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Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change


Assignment Details

There are many ideas that come from errors or accidents. Complete the following:

  • Research 1–2 game-changing ideas that came from an error or accident. Do something different from well-known accidental inventions such as sticky notes.
  • Write a paper of at least three pages about what you learned.
    • If it is a simple situation where you may only be able to get a page of material from it, choose two accidents or errors and continue.
  • Please talk about the forces that supported it.
  • This paper should be in APA format with a cover page and references.
  • Turn in the Word document with your paper.
  • Post your work to your blog.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook, all course resources, and any external research and resources you have gathered.

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.

ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedComments
Assignment-Specific: Researched and discussed 1-2 game-changing ideas that came from an error or accident.35
Assignment-Specific: Articulated what they learned about the ideas and discussed the forces that support the idea(s).35
Assignment-Specific: Submitted a paper and posted the work to their blog.35
Assignment-Specific: Demonstrates the utilization of the course readings and other scholarly and/or professional materials to complete the assignment.10
Professional Language: Assignment contains accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors. (APA formatting is required or style specified in assignment).10
Total Points125
Total Points Earned

Unit 6 Assigned Reading:

Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change: Chapters 10–11


Scenario Planning: A Field Guide to the Future

by Wade

ISBN: 9781118237410 | Edition: 1


Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change

by Tidd

ISBN: 9781119713197 | Edition: 7

………Get more on Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change

Writers Solution

The use of technological platforms to improve patient flow

Assignment Instructions 

Title is: The use of technological platforms to improve patient flow

Task 1: Problem Statement Outline Using the Work titled Effective Problem Statements and Research Questions as a guide, develop a bullet point outline for the problem statement. Each bullet should be a single sentence. 

Following the specific problem sentence include a short sentence describing how this problem is related to your cognate (My cognate is Healthcare Management). Finally, add APA formatted references for the supporting reference sentences. Following the outline, you will provide an annotated bibliography for each reference provided. (I will upload a sample APA format to use)

You will post your submission as a word document. Your submission will include the following: Title Block ·Last Name, First Name ·Cognate ·Research Project Track (Dissertation or Project) ·Research Paradigm ·Planned Research Design ·Proposed Topic 

Problem Statement Bullet Outline ·General Problem Sentence oSupporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)oSupporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)oSupporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)oSupporting

Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years, optional bridge supporting references sentence, see problem statement work) ·Specific Problem Sentence ·Relationship to Cognate (Not part of the problem statement) ·References Annotated Bibliography for each Reference APA formatted reference (250 words for each reference) ·Description of why this is a credible source (author(s), publication, date) ·Summary of the article and help with assignment ·Discussion of how this reference supports the existence of the general problem and the consequences of the problem identified in the general problem sentence.

Topic: HIV/AIDS prevention for college students

Part 1

Use the 3rd person: introduce your given topic, after you researched the topic: 

– a) Cite info about your patient’s/population’s disability/disease/condition; 

– b) Cite how the disability/disease/condition affects their learning and or how they learn. 

– c) (3 to 6 short paragraphs. (One paragraph includes 3 complete sentences). 

–  Sources: CDC, Mayo Clinic-official,; Miller & Stoeckel’s (2019), chapter 7 (If you don’t have Miller’s book you can borrow it from WCU library-virtually or rent it from the publisher at homework help).

– Note: This is a work about teaching, not about the disease/condition. It’s not a care plan. Do not develop a scenario, just answer what’s asked. It does not need to “flow.” 

OBHR Comparative Case Study (20%)

 Individual assignment 

Please read the guidelines thoroughly else it will cost you grades.

Due: Week 11 (by the end of class hours) 

Prepare a 1000-word comparative case study. Adhere to the following format while preparing the case study.  

  • Choose      two well documented case studies of different organizations. 
  • One      case study should be based on success story like Apple, Google,      Microsoft. 
  • Other      case study should focus on organizational failure/project failure etc.      like Blueberry, Nokia, Yahoo.

  • Analyze      the organizational structure and culture for both organizations.
  • What      is the mode of communication adopted by both organizations? How do employees      interact with each other?

  • What      kind of leadership style these organizations prefer/follow? What is      the management style of both organizations?

  • Explain      how the organizational culture, structure and management style      effects/relates to the success and failure of the organization?
  • What      is the HR Strategic planning, recruitment and selection strategy,      performance/ talent management strategy of both the organizations?
  • Based      on the analysis performed propose suggestions and recommendations (5-6)      based on the OBHR concepts learned in the course for both      organizations. 

Report Requirements  

  • The      report must include a title page, table of contents, introduction,      multiple supporting body paragraphs, conclusion and list of references.       
  • Students      must use a minimum of 5 references..  
  • Students      must use APA format when citing literature. 
  • Students      are encouraged to use Grammarly to avoid plagiarism. If plagiarism is      identified in the work, the student will receive a zero for the assignment.       
  • Do      not exceed the word-limit. Marks will be deducted for excessive length.       

APA writing conventions should be followed in the report with a minimum of ten (10) sources referenced and cited including in-text citations (if you are presenting another author’s ideas in your own language you still have to provide the in-text citation of that author), references in APA format, the report must demonstrate analysis of the material and its application to the workplace. Title of the company cannot be your report title due to copyright reasons.

The submission date is mentioned in the course schedule (i.e., week 11) in course syllabus. All submissions will be made on Moodle. Please note that assignment help submissions are ONLY accepted on Moodle and NOT on email. Kindly rename your assignment file by your respective name before you upload. For example, if John Smith is submitting his assignment his assignment file name should be “Johnsmith”.

The report will be graded from 20% as per the rubric mentioned below. 

Appendix – A

Assessment Rubric for OBHR Comparative Case Study

1-4 Scale





Percentage Score



















Mastery Level





Standard Level

Below Standard

Approaching Standard

At Standard

Exceeds Standard

Executive Summary/


Executive summary or Abstract missing or poorly   constructed

Executive summary or Abstract inadequate

Executive Summary or Abstract Executed Adequately

Executive Summary or Abstract Executed in  Superior   Fashion

Problem Identification & Scope


Shows little understanding of the issues, key   problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Shows some understanding of the issues, key   problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Shows adequate knowledge of the issues, key   problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Shows superior knowledge of the issues, key   problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.



Does not address the case question with little relevant evidence   (e.g., details, examples, facts, and expert opinions)

Central idea and clarity of purpose   are absent or incompletely expressed and maintained

Lacks most of the necessary case parts

Does not comments on (/evaluates)   the differences 

Not all the major similarities and / or differences have   been a   (e.g., details, examples, facts, and expert opinions)

Includes only a few of the necessary case parts

Central idea and clarity of purpose   are expressed though perhaps too vaguely or broadly

Only minimally comments on   (/evaluates) the differences

Generally for,   addresses the case question by providing most major similarities and / or   differences but loses focus at times by focusing on minor details 

Uses a few details, examples, facts, and expert opinions to   elaborate on similarities and / or differences

Includes most of the necessary case parts

Comments on (/evaluates) some of the differences

Addresses the case question by providing all major similarities   and / or differences

Uses some details, examples, facts, and expert   opinions) to elaborate on the similarities and / or differences

Includes all the case parts

Comments on (/evaluates) the differences

Case Analysis


Analysis of case poor analysis of issues of the   case, supporting detail is incorrect or missing

Analysis of case shows inadequate levels of analysis   of issues of the case, provides little supporting detail

Analysis of case shows adequate levels of analysis   of issues of the case, provides supporting details

Analysis of case shows superior levels of analysis   of underlying issues that are not necessarily readily apparent, uses   appropriate levels of supporting detail

Recommendation and Conclusions


Recommendations and/or plans of action provided that   are mostly incorrect or absent

Recommendations also at   and/or plans of action provided that are partially correct, alternate   viewpoints not considered

Specific recommendations and/or plans of action   provided that are substantially correct, alternate viewpoints may be   considered

Specific recommendations and/or plans of action   provided that go beyond the expected scope of the case fully supported by   data, alternate viewpoints fully considered

Organization & Critical   Thinking

Coherence, Cohesion, organization, demonstration of   thought process, analysis of problem using own thoughts and ideas


Similarities and differences have been clearly organized using   either the block or thematic method.

Very clear relationship between ideas

Accurate use of connectors

Accurate use of pronouns

Clear match between the topic sentence, supporting sentences and   concluding sentence in each body paragraph

Similarities and differences are organized generally clearly   using the block or thematic method but one of the paragraphs may cover more   than one main idea

Generally clear relationship between ideas

Mostly correct use of connectors.

Mostly correct use of pronouns

The topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence   (if any) support one main idea.

Similarities and differences are organized generally clearly   using the block or thematic method but one of the paragraphs may cover more   than one main idea

Generally clear relationship between ideas

Mostly correct use of connectors.

Mostly correct use of pronouns

The topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence   (if any) support one main idea.

Similarities and differences have been clearly organized using   either the block or thematic method.

Very clear relationship between ideas

Accurate use of connectors

Accurate use of pronouns

Clear match between the topic sentence, supporting sentences and   concluding sentence in each body paragraph

Style & Mechanics


Application of the requirements of the 7th APA   manual to create a standardized formatted presentation 


7th Ed. APA Manual is not followed or there are   significant errors in:
  title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct   quotes are quite inadequate but do not rise to the level of plagiarism

7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with significant   errors in:
  title page & references pages. In-text citations, paraphrasing and direct   quotes are lacking but do not rise to the level of plagiarism

7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with minor errors in:
  formatted title page, formatted references pages, in-text citations,   paraphrasing and direct quotes are adequately used in the correct context

7th Ed. APA Manual is followed with no errors   including:
  properly formatted title page, properly formatted references pages, in-text   citations are correctly used, paraphrasing and direct quotes are properly   used in the correct context


Use of proper English language grammar, spelling and   punctuation to create a readable presentation.


Grammar and sentence structure as depicted at  has major problems following standard   English rules and reads with difficulty with major errors in punctuation and   spelling

Grammar and sentence structure has problems   following standard English rules and reads with some difficulty with errors   in punctuation and spelling

Grammar and sentence structure mostly follows   standard English rules and reads reasonably well with few errors in   punctuation and spelling

Grammar and sentence structure follows standard   English rules and reads well with excellent punctuation and spelling

Readability & Style

Clarity of thought and appropriate level of language   use that brings the author’s thoughts and ideas to the reader.


Sentences are lacking in completeness, clearness,   conciseness and are not well-structured.
  Transitions do not maintain flow of thought.
  Words are ambiguous.
  Tone is inappropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or   inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used.

Sentences need to be more complete, clear, concise   and well-constructed.
  Transitions do not maintain flow of thought well.
  Words are not precise and have some ambiguity.
  Tone is not appropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or   inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used too much.

Sentences are mostly complete, clear, concise and   well-constructed.
  Transitions mostly maintain flow of thought.
  Words are mostly precise with little ambiguity.
  Tone is mostly appropriate to audience/assessment. Colloquial language or   inappropriate use of paraphrasing is used sparingly.

Sentences are consistently complete, clear, concise   and well-constructed with strong, varied structure.
  Transitions consistently maintain flow of thought.
  Words are quite precise and unambiguous.
  Tone is completely appropriate to audience/assessment. No colloquial language   or inappropriate use of paraphrasing used.



Additional Comments





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Listing the weaknesses in the company’s IT infrastructure and technological work flow

To complete this assignment:1. Review the company information and scenario below

Review and analyze the company details below. Think critically about the situation and organize your thoughts by:

  • Listing the weaknesses in the company’s IT infrastructure and technological work flow
  • Identifying goals and objectives that need strong technology backing them
  • Brainstorming possible solutions, drawing on your experiences with Microsoft applications in this class, your prior work experience, individual research, and what you learned about other Microsoft applications in Discussion Board #2

One good exercise is to imagine what your life would be like if you worked at this company. What aspects would frustrate you? Hinder your productivity? Above all, how would you fix this situation? For example, the administrative staff needs to be able to collaborate on documents across multiple locations. There are a couple of ways to solve this with Microsoft products, which one would you recommend and why? Will those applications address other problems?

2. Create your executive summary 

An executive summary gives readers a strong, clear argument in favor of a proposed business solution. They offer concrete suggestions while explaining how to begin implementing the recommendations or findings. It allows professionals to become acquainted with the main points and key action steps of a larger proposal for change in an organization.

After you have analyzed the situation and organized your thoughts, craft your executive summary.

Your summary should:

  • Clearly explain to the board how adopting Office 365 and other Microsoft products will address current issues in the IT infrastructure and advance the company’s goals
  • Outline the specific software applications that will be deployed
  • Draw specific connections between application functionality and individual objectives/goals
  • Emphasize the benefits of your proposed solution
  • Use proper grammar and spelling
  • Be at least 400 words (or more) so as to thoroughly address the topic with an appropriate level of detail 


Lark Resorts, a timeshare company based out of Colorado, has two separate properties in the state that feature year-round access to a variety of outdoor activities and pursuits.

Between two properties at Vail and Telluride, the company manages over 200 luxury condominiums with a mix of furnished and unfurnished, and four different floor plans available. The facilities each have multiple restaurants and cafes, pools, retail storefronts, exercise facilities, business centers, and communal spaces for activities and meetings.

Business/IT Challenges

Lark Resorts is poised to expand into both Alaska and California with new facilities that mirror their properties in Colorado. Facing the increased challenge of multiple locations and the accompanying increase in personnel, leadership has decided they would like to streamline their current IT infrastructure to facilitate communication and productivity across the company.

Currently, employees use a wide range of Microsoft Office versions (2003 – 2010) and a small minority use Google Apps. A few employees are also using personal computers that have varying licenses, security, and features. The company stores documents on a central file server with no versioning capability, with some employees storing information locally on their own systems or in personal cloud storage like Dropbox. When employees need to collaborate on a document or project, they usually email it back and forth.

In addition to the above inefficiencies, stakeholders across the company have specific goals that will require a robust IT infrastructure to achieve. Some of these are:


Board of Directors

  • Expand the company with two new locations in different states
  • Accurate information for framing business decisions including:
    • Analytics
    • Market projections
  • Consistent quality standards and experience across the company and all locations

Sales force

  • Meeting with clients around the world at any time
  • Dynamic, current presentation materials accessible anywhere, anytime
  • Easy system for client purchases/sign up
  • Clear, up-to-date print and web materials explaining all aspects of timeshare ownership
  • Creating of mailings, catalogs and other materials on an ad hoc basis

Administrative Support

  • Easy collaboration on documents across locations
  • Simple system for client registrations, cancellations, and trades
  • Safe, secure cloud storage
  • A stable version control system (VCS) for company documents
  • Access to the latest company information and analytics

Property Managers

  • Real-time booking and cancellation data
  • Ability to effectively track, coordinate and communicate with the cleaning and maintenance staff
  • Up-to date client information
  • Accurate inventories (for instance furnished vs. unfurnished condos)

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Listing the weaknesses in the company’s IT infrastructure and technological work flow

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Technological advancement or political pressure or from internal sources such as change in requirements of customers and change due to deterioration of performance

 research paper on the require in the accessory. Needs to be 10 pages.

Technological advancement or political pressure or from internal sources such as change in requirements of customers and change due to deterioration of performance. As it has been observed change has gained increased emphasis in an organisational context along with the life of an individual therefore it is considered that change management is a vital tool for controlling change and using it in an effective manner. Broadly speaking, change management is a method that supports change and understand the requirement for change which helps an organisation in overcoming any issues being faced in their business activity (The State of Queensland (Public Service Commission, 2014).

Change-hypocrisy is the challenge being faced in the contemporary environment by organisations that involves challenge in initiating change that might be quite important for the organisation. Employees in an organisation have the tendency to resist change as there is a difference in attitude and perception of the people towards change (Urhuogo &Williams, 2011. World Federation of Personnel Management Associations, 2005). The study is primarily focused towards identifying the causes of change hypocrisy along with discussing the causes of change.

The study further provides recommendation for the implementation of change management in an organisation.

Tesco is a multinational company (MNC) which is specialised in selling groceries and merchandises across various countries. The company was formed in the year 1919 by Jack Cohen and actually came into existence in the year 1924 after Cohen bought a cargo of tea from T. E. Stockwell. The company is headquartered in the United Kingdom and is regarded as one of the leading retailer across the globe.

The company has been subjected to many changes from its initial establishment to its present business activity and to be precise change has helped the company to gain greater heights and sustain in the global competitive market.

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Technological advancement or political pressure or from internal sources such as change in requirements of customers and change due to deterioration of performance.

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current trends in technological innovation and then focus the report on one innovation in detail.

Assessment 1: Report
Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time provided: 2500
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-3, ULO-5
Assessment Details:
During the global pandemic, digital technologies are playing a crucial role in supporting us in the fight against COVID-19 and keeping our society functional. Write a report on current trends on technological innovation that has helped in the fight against Covid-19 and build a resilient society. Identify five examples of current trends in technological innovation and then focus the report on one innovation in detail. In addition, identify one company that is using that technological innovation for its competitive advantage and discuss in detail its application. You must be able to identify and synthesise relevant information. You should examine and critically evaluate the most relevant, recent, and scholarly research on a topic (in this case, current trends on technological innovation to combat COVID-19 and continue business as usual). Write the report by following the structure: an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
In this assessment, you will have to complete the following tasks:
a. In the introduction, you will have to discuss about current pandemic crisis in brief and how the businesses are keeping our society functional with current and emerging technological. Identify FIVE examples of current technological trends and emerging technological trends and discuss their effect on how we do business, work, trade, learn, seek medical services or entertain for example.
b. In the body of the paragraphs, you will have to identify one current technological trend of your choice and discuss in detail about that technological innovation. Identify the source of technological innovation and type of technological innovation (whether it is incremental or radical; disruptive or sustaining etc). In addition, you will have to identify a company that uses that technological innovation for its competitive advantage and discuss in detail its application including its advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, identify and discuss where in the technological cycles, does this technological innovation lies and why? (Refer to lecture 2 for technology cycles).
For this part of the assessments, you will have to conduct literature search from current and credible resources to describe one latest innovative technology useful for business information system.
c. In concluding paragraph, you will have to summarise and link the arguments presented in the body to form sound and logical conclusions.
For successful completion of this assessment, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the class discussion. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. Students are expected to discuss their work with lecturer and to seek support.
Marking criteria and Rubric: The assessment 2 – Report A will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark.
Marking Criteria Not satisfactory
(0-49%) of the criterion mark) Satisfactory
(50-64%) of the criterion mark Good
(65-74%) of the criterion mark Very Good
(75-84%) of the criterion mark Excellent
(85-100%) of the criterion mark
Identifies and discusses by giving examples on the current and emerging technological trends to keep society functional amid COVID-19 pandemic. (30 marks) Poor identification and discussion without any examples on the current and emerging technological trends to keep society functional during COVID19 pandemic. Partially identifies and discusses with only one example on the current technological trends to keep society functional amid COVID19 pandemic. Good identification and discussion on the current technological trends to keep society functional with two or more examples during
COVID-19 An excellent identification and discussion on the current
technological trends to keep society functional with five examples Outstanding identification and discussion on the current technological trends in business to keep society functional with more than five examples.
Critical analysis presented.
Discusses in detail about one technological trend with example of a company using that technological innovation for its competitive advantage during COVIC-19 pandemic. (30 marks) Poor identification and discussion of one technological trend during COVIC-19 pandemic. Partially identifies and discusses one technological trend with example of a company using that technological innovation during COVIC-19 pandemic. Good identification and discussion of one technological trend with example of a company using that technological innovation during COVID-19 pandemic. An excellent identification and discussion on one technological trend in detail with example of a company of a company using that technological innovation for its competitive advantage during COVID-19 pandemic. Outstanding identification and discussion on one technological trend in detail with example of a company using that technological innovation for its competitive advantage during COVID-19 pandemic.
Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation (10 marks) Poor Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation Basic Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation Good Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation An excellent Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation Outstanding Identification and discussion of sources and types of technological innovation
Use of references
Integrates evidence-based literature throughout the report to support the discussion with correct referencing (Harvard Author Date system
(15 marks) No or very few sources have been used and they are of poor academic quality and not relevant to the themes of the unit and chosen topic Significant work is required to make citation and list of references consistent with Harvard Author Date system Inadequate sources have been used and they are of poor academic quality and not relevant to the themes of the unit chosen topic. There is little evidence of reading outside the unit. Significant work is required to make citation and list of references consistent with Harvard Author Date system Literature sources are not of high quality or current and not clearly relevant to themes of the unit and chosen topic. There is some evidence of reading outside the unit.
Some work is required to make citation and list of references consistent with Harvard Author Date system Literature is current and used from quality sources.
The student has reviewed widely on the chosen topic. There is an evidence of critical analysis of literature reviewed Intext citation and list of references mostly compliant with Harvard Author Date system Literature is current and used from quality sources. The student has reviewed widely on the chosen topic, beyond the unit resources. A critical analysis of literature is well integrated.
In-text citation and list of references compliant with Harvard Author Date system.
Written expression and presentation
Writes clearly and succinctly in an appropriate academic style. Quality of assessment presentation Demonstrates appropriate use of language, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. (15 marks) The paper lacks transition and therefore difficult to read and understand. Poorly formatted and presented. Inadequate use of language, grammar, spelling, and punctuation The paper lacks consistent transition. Some paragraphs appear unrelated to the preceding ones or to the topic. Fair formatting, acceptable presentation. There are few grammatical error and unintentional errors in acknowledging sources.
The report is written with some transition. Standard formatting, good presentation. The report exhibits appropriate use of language, grammar, spelling, punctuation
References are credited well and used appropriately.
The report is written with a good transition, which is evident from a structure that includes introduction, body and conclusion. Well formatted, attractive presentation. The report exhibits accurate use of language, grammar, spelling, punctuation. References are credited well and used appropriately.
This report is written with a good transition, in a persuasive, which is evident from a clear structure that includes introduction, body and conclusion. The report exhibits exceptional ability in use of correct language. grammar, spelling and punctuation. References are credited well and used appropriately

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. current trends in technological innovation and then focus the report on one innovation in detail.

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uncontrollable factors like COVID-19 have merged with technological evolutions to create a number of new supply chain dynamics

Written assignment (case, essay) Activity brief BBA311 – Supply Chain Management Online campus Professor: Dr. Petros Bouchoris |
DescriptionVisibility,Traceability,Data management and Supplier relations used to be the biggest challenges facing supply chain professionals. However, over the last 15 months, uncontrollable factors like COVID-19 have merged with technological evolutions to create a number of new supply chain dynamics. In this context please answer the following questions: 1. Discuss the relationship between service level, uncertainty, safety stock,and order quantity. How can trade-offs between these elements be made 2. Discuss and the role warehouses play in your logistics in the context of the growth of e-commerce and digital transformation. 3. Discuss and compare Lean vs Agile Supply Chain and suggest the best option, justifying your suggestion 4. Which type of operations and supply chain environment do you think would have a more difficult time managing change from external factors—an environment supporting standardized products/services or one supporting customized products/services? Why? 5. According to recent study 72% of consumer product organizations and 58% of retailers are actively investing in regionalizing or localizing their manufacturing base or nearshoring production to prevent future disruption. What is your suggestion as Supply Chain Manager. What are the implications in Transportation, Warehousing and Inventory?FormatThis activity must meet the following formatting requirements: · Font size 12 · Double-spaced · 2100 words · Harvard Referencing System · pdf only
Goal(s)– –Understand the different supply chain management strategies and their impact in business Understand the impact of current trends and digital transformation in supply chain management decisionsDue dateDate: Monday, 19 July 2021 Time: 14:00
Weight towards final gradeThis activity has a weight of 60% towards the final grade.
Learning outcomes• •Assess the impact of supply chain management decisions on a company and its internal processes Appraise the important role of logistics and supply chain in 21st century organizationsAssessment cri





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Current technological and policy shifts

DISCUSSION : Read current technological and policy shifts

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week. In recent years, the psychology profession has been greatly influenced by various forms of technology. The prevalence of psychology professionals using technology to market themselves and engage, socialize, and interact with others has created new opportunities and challenges. This is particularly true with regard to potential interactions with clients via these technologies. Given the exponential growth with which these technological advancements are permeating our world, we expect to see the proliferation of new issues, challenges, and opportunities within the realms of psychological research and practice.

In your initial post:

Provide an overview of the relevant issues, ongoing trends, challenges, and future opportunities for psychology professionals and the populations they serve.
Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in the ethical application of these technologies.
Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to explain how current technological and policy shifts may influence trends in psychological research and practice.
Evaluate potential work settings where the use of technologies promotes ease and convenience for both psychology professionals and the populations they serve.
What are the potential responsibilities of the psychology professionals as providers of care with regard to the use of these technologies? Does the increase in ease, convenience, and experience satisfaction for the parties involved outweigh any potential negative outcomes?


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.

The collaborative practice of clinicians across disciplines requires a shared language, appreciation of diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms, and recognition of appropriate roles within the health care team.  This collaborative environment is at the heart of a health care system that utilizes the skills and expertise of all its team members in appropriate and extended roles. This model of care delivery is often called integrated care (IC) or collaborative care (CC). Although this model is endorsed by many professional societies and agencies, the CC/IC care delivery model can fail due to multiple factors.

In your initial post, consider the clinical partnerships that result within the CC/IC delivery model. Integrating concepts developed from different content domains in psychology, address the following questions.

How might health care teams achieve therapeutic goals for individual clients?
How does this support health literacy?
What factors might lead to the failure of the CC/IC delivery model?
How might lack of acceptance of the value or viability of the CC/IC model by stakeholders, lack of awareness of the clinical competencies of various members of the team, barriers to financial reimbursement for services, and lack of integration of support services within the practice cause a breakdown in efficacy?
What supportive interventions within the CC/IC model address such issues?
In addition, consider how successful health care models assume an understanding of each profession’s competencies and responsibilities. For example, primary care providers (PCPs) are sometimes unaware of the abilities and practice scope of psychology professionals.

Identify methods of targeted intervention and education for PCPs that might alleviate potential issues for the CC/IC model.
Explain how the APA Ethical Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in these complex situations.
Evaluate and comment on the potential work settings where you might find the CC/IC model. In what ways might this model provide more job satisfaction?

WEEK 3 DISCUSSION (1) for current technological and policy shifts

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week. The use of mandated, or legally coerced, treatment is widespread. Yet research demonstrating the efficacy of this type of treatment is limited, and mandating mental health treatment is one of the most contested issues in the field of psychology. To justify the continued use of mandated treatment, policymakers, practitioners, and researchers are obligated to demonstrate the effectiveness and limitations of such treatment programs.

You have been called in to consult on cases that may require mandated treatment. After reviewing the PSY699 The ethics of mandated treatment scenarios (Links to an external site.), choose two to discuss in your initial post. Begin your research with the required resources for this week. Using the specific situations presented in each of the scenarios you have chosen, conduct further research to help inform your recommendations for each individual. A minimum of one resource per scenario, beyond those already required for the assignment, must be included in your initial post.

In your post, construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to present your recommendations as to whether or not treatment should be mandated for the individuals in each of the scenarios. As you write your recommendations, be certain to provide insights into the following questions.

What are the ethical principles and implications raised by legally mandating clients into treatment?
What evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of treatment with and without coercion for this type of situation?
What would be the challenges in evaluating the effectiveness of mandated treatment?
How might mandated treatment impact your clinical decision making as the mental health professional assigned to these cases?
What client factors might limit or augment the potential benefits of treatment if it were mandated?
Integrating concepts from your research and the required readings, offer insights across different content domains as to why you have reached these conclusions. Explain how you used the APA Ethical Code of Conduct to guide your decisions. Evaluate the generalizability of your specific research findings to the situations presented and provide a rationale as to why this research supports your recommendations also read current technological and policy shifts


Effective clinical innovations and the dissemination of research findings are key elements in the growth and development of the psychology profession. There are numerous avenues that enable authors to publish and present their work. Poster presentations at conferences are effective methods for communicating research findings and providing opportunities to meet with other researchers and clinicians to discuss the research being presented. Thus, these types of conference presentations play a key role in the proliferation of research.

In this week’s discussion, you will be submitting your proposal for the Week Five Virtual Conference. You may utilize relevant assignments from previous courses in this program or suitable projects from your professional life. See the PSY699 Call for Student Poster (Links to an external site.) Presentations document for specific parameters and instructions on how to create your proposal. Following the guidelines presented in the document, create your proposal and attach it to your initial post in the discussion forum. Evaluate the impact participating in conference presentations may have on potential work settings and/or doctoral programs and comment on the following questions in your initial post.

How are conference presentations professionally relevant?
What elements of the proposal process were most difficult for you, and why?
What positive outcomes do you anticipate will come from this process, which may be applied to potential work settings and/or doctoral programs?

Writers Solution

Greendale’s new store: political, economic, social, technological and legal.

1. Assessment Information
A. Purpose of assessment
This assessment will develop your skills and knowledge required to manage risks in a range of contexts across an organisation or for a specific business unit or area in any industry setting.
B. What you are required to do
For this assessment, you are required to complete 4 tasks:
• Task A – Demonstrate risk management knowledge
• Task B – Establish risk context
• Task C – Identify and analyse risks
• Task D – Select and implement treatments
All tasks of this assessment require you to use the provided case study information relating to the fictional company Greendale.
C. Competencies being assessed
To achieve competency in this unit you must demonstrate your ability to:
1. Establish risk context
2. Identify risks
3. Analyse risks
4. Select and implement treatments

Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
• Analyse information from a range of sources to identify the scope and context of the risk management process including:
o Stakeholder analysis
o Political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context
o Current arrangements
o Objectives and critical success factors for the area included in scope
o Risks that may apply to scope
• Consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to identify and assess risks, determine appropriate risk treatment actions and priorities and explain the risk management processes
• Develop and implement an action plan to treat risks
• Monitor and evaluate the action plan and risk management process
• Maintain documentation
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the Candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge of the following:
• Outline the purpose and key elements of current risk management standards
• Outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to risk management
• Outline organisational policies, procedures and processes for risk management
For further information on the competencies of this unit, please refer to:
D. Important resources for completing this assessment
To complete this assessment, please refer to the following resources provided on Moodle:
• BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide
• BSBRSK501 Observation checklist
• BSBRSK501 Marking Guide
• BSBRSK501 Case study folder
• BSBRSK501 Legislation, regulation, codes and standards folder
• Additional student assessment information
E. A note on plagiarism and referencing
Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions etc. of other people are presented as your own.
When quoting or paraphrasing from a source such as the Internet, the source must be recognised. If you are quoting a source, make sure to acknowledge this by including “quotation marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas. Note the source at the point at which it is included within your assessment, such as by using a citation. Then list the full details of the source in a ‘references’ section at the end of your assessment.
All sources used for your assessment should be detailed in a ‘references’ section. It is advisable to never copy another person’s work.
F. A note on questions with role plays
The following questions involve role plays:
• Task C, Question C2
• Task D, Question D2
For these questions, as outlined below, you will be assessed on your ability to role play being an Assistant Manager at Greendale. These questions require you to manage meetings and take notes on what is discussed. Your Trainer & Assessor will also observe your meeting for Task D, Question D2.
Please note: You will also need to attend separate meetings organised by other students whereby you role play being other people. This allows other students in your unit to also role play being the Assistant Manager. You do not need to take notes at meetings during which you are not role playing being the Assistant Manager.
G. Instructions for completing this assessment
Answer the questions below using the spaces provided:
• Answer all parts of each question
• Use your own words and give examples wherever possible
• The quality of your answer is more important than how long it is
• Enter your answers in this document
You may use various sources of information to inform your answers, including your resources provided by ACBI, books, and online sources. You must acknowledge and cite your sources.
Submission via Moodle
Please refer to the “Instructions for Submitting Your Assessment” found within the unit course page on Moodle.
NOTE: Please take care to follow all instructions listed. Assessments uploaded with a draft status on Moodle may not be graded.

2. Assessment Coversheet
Candidate Name:
Student ID:
Contact Number:
Trainer / Assessor Name:
Qualification: BSB50618 Diploma of Human Resources Management
Units of Competency: BSBRSK501 Manage risk
Assessment Tasks: ? A. Demonstrate risk management knowledge
? B. Establish risk context
? C. Identify and analyse risks
? D. Select and implement treatments
Due Date: Date Submitted:
Declaration: I have read and understood the following information at the beginning of this assessment guide (please tick):
? Assessment information
? Submitting assessments
? Plagiarism and referencing
I declare this assessment is my own work and where the work is of others, I have fully referenced that material.
Name (please print):
Candidate signature:
3. Assessment Questions
A. Task A – Demonstrate risk management knowledge
A1. In your own words, write a paragraph explaining the purpose of risk management standards, legislation and regulation.
NOTE: Refer to pages 9-14 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

A2. Identify two or more risk management standards. Then describe key elements of each one.
NOTE: Refer to pages 13-14 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

B. Task B – Establish risk context
B1. In your own words, write a paragraph summarising Greendale’s risk management processes.
NOTE: Refer to the pages 18-19 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

B2. In your own words, write a paragraph summarising Greendale’s risk management policies and procedures.
NOTE: Refer to pages 14-19 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

B3. Describe the range of workplace hazards and risks associated with Greendale’s new store.
NOTE: Refer to pages 9-15 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and pages 19-20 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here
B4. Outline three or more stakeholders in Greendale’s new store. Identify if they are an internal or external stakeholder, then describe their stake in managing risks.
NOTE: Answer using the table below. Refer to pages 16-17 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and pages 14-15 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Stakeholder Internal or external Stake in managing risks
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
Write your answer here
B5. Describe at least two strengths and two weaknesses Greendale has for managing risks associated with its new store.
NOTE: Refer to page x of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

B6. Outline two or more goals Greendale has for its new store.
NOTE: Refer to pages 20-22 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

B7. Describe two or more examples for each of the following areas that may affect the success of Greendale’s new store: political, economic, social, technological and legal.
NOTE: Refer to pages 18-19 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and the“BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 60-120 words.
Write your answer here

C. Task C – Identify and analyse risks
C1. Using the information and research provided in the case study, identify at least 10 risks that relate to Greendale’s new store.
NOTE: Refer to pages 31-32 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and pages 7-11, 19-20 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 60-120 words.
Write your answer here

C2. Now you have researched risks for Greendale, you need to discuss these with stakeholders. Set up a meeting with:
• Yourself, role playing the Assistant Manager at Greendale
• At least two relevant stakeholders, as role played by other students in your unit
Use the meeting to:
• Describe Greendale’s risk management process
• Identify and discuss 10-20 risks for Greendale’s new café, inviting others to help identify potential risks
• Obtain support for your risk management activities
After your meeting:
1. Record notes of what was discussed during your meeting in the space below. Answer in 40-80 words.
2. Detail identified risks in a risk register, using the “BSBRSK501 Risk register template” document provided on Moodle. Answer in 60-120 words.
NOTE: Refer to pages 24-30 & 33-35 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and pages 18-20 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer.
Meeting notes
Write your answer here
C3. In your risk register, score each risk for the likelihood of it occurring. Score your identified risks as follows:
• 1 – Rare
• 2 – Unlikely
• 3 – Possible
• 4 – Likely
• 5 – Most likely
NOTE: Refer to pages 38-42 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer.
C4. In your risk register, score each risk for the potential consequence it would have if it occurred. Score your identified risks as follows:
• 1 – Very low
• 2 – Low
• 3 – Moderate
• 4 – High
• 5 – Extreme
NOTE: Refer to pages 38-42 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer.
C5. Using the risk matrix provided below, determine the risk level of each of the risks you have identified. Document these risk levels in your risk register.
Save your risk register as “BSBRSK501 Risk register – Your Name”, replacing “Your Name” with your first and last names. Ensure you submit this document as part of your assessment.
NOTE: Refer to pages 43-44 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer.

D. Task D – Select and implement treatments
D1. Now you have analysed identified risks, you need to determine treatments. Develop a risk action plan which outlines:
• The priority of risks for treatment
• The most appropriate options for treating risks
• Relevant implementation details
Use the “BSBRSK501 Risk action plan template” provided on Moodle to create your plan. Save your plan as “BSBRSK501 Risk action plan – Your Name”, replacing “Your Name” with your first and last names. Ensure you submit this document as part of your assessment.
NOTE: Refer to pages 43-54 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and pages 18-19 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 150-250 words.
Now you have created your risk treatment plan, you need to communicate risk management processes to others. Set up a meeting with:
• You, acting as the Assistant Manager at Greendale
• Relevant parties, as role played by other students in your unit
NOTE: Your Trainer & Assessor will also observe this meeting.
Organise a day and time for your meeting, in line with the availability of other students in your unit as well as your Trainer & Assessor. This meeting should take no more than 10 minutes.
You are required to manage the meeting. Prior to the meeting ensure you have read the instructions below on what you’ll be required to do during the meeting and prepare as necessary.
Use the meeting to communicate risk management processes and action plans for Greendale’s new store.
Ensure you take note of what you discuss during the meeting.
Record notes of what was discussed during your meeting, including any feedback received.
Answer in 40-80 words.
Meeting notes
Write your answer here
D3. Review the implementation results provided in the case study. Then summarise of all actions taken to date in attempting to manage identified risks.
NOTE: Refer to pages 60-61 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and pages 23-24 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

D4. Review the implementation results provided in the case study, then evaluate the effectiveness of Greendale’s risk management process.
NOTE: Refer to pages 62-63 of the “BSBRSK501 Manage risk learner guide” document and pages 23-24 of the “BSBRSK501 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

4. Student Self Checklist
A. Student Self Checklist for Tasks A – D
Candidate name:
Unit of Competency: BSBRSK501 Manage risk
Place a tick ‘? ’ in the Yes (“Y”) column for each question you have completed all parts for.
Task A – Demonstrate risk management knowledge
Did you: Y
A1: In your own words, write a paragraph explaining the purpose of risk management standards, legislation and regulation?
A2: Identify two or more risk management standards? Then describe key elements of each one?
Task B – Establish risk context
Did you: Y
B1: In your own words, write a paragraph summarising Greendale’s risk management processes?
B2: In your own words, write a paragraph summarising Greendale’s risk management policies and procedures?
B3: Describe the range of workplace hazards and risks associated with Greendale’s new store?
B4: Outline three or more stakeholders in Greendale’s new store? Identify if they are an internal or external stakeholder, then describe their stake in managing risks?
B5: Describe at least two strengths and two weaknesses Greendale has for managing risks associated with its new store?
B6: Outline two or more goals Greendale has for its new store?
B7: Describe two or more examples for each of the following areas that may affect the success of Greendale’s new store: political, economic, social, technological and legal?
Task C – Identify and analyse risks
Did you: Y
C1: Using the information and research provided in the case study, identify at least 10 risks that relate to Greendale’s new store?
C2: Set up a meeting with:
• Yourself, role playing the Assistant Manager at Greendale?
• At least two relevant stakeholders, as role played by other students in your unit?
Use the meeting to:
• Describe Greendale’s risk management process?
• Identify and discuss 10-20 risks for Greendale’s new café, inviting others to help identify potential risks?
• Obtain support for your risk management activities?
After your meeting:
1. Record notes of what was discussed during your meeting in the space provided, answering in 40-80 words?
2. Detail identified risks in a risk register, using the “BSBRSK501 Risk register template” document provided on Moodle”, answering in 60-120 words?
C3: In your risk register, score each risk for the likelihood of it occurring? Score your identified risks as follows:
• 1 – Rare?
• 2 – Unlikely?
• 3 – Possible?
• 4 – Likely?
• 5 – Most likely?
C4: In your risk register, score each risk for the potential consequence it would have if it occurred? Score your identified risks as follows:
• 1 – Very low?
• 2 – Low?
• 3 – Moderate?
• 4 – High?
• 5 – Extreme?
C5: Using the risk matrix provided below, determine the risk level of each of the risks you have identified? Document these risk levels in your risk register?
Save your risk register as “BSBRSK501 Risk register – Your Name”, replacing “Your Name” with your first and last names? Ensure you submit this document as part of your assessment?
Task D – Select and implement treatments
Did you: Y
D1: Develop a risk action plan which outlines:
• The priority of risks for treatment?
• The most appropriate options for treating risks?
• Relevant implementation details?
Use the “BSBRSK501 Risk action plan template” provided on Moodle to create your plan. Save your plan as “BSBRSK501 Risk action plan – Your Name”, replacing “Your Name” with your first and last names? Ensure you submit this document as part of your assessment?
D2: Set up a meeting with:
• You, acting as the Assistant Manager at Greendale?
• Relevant parties, as role played by other students in your unit?
Use the meeting to communicate risk management processes and action plans for Greendale’s new store?
After the meeting, record notes of what was discussed, including any feedback received?
D3: Review the implementation results provided in the case study? Then summarise of all actions taken to date in attempting to manage identified risks?
D4: Review the implementation results provided in the case study, then evaluate the effectiveness of Greendale’s risk management process?