successful once they start carrying out their duties since they have already been prepared. It is imperative to understand that PSLO’s are designed to clearly identify the subject matter within the course. The key objectives are included in the program since they form fundamental part of the profession. It includes specific project that teaches the students to practically apply the concepts, knowledge and skills they have acquired in the classroom. It also makes the transition process from the classroom to job market more adaptable to the students since the students are taken through theoretical and practical aspect…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Why is it important for you to know and achieve the BSHA Student Learning Outcomes?

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions: Why is it important for you to know and achieve the BSHA Student Learning Outcomes? How will you work toward achieving them during your program? Explain your answer.

BSHA Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyze a health care organization from a market-based perspective.

2. Analyze financial and economic issues in the health care industry.

3. Examine the impact of legal and regulatory requirements on the delivery of health care.

4. Examine the application of risk and quality management concepts in the health care industry.

5. Analyze the utilization and application of technology within a health care organization.

6. Apply management and adaptable leadership skills in the health care industry





Health Administration program

Why is it important for you to know and achieve the BSHA Student Learning Outcomes?

            There is no doubt that job market today continues to be very competitive and mostly only the best graduates are observed. To beat the competitiveness, most graduates have increased their level of education by going for degrees and advance diploma. Analysis of job market have showed that most jobs requires a college degree for the applicants to be considered. This underpin the importance of attending college, performing excellently and acquiring a college degree. It is also imperative to attain college education since it prepares students to tackle challenging management issues as well as expose them to more opportunities in the job market.             In addition, college degree equips students with values, knowledge and skills, thus leading to higher salaries and getting a more employment. For this case, the focus is student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (BSHA). It is important to note that various degree programs are offered in different college and for the student to successfully achieve the minimum requirement to graduate with a specific degree program, they must achieve Student Learned Outcomes. It is imperative to clearly understand Student Learned Outcomes since it clearly outlines what the students are expected to achieve to perform specific tasks in their area of specialty. For instance, after attaining the BSHA, a student is expected to able to successfully manage medical offices, nursing…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Resources: FASB Student Registration Instructions and FASB Codification System

Assignment Content
Resources: FASB Student Registration Instructions and FASB Codification System (Attachment 1)
Review the research results and reach a conclusion. Additionally, the client is considering offering a pension plan to its employees next year.
Discuss reporting requirements for defined contribution and defined benefit.
Research FASB for fair value reporting for derivatives.
Write a 350-word memo to the client that explains the essence of fair value reporting and identifying primary concerns associated with it. Make a recommendation to the client as to which type of pension plan they should implement and why.

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Seth, a psychology graduate student, theorizes motivations are gut-level, biological reactions that can’t be voluntarily controlled

Seth, a psychology graduate student, theorizes motivations are gut-level, biological reactions that can’t be voluntarily controlled or modified. Use your knowledge of research and

  1. Name and explain the theory that supports his claim. Include a real life scenario that provides evidence of this position. (5 pts)
  2. Name and explain a theory that refutes or argues against his claim. Include a real life scenario that provides evidence of this position. (5 pts)
  3. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at