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Solid wastes and their collection at BRRMF

Assignment based on the field trip to Brady Road Resource Management Facility (BRRMF) , Winnipeg:

The objective of this assignment is to

1)     To understand the process and techniques involved in solid waste management at BRRMF.

2)     To think critically on solid waste management at the individual/ household level and relate it to sustainability.


·       You are expected to write an assignment explaining the following.

1) Explain the different types of solid wastes and their collection at BRRMF (this can be based both on your observations during the trip and on secondary material from other sources).

2) The significance of BRRMF in treating different solid wastes in Winnipeg and Manitoba at large.

3) Expand on any one aspect of the solid waste management at BRRMF that stood out to you. Discuss this from a viewpoint of Sustainability.

4) Discuss at least three measures that can be done at an individual/household level to reduce solid waste. The measures should be discussed in detail with adequate backing from literature on solid waste management.

·       The assignment should be a minimum of 1000 words excluding references.

·       The assignment should have different sections with titles (ex. Introduction, Conclusion)

The Rubric for this assignment is attached separately. Kindly go through the rubric to understand the grading criteria.

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Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


For this task you will create a number of classes that provide information about the personnel in an organisation. You will write a Manager class and a Worker class, each of which will subclass a Person class. A Person will have a name, just a String, and an identity number, which is an integer. As no-one is just a person, the constructor of the Person class will only be used by constructors of derived classes. The name will be provided when an instance of a derived class is created. The identity should be automatically generated during construction and must be unique. No person, either manager or worker, can have the same identity number as another person. You should also ensure that the identity numbers of managers and workers cover separate ranges of integers (e.g. 1 – 99 for managers and 100 – 999 for workers), so that an identity number can be used, in the human organisation but not in your program, to discern whether a person is a manager or a worker.

There is a relationship between managers and workers that needs to be incorporated in the

corresponding classes. Each manager is the leader of a team of workers. In particular, a manager leads

exactly one team and a worker belongs to exactly one team. The system must allow for workers to be

moved from one team to another, managers to be moved from leadership of one team to leadership of

another, as well as for the appointment and retirement of personnel. For the current assignment task a

simplifying assumption will be that we do not need a class to represent a team’s work area. Instead the

manager-worker relationships will be incorporated by each Manager object maintaining a list of

Worker references, representing the team, and each Worker object maintaining a Manager reference,

representing the team leader.

The following state and functionality should be provided for these classes:

  • The Person class will maintain name and      identity fields, as described above, and the derived

Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


  • Appropriate constructors will allow the name      and identity fields of Manager and Worker

objects to be initialised properly. Note that, although the identity field will be inherited,

its initialisation depends on the particular derived class. Full initialisation of the fields

implementing manager-worker interrelationships would not be done at this stage, but they

must be in an appropriate state for testing.

  • Getters for fields will be provided in      appropriate classes.
  • Appropriate toString methods will be      provided as required to simplify the display of object

state. Where an object’s state contains a reference to a person, include that person’s identity

number in the string.

  • For setting up, changing, or nullifying the      field values implementing manager-worker

interrelationships you need to make changes in the state of both a Manager object and a

Worker object. There are different ways to do this. For example, for moving a worker

between teams, one way is to provide the Worker class with a movetoTeamOf instance

method that accepts a Manager reference. The code of this method could first make some

checks (e.g. are either of the current and new Manager references null or are they the same?)

before removing the current worker from the team of the current manager, changing the

worker’s manager and then moving the worker to the new manager’s team. Note that this

would access instance methods of Manager for removing a worker from a team and for

adding a worker to a team. A similar approach applies for setting up a new worker and for

removing a worker from the system; the changes must be done so as to ensure the

information system remains in a stable state, which cannot be left as a responsibility of client


  • Changing team managers is another operation on      manager-worker interrelationships that

needs to be done, and with care. It might be implemented via a switchTeams instance method

of the Manager class that accepts the reference of another manager, but you need to make

sure that this switches all the Manager references held by the respective teams. You also

need to implement functionality for removing a manager from the system, which will only

occur if a newly created manager is available as a replacement, and adding an additional

manager, whose team could then be populated by client code applying some combination of

creating new workers and moving workers using functionality described above.

Write a TestPersonnel class to test the functionality of the classes you have developed. It will be done

without user interaction and will provide the following sequence of actions, using good design techniques such as in the appropriate use of methods:

  • Create a single list for the people in the      organisation, which is a list containing Person

references for managers and workers.

  • Provide code to create some managers (3 will      do) and some workers (12 will do) and add

them to the list. Assign the workers in turn to the different managers.

  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Add 3 new workers to the organisation,      assigning them in turn to the different managers.
  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Remove from the organisation the first 2      workers in the list of people.
  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Add a new manager to the organisation,      reassigning the first worker in the list of people to

this new manager.

  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation





Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


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Why is it important that a buyer of property timely record their deed?

Answer these questions. With at least a total of 150 words or more

Deeds and liens are public documents that are recorded with a government agency like the Lee County Clerk and Recorder. Please answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important that a buyer of property timely record their deed?

2. Why would a General Contractor who did work remodeling a house record a lien?

Read my answer and write a total of 150 words count response

Wounded Warrior Project Questions 1-5.

Are the issues and questions raised in the Wounded Warrior Project case related to the concepts of accountability, performance, or both? How are those concepts related to this case?

It is my perception that the issues and questions raised are related to both concepts of accountability and performance. Our book describes the “narrowest” concepts of accountability for a nonprofit would be to just follow the law. Even if the board is meeting, budgets are met, employee engagement is active and following a strategic plan, it does not mean that the mission is being followed (page 146, Worth).

Three principal mechanisms that nonprofits should be held accountable are to follow the law, abide by self-regulation and to be transparent. Transparency means to show the donors, media and whoever wishes to see that the organization is working towards the mission and following all guidelines.

Performance has two key components; one is performance measurement which will tell what an organization did and how well it did it. The other is performance management, which monitors situations continuously (page 159, Worth).

Melia’s vision for his program was to help Iraq War veterans gain some independence by just helping them with essentials to maintain a quality of life. Because of the success of this program, he expanded the services to include helping veterans into sports programs, employment, and other assistance. Because of the program’s success, he hired additional staff to help him. It was at that time he brought in a former executive of a small non-profit named Nardizzi. In just 6 years, Melia’s program grew into an organization of 50 people and had raised $21 million dollars in revenue. After reading the Case in Worth on page 177, it seemed to be that there may have been some founder syndrome with Melia, because there were disagreements between him and Mr. Nardizzi regarding the growth of the company presenting barriers. Mr. Melisa resigned and Nardizzi became the CEO of the Wounded Warrior Project.

Nardizzi viewed this organization as a “Starbucks”, and it became more of a business model (Page 177, Worth). Nardizzi spent a lot of money on fundraising and continued to increase it. The project had reached 40% of its revenues on overhead and fundraising.

The Mission of the project is to honor and empower wounded warriors. The Vision is to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. (Links to an external site.)

Former staff became critical of the focus on the fundraising and performance metrics on the money took away from the commitment of the mission and the vision mentioned above. Accusations were made that the mission was compromised at times just to meet goals.

In 2016 the Wounded Warrior Project was criticized by the media regarding lavish spending by employees on events and travel. There were four different separate investigations, one that included the board of the WWP. The board back the organization stating the expenses were justified. This would make sense that the board would justify because of the intense scrutiny of the media, and this is something they also should have been accountable while reviewing performance measures. It wasn’t until government officials’ investigations, that the board did dismiss Nardizzi as well as the COO. A Former military officer named Michael Linnington was appointed as CEO in June of 2016 and was given the project of restoring the good name of this program. On page 178 in our book, it states that the most important metric for an organization is not overhead but what is achieved. I believe that sentence says it all.

I think that Nardizzi treated this project too much like a private sector to make money (page 177) and did not focus on the mission or ‘end goal’ which was helping veterans. He and the board did not have good accountability because even if the law was being followed, transparency was not clear, and spending was questioned t/out Nardizzi’s employment.

Performance measurement seemed to be available for this case, but performance management was weak. The board was either money focused like Nardizzi or they were kept in the dark about the day to day operations of the project. (Links to an external site.)

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Think back on the responsibilities of governing boards discussed in Chapter three. How do they relate to the case of the Wounded Warrior Project:

I discussed this in the above statement. It is of my perception that the board that Nardizzi had was either more focused on getting money by fundraising and lost sight of the mission, which was to honor and empower wounded warriors, or Nardizzi did a really good job of being non-transparent. Our book does state that after Senator Grassley’s investigation, some board members were replaces and programs were readjusted to better serve veterans (page 179, Worth). I feel that this governing board may have ‘turned its head’ because Nardizzi wasn’t breaking the law, even though ethics and morals are questionable.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Accounting rules permit nonprofits to allocate some costs between fundraising and programs; for example, the costs of mailing that solicits gifts but also advocates for a cause may be apportioned between those two functions. Some people defend this practice while others say it is misleading to the public. What is your opinion?

I think it’s important to have fundraising for nonprofits, otherwise nonprofits would not be able to serve communities without contributions from donors. I also think it is very important to be completely transparent with these transactions and go above the law. If there is a fundraiser or an event, I think it is important to be able to mail out notices or letters to the public to notify the community of these events and I do think it is appropriate to allocate costs.

Our hospital has a foundation department. Anything and everything related to donation or making money, even as small as a bake sale, goes through this department because of conflict of interest.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

The Chapter discusses the view of Renz and Herman that nonprofit effectiveness is socially constructed, that is, defined by what people perceive about the organization. How does that relate to the case of the Wounded Warrior Project.

My perception is that it is accurate in this case. When Melia started his program, he was focused on helping Iraq War veterans in military hospitals by giving out backpacks with essentials to maintain a quality of life. This was such a good way to give back. News spread of what this man was doing, and others wanted to help him. Once Nardizzi was hired and there were disagreements between Melia and Nardizzi and Melia resigned, it seems the WWP lost its focus on Melia’s passion which was helping the veterans. Once former staff members and news media started criticizing the organization, it didn’t take long for word to spread about the negative reputation the organization was forming (page 178, Worth). Once the media started doing investigation, it didn’t take long for them to find out about the lavish spending and how monies were being spent on other things besides the veterans – it spread like wildfire. Therefore, I feel it can be socially constructed. With respect to the Wounded Warrior Project, I do agree with Renz and Herman social constructionism perspective.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Overall, what is your opinion about the wounded Warrior Project controversy? Did it engage in practices that violated standards of accountability, or was it just a young organization that needed to spend on overhead to grow?

It is of my perception that the WWP did have a conscious when Melia was part of the organization. He initiated the program to help others, he states in the video interview that the program grew way too big too fast. He also states he wasn’t sure he wanted it to grow that big. I believe that Nardizzi was a CEO that was focused more on the money and making money. The board and Nardizzi’s team lost sight of the veterans and the birth of the WWP. I do believe that Nardizzi’s team engaged practices that violated standards of accountability and performance, but I believe Nardizzi’s team was careful to abide by the law, even though they know they were being unethical.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications, (Links to an external site.)

Youth Villages

How are the concepts of effectiveness, efficiency, and organizational performance reflected in the Youth Villages case?

Effectiveness, efficiency, and organizational performance are reflected quite well. They have a model which is called “Evidentiary Family Restoration,” that reflect five core tenets (page 180, Worth).

Programs are research based, data drive, and accountable to children, families, and funders. Follow up is a big part of this program, which is so important for the children and families of the program. Youth Village tracks its own members longitudinally at ages 6, 12 and 24 months after discharge. Because of its success with data sets, it has attracted national donors, one who helped this organization gained even more funds from other funders who were participating in Clarks Growth Capital Aggregation Pilot program (page 180, Worth).

In addition, they have continued to improve performance management to track core indicators.

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

Which of the approaches to measuring and reporting performance discussed in this chapter are illustrated in the case of Youth Villages?

It is my perception that Youth Villages utilized both performance measurement and performance management. Performance measurements by being transparent about what they did and how they did it. This was showing by having a model. They were very detail oriented by itemizing the amount of children served, staff turnover, physical interventions required, incidents, if any; perceptions by families services; financial performance; compliance with regulatory guidelines and best practices; and success in moving children to less-restrictive environment.

Performance management because by tracking the accurate data this is monitoring the situation on a continuous basis. This is the process of defining, monitoring, and using objective indicators of the performance of organizations.

Youth Villages distinguished the effectiveness it had on the peoples and families by being transparent with its data. This is showing efficiency by measuring the proportion of resources used to produce outputs or attain inputs – cost ratios. Effectiveness is measured by comparing the results achieved with the results. This is obvious with the data reported (page 159 and 160, Worth).

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

If Youth Villages were to apply the social return on investment (SROI) approach, what would be some of the cost savings to society that might be calculated (i.e., the social benefits in dollar terms)?

A social return on Youth Villages’ investment would best be described as that they are giving youths an opportunity to gain a sense of family that was once lost. This program can keep children out of foster care, according to, more than 435,000 children are growing up in these homes currently. This program is giving these children an opportunity to learn family focused living to be a productive member of society and once they are done with school and old enough to move out on their own, either go to college or obtain and keep a job where they can contribute to the economy and lead a great quality of life (page 171 and 172, Worth). (Links to an external site.)

Worth, Michael J. (2009). Nonprofit management : principles and practice. Los Angeles :SAGE Publications,

How does the view of Renz and Herman that effectiveness is socially constructed relate to the case of Youth Villages?

Renz and Herman board best practices and organization effectiveness can raise questions about the effectiveness of the organization overall, as stated in our book (page 174, Worth).

My perception is that Youth Villages board and CEO are accountable, and the performance is straight on. The organization is transparent with all aspects of the organization making the organization attractive for donors. Because of its strategic organization and following of its core model, Youth Villages has been able to grow and expand by fostering in home services, transitional services and family based care. With respect to Youth Villages, I do not agree with Renz and Herman social constructionism perspective




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What are the 2 major types of body defenses and their subtypes

1. What are the 2 major types of body defenses and their subtypes

2. What is Major Histocompatibility Complex?

3. What are the eosinophils involved in?

4. Where are the blood cells formed?

5. Describe the 2 types of white blood cells explaining each of their kinds of cells.

6. What’s the difference between B cells and T cells?

7. What is the Hangeman Factor?

8. What is chemotaxis?

9. Describe the kinin system.

10. In your own words, explain the sequence of events of the inflammatory response.

11. What are the typical signs of an inflammatory response? Give me their words in Latin and the meaning of those words.

12. What are complement proteins?

13. What are the types of T cells, and what are they responsible for?

14. How are antibodies formed?

15. Which is the order of release of the 5 immunoglobulins (Igs)?

16. What are interferons and what are they responsible for?

17. Describe interleukins, including their importance

18. What is the interrelationship of the immune and inflammatory responses?

19. What is TNF?

20. What are neoplasms?

21. Explain the viral invasion of human cells.

22. What are autoimmune diseases? Give 2 examples.

23. When a person gets a transplanted organ and it doesn’t work well, what is the name of that reaction?

24. What is the difference between antigen and antibody?

25. What are the macrophages responsible for?

26. What are mast cells and phagocytes?

27. What 5 types of cells are produced by the myelocytes?

28. What is MPS?

29. Describe leukotrienes.

30. What is chrysotherapy? When is it used, and how well-tolerated is it?

31. Explain the differences between anti-inflammatory x antipyretic x analgesic agents.

32. What is the meaning of NSAID?

33. Give an example of a salicylate.

34. What is “salicylism”?

35. What is the most common type (prototype) of NSAID?

36. What are COX-1 and COX-2, and which type of drug blocks their effect?

37. What is one of the most common adverse effects of Ibuprofen?

38. What is Tylenol?

39. Describe Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs.

40. Describe the sites of action of the various immune modulators.

41. What do the immune stimulants and the immune suppressors do?

42. What are monoclonal antibodies?

43. Explain recombinant DNA technology.

44. Name the different sites of action of the immune modulators.

45. What are colony-stimulating factors?

46. What is another indication of the drug Aspirin? Why?

47. What is the difference between vaccines and sera?

48. When are immunoglobulins used?

49. What is “serum sickness”?

50. What does MMR mean?




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define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their areas of expertise

Please Apply this to the assignment                                                                                                     Expanded Read Announcement Evidence-based Writing  9/4/22, 11:59 PM
Evidence-Based Writing refers to a particular style of expression that researchers use to define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their areas of expertise.Characteristics of evidence-based writing:Literature, abstract, keywords, methods, analysis, citationsNeed evidence to support your topic of study and concentrationInclude a formal toneUse of the third-person rather than first-person perspective (usually)A clear focus on the research problem under investigationCritical and analytical thinking Formula for evidence-based writingOne idea/thought per paragraph + evidence based writing = Scholarly WritingQualities of an evidence-based writerTime management (manage your time or it will manage you)Critical thinker (think inside, outside, and around the box)Proof and edit (spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, grammar)Communicator (able to convey your message in writing)Selecting a format for what you are writingClick here to watch a video on evidence-based writing (less than 12 minutes!), that includes examplesMore information about evidence-based writing is available in the Doctoral Resource Center
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inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics.

Assignment – Inventory Management Instructions

Research two manufacturing or two service companies that manage inventory and write a 5-7 page paper in which you:

  1. Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics.
  2. Analyze how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.
  3. Evaluate the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
  4. Compare and contrast the four different types of layouts found with each company; explain the importance of the layouts to the company’s manufacturing or service operations.
  5. Determine at least two metrics to evaluate supply chain performance of the companies; suggest improvements to the design and operations of their supply chains based on those metrics.
  6. Suggest ways to improve the inventory management for each of the companies without affecting operations and the customer benefit package. Provide a rationale to support the suggestion.
  7. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality

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mental health educational poster that can be used by consumers their carers / family and significant

Aim of the Assessment
Students will have the opportunity to develop their creativity and written skills as they create a
mental health educational poster that can be used by consumers their carers / family and significant
others. The poster will provide educational information that is easy to understand by non-
professionals. With the use of non-jargonistic language and some visual information, you will be able
to communicate your knowledge and provide education to help promote mental health and
recovery of consumers and their carers/family/significant others. You will need the scenario
called Mike’s story for both Assessments 2 and 3.
You are to create and submit a 400-word A4 poster via Turnitin with a reference list in a separate
Word document.
• Using the scenario Mike’s story, you will choose a topic to create a poster that will help Mike
and his carers/family and significant others to have a better understanding of Mike’s mental
ill-health or illness and help the consumer move closer to their recovery.
• This poster should be educational, help promote good mental health and easily understood
by non-health professionals.
• HINT: To help you, think of some topics that you would like to provide Mike and his
carers/family/significant others from the scenario (Mike’s story), that would help promote
positive mental health and recovery. Think of information that could help with early
intervention to prevent mental ill-health or mental illness for Mike. The poster should
effectively communicate the key message in an engaging and succinct manner.
• Use evidence-based information with a minimum of 5 relevant, current, peer-reviewed
academic resources.
Here are some ideas and topics that you many find helpful and would like to use:
• What is anxiety?
• Antidepressants – information for consumers’ carers/family/significant others
• Mental Health Recovery
• Preventing Stigma in mental health
• Importance/role of carer/family / significant other in mental health recovery.
What to include in my poster?
At a minimum students should include:
1. Student name and student ID
2. A title that clearly indicates your topic (you can make it catchy)
3. Significance of topic – You can start by explaining why your topic is important.
4. Statement about the incidences of the mental health issue/s in Australia.
5. Explain how your topic can facilitate recovery and promote wellbeing.
6. Future directions (consider what needs to be done to sustainably support recovery and
wellbeing of mental health consumers).Tips
• A poster is a visual representation of your chosen topic.
• Use graphs, tables, diagrams, and images where appropriate. Use colour to attract attention
and give your work some impact.
• Ensure that all graphics and visual images are relevant to your topic.
• Keep it simple, clear, and concise. Use language that is academic, professional and recovery
orientated. Avoid jargon, acronyms, and stigmatising.
• The poster needs to be eye-catching, attractive, and engaging but avoids overcrowding of
• The poster needs to be an A4 page.
• What software to use: You may use PowerPoint, Word, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva
to name a few.
Mike’s story
Mike is a 21-year-old male who presented in Emergency Department (ED) with thoughts of self-harm,
agitation and insomnia. He was brought in by his flatmate who
is a student nurse, who had noticed the changes in his mental health. He has not been sleeping well
and gained weight over the last two years. Mike has moved
from Melbourne to Sydney to study engineering at university. After two years of working part time in
a construction firm, he was given the opportunity to supervise
some of his co-workers. This is a new role and Mike found this to be very challenging, particularly as
he is required to supervise a crew. He wants to show his
supervisors that he can do the job. When he arrived in ED, he was agitated, had minimal eye contact,
difficult to engage and would only engage with a handful of
the nurses.
Lately, he has been having trouble sleeping. A GP from a medical centre prescribed Temazepam
20mg nocte. He also started taking Phenergan 10mg to help him
sleep. He has previously taken Phenergan for his allergies which he can buy from the chemist without
a prescription. He thought this might help with his sleepless
nights. He has been watching shows in his iPad in bed at night, in the hope that it would help him go
to sleep. The medications did not help and instead, he stated
that it kept him more awake at night. He started smoking marijuana to help manage his insomnia
with very little effect. He stated that he has intermittent sleep and
has not slept properly for 6 days.
He has been supported by his GP and a private psychologist since he was 19 years old, when he was
first diagnosed with anxiety. However, since he moved to
Sydney, he has not found a GP in Sydney that he can trust. He continues to be on Fluoxetine 20mg
daily but feels that he needs it reviewed because of his low mood.
He voiced that his long-term goal is to cease the medication and ‘this would what make me feel like I
have recovered’. He expressed that he is not ready to stop his
medications. Mike admitted that he previously had thoughts of harming himself by crashing his
car. This was the reason his GP commenced him on Fluoxetine and
Mike started seeing a psychologist who helped him with his self-harm thoughts which helped him.
However, these self-harm thoughts and feelings are starting to
return, and he does not want these thoughts to consume his life again.He does not have any family in Sydney. He is reluctant to tell his family in Melbourne about the
changes in his mental health. They do not know that he is on
medications for his anxiety. He stated that although his family are very supportive, he did not want
to burden them with his problems. He knows that his mother
would want him to go back home to Melbourne. He said that going back home would make him feel
like he failed. ‘I am an adult and not a child anymore’.
Mike started to feel inadequate, constantly second guessing himself and was irritable at work. He
also started to gain weight since he started on Fluoxetine two
years ago. He does not have the time nor the energy to exercise due to work and study. He really
wants to lose weight and go back to his ideal weight to play football
again. But he feels unmotivated at the moment due to his mood. He is too scared to go to Employee
Assistance Program (EAP) at work and does not want to let his
supervisors know. He does not want to be seen as incompetent at his new role as supervisor




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What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis?

Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?

o Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment? 

o Assessment: Discuss patient mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses and why you chose them. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis, and why? Describe how your primary diagnosis aligns with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and supported by the patient’s symptoms.

o Plan: describe your treatment plan using clinical practice guidelines supported by evidence-based practice. Include a discussion on your chosen FDA-approved psychopharmacologic agents and include alternative treatments available and supported by valid research. All treatment choices must have a discussion of your rationale for the choice supported by valid research. What were your follow-up plan and parameters? What referrals would you make or recommend as a result of this treatment session? 

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Lakewood IT wants to create an IT service department as one of their product offerings

Business Case

Project Overview:

The owner of Lakewood IT wants to create an IT service department as one of their product offerings.  This service department may exist at multiple, company locations and, possibly, in multiple buildings at the same location.  Management needs to determine whether we are suited to expand into this new specialty within six (6) months.  Currently, we have two customer-facing departments: IT Hardware/Software Sales and IT Parts.  If we choose to create a service department, this will add a third customer-facing department to Lakewood IT.  No longer will we need to refer customers to outside repair service companies.  We will be able to sell new IT hardware/software, sell replacement parts, and service the hardware/software. Truly, we will be a one-stop shop for all home IT needs!

As I think about it, I probably did not give you enough information about this proposed service department.  The service department will have both virtual and live technicians to fix the customer’s IT issues.  This will require people to set up the home service appointments, technicians to assess, estimate, and fix the hardware/software, and coordinate with parts department to get the necessary parts for repair. The parts department may need to change their inventory and ordering process to accommodate the larger volume of parts needed with the new service department.


Lakewood IT’s management is asking for additional information in your analysis.  They are tasking you with exploring and researching some options associated with their project.  Management wants you to research IT service implementation options.  More specifically, you must research Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions vs. non-SaaS solutions for IT service departments.  The paper must:

  • Identify and describe, at least, two SaaS solutions and two non-SaaS solutions
  • Describe, at least, two benefits and two limitations associated with each solution
  • Identify one preferred SaaS solution and one, preferred non-SaaS solution as the best options for Lakewood IT.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages,  figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages).  In addition, the paper must use:

  • Times New Roman, 12 pt font/typeset
  • Double spaced lines
  • The APA Manual, 7th edition’s title page, header, margins, figure, table, and heading formatting
  • The APA Manual, 7th edition’s writing mechanic guidelines

Please find the attached references below.


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Impacts the chosen company and their effect on communities and the world

Social Responsibility and Ethics

This week we focused on Social Responsibility & Ethics. Research a well-known company (examples Starbucks, Ben & Jerry’s, TOMs, GE, etc.) and explain their commitment to social responsibility and ethics. Be sure to address their policies, actions and how each impacts the chosen company and their effect on communities and the world. Be sure to use references and citations from research (facts, stats, numbers) to prove your paper.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: 

·         Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

·         Attempt APA style.

·         Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

·         Include cover page and reference page.

·         At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

·         No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

·         Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.  Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.

·         Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc.  Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, etc. are not acceptable


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