Writers Solution

Established through an anonymous, the scholarship is available to students who meet the Foundation’s scholarship eligibility criteria, with an emphasis on students who have encountered a personal hardship that has hindered their educational plans

Established through an anonymous, the scholarship is available to students who meet the Foundation’s scholarship eligibility criteria, with an emphasis on students who have encountered a personal hardship that has hindered their educational plans. Scholarship funding may cover tuition, fees, books, or equipment that allows them to pursue their studies successfully.

Students must submit a maximum of 500 words essay detailing their educational goals and the hardship that they currently face. What are your educational goals and the difficulties you have encountered trying to achieve those goals?

Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at

Writers Solution

Advice for New Students Fromm Those Who Know (Older Students

Basic requirements for each journal entry:

  • Each entry needs to have a title.
  • All paragraphs need to have clear topic sentences.
  • The entries should be double spaced.
  • The total for each journal entry should be approximately 200 words.
  • In-text documentation is needed for any direct quote used.
  • A works cited entry should be placed at the end of the response. Use the format for an online source for the entry on the works cited.
  • Submit the journal entries (entries 1 to 5) as ONE file.  If you send five separate files, only the first one will be graded. 

Entry 1:  Read the article “Advice for New Students Fromm Those Who Know (Older Students)” (Links to an external site.)

Who is the author’s target audience and what in the work indicates this audience?  Give specific examples to support your answers.  What advice did you find to be helpful and why?

Entry 2:  Read the article “The iGen Shift: Colleges Are Changing to Reach the Next Generation” (Links to an external site.)

“A generation that rarely reads books or emails, breathes through social media, feels isolated and stressed but is crazy driven and wants to solve the world’s problems (not just volunteer) is now on campus.”

Is the New York Times right that today’s college students don’t read books? Consider the author’s purpose and discuss whether you agree with this statement and the information presented in the article.  Use at least one direct quote from the article in your journal entry.

Entry 3:  Check out this website:  (Links to an external site.)

Discuss one controversial issue that you believe has the greatest impact on society today.  Include at least one source to support your ideas.  

Entry 4:  For this entry, you will need to select one of the following websites:

Los Angeles Times (Links to an external site.)

Minneapolis Star Tribune (Links to an external site.)

Write a short paragraph that provides a brief summary of an article from the website you selected.  Include the title of the article and the author in the summary.  Next, you will write a paragraph in which you examine and discuss the author’s thesis or main point.  Is it clear?  Does the article adequately develop this main point?  Explain. 

Entry 5:  Read the article “Social Media is Changing How College Students Deal With Mental Health, For Better or Worse” (Links to an external site.)

Discuss the author’s use of evidence in the article.  Do you agree with the author?  Explain

Writers Solution

it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making

Managerial Economics.

  it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements: Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Below is Course Syllabus. 

Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will acquire and demonstrate enhanced abilities to: 1. Discern the information relevant to making a decision (HSB ISLO #6) 2. Clarify policies and desired outcomes by economic modeling (HSB ISLO #9) 3. Integrate microeconomic concepts with statistical procedures to form alternatives and solutions to business problems (HSB ISLO #6, 9) 4. Develop criteria to evaluate alternatives (HSB ISLO #9) 5. Utilize learned technologies to enhance communication skills (HSB ISLO #7) Learner Outcomes/ Assessments The mission of the Hutton School of Business is to foster academic excellence and student achievement at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students are provided with a strong academic foundation in business, and are prepared to become productive, competent, and ethical professionals. The Hutton School of Business provides a learning environment that is characterized by student-oriented instructional methodologies and the development of leadership and life-long learning skills in its students. At the Hutton School of Business, the following broad-based goals for students have been developed: • Students will acquire the relevant disciplinary knowledge and competencies appropriate to their program of study. • Students will acquire effective business-related professional skills. • Students will assess their personal values and connect them to ethical behaviors appropriate to their intended endeavors. Based upon these broad-based goals, the Hutton School of Business has identified the following general intended student learning outcomes (MBA ISLO) for students: 1. Students will be able to demonstrate well-developed case study problem-solving skills. 2. Students will be able to identify the major theories and concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing. 3. Students will be able to apply their findings from the major theories and concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing to organizational decision making. 4. Students will be able to analyze the opportunities and challenges of globalization. 5. Students will be able to recognize ethical problems and apply standards of ethical behavior in business to managerial decision making. 6. Students will be able to apply appropriate technological and quantitative methods and tools to the 2 solution of practical management problems. 7. Students will be able to demonstrate advanced professional business communication skills. 8. Students will be able to demonstrate well-developed organizational, leadership, and teamwork skills for the effective implementation of strategic initiatives and achievement of organizational objectives. 9. Students will be able to integrate theory and practical application across business functional areas for the purpose of strategic analysis, planning, implementation, and control.

Writers Solution

IQ test to identify students

A school psychologist uses an IQ test to identify students who would benefit from gifted programs and special education. According to the school district policy, new students must be tested for placement. A student from a rural school relocates to an urban school within the same district. The school psychologist tests the student and observes a change in the IQ score from testing done two months prior.

Case Analysis

In a 5-6 page paper, addressing the following information:

1. Describe your immediate reaction to the scenario. What are the details you immediately noticed? What questions did the scenario raise about testing? 

2. Identify and explain 3 factors that impact performance on IQ tests.

3. Identify and discuss 3 reliability and validity concerns with the scenario. 

4.  Identify and explain at least 3 ethical concerns  as per the APA Ethical Codes and how you would resolve the concerns. 

Integrate academic sources on psychological assessment to support your position.

APA format, using 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with a title and references page. An abstract is not necessary. The paper should integrate 5-6 scholarly resources

Writers Solution

Along with their group, students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional).

Students will be assigned to small groups by the end of Week 2. Group discussion areas will be provided to facilitate interaction among group members. Along with their group, students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional). In Week 3, each group will submit a brief introduction (1-2 pages) for their chosen business for instructor approval. The introduction is worth 20 points. The final marketing plan, due in Week 7, is worth 180 points and should include the following sections:

1. Cover Page

2. Executive Summary

3. Target Customers

4. Unique Selling Proposition

5. Pricing and Positioning Strategy

6. Distribution Strategy

7. Promotions Strategy

8. Contingency Plans

The expected length for this assignment is 12-15 pages. APA methodology applies to this assignment.