Writers Solution

SQL Server Management Studio

read and understand these pages:

Basic Project Requirements (Read This)
Week 2 – Keeping Data Separate from Analysis

Project Instructions:

When the assignment asks for analysis, description, or explanation – please put this in a separate MS Word (*.doc or *.docx) document and submit in addition to the main assignment file.

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to log into the virtual machine and use the Adventure Works database within SQL Server Management Studio.

For each question include:

the text version of the SQL script itself (in the Word Doc as mentioned above)
a screenshot of the SQL script in action (in the Word Doc as mentioned above)
Your screenshot should include both the query and the results
Make sure your screenshot includes the results from the GETDATE() function
Each script must include the GETDATE() (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. function in the select statement
To keep the queries more straightforward, use aliases.

Section A

Create SQL Scripts that:

Selects ALL the BusinessEntityID, LastName, and FirstName fields for the Person’s table
Fields should be in the above order
Add a sort to the query so LastName is alphabetized A – Z
Add the person’s email address to Query #A1
Add the person’s phone number to Query #A2, include the PhoneNumberType Name field (etc. cell, home, work)
Add in the AddressLine1, City, StateProvinceID, and PostalCode fields to Query #A3
Note: two different people could have the same address. This database is designed to store each unique address individually, so SQL Server Management Studio while in this case this detail for this address would only exist once in the database, it would be assigned to all individuals with that address.
Note2: You will have to bring in two different Address tables to get this to portion to work.
Modify the Query from #A4 to include the StateProvinceCode, CountryRegionCode, and Name

Section B

Create a query that calculates a count of Departments by Group Name from the HumanResources.Department table.
Create a completely different query that shows the distinct listing of Product Subcatgories ( Production.ProductSubcategory), include ProductSubcategoryID and Name in the query
Modify the #B2 query to count the number of products from Production.Products by Subcategory, call the column “ProductCount”
Modify the #B3 query to include the Average StandardCost and the Average ListPrice, make sure to name the columns respectively. Order the results by the SubCategory Name (A-Z).
Add a column for the total product inventory quantity for each ProductSubcategory, make sure to name it as well.
Section C

Take your final query from #A5, modify the original query to filter out any people without an address, and load that query into Power BI.
You can copy and paste the SQL Statement in the Connection window (see below for connection details). This is the suggested (and easiest) approach.
Map those people by addresses in a Power BI visualization. Make sure the size of the bubble is indicative of the number of people in that city/state.
Are there any patterns or clusters that you can see in the mapped addresses? If so, what are a few of them?
Are there a significant number of people in the data set who live in countries outside of the US? If so, which continents include significant portions of people?
Use the best visualization that shows a count of people by state, show only those in the United States.
Take your final query from #B4 and load that query into Power BI. Create the best visualization(s) that shows each subcategory name, the price average and the cost average. Create a second visualization that shows the subcategory name and the product count. Do not simply create a table or matrix for these visuals.
Connection Information for Section C:

You will need the IP address of your Immersion lab (set up in week 5) and the username and password to accomplish Section C.

Remember to log into the Aloft Virtual Machine (VM) you need the following URL: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Once you are logged into the VM, you will need the following information to connect Power BI to SQL Server:

Your Immersion lab IP address
Database: AdventureWorks2016
The username and password are the default:
username: sa
password: pa55word
Make sure you have “Database” selected in your Authentication method in Power BI’s Access a SQL Server Database connection screen. Otherwise, the system won’t recognize your login.

Note: You cannot log into SQL Server from Power BI that may be installed on your computer. You can only connect to this instance of SQL Server from Power BI that is within the Virtual Machine





Writers Solution

Manet, Monet in his Studio Boat

Answer all three of the following questions per work of art shown below. Monet in his Studio Boat

You should reference your book to aid you in answering these questions. Answers should be in essay format, be a minimum of three-five sentences each, and include at least three terms from the glossary for each work..

  1. Manet, Monet in his Studio Boat
    How does this work follow the Impressionist style?
    What painting technique did the artist use?
    What social issues does this painting address?
  2. “The Tub,” Edgar Degas
    What formal quality did this artist explore?
    How did his medium contribute to the appearance of his work?
    What Modernist interest does he investigate?

3.“Vision after the Sermon,” Paul Gauguin
What fundamental differences exist between Gauguin and the Impressionists?
Why did Gauguin move to Pont-Aven?
How does he reject both Realism and Impressionism in this painting?

Glossary Terms

-Art Nouveau
    French, \"new art.\" A late-19th- and early-20th-century art movement whose proponents tried to synthesize all the arts in an effort to create art based on natural forms that could be mass produced by technologies of the industrial age. The movement had other names in other countries: Jugendstil in Austria and Germany, Modernism in Spain, and Floreale in Italy.

    The value or tonality of a color is the degree of its lightness or darkness. The intensity or saturation of a color is its purity, its brightness or dullness. See also primary, secondary, and complementary colors.

-Complementary colors
    Those pairs of colors, such as red and green that together embrace the entire spectrum. The complement of one of the three primary colors is a mixture of the other two.

    A system of painting devised by the 19th-century French painter Georges Seurat. The artist separates color into its component parts and then applies the component colors to the canvas in tiny dots (points). The image becomes comprehensible only from a distance, when the viewer\'s eyes optically blend the pigment dots. Sometimes referred to as divisionism.

    A late-19th-century art movement that sought to capture a fleeting moment, thereby conveying the illusiveness and impermanence of images and conditions.

    The French fascination with all things Japanese. Japonisme emerged in the second half of the 19th century.

    A movement in Western art that developed in the second half of the 19th century and sought to capture the images and sensibilities of the age. Modernist art goes beyond simply dealing with the present and involves the artist\'s critical examination of the premises of art itself.

-Optical mixture
    The visual effect of juxtaposed complementary colors.

-Plein air
    An approach to painting much popular among the Impressionists, in which an artist sketches outdoors to achieve a quick impression of light, air, and color. The artist then takes the sketches to the studio for reworking into more finished works of art.

    A system of painting devised by the 19th-century French painter Georges Seurat. The artist separates color into its component parts and then applies the component colors to the canvas in tiny dots (points). The image becomes comprehensible only from a distance, when the viewer\'s eyes optically blend the pigment dots. Sometimes referred to as divisionism.

    The term used to describe the stylistically heterogeneous work of the group of late-19th-century painters in France, including van Gogh, Gauguin, Seurat, and Cézanne, who more systematically examined the properties and expressive qualities of line, pattern, form, and color than the Impressionists did.
  • Primary colors
    Red, yellow, and blue the colors from which all other colors may be derived. -Simultaneous contrasts
    The phenomenon that juxtaposed colors affect the eye\’s reception of each, as when a painter places dark green next to light green, making the former appear even darker and the latter even lighter. See also successive contrasts. -Successive contrasts
    The phenomenon of colored afterimages. When a person looks intently at a color (green, for example) and then shifts to a white area, the fatigued eye momentarily perceives the complementary color (red). See also simultaneous contrasts. -Symbolism
    A late-19th-century movement based on the idea that the artist was not an imitator of nature but a creator who transformed the facts of nature into a symbol of the inner experience of that fact. -Value
    The value or tonality of a color is the degree of its lightness or darkness. The intensity or saturation of a color is its purity, its brightness or dullness. See also primary, secondary, and complementary





Art: Art Review

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

July 13th  2015.

Art Review


            Although Japan avoided western intrusion to its culture during the colonization in America and Eurpoe in 19th century, there was a great admiration of Japanese art. Soon increased contact with western countries became more familiar with Japanese culture. The increased intrigue from French artists on Japanese art and culture led to the coining of the term Japonisme (Kleiner, 2008). The Japanese art influenced the artistic work of impressionists such as Manet and Degas.

  1. Manet, Monet in his Studio Boat

In the summer of 1874, Manet painted Claude Monet in his studio boat (MacDonald, 1997). In the painting, he used smaller and sketchier strokes of colors. Manet was a keen follower of impressionism style, which was advocated by Monet and it involved Plein air painting that was carried out chiefly outdoor. Therefore, in his painting, Manet used Plein air painting technique.

The painting by Manet represented a realistic depiction of the light and it depicted fleeting moments of Monet in his mobile studio boat. Claude Monet was largely a poor man and depended on loans from Manet. Manet’s while painting outside in Paris, he largely made painting of about the smaller town down of River Seine, which depicted the social life of its inhabitants. In the painting, the social issues that Manet addressed include the poor housing, poor sanitation and general poverty.

  1. “The Tub,” Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas spent most of his time painting figurative work, being a student of the human figure. He is well known in the imagination of the public for his infamous impressionistic and sentimental piece of work (Friswell, 2011). In his art “The Tub”, Degas utilized a two-dimensional quality and good choice of value that made his work appear three-dimensional. While adopting the two-dimensional quality, it enabled Degas’ medium of pastels contributed in making his artwork appear leaner. Degas was a master of lines, although as an impressionist, he had to employ color and light. In his work “The Tub”, the modernist interest that Degas tried to explore was that of a human figure. His work clearly depicted the artistic………………………………
