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theories to global warming

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on theories to global warming.

The above interval shows that 95% of the (T1 – T) values fall in the range (0.582,0.622). Hence, we can conclude that the temperature in the last 50 years is certainly greater as compared to the mid-1850s. This is a clear indication of a significant rise in temperature in this period.This is a graph plotted with ‘year’ on the x-axis and ‘measured temperature’ corresponding to the year on the y-axis. It is very clear that taking into account even in the last 58 years, the temperature of the earth has been rising steadily.1)The 1st survey method shows that there is still a section of people who are not aware of the factual figures regarding global warming and think that this is a much-hyped subject and the issue is not a major cause for concern.2)The 2nd method of obtaining statistical data(series of measurements) is in contradiction with the above observations.

This asserts that there has been a rise of about 0.9°C in the average temperature of the earth over the last century.Indeed, the dynamics and dangers of global warming are alarming.&nbsp.





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theories of Security Architecture and Design

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double-spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of Security Architecture and Design have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not current working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

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Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic people management and explain how their application enhances organisational and individual performance

Subject Code and Title MGT600 Management, People and Teams / MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams
Assessment Reflective Analysis
Indhridual/Group Individual
Length Up to 750 words
Learning Outcomes a) Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic people management and explain how their application enhances organisational and individual performance. c) Demonstrate effective communication and practical problem-solving skills to effectively manage people in a range of organisational contexts d) Critically reflect on the roles and functions that managers perform in the context of the challenges and risks they have to address in the changing environment. e) Develop and justify a model of management cognisant of the organisational minutiae to guide future practice.
Module 2.1 (Week 2)
Weighting 15%
Total Marks 15 marks
Self-awareness creates an opportunity for further development and personal success.
This reflective analysis is designed for you to explore the subject’s introductory content and importantly, identify how it relates to your own experiences and how you may use it in the future
• Module 1.1 ¦ The nature of organisations, the role of management and challenges faced
• Module 1.2 – Motivation, influence and power and politics and
• Module 2.1 ¦ Communication, conflict and negotiation
In writing your reflective analysis, you should consider the learning resources provided in the respective modules as well as reading more broadly on the relevant topics.
Think carefully about what you are reading and what has been discussed in class or in online discussions. Identify the key principles and concepts and be sure you know what they mean, why they are important and how they can be applied.
Your reflective analysis write up may take a variety of forms but must be within the word limit and include:
• A short introduction.
• An analysis of the relevant module topics including their relevance to you and application.
• A short conclusion.
• Reference list.
In reflecting upon the module topics, you should explore questions such as:

  1. What is in the content and why is this topic important?
  2. How is the topic relevant to you?
  3. What has been your past experience in this topical area?
  4. What have you learnt from the content so far and how will you use it in the remainder of the subject or in your workplace?
    The word limit is short, so make use of tables, figures and diagrams as these are not included in your word count.
    You will be assessed against the learning rubric below and your level of insight and application of knowledge from Modules 1 and 2.1.
    You must recognise all sources of information; including images that you can include in your work. Reference your work according to the APA 6th edition guidelines. Please see more information on referencing here skills/referencing






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Operant and classical conditioning Traditional learning theories

Prior to beginning this assignment, please review all the required readings from the first three weeks as well as the articles you used in your Discipline-Based Literature Review. During this course, you have been developing your knowledge in the area of learning and cognition. In the Assignment, there was special focus on six topics that influence a wide variety of disciplines in psychology and other fields. In the final week of this course, you will develop a Learning and Cognition Handbook based on these topics.

This week, you will write an extensive review and annotated bibliography on one of the six main course topics below:

Traditional learning theories: Operant and classical conditioning
Traditional learning theories: Behaviorism and social learning theory
Attention and memory
Language acquisition
Organizational and lifelong learning
The topic you choose should be based on the area in which you would most like to develop your knowledge. Your choice should also consider your current interests in psychology and support your future career goals.

As you prepare this assignment, keep in mind that it is designed to assist you with beginning the process of drafting your Learning and Cognition Handbook, which is due in Week 6. It is recommended that your paper be checked in Grammarly (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and through Turnitin (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. prior to submission.

Include the following components in your review:

Introduction: Explain your motivation focusing on your chosen topic and describe how this topic aligns with your future career goals.

Research: Research five Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in the Ashford University Library focusing on your chosen topic, and provide an annotated bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. These articles must provide sufficient information so that they will support your work in the Learning and Cognition Handbook. (See the instructions in Week 6 for further clarification.) Provide a complete reference for each of the five articles. Beneath each reference, provide an annotation that explains the theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and/or empirical research within the article that describe and define your chosen construct.

Conclusion: Provide a concluding paragraph that synthesizes the cognitive learning principles and theories found within the articles as they relate to your chosen construct.

The Choosing Your Focus paper

Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly states the chosen construct.
Must clearly discuss and explain the chosen construct with critical thought.
Must include a Research section comprised of the Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
The Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. guide offers additional guidance on correctly formatting references for the annotated bibliography.
Must end with a conclusion that synthesizes the cognitive learning principles and theories found within the articles as they relate to the chosen construct.
Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources (one per topic).
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.





Ancient learning theories: Behaviorism and social learning theory


Behaviorism and the social learning theory are generally two psychological behavioral theories that are utilized in explaining behavior. Nevertheless, the two are involved in dealing with behavior; somehow they emphasis on diverse elements in their quest to elucidate the way people behave. They two have strong bases of support to the extent that no clear answer to the one that explains behavior well that the others. Behaviorism is usually the theory that tries to explain why people behave in a specific manner, and it focusses on observable features. In the eye of a behaviorist, they think that behavior can be sketched back to peripheralstimuli. Moreover, behavioral theorists have a conviction that behavior can be reinforced as well as it can be punished. Reinforcements are mostly the stimuli which are designed such that they encourage behavior to repeat.

On the other hand, punishments are designed for putting a stop to a particular behavior. The behaviorism theory can be outlined back to ancient behaviorists like John B. Watson and B.F Skinner where they tried to move the emphasis of psychology to culminate to observable and measurable features (Akers, 2017). The driving force in dealing with this topic is my desire to pursue a career in counseling psychology as I like giving people advice in the various phases of their lives and I study their behavior in formulating their care plan and encouraging them to take life positively.

Social Learning

This is a psychological theory that expands the knowledge that is found in the behavioral theory. It tries to explain the reason people act in the manner they behave. However, social learning enumerates that conduct is founded on anamalgamation of noticeable stimuli coupled with inner processes. Social learning entails that three necessities are needed for an individual to learn a particular behavior that is retention, motivation, and reproduction(Miner, 2015). Retention can be defined as the act of a person’s ability to remember a specific behavior which they have observed. Reproduction, on the other hand, is the ability of an individual to reproduce the retained behavior while motivation is the person’s desire to participate in a specific behavior (Miner, 2015).

Behaviorism versus Social Learning

Social learning usually adds so many internal thoughts processes to particular behaviors which the behaviorism theory fails to add. Even though there are differences there are many similarities between them, the social learning theorists suggest that behavior is usually involved complicated stimuli and responses, they entail that in addition to behaviorism external reinforcements, people typically learn through observation and they also imitate the behavior of the people that are existing around their vicinity(Akers, 2017). This brings about the issues of peer pressure which can cause a person to move along the crowd in an ultimate desire to fit and be accepted. This is regardless of whether the observed behavior conflicts with individual values(Greene, 2017).



Applications of Behaviorism and Social Learning Theories

 Both of these theories have extensive applications in society and everyday living. Parents that engage their kids in carrying out duties and chores at home usually are utilizing the behavior modification process of behaviorism(Miner, 2015). In the same breath, those parents that shun from smoking in the presence of their children as this is unhealthy behavior as they do not want their children to follow suit are using the social learning theory. This supports the proactive education program where they consist of elements that bring to therefore social learning as well as behaviorism(Akers, 2017). Many examples constitute an application of both of these theories like campaigns to stop underage drinking; in t……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


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Major developmental theories across the lifespan

You will need to find 4 articles located in scholarly journals. Scholarly journal articles are also referred as primary source peer reviewed articles. A scholarly journal article can be found in the South University Online Library. To find more information regarding utilizing the South University Library and accessing scholarly journal articles click on Library Guide. What cannot be used for this assignment are web pages, magazines, newspapers, text books, and other books. Finally, current research for our purposes is an article that was published within the last 5 to 6 years.

Remember this is a course on human development so when looking for articles make sure they are related to the subject matter covered in the course. To help in your search here are some of the major areas we covered in this course (these are meant as a guide, not specific topics to find).

Major developmental theories across the lifespan
Nature of geographic, gender, social, cognitive, emotional, and developmental factors during each period of development
Developmental factors that impact one another.
Historical and current trends in development
Current trends which may differentially impact the future development of populations in the United States
Social, and diversity issues related to developmental psychology
With the major areas above in mind, focus on at least two of the following age groups:

Older Adults
First, give an overview of each article, including:

Write a 2-paragraph summary for each article.
Write a 1-2 paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article found.
Make sure to integrate course material in that analysis
Then, write a summary (1-2 pages) integrating what was leaned from the articles reviewed on the chosen age groups as seen from the life-span perspective. Cover the following in that summary:

What similarities did you find in the types of research and what was being studied? What differences did you find?
Based on your course readings, what developmental theories did you find that were applicable?
Explain how the life-span perspective may provide a way of better understanding the research reviewed.





The first article by Jaworska&MacQueen, (2015) authors look at the gap that exists in the understanding of the way that brain of an adolescentdevelops. The work is based on clinical research which entails the treatment of adolescents with emerging and established forms of psychiatric disorders.  In this article thus, the authors have been able to suggest that as much as basis research regard development of the brain during adolescents will appear to be thriving, the people’s understanding on how one can approach the whole development window from both the policy and clinical perspective is still an issue.

The authors argue that there is need to conduct more research on clinical aspects so that the treatment of adolescents with various psychiatric illnesses is one that is well informed. There is also great need to come up with developmental science that will be able to inform clinicians and psychiatrists on policies which are important to young people like how they can approach challenges of substance abuse(Jaworska&MacQueen, 2015). There should also be need for pre-clinical studies on nicotine, alcohol and cannabis among other substances which reveal that adolescents usually have different forms of brain response and sensitivity to these substances.


The second article by Kelly & Millar, (2017) authors discuss the transition period for the adolescents and challenges that come with negotiation the transition from dependence on parents to becoming independent. With the changes in the social relations, this is not a very unique demand for the modern youth, it however has an evolutionary history which is shared among different groups(Kelly & Millar, 2017).  However, when behavioural changes are observed in an emotive and explorative behaviourduring the transition to adolescents and the underlying issues in the basis of maladaptive and adaptive functions it is important for psychiatric intervention to guide these youth in their decision.

Due to these changes, the authors argue that it is important during the transitional period from dependence on parents that adolescents are taken through emotive and explorative mechanisms where parents and guardians take time to allow them explore their  goals  in life as this will enable them develop positively as they transition to adulthood. Such mechanisms have continued to evolve over different generations, thus…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Major developmental theories across the lifespan


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Grand Nursing Theories Based on Interactive Process

Case Study, Chapter 8: Grand Nursing Theories Based on Interactive Process 

After reviewing the theories, models, and frameworks from this chapter, consider the following Case Study and discuss the questions. 

Case Study:

Susan Frank is a nurse in a home care agency and she is making her initial visit to a new patient. The patient’s name, Jay Gold, looks familiar, and when she enters his home, she finds she knew him in her former job. Susan had first met Mr. Gold more than a decade ago when she was working on a medical unit at the local community hospital. At that time, Mr. Gold had been admitted to the hospital for diabetes with ketoacidosis. It was at this time that he discovered he had insulin-dependent diabetes. During his initial hospitalization, he was started on insulin and had to learn to care for his diabetes. In the weeks that followed his hospitalization, Mr. Gold returned to the medical unit to see the nurses who cared for him each time he had a visit with his dietician and diabetes educator. As his diabetes came under control, Mr. Gold returned to his outgoing, energetic baseline. He talked to the nurses about his sales job, his wife, and his two daughters and told them how much he had learned in caring for his disorder.

Susan was shocked to see Mr. Gold’s appearance now. He was lying in his bed with his back to her and did not look up when she entered the room. As she spoke to him, she noted that his color was ashen. His voice was soft as he spoke, and he appeared depressed and lethargic. He had had a right above the knee amputation (AKA), and Susan noted a large scar on his chest. She reviewed his record and found that Mr. Gold’s diabetes had progressed rapidly and that he had multiple complications. He had had a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) 2 years ago and was also being monitored for decreased renal function. He had vascular problems and neuropathy, which led to the AKA. The reason for the home visit was that Mr. Gold was found to have osteomyelitis, requiring 6 weeks of intravenous antibiotics.

Mr. Gold is married. He and his wife live in a pleasant, 2-story condo in an upscale community in a quiet retirement area. His two grown daughters are married but visit often. Susan learns that Mr. Gold has not been able to work for a number of years and is relying on Social Security disability and his wife’s part-time job.

  1. Select one of the nursing models/theories from this chapter that will help Ms. Frank in assessing Mr. Gold and planning for his care. Why did your group select that model?
  2. Based on the model selected, what additional information would Susan want to collect/assess?
  3. Based on the model selected, how would Ms. Frank initiate a plan of care for Mr. Gold?
  4. Do you think that Susan would assess and plan differently for Mr. Gold’s care if she used a different model for Mr. Gold? Why or why not?





In this case study, I would select the theory of self-care deficit nursing theory that was proponent by Dorothea E.Orem. The method is vital as it mentions the Parson’s structure theory and Von Bertalanffy’s system theory. This is because the two theories were capable of explaining the issues that Mr. Gold was undergoing in his system, for example, the amputation of one leg (AKA) and the effects that he was going through with the provision of self-care considering she was privy to his past. The theory focuses on the modern realism, and it views the patient as an agent. It portrays a high developed formalized theoretical system, and presently it is being referred to as the theory of self-care science and in coming up with the new self –care plan.  She will utilize Orem’s magnum opus, and she will derive many quotes examples from the past encounters.


According to the appearance of Mr. Gold, it seems that he was lethargic and ashy indicating that he is not being taken care of well at home. Ms. Frank should ask him his state of affairs of interaction with his wife. It also seems that though he is staying in a well up the condo, the finances are down; thus the nurse should ask about his life savings and other retirement insurance policies that were held by him. Finally, though the two daughters were regularly visiting hi, plus his wife was working, Ms. Frank should be asked about their financial relationship with his family and his ailing so that she can formulate an appropriate care plan.


In initiating the care, Ms. Frank should utilize all the additional information that she has received from Mr. Gold plus the physical, physiological and psychological information that is present in formulating it.  The other thing is that she should take care of the other advantageous conditions that can  affect Mr. Gold as he is recuperating considering…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Grand Nursing Theories Based on Interactive Process ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs

Case Study, Chapter 7: Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs

After reviewing the theories, models, and frameworks from this chapter, consider the following Case Study and discuss the questions. 

Case Study:

Mr. Juan Duran is a 60-year-old patient who has been coming to the Diabetes Clinic at the VA for a few months. One day, the Clinic Director, Jim Carlson, finds him wandering the hallway, appearing somewhat dazed, with a bag of supplies for blood glucose testing and insulin administration. Mr. Duran tells him that he has been instructed to start insulin for his diabetes but doesn’t know how. He doesn’t recall receiving any appointment or instructions. Mr. Carlson finds the Diabetes Nurse Educator, Jenny O’Connell, and asks her to fit Mr. Duran in for an unscheduled appointment.

Jenny O’Connell starts the appointment with a thorough assessment of Mr. Duran. In addition to the physical assessment, she covers psycho-social-spiritual issues. She discovers that Mr. Duran has had diabetes for about 10 years and, recently, his blood glucose levels and HgbA1c cannot be controlled with oral medications and exercise. The physician wants to start him on insulin. Here are notes that she took from her assessment:

·         Sixty-year-old Mexican American patient. He is exceedingly polite and respectful of health care personnel (and does not like to interrupt or ask too many questions). He has been in the United States more than 50 years; he is a Navy veteran.

·         Married; lives with wife in a comfortable apartment in Chula Vista, CA.

·         Mr. Duran speaks fluent English, but his wife’s English is limited. They speak Spanish at home.

·         Because Mr. Duran has limited vision, his wife has to administer the insulin.

·         Had one (single) daughter, who was found murdered in the apartment parking lot less than 2 weeks ago, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Duran to care for her child.

·         Mr. Duran seems befuddled by the insulin and syringes and is stoic when he talks about the loss of his daughter.

  1. Select one of the nursing models/theories from this chapter that will help Jenny in assessing Mr. Duran and planning for his care. Discuss why that particular model was selected.
  2.  Based on the model selected, what additional information would Jenny want to collect/assess?
  3. Based on the model selected, how would Jenny initiate a plan of care (education) for Mr. Duran?
  4. Do you think that Jenny would assess and plan differently for Mr. Duran’s care if she used a different model (than the one you selected) for Mr. Duran? Why or why not?






Dorothy Johnson: The Behavioral System Model

The reason for selecting the model is that it is a grand model that focuses on one needs in a way at examining the behavioral system and relief in formulating the care for a patient. The model is a unique one that is based on discrete science with the theory being deductively derived. The theory focuses on the individual patient’s experiences with a disease more than the condition itself. The theory is well researched as it drew its propositions from Grinker theory of human behavior Selye on stress, Buckley and Chin on the systems models.


 Jenny would confirm the blood group of Mr. Duran and also ask him about his pension plans and insurance. This information is vital when formulating the care plan as she will know the nature of the diet to put the patient.  The relationship with the wife is essential to delve into that area to ensure that the patient stays in a conducive and controlled environment to prevent him from contacting high blood pressure. Other information is on the spiritual life of Mr. Duran as it can assist him to appreciate the condition he is recuperating I and will assist in the management of his diabetes.



I would organize the behaviors of Mr. Duran to achieve particular goals of diabetes management. Then I will differentiate them and classify them according to his prevailing conditions in setting up life choices. Accordingly, I will then formulate his administration of insulin in the maintenance of these behaviors through control and life choices.


I believe accordingly to her experience in the nursing practice she cannot use a different way in assessing the patient’s case while using a different model. This is because the model she utilized is well versed with others to achieve positive results……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs


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Psychological theories of crime causation

In a 3–4 page paper (excluding title and reference pages), summarize and provide an example of how biological, sociological, and psychological theories of crime causation affect human behavior and actions. Be sure to provide an example of each and include a reference to the examples that may include an article, case study, adjudicated case, etc.

Criteria: Ask yourself the following questions.
Did you address the three theories?
Did you provide an example of each theory?
Did you cite your sources?
Did you state the findings of the paper concisely?
Did you support or oppose your position with insightful analysis?
Did you answer all the questions in a substantive manner?
Is your content accurate?
Is your content persuasive?
Is your content comprehensive enough to address the topic?
Did you prepare your paper as a MS Word Document?
Did you name your file correctly?
Did you use APA format to cite your sources?
Did you check your document for spelling?





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Biological theories

            Biological theories of criminality focus on examining criminal behavior that caused by the biological makeup of a person. The biological makeup of a person include physical flaws such as heredity, neurotransmitter dysfunction, brain abnormalities resulting from trauma or improper development. Some of the studies present biological factors such as genetic, neurological, biochemical and physiological factors(Rutter, 2006). In this case, genetic factors is described as biological factors passed from parents to children through hereditary. Analysis indicated that biological theorists have established better law enforcement techniques and stricter penalties for crime control. As a result, many techniques that are specific to the biological theories of criminality have been developed. For example, psychosurgery can be applied to control criminal behavior. Statistics indicated that more than 40,000 frontal lobotomies was conducted to treat various criminal behavior caused by schizophrenia and depression.

            Another method that is applied to change the criminal behavior of the individual caused by biological factors is chemical methods of control. For example, two common pharmacological treatment applied in most cases is chemical castratio………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..psychological theories of crime causation …………………………………………………..


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Leadership styles and theories

Use/write the job on the Template that i downloaded. Here the link for the paper: Leadership styles and theories. Authors: Giltinane, Charlotte Louise Affiliation: District nursing sister, Cambridgeshire Community Services, Cambridge Source: Nursing Standard (NURS STAND), 6/12/2013; 27(41): 35-39. (5p) Publication Type: Journal Article – review Language: English Major Subjects: Management Styles — Evaluation Nursing Administration Nurse Attitudes Minor Subjects: Interpersonal Relations; Personnel Management; National Health Programs — United Kingdom; Motivation; United Kingdom Abstract: It is useful for healthcare professionals to be able to identify the leadership styles and theories relevant to their nursing practice. Being adept in recognising these styles enables nurses to develop their skills to become better leaders, as well as improving relationships with colleagues and other leaders, who have previously been challenging to work with. This article explores different leadership styles and theories, and explains how they relate to nursing practice. Journal Subset: Double Blind Peer Reviewed; Europe; Expert Peer Reviewed; Nursing; Peer Reviewed; UK & Ireland Special Interest: Nursing Administration ISSN: 0029-6570 MEDLINE Info: PMID: 23905259 NLM UID: 9012906 Entry Date: 20130618 Revision Date: 20150819 Accession Number: 104179691 Database: CINAHL Complete

THE FOLLOWING ARE THE STEPS TO FOLLOW AND ALSO THE RUBIC.: PREPARING THE SCHOLARLY PAPER PHASE 2 Carefully read these instructions and the Rubric. Download the Week 6 Scholarly Paper Phase 2 Template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use of the assigned template is required. Rename that document as Your Last Name Scholarly Paper Phase 1.docx, for example Smith Scholarly Paper Phase 2. Save it to your own computer or drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your assignment directly on the saved template using Microsoft Word. The document must be saved as a .docx. Save frequently to prevent loss of your work. The only resource for your paper is the following assigned article: Article link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Note: Logging in to the Chamberlain Library is needed to access this article. Use of the assigned article is required. Follow the instructions and specifics on the assigned required template and the rubric. You will demonstrate your scholarly writing abilities as well as APA abilities in references, citations, quotations, and paraphrasing. See rubric for length limitations for each section and other criteria. For the Introduction section (see rubric for details), introduce the assigned paper topic; explain that the purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the assigned article; explain that that the impact of the article contents on your own future practice will be included; and length must be 50–75 words. For the Article Summary section (see rubric for details), clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article using 175–200 words; content must include main ideas from across the entire article; specifics should be excellent; content must be attributed to the correct source; and instructor feedback from Week 4 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 must be used to revise and improve this section. For the Impact section, clearly state how learning from the assigned article will impact your future practice; length must be 125–150 words; writing must be concise and clearly relate the assigned article contents to practice; use first person in this section; and instructor feedback from Week 4 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 must be used to revise and improve this section. For the Conclusion, write a concise summary of main points of the paper; provide a concluding statement; and length must be 75–100 words. Double check your work with the rubric prior to submission. Note: Assigned Template must be used for this assignment. The Assigned Template has been specially prepared to help you do well on this assignment. See #2 above. Note: Assigned Article must be used for this assignment. Failure to do so may result in loss of points and/or Academic Integrity violation investigation. FOLLOW THE RUBRIC BELOW: Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Title Page 5.0 pts Title page adheres very well to the format of the assigned required template (0-1 errors). 4.0 pts Title page adheres mostly well to the format of the assigned required template (2 errors). 3.0 pts Title page somewhat adheres to the format of the assigned required template (3 errors). 2.0 pts Title page does not adhere well to the format of the assigned required template (4 errors). 0.0 pts No title page OR more than 5 errors. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Margins, Headings, Headers, Font, Spacing 5.0 pts Margins, headings, headers, font, and spacing adhere well to APA format and the assigned required template. 4.0 pts Margins, headings, headers, font, and spacing adhere fairly well to APA format and the assigned required template. 3.0 pts Adherence of margins, headings, headers, font, and spacing to APA format and the assigned required template is only fair. 2.0 pts Margins, headings, headers, font, and spacing adhere poorly to APA format and the assigned required template. 0.0 pts Headings not used and paper is single spaced with incorrect font and margins. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction 20.0 pts Clearly states the paper topic, explains that paper is summary of the assigned article, and explains that the impact of article contents on own future professional nursing practice will be included. 18.0 pts States the paper topic, explains that paper is summary of the assigned article, and explains that the impact of article contents on own future professional nursing practice will be included. 16.0 pts Vaguely states the paper topic, explains that paper is summary of the assigned article, and explains that the impact of article contents on own future professional nursing practice will be included. OR uses slightly fewer than 50 words or slightly more than 75 words. 8.0 pts May not sufficiently explain all required items in previous columns of this criterion. OR uses significantly fewer than 50 words or significantly more than 75 words. 0.0 pts Did not sufficiently explain any required items in previous columns of this criterion. 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assigned Article Summary Clearly summarizes the major content of the assigned article using 175-200 words. Content includes main ideas from across the entire article. Specifics are excellent. Content is attributed to the correct source.Summarizes Leadership styles and theoriesthe paper and makes a concluding s tatement. 65.0 pts Clearly summarizes the major content of the assigned article using 175-200 words. Content includes main ideas from across the entire article. Specifics are excellent. Content is attributed to the correct source. Excellent revisions from Week 4 Phase 1 based on Week 4 Phase 1 instructor feedback. 57.0 pts Summarizes the major content of the assigned article using 175-200 words. Content includes main ideas from across the entire article. Specifics are good. Content is attributed to the correct source. Good revisions from Week 4 Phase 1 based on Week 4 Phase 1 instructor feedback. 52.0 pts Vaguely summarizes the content of the assigned article. OR uses slightly fewer than 175 words or slightly more than 200 words. OR Content may or may not include main ideas from across the entire article. Specifics are fair. OR All content may not be attributed to the correct source. Fair revisions from Week 4 Phase 1 based on Week 4 Phase 1 instructor feedback. 25.0 pts May not sufficiently summarize content of the assigned article. OR uses significantly fewer than 175 words or significantly more than 200 words. OR Content may not include main ideas from across the entire article. Specifics are poor. OR Content is not be attributed to the correct source. Poor revisions from Week 4 Phase 1 based on Week 4 Phase 1 instructor feedback. 0.0 pts Did not use the assigned article. 65.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Impact on Your Future Practice Clearly states how learning from the article will impact your future practice is 125-150 words, concise, clearly relates article contents to practice. Uses first person. 65.0 pts Clearly states how learning from the article will impact your future practice is 125-150 words, concise, clearly relates article contents to practice. Uses first person. Excellent revisions from Week 4 Phase 1 based on Week 4 Phase 1 instructor feedback. 57.0 pts States how learning from the article will impact your future practice is 125-150 words, concise, relates article contents to practice in a mostly clear manner. Uses first person. Good revisions from Week 4 Phase 1 based on Week 4 Phase 1 instructor feedback. 52.0 pts Vaguely states how learning from the article will impact your future practice OR uses slightly fewer than 125 words or slightly more than 150 words OR article contents related to practice in a fair manner. May or may not first person. Fair revisions from Week 4 Phase 1 based on Week 4 Phase 1 instructor feedback. 25.0 pts May not sufficiently state how content of the article impacts your future practice OR uses significantly fewer than 125 words or significantly more than 150 words. OR article contents related to practice in a poor manner. Specifics are poor. OR does not use first person. Poor revisions from Week 4 Phase 1 based on Week 4 Phase 1 instructor feedback. 0.0 pts Did not provide statements required in this section. 65.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion Clearly writes a concise summary of this paper. Clearly writes strong a concluding statement. 25.0 pts Clearly writes a concise summary of this paper. Clearly writes strong a concluding statement. 22.0 pts Writes a concise summary of this paper. Writes a good concluding statement. 20.0 pts Writes a vague summary of this paper. Writes a fair concluding statement. 10.0 pts Leadership styles and theories Writes a poor summary of this paper. Writes a poor concluding statement. 0.0 pts Did not sufficiently provide any required items in previous columns of this criterion. 25.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reference for Assigned Journal Article See page 198 in APA Manual and page 5 from Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers 10.0 pts Reference for the assigned article is typed using correct APA format including: author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, double line spacing, and hanging indent. Include DOI if available. Minimal or no errors (0–1 error). 9.0 pts Reference for the assigned article is typed using APA format including the items at left with 2–3 errors. 8.0 pts Reference for the assigned article is typed using APA format including the items at left with 4-5 errors. 4.0 pts Reference typed with 6-8 errors in APA format from the items at left 0.0 pts Reference is not for the assigned article OR APA format includes more than 8 errors. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quotation(s) and Citation See pages 170-171 and 177 in APA Manual and page 5 from Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers 10.0 pts Types 1 or 2 quotations (10–20 words) from assigned article using correct APA citation including quotation marks, authors’ names, year, page numbers, and parentheses with no errors or one minor error. Did not use words or ideas that the authors cited from another source. 9.0 pts Types 1 or 2 quotations (10–20 words) from assigned article using APA Leadership styles and theories citation including items at left with 2–3 minor errors. Did not use words or ideas that the authors cited from another source. 8.0 pts Quotation slightly too long or too short. OR Types a quotation (10–20 words) from assigned article using APA citation with 4-5 errors. Did not use words or ideas that the authors cited from another source. 4.0 pts Quotation excessively too long or too short, or quoted selected words or ideas the author(s) of the assigned article cited from another source, or 6-7 errors in APA format. 0.0 pts More than 7 errors in APA quotation format. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Paraphrased Areas and Citations See pages 171 and 177 in APA Manual and page 5 from Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers 10.0 pts Types appropriately paraphrased version of specific ideas from assigned article using correct APA citation including authors’ names, year, and parentheses with 0-1 error. 9.0 pts Types mostly appropriately paraphrased version of the specific ideas from assigned article using correct APA citation including authors’ names, year, and parentheses with 2–3 errors in paraphrasing or citation. 8.0 pts Types minimally appropriately paraphrased version of the specific ideas from assigned article using APA citation including authors’ names, year, and parentheses with 4-5 errors. 4.0 pts Leadership styles and theories Poorly paraphrased version and/or APA citation with 6 or more errors OR citation missing for paraphrased ideas. 0.0 pts Copied several sequential words from article. May or may not include quotation marks and/or citation. 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics and Organization Excellent mechanics and organization with minimal errors 10.0 pts Excellent mechanics and organization with minimal errors of the following: – Leadership styles and theories well organized and logical, – correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, – professional wording is used, – uses complete sentences, – paragraphs are linked together logically, and main ideas expressed 9.0 pts Good mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column. A few minor errors noted. 8.0 pts Fair mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column. Some errors noted. 4.0 pts Poor mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column. Many errors noted. 0.0 pts Very poor mechanics and organization considering the elements listed in the first column such that writing is difficult to follow or understand. 10.0 pts Leadership styles and theories Total Points: 225.0

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            It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that business operations are carried out in the right way. These include making right decisions and putting in place rules and regulations that guides the business operations in the right course. By doing this, the business is said to be carrying its operations ethically(Ferrel, & Fredrick, 2014). Therefore, business ethics means that all the operations are within the confines of the law and regulations locally and internationally. It is important to understand that business operations include production in acceptable manner, business process, the company’s or organizations’ behavior, the customers as well as the relationship with the community.

In a nutshell, business ethics means doing the right operationally and management allowing the stakeholders and other regulatory agencies to monitor and hold them accountable for their actions and decisions made fo…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Motivational theories

Chapters 2 & 3 discuss different motivational theories. Find peer-reviewed articles on at least two different types of motivational theories and in a 2 to 3-page paper (not including cover page or reference page), compare and contrast these different theories. Paper must be in APA format, have a cover sheet, and reference page. No abstract is required.





Comparison and contrast of motivational theories


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            Motivation is very critical in all enterprises because it drives the employees to achieve their goals as well as organizational goals. Literature review showed that there are many motivational theories that have been used to influence the outcome of the employee job satisfaction. The main theories of motivation are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene or two-factor theory, Alderfer’s Existence, Relatedness and Growth theory, and McClelland’s needs theory(Badubi, 2017). The consequences of organizations carrying out its activities without motivating the employees leads to burnout, turnover and depression which is catastrophic in achieving the success of organizations. The purpose of this paper was to compare and contrast at least two theories of motivation. In the discussion, Maslow and Herzberg theories of motivation was compared and contrasted because they provide the most popular human motivation theories that are used in the workforce.

Comparison of Maslow’s hierarchy needs and Herzberg’s two factor theory

            Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs was founded on the basis that an individual desire to increase what they want to achieve in life and the needs are prioritized based on their importance. As the name suggested, it was derived from the hierarchy of needs and the job satisfaction is driven by the employees’ needs(Kispal-Vital, 2016). On the other hand, Herzberg’s two-factor theory (Motivator-hygiene) was derived from research carried out by the engineers and accountants to establish the factors that make employee to feel good or bad about their job. According to Herzberg, five features drives satisfaction: advancement, responsibility, the job itself, recognition and achievement. Analysis showed that these two theories of motivation have similarities.


            The great similarity between Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theories of motivation is the fact that workers who have attained a level of social and economic progress in the society, strives to achieve higher level needs such as esteem and self-actualization, which is placed higher in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs(Badubi, 2017). This is the primary motivators to these employees. Nonetheless, these employees are still required to satisfy the lower level needs for the purposes of maintaining the current state. As a result, money still remain the key motivator to the employees at all levels of their employment. For example, Herzberg’s theory highlighted the difference between two groups of factors: motivational and maintenance. He further emphasized that motivational factors are derived from the jobs itself(Kispal-Vital, 2016). Analysis showed………………………………………….
