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The study used data from what year to what year. For the example of Brock et al, the year was 1897 to 1985

Applied Technical Analysis of Energy and Commodity Markets
History and Survey of technical Analysis.
Your paper should have 4 sections:
1. Introduction
2. Literature review of articles written between 2000-2009
3. Literature review of articles written after 2009 to present
4. Conclusion
In section 1 you should explain technical analysis and discuss its historical evolution. (At least two citations needed for this part).
In the second section, you should make a survey of academic papers written on technical analysis or technical trading on stock market indexes or individual stocks and explain the conclusion of each article whether the article concludes technical trading works or does not work or is inconclusive.
Here is an example of a citation that you must follow in your paper:
A research paper on technical analysis by Brock, Lankonishok and LeBaron (1992), investigates moving averages and trading range breakout rules on the Dow Jones Industrial Index from 1897 to 1985. They used various short and long moving averages of prices to generate buy and sell signals. They tested long moving averages of 50, 150 and 200 days with short averages of 1, 2 and 5 days. They point out that “all buy-sell differences are positive and the t-tests for these differences are highly significant…” and they go on to conclude that their “results are consistent with technical rules having predictive power (p.1758)”.
Your paper should not include the above example. In addition, your paper should not include articles written by me.
Your survey should include 5 citations on papers written between 2000 to 2009 and 5 citations on papers written after 2009. These should not include papers written by me (Metghalchi).
In the last section you should write your conclusion.
And then provide the 12 references cited in your midterm (See below); 2 citations from section 1 and 5 citations on papers between 2000-2009 and five on articles written after 2009.
1. Brock W., Lakonishok, J., and LeBaron B. (1992), “Simple Technical Trading Rules and the Stochastic Properties of Stock Returns”, Journal of Finance, 47, pp. 1731-64.
12. ……..
Minimum is 12 citations however you can cite as many as you like. No restriction on pages
Good grades will be given to those papers that includes the followings for each citation:
1. The study used data from what year to what year. For the example of Brock et al, the year was 1897 to 1985.
2. Include the name of the index that the study was done. For example, in the Brock et al, The Dow Jones Industrial index was used.
3. The names of indicators. For Brock et al, the indicators were moving average and trading breakout rules.
4. Conclusion of the study, whether the author shows technical analysis works or does not work.
Number of pages is up to you. But you must have 12 citations in your reference.

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Case study Question New YorkCity Market Case

Short-Essay Question 6: NYC Case study
Question New YorkCity Market Case Study.pdf
Hotel Investment Recommendation Report. (300 words)
Based on the -New York City Market Case Study- provided (see attachment).
What would be your recommendations for a hotel investment in New York City? and Why? Please address the following two (2) criteria. Which locations in New York City would you recommend for a hotel investment? ( East River | Financial District | JFK/Jamaica | La Guardia/Queens North | Midtown South | Midtown West/Time Square | New York City Area | Uptown | Village/Soho/Tribeca)
1. Which locations in New York City would you recommend for a hotel investment? ( East River | Financial District | JFK/Jamaica | La Guardia/Queens North | Midtown South | Midtown West/Time Square | New York City Area | Uptown | Village/Soho/Tribeca)
2. Which segment (hotel class) would you recommend for a hotel investment in New York City? ( Luxury | Upper Upscale I Upscale | Upper Midscale | Midscale | Economy)

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Why Study History? and Peter Stearns’ argument published by the American Historical Association: Why Study History? (1998).


Then consider why do you think people study history? (Don’t be trite here – it’s much more than “to learn from their mistakes”). Consider why you are required to study history to earn an AA or AS degree. Do you think the study of history helps you to be a better person or contribute to society? If so, how so? If not, why not?

To help you formulate an answer as to why history is important, consider the arguments made by Steven Kreis at the History Guide:  Why Study History? and Peter Stearns’ argument published by the American Historical Association: Why Study History? (1998). Do you agree or disagree with these scholars and why?

Finally, there is much confusion on how to study history as well. History is primarily examined through the study of documents. Review the “How to Study History” section in the eText, then select one primary and one secondary source related to our course content. Include those sources properly formatted in one of the approved styles and explain how a historian might use these sources.

As noted in the Grading and Evaluation page of the Syllabus, you should write at least 300 words in your response.

Reply to at least two other students’ posts with substantive responses and be sure to write at least 100-150 words and further the conversation by posing a question or suggesting a new source or fact on the subject to your correspondent. Replies to your instructor are optional for Reflection discussions, but encouraged!

See the Course Schedule and Course Rubrics pages for due dates and grading information.


Kreis, Steven. “1.2 Why Study History?” The History Guide. Last Revised April 13, 2012.

Stearns, Peter N. “Why Study History?” American Historical Association. 1998.

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How to Study History


In this assignment, you will propose the research topic pertinent to US History from Reconstruction (1865) to the present you would like to investigate this term in a brief, 1 – 2 page (300 – 500 word) essay.


The purpose of this assignment is to decide what you want to write about and to receive guidance on how to focus your topic and make it something that you are able to examine in depth in an argumentative, historical research paper of 5 – 7 pages (1250 – 1750 words) in length.

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You are a general manager of a cosmetics firm. The results of a study show that your major brand could cause skin cancer. F


Below are some real-life situations that present ethical questions in a business. Discuss at least two situations (of course you can discuss all of them) and look at it (a) from a strictly legal viewpoint, (b) from a moral and ethical viewpoint, and (c) from a point of view of what is best in the long run for the company.

Look at each situation from the perspective of all groups concerned: customers, stockholders, employees, and community and not just your opinion of the situation.


    You are a general manager of a cosmetics firm. The results of a study show that your major brand could cause skin cancer. From the different viewpoints stated above, is this legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two, and what is the potential outcome of the company if it does nothing? What would be your recommendations and why?

    You have the opportunity to offer a job to a friend who really needs it. Although you believe that the friend could perform adequately, there are more qualified applicants. From the different viewpoints stated above, would this be legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two? How might you be viewed in the organization if you hire a less qualified person? What would you do? Explain your justification.Man’s shoes on pavement with word right and arrow and wrong and arrow going different directions.

    You are the vice president of a beer company in a state that sets the legal drinking age at 21. Your boss asks you to organize a lobbying effort to have the drinking age reduced to 18. From the different viewpoints stated above, would this be legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two? Does this violate the company’s social responsibility to the state and/or surrounding towns? What would you do? Explain your justification.

    Because of a loophole in federal laws, you find that you could legally pay your workers less than the minimum wage. The cost savings you recommend may mean you’re getting a choice promotion. From the different viewpoints stated above, would this be legal and ethical or illegal and unethical, or a combination of the two? What would you do? Explain your justification.

Discuss at least two situations. Be sure to consider both short‑ and long‑range consequences. Must Use Kinicki & Williams 2020 as a reference

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Mintzberg’s study in the 1960s came up with three important findings about a manager’s routine

Management Overview

Do some research and answer the following critical thinking questions from this week’s readings in an essay format. Ensure you have a good introduction, body, and conclusion in your essay. In your analysis, cite a minimum of three (3) references from different sources (the textbook can be one source).Manager with working group behind him.

    Describe the formal, three-part definition of management and explain the most important part of the management definition and why you chose that part.
    Mintzberg’s study in the 1960s came up with three important findings about a manager’s routine. Identify the three findings and describe ways that technology and social media have changed the roles of managers since Mintzberg’s 1960 study.
    Analyze the two overarching theoretical perspectives about management and how they are applied to organizations. Also, explain the three viewpoints that each one covers.

Your submission should be a minimum of two (2), double-spaced, full pages of analysis with proper reference citation per current APA guidelines.
Note on Academic Integrity

For all Critical Thinking activities, upon submission, your assignment will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool. Your paper will be checked against a database of millions of written works and provide feedback on originality. You may view your originality report; however, you will not be permitted to submit your paper a second time. A score of 30% matching or lower is allowed; anything higher is not acceptable for any of the Turnitin assignments in this course. When answering questions, do not repeat the question with your answer.  Ensure your work is entirely your own and cite your sources, if applicable! 

Turnitin – Viewing the Similarity Report

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Hefty Hardware Case Study

 Read the Hefty Hardware Case Study on pages 98-102 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length. The grading rubric is included below. 

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DreamHome Case Study

Update the following DreamHome assignments:

  • Diagrams from the completed Week One Individual Assignment “DreamHome Case Study”
  • Diagrams from the completed Week Two Individual Assignment “Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition”
  • Completed Week Three Individual Assignment, “Database Operations and Data Recovery”

Diagram a distributed database environment in Microsoft Visio using the “DreamHome Case Study” in Appendix A of Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management (6th edition) and your completed DreamHome-related assignments from Weeks One, Two, and Three.

Include the following in your diagram:

  • A production database
  • A data warehouse
  • Two data marts
  • Security and maintenance elements annotated in your first diagram

Create a 3-page summary in Microsoft Word that:

Writers Solution

Imagine that you are hired into the role of the Operations Manager at the company described in the case study (Nissan)

5-6 pages to complete below. Part Three is already completed (see attached)

Need to create a:

1. Introduction Section (1-2 paragraphs)

2. Conclusion Section (1-2 paragraphs)

3. Part One – Managing Operations (2-4 pages)

4. Part Two – Quality, Process and Location (2-4 pages)

Then combine Introduction Section, Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Conclusion Section into ONE file consisting of 10-12 pages combined (not including Cover and Reference page) to create the comprehensive case study analysis. 


Imagine that you are hired into the role of the Operations Manager at the company described in the case study (Nissan). Although there are many issues facing the compa Imagine that you are hired into the role of the Operations Manager at the company described in the case study (Nissan). ny, you have some experience and are well qualified to provide direction in solving these problems. Prepare a cohesive case study analysis for submission as one document.

The project is the creation of a comprehensive case study analysis. You will write a comprehensive analysis of the Nissan case study (see attached) that’s been analyzed throughout the course by addressing the critical elements below. 


You NEED to do Part One and Two below. Part Three has been already been completed (see attached). Part One, Two and Three need to be combined into one document to create the case study analysis. 

Also need to be included is:

1. An Introduction Section: which provides an overview of the company and some of the key challenges that it is facing

2. Summary /Conclusion Section: that highlights some of your most important recommendations for improving operations at the company

PART ONE: Managing Operations case study analysis, which evaluates how Nissan uses OM functions to provide products and generate value for its customers and how it achieves a competitive advantage using operations management, among other critical elements (Less than 4 pages- no minimum)

I. Generating Value

A. Evaluate how the company in the case study uses operations management functions to provide products and generate value for its customers. 

      i. Support your claims with examples from the case study or outside sources. 

B. Assess how this company achieves a competitive advantage using operations management. 

      i. Provide examples found in the case study or outside sources to support your reasoning. 

C. Compare and contrast service operations and manufacturing operations at the company in the case study. 

      i. How are they the same? 

      ii. How do they differ? 

      iii. How does each of these operations provide value for their customers? 

II. Theories and Techniques 

A. Compare and contrast the critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation and review technique (PERT). 

      i. What types of projects at this company would favor PERT over CPM? Why? 

      ii. What types of projects at this company would favor CPM over PERT? Why? 

B. Explain the steps used to develop a forecasting system

      i. How would these steps be specifically utilized by this company? 

      ii. What do you predict would be the result of implementing a forecasting system for the top-selling product line at this company?

C. List the major categories of supply chain risk and associated risk reduction tactics. 

      i. How could the company mitigate exposure to supply chain disruptions caused by natural disasters? 

            1. For example, consider the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated parts of Japan.

PART TWO: Quality, Process, and Location case study analysis that addresses the typical problems that operations managers face.  (Less than 4 pages- no minimum)

I. Theories and Techniques 

A. Explain the five steps of the theory of constraints (TOC) process. 

      i. To what processes might the company in the case study apply TOC? 

      ii. Why would applying TOC to these processes be advantageous? 

B. Describe how total quality management (TQM) principles and tools can be used to improve quality in the latest line of products in the context of the case study. 

II. Data Analysis

A. Draw a cause-and-effect diagram that assesses why some of the company’s supply chain partners might have struggled to implement some of the company’s newly developed materials. 

      i. Summarize your findings from the diagram. 

B. Draw a hypothetical process (time-function) map for producing a recently released (within the past two years) product manufactured by the company. 

      i. As an operations manager, how will you use the value map? 

      ii. Be sure to include your process map within your case study analysis. 

C. Considering the data and options below, determine where the company should locate its new manufacturing plant. 

      i. Explain why this would be the favorable location.

Factor                                     Weight                    Mexico City                    Columbia, SC

Political Risk                             .25                                  70                                              80

Transportation Costs          .20                                  40                                              90

Labor Productivity               .20                                  85                                              75

Rental Costs                            .15                                  90                                              55

Labor Costs                              .10                                  80                                              50

Taxes                                             .10                                  90                                              50

D. The company believes that it might have some inefficiencies in its inventory management process. 

      i. Develop an ABC classification system for the following 10 items

      ii. Based on this information, what do you recommend for improving inventory management?

Item          Annual Demand             Cost/Unit

I5                            1750                              $10.00

D1                          6000                              $10.00

A2                          3000                              $50.00

E9                           1000                              $20.00

J8                           2500                                  $5.00

C7                          1500                               $45.00

B8                          4000                               $12.00

G2                            300                          $1500.00

H2                            600                                $20.00

F3                             500                             $500.00


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Accounting for natural disasters: a study of BP

below topic assignment 

Pick from the following list of Enterprise Risk Management topics for your research paper:

  1. Accounting for natural disasters: a study of BP
  2. Occupational safety and health: dealing with work hazards
  3. Financial risk management: finding ways to protect assets
  4. ISO 31000: working to reduce risk
  5. Risk pool: determining the best ways to group individuals
  6. Operational risk management: best methods and practices for warehousing industry
  7. Hazard Prevention: training and incentives that work
  8. Association of Management Consulting Firms: effectiveness
  9. Risk management tools for food industry
  10. Security risk: ways to prevent disaster

From the topics, narrow your topic down a little and then write how you would utilize Enterprise Risk Management for these topics.  You an narrow the topics down to a specific company but want the overall theme to align with the list.  Your research paper should be 6-10 pages and follow the following structure:

  1. Introduction – brief background of company and any issues the company has had in the past such as data breaches
  2. A narrative on the organization that you have chosen (to include strategy, core business activities, recent financial performance and corporate view of risk management)
  3. An analysis of the key political, economic, social, technical, legislative and environmental risks that the organization is currently facing
  4. Explore Traditional risk management methods.  Explain and define them.
  5. Explore Enterprise Risk Management methods. Explain and define them.
  6. What are the benefits and limitations in using ERM?
  7. What are the key roles and responsibilities for ERM?
  8. What are the key items the company needs to address and what are the risks associated with it?
  9. Provide recommendations for the company to improve their ERM.
  10. Conclusion
  11. References – APA format