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Theoretical perspectives and theories underpinning working with families at risk

“Compare and contrast theoretical perspectives and theories underpinning working with families at risk.

Choose two theoretical perspectives or theories that underpin working with families at risk from those covered in this subject: i.e. functionalist perspective; conflict perspective; feminist perspectives; symbolic interactionism; individualisation perspective; family life cycle/developmental perspective; family ecological model; attachment theory; social learning theory; or family systems perspective.

Compare and contrast your two chosen theoretical perspectives addressing the following elements:

  • ▪  Brief overview of each theoretical perspective
  • ▪  Key concepts of each perspective
  • ▪  The application of each perspective to working with families at risk
  • ▪  The limitations of each perspective
  • ▪  Conclusion and implications for practiceYour responses should incorporate reference to current literature and relevant theory (minimum five academic references) and adhere to APA7 referencing style.”
    Please confirm which of the theories that you will be working on so that I may print that part out from our textbook. I attached assessment 2 as well for you to look at later but please focus on assessment 1 as it’s due in just two weeks. I also attached some materials I think that might help.Thanks in advance and please advise.


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Theoretical Topic: Value of the Study

Assignment Details:

Theoretical Topic: Value of the Study

Complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Doctoral Library, locate 4 peer-reviewed (journal-length) sources that report empirical studies associated with your selected theoretical topic.
  2. Download the articles.
  3. Prepare descriptions for each that indicate the value of the study in understanding your own dissertation research ideas.

In 4–6 pages, address the following:

  • Title indicating the selected theoretical topic
  • Complete reference of each source in APA format
  • Study author’s abstract (copy and paste directly from the source into your paper)
  • Your description regarding the value of this empirical study for your own dissertation research process

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.

ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedComments
Assignment-specific: Identifies an appropriate theoretical domain23
Assignment-specific: Includes journal-length reports of empirical studies and located at least 4 new sources (not those within the course) that were related to the topic23
Assignment-specific: Studies and includes the author’s abstract23
Assignment-specific: Includes a description regarding the value of this empirical study for their own dissertation research process23
Assignment-specific: Demonstrates the utilization of the course readings and other scholarly or professional materials to complete the assignment23
Professional language: Contains accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors (APA formatting or the style specified in the assignment is required.)10
Total Points125
Total Points Earned

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Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

Student’s First Name, Middle Initials, Last Name

Institution’s Affiliation

Course Number and Name

Instructor’s Name and Title

Assignment’s Due Date

Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

Theories lay foundation of every profession. The primary use of theories in nursing is to equip nursing students with important information about the career. This is essential since it prevents the students from drawing irrelevant conclusion about the field (Yancey, 2019). It ensures that the students or other party interested in the field is equipped with all the basic knowledge about the profession.  This also aims at introducing nursing students to their future roles and generally what nursing entails.

Nursing as an art and as a science, it has played a key role in helping my personal nursing philosophy to unfold.  This is because it has helped me in understanding that majority of nursing students take the path due to passion of helping others. In my perception, it is very clear that nearly all nurses are in love with their jobs since they love the company of many patients and attending to them. It cannot be underestimated that a nurse becomes happy when they see that the patients they are attending to are getting better. That makes nursing both an art and a science.

My nursing assumption have been challenged by numerous factors, the fact that nursing is all about providing services to those around us, many nurses are going contrary to this assumption. This makes me to understand that for one to provide excellent nursing services then one has to accept it deeply from the heart. The service that a nurse will offer to a patient is what will be used in judging the nurse nursing performance. The nursing ethical values are used in monitoring the performance of nurses and by following them then one will offer the best nursing services to their patients.

Personal conflict has been a major crisis that often occurs to my nursing environment. The conflict normally arises due to poor handling of issues with my fellow nurses. Talking rudely to the patient is against the ethical principles that govern nursing. For my case it was uneasy for me to tolerate a fellow nurse talking and panting loudly to a patient. Serving and nurturing for the patients are the fundamental duties of nurses. Mostly, these patients normally are never in their best condition and that is the reason why they require nursing services. A patient can do abnormal things but as a nurse you to accept and understand and try to bring the patient in normal state without causing any harm. This action really affected my relationship with my fellow workmate building a strong bond between the patient and myself. Nursing performance was really shaken since my fellow sidelined some patients to me who were a bit complex to handle.

Illustration of my nursing philosophy has been my biggest agenda in the nursing field. Personalization with patients has been my biggest duty instead of treating the disease the patient suffers from. This has helped in creating a very unique bond with patient. The fact that I come close to the patients makes them feel loved and as a result they share their fears with me hence easy to uproot them. The core reason of reaching out to the patients regardless of their state makes them feel comfortable and have self confidence in themselves (Christopher, 2020).  My action has posted numerous positive feedbacks since even the relatives and friends of the patients saw the difference in the patients.

Meta-paradigm nursing is the set of theories which directs how the discipline should perform its function. According to my point of view the meta-paradigm primarily focuse on the nurse who is the provider of the services. This is very vital since the nurse offers great sacrifices in order to help other. For the nursing discipline, the paradigm consists of several theories whose core agenda addresses the care giver as a whole. The nursing performance is clearly stated in the theories and the type of nursing care they should offer to the patient. This shows that the meta-paradigm focuses on both internal and external surrounding of the nurses. Articulation of good relationship between the members of the nursing team is also considered in the paradigm since it will assist in ensuring that no personal conflict arises hence better health care are provided.

My nursing philosophy has positively changed.   The change has helped me to understand that not only nurses can care for the patients but also fellow patients can assist each other. This has made me understand that nursing is a mutual exercise which requires participation of all the members involved for it to effectively be of great help.

In conclusion, all the stakeholders’ should understand that proper nursing care requires enough time. This shows that for one to be perfect in offering the services then the nurse should be fully experience and the experience is acquired over time.  The nurses should understand their patient in order to offer best nursing services and also to avoid personal conflict. Theories in nursing should not be under rated for they carry important information based on nursing for the good of both the nurses and patients.


Hartson, K. R., Della, L., & King, K. M. A feasibility study of a web-based physical activity program for university students: Final report for Sigma Foundation for Nursing.

Christopher, R., de Tantillo, L., & Watson, J. (2020). Academic caring pedagogy, presence, and Communitas in nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Outlook68(6), 822-829.

Yancey, N. R. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing for teaching-learning: but is it really nursing?. Nursing science quarterly32(1), 25-28




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Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice

In 1,250-1,500 words, do the following: Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice, crime prevention, and corrections.Explain how the theoretical best practices are, and a

In 1,250-1,500 words, do the following:

  1. Describe some of the theoretical best practices for restorative justice, crime prevention, and corrections.
  2. Explain how the theoretical best practices are, and are not, manifested in current correctional settings in the United States.
  3. Explain different ways to improve rehabilitative services to make them more readily utilized within the criminal justice system, and better aligned to the theoretical best practices you identified.

Provide five to seven peer reviewed resources to support your explanations.

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Develop a one-page diagram of theoretical foundation for your project/program

A logic model or program theory is a description or model frequently pictorial of how a program is supposed to achieve its expected outcomes and solve the identified problem for which it was created. It creates a logical links between expected outcomes and the activities designed to achieve them and incorporates the evidence-based theoretical assumptions that explain how the activities will lead to outcomes. A program theory or logic model is NOT the theoretical framework on which your project is based although it may be related to a theoretical framework. A theoretical or conceptual framework is a general theory that explains why some things happen. A program theory or logic model is unique to your project and explains how it is supposed to work.

Assignment Prompt

  1. Develop a one-page diagram of theoretical foundation for your project/program, describing how and why your project should achieve the desired outcome. Add references on the second page. You may arrange items in the diagram in any way you choose, but the diagrams should include each of the following components and show the logical connections between them:
    1. The need or problem to be addressed by the project/program with supporting data
    2. The context for the project/program (attach a reference list with your diagram)
    3. The strategy (ies) proposed to address the need/problem
    4. The evidence base for the proposed strategies (attached a reference list with your diagram)
    5. Factors that will influence the use of strategy
    6. The expected outcomes of the project/program
    7. The resulting impact of the project/program if the outcomes are achieved.


  • Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT
  • Length: Two pages (1st page for diagram, 2nd page for references)
  • Format: APA Style (7th ed.), one-inch margins with double spacing, proper APA formatting
  • Research: Scholarly (peer-reviewed) contemporary  reference(s) within the last 5 years
  • Writing: Use correct grammar and sentence construction: Clear expression of ideas
  • File Title: Save the file with Student First Name_Last Name_Title of assignment

The initial PICOT question that I have formulated based on my area of interest for EBP proposal revolved around pressure ulcer management for the elderly patient.


For elderly patients above 60 years with pressure ulcers (P) will the negative pressure wound therapy (I) as opposed to standard moist wound therapy (C) improve the healing of the pressure ulcer (O) during their two-week stay at the hospital (T).


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theoretical approach to the Jameson family

My Choice is Solution Focused

Write a 525- to 800-word paper in which you apply a theoretical approach to the Jameson family. Address each prompt below with thorough and logical responses.

  • Select a theory from the Week 4 readings that most aligns with your desired approach to family therapy.
  • Describe how you would you apply your chosen theory to address the counseling needs of the Jameson family.
  • Describe specific techniques, assessments, or interventions associated with your chosen theory that would you use to address the family’s concerns.
  • Provide examples of how these techniques, assessments, or interventions could result in a positive outcome.
  • Describe the advantages and limitations you may encounter when using this approach with the Jameson family.
  • Incorporate research from current, scholarly references to support your thinking.

Cite 3–5 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines


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Apply a theoretical approach to the Jameson family

Write a 525- to 800-word paper in which you apply a theoretical approach to the Jameson family. Address each prompt below with thorough and logical responses. Using Cognitive Behavior Theory

  • Select a theory from the Week 3 readings that most aligns with your desired approach to family therapy.
  • Describe how you would apply your chosen theory to address the counseling needs of the Jameson family.
  • Describe specific techniques, assessments, or interventions associated with your chosen theory that you would use to address the family’s concerns.
  • Provide examples of how these techniques, assessments, or interventions could result in a positive outcome.
  • Describe the advantages and limitations you may encounter when using this approach with the Jameson family.
  • Incorporate research from current, scholarly references to support your thinking.

Cite 3–5 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook


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theoretical approach to the Jameson family

Write a 525- to 800-word paper in which you apply a theoretical approach to the Jameson family. Address each prompt below with thorough and logical responses. Using Cognitive Behavior Theory

  • Select a theory from the Week 3 readings that most aligns with your desired approach to family therapy.
  • Describe how you would apply your chosen theory to address the counseling needs of the Jameson family.
  • Describe specific techniques, assessments, or interventions associated with your chosen theory that you would use to address the family’s concerns.
  • Provide examples of how these techniques, assessments, or interventions could result in a positive outcome.
  • Describe the advantages and limitations you may encounter when using this approach with the Jameson family.
  • Incorporate research from current, scholarly references to support your thinking.

Cite 3–5 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.Hide 


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Critically evaluate and apply theoretical models and methods of the biological bases of behaviour to propose solutions to current global health challenges

Assessment task 3 – Case study analysis
Assignment Content
Type: Case study analysis (Individual task)
Weighting: 50%
Length: 1500 words (excluding reference list)
Material: Covered in weeks 2 to 4
Aligned subject learning outcomes:
SLO2. Critically evaluate and apply theoretical models and methods of the biological bases of behaviour to propose solutions to current global health challenges;
SLO3. Communicate proposed solutions to current global health challenges to a variety of audiences.
In this task you will be required to critically evaluate research from areas of the biological bases of behavior, and use the research to propose solutions to a global health issue that is directly aligned to a Sustainable Development Goal. Your response will take the form of a population-based case study analysis. The following steps apply:
Choose a population-based case study from the three categories provided below, and select one of the specific options. You must focus on one of the assignations below, otherwise a grade of zero will be awarded for this assessment.
Identify the challenge for the particular case study and population option, and formulate a research question to focus on, including the methodological approaches and research inclusions and exclusions for the literature review.
Conduct a literature review on your question to evaluate the current research in behavioural neuroscience.
Write up your case study in the following format.
a. The first section of your submission will provide an overview of the case study, and the overarching aim of your analysis of it. Write this first as you will use this synopsis to formulate a scope of your literature review. Be sure to include concise information to inform the reader about the population and the challenge (recommended word limit: 200).
b. Detail your research question because the research question will determine the review method, the literature sourced, and the focus. A research question in this context is the stated aim/focus of the review that you have set out to have answered by the review process. At this point, detail the inclusion/exclusion criteria for the literature (this is how you determine what literature to include in the review), and explain the reasoning behind these considerations. Use this as an opportunity to really define your review aim and method and its focus (recommended word limit: 200).
c. Present your evidence-based literature review, critically evaluating the research as it applies to your case study, your aim, and your research question; and provide discussion on behavioural neuroscience evidence-based solutions to the identified issue. Depending on topic and focus, your critical evaluation might involve, for example, weighing up the balance of the evidence in relation to what has been shown to work or not work) and then providing a clearly stated determination for the reader (recommended word limit: 900).
d. The final section of your submission will provide a succinct overview of your findings of the literature review, and your recommended behavioural neuroscience evidence-based solution(s) to the challenge as it applies to the target population (recommended word limit: 200).
Notes relevant to your submission:
• You must adhere to APA 7 formatting requirements, including in-text citations and referencing
• You must focus on one of the assignations below, otherwise a grade of zero will be awarded.
Digital Neuropsychology
The health challenge topics in this section align to the Sustainable Development Goal #3, to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Digital neuropsychology provides new approaches for measuring and monitoring neuropsychological functioning (including computerized neuropsychological assessment devices). In this topic you will recommend the potential uses for digital neuropsychology (including computerised neuropsychological assessment devices) in the diagnosis, or treatment or rehabilitation of a neurological condition aligned to the currently recognised global health challenge of good health and well-being. Choose one of the following topics as your population case study:
Option 1 Diagnosis OR treatment of Adults with Multiple Sclerosis
Option 2 Diagnosis OR treatment of people with Acquired Brain Injury
Option 3 Cognitive rehabilitation of adults with drug addiction/addictive disorders.
Neurobiology of aggression
The health challenge topics in this section align with the Sustainable Development Goal #16 to significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.
Studies related to the neurobiology of aggression provide us with a more sophisticated understanding of the mechanisms underpinning antisocial behaviour, moral decision making, and violent offending. Research has suggested potential links between brain structures, hormones, biological functioning in the body and aggressive behaviour. This topic is focused on the development of neurobiological evidence-based methodologies that can be employed in the diagnosis or treatment of antisocial behaviour. Your target groups are as follows:
Option 1 Diagnosis of Violent Offenders to assist with targeted treatment
Option 2 Treatment for the perpetrators of domestic violence to prevent re-offending.
Healthy and disordered eating: The obesity epidemic
The health challenge topic in this section aligns to the Sustainable Development Goal #3 to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages; and #12 to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
According to the World Health Organisation (2016), there were around 2 billion adults who were categorised as being overweight, 650 million of which were obese. It has been suggested that the worldwide prevalence of obesity tripled between 1975 and 2016. Calculations indicate, based on current trends, that there will likely be in the order of 2.7 billion overweight adults, in excess of 1 billion adults affected by obesity, and 177 million adults severely affected by obesity by 2025. Your task is to recommend neurobiological evidence-based therapeutic (treatment or management) strategies to address obesity caused by food addiction.
Choose one of the groups listed below as the basis of your population case study:
Option 1 Overweight primary school children displaying excessive eating behaviours, and who has parents that are obese
Option 2 Single, working, middle-aged males who are obese and have been diagnosed with food addiction





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Based on the topic and theoretical lens you have chosen in Unit Four, carry out a review of the literature around the topic selected and generate an annotated bibliography


Based on the topic and theoretical lens you have chosen in Unit Four, carry out a review of the literature around the topic selected and generate an annotated bibliography.

  1. Gather and assess five scholarly research articles relevant to your topic, compiling these articles into an annotated bibliography.
    • Annotated bibliographies are comprised of a brief summary of the article and a discussion and assessment of how the article will contribute to the research project.
    • These five sources must be scholarly sources of original research, such as journal articles and books.
    • Although students may use relevant course readings for their research projects, the annotated bibliographies must not include course readings.
    • Each annotated bibliography should be approximately 150 – 200 words per entry (total 750 – 1000 words).
    • Annotated bibliographies must be written according to academic standards of scholarship and referencing using APA.
  2. There are many helpful university-based websites, including the following, to help students prepare their annotated bibliographies: 
  • OWL. (n.d.). Purdue online writing lab. 
  • Cornell Unversity. (n.d.). How to prepare an annotated bibliography: The annotated bibliography.

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