Writers Solution

Brainstorm different texts for the rhetorical analysis

To brainstorm different texts for the rhetorical analysis assignment. You should choose an assignment that you received in the last six months, a personal written communication, or a social media post (this wasn’t written in the Rhetorical Situation Assignment, but I’m offering it as an alternative) from your own account of a post you made.To figure out how to start the rhetorical situation assignment.To outline the rhetorical situation for your text (exigence, audience, rhetors, constraints).Intended Audience: Classmates. Instructor. Writing Teachers. Individuals interested in learning more about rhetorical situations. Description:ETA: Reminder: You must choose a text within one of the categories listed in the Rhetorical Situation Assignment. Please read the assignment first before you choose your text for the assignment.Post a screenshot (you can use the insert media button, or you can attach it to your post) of one page of the assignment, written communication, or social media post that you made from your own account) you would like to analyze for this assignment, and then provide a brief summary of the text with detail. The summary should start to identify why the text exists (what was the reason for its creation, what problem was it created to solve, what point was it trying to make, what was its purpose) and who the text is targeting (the audience).The summary should be at least 250 words. Consider it to be preparation for your essay. You’ll be using this summary for your essay before you get into the analysis of your text, so put some effort into this summary and provide as many details about the text as necessary.Within 24 hours: Make sure you come back to this discussion and look over your classmates’ outlines. You must provide insights on at least two of your classmates outlines:Help them outline the rhetorical situation. Make a comment or ask a question about the exigence, audience, rhetor, and/or constraints for the text’s rhetorical situation. Did it make sense to you? Did it leave any questions in your mind? What questions could you ask your classmate that would help them to dig up more details about any aspects of the rhetorical situation?I will grade your assignment once I have approved your topic.To start this activity, consider that rhetoric is everywhere. Here is an example of a sign (although you will not be analyzing images for this paper, it provides an example of a rhetorical situation and how I would start thinking about the different aspects of its rhetorical situation). The street sign in the slide below is a rhetorical text that is part of a rhetorical situation. These types of signs started showing up in the Twin Cities after several incidents of police brutality. These are texts commenting on a rhetorical situation about police violence and human rights. They are intended to be seen by everyone in the city, since everyone in the city could potentially be a victim of police violence and travel public streets and highways. I’m not sure who made this sign, so I would try to locate the rhetor. There are several constraints that impact how, where, and when this sign gets bolted to the pole. It’s illegal to put unauthorized street signs up. This is kind of textual interrogation is how you start working on the rhetorical analysis assignment.

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Analyze the texts and find strengths and weaknesses.

Research Reviews
Assignment Overview:
• Read Computer-Assisted Language Learning ‐‐relevant articles and write your responsive reviews. Read the texts more critically and productively based on your understanding, experiences, and knowledge.

• To summarize and discuss significant topics based on readings• To analyze and synthesize language learning experiences with readings• To see theories in practice and to raise questions for further investigation and
discussion in Computer-Assisted Language Learning areas.

• In total, submit two review papers. • For each  Computer-Assisted Language Learning Research Review paper, search for and select one article to review. The topics can be diverse but should include technology and language learning/teaching. You can use MSU (online) library at
or Google Scholar at to find articles.
• Read the articles carefully and write your reviews. Each review should include the following components:
o Summary (10 points):
§ Summarize article in a short paragraph.
o Discussion (20 points):
§ Select several interesting points, arguments, findings, theories, and/or practices in the text and discuss more in depth (e.g., What questions do you have about the text? What could be potential answers/responses? Why are the questions significant? How arethe questions/answers relevant to your prior knowledge or experiences?)
o Analysis/Synthesis (20 points):
§ Analyze the texts and find strengths and weaknesses. For each strength and weakness, justify why it is strong/weak or why you think so. (e.g., What are the strengths of the technology applications or the study? Why? What is the weakness of the technology applications or the study? Why?)§ Think about how you can move forward based on this analysis. (e.g., How can you use the strong factors in your current/future teaching?)


• Time New Roman; 12 point; Double space; 2-‐‐3 pages (500-‐‐600 words); 1” margin on every side• Include your name, instructor’s name, course title, name of the assignment, and submission date in upper left corner of the assignment.• Only electronic document via Canvas is acceptable





Art: The Impact of Computer and Technology in Learning Language

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

The Impact of Computer and Technology in Learning Language

Warschauer, M., & Healey, D. (2013). Computers and language learning: an overview. Language Teaching31(02), 57.

            Summary of the Article

            The article provides an overview of the advancement in use of technology in teaching of English in the classroom. (Warschauer & Healey, 2013), assert that the use of computers in teaching English was restricted to small number of specialists. They further pointed that the interest in use of computers continued to grow in same way as the innovations in the computer industry. The authors identified three distinct transitions in modes of teaching English using computers as the behavioral, communicative and integrated approaches. The behavioral approach was the first system that is associated with the mainframes, the communicative developed as the weaknesses of the behavioral system were noted. The communicative system was associated with the personal computers and the inte…………………..
