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A private economic consultant for Ruby Red Movie Theater in town

You are continuing to serve as a private economic consultant for Ruby Red Movie Theater in town. The theater would like to have your input concerning what prices they should charge for movie tickets and the average prices for concession stand items. Access the Unit II Assignment Worksheet in Blackboard. Assignment Instructions: Complete the Unit II Assignment Worksheet. This worksheet contains a series of questions concerning your reviews of the movie ticket and concession items; be sure to answer them all and put your answers in the worksheet.Once you have completed your worksheet, use the information you gathered there to write an essay describing your calculations, what you suggest is the equilibrium price and quantity of movie tickets and concession items for Ruby Red Movie Theater, and factors that could cause the supply and demand curves to shift. Specifically, address the information from your worksheet when writing your essay, as well as the following:

  • The movie theater manager has seen a dramatic decrease in the quantity of movie tickets and concession items purchased over the last year. Indicate the following: 
  • two factors that might have caused the demand curve to shift to the left (decrease) for movie tickets, and  
  • two factors that might have changed and caused the demand for concession items to shift to the left (decrease).

Your essay must be at least two written pages, not counting the references page. Be sure to include an introduction and a title page. You are required to use at least two peer-reviewed scholarly sources. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA Style.

This worksheet is intended to help you develop the information you will use to complete your Unit II Assignment.

Completing only this worksheet does not constitute completion of the Unit II Assignment. You need to complete all parts of the assignment, which also include writing an essay about the information you obtain in this worksheet. You will insert your essay at the end of this document where indicated, and then upload your assignment via SafeAssign.


  1. Complete the Unit II Worksheet.
  2. Use your Unit II Worksheet responses to help you formulate your ideas for writing your essay; you are expected to expand on these questions when writing your essay.
  3. Include your graphs in this worksheet, in the areas indicated.
  4. Import this document into the Word document containing your essay, then upload the entire assignment via SafeAssign.

Part 1:Given the quantity of total movie tickets and total concession stand items consumed in a month and the total utility derived at Ruby Red’s Movie Theater for each, calculate the marginal utility and the marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets and average concession stand items.

Step 1: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets.

Quantity of Tickets ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityMovie Ticket PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Movie Tickets

Step 2: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for concession stand items.

Quantity of Concession Stand Items ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityAverage Item PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Concession Items

Part 1 Question 1: What quantity combination of movie tickets and concession stand items would maximize utility?

Your Answers:

Quantity of Movie Tickets
Quantity of Concession Stand Items

Part 1 Question 2: What is the price of movie tickets and average concession stand items?

Your Answers:

Movie Ticket Price
Concession Stand Items Average Price

Part 2: Given the quantity of total movie tickets and total concession stand items consumed in a month and the total utility derived at Ruby Red’s Movie Theater for the change in movie ticket prices, calculate the marginal utility and the marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets and concession stand items.

Step 1: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for movie ticket.

Quantity of Tickets ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityMovie Ticket PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Movie Tickets

(Continue on next page)

Step 2: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for concession stand items. (Note: the information here has not changed from Part 1, Step 2.)

Quantity of Concession Stand Items ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityAverage Item PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Concession Items

Part 2 Question 1: What quantity combination of movie tickets and concession stand items would maximize utility now that the price of movie tickets has changed?

Your Answers:

Quantity of Movie Tickets
Quantity of Concession Stand Items

Part 2 Question 2: What is the price of movie tickets?

Your Answer:

Movie Ticket Price

Part 3:Given the total quantity of movie tickets and total concession stand items consumed in a month and the total utility derived at Ruby Red’s Movie Theater for the change in concession stand prices, calculate the marginal utility and the marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets and concession stand items.

Step 1: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for movie tickets. (Note: The information here is the same as in Part 1, Step 1.)

Quantity of Tickets ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityMovie Ticket PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Movie Tickets

(Continue on next page)

Step 2: Calculate marginal utility and marginal utility per dollar for concession stand items.

Quantity of Concession Stand Items ConsumedTotal UtilityMarginal UtilityAverage Item PriceMarginal Utility Per Dollar for Concession Items

Part 3 Question 1: What quantity combination of movie tickets and concession stand items would maximize utility now that the average price of concession items has changed?

Your Answers:

Quantity of Movie Tickets
Quantity of Concession Stand Items

Part 3 Question 2: What is the average price concession stand items?

Your Answer:

Concession Stand Items Average Price

Part 4:Answer the following from the calculations you made above:

Step 1: In regards to movie tickets, report the price and quantity you calculated in Questions 1 and 2 from Parts 1 and 2.

Movie Tickets
Part 1, Question 1, and Question 2
Part 2, Question 1, and Question 2

TASK TO DO: Graph the demand curve for movie tickets from the information you have above. Provide a copy of your graph in the box below. You can use a computer program such as Microsoft Excel or even draw the demand curve for movie tickets by hand, then take a clear, easy-to-read photo of it and insert it. Be sure to resize your graph or photo so that it completely fits in the box.

Step 2: In regards to concession stand items, report the price and quantity you calculated in Questions 1 and 2 from Parts 1 and 2.

Concession Stand Items
Average PriceQuantity
Part 1, Question 1, and Question 2
Part 3, Question 1, and Question 2

TASK TO DO: Graph the demand curve for concession stand items from the information you have above. Provide a copy of your graph in the area below. You can use a computer program such as Microsoft Excel or even draw the demand curve for movie tickets by hand, then take a clear, easy-to-read photo of it and insert it. Be sure to resize your graph or photo so that it completely fits in the box.

Part 5:Given the price and quantity information below, graph the supply curve for movie tickets and concession stand items on separate graphs.

Step 1: Graph the supply of movie tickets given the prices and quantities supplied below.

Movie Ticket Prices and Quantity Supplied

Movie Ticket PriceQuantity Supplied of Movie Tickets

Insert graph here: To create your graph, you can use a computer program such as Microsoft Excel or even draw the demand curve for movie tickets by hand, then take a clear, easy-to-read photo of it and insert it. Be sure to resize your graph or photo so that it completely fits in the box.

Part 5 Question 1: Why is the quantity supplied of movie tickets the same regardless of the price of movie tickets? Enter your response in the box below.

Step 2: Graph the supply of concession stand items given the prices and quantities supplied below.

Concession Stand Item Prices and Quantity Supplied

Average Concession Stand PriceQuantity Supplied of Concession Stand Items

Draw or insert graph here: (Make sure your graph fits entirely in the box.)

Part 6: Graph the supply and demand for movie tickets and concession stand items.

Step 1: Graph the supply and demand for movie tickets on one graph.

Draw or insert graph here: (Make sure your graph fits entirely in the box.)

Step 2: Estimate the equilibrium price and quantity for movie tickets:

Equilibrium Price: ­­­_____________________

Equilibrium Quantity: ________________________

Step 3: Graph the supply and demand for concession stand items on one graph.

Draw or insert graph here: (Make sure your graph fits entirely in the box.)




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When is the last time you went to the theater? (Links to an external site.)

Before covid hit, I assigned a written exercise in this class about the movie theater experience. Now, I’m not comfortable requiring students to go to a theater, so this is your alternative option. Read through the assignment information BEFORE you watch a movie.

Watch one of the journalism movies on the list provided by the Poynter Institute. Please select a movie you have not seen before. Answer the questions below for your assignment. I am incorporating some of the ideas from the in-person movie theater experience assignment since our textbook discusses movies from the theater perspective, not so much home movies or streaming.

When is the last time you went to the theater? What movie did you see? How often do you go to movies in the theater? Do you go for general entertainment or a special occasion? Why?

BEFORE YOU WATCH THE JOURNALISM MOVIE: Check the advertising for it (movie trailers, reviews, movie websites).  BEFORE YOU WATCH THE JOURNALISM MOVIE: write down what you think the movie will be about from watching trailers and reading reviews. 

After you watch the movie, write down what it was actually about, compared with what you assumed it was about from watching trailers and reviews.

How would you rate the movie if you were a reviewer? Find some reviews about it and report what others say about it.

What is the Bechdel Test (See chapter  8)? Does the movie pass the test? Do you think it’s a valid test?

How were the journalists portrayed in the movie, in a positive light or negative? Do you have any stereotypes about what you think a typical journalist looks like or behaves? Did this movie reinforce that typecasting?

Was the movie fictional, based on a true story, or documentary? How did you decide which movie to watch?

Do you think the movie experience would have been different if you had seen it in the theater?

Minimum 500 words, maximum 1500 words




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Writers Solution

movie theater experience (Links to an external site.)

Before covid hit, I assigned a written exercise in this class about the movie theater experience. Now, I’m not comfortable requiring students to go to a theater, so this is your alternative option. Read through the assignment information BEFORE you watch a movie.

Watch one of the journalism movies on the list provided by the Poynter Institute. Please select a movie you have not seen before. Answer the questions below for your assignment. I am incorporating some of the ideas from the in-person movie theater experience assignment since our textbook discusses movies from the theater perspective, not so much home movies or streaming.

When is the last time you went to the theater? What movie did you see? How often do you go to movies in the theater? Do you go for general entertainment or a special occasion? Why?

BEFORE YOU WATCH THE JOURNALISM MOVIE: Check the advertising for it (movie trailers, reviews, movie websites).  BEFORE YOU WATCH THE JOURNALISM MOVIE: write down what you think the movie will be about from watching trailers and reading reviews. 

After you watch the movie, write down what it was actually about, compared with what you assumed it was about from watching trailers and reviews.

How would you rate the movie if you were a reviewer? Find some reviews about it and report what others say about it.

What is the Bechdel Test (See chapter  8)? Does the movie pass the test? Do you think it’s a valid test?

How were the journalists portrayed in the movie, in a positive light or negative? Do you have any stereotypes about what you think a typical journalist looks like or behaves? Did this movie reinforce that typecasting?

Was the movie fictional, based on a true story, or documentary? How did you decide which movie to watch?

Do you think the movie experience would have been different if you had seen it in the theater?

Minimum 500 words, maximum 1500 words




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Ruby Red Movie Theater


Your assignment is to provide a final report for Ruby Red Movie Theater in which you address the concerns that have been outlined in the previous six units of this class, indicating any outsourcing or vertical integration options Ruby Red Movie Theater may be able to implement.

Be specific regarding the analysis you performed in each area of study. Your recommendations for improvements for the theater should be based on economic theory and your analysis. Your complete analysis of the theater, the industry, and opportunities that may exist are crucial for the future profitability of the theater.

Revise the information from previous assignments as needed and pull everything together to create a cohesive, comprehensive report. What this means is that this final report should be original updated work, though it is based on your previous assignments. Do not just copy and paste your previous assignments into one paper. Also, be sure to incorporate any suggestions your instructor made in your previous assignments.

New information will be added for Unit VII, which will focus on the information provided in this unit. The topics for this section will include why firms exist, the factors that create a situation where vertical integration is desirable, and why firms would use outsourcing, as well as how this information can be applied to the Ruby Red Movie Theatre.

The following is a list of items and sections you should include in your final report. Replace the unit numbers with appropriate titles for the information in each section.

Title page

Table of contents


Unit I

Results write-up from Unit I, including recommendations

Unit II

Results write-up from Unit II, including recommendations

Unit II Tables

Unit II Graphs

Unit III

Results write-up from Unit III, including recommendations

Unit IV

Results write-up from Unit IV, including recommendations

Unit IV Tables

Unit V

Results write-up from Unit V, including recommendations

Unit V Tables

Unit VI

Results write-up from Unit VI, including recommendations

Unit VII

Results write-up from Unit VII, including recommendations

Conclusions and final recommendations

Reference page

Insert labeled tables after the reference page

Adhere to APA Style (APA 7th edition) when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

For help when citing and referencing using APA 7th edition, consult the 2020 Success Center Citation Guide . It also provides guidance that will help you with APA Style formatting.

I will attach the other assignments after paid tutor. 

Continued from Unit I 552648, Unit Ii 552649,Unit III 553823, Unit IV 553672, Unit V 554091, Unit VI 554092 and this one





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Ruby Red Movie Theater has experimented with using different numbers of workers in the concession area of the theater as well as at the ticket counter


Ruby Red Movie Theater has experimented with using different numbers of workers in the concession area of the theater as well as at the ticket counter. In these experiments, Tracy, the manager of the theater, collected data on total number of buckets of popcorn as well as movie ticket sales produced per day. Tracy would like for you to analyze the data and tell her how many workers she should use each day in the concession stand area for producing popcorn and in the ticket area for producing movie ticket sales. She would also like to know how many buckets of popcorn and movie tickets will be produced/sold by those workers per day. Access the Unit IV Assignment Worksheet in Blackboard. You will complete the following in this worksheet: Part 1Complete the tables calculating the average product, marginal product, total value product, average value product, and marginal value product. Part 2Answer the five questions after each table as a guide to use when writing your essay. Part 3Write an essay of at least 750 words in which you address the following:

  • Describe your calculations in the table.
  • Indicate the number of workers used per day where the law of diminishing marginal returns begins for producing buckets of popcorn.
  • Indicate the number of workers used per day where the law of diminishing marginal returns begins for movie ticket sales production.
  • Describe the shapes of both the average product and marginal product curves, and include how they compare to the average value product and marginal value product curves for both buckets of popcorn and movie tickets.
  • Indicate the optimal number of workers per day to use and the corresponding total number of buckets of popcorn to produce. Make sure you indicate how you found this optimal number of workers and total number of buckets of popcorn.
  • Indicate the optimal number of workers per day to use and the corresponding total number of movie tickets to sell (produce). Make sure you indicate how you determined this optimal number of workers and total number of movie tickets.

Include a copy of the completed tables and your question answers from the worksheet after your essay (e.g., on the page following your reference page, if you have one). The minimum word count will not include the information from the worksheet (tables and answers).Any sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA Style

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Writers Solution

manager at Ruby Red Movie Theater, is extremely worried about concession stand sales

Tracy, the manager at Ruby Red Movie Theater, is extremely worried about concession stand sales. Tracy has indicated that she is at a loss regarding how many employees should be working in the concession stand area and how many concession stand items should be sold per day. Tracy is even considering closing the concession stand area.

Output, labor, and price information for items sold in the concession stand area have been provided in the Unit V Assignment Worksheet. Your assignment is to help Tracy figure out the optimal number of workers and the number of items that should be sold daily. Let’s keep the concession stand open!

Access the Unit V Assignment Worksheet in Blackboard.’

Complete the following in the Unit V Assignment Worksheet

.Part 1Complete the table, calculating the total variable cost of labor, the total cost per day, total revenue, profit, average variable cost, average fixed cost, average total cost, marginal cost, and marginal revenue.

Part 2Answer the questions after the table as a guide to use when writing your essay

.Part 3Write an essay of at least 750 words. 

  • Briefly describe the calculations you made when filling in the table data. 
  • Indicate the profit-maximizing level of output and employees along with the two ways you found this optimal level. This profit-maximizing level of output and employees will tell you how to keep the concession stand open. 
  • Describe the average price level for the concession stand items that would be required to force the theater to shut down the concession stand in the short run, and include how you determined this level.

Include a copy of the completed table and your answers to the questions in the worksheet after your essay (e.g., on the page following your reference page, if you have one). The word count will not include the information in the table.All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA Style

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. manager at Ruby Red Movie Theater, is extremely worried about concession stand sales

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Writers Solution

Ruby Red Movie Theater has experimented with using different numbers of workers in the concession area of the theater as well as at the ticket counter

Instructions; Ruby Red Movie Theater has experimented with using different numbers of workers in the concession area of the theater as well as at the ticket counter. In these experiments, Tracy, the manager of the theater, collected data on the total number of buckets of popcorn as well as movie ticket sales produced per day.

Tracy would like for you to analyze the data and tell her how many workers she should use each day in the concession stand area for producing popcorn and in the ticket area for producing movie ticket sales. She would also like to know how many buckets of popcorn and movie tickets will be produced/sold by those workers per day.

Access the Unit IV Assignment Worksheet in Blackboard. You will complete the following in this worksheet:

Part 1

Complete the tables calculating the average product, marginal product, total value product, average value product, and marginal value product.

Part 2

Answer the five questions after each table as a guide to use when writing your essay.

Part 3

Write an essay of at least 750 words in which you address the following:

  • Describe your calculations in the table. 
  • Indicate the number of workers used per day where the law of diminishing marginal returns begins for producing buckets of popcorn. 
  • Indicate the number of workers used per day where the law of diminishing marginal returns begins for movie ticket sales production. 
  • Describe the shapes of both the average product and marginal product curves, and include how they compare to the average value product and marginal value product curves for both buckets of popcorn and movie tickets. 
  • Indicate the optimal number of workers per day to use and the corresponding total number of buckets of popcorn to produce. Make sure you indicate how you found this optimal number of workers and the total number of buckets of popcorn. 
  • Indicate the optimal number of workers per day to use and the corresponding total number of movie tickets to sell (produce). Make sure you indicate how you determined this optimal number of workers and the total number of movie tickets.

Include a copy of the completed tables and your question answers from the worksheet after your essay (e.g., on the page following your reference page, if you have one). The minimum word count will not include the information from the worksheet (tables and answers).

Any sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Ruby Red Movie Theater has experimented with using different numbers of workers in the concession area of the theater as well as at the ticket counter

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