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corrections system can take in order to ensure that their officers adhere to the principals of professional conduct as stated by the correctional officers’ organization

 Write a 3-to 5-page paper in which you:

  1. Suggest two actions that the corrections system can take in order to ensure that their officers adhere to the principals of professional conduct as stated by the correctional officers’ organization at Provide a rationale for your response.
  2. Take a position as to whether or not conditions of correctional facilities circumvent the “cruel and unusual punishment standard” of the Eighth Amendment. Provide a rationale for your response.
  3. Support or refute the removal of capital punishment from the U.S. corrections system. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Create an argument for or against intermediate sanctions as a deterrent of crime. Support your viewpoint with one example of intermediate sanctions from within the last three years that reflects your opinion.
  5. Debate whether or not correctional officers are adequately equipped to deal with mentally ill inmates. Provide a rationale for your response.
  6. Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • This course requires that citations and references follow the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than others Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine the U.S. Constitutional amendments that apply to correctional management and operations.
  • Recommend improvements to selected areas of corrections.
  • Defend the purposes of corrections.
  • Examine the reform of American criminal justice beginning with 15th century Europe.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in correctional facility policies.
  • Write clearly and concisely about correctional facility policies using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric found here. 
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What’s an Ethical Leader and Their Challenges?

SOCW 6070 wk 6 responses: Responding to 2 peers posts separately please put peer name at the beginning

Respond to at least two colleagues in at least one of the following ways:

Provide an example of an individual who exhibited an ethical leadership characteristic your colleague has described.

Provide an example of a leader who effectively faced one of the challenges to ethical leadership that your colleague has described.

Peer 1

Jasmine Dixon 

RE: Discussion 2 – Week 6

Definition of Ethical Leadership

In regard to leadership, ethics has to do with what leaders do and who leaders are. It is concerned with the nature of leaders’ behavior, and with their virtuousness. In any decision-making situation, ethical issues are either implicitly or explicitly involved. The choices leaders make and how they respond in a given circumstance are informed and directed by their ethics (Northouse, 2013). Through this definition in our text, it is my understanding that ethical leadership may take form in several areas of a leadership from their style of leadership, behavior towards followers and clients, personality, and their demeanor. Several theories are mentioned throughout the text of leadership ethical standards and how they are carried out in certain situations when addressing circumstances, such as serving in the best interest of others, making decisions to maximize their business or organization, morally behaving in a manner to maximize social benefits.

What’s an Ethical Leader and Their Challenges?

To be an ethical leader is to serve others, provide justice and fairness, through their decision making and roles within an organization. Ethical leaders motivate others through their behaviors to continue working towards similar goals within an organization. Ethical leaders are honest and trustworthy.

Challenges that could arise during situations where the leader must make ethical decisions and the circumstances that follow them. This could reflect either positive or negatively. The decisions made could result in losing the interest or support of certain staff members, stakeholders, or the public as well. Leaders may also face integrity challenges when approached to make a certain decision that’s promoted through favors, bribery, or monetary donations. Having the ability to turn away those incentives are professional ethical standards the leader must uphold despite their personal beliefs of the circumstances.


Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications

Peer 2

larry harris 

RE: Discussion 2 – Week 6

My definition of ethical leadership as it pertains to social work is doing the right thing even when no one pays attention. Using the code of ethics as a guide can help using ethical leadership. The preamble states, “The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty (NASW, 2017).” According to Northouse (2013), ethics is at the center of leadership in that leaders have great influence, engages followers in accomplishing mutual goals, and impact leaders on the organization’s values. The social work profession’s values align with ethical leadership: respect, service, justice, honesty, and community (Northouse,2013). 

What it means to be an ethical leader is to take the principles of ethical leadership: respect, service, justice, honesty, and community and apply them to leadership roles. Ethics is what leaders do and who they are (Northouse, 2013). Leadership is about the actions of leaders and who they are as people. 

The challenge of being an ethical leader is everyone is not going to agree with the decisions of the leaders. Another challenge is being faithful to his or her own leadership values (Northouse, 2021). 

Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice (6th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications

Northouse, P. G. (2021). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage. 
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current technology is used by law enforcement in carrying out their duties and provide examples of new technology to include body cameras.

 Police Technology

Write a 500-750 word APA- styled paper that discusses how current technology is used by law enforcement in carrying out their duties and provide examples of new technology to include body cameras. How have these new technologies changed the way police do business? 

What are some of the issues / concerns this new technology brings with it? Include in your assignment the issues of transparency, accountability, and right to privacy in the use of police body cameras. 

Writers Solution

You are working in the Company X as IT assessor; the company has changed its system for their accounting operation since one year ago

Assessment 2 – Project and Research
This assessment consists of 2 parts. Trainer may decide whether this will be an individual or a group assessment.
Complete all the tasks and submit all the required documentation to your Trainer.
Trainer will set the duration of the assessment.
ICT Business Analysis – Assessment Task 2 LAST UPDATED: March 2018, Version No. 1.0
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Your tasks:
Part A:
You are working in the Company X as IT assessor; the company has changed its system for their accounting operation since one year ago. Your task is evaluating the performance of the new system in terms of the productivity for the company and the accomplishment of the requirements. For this purpose you have to design a plan involving the next aspects.
? Compilation of requirements from the company’s personnel
? Establishing metrics to evaluate the accomplishment of requirements
? Establishing metrics to evaluate the productivity of the new system and comparing it with the previous one. These metrics should contemplate the company and personnel’s sides.
Part B:
According with the analysis performed in the previous assessment (Assessment 1 Part B), chose a solution based in a ranking of advantages. Prepare a document describing the following aspects:
? Solution scope remarking the major features and the benefits to the company.
? Implementation plan considering phases and times.
? Estimation of cost.
? Identification of risks.
ICT Business Analysis – Assessment Task 2 LAST UPDATED: March 2018, Version No. 1.0
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Great chess players know their next three moves in advance.

Discussion 1: Selecting the Right Research Design

Great chess players know their next three moves in advance. A chess master can even know how the match might end in the first few moves. The master does so by knowing not only how the pieces can move, but also how they will move based on external factors. The player creates a plan based on all information available and how that information will factor into the game. Similarly, researchers must plan in advance to foresee obstacles that might trouble their research design.

For this Discussion, you will reflect on the information available to you from previous work in this course to create a research design for answering the three questions you have generated. You will further practice creating research designs by giving colleagues feedback on their own.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the quantitative research questions on the Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet you completed for the Week 2 Discussion. You learned and recorded on your worksheet which research questions are descriptive, relational, or comparative.
  • Select a descriptive research question, a relational research question, and a comparative research question.
  • Consider an appropriate research design for each of your three selected questions.
By Day 3

Post and describe an appropriate research design for each of the three different research questions you identified from your Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet. Be sure to include your research questions as part of your discussion. Explain your reasoning for selecting the research design you chose for each of your research questions.

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Yolanda and Zachary decided to restructure their small bookstore as a limited partnership, called “Y to Z’s Books, LP.”

Yolanda and Zachary decided to restructure their small bookstore as a limited partnership, called “Y to Z’s Books, LP.” Under their new arrangement, Yolanda contributed a new infusion of $300; she was named the general partner. Zachary contributed $300 also, and he was named the limited partner: Yolanda was to manage the store on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and Zachary to manage it on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Y to Z Books, LP failed to pay $800 owing to Vendor. Moreover, within a few weeks, Y to Z’s Books became insolvent.

Who is liable for the damages to Vendor?  Fully explain your answer

Writers Solution

What are risks that companies face because of their information systems?

The Scientific Method

Traditional research follows what is referred to as the scientific method of inquiry. How does this relate to practitioner-based research? What are the benefits of following such a defined process?

Assignment:() 2 pages

  • A descriptive study
  • A relational study
  • A causal study

Write a short summary of each study (1-3 paragraphs each) which includes a description of:

  • The research site
  • The study population and sample
  • The problem addressed
  • The research questions guiding the study

Write a 5 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages) 

  1. What are risks that companies face because of their information systems?
  2. What are the implication of the risks to a company’s operations?
  3. How is risk accessed and what can companies do to combat the risks?

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Falling Oil Prices and their Long-term and Short-term Impact on the Ordinary Investor


Falling Oil Prices and their Long-term and Short-term Impact on the Ordinary Investor

Articles provided, other financial resources are permitted also using the leading research in the area from the latest editions of major finance journals; use at least four peer reviewed academic articles, and four credible professional/business journals, newspapers or magazines.

short research paper of 2500 words (± 250 words, excluding table of contents, bibliography, tables, charts etc.)

The research project (should provide a comprehensive overview of the topic by integrating the topics covered in this course as they impact the area. Special consideration will be paid to the integration of finance topics while grading these projects. As such, students are encouraged to develop their papers in a manner which will highlight their understanding and integration of the topics covered in this course as part of their research project.

Please touch on the following

  1. Valuing level cash flows: annuities and perpetuities
  2. Ø Inflation and interest rates
  3. Ø Common stock terminology and valuation
  4. Ø Features and valuation of common and preferred stock
  5. Ø Relevant cash flows
  6. Ø Pro forma financial statements
  7. Ø Capital cost allowance
  8. Ø Valuing level cash flows: annuities and perpetuities
  9. Ø Inflation and interest rates
  10. Ø Common stock terminology and valuation
  11. Ø Features and valuation of common and preferred stock
  12. Ø Relevant cash flows
  13. Ø Capital cost allowance


Buffett, W. (2012, March). Warren Buffett’s $50 billion decision. Forbes Life Magazine. Retrieved from

Funk, J. (2013, May 6). Warren Buffett calls bonds ‘terrible investment’ right now. CTV News. Retrieved from 

Montier, J. (2008). Mind matters: The dangers of DCF. Societe Generale. Retrieved from

Swedroe, L. (2011, October 4). The accuracy of experts forecasts. CBS News: MoneyWatch. Retrieved from

Writers Solution

twentieth {1900’s} or twenty-first-century {2000’s} and their work being exhibited at a local museum.

select a twentieth {1900’s} or twenty-first-century {2000’s} and their work being exhibited at a local museum.

I recommend the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), or any other major museum or gallery that is available to you. If you plan to go to a different museum or gallery, it is required you check in with me to get approval to go to a different museum.

Once you pick the artist, include and reference the four types of investigation Process of Visual Analyze, and explain what role (out of the four roles) your artist identifies with during their creative process.  Also include a biography on the artist in the introduction of your essay.  Be sure to be thoughtful with your essay’s conclusion, {closing paragraph}, it is best to summarize the main points, considerations and concepts covered in your essay.

Essay requirements:

  • Double-spaced 6 to 7 pages, which includes the images and the assessment of physical properties. One image/artwork page per, and the other pages would be your written text.
  • Include a biography = this involves more than just the basic facts like education, work, and death; it portrays a person’s experience of major life events, focusing on their career as an artist.
  • Discuss 3 artworks made by the artist, include these images in your essay.
  • Format the images with the assessment of physical properties, review the sample included in the PowerPoint that discusses the final project requirements.
  • Include your bibliography, (list of sources that have been used to compile the data for your essay) include links to the websites you used when researching your artist.
  • 1 photo of yourself and the artwork in the museum, so I know you went. It is required you go see artwork in person, the reason for this is because seeing the work in person is far better than simply viewing it on the computer.
  • It is required to include the Process of Visual Analyze; the four types of investigation, one of the concepts included in the contents of the course. It is prerequisite to review the information in the Introduction Lecture, from Week 1.  The four types of investigation, the Process of Visual Analyze, are described below, however, it is essential to review the information covered in Week 1.
  1. Assessment of physical properties = objective information, the facts (review the sample included in the PowerPoint that discusses the final project requirements).

PICK at least ONE of the artworks and apply the following two ways we have learned how to Visually Analysis artwork:

  1. Analysis of visual or formal structure = discuss the visual elements or formal vocabulary, which would be used to describe the overall arrangement, composition, organization, design, or structure of the artwork. Use the vocabulary terms we have covered throughout the semester.
  2. Identification of subject matter or conventional symbolism = Explain or identify the “subject matter” in the artwork. Also explain or identify, if any, the symbols found in the artwork. Symbols are widely recognized signs that signify a concept or idea that all members of a group (society) identify based on a common cultural understanding.

This is similar to the Bio about the artist, but different.  Pick one of the artworks and apply the cultural context- like what we did with the Civil Rights Essay homework assignment.  And other homework projects.

  1. Integration within cultural context = Cultural context looks at the society the artist lived in and how their culture had an effect on their behavior and their opportunities. And how this effected their artwork and the message in their artwork.
  • In your essay, you must also discuss the role of the artistyou have chosen. How they incorporated this part of being an artist into their creative process.  The four roles of the artist are described below. It is required to review the information from Week 2 – The Visual World:  Chapter 1:  Discovering a World of Art.
  1. They create a visual record of their time and place.
  2. They help us to see the world in new and innovative ways.
  3. They make functional objects and structures more pleasurable by instilling them with beauty and meaning.
  4. Artists give form to the immaterial—hidden truths, spiritual forces, personal feelings.
  • It is also required to have a thoughtful conclusion, {closing paragraph}, should summarize, in your own words, reflecting on the main points, considerations, and concepts covered in your essay. This is one of my favorite parts to read, hearing your thoughts on what you learned from your essay and the artist you researched.

San Francisco Museums and Art Galleries:

Galleries at 49 Geary- the galleries are free in San Francisco near the Powell Bart station:

Oakland Art Galleries:

Oakland & Berkeley Museums:

Writers Solution

Along with their group, students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional).

Students will be assigned to small groups by the end of Week 2. Group discussion areas will be provided to facilitate interaction among group members. Along with their group, students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional). In Week 3, each group will submit a brief introduction (1-2 pages) for their chosen business for instructor approval. The introduction is worth 20 points. The final marketing plan, due in Week 7, is worth 180 points and should include the following sections:

1. Cover Page

2. Executive Summary

3. Target Customers

4. Unique Selling Proposition

5. Pricing and Positioning Strategy

6. Distribution Strategy

7. Promotions Strategy

8. Contingency Plans

The expected length for this assignment is 12-15 pages. APA methodology applies to this assignment.