Writers Solution

Deal with complex professional issues systematically and creatively

Drawing upon current academic research, consider barriers to inclusion and critically analyse strategies for inclusion within English classrooms. You can focus on a specific diagnosis, or an area of need from the SEND Code of Practice (DfE and DoH, 2015).’

2500 words

Learning Outcomes

1.    Deal with complex professional issues systematically and creatively

2.    Use research to inform the development of practice

3.    Critically evaluate current research in the area of inclusion

4.    Demonstrate originality in the interpretation and application of knowledge and research in the area of inclusion

Suggested Structure


·      State the aims of the essay and the main areas of discussion. Say which general issues you will be discussing and which area of need or diagnosis you are focusing on and introduce key issues in this area.

Explore some of the general issues around inclusive teaching in England

·      Outline one or two key issues with creating an inclusive environment which may impact on inclusive teaching, for example curriculum, assessment, use of teaching assistants etc. These should be generally about creating an inclusive environment (not specifically linked to your chosen area of need yet)

·      You need to critically reflect on how the theory impacts on practice – this means exploring some of the complexities of inclusive education, and outlining the mismatch that sometimes occurs between theory and practice

Discuss barriers to and strategies for inclusion.

·      Outline possible barriers to inclusion for the specific area of need or diagnosis you are discussing. What are specific issues that children/young people with this diagnosis/area of need can face in accessing the classroom/curriculum? Remember to link to literature and use tentative language. Avoid generalisations.

·      You need to link this to your previous section about general issues for inclusion in the classroom. Can you see any complexities?

·      You can focus on a specific age group if you like- early childhood, primary age, secondary age, further or higher education. You do not need to do this but you may need to narrow your discussion down if you have chosen a broad area of need.

·      You then need to discuss the strategies that could be used to create an inclusive environment with children with your chosen diagnosis/area of need in mind. You may want to consider some of the below.

–       Lesson objectives and aims

–       Use of staff

–       Grouping / room layout

–       Resources used

–       Activities

–       Assessment

–       Homework

–       Specific (named) support strategies / interventions (e.g. SCERTS, SPELL, Read Write Inc)

·      You will not be able to cover all aspects in sufficient detail, so if you do choose any of these then choose which ones you want to explore that relate closely to your area of need.

·      Remember that whichever strategies you discuss, you need to do this critically- this can mean considering strengths and potential benefits of the strategy, any weaknesses or complications, and the implications for pupils, teachers, or support staff. This is essential for achieving a passing grade.

·      Ensure your essay links the general issues, the specific barriers children with your chosen area of need or diagnosis may face, and then the strategies that could be used to support them in the classroom- these sections should lead on logically from each other.


·      You need to draw together all the threads of your assignment, making sure you do not bring in any new ideas. Summarise the key points of the essay.

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