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California Preschool Learning Foundations, students will complete an assignment which focuses on practical application of The Foundations


CDEV 108 Foundations Assignment 50 points

For this assignment, you may work alone or with one classmate. Using the California Preschool Learning Foundations, students will complete an assignment which focuses on practical application of The Foundations.

What are the Foundations? “The California Preschool Learning Foundations outline key knowledge and skills that most children can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development. The foundations can provide early childhood educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program. “

Description taken from the CA Dept. of Ed. website on August 25, 2015 from:

Focus of each volume: Each of the volumes focuses on a different domain or area of development: Where to find The Foundations: Access to The Foundations can be found online at You can google the wording California Preschool Learning Foundations to also get this information. Hardcopies will be on reserve in The Teacher Resource Room (ArtB 313) during their hours of operation. Assignment Directions: Students will locate (or design) a toy for a 4-5 year old preschooler that will help them develop age appropriate developmental skills (language, cognitive, physical, and/or social/emotional). You may receive up to 10 extra credit points if you make the toy. (5 points each if you have a partner). If you make the toy, please bring it to class when the assignment is due. Make a handout that includes the following information:

A. Take a picture of your toy (or provide a photo from the Internet or magazine) and

include this picture in your handout. NO computer/screen type of toys or

Volume 1: Social-Emotional Development Language and Literacy English-Language Development Mathematics

Volume 2: Visual and Performing Arts Physical Development Health

Volume 3: History-Social Science Science


commercialized toys (ie: Barbie, Mickey Mouse, etc.) will be accepted. Your activity

can be one that is explored indoors or outdoors.

B. State the toy’s name.

C. State the age for which you will focus on for this assignment. Your answer will

determine which column (in the books) you will use for this assignment.

D. Directions: State possible ways that a child might use or explore the toy.

E. Explain how this toy is developmentally appropriate for preschoolers. It should be

visually appealing, non-toxic, non-breakable, neutral, re-useable, non-biased

material. The toy should meet a child’s needs and purposes, consider their social

and cultural background, etc. Children should be able to manipulate or explore the

materials with their hands (not just look at them).

F. Which Preschool Learning Foundation(s) most closely match your toy?

In what area(s) of development (domains) will it help develop and how? Be sure to

include a minimum of four (4) foundations from at least three (3) domains (don’t

just list all physical development areas) and explain how the terms tie to your toy.

Define each foundation. (Refer to example on next page). Be sure to underline the

domains and bold the foundations. Add the volume and page number for each

foundation too.

 Physical Development (gross motor skills such as using legs/arms or fine

motor skills such as using fingers)

 Cognitive Development (includes memory skills, strategic and critical

thinking skills, science, and attention span. It includes math skills such as

counting, adding/subtracting, sorting, and matching. It also includes

Language skills such as speaking, writing, reading, and listening.)

 Social Development (taking turns, etc.)

 Emotional Development (self-esteem, self-confidence, feelings, etc.)


*Please include a title page which states the assignment title, your name, class, date, and

instructor. Be sure to write using complete/full sentences and use the word “children”

rather than “kids” (which is a slang term). A self-evaluation (on page 6) is also required for

this assignment.

*If you have a partner, only one (1) copy of the assignment is needed. I do not need a copy

from each partner.

*Have fun and be prepared to possibly share and discuss your toy with the class

FYI: California Preschool Curriculum Frameworks – They are companion volumes to the

California Preschool Learning Foundations. The frameworks provide strategies (how to work with

the foundations) for early childhood educators that enrich learning and development opportunities

for all California preschool children.



B. Ramps & Pathways (and Wooden Blocks)

C. Preschool children ages 60 months (5 years)

D. Directions:

Children will manipulate the ramps and blocks so the marbles will roll down

the ramps. While exploring this physical science activity, they will

investigate different ideas and actions, invent ways to build, and solve

problems when they encounter obstacles.

E. Developmental Appropriateness: This is a developmentally appropriate activity for preschoolers because children at this age are interested in cause and effect relationships. They like to explore and manipulate materials and make things happen. This activity

allows for children to have a hands-on experience of moving and manipulating the materials and seeing a cause and effect relationship between their actions and the actions of the marbles.

F. Learning Foundations: Domain: Language/Literacy Development -Vol 1, pg.56

a. Listening and Speaking- Children extend their understanding

and usage of language to communicate with others effectively.

1.1- Use language to communicate with others in both familiar and

unfamiliar social situations for a variety of basic and advanced purposed,

including reasoning, predicting, problem solving, and seeking new


Bold the


Include the


number (ie:

2.1) and


from the








List the volume and page

number of where you found

your information.


i. Children may express themselves by using words to communicate about the activity, ask questions, and problem solve.

Domain: Cognitive Development – Vol. 3, page 65

b. Science Inquiry: Observation and Investigation 1.5- Demonstrates an increased ability to make predictions and check them (e.g., may make more complex predictions, offer ways to test predictions, and discuss why predictions were correct or incorrect).

i. When playing with the ramps/block set, they will use observation skills as they analyze and predict how different strategies affect whether or not the various items (ie: marbles, spools, etc.) will successfully roll down the ramps.

Domain: Physical Development – Vol. 2, page 50

c. Fine Motor/Manipulative Skills 3.2- Show increasing fine motor manipulative skills using hands and arms such as in-hand manipulation, writing, cutting, and dressing.

i. Children will hold and manipulate the small marbles and other items

(in their hands and fingers. They will make slight adjustments in the ramps, repositioning them to ensure the marble will roll down.

Domain: Social/Emotional Development Vol. 1. Page 12

d. Interactions with Peers 2.1- More actively and intentionally cooperate with each other.

i. Because there are several ramps, blocks, and marbles to use,

children may engage with their peers as they play with the toy.

They will work together to achieve the shared goal of building a

ramp structure.

Explain how the foundation applies to the toy.


Name__________________________________________________ Name of Toy_____________________________

Your partner’s name (if applicable)_____________________________________________

I. Handout – 27 points

A. Picture of Toy ______/ 2 points

B. Name of Toy ______/ 1 point

C. Age for Toy ______/ 1 point

D. Directions ______/ 2 points

E. Developmental appropriateness (explanation) ______/ 2 points

F. Foundations

1. Lists volume and page number ______/ 4 points

2. Includes at least three (3)domains ______/ 3 points

(cognitive/language, social, emotional, physical, etc.)

3. Explains how the foundations applies to the toy. _______/12 points

States how it will enhance a variety (4+) of abilities. (4 foundations)

II. Structure of assignment -10 points

A. Well edited (no spelling or grammar errors; writes in complete sentences) Editing is worth 10% (5 points) of grade _____/ 5 points

B. Contains a cover or title page. _____ / 1 point C. Underlines domains & bolds Foundations _____ / 2 points

D. Layout (margins, font, typed, double spaced, etc.) _____ / 2 points

III. Toy -9 points

A. Toy is D.A.P. for a preschool aged child (4-5 years old). ______/ 2 points

B. Toy is creative, re-usable, non-biased, visually pleasing,

and not computer or commercially based. ______/ 5 points

C. Craftsmanship: non-breakable/durable and safe ______/ 2 point

IV. Self Evaluation – 4 points ______/ 4 points

A. Writes in complete sentences.

B. Provides detailed explanations.

IV. Bonus Points (if you made your own toy) up to 10 points ______/10points *It is possible to receive 60/50 on this assignment with the bonus points (5 points each if you have a partner) TOTAL POINTS ______/50 points

Preschool Toy/ Learning Foundations Grading Rubric


Name_______________________________________ Self-Evaluation What do you think was the purpose of this assignment? What did you learn through participating in this assignment? What was the most valuable achievement(s) through doing this assignment? What was your greatest strength(s) you brought to this assignment? (Was there anything that made the assignment easy to complete? i.e.: you have worked with the Foundations before, you have 4 years of experience as a preschool teacher, etc.)

What was your greatest challenge to complete this assignment? How could this assignment be designed to better support your learning? What, if anything would you change about the assignment? Your honest feedback is appreciated. Based on the Rubric, how would you grade your work? I feel that I earned ____________points on this assignment because….






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Why is note taking an essential learning skill for college students? 

Taking good notes while reading and during class is an important part of academic success in college. Effective notes can come in various forms, and different note-taking formats should be adopted for different types of texts and subjects. The goal of this assignment is to help you identify a note-taking system that works best for you based on your reading material and the course content.

Step 1: Start with an introduction (7-10 sentences) addressing these questions:

  1. Why is note taking an essential learning skill for college students? 
  2. How can you use your notes to improve your academic performance?
  3. Which note-taking format did you choose to complete this assignment? Why? How does this format match with your learning style(s) (i.e., VARK – Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic)?

Step 2: Choose a chapter (EXCEPT Chapter 2) and section (minimum of 5-10 pages) from the EDUC 1300 textbook for note taking. Then, decide which note-taking format you will use.  Choose only 1 of the 6 options below to create 2-3 pages of notes:

  1. Cornell method ( (Links to an external site.))
  2. Outline method ( (Links to an external site.))
  3. List method (Click HERE Actionsfor details)
  4. Audio notes [Click HERE to learn how to create your notes.  Click HERE (Links to an external site.) to watch a video showing how to record, upload, and submit media recordings in Canvas. You can also record your audio notes by using cell phones (Click HERE (Links to an external site.)), audio recording devices, Microsoft OneNote, etc.]
  5. Mapping method ( (Links to an external site.)) [Click HEREActions to see a student example of mapping].
  6. Vision board notes (Click HERE (Links to an external site.) to watch the video showing how to create a vision board)

Step 3: Then, specify the title of your selected chapter and produce 2-3 pages of notes on a minimum of 5-10 textbook pages (Except Chapter 2). Do NOT write or record verbatim notes. If you decide to take written notes, do NOT simply copy and paste the phrases/sentences from the textbook straight into a document. If you decide to take audio notes, do NOT just read aloud the information from the chapter word for word. Instead, take written/audio notes COMPLETELY in your own words. Paraphrase and summarize the major ideas and supporting details of the chapter to demonstrate your understanding of the material. 

If you decide to create vision board notes, you are required to record yourself presenting the vision board and explaining the notes in a detailed manner.

The set of notes created should be thorough, covering all major ideas and the supporting details of the chapter. Your written notes may be neatly handwritten or typed. If you would like to use another textbook to complete this assignment, prior approval from your instructor should be obtained. Grading is based on how detailed, comprehensive, and well-organized your notes are.

Step 4:  Submit your work via the yellow “Start Assignment” button at the top right-hand corner. If you choose to create audio notes, you can have the option to record your introduction by verbally addressing the questions specified in Step 1. Then, mention the chapter title and continue to record your audio notes as specified in Step 3.




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What should you do in order to provide the best possible education for Monica’s students?


For this assignment you will write a 1,500 to 2,000 word essay in which you respond to the scenario below. You must use a minimum of four academic resources. Please review the scenario and use the questions at the conclusion to guide your thinking for the responses. Be sure to use APA formatting for all portions of this assignment. Include a title page, and introduction with a directive thesis, paragraphs that support the thesis, conclusion and a reference page.


The majority of school leaders would agree that substitute teachers are generally not as effective in terms of student learning as contracted classroom teachers. If a contracted teacher is regularly absent, students usually do not perform as well. Most teacher collective bargaining agreements (Unions), allow a certain number of sick days to accumulate, if not used during a given contractual period. It is not unusual for a teacher to “bank” more than 100 days. Considering the following scenario:

Monica has been teaching first grade at Millwood Elementary School for 29 years and is just a few years from retirement. She seldom missed any days during her first 20 years in the system. However, after she banked her allowable 200 sick days, in recent years she routinely used all 10 sick days, 3 days of personal leave, and 5-10 professional leave days each school year. Monica’s sick days consistently fell on Mondays and Fridays. Her pattern of absences has you concerned as you are her new principal. Missing 20 days or more each school year is an issue for her students, who are and were in a crucial time in their academic development. Monica’s class scored much lower on the state mandated tests than the other first grade classrooms for each of the last nine years. As the new school leader you want to change the pattern.

As Monica’s principal you discussed her attendance patterns with her and the school’s union representative. You expressed your concern for her students’ academic progress and your suspicions that she might not really be sick due to all the Monday/Friday absences. Monica informed you that she had a contractual right to take sick leave when she was not feeling well and she could not help that it was on those particular days. The union representative agreed with her. After your meeting with Monica there was no change in her attendance or in her students’ achievement.

While it is not good for a teacher to miss 20 or more days per school year at any grade level, you make the decision that her absences would not be as impactful at a higher grade level so you made the decision to move Monica to fifth grade at the start of the new school year. The move upset Monica and she asked for a meeting. Monica explained to you that she has taught first grade for 29 years and that she feels betrayed. She goes on to tell you that teaching fifth grade will be very difficult, but she has no choice but to accept this position as she is only two years away from retirement.

Once the school year started Monica used her 10 days of contractual sick leave during the first month. When she was at school, her classroom was disorderly and you began to hear complaints from parents. When you called Monica in to discuss the situation with her, she handed you a letter from her doctor stating that the stress of teaching fifth grade was causing her mental and physical ailments. In the doctor’s opinion, she needed to take off three weeks and then return on a limited basis that would allow her to teach two or three days per week.

You concluded that Monica had banked enough sick leave to continue this type of schedule until retirement and you found this to be unacceptable. What legally can you do in this situation?

In your essay please respond to the following questions:

  1. What should you do in order to provide the best possible education for Monica’s students?
  2. Is the school legally obligated to follow the doctor’s recommendation?
  3. Could you relieve Monica of her fifth grade teaching assignment and assign her to other duties where she would have less of an impact?
  4. Could you recommend any disciplinary action or termination of Monica’s contract?
  5. What protection does Monica have that would prevent termination or disciplinary action if any?
  6. Does the school district have the right to ask for a second medical opinion? If so, and the second opinion confirms the first what would be your course of action?
  7. What precedent if any, is this setting for other staff members?
  8. What are the other options/issues do you see in dealing with this situation?

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thought-provoking, intellectual, and engaging discourse amongst students and the professor

Online class discussion provides a forum for thought-provoking, intellectual, and engaging discourse amongst students and the professor.

The ENG102 Discussion Forum is a student-centered and student-driven framework in which students post a one-paragraph “mini essay” and then provide/receive feedback to/from a community of fellow learners.

FIRST, students post an initial response within the first 6 days of the module start, thus allowing ample time for classmates to respond and engage.

Mini essays should include an opening, thesis statement, three “points” (including details and examples as support) and a conclusion.

Mini essays are to consist of your own thoughts, words, and ideas.

SECOND, students respond to at least two peer mini essays.

When responding to other students’ writing (and in order to earn full point values), students are encouraged to provide specific detail and example related to the mini essay in question. When providing feedback, students should consider the following:

· Does the essay include the required parts? If not, what’s missing?

· Is there a thesis statement and is it clear? If not, what is unclear? Does the thesis relate to the supporting points?

· Are there three specific points in the paragraph? Is each point introduced with a topic sentence?

· Is there enough detail/example in the paragraph to accurately support the thesis? If not, what could be added?

· Is the closing effective? Does it summarize the content of the mini essay? If not, how might it be more effective?

· Is the mini essay free of sentence skill errors? If not, what are the specific grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling errors? Is the diction (word choice) appropriate for an academic audience? If not, which words should be avoided?

Please note that a peer review writing workshop is an opportunity to provide (and receive) constructive feedback from an academic community in order to improve one’s writing. It is not a venue for chitchat or a place to discuss how one relates (or does not relate) to the writers’ points of view.

Topic: Write a persuasive post—clear, concise, focused, and structured—including two or more citations from one online source, in which you persuade your reader to do something. Be sure to include a References entry for the source (in APA Style) in your post


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In the context of COVID-19, what are important aspects of the university experiences for SoSS students and why are these aspectsimportant to them?

Coding level 1  (Parent code)Coding level 2                             (Child code)Quotes
Flexible HoursChildcare“……………………” (participant 1) “……………………” (participant 2) “……………………” (participant 4)
Work/Employment“……………………” (participant 2) “……………………” (participant 3)
Good TeachersCommunication“……………………” (participant 1)
Availability/consultation“……………………” (participant 3)
 Caring“……………………..” (participant 1) “…………………….” (participant 4)
Blended LearningDifferent learning styles“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 3) “……………………..” (participant 4)
 Flexibility“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 2)
Social OpportunitiesCampus meeting place“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 2) “……………………..” (participant 4)
 Campus events and clubs“……………………..” (participant 2) “……………………..” (participant 3) “……………………..” (participant 4)

This is the template that should be used and filled out. It is called ‘interview coding table’’.

Instructions for Qualitative data

Table should be filled out with the information provided on the conducted interview attached. I conducted this interview in class with a fellow student. We ran out of time so I wasn’t  able to ask all the intended question. Please include that in the 500 words writing component.

Research Question

‘In the context of COVID-19, what are important aspects of the university experiences for SoSS students and why are these aspectsimportant to them?

Present your qualitative interview coding table (Table 1) and then write 500 words about it. These 500 words should include

  • How the data was generated (summary of method). (4 marks )(whole steps you did- your student handbook is a good guide to look into about the research process you did)
  • Their interpretation of the data (i.e. what does the data SHOW / MEAN ?) How does it answer the research question? (analysis) (8 marks) Refer to Table 1 in your discussion, connect with your research question
  • Suggestions /Recommendations for how the findings could be used, e.g., to inform policy, identify patterns in social phenomenon (3 marks) – well justified findings coming from your coding table
  • Data Presentation is important as they can get you easy 5 marks as below.

Table title, source statements (2)

Quality of data (3)

No references/reference list required.

Portfolio – submission checklist for Quantitative data (500 words)

You have a choice between analysing survey data or a content analysis (see module 3.5 folder). Please submit only one of them as you won’t gain any extra marks for submitting both. You will lose marks if you submit both. Data presented in tables/figures are not part of this 500 word count.

  • Write your quantitative research question clearly

So if you are using survey data for quantitative component (500 words), then your research question is:

‘In the context of COVID-19, what are the most important campus facilities to Western Sydney University students and why?’

Present your univariate and bivariate analysis (tables/figures) and discuss in 500 words

Table title, source statements (2)

Quality of data (3)

No references/reference list required.


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Innovation in education may mean new and unique ideas and practices that expand students’ imaginations and pushes the frontiers of their knowledge and understanding.

Innovation in education may mean new and unique ideas and practices that expand students’ imaginations and pushes the frontiers of their knowledge and understanding. It means being willing and flexible enough to find ways to adjust what you teach and how you teach to keep your students engaged and excited to learn. It is also creating a safe place for them to make mistakes, take risks, and ask questions.

What does innovation look, sound, and feel like in your situation? Investigate the types of changes that must be supported by educational leaders in order to satisfy the demands of global citizenship by examining in-depth the Innovation in education emphasizing your perception of it creatively described as, innovation:

  • Looks like…
  • Feels like…
  • Sounds like…


1. Guo, Y. (2006). Why Didn’t They Show Up? Rethinking ESL Parent Involvement in K-12 Education. TESL Canada Journal, 24(1), 80 – 95. doi:

This article inquires into “Why don’t they show up at school?” The absence of ESL parents from school is often misinterpreted as parents’ lack of concern about their children’s education. However, many ESL parents indicated that they cared passionately. Instead of assuming that ESL parents do not care, educators need to understand the barriers that hinder some parents from participating in their children’s education.

2. Juvonen, J., Le, V., Kaganoff, T., Augustine, C., & Constant, L. (2004). Whole-School Reform Models. In Focus on the Wonder Years: Challenges Facing the American Middle School (pp. 98-111). Santa Monica, CA; Arlington, VA; Pittsburgh, PA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from

This text is concerned with innovations and programs designed to improve student outcomes and addresses other perceived problems at the middle school level. The following questions are addressed in this reading: (1) What are the major reform efforts at work in the middle school? (2) What are their goals and primary features? and (3) Do the reform show promise for addressing the challenges middle schools face today?

3. Hoover‐Dempsey, K., Walker, J., Sandler, H., Whetsel, D., Green, C., Wilkins, A., & Closson, K. (2005). Why Do Parents Become Involved? Research FIndings and Implications. The Elementary School Journal, 106(2), 105-130. doi:10.1086/499194. JSTOR, JSTOR

This article inquires into “Why do parents become involved in children’s education?” Based on this review, the authors offer suggestions for (1) research that may deepen understanding of parents’ motivations for involvement and (2) school and family practices that may strengthen the incidence and effectiveness of parental involvement across varied school communities.

4. Pilegaard, M., Moroz, P., & Neergaard, H. (2010). An Auto-Ethnographic Perspective on Academic Entrepreneurship: Implications for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(1), 46-61. Retrieved from

This paper offers insight into (a) how socio spatial contexts may be structured to better evaluate the entrepreneurial facilitation process and (b) why academic entrepreneurship in the social sciences and humanities may differ from that in the hard sciences. The findings illustrate the importance of bridging innovation using twin skills to balance research and commercial goals, and the need for codifying knowledge capacities and creating new or changing existing institutional structures to legitimize and facilitate entrepreneurial activity. The research also demonstrates the great value of auto-ethnographic techniques to bring fresh insight to the study of entrepreneurship


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Are design for Students to find a current news article that relates to information covered in one of the chapters in BUS 123

Are design for Students to find a current news article that relates to information covered in one of the chapters in BUS 123. Article must be dated at least two weeks before the due dates. There is five Dropbox news reports for the course. Students should search the internet, newspapers, and other sources of current news, for items that relate to material covered in Chapters 7-10, in the course. 

Students are required to give a 400-word overview of the article, along with the chapter and page number from the text where this information is covered. The report should use the MLA style for writing, with the correct documentation of the source document. The rubric for grading your report is located in week 1, this we give you an idea of how the content of your article will be graded


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Why are the instructional activities that you have planned appropriate for students at your grade level?

Whether you are a teacher, administrator, or in a position, that supports teaching and learning, all educators need to understand the teaching and learning process as it relates to lesson planning. The purpose of this assignment is to produce a model lesson plan that demonstrates your knowledge of the constructivist approach to lesson design. In this Assignment, you will construct a model lesson plan that includes rubrics and appropriately integrates technology.

Your lesson plan must include each of these elements:

1.APA Cover
3.Select an academic concept – just one concept, not a related set of concepts – that you hope to teach to students. For example, you might select the mathematical concept of measuring perimeter, but not the whole set of concepts related to polygons in geometry. Or, you might select the concept of identifying the main idea in a reading passage, but not the whole set of concepts related to reading comprehension.

4.Grade Level (K-12, adults)
5.Introduction that includes the central focus of the lesson
7.Objectives with specific thinking skills and content as it relates to student learning.
8.Essential Questions
a.Use multiple strategies to differentiate for diverse students: English Learners (ELs), Gifted Students, Students with Special Needs.
b.Incorporate instructional strategies based on constructivist views of learning.
c.Incorporate instructional strategies that appropriately integrate instructional media in the teaching and learning process.
11.Evaluation/Assessment (Use multiple strategies to modify for diverse students: English Learners (ELs), Gifted Students, Students with Special Needs. Include necessary rubrics. Include necessary rubrics for assessment along with your lesson plan.
12.APA Bibliography (include in-text citations throughout the lesson plan)

Respond to these questions, drawing upon the Woolfolk text. Each response should be in essay format and contain one to two paragraphs. If other sources are used, please cite them in your references.

Why are the instructional activities that you have planned appropriate for students at your grade level? Explain how you compared instructional activities to choose the ones you found most appropriate.
How do your instructional strategies, assessment activities, and classroom management strategies support student motivation?


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A number of people in your department are having a debate as to whether students should be expected to memorize material or not

Imagine that you work in a school. A number of people in your department are having a debate as to whether students should be expected to memorize material or not. Memorization has been an accepted practice in education for many years. But some people think students can learn information through methods other than memorizing.

*On the Discussion Board, explain how you would contribute to this debate. Be sure to support your reasoning using information you have read this week. After posting your contribution, please respond to at least two of your classmates’ contributions to the debate. Do you agree or disagree with their position and why?

Now that you have completed your Readings, and talked about learning methods, reflect on the five principles you reviewed. Describe an opening activity for a lesson you might teach and explain how the principles of maintaining on-task behavior apply to your opening activity. As you read your classmates’ posts, give them feedback on the activities they list. Are there some activities you might like to try as well?*



In the fall, you will be assigned to a new school. As a result of a massive redistricting and changing demographics, this school is very diverse, including ELL. In addition, the socioeconomic status varies widely with some affluent students and some students who live in poverty. While there are many resources in the school, a large number of the teachers are new or have fewer than 3 years of experience.

For this discussion, find an article in the University library PURDUE GLOBAL . In your post, provide a short summary of the article and use it to answer the following questions:

What steps would you take to ensure that instructional strategies incorporate culture, social class, ethnicity, gender, and language? Explain how these strategies will likely be effective.
In what ways can those strategies be built into daily classroom activities? Provide an example.
Include personal experiences with teaching diverse students that you have observed in the classroom or from your own school experiences. Compare your experiences with other learners in the course and discuss the implications for classroom instruction of the diversity of learning experiences that emerge from this analysis


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Discuss the benefits for the students in using Authentic Assessments

Based on the learning resources provided in this unit on Authentic Assessment:

  • Discuss the benefits for the students in using Authentic Assessments.
  • Analyze whether there are costs for the teacher in using Authentic Assessments.


1. Authentic assessment. (n.d.).  Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL).

  • ‘Authentic Assessment’ is a description of the assessment ass it is used in Indiana University.

2. Callison, Daniel. (1998). Authentic assessment.  School Library Media Activities Monthly 14(5).

  • ‘Authentic Assessment’ is a thorough explanation of this type of assessment as well as of its uses.

3. Chapman, V., & Inman, D. (2009). A conundrum: rubrics or creativity/metacognitive development? Educational Horizons.

  • ‘A conundrum: rubrics for creativity/metacognitive development’ is an interesting article because it addresses some limitations of rubrics and examines how these can be avoided.

4.  Frey, B., Schmitt, V., & Allen, J. (2012). Defining authentic classroom assessment. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 17(2).
  • ‘Defining authentic classroom assessment’ is an in-depth literature review of authentic assessment with a rich discussion and recommendations.

5. Henning, Melissa. (n.d.). Rubrics to the rescue. Teachers First, Thinking Teachers Teaching Thinkers. 

  • ‘Rubrics to the rescue’ in the Teachers First website offers a very complete guide for the use and purpose of rubrics for teachers.

6. Millis, B. (2016, December). Using metacognition to promote learning. IDEA Paper #63. or 

  • ‘Using metacognition to promote learning’ explores how teachers can promote metacognition in their classrooms.

7. Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind. (2006). Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education.

  • ‘Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind’ presents important facets of assessment; it will make you reflect on the assessment FOR, AS, and OF learning, and it suggests strategies to be applied in the classroom. In this Unit, you need to read Chapter 3, pp 29-39.

Optional Video

1. EDUTOPIA. (2011, June 23). Keeping assessment relevant and ‘authentic’ [Video]. YouTube.

  • In ‘Keeping assessment relevant and ‘authentic’’. Ben Mook, the teacher, shows how he introduces an activity in his class that is authentic and that he uses to assess his students


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  • Discuss the benefits for the students in using Authentic Assessments