Writers Solution

mainstream theoretical perspectives: realism, liberalism, and constructivism.

Before you begin this assignment, please review the course materials from the first three weeks of class with a special focus on the three mainstream theoretical perspectives: realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Please pay particular attention to the definition of each and avoid pairing them with domestic perceptions of conservatives, liberals, etc. I also recommend reviewing the week 2 forum’s Wrap up.  While you may select an outside source to present a world event, it is important to study and incorporate the week 2 readings to explain IR theories. Outside sources on IR theories can be quite confusing for students new to International Relations. 

For this assignment, you will choose a world event. You can choose one of the ones listed below or come up with your own. I suggest that you message me if you choose your own event.   Explain which states are involved, if there are any non-state actors, (for non-state actors’ definitions, see Week One Lessons), international governmental organizations, or non-governmental organizations involved in the conflict. Also, identify a few of the key individuals involved.  Then lastly, and here’s the tricky part, decide which theory would best explain the event and explain your choice. Be sure to define the theory.  Lastly, remember that IR theories are not characteristics or states, or processes. Think of them as guidelines that help leaders make foreign policy decisions. For example:  Instead of claiming that North Korea was a realist, think about its leader as a realist.

 Your response should be 3 – 5 paragraphs. Remember that one paragraph is about a 1/2 of a page long.  Use 12 pitch.  The paper should not be more than 2 double-spaced pages, plus References. 

Important: the US southern border wall or other immigration matters are domestic policies. We don’t cover them in this course. Please get in touch with me if you consider a topic other than the ones listed. 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Terrorist attacks in France

The Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA)

The Korean War

The Cold War

Please be sure to cite sources in the text with Turabian in-text citations, and write a Reference List at the end of your work. By this time, you should be familiar with the basics of the Turabian Reference and Citation Style. I do not expect perfection, but I would like to see your effort

Writers Solution

Based on the topic and theoretical lens you have chosen in Unit Four, carry out a review of the literature around the topic selected and generate an annotated bibliography.


Based on the topic and theoretical lens you have chosen in Unit Four, carry out a review of the literature around the topic selected and generate an annotated bibliography.

  1. Gather and assess five scholarly research articles relevant to your topic, compiling these articles into an annotated bibliography.
    • Annotated bibliographies are comprised of a brief summary of the article and a discussion and assessment of how the article will contribute to the research project.
    • These five sources must be scholarly sources of original research, such as journal articles and books.
    • Although students may use relevant course readings for their research projects, the annotated bibliographies must not include course readings.
    • Each annotated bibliography should be approximately 150 – 200 words per entry (total 750 – 1000 words).
    • Annotated bibliographies must be written according to academic standards of scholarship and referencing using APA.
  2. There are many helpful university-based websites, including the following, to help students prepare their annotated bibliographies: 
  • OWL. (n.d.). Purdue online writing lab. 
  • Cornell Unversity. (n.d.). How to prepare an annotated bibliography: The annotated bibliography.
Writers Solution

Identification of theoretical/behavioral trends that you observe in the business model and organization

 Instructions: Students will write a 2500-3000 word (about 10 pages in the main body) properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract) that evaluates/assesses the overall effectiveness of the business model used by your organization. This is the third of three assignments that draws from your association with your organization. The previous two “canvas” assignments flow into this one. Identify one or more of the building blocks from the business model canvas where modification should be recommended. Be careful to avoid bias in determining the issue/problem identified by using the canvas. Do not merely critique, but contribute to your organization’s overall success. This paper should be the culmination of the overall work you have done with the business model canvas so that all the pieces go together. 

Your final paper should include:

  • Your business model canvas – Post-It notes discussion/observations (week 2)—summarize this area, but provide the initial canvas.
  • Identification of theoretical/behavioral trends that you observe in the business model and organization (week 5)—summarize this, do not merely cut and paste.
  • Discussion of appropriate theory, metaphors, and frames with which to describe your business model in operation, as well as to identify areas needing improvement and how to get there.
  • Use of the Osterwalder/Pigneur text to evaluate and diagnose your organization’s business model, as well as an integration of the course materials into your writing and consideration.
  • Recommendations for improvements identified using the canvas, theories, and assessment tools used in this course. What are the expected outcomes.
  • Use eight scholarly sources besides our textbook (especially case studies) to undergird your assertions from peer-reviewed literature.
  • Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the assignment specs and ask questions if you are unsure of expectations.

The paper must have at least eight additional scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. No abstract is necessary, but a title page and references page should be included. Write your paper in third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, first person should be avoided.

Writers Solution

Theoretical concepts with practical accounting task application based on the topics from the subject

 Assessment 1Assessment Type: Written Report – individual assessment
Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content and develop students’ skills and application of knowledge of the subject content to business situations. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.
Value: 20% Due Date: Students are to upload their submission to the Turnitin link on the KOI
Moodle subject home page by 5:00pm Friday of Week 6.
Topic: This assignment covers contemporary theoretical concepts with practical accounting task application based on the topics from the subject.
Task Details: This assignment requires students to access the Conceptual Framework of Accounting and select the conceptual framework tab. Students are then required to access paragraph 2.4 fundamental qualitative characteristics.
Students should:
1- Prepare a summary of the requirements for general-purpose financial reports with respect to these fundamental qualitative characteristics.
2- Select an ASX corporation ( and review general purpose financial report material with respect to the reporting of risk by the corporation
3- Review the general-purpose financial reports, additional company media releases, internet, and other sources in relation to the reporting of risk by the corporation.
4- Prepare a comprehensive report directed to this research. The report extracted from the general-purpose financial report and additional material relevant to the analysis.
Presentation: Report – 1,500 word report. The word count excludes the cover sheet, contents page, references, appendices, and illustrations (e.g. diagrams, graphs and tables). Students need to stay within
the assigned word limits, and indicate the word count on the cover page of the assignment. The report should be typed double spaced, using Times New Roman font size of either 10 point or 12 point. Every page should be clearly numbered.
The assignment should include the following parts:
o A title / cover page, which indicates basic information such as Subject title, Subject code, Trimester number, Assignment title, group members’ full names and KOI student numbers, word count and name of the tutor;
o Executive Summary;
o Table of Contents;
o Main contents – Introduction, analysis using suitable headings and subheadings, Conclusions and Recommendations, Appendices (if any); References (using Harvard – Anglia style); and/or o Attachments.
Marking Guide:
Research – extent and application 30%
Analysis 30%
Recommendations/conclusions 30%
Presentation 10%
This mark will be scaled to a mark out of 20 subject marks.

Writers Solution

Understand the various theoretical models of accounting

Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Unit Code: HA3011
Unit Name: Advanced Financial Accounting
Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Due: 11:30pm, 26th June 2020
Weighting: 25%
Total Mark: 50 Marks
This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Understand the various theoretical models of accounting
2. To apply knowledge and understanding to specific financial reporting issues unit to AASB accounting standards
3. Discuss the theoretical constructs of contemporary financial accounting
4. Evaluate and explain the need for the development of a conceptual framework for accounting, and discuss the influence of such a framework on accounting practice.
5. Understand the Australian accounting regulatory framework and the conceptual framework
6. Be able to understand how to account for assets, non-current assets and liabilities
7. Be able to calculate for revaluations and impairments of non-current assets, and then journalise
8. Account for leases for both lessees and lessors.
9. Account for company income taxes
10. Accounting for extractive industries
Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 6 to 10 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document.
The questions to be answered are:
Week 6 – Question 1 (10 Marks)
An item of depreciable machinery is acquired on 1 July 2016 for $280 000. It is expected to have a useful life of 10 years and a zero-residual value (straight-line). On 1 July 2020, it is decided to revalue the asset to its fair value of $150 000.
Provide journal entries to account for the revaluation.
Week 7 – Question 2 (10 marks)
On 1 July 2018 BMW Ltd issues $2 million in 10-year debentures that pay interest each six months at a coupon rate of 10 per cent. At the time of issuing the securities, the market requires a rate of return of 12 per cent. Interest expense is determined using the effective-interest method.
Formula for PV of $1 in n periods =1/(1+k)n
Formula for present value of annuity of $1 per period for n periods = k where, k is the discount rate expressed in decimal
(i) Determine the issue price of the debenture.
(ii) Provide the journal entries at 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019.
Week 8 – Question 3 (10 marks)
FRM Ltd acquired an item of equipment and enters into a non-cancellable lease agreement with FEN Equipment Ltd on 1 January 2015. The lease consists of the following:
? Date of inception: 1/1/15
? Duration of lease: 4 years
? Life of leased asset: 5 years
? Lease payments (annual): $550 000 (annual) which includes $80 000 for
Maintenance and insurance costs per annum.
? Guaranteed residual value
(Added to final payment): $190 000
? Interest rate: 7%
Formula for PV of $1 in n periods =1/(1+k)n
Formula for present value of annuity of $1 per period for n periods = k where, k is the discount rate expressed in decimal
a) Determine the present value of minimum lease rental payment. (5 Marks)
b) Prepare the journal entries for FRM Ltd (the Lessee) using the Net Method for the following;
(5 Marks)
i. Transfer of control
ii. Payment of annual payments for 2015 and 2016.
Week 9 – Question 4 (10 marks)
A. You are provided with the following information form the accounts of BBS Ltd for the year ending 30 June 2019
Cash Sales 950 000
Cost of Goods Sold 35 000
Amount received in advance for services to be performed in August 2019 9 500
Rent expenses for year ended 30 June 2019 9 000
Rent Prepaid for two months to 31 August 2019 1 200
Doubtful debts expenses 1 200
Amount provided in 2019 for employees’ long-service leave entitlements 5 000
Goodwill impairment expenses 7 000
Calculate the taxable profit and accounting profit for the year ending 30 June 2019.
B. GYV Ltd has the following deferred tax balances as at 30 June 2019.
Deferred tax asset $9 00 000
Deferred tax liability $7 00 000
The above balances were calculated when the tax rate, was 20 per cent. On 1 December 2019 the government raises the corporate tax rate to 25 per cent.
Provide the journal entries to adjust the carry-forward balances of the deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability.
Week 10 – Question 5 (10 marks)
“Mining, explorations and other similar extractive businesses are naturally and fundamentally possessing risk, in addition to uncertain outcome” consequently all expenditures of such activities should be accounted for as expenses as and when incurred.
Assess, evaluate and briefly discuss this statement.
Submission Directions
The assignment has to be submitted via Blackboard. Each student will be permitted one submission to Blackboard only. Each student needs to ensure that the document submitted is the correct one.
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is highly valued at Holmes Institute. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Written assignments that include material similar to course reading materials or other sources should include a citation including source, author, and page number.
In addition, written assignments that are similar or identical to those of another student in the class is also a violation of the Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy. The consequence for a violation of this policy can incur a range of penalties varying from a 50% penalty through to suspension of enrolment. The penalty would be dependent on the extent of academic misconduct and the student’s history of academic misconduct issues. All assessments will be automatically submitted to Safe-Assign to assess their originality.
Further Information
For further information and additional learning resources, students should refer to their Discussion Board for the unit.

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