Three files were uploaded in order to do this question. The excel file shows the formular tabs on the first hand in gray while the blue colors shows hand filled information. Fill in the gray side, the left side of the file correct the formular errors in columns – (B,C,J,P,T2,V2,W2,AC), Then on the right hand side in blue color, fill in information’s in columns – ( AO,AP,AQ,AR,AS,AX,CL,CO, CQ,CR- change supervisor numbers and name, CS).
Make sure all the formulars are data are filled in, where you see #value or #n/a. the data needs correction. Any field blank, leave it blank. After you do that, I need this data to be automated.
I uploaded the queries for this data. Look and the queries and look at the excel data. Use all the information I uploaded and provided to automate this data. You can make up you own data and excel file but let it look like the files I uploaded. SHOW STEPS ON HOW TO AUTOMATE THESE DATA USING SSIS PACKAGE AND UPLOAD THE SSIS VISIO PACKAGE, SO I CAN VIEW HOW YOU MAPPED THE COLUMNS IN VISIO AND HOW YOU JOINED THE TWO QUERIES
Assessment 1: Individual Written Report (20%) – Between 1500 – 1800 words
Written Report Due Date Week 6
Explain and examine the four functions of the Kadushin Model from both the perspective of the supervisor in their role and also the benefits for the supervisee: Address the four elements of supervision, Administration Function; Education Function; Support; and Mediation Function.
You are required to submit a written evaluation report on a topic area identified by your lecturer during classes.
Your written report should include at least 10 (scholarly) journal articles read, in addition to any textbook references. The format of your report will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials.
Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment
Conclusions derived from analysis and assessment of the topic and application
Use and depth of research
Presentation and referencing effective and organised essay structure with correct referencing of up-to-date resources
Criteria for report
High Distinction80% –
Distinction70%- 79%
Analysis of literature on topic
Provides accurate and complete explanations of how potential issues can be identified and drawing on most recent scholarly literature
Provides accurate and complete explanations of how potential issues can be identified and drawing on relevant literature
Explanations of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on provision of supervision and often cites the relevant literature.
Explanations of how potential issues can be identified and are not always accurate and sometimes incomplete, sometimes cites the relevant literature.
Explanations of how potential issues can be identified, and research are inaccurate or incomplete, does not cite the relevant literature.
Conclusions derived from analysis and assessment of the topic
Shows a deep understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population
Shows an excellent understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population
Shows a good understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population
Shows a basic understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population
Shows poor, insufficient understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population
Use and depth of reflection
A comprehensive analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research
A strong analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research
A good analysis is developed. Summarizes and shows some insightful synthesis of the literature information, identifies some limitations of the research
Analysis is fairly well developed. It summarizes the overall information obtained from the literature reviews and synthesizes adequately the knowledge gained
Analysis is not well developed. It lacks summary and/or any synthesis of the relevant literature
Presentation of summary and correct references used
All levels of content are covered in depth. Wide range of contemporary references and sources are well cited when specific statements are made
High level of content is covered in depth. Wide range of good references and sources are well cited when specific statements are made
Appropriate content is covered in reasonable depth. Sources are generally well cited when specific statements are made
Most major sections of the relevant content included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as expected References were basic and some errors of citation
Major sections of relevant content have been omitted or missed Inadequate references and poor citation
Please write here a short background of the study. Preferably it should be a half page or to the maximum of one page description only. Be short and crisp. Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. Background information should indicate the root of the problem being studied, its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address. Please refer to the approved thesis template or consult your supervisor in case you require further clarification of the contents of any of the heading within the proposal template.
2. Statement of the problem
Write here a short statement of your research problem. A research problem, in general, refers to some difficulty which a researcher experiences in the context of either a theoretical or practical situation and wants to obtain a solution for the same. A statement of the problem is used in research work as a claim that outlines the problem addressed by a study.
A good research problem should address an existing gap in knowledge in the field and lead to further research. The problem statement will look different depending on whether you’re dealing with a practical real-world problem or a theoretical scientific issue. But all problem statements follow a similar process.
3.Literature Review
A literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by so doing, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works. Literature reviews are designed to provide an overview of sources you have explored while researching a particular topic and to demonstrate to your readers how your research fits into the larger field of study. Please refer to the approved thesis template in case you require further clarification of its content. Write here only a short description of major studies done in your field. Need not to be lengthy. Just a one page description will suffice.
4.Project Objectives
Please state the objectives of your project here. You need to only specify the objectives here. The objectives should be specific statements that define measurable outcomes, e.g. what steps will be taken to achieve the desired outcome. A project objective describes the desired results of a project, which often includes a tangible item. An objective is specific and measurable, and must meet time, budget, and quality constraints.
5.Target Population (Sampling Technique and Sample Size)
The target population is the total group of individuals from which the sample might be drawn. A sample is the group of people who take part in the investigation. The target population is the total group of individuals from which the sample might be drawn. A sample is the group of people who take part in the investigation. The people who take part are referred to as “participants”.
Please provide a description of your target population. Also indicate your expected sample size as well as what type of sampling will be used and why.
6.Data Collection Approach
Data collection is a process of collecting information from all the relevant sources to find answers to the research problem, test the hypothesis and evaluate the outcomes. Data collection methods can be divided into two categories: secondary methods of data collection and primary methods of data collection. You need to write here the types of data you will be using and also how you collected those sources of data.
7.Data Analysis
Provide a short description of how you will analyze the collected data. What are all the statistical tools you will be using for analysis and also mention the expected use of different types of statistical soft wares that will be used for interpreting the data. Example, data will be presented using table, figures, graphs, pie & charts. All results will be logically arranged so as to correspond to each research objectives indicated in the report. Illustrations will provide a simple summation of data in a clear & concise manner.
8.Potential Scope of the Project
You need to mention here how the outcome of your study will be useful to different kinds of readers. For example how the outcome will be used by other researchers For example, you need to mention here how your study outcome will be used by other researchers and also how it can be used by managers, practitioners, companies or other stakeholders. Please be short and crisp.
9.Project Implementation Plan
Indicate in the form of a Gantt chart, the expected project start date, the duration of some important phases/activities and also indicate the tentative project end date and total duration of the project. Please refer to the approved thesis template in case you require further clarification of its content.
Time Frame
Literature Review
Data collection
Report writing
Submission of final
1. Fischlmayr, I. C., & Kollinger, I. (2010). Work-life balance–a neglected issue among Austrian female expatriates. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(4), 455-487
CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on consult your supervisor in case you require further clarification of the contents of any of the heading within the proposal template
Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2021 Examination Assignment Marks: 30 Instructions: • All Questions carry equal marks. • All Questions are compulsory • All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible. • All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable. • Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference. • Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from other students is not allowed. • Students should follow the following parameter for answering the assignment questions. For Theoretical Answer For Numerical Answer Assessment Parameter Weightage Assessment Parameter Weightage Introduction 20% Understanding and usage of the formula 20% Concepts and Application related to the question 60% Procedure / Steps 50% Conclusion 20% Correct Answer & Interpretation 30% Kindly check below Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2021 Examination 1. Calculate the probabilities for the following statements as per the given scenario and draw the probability tree diagram also (Note: This diagram can be prepared in MS-Paint or manually). A study undertaken by the Rajan Supervisor of Elections in 2002 revealed that 44% of registered voters are ‘Dharwadi Yuth’, 37% are Rajmoti, and 19% are others. If two registered voters are selected at random, what is the probability that both of them have the same party affiliation? (10 Marks) 2. Calculate the correlation between pairs (recommended below) of the following variables and write interpretation for each correlation coefficient. (Note: For the following pairs, correlation can be calculated using EXCEL.) (10 Marks) Recommended Pairs: 1. Correlation between ‘number of female migrants for work/ employment’ v/s ‘Number of male migrants for work/ employment 2. Correlation between ‘number of female migrants _ Education’ v/s ‘Number of male migrants _Education’ 3. Correlation between ‘number of female migrants _ Business’ v/s ‘Number of male migrants _ Business’ 4. Correlation between ‘number of female migrants _ Marriage’ v/s ‘Number of male migrants _marriage’ Table: State to state migration with reasons of migration as per census 2011. Work/empl oyment Busi ness Educa tion Marr iage Work/empl oyment Busi ness Educa tion Marr iage State _name Females Fem ales Femal es Fema les Male Male Male Male JAMMU & KASHMIR (01) 4,911 495 1,085 43,13 0 22,716 1,985 1,762 1,372 HIMACHA L PRADESH (02) 13,938 493 3,200 1,08,1 53 95,255 3,188 5,647 1,932 Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2021 Examination Work/empl oyment Busi ness Educa tion Marr iage Work/empl oyment Busi ness Educa tion Marr iage State _name Females Fem ales Femal es Fema les Male Male Male Male PUNJAB (03) 72,829 5,468 5,757 6,92,4 59 5,16,724 11,29 5 10,228 15,13 9 CHANDIG ARH (04) 14,435 787 8,725 1,06,7 74 1,85,856 7,463 13,769 1,290 UTTARAK HAND (05) 25,691 1,733 7,717 3,64,6 98 2,65,536 6,530 19,304 4,913 HARYANA (06) 1,05,741 6,670 8,047 12,84, 022 6,77,595 14,66 5 12,805 23,72 2 NCT OF DELHI (07) 1,19,575 7,610 23,224 12,01, 945 18,14,435 39,05 1 73,391 15,65 4 RAJASTH AN (08) 49,392 4,192 13,275 12,88, 934 3,29,428 9,374 18,313 13,81 0 UTTAR PRADESH (09) 91,265 14,57 8 12,649 20,52, 928 4,35,014 19,47 3 36,835 30,90 7 BIHAR (10) 12,127 2,371 2,105 7,99,3 73 45,028 2,959 3,258 15,27 5 SIKKIM (11) 2,616 257 698 14,76 4 16,926 2,617 925 331 ARUNACH AL PRADESH (12) 8,260 1,104 599 18,96 2 41,110 8,613 928 319 NAGALAN D (13) 4,420 921 1,103 15,30 7 28,567 9,993 1,783 471 MANIPUR (14) 419 267 321 5,378 1,804 1,801 520 185 MIZORAM (15) 1,795 209 361 2,522 9,918 1,009 446 424 Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2021 Examination Work/empl oyment Busi ness Educa tion Marr iage Work/empl oyment Busi ness Educa tion Marr iage State _name Females Fem ales Femal es Fema les Male Male Male Male TRIPURA (16) 6,795 143 149 17,50 2 15,891 955 283 578 MEGHALA YA (17) 2,726 403 1,878 25,46 9 17,727 4,407 3,025 4,418 ASSAM (18) 6,642 2,378 1,834 1,56,1 84 74,921 49,69 7 3,074 5,495 WEST BENGAL (19) 36,504 7,436 5,567 7,49,9 96 4,32,269 76,03 6 15,470 23,67 6 JHARKHA ND (20) 31,154 4,061 5,872 9,84,4 64 3,83,816 16,09 4 15,672 25,10 1 ODISHA (21) 11,709 3,735 4,935 3,27,4 76 1,11,038 40,91 7 10,369 9,282 CHHATTIS GARH (22) 29,610 1,843 3,160 4,01,9 47 2,69,311 11,21 3 7,196 11,43 6 MADHYA PRADESH (23) 52,026 7,859 9,221 12,87, 527 3,86,776 15,60 9 22,575 27,46 0 GUJARAT (24) 75,552 18,86 5 5,722 6,28,4 73 10,46,192 1,23, 091 12,864 17,92 8 DAMAN & DIU (25) 2,933 159 220 12,30 9 67,115 1,653 306 335 DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI (26) 2,588 220 181 19,95 0 54,455 3,247 451 957 MAHARAS HTRA (27) 2,49,129 30,50 9 33,678 18,31, 160 25,37,638 1,01, 924 87,034 69,11 1 ANDHRA PRADESH (28) 49,670 7,898 10,847 5,33,5 44 2,31,471 37,07 9 13,104 24,79 0 Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2021 Examination Work/empl oyment Busi ness Educa tion Marr iage Work/empl oyment Busi ness Educa tion Marr iage State _name Females Fem ales Femal es Fema les Male Male Male Male KARNATA KA (29) 1,24,179 12,95 3 38,944 8,40,4 42 6,57,819 61,44 4 63,643 31,55 7 GOA (30) 8,838 1,149 953 45,85 4 64,852 6,212 1,716 1,661 LAKSHAD WEEP (31) 59 7 234 118 2,200 19 340 29 KERALA (32) 24,874 1,219 3,195 1,02,2 55 1,29,875 6,970 6,758 19,70 9 TAMIL NADU (33) 43,823 3,271 20,435 3,73,2 92 2,19,262 14,18 1 38,727 21,73 2 PUDUCHE RRY (34) 7,389 925 2,014 1,03,4 34 43,572 2,566 2,908 16,10 7 ANDAMA N & NICOBAR ISLANDS (35) 1,419 107 226 16,73 1 26,304 1,915 455 340 Source: D3 Table, Census 2011. 3.a. From the following uniformly distributed data scene calculate the probability w.r.t statement. The weekly output of a steel mill is a uniformly distributed random variable that lies between 110 and 175 metric tons. 1. Compute the probability that the steel mill will produce more than 150 metric tons next week. 2. Determine the probability that the steel mill will produce between 120 and 160 metric tons (5 Marks) Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2021 Examination 3.b. Draw the histogram separately (for Person, male and female) and write the interpretation. The following table shows the age group-wise total number of Migrants as per census 2011. Age Group Total number of Migrant persons Total number of Migrant Males Total number of Migrant Females 0-4 1,89,62,713 98,34,738 91,27,975 5-9 2,09,17,565 1,09,59,506 99,58,059 10-14 2,38,76,335 1,24,25,108 1,14,51,227 15-19 2,92,02,399 1,26,83,733 1,65,18,666 20-24 4,68,55,749 1,31,97,283 3,36,58,466 25-29 5,05,67,231 1,30,45,214 3,75,22,017 30-34 4,64,20,105 1,21,34,009 3,42,86,096 35-39 4,51,14,917 1,20,60,030 3,30,54,887 40-44 3,81,61,379 1,09,00,143 2,72,61,236 45-49 3,31,51,742 97,04,026 2,34,47,716 50-54 2,57,83,138 79,40,152 1,78,42,986 55-59 2,13,54,664 61,61,754 1,51,92,910 60-64 1,97,49,108 54,01,736 1,43,47,372 65-69 1,38,28,278 36,87,082 1,01,41,196 70-74 96,96,149 26,62,421 70,33,728 75-79 48,34,573 13,41,572 34,93,001 80+ 57,14,991 14,61,296 42,53,695 Source: D4 table, census 2011 Note: Here, Students may use EXCEL for the preparation of the Histogram. (5 Marks)
Timely Delivery- believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals
research, gather information and use it to prepare a report that has been requested by your supervisor. The report will be used to make a decision in purchasing new equipment. They are asking you to research some basic information that will help them weigh the pros/cons of equipment against being offered by competing medical equipment manufacturers.
**Note: This project has been designed to allow me to test your ability to follow directions, execute research, and review your documentation skills in action. To accomplish this you will need to find all of the required information on your own by the given due date.
Final Project – Step 1:
– Step 2:
After you choose your equipment, begin your research by locating the following to include with your final submission:
Service manual AND User/Operator manuals for your units
Find out how long the manufacturers will be supporting the units.
Find at least 2x other 3rd party companies that can service/repair/sell parts for each of your units.
Find the 3x most common problems with the device that is repaired by the manufacturers OR 3x of the most common 3rd party repair services and their respective pricing.
You are given full discretion on the format and length of the final report, prepare your submission however you see fit.
Step 3:
Submit your writeup by uploading a PDF, Word file (preferred), or by pasting it into the assignment
Timely Delivery– believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals gather information and use it to prepare a report that has been requested by your supervisor
Read the following case studies and address each question and/or task for each case study.
The partners who own ‘Green Tour Excursions’ where you work as Duty Manager have decided to reappraise the operations of the Fraser Island Tours which operates five (5) vehicles and drivers who also take on the role as tour guides.
The partners say there are too many potential legal issues and complaints from customers and as a result the bottom line of the business is suffering. They say the average turnover has decreased by 15 % and custom likely will be lost to other operators although comparative tours have the same cost for this day tour.
The itinerary which was in place for the current one (1) day island wilderness trip included:
§ Central Station including Wanggoolba Creek boardwalk
§ Lake McKenzie – a swim in crystal clear waters and pristine white sands.
§ Seventy-Five Mile Beach
§ Eli Creek – swim or float in the clear waters
§ Maheno Shipwreck – take a photo stop at the rusting wreck of the Maheno washed ashore during an out-of-season cyclone in 1935
§ The Pinnacles Coloured Sands – learn of the Butchulla legends surrounding them.
1. National Park Fess
2. Morning Tea at a picnic ground
3. Picnic Lunch
4. Transfers from Hervey Bay Accommodation to ferry return.
The main issues which have been identified by the partners of ‘Green Tour Excursions’ for the particular tour included:
1. On three (3) out ten (10) tours the 4-wheel drive tourist vehicle ran out of fuel which resulted in a 1 hour shortfall of the trip on each occasion.
2. On two (2) trips the air conditioning of the vehicle failed.
3. There were eighteen (18) complaints about poor hygiene relating to cups and cutlery used for morning tea and picnic lunch.
4. Twelve (12) customers have expressed concerns of being provided with food from eskis and service vessels provided from a plastic container.
5. Three (3) customers have complained about being served pastries from a card board box which must have been the packaging provided by our supplier.
6. There were four (4) claims from customers who claimed they felt unwell or sick after consuming the BBQ picnic lunch which includes a small steak, sausages, 2 different salads and bread and butter.
7. There are increasingly complaints from drivers of the vehicles that their days are too long given that they are required to prepare their vehicles post and before each trip which could potentially breach WHS requirements and entitlements.
8. Twelve (12) customers have expressed concerns of being provided with food from eskis and service vessels provided from a plastic container.
9. There were three (3) incidences during the past two (2) months where customers had close encounters with venomous snakes in the toilet block located the picnic area used for stops.
You are required to investigate these issues and explore provisions to meet all legislative requirements.
Present your responses in report format suitable for presentation at a management meeting.
1. Describe how you would monitor the work hours of the driver/tour guide and the efficiency involved in those hours – this would also mean you need to identify relevant problems associated with adjusting staff levels to attain the requested improvement
2. Show what consultative process was used to allow for procedures and systems (including rosters new or amended service provisions) to be adjusted. Show that in this area, quality assurances can be given so that customers will not be affected and indicate the time frame involved in your change
3. List the measures taken to ensure functional clean vehicles, and prevention of hygiene issues
4. In your new plan, you must show the delegation process that will be involved. Will you need new job specifications to be written? If so, how many?
5. Will training be necessary to accommodate the new jobs if this is the option you recommend the owners to take? Estimate a budget for retraining should it be necessary
6. Describe how day-to-day operations will not be negatively affected with your proposed changes
Elena, the front office clerk has asked you for an urgent appointment to see you.
On arrival to the meeting, Elena explains to you that her supervisor in front office frequently makes silent offensive remarks and has stalked her on multiple occasions after work. It also seems that he rosters her for the same shifts when he is rostered on.
(The document HR manual template may be referenced for this case study)
1. What appears to be the nature of complaint here?
2. Which procedure should be followed to receive a complaint like the one from Elena
3. Write a standard operating procedure that can be used to investigate a complaint, including actions for e.g. EEO and sexual harassment matters.
4. Which legal responsibilities do have in your capacity as a manger in this instance?
You are the manager at the ‘Ocean View Hotel’.
During the last four (4) weeks the numbers of patrons during dinner service on Wednesdays to Fridays have doubled. Although this is good news for the operation, there have been associated with this a number of operational issues which need to be addressed swiftly to prevent bad publicity in social media and on trip advisor.
During the four (4) week period the hotel had twelve (12) complaints related to delays in meal service, sixteen (16) complaints relating to poor or average quality of meals. A brief conversation with sous-chef and head chef have indicated that the access to and lack of capacity of some equipment are some of the main issues they are facing.
In front of-house (F&B) the same staff has been rostered on the periodic schedule as usual, and staffs do not think there are any issues.
1. Provide a systematic approach for areas you will investigate
2. Provide solutions for the shortfalls in equipment pointed out to you, given that the new budget is still five (5) months away and major expenditure was just completed to finish the accommodation areas.
3. Which aspects will you investigate in the food and beverage/service areas?
4. Provide details for the staff who will be involved in the process.
You are working in the capacity of manager in a trendy inner city boutique hotel, featuring 45 rooms, a gym and wellness area, a 60 seat cafe -bistro, an 80 seat restaurant and seating for 50 customers in the mall.
The food and beverages are in line with using local produce and following trends, however you have noticed that due to the large number of part-time employment of students and, it seems, lack of direction from the departmental supervisors, products and services are always different.
Not that there have been any substantial complaints, however beverages are presented differently at different times, food presentation varies and it looks portion sizes are not uniform, and the rooms are made up and arranged differently depending who is in charge and on duty, accordingly.
1. Provide suggestions for a system that can be effectively developed and implemented for each department and explain in detail what this entails for each department. Your approach must include delegation at the appropriate levels.
2. What are the implications for all existing staff as a result and how will you provide for overcoming these?