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Belief system and the Human Experience

Instructions for assignment:

Belief system and the Human Experience

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapter 4 and complete the LIB101: Week 3 Civilization TourLinks to an external site. interactive.

For this forum discussion you must

Must be 250 words

  • Identify two major religions or belief systems addressed in the readings this week that you would like to examine further.
  • Identify the society or societies where the belief systems were followed.
  • Identify the key elements of the two belief systems.
    • How were these beliefs integral to the society?
    • How did societies, groups, or individuals express or demonstrate their spiritual or ethical beliefs?
    • What was the impact of revelation- versus enlightenment-based beliefs?
  • Discuss how spiritual or ethical beliefs in two major belief systems impacted one of the following areas:
    • Aesthetic and intellectual achievements in the realm of art, architecture, philosophy, theology, literature, sciences, or music.
  • How does belief shape such works?
  • How do such works impact belief?
  • For what purposes are such works created?
  • What ideals are expressed in such works?
    • Government or system of rule
  • What is the relationship between spiritual or ethical beliefs and systems of rule?
  • Are ideals of rule associated with spiritual or ethical beliefs?
  • Do spiritual or ethical beliefs shape legal systems or laws? How is justice conceived?
    • Gender roles
  • What spiritual or ethical ideals shape family relationships? Between parents? Parents and children? Siblings? Ancestors? Larger kinship networks?
  • What spiritual or ethical ideals shape ideas about what is considered appropriate or inappropriate sexuality?
  • How are spiritual or ethical ideals experienced by men versus women?
    • War and peace
  • What position do different spiritual or ethical systems take on war?
  • How do different spiritual or ethical systems justify war?
  • How do different spiritual or ethical systems address tolerance or intolerance of other belief systems?
    • Socioeconomic systems
  • How does spiritual or ethical belief shape ideas about poverty and charity?
  • How does spiritual or ethical belief uphold or challenge social hierarchy?
  • How do spiritual or ethical beliefs contrast material versus spiritual well-being?
  • How do spiritual or ethical beliefs impact ideas about personal responsibility to the larger community?

Discussion 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 4 in your textbook and the LIB101: Week 3 Civilization TourLinks to an external site. interactive.

Must be at least 100 words

In your initial posting, address the following questions:

  • What struck you in particular about the human condition and the expression of humanity as you explored the course materials this week?
  • What insights have you had?
  • What has caused you to struggle or feel confused?
  • What questions have come up for you at this point?
  • Do you have any helpful tips that you have picked up in this course or a past one?

Discussion 3

Annotated Bibliography Builder Learning Acivity

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity discussion forum,

  • review the Week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project, and
  • review the LIB101 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary SourcesLinks to an external site..

A Annotated Bibliography Builder Annotated Bibliography Builder This template will assist you with creating a reference and an annotation for each of the two sources you are required to contribute to the annotated bibliography in the Annotated Bibliography Builder Learning Activity discussion forum in Week 3.

APA References for Your Article, Chapter, Webpage, Artifact, Work of Art, or Architectural Monument

APA Format for Journal Article:

Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Publication Title, volume number(issue), pp–pp. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010). How to cite a journal article. History of Citation, 62(4), 56-75. https://url_goes_here

APA Format for Chapter in a Book:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (edition, if other than the first, pp. XX–XX). Publisher Name. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010). How to cite a journal article. In J.K. Holloway (Ed.), A Brief History of Citation (pp. 56-75). Major University Press. https://url_goes_here

APA Format for Webpage:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of web page. Site Name. URL


Mendoza, V. (2010, June). How to cite a journal article. A Brief History of Citation.

APA Format for Artifact:

[Description of Artifact]. (Date of the artifact’s creation). Name of the Museum Collection (Box, File, or

Call Number). Name of the Museum, Location of Museum. Website data (if applicable).


[Coral Pounder, Caroline Islands, Micronesia]. (n.d.). Artifact Number 03292, Hawaiian National

Museum Collection. Bishop Museum. Honolulu, HI.

APA Format for Work of Art:

Artist (Year of completion). Title [Description of material]. Name of Institution, Museum, or Collection, City, abbreviated Province/State. Website data (if applicable).


Giotto di Bondone (1305). The Lamentation of Christ [Fresco]. Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, Padua.

APA Format for Architectural Monument:

Name of Structure (Year of completion). [Description of the structure]. Location. Website data (if applicable).


Parthenon (432 BCE). [Temple]. Athens.

For further guidance on creating APA references for other kinds of sources, go to the UAGC Writing Center’s APA: Formatting Your Reference List.

What to Include in Your Article, Chapter, or Web Article Annotation

1. Explain what makes your source scholarly: a. What do you know about the author? Do a Google search on the author; find their biography at the place they teach, and look for their Curriculum Vitae (an academic resume). What information establishes them as a credible expert on this topic?

b. What are some examples of scholarly sources that are referenced and cited in this article, chapter, or web article?

2. In your own words, what is the author’s thesis or the central focus? What would you answer if you described what you read to someone, and then they asked “So what’s the point?”

What to Include in Your Primary Source Annotation

1. Explain what makes your source primary: a. Was the source created close to the time of the event?

2. In a sentence or two, what do we know about this author (e.g., dates, social or marital status, relevant places of residence, etc.)? You might need to get more information about the author! a. Did the original author have firsthand knowledge of the subject at hand? Or, did he or she report what others saw and heard?

b. What opinions or interests did the author have that influenced what was recorded?

3. What do we know about the source? When, where, and/or why was it created? What type of source is it (e.g., treatise, law code, letter, journal, etc.)? a. For what purpose was the piece originally written?

b. For whom was the piece originally directed? Did the writer produce the source for personal use, for one or more individuals, or for a large audience? Was the source meant to be public or private?

c. What were the author’s motivations for writing? Did the writer wish to inform or persuade others? Did the writer have reasons to be honest or dishonest? Any ulterior motives? What might they have been?

4. Why is this source important? a. What was going on at the time and place that the source was created? What are the most important issues closely associated with this source?

b. What broader themes does or could the source address that provide insight into the period under consideration?

c. What impact might the source have had in context of its time and/or place?

d. How would you use this source as a piece of historical evidence? i. What does this source tell us?

ii. What strengths does this source have as historical evidence?

iii. What limitations does this source have as historical evidence?

iv. What questions does it leave unanswered?

v. What other sorts of evidence might support it?

5. What specific part of your week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project could this primary source support? Why?

Where to Find Sources to Review

1. LIB101 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary Sources (accessible through the online classroom)

2. Multimedia Tours (accessible through the online classroom)

LIB101: Week 1 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 2 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 3 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 4 Civilization Tour

LIB101: Week 5 Civilization Tour

The purpose of this activity is to help you develop your library research skills, so you can locate primary sources, books, and journal articles related to your Week 5 Comparative Human Experience final project. You are required to find two sources that you can use for the final project. Your first source must be a primary source and your second source must be a scholarly, secondary source. (Tip! Your primary source should be one of the works of history, literature, philosophy, theology, art, architecture, or music that expresses your chosen theme in one of the societies you will discuss in the final project). Remember to download your sources, if possible, or save the reference somewhere safe as you will be using these sources again as a part of your Final Project Preparation assignment this week. Do not select tertiary sources such as encyclopedia articles for this exercise, as they do not meet the research requirements for the final project.

This activity will also help you focus on analyzing sources by writing annotations. What is an annotation? An annotation is a brief written commentary on a scholarly book, chapter, journal article, or primary source that summarizes its central points and main argument. In the case of primary sources, you will identify key elements of the source that will help you analyze its significance.

For your initial posting, use the Annotated Bibliography Builder TemplateLinks to an external site. as a guide for creating a reference and annotation for each of your two sources. Post your annotated bibliography in the discussion forum for your classmates to view

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Providing patient care in the changing health care system. 

In this assignment, students will pull together the capstone project change proposal components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. For this project, the student will apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice. 

Develop a 2,500-4,000 written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal: 


Clinical problem statement. 

Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system. 

PICOT question. 

Literature search strategy employed. 

Evaluation of the literature. 

Applicable change or nursing theory utilized. 

Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures. 

Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan. 

Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention. 

Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome. 

Appendix section, for evaluation tools and educational materials, etc. are created. 

Review the feedback from your instructor on the PICOT Question Paper, and Literature Review. Use this feedback to make appropriate revisions to these before submitting. 

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance. 

Benchmark Information 

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: 

RN to BSN 

1.4: Implement patient care decisions based on evidence-based practice. 

2.2: Manage patient care within the changing environment of the health care system. 

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Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a local health system

You are the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a local health system. Your organization held its annual strategic planning session and decided that there needed to be a change in the Emergency Departments (ED) relative to the triage process at one of the facilities. The Chief Executive Officer has suggested a pilot program utilizing telemedicine to supplement its ED services. The use of telemedicine may reduce wait times at the ED and triage non-emergent needs to the appropriate level of care (i.e., urgent care or primary care). It would also allow for more resources to be deployed for ED related services, such as on-call physicians operating remotely.


In your role as CIO, you will need to research the use of telehealth in the ED and its implications for the organization. Draft a memo outlining the readiness of the organization to implement the change strategy. Your memo should include:

  • A SWOT analysis identifying internal and external forces and trends that may impact the change initiative.
  • A discussion of the challenges facing the ED based on research into the utilization practices of the ED in your community or in a community with which you are familiar.
  • Recommendation of the organization’s potential readiness for the change, including any actions that should be taken to increase readiness.

Using the Rasmussen library, research common challenges facing Emergency Departments. In addition, research utilization practices commonly aligned with ED visits. Use information from your current facility (or one you are familiar with or can research) to develop a SWOT analysis. Your recommendation should be based on both your SWOT analysis and your research into ED challenges.


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The nurse practitioner’s (NP) role in the health care delivery system has evolved

Reflect on your experience in NP700.  

This is a description of the class – make it positive feedback

The nurse practitioner’s (NP) role in the health care delivery system has evolved.  As healthcare delivery constantly changes, the nurse practitioner must evaluate and adapt accordingly.  This course examines where the NP role started and how the scope of practice has changed. You will examine advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) history, role, and regulatory and professional issues. You will take a close look at professional organizations and current healthcare trends in your own community. In addition, we will begin to explore the world of evidence-based practice, an advanced practice core competency.  Then we will discuss leadership and ethics as they relate to the advanced practice nurse.

This is the assignment –

A reflection is similar to other essays or discussions in that it needs to be easily understood and well structured. Still, the content is more akin to something personal, like a diary entry.  In a reflection, the person primarily examines his or her life experiences, hence the term ‘reflective’. The purpose of composing a reflection is to provide a platform for the author to not only recount a particular life experience but also explore how he or she has changed or learned from those experiences.

As you decide on the content of your reflection, you need to remember that a reflective essay is highly personal and aimed at engaging the reader or target audience. And there’s much more to a reflection than just recounting a story. You need to be able to reflect on your experience by showing how it influenced your subsequent behaviors and how your life, as a student, has been particularly changed as a result.

An excellent way to get started is to pick out some reflective questions which will help you think deeper about the impact and lasting effects of your experience.  Here are some examples:

· What have you learned about yourself as a result of the experience?

· Have you developed because of it? How?

· Did it have any positive or negative bearing on your life?

· Looking back, what would you have done differently?– What are your thoughts on the experience in general?

·  Was it a valuable learning experience? —   What specific skills or perspectives did you acquire as a result?

· Please demonstrate thoughtfulness and reflection in your response.  

· Please be professional in your grammar and language.  

APA is not required because this is your original thought.   However, proper grammar and spelling are expected.


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Evaluate a social problem and how it impacts the criminal justice system in the United States

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 3 and 4 of your textbook. You will develop an outline, using the sample below, that includes an abstract, problem statement, and annotated bibliography. Use the UAGC Writing Center’s Writing an AbstractLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

Problem Statement: Evaluate a social problem and how it impacts the criminal justice system in the United States. You will recall that in the Post Your Introduction activity in Week 1 you identified a social problem. You may use that problem for your Final Paper or choose a different social and criminal justice problem.

Outline: Using the sample below as a guide, provide an outline for your Final Paper. Remember that papers are expected to define a significant problem faced by the justice system, describe the scope and consequences of the problem, and discuss society’s responses to the problem (including public policies and other less formal responses). Your paper should also present a clearly reasoned alternative, supported by scholarly research.

Annotated Bibliography: The purpose of creating a list of sources is to assist you in organizing and evaluating your research.

  • Identify the problem. Be sure to narrow your problem enough to allow a focused examination.
  • Describe the individual, social, and criminal justice system implications of this problem. Discussion of implications should be supported by accurate research data.
  • Summarize what experts say about the problem.
  • Explain what we, as a society, have done to remedy this problem. Consider public policies and other, less formal responses.
  • Analyze to what extent public policies and other, less formal responses are effective in addressing this problem.
  • Propose an alternative solution to the problem.
  • Analyze why the alternative is, or can be, an effective response to the problem. Remember to consider negative consequences of the alternative response.
  • Conclude with your thoughts about your chosen social problem. This is a good place to include personal opinions, assuming you wish to share them in a research paper.
  • Create an annotated bibliographyLinks to an external site.. In the bibliography, include the following:
    • Name of the source, including the complete bibliographic reference in proper APA format, as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s Annotated BibliographyLinks to an external site.
    • Summary of the source (at least one paragraph) including how this source will contribute to your paper.

In short, define a problem, discuss the response, and provide alternative responses to the problem. For example, your problem could be drug use and abuse, with a focus on prescription drug abuse among teenagers. Your description of the problems should be fact based, relying on expert opinion. Your alternative can be an adjustment of current policy or a new direction. For example, you may propose longer prison sentences, or legalization of all drugs. Be creative, although suggestions must be supported by scholarly research.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


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More Than A Mile Behind: America and the Metric System website

Compute equations using measurement conversion formulas and the metric system (Visit the Definition of Metric System website for an explanation of the metric system). 

Follow the three-step plan

1. Read: Discussion Background

The metric system is the primary measurement system used in the medical field. Healthcare professionals must have the ability to convert units of measurement within and between the metric system and the US customary system.

Read this More Than A Mile Behind: America and the Metric System website on the importance of mastering metric conversions.

2. Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below

  1. The author believes we are “endangering our health by not using the metric system.” Explain why you either agree or disagree with this statement.
  2. Do you believe that the US should convert to the metric system? Explain why or why not.
  3. As a healthcare professional, what are the possible consequences for failing to master metric system conversion skills?

3. Reply Posts: Reply to two people on different days.

To add to the academic conversation, reply to your classmates/instructor by introducing a new idea that applies personal experience(s) and/or new knowledge gained from either courseroom material(s) or research (UMA Library). Make sure your reply is substantive. For example, How were your thoughts and ideas similar or different? Do you agree or disagree with their point of view, and why or why not? Remember to build on your classmates’ posts and expand the conversation as if you were all sitting in the same room having a face-to-face discussion.

Need help creating replies?

  1. Identify a classmate’s post you do not agree with and explain why not.
  2. Share a meaningful connection (personal or professional) to a classmate’s response.

Learn more about Discussion features, review Discussion Help.

” style=”display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; overflow: auto hidden; text-align: start;”>

The purpose of this discussion is to help you compute equations using measurement conversion formulas and the metric system (Visit the Definition of Metric System website for an explanation of the metric system).

Follow the three-step plan

1. Read: Discussion Background

The metric system is the primary measurement system used in the medical field. Healthcare professionals must have the ability to convert units of measurement within and between the metric system and the US customary system.

Read this More Than A Mile Behind: America and the Metric System website on the importance of mastering metric conversions.

2. Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below

  1. The author believes we are “endangering our health by not using the metric system.” Explain why you either agree or disagree with this statement.
  2. Do you believe that the US should convert to the metric system? Explain why or why not.
  3. As a healthcare professional, what are the possible consequences for failing to master metric system conversion skills?

………Get more on More Than A Mile Behind: America and the Metric System website

Writers Solution

Primary influencers of healthcare system organization and structure

A lot of variables impact the organization and structure of healthcare systems.

Among the key influences are:

Government policies and regulations: Through policies and regulations, governments shape the organization and structure of healthcare systems. They establish rules, guidelines, and standards that control how healthcare is given, funded, and governed. Healthcare finance models, healthcare workforce laws, quality standards, and patient safety requirements are examples of government policies.

Economic considerations, such as a country's total wealth and economic stability, have an influence on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. Economic issues impact healthcare resource allocation, healthcare service availability, and the finance systems utilized to sustain the healthcare system.

Population demographics and health needs: A population's demographics and health requirements have a considerable effect on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. Population size, age distribution, chronic illness prevalence, and individual health requirements all determine the sorts of services and resources needed, as well as the focus put on preventive, primary care, or specialty treatment.

Technological advancements: Advances in medical technology and healthcare informatics have a significant influence on the organization and structure of the healthcare system. New technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare services are provided, improve patient outcomes, and increase efficiency. Implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) and telemedicine technology, for example, has altered how healthcare is given and organized.

Socio-cultural factors: Societal and cultural norms, values, and beliefs impact the organization and structure of the healthcare system. Cultural influences may influence healthcare-seeking behavior, patient-provider interactions, and acceptability of certain medical procedures or therapies. The structure and objectives of healthcare systems are also influenced by societal views on health, wellbeing, and the role of healthcare in society.

Stakeholder interests and influence: Stakeholders with interests and influence in healthcare system organization and structure include healthcare providers, insurers, pharmaceutical corporations, patient advocacy organizations, and professional associations. Based on their interests and viewpoints, these stakeholders often shape policies, legislation, and resource allocation choices.

Global trends and experiences from other nations may also have an impact on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. International organizations, research results, and best practices from other nations may help to educate policy choices and inspire healthcare system improvements.

It is crucial to highlight that the impacts on healthcare system organization and structure differ by country and location, since each healthcare system is molded by its own environment, history, and social values.

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Analyze Ms. Zeichner’s plan for developing her classroom management system

Discussion 4

Discussion Directions

After all you have learned in this course, it is time to think about how you would develop your own classroom management plan and philosophy. What theories and theorists stand out most to you? With which ones do you most closely identify? Let the following learning activity help you think of ways you would develop your own plan.

( )

Answer the following questions and respond thoughtfully to your classmates’ posts:

Analyze Ms. Zeichner’s plan for developing her classroom management system. Is it realistic or idealistic to seek input from all of these groups?
Based on what you have learned in this course, what theories or models would you incorporate into your own classroom management plan? Why did you choose these specific theories or models?
Would you seek input from students, administrators, and parents, like Ms. Zeichner? Explain why or why not. If so, what questions would you ask?
Getting off to a good start is key to effective classroom management. The Wongs’ classroom management model focuses on the first days of school and preparing your classroom for an effective school year. Review the principles of the Wong classroom management model.

How can you use the Wong classroom management model to ensure success in your classroom?
How can you apply Wong’s approach to your personal philosophy of classroom management?
Review your classmates’ posts. How are their answers similar to or different from yours? Explain.

Discussion 5

Topic 1: Implementing a Cooperative Learning Approach

There might be times when you as a teacher will want to think about changing your classroom management plan. You may come across new theories on your own, a fellow teacher might have a suggestion for you, or the decision to change might come from administration. In any case, you should be prepared to handle such a switch. Read the following case studies and answer each of the associated questions.

Case Study 1

Phillip Naylor was a high school student teacher. In a discussion at a weekly Seminar, he said, “Jones’ opinions on rules might make sense for elementary students, but they certainly do not apply to the high school where I teach. Listen, these students are tough with a capital T — they argue, threaten others, and fight. What will happen if I use some of these strategies that are focused on motivating the students instead of controlling student behavior? What we need are strict and specific rules — ones we can enforce.”

What reasons would you give to either support Jones’ beliefs about classroom management or to support Mr. Naylor’s comments?
How could you apply Jones’ model on classroom management in your classroom?
How can you address the needs of students with behavioral challenges?
Review a classmate’s post, looking for similarities and differences from your response. Compare your peer’s response with yours. Are there other ideas and perspectives you did not originally consider? Explain.

Case Study 2

As a preservice teacher, Sandi Williams was not sure about the effectiveness of using cooperative learning with diverse students. “OK, I know it works with those who are working on grade level. But I’m not sure about students with disabilities or special needs. Just how much can they contribute to or get out of a group? And gifted students like to compete. Cooperative learning takes away half of their fun! And it probably slows them down, too. Then there are those students who just like to goof off. With a cooperative learning group, they’ll just wait for someone else to do the work. Nope, I don’t see how cooperative learning helps diverse classes of students and I don’t see how it helps classroom management.”

Using the ideas of the Kagan model, respond to each of Sandi’s concerns.
Can cooperative learning groups work with a diverse population of students? Use the Kagan model of classroom management to develop a plan for effectively incorporating diverse students into cooperative learning groups.
What accommodations or modifications might she have to make to meet the needs of students with disabilities?
Review a classmate’s post. Compare and contrast your response with your peer’s response.

Discussion 6

Topic 1: Creating Your Classroom Management Plan and Reflecting on the Course

The discussions in this course include several components. You may not be able to address all of these questions in a single post. You will need to plan to return to the discussion several times during the week to weigh in on the questions. Please make sure you do so as part of both original posts as well as in replies to your classmates. Remember that your grade for the Discussion Board comprises both original postings and your contributions through replies. Both are great places to introduce new information, opinions, links, etc., and both are equally important to your grade.

In this course, you have reviewed numerous models of classroom management. Use these models to share the rules, consequences and rewards, procedures, strategies for motivating learners, and strategies for building a positive learning environment for your classroom.

Classroom Management Plan

List the following:

Rules (only 4–5)
Consequences & Rewards
Discuss your strategies for addressing the following in your classroom:

Motivating all diverse learners.
Building a positive learning environment.
State and discuss the models or theories of classroom management that you used to inform your classroom management plan.

After you have posted your classroom management plan, please respond to your classmates and give them feedback and suggestions on their plans — what else might they do? Are there additional issues they could plan for or should have considered? Do you see some ideas that you might incorporate into your own plan?

Course Reflection

Reflect back on your initial response about classroom management in your introduction post.

How do you define classroom management now after completing this course?
What are the areas of classroom management that you now find most challenging after completing this course?
How have your responses to these questions changed since the beginning of the course?
How can you use the details learned in this course to inform your classroom management practices in your classroom?




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Intrusion Protection System (IPS) Lab – Installing Snort

Assessment Description

Cybersecurity professionals must harden the firewall to ensure it is properly configured and updated.

In this lab, you will use the pfSense system from Topic 1 and Snort software to harden and test the firewall.

Complete the following:

  1. View the “Intrusion Protection System (IPS) Lab – Installing Snort” within the Video Playlist: Technology Implementation of Security Solutions, located in Class Resources.
  2. Configure Snort and start the Snort service. Update Snort and download the latest community rules. Ensure that you have configured Snort to detect port scans.
  3. Using Kali Linux, perform a full GVM scan of the pfSense VM.
  4. Provide screenshots of the Snort installation steps and the port scan logs from Snort.
  5. In a Microsoft Word document, provide screenshots of the Snort installation steps and the port scan logs from Snort. Make sure to describe the screenshots and include lessons learned, any issues you encountered during the installation process, as well as how to prevent them in the future. In addition, describe which scans were detected by Snort and how hardening methods helped to detect the scans.

APA style is not required, but solid technical writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. 




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Impact of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on the organization

Assignment based on Impact of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on the organization.

Client Info:

Mehdi Alinejad, Sales Engineer at Total Parking Solutions Inc. (

Field of business: Automated and semi-automated parking systems for buildings.

Organizational chart:

Permanent full-time employees: 2 persons, outsourced /part-time/ internship: 7 persons

Current Problem (briefly): All of our data are saved in different locations (PC, Google Drive, or

even hard- copy), which is hard to save or find the required data. Also, it cannot be accessed easily

from everywhere.

Some detail about the Problem:

• Data is saved in different locations: paper, pc, Google Drive, WhatsApp, and Telegram. So

we always have problems with where to save new data or where to find old data.

• We ran out of data storage in our computers and Google drive (high amount of data as well

as duplicated data)

• Some of our data are related to different subjects (e.g., a data sheet could be related to a

product and a project at the same time). So they are duplicated in different folders or

subfolders and even within the same folder. These duplicated saved data occupy data

storage space and make us confused during data access. A data cleaning app/software is


• We need to give access to different users: different users, different access levels, un/limited

access time. The above organizational chart depicts users of the data.

• We do not have a search option for our stored date. Even if we search on the PC of Drive,

due to different locations of storage, and poor tagging/labelling, the suitable result is not

achievable. Moreover, the available search options will not find different contents that may

be related to our search.

• We need to classify our data as raw data (useful/junction), information, and knowledge.

• Our data should be appropriately classified and saved in the new data management system;

somehow, a new employee can find and understand everything with minimum/zero support

from the old employees (knowledge management).

Content (data to be managed in the new system):

– Video files (mostly from our projects)

– Image files (mostly from our projects)

– Chat texts or email texts (internal or external correspondence)

– Product’s data sheets

– Clients’ information

– Projects information (potential projects, current projects, finished projects,

maintenance/after-sales service projects,) – Marketing data

– Notes and schedules of our daily tasks/ projects, and deadlines reminder

Managing these different content as well as the users who access these contents is essential

for us.

Solution required: A digital data management system (Digital transformation) may be a

suitable solution.

Required: This is a business report to the CEO.

Minimum: 2000 words or 6 pages (apart from the cover page & references page).

Diagrams and tables to support your analysis should be included in the paper.

At least five academic references APA 7th edition should be included in this report.

Recommended: Get Guru Knowledge management system and Freshdesk Knowledge Management system

  1. Do a comparative analysis of both Knowledge Management systems to solve the problems and answer the questions below
  2. What kind of technology is needed in the organization to deploy the suggested KMS systems? What is needed at a desktop level, a network level, a storage level, and a mobile level?
  3. What kind of cybersecurity is needed for both KMS systems?
  4. What are the challenges to getting employees to use the suggested KMS systems? For each challenge identified, how will those challenges be mitigated?




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