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What was the feeling of it, the colors, techniques, theme, director, style, music, anything!


Directions For this assignment, you will need to choose a topic or person from any of the various eras, movements or decades that we’ve discussed this semester and do a presentation on them using any


  1. For this assignment, you will need to choose a topic or person from any of the various eras, movements or decades that we’ve discussed this semester and do a presentation on them using any media format you choose. (IM CHOOSING THE MOVIE PSYCHO-   Why was this movie important to hollywood? What was the feeling of it, the colors, techniques, theme, director, style, music, anything!  What was special about Alfred Hitchcock and this film?
  2. The subject matter doesn’t have to be limited to an actor, director or filmmaker, but  the topic of your presentation could be on the inventions of any of the equipment, editing or filming techniques that you’ve learned about.  Basically, you can pick an area to cover and do your presentation on that.  The point is that you take a deeper dive into the subject by exploring information about it that may not have been  covered in this course.  It does have to be something that was included in either the textbook, a movie, lecture or discussion that we’ve had.
  3. Once you choose your area of interest, your project should be created in some type of media format. make it a powerpoint presentation. The possibilities are limitless.  You can be as creative as you’d like.  As long as you are presenting your insights, take-aways and interesting information about the subject matter in a thoughtful, thorough way.  And, if it’s entertaining, even better!  
  4. Tip: Think of this project/presentation as a way to educate your fellow classmates on a topic or subject matter that you have chose to investigate further and then present your findings in a method that is relevant for today’s times.  


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techniques that enable managers to appraise

In this workshop, we will look at techniques that enable managers to appraise, or weigh up, investment in long-lasting assets by relating the initial outlay to the future revenue. These techniques are used by businesses both to assess specific investments and to decide between alternative investments. Companies take these decisions very seriously because they involve large amounts of resources and once made they cannot be reversed.

Buglear, John. Quantitative Methods for Business (p. 261). Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Assess the financial viability of alternative solutions.


  1. Review the file title Investment Analysis and complete the five questions at the end of the file. Be show to show your work. You may do the work in excel but be sure your answers are clearly highlighted and that the formulas work within the excel document


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Fundamental visualization software techniques to analyze data and tell the data story

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to use fundamental visualization software techniques to analyze data and tell the data story.


Open Tableau and connect to the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet in the \\\”Rental Data\\\” file. 

The \\\”Rental Data\\\” file contains data on car rental activity for a specialty rental car company, whose customer base is only college students. Note for the \\\”Insurance\\\” field 1 = customer purchased rental insurance, and 0 = customer did not purchase rental insurance. The \\\”InputData\\\” worksheet provides a description of each \\\”CarID\\\” code. \\\”TimeOut\\\” is measured in hours, and \\\”Price\\\” is dollar amount charged for the rental. The \\\”Note\\\” field includes the general condition of the rented car upon its return. The remaining fields in the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet are self-explanatory.

Create the following charts/tables using Tableau. Charts/Tables will be based on the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet in the \\\”Rental Data\\\” file. Place each chart/table into a separate sheet in your Tableau file.

  1. Column Chart: Sum of Miles by CarID. Ensure that the column bars are purple and that the mileage values are above each column. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyCarID.\\\”
  2. Pie Chart: Percentage Time out by \\\”Standing.\\\” Ensure that the percentage values for each pie piece are displayed on the chart. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyStanding.\\\”
  3. Scatter Chart: Time Out by Price. Ensure \\\”TimeOut\\\” is the x variable, and \\\”Price\\\” is the y variable. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyPrice.\\\”
  4. Horizontal Bar Chart: Time Out by Car ID by Month. Ensure that the horizontal bars are green and that the time out values are to the right of each column. Partition the chart by month. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyCarID.\\\”
  5. Text Table: Count of Notes by Gender by Standing by Insurance. Ensure that the counts are blue. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”NotebyGenderbyStandingbyIns.\\\”
  6. Treemap Chart: Count of Notes by Standing. Select your own colors for the treemap. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”NotebyStanding.\\\”
  7. Packed Bubbles Chart: Miles by CarID by Insurance. Select your own colors for the chart (one color for each \\\”Insurance\\\” category). The size of the bubbles should be based on mileage for each \\\”CarId.\\\” Display the \\\”CarID\\\” inside each bubble. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyCarIDbyInsurance.\\\”
  8. Area Chart: Miles by Month. Select your own colors for the chart (one color for each area). Display the \\\”Miles\\\” values on the chart. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyMonth.\\\”

For each required item above, take note of the results. The insights gained from this information will need to be summarized in a PowerPoint presentation that will be submitted as a part of this assignment. You are required to submit the completed Tableau *.twb file and the Excel file containing the source data to your instructor. Create a .zip file that contains your Tableau file and any other supporting files.  Submit your .zip file. Ensure that your last name is in the filenames


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Tools and Techniques for School Budgets

unit 1 assignment: Tools and Techniques for School Budgets


For this assignment, you have been directed by the superintendent to compare the tools and techniques that could be used in administering a school’s budget and report based on what you believe to be the best choice for your district. There are many different types of tools a school system can use. For example, a district can use a simple Excel document or even use a contracted company to have a more complex budget. The choice is theirs.


In your chapter readings, the provided websites, and with your own research, identify and describe three different tools and techniques that can be used in administering a K–12 budget.

Write a 3- to 4-page paper that describes and compares three different tools for administering a K–12 budget of your choice. As you compare the different tools, be sure to address the cost, technology requirements, the skill level of the user needed, as well as the products produced by the tools/programs that you have chosen.

Your completed paper will follow these guidelines:

Use APA Style for formatting, citations, and references.
Includes an introduction with a clearly identified thesis.
Relates content of the paper to the central theme or thesis.
Includes a concluding paragraph that links the content of the essay and synthesizes the intended thesis statement.

Web Resources

Chen, G. (2020, February 14). An overview of the funding of public schools. Public School Review.

National Center for Education Statistics. (n.d.). Chapter IV education equity in the states.

Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. (n.d.). Special education funding in Washington state.

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. (n.d.). School finance tools.

Renee Center for Education Research & Policy. (2012). Smart school budgeting: Resources for districts. ttps://


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How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?

For advanced health assessment, To prepare:
With the information presented in Chapter 1 of Ball et al. in mind, consider the following:
By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned a new patient profile by your Instructor for this Discussion. Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your new patient profile assignment.
How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?
How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patient’s social determinants of health?
What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient, or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks?
Identify any potential health-related risks based upon the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environmental setting that should be taken into consideration.
Select one of the risk assessment instruments presented in Chapter 1 or Chapter 5 of the Seidels Guide to Physical Examination text, or another tool with which you are familiar, related to your selected patient.
Develop at least five targeted questions you would ask your selected patient to assess his or her health risks and begin building a health history.

DISCUSSION CASE PATIENT: 21-year-old Filipino college student living in a dorm wanting to know what birth control is:
For advanced pharmacology,Post a description of the patient case from your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practice from the last 5 years. Then, describe factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patient you identified. Finally, explain details of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing factors and patient history in your case. Be specific and provide examples


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Big Data Mining Techniques and Implementation

CSCI316 (SIM) 202 2 Session 1 – Individual Assignment 2 CSCI316 – Big Data Mining Techniques and Implementation Individual Assignment 2 202 2 Session 1 (SIM) 15 Marks Deadline : Refer to the submission link on Moodle Two (2) tasks are included in this assignment. The specification of each task starts in a separate page. You must implement and run all your Python code in Jupyter Notebook. The deliverables include one Jupyter Notebook source file (with .ipybn extension) and one PDF document for each task. Note: To generate a PDF file for a notebook source file, you can either (i) use the Web browser’s PDF printing function, or (ii) click “File” on top of the notebook, choose “Download as” and then “PDF via LaTex”. All results of your implementation must be reproducible from your submitted Jupyter notebook source files. In addition, the submission must include all execution outputs as well as clear explanation of your implementation algorithms (e.g., in the Markdown format or as co mments in your Python codes). Submission must be done online by using the submission link associated with assignment 1 for this subject on MOODLE. The size limit for all submitted materials is 20MB. DO NOT submit a zip file. Submissions made after the du e time will be assessed as late submissions. Late submissions are counted in full day increments (i.e. 1 minute late counts as a 1 day late submission). There is a 25% penalty for each day after the due date including weekends. The submission site closes four days after the due date. No submission will be accepted after the submission site has closed. This is an individual assignment . Plagiarism of any part of the assignment will result in having 0 mark for the assignment and for all students involved. Marking guidelines Code: Your Python code will be assessed. The computers in the lab define the standard environment for code development and code execution. Note that the correctness, completeness, efficiency, and results of your executed code will be assessed. Thus, code t hat produces no useful outputs will receive zero marks. This also means that code that does not run on a computer in the lab would be awarded zero marks or code where none of the core functions produce correct results would be awarded zero marks. Present ation and explanation: The correctness, completeness and clearness of your answers will be assessed. CSCI316 (SIM) 202 2 Session 1 – Individual Assignment 2 Task 1 (7.5 marks) Data set : The Abalone Data Set (Source: ) Data set information These data consisted of 4 ,177 observations of 9 attributes , detailed as follows. Name / Data Type / Measurement Unit / Description —————————– Sex / nominal / — / M, F, and I (infant) Length / continuous / mm / Longest shell measurement Diameter / continuous / mm / perpendicular to length Height / continuous / mm / with meat in shell Whole weight / continuous / grams / whole abalone Shucked weight / continuous / grams / weight of meat Viscera weight / continuous / grams / gut weight (after bleeding) Shell weight / continuous / grams / after being dried Rings / integer / — / +1.5 gives the age in years Objective Implement a Naïve Bayesian classifier to predict the age of abalone in Python from scratch. Task requirements (1) Randomly separate the data into two subsets: ~70% for training and ~30% for test . (2) The Naïve Bayesian classifier must implements techniques to overcome the numerical underflows and zero counts . (3) No ML library can be used in this task. The implementation must be developed from scratch.

However, scientific computing libraries such as NumPy and SciP y are allowed. Deliverables • A Jupiter Notebook source file named _task 1.ipybn which contains your implementation source code in Python • A PDF document named _task 1.pdf which is generated from your Jupiter Notebook source file . CSCI316 (SIM) 202 2 Session 1 – Individual Assignment 2 Task 2 (7.5 marks) Data set : MAGIC Gamma Telescope Dataset (Source: Data set information The data are Monte -Carlo generated to simulate registration of high energy gamma particles in a ground – based atmospheric Cherenkov gamma telescope using the imaging technique. The dataset contains 19,020 records. Attribute information: 1. fLength: continuous # major axis of ellipse [mm] 2. fWidth: cont inuous # minor axis of ellipse [mm] 3. fSize: continuous # 10 -log of sum of content of all pixels [in #phot] 4. fConc: continuous # ratio of sum of two highest pixels over fSize [ratio] 5. fConc1: continuous # ratio of highest pixel over fSize [ratio] 6. f Asym: continuous # distance from highest pixel to center, projected onto major axis [mm] 7. fM3Long: continuous # 3rd root of third moment along major axis [mm] 8. fM3Trans: continuous # 3rd root of third moment along minor axis [mm] 9. fAlpha: continuous # angle of major axis with vector to origin [deg] 10. fDist: continuous # distance from origin to center of ellipse [mm] 11. class: g,h # gamma (signal), hadron (background) g = gamma (signal): 12332 h = hadron (background): 6688 Objective Develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in TensorFlow/ Keras to predict the signal class . Requirements (1) Randomly separate the data into two subsets: ~70% for training and ~30% for test. (2) The training process includes a hyperparameter fine -tunning step. Define a grid including at least three hyperparameters: (a) the number of hidden layers, (b) the number of neurons in each layer, and (c) the regularization parameter s for L1 and L2. Each hyperparameter has at least two candidate values. All other parameters (e.g., activation functions and learning rates) are up to you. (Note. You can use Scikit -Learn for hyperparameter tuning , i.e., by using a Keras wrapper .) (3) Report the learning curve and test accuracy. Deliverables • A Jupiter Notebook source file named _task2.ipybn which contains your implementation source code in Python • A PDF document named _task2.pdf which is generated from your Jupiter Notebook source file


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Critically appreciate the origins of oil and gas and the main exploration and exploitation techniques

Contemporary Issues in Oil, Gas and Energy
Title The oil and gas industry: business or politics?
Assignment Type Academic Essay
Word Limit 3,500 – 4,000
Weighting 100%
Plagiarism When submitting work for assessment, students should be aware of the LSBF guidance and regulations concerning plagiarism. All submissions should be your own original work.
You must submit an electronic copy of your work. Your submission will be electronically checked.
Referencing &
Instructions The Harvard Referencing System must be used. The Wikipedia website must not be referenced in your work.
You are allowed to upload only ONE attachment (e.g. an Excel sheet) in addition to your original assignment, unless there is a requirement for more than one document in the assignment brief.
You must upload your assignment in PDF or Word document format. Your paper will not be graded if it is submitted in any other format.
If you submit your assignment as a PDF version, please include the exact word count of the assignment on the title page.
Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this assignment you will be able to:

  1. Critically appreciate the origins of oil and gas and the main exploration and exploitation techniques.
  2. Critically evaluate the relative value of the oil and gas business.
  3. Critically analyse how oil and gas are delivered to their destinations and the relative costs.
  4. Critically evaluate global energy policies, trends and alternative energy sources.
  5. Have a thorough understanding of the significance and business and politics of various global regions in the global energy industry.
    Grading Criteria Postgraduate Grading Criteria for this assignment is available at the end of this document.
    Your Task
    According to Ustima (2015), energy is a business. Yet it is so heavily politicised, so transnational and globalised, and so necessary for countries’
    economic wellbeing and security that it cannot simply be viewed as a clearcut business, although for the most part that’s how it runs.
    You are required to critically evaluate and examine the relevant literature to explore the above statement with a special focus on the following factors:
  6. The main theories on the origins of oil and gas (20%) (LO1)
  7. The role of International Oil Companies (IOCs) in the global oil and gas industry (20%) (LO2)
  8. The concept of energy security (20%) (LO4)
  9. The importance of large volume tanker trade in LNG for the global energy market (20%) (LO3, LO5)
  10. The importance of unconventional sources of oil and gas and its effect on the global energy market (20%) (LO4, LO5)
    Guidelines Please read all questions and information provided carefully. Answers should be an appropriate length, keeping in mind the question requirements and total word count allowance.
    In addition, your assignment should demonstrate the following qualities:
    A critical appreciation of relevant literature and its use to support your argument, substantiate calculations, and address other aspects of the assignment.
    Taking ownership of the content, being prepared to debate and argue a personal position, and providing evidence of evaluative skills. A submission made up of extracts from published sources which is descriptive or simply theoretical regurgitation is not acceptable. Your submission must have interpretation and consideration of the challenges and issues of applying theory to practice.
    Logical flow of ideas and treatment; appropriate selection of real-world factors related to the companies under scrutiny.
    Evidence of additional personal research, and the ability to analyse material from a variety of appropriate, relevant perspectives.
    Presentation, structure, appropriateness of methodology, breaking into section headings/subheadings, tidiness.
    Marks will be awarded for proper referencing and originality of work. Also note that plagiarism is a serious offence and your submission will be electronically checked.
    Your report must be handed in electronically no later than the given date of submission.
    Grading Criteria
    Criteria 70%+ (Distinction) 60-69% (Merit) 50-59% (Pass) 0-49% (Fail)
    Generic skills: communication and presentation. Comprehensive and correctly structured assessment. Style of
    writing is very fluent and develops a coherent and logical argument. Excellent referencing. Well structured report which follows appropriate format but some aspects of layout and referencing could be improved.
    Style of writing is fairly
    fluent. Good referencing. Good report in most aspects but suffers from variations in quality and the layout contains some inadequacies. Style of writing is satisfactory. Referencing needs improving. Very poor report which is incorrectly structured and contains major errors and omissions. Style of writing is descriptive, lacks coherence and fluency.
    Poor referencing.
    Knowledge &
    Understanding Demonstrates excellent knowledge of theory and provides critical theoretical underpinning. Very good interpretations and summarising of main themes. Wide range of knowledge demonstrated and evidence of good understanding of the topic.
    Ability to interpret and summarise succinctly. Good range of knowledge
    demonstrated but with some room for improvement. Some understanding displayed of the topic.
    Summary and
    interpretation are satisfactory. Very poor range of knowledge, research and interpretation of information that is subjective and lacks conceptual coherence. There is no
    clear identification, understanding or interpretation of main themes.
    Analysis Excellent use of theoretical and conceptual models to guide analysis linked with a critical discussion of main themes.
    Has demonstrated an ability to discriminate in the use of more abstract concepts and techniques. Very good use of the theoretical and conceptual models with good critical discussion. Has applied a range of
    analytical skills with greater independence and understanding of more abstract data or concepts.
    Use of theory and concepts limited in scope and depth but relevant. Application could be improved and there is a tendency towards description rather than application of concepts.
    Very poor use of theory
    and very little application of core concepts.
    Very little or limited analysis and evaluation in relation to fundamental principles and concepts.
    Synthesis/ Creativity/ Application Logical presentation of themes with appropriate examples being demonstrated. Very good demonstration of synthesis. Models have been clearly applied to the argument. Very good account of main themes with sound application. Good attempt at applying models to the argument. Fairly good attempt at synthesising the salient points. Good account of main themes with some attempt at application. Limited evidence of synthesis. Very poor account of main themes with little or no application. No links between models and argument.
    Evaluation Shows clear evidence of in-depth critical reflection and evaluation of the argument by providing a robust defence of the opinions presented in the assessment. Shows evidence of
    critical reflection and evaluation and a fairly cohesive defence of the argument Shows some evidence
    of critical reflection but could have been developed. Shows little or no evidence of critical reflection and needs to be much more developed. There is no defence of the opinions presented





  • Critically appreciate the origins of oil and gas and the main exploration and exploitation techniques
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    implement vulnerability and risk assessment techniques to justify implementation and enforcement of security policies

    The purpose of this assignment is to implement vulnerability and risk assessment techniques to justify implementation and enforcement of security policies.

    Part 1:

    For this assignment you will need to install the Belarc Advisor by going to the Belarc website and following the instructions provided in the “Belarc Installation, Saving, and Uploading Instructions” resource. Instructions for saving and uploading the assignment files are also included in this document. In step 10 you will complete a local system scan of your computer.

    Note: If your computer utilizes an operating system other than Windows 7, Vista, or XP Pro, you will need to use the “Summary” file to complete the topic assignment rather than the local system scan outlined in step 10 of the “Belarc Installation, Saving, and Uploading Instructions.”

    Use the results of the local system scan to compose a 300-word paper that discusses each section’s role in securing or protecting the scanned system. Expand each section to identify how the system passed or failed the various policies. For each section, address the following:

    1. Identify the section and explain why the system passed or failed.
    2. Explain the risks identified from the results.
    3. Discuss how a threat could exploit the risks and impact the system.
    4. Explain how the failed policies can be solved.

    Part 2:

    Using the “Risk Assessment Template,” list 20 risks in the “Risk” column. The risks should be failed items from the Belarc Advisor results. Complete the remaining spreadsheet columns for each identified risk. The spreadsheet must include the following:

    1. Risk Title: Obtained from the Belarc Advisor report.
    2. Description: Summarize the information obtained from the Belarc Advisor report hyperlink (pop-up window).
    3. Vulnerability: Explain the vulnerability associated with this risk.
    4. Threat: Identify potential threats that can exploit this vulnerability.
    5. Current Safeguards: Identify if any policies or best practices are in place to reduce the likelihood the threat will be successful.
    6. Impact: Describe the impact if threat is successful.
    7. Severity: Measure the overall severity of the exploitation or impact.
    8. Likelihood: Measure the likelihood a threat will be successful.
    9. Risk Value: Measure the overall value of the risk (low = no real value is exploited; medium = dangerous if exploited; high = extremely grave if exploited).

    Submit the 300-word paper, Belarc Advisor results (.xps or .pdf), and completed “Risk Assessment Template.”

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

    You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

    Benchmark Information

    This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

    MS Information Technology Management

    1.5: Evaluate system risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and practices and processes to ensure the safety and security of business information systems.

    MS Information Assurance and Cybersecurity

    3.2: Evaluate system risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and practices and processes to ensure the safety and security of business information systems




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    Technologies and techniques used by organisations in the initial disruption and also how organisations are developing new strategies to operate and compete in the “new normal”. Your focus will be on the use of information technology, be it innovative use of existing technology


    Worth: This assignment is worth 30% of your final grade
    This assignment should be carried out in teams of two students.
    Submission instructions: Teams should submit their assignment to the ICT622 LMS site (unless alternative arrangements have been made).
    Late submissions will be penalised at the rate of 5 marks per day late or part thereof unless prior approval for an extension has been gained.
    You should submit your research essay as a Word document. THE FILE YOU SUBMIT MUST BE NAMED USING THE FORM: Unit Number, teaching Period, assessment title, Surname.docx or other appropriate file extension. E.g. ICT622_S2_2021_Research_Essay_ Smith_and_Partner.docx
    You must include a completed assignment cover page (you can find it at end of this document – copy and paste it into your document). You must keep a copy of the final version of your submission and be prepared to provide it on request.
    The University treats plagiarism, collusion, theft of other students’ work and other forms of dishonesty in assessment seriously. Any instances of dishonesty in this assessment will be reported as academic misconduct. The use of text spinners to hide plagiarism is very serious and will normally incur heavier penalties. For guidelines on honesty in assessment including avoiding plagiarism, see the University website for relevant advice.
    The Covid-19 Pandemic has had a devastating impact on our personal lives during the last six months. On top of that, all organizations operations, Government, NGOs and businesses have been heavily disrupted. Organisations with leading edge technology, particularly remote, autonomous, automatic/robotic and AI functions may have been better able to cope with the disruptions. However, all organizations that have survived the initial disruptions have had to amend their business practices to deal with the “New Normal” reality of the ongoing pandemic.
    This research essay gives your team the chance to research a topic of interest in some depth. Your team is to write a research essay exploring different technologies and techniques used by organisations in the initial disruption and also how organisations are developing new strategies to operate and compete in the “new normal”. Your focus will be on the use of information technology, be it innovative use of existing technology or the use or intended use of emerging technologies. Also you should focus on other strategies organisations have used such as restructuring of the organisation, changing IT or business processes, outsourcing, or any other strategy used.
    It is too early since the beginning of the pandemic for there to be a great deal of main stream research literature on this topic. However, you should find a host of information from other sources such as news outlets, individual organisations and business sources. An example would be This site explores aspects of the recovery process and may assist you in understanding the challenges that all organisations face.
    The research essay should pull together the significant readings you have identified, and present a critical summary of the nature, state and likely future directions and strategies of organisations during and post the pandemic.
    To do:
    To successfully complete the assignment, you must begin searching for relevant literature immediately. Find a minimum of 15 relevant sources of information covering between at least 3 and up to 6 separate organisations. The sources may be journal articles (if at all possible), online reports or articles.
    After reading each article, you should think about how they all fit together. Your review should be organized by concepts, such as findings, rather than by sources of information. Do not proceed through the articles one-by-one in your research essay. This will make for extremely boring reading. Bring forward the generalised concepts of the technologies or techniques used. E.g. online meetings with Teams and zoom etc. would sit in the area of remote group cooperative working etc.
    Your essay should include:
    • An introduction that describes the journey the reader will be taken on whilst reading your essay
    • The main body that reviews the literature and compares the technologies and the comparative effectiveness of them to assist the organisations continued or renewed competitive advantage.
    • A conclusion that compares and highlights what you believe have been the most successful innovations used to support organisations through this unprecedented period of history.
    Format Guidelines
    • Give your research essay a title that clearly reflects its contents.
    • Your review should be around 2500 words in length, but can be longer if you wish.
    • Include appropriate citations throughout the review
    • Use APA or IEEE referencing style, but be consistent in its use.
    • Include an author/date bibliography at the end
    • Your submission should include a minimum of 15 references (one for each source)
    NOTE: Plagiarism is not acceptable. Your submission will go through URKUND so be aware that plagiarism is easily detected and WILL be reported.

    Information Technology Strategy
    Name: _____________
    FAMILY NAME (Capital Letters) Given Names Student Number
    Name: _____________
    FAMILY NAME (Capital Letters) Given Names Student Number
    Due Date: Date Submitted:
    Your assignment should meet the following requirements.
    Please confirm this by ticking the boxes before submitting.
    ? Above details are fully complete.
    ? Submitted files do not contain any viruses.
    ? You have retained a copy of submitted files.
    ? Declaration below is completed.
    All forms of plagiarism, cheating and unauthorized collusion are regarded seriously by the university and could result in penalties including failure in the course and possible exclusion from the University. If you are in doubt, please contact your Unit Coordinator.
    Except where I/we have indicated, the work I/we am submitting in this assignment is my/our own work and has not been submitted for assessment in another unit. I/we also acknowledge and agree that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment:
    • reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another member of discipline; and/or
    • communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism-checking service. This web-based service will retain a copy of this work for subsequent plagiarism checking of documents submitted from Murdoch, but does not claim any rights on the information submitted and has provided assurances that information submitted will not be used for any purposes other than providing plagiarism detection services to Murdoch.
    Sign your names here:
    Where you are submitting this declaration electronically, you do not need to sign it. The fact that you have included it with your assignment to the LMS is evidence of your agreement.)

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    The Importance of professional communications and tools and techniques for enhancing the same.

    Assessment type: Case Study Report – individual assignment (2,000 words)
    Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they can identify, assess and analyse the situation provided in a case study. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes b, c and d.
    Value: 15% Due Date: Week 10
    Topic: Based on the case study, students need to write a report on one of the following topics as per the last digit of their student ID.
    Task Details:
    Case study: Toyota Australia
    Since its foundation in 1937, globally, Toyota has strived continuously to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the planet through its business operations. Their principle that they have continued since Toyota Australia started in 1963 and has helped to cement their position as Australia’s leading automotive company.
    Motor vehicles greatly expand the freedom of mobility, however, they recognised that they can also have an effect on the society and the environment. With this in mind, they listened carefully to their stakeholders as they pursued a business that works towards harmony with people, society, and the global environment. They are continuously innovating to develop vehicles that meet the needs of the market both now and into the future. Their research focuses on vehicles powered by a range of alternative fuels and vehicles with the potential for automated driving. They continue to work towards vehicles that are safe for everyone, and that maintain the standards of durability and reliability that people expect from the Toyota brand.
    Based on the above case study, students need to write a report on one of the following topics as per the last digit of their student ID at KOI:
    Topic Last Digit of your student ID
    0) The Importance of professional communications and tools and techniques for enhancing the same. In this topic you need to examine what professional communication techniques and tools ICT professionals need to use to communicate well in workplace at Toyota. You need to use specific examples in ICT industry in your discussion of this topic. 0or5
    1) The importance of personal privacy and how to protect it in face of the emerging Networking Technologies at Toyota. 1 or 6
    Please discuss how emerging technologies such as IOT (Internet of Things) introduces privacy risks and what strategies can companies adopt to minimise these privacy risks. You can pick an industry where IOT has found significant acceptance and highlight the privacy aspects in that context.
    2) Guidelines for ethical use of computers and networks at Toyota. 2 or 7
    Please discuss the NETIQUETTE technique and explain how it can help professionals to embrace ethical use of networks. You need to use some cases in the discussion to add value to your discussion. Please discuss how emerging technologies such as IOT (Internet of Things) introduces privacy risks and what strategies can companies adopt to minimise these privacy risks. You can pick an industry where IOT has found significant acceptance and highlight the privacy aspects in that context.
    2) Guidelines for ethical use of computers and networks at Toyota. Please discuss the NETIQUETTE technique and explain how it can help professionals to embrace ethical use of networks. You need to use some cases in the discussion to add value to your discussion. 2 or 7
    3) Intellectual Property (IP) rules and processes important for conducting high-tech business at Toyota. Please discuss how IP rules and processes are important for conducing high tech business at Toyota. You need to state the key definitions used in this essay (IP. High tech business) and clearly highlight their importance using examples. 3 or 8
    4) The importance of collaboration and methods for enhancing collaboration at Toyota. Given that ICT projects involve multi-stakeholder collaboration discuss collaboration technologies that are available for ICT professionals to collaborate on ICT projects. 4 or 9
    Use a consistent referencing style – Harvard

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