Writers Solution

evaluate the leadership skills necessary to successfully lead and manage the adoption of new technology to address a business solution

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the leadership skills necessary to successfully lead and manage the adoption of new technology to address a business solution.

Part 1

Using feedback from your instructor, update each of the elements of the technological innovation plan components submitted in Topics 2-7. Create a .pdf document that contains the final, revised plan for implementing a new or existing technology to address the business problem/issue you identified.

Part 2

In a 500-750 word reflection, discuss the following.

Describe the leadership qualities and strategic management skills you would employ to manage the project and successfully implement the technological innovation to address the identified business problem/issue.

Evaluate the role that research and data analytics information play when making decisions about strategic information technology objectives.

Assess the role of information technology in supporting an organization’s responsibilities to the community and the greater social good. Include the Christian worldview perspective in the leadership reflection, and provide specific examples to illustrate your ideas.

General Requirements

Submit the final project plan and reflection.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance. 

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MS Information Technology Management

2.3: Articulate information-technology-related business decisions to relevant stakeholders.

3.1: Evaluate the role of information technology in supporting an organization’s responsibilities to the community and the greater social good.

4.1: Leverage data analytics information to make decisions that support an organization’s strategic information technology objectives


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Writers Solution

A merger-related current best practice or trend that is being successfully employed by HR departments


Company mergers are very busy and challenging times for corporate leadership. The role that HR plays during a merger is often complex and far reaching. In this assignment, you write an executive brief that considers aspects of how an HR department might prioritize and operate to support the union of two companies. 


How to Brief an Executive

There is no single correct way to brief an executive or other stakeholder. The final deliverable is your choice, but effective briefs have common elements; they should be clear, concise, relevant, well-structured, and provide decision-making information. Here are a couple of resources you may use to get started:


Imagine that Anchor Hospital, a 250-bed medical center, is merging with the similar-sized Saint Mary’s Hospital to better serve the needs of their metropolitan community. An administrative board has been formed to guide all aspects of the merger. They have asked all departments to submit an executive brief that states their roles, intended model of operations, and initial steps to build interdepartmental relationships. 

The board’s primary concern for HR is how it will manage the merging of the workforces into a single, cohesive, and effective team. They want to understand HR’s primary role, guiding principles, and application of current practice. Specifically, they want your vision for the following:

  • A merger-related current best practice or trend that is being successfully employed by HR departments.
  • HR’s primary role in assimilating the workforces for the two hospitals.
  • The HR management model to be followed.
  • How to foster relationships between HR and department managers.


Write a 3–4-page executive brief that address the following merger-related items:

  1. Recommend a relevant HR trend or practice that would be useful to consider as part of this merger. Justify your recommendation.
  2. Analyze HR’s primary role(s) as a strategic corporate partner in merging the workforces of the organizations. 
  3. Recommend an HRM model that would effectively steer the joining of each organization’s employees into a single, cohesive workforce. Justify your recommendation.
  4. Recommend two initial steps that HR should initiate to develop an effective relationship between HR and management. Justify your recommendation.

Additional Requirements

  • Resources: Use four sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on A merger-related current best practice or trend that is being successfully employed by HR departments

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Writers Solution

Do research on one-or-two large software systems that were implemented successfully and on

 Project Planning

Do research on one-or-two large software systems that were implemented successfully and on

one-or-two large software systems that failed in their implementation. Write at least a 3-page

Word document, double-spaced, detailing each system.

Your paper should include a number of topic sections. Using the concept of A.D.D.I.E., create a

section to discuss the A.-Analysis that went into the system, a section to discuss the D.-Design of

the system, a section to discuss the D.-Development of the system, a section to discuss the I.-

Implementation of the system (successful or failed) and a section to discuss the E.-Evaluation of

the system (successful or failed). Provide the following:

1. An Introduction paragraph describing the assignment and a short description of the

systems selected.

2. A section that describes the first Software System (with an appropriate section Heading)

and a description of that Software System to include:

a. What is its purpose?

b. What operations it performs?

c. What are its inputs (resources, interfaces, when used)?

d. What are its outputs (interfaces, data)?

e. The system’s complexity/cost/feasibility.

f. Any constraints or risks found during the research.

3. Sections with details for each component of A.D.D.I.E. (with an appropriate section

Heading) to include:

a. Success or failures identified.

b. Issues or findings identified.

c. Recommendations or lessons learned.

Your paper should then conclude with a Findings section the compares the two systems. Provide

the following:

1. What made one system successful but make the other system fail.

2. What could have been done to make the failed system more successful.

3. What could have been done to make the successful system even more successful.

You must include at least 3 scholarly references with citations