Writers Solution

Offenders using developmental theories of crime

In 500-750 words, analyze life course offenders using developmental theories of crime by doing the following:

Find an example of a person who is or was a life course offender (someone with a very long criminal history, serial killers, etc.).

Determine if the criminal’s persistent offending can be explained using life course, latent trait, and trajectory theories.
If any of those three theories do not account for the criminal’s persistent offending, explain why.
Explain which of the three theories best account for this criminal’s persistent offending.
Use the GCU Library to locate three to five relevant, scholarly sources in support of your content, no older than 5 years.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.





Life Course Offender and Developmental Theories


Grade Course:

Tutor’s Name:

Date of Submission:

Selected Offender

            This analysis selected a serial killer of late sixties and throughout seventies, Ted Bundy who was connected to at least thirty-six count of murder in the United States. Ted Bundy confessed to have killed thirty women in seven states and was later sentenced to death and subsequently executed using electric chair on 24 January, 1989. The general appearance of the serial killer was an interesting, smart and attracting man. He used these traits to lore young women who were the most victims. Several studies conducted to determine the factors that motivated Ted Bundy to be serial killer pointed out to his unbalanced upbringing as a youth affected his later life. Most of the researcher used process perspective.

            For example, Ted Bundy was born in Burlington, Vermont in 1946 to Eleanor Louise Cowell and Air Force father and was named Theodore Robert Cowell. Ted was brought up in a middle-class family with the mother being the majority parent due to the nurture of the work of his father. Ted Bundy spend most of his young life with mentally challenged grandfather and at some point, he considered his parents as parent figures and his mother as his sister(Reid, 2017). Due to persistent of this fantasy, Ted Bundy internalized it and this could be the start of the problem. Most of the people who interacted with Ted Bundy in his childhood knew him as perfect gentleman. As oppose to many his colleague who perfectly fitted in a while-collar job, Ted Bundy chose the path that eventually lead to downfall.

Applied Criminology Theory             Analysis of the Ted’s background suggested that his childhood growth significantly impacted his future actions. For example, Life Cours…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Virtue Et4597hics Theories

Zip-6, like other beverage companies, uses cola nuts that are sourced from buyers or distributors who purchase these from local small farmers in lesser developed countries. Recently, Ravi received a letter from a human rights group alleging that some of these local “buyers” were unfairly compensating the small growers for their crops and urging Zip-6 to only purchase “Fairtrade” certified ingredients for use in their products to ensure that these small growers receive a fair price for their crops. Some Zip-6 managers have pointed out that Fairtrade cola nuts are somewhat more expensive although they represent only a small component of the product cost. Ravi is considering this carefully since Zip-6 has long-established relationships with some of these buyers. Checklist: You are advising Ravi; after reviewing the supplemental Ethics PowerPoint Presentation and learning about Fairtrade at: Copyright ©2011 Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, e.V. Respond to the following in an informative essay: Which of the specific ethics approaches below would you recommend to guide him in his decision making regarding what to do about the buyers’ compensation to small growers and possible change to Fairtrade cola nuts, and why? Philosophical Approaches to Ethics (choose one): Consequential, Nonconsequential, and Virtue Ethics Theories How would you advise Ravi to respond to this request from the human rights group? Explain.






Ethical Approaches

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Approaches to Ethics: The Case of Zip-6 Company

            There are increased pressures on firms to participate in sustainable business models (Sloan, Legrand, & Hindley, 2015, p. 267). In as much as the major goal of business remains to be profit, companies must assess their actions. Firms must ensure their businesses meet the present needs without compromising future needs. One strategy of attaining sustainability is through the use of sustainable supply chain processes. Such processes ensure that products/services that are consumed are sourced in a manner that creates a shared value among all the players in the product/service chain.

Sustainable developments are prompted by several factors that include evolution of standards, pressures from regulators and consumers themselves (Sloan, Legrand, & Hindley, 2015, p. 267). Sometimes the buyers in the supply chain may be involved in unethical business processes, which may prompt pressure from civil groups on companies to cancel businesses with such suppliers.  For instance, the suppliers may buy products that are processed with the aid of child labor or they may under pay the primary producers of a particular product. Such cases may require the managers to make informed ethical decisions. Many philosophical approaches to ethical decision making are available to the managers. In the case provided, the consequential ethics theory would be recommended for Ravi in making decision regarding the use of cola nuts from its buyers or distributors……………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






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Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson’s theories (mistakes were made but not by me)

Assignment Sheet

Introduction: You have read, discussed, and engaged in many aspects of the current
ongoing national crisis around police brutality and a racially biased justice system brought to the public’s attention through the media’s coverage of Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Alex Nieto, Michael Brown, and others. This is a critical time to be able to analyze the response of those involved in these incidents so that you can better understand the situation and where you might enter the national conversation.

Step 1: Write a two-page summary of Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson’s theories around the relationship between cognitive dissonance, self-justification, and the ability to commit hurtful and immoral acts.

Step 2: Research one recent incident of undue force or police brutality that has received significant news coverage. Apply Tavris and Aronson’s theories of self-justification and cognitive dissonance to the response of the law enforcement and/or the affiliates of law enforcement and their agenda.
• During this step, you should be collecting information for your annotated bibliography as you are researching. This will help you in two ways: first, it will help you to keep track of your sources and track your understanding of their arguments; second, it will force you to identify how you are going to use them in your essay.

Step 3: Once you have identified your sources and written your annotated bibliography, you should draft a rough outline with a working thesis statement. Remember, this is called a “rough” outline and a “working” thesis because it may change.

• Guide to structuring your essay:
o Introduction: Your introduction should introduce the topic in a way that
makes it relevant for the reader. This is your chance to tie in all of what we have read so far in the class: The New Jim Crow, Divide, and The Lucifer Effect. You want your reader to be clear on your topic and why it is worthy of analysis at this time.

o Beginning:The first part of your essay should summarize Tavris and Aronson’s theories. Use the summary you wrote in Step 1, adjusting it with transitions to fit smoothly into your essay.
o Middle: In the next part of your essay, you should introduce the incident of police brutality/undue force that you will be analyzing. Summarize the incident and the response of the law enforcement officers and their superiors involved as well as their affiliates.
o End:InthissectionyouwanttoapplyTavrisandAronson’stheoriestothe incident and response you are covering. You must make clear and specific connections to the theories here, using direct quotations and paraphrases. It may help in your outline to identify the specific parts of the theory you plan to analyze.

o Conclusion:Yourconclusioncandooneormoreofthefollowing:summarize your main points, issue a call to action, predict where we are headed if incidents like this continue to occur unchecked.

Step 4: Draft your essay and participate in peer review.
Step 5: Revise your essay based on the feedback you received. This is where you make global revisions to content, quotes, analysis, etc.
Step 6: Proofread your essay. These are your local revisions. You can proofread for grammar, diction, and MLA style.

The book can be read this link’s+theories&source=bl&ots=p-jwqML04f&sig=aMqvy6uLznEUWh73T2_Ia-Lmamc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CE8Q6AEwBjgKahUKEwiUkZvTxN3GAhWSpYgKHVQ2A04#v=onepage&q=Carol%20Tavris%20and%20Elliot%20Aronson’s%20theories&f=false 









Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson’s Theories (Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me)


            There are many situations that were are faced in our lives on a daily basis. While are often right in some, we often find ourselves in the wrong in some of the situations. However, there is often a tendency not to assume responsibility for our mistakes when faced with a situation in which we wronged somebody or did something that is wrong to the public (Egan). The higher the responsibility, there higher the likelihood to justify that you were right for the wrong you did and that probably somebody else was responsible. The concept of self-justification is deeply rooted in human life and no one ever seems ready to accept the responsibility of a wrong done . The ability to deny truth and lie is attributed to the cognitive dissonance in human beings.

The Theories of Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson

            In their research, Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson developed theories as to why humans do not assume responsibility for a wrong done. The asserted the mental drive that controls the self-justification has an unpleasant feeling termed as cognitive dissonance. The cognitive dissonance drives an individual into justifying his /her wrong deeds. When an individual if faced with a fact that clarifies why what they do is wrong, they often find a way of justifying their actions (Tavris and Aronson 13). The cognitive dissonance occurs when an individual holds two cognitions (opinions, ideas, beliefs or attitudes) that are psychologically inconsistent. Although dissonance has an effect of creating mental discomfort, often an individual will not rest until a solution to reduce it is achieved. The cognitive dissonance is attributed to the ability of human mind to analyse how the behaviour transcends affects the rewards and punishment and often acts to contradict them.           The cognitive dissonance is powerful and is attributed to making individuals to have the ability to make unreasonable processing of information (Tavris and Aronson 20). The Tavris and Aronson theories further point that even after making the unreasonable processing of the information; dissonance makes humans to display bias. The individuals who suffer from cognitive dissonance continually continue to belief in the facts that have even been proven to be untrue. For instance if a politician undertakes an action and discovers that the actions were not worthwhile, such a politician will make all attempts…………………………………………………………….

…………………………………Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson’s theories………………………………………………………………….




Writers Solution

Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning

Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Research
Unit: Organisational Learning and Change
Unit Code: BUS 510
Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 – Organisational change project
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: Learning outcomes – (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f)
(a) Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning
(b) Critically analyse and explain the dynamics of strategic organisational change
(c) Critically review and evaluate the reasons for different approaches to change, and demonstrate an ability to apply this understanding to volatile or novel organisational contexts
(d) Critically analyse and critique common perspectives on the role of, and relationship between, individuals, teams and leaders in the change process
(e) Integrate biblical frameworks into a contemporary understanding of organisational learning and change
(f) Integrate the concepts of organisational learning, strategic and innovative change management with leadership theory and practice
Criteria for Assessment: • Criterion 1 – Description of the organisation – (5/50)
• Criterion 2 – Understanding of organisational change concepts or theories – (10/50)
• Criterion 3 – Organisational analysis – (10/50)
• Criterion 4 – Recommendations and resource requirements – (20/50)
• Criterion 5 – References and structure – (5/50)
Assessment Task: The purpose of this assessment is to allow students take on a management perspective to analyse organisational change and propose recommendations with the aim of improving the situation. This project seeks to create a case study of an organization that requires a change intervention.
Students will be required to choose an organisation that they are familiar with and analyse it using relevant change management theories or frameworks to identify areas where change is required. Relevant change intervention strategies are to be proposed.
The organisational change project covers the following:
1. An introduction to the organisation.
2. Internal and external analysis of the organisation to identify areas requiring change (at the end of this section, include a summary of the areas where change is required)
3. Literature review – overview of change management theories or frameworks
4. Evaluation of possible change strategies required to improve the situation.
5. Recommendations of the most suitable strategies.
6. Required resources for implementing the identified suitable strategies.
7. Conclusion
Submission Date: Week 13 (online submission via Turnitin)
Total Mark & Weighting: 50 marks (50%)
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or without approved extenuating circumstances incurs a 5% penalty per calendar day,
calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 35 will incur a 1.75-mark penalty per calendar day.
Assignments should usually incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion, and will be fully referenced including a reference list.
The word count for the assessment is 3000 words (+/- 10%)
Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count
References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a reference, but not the lecturer notes. We want to see evidence that you can conduct your own research. Also, in order to help markers, determine students’ understanding of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page number/s if shown in the original.
Work that includes sources that are not properly referenced according to the “Harvard Referencing Workbook” will be penalized.

Your assessment would be marked based on the following marking guideline.
Total marks – 50
Criteria Mark Fail Pass
Distinction High Distinction
Criterion 1
Description of the organisation 5 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Limited and incomplete description, missing many elements Adequate description of, missing a few elements Good and thorough description, includes all elements Very good and thorough description, includes all elements Exceptional and thorough description, includes all elements
Criterion 2
Understanding of organisational change theories or concepts 10 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Understanding of the individual concepts or theories not demonstrated Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is satisfactory Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is sound Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is detailed Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is highly integrated
Criterion 3
Organisational analysis 10 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Lack of critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts not applied in the analysis Limited critical analysis of the organisation
Limited application of the relevant theories or concepts in the analysis Some critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts have been applied in the analysis Competent level of critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts have been correctly applied in the analysis Clear and thorough critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts been adequately applied in the analysis
Criterion 4
Recommendations and resource requirements 20 Below 10.0 10.0 – 12.0 12.5 – 14.0 14.5 – 16.0 16.5 and above
Limited, insufficient analysis of strategies with few and unclear recommendations
No resource requirements discussed Analysis of strategies with fairly established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements mentioned but not adequately described Good analysis of strategies with established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements described but could have been improved by providing more details. Very good analysis of strategies with established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements explained. Exceptionally thorough analysis of strategies with clearly established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements explained will all key aspects covered.
Criterion 5
Structure and mechanics
– Coherence and organization
– APA format 5 Below 2.5 2.5 – 3.0 3.5 – 3.8 3.9 – 4.4 4.5 and above
An unfocussed, incoherent essay, characterized by disorganization and/or missing required sections.
References are inconsistent with required format; a notable number of errors present. A somewhat focused, slightly incoherent essay, characterized by some disorganization and/or missing required sections.
References are inconsistent with required format; a number of errors present. A somewhat coherent and organized essay and including most required sections.
Referencing format is adhered to throughout the essay, with some errors present. A clear and coherent essay, organized and including all required sections.
Referencing format is rigorously adhered to throughout the essay, with very few errors present. An exceptionally clear, concise and coherent essay, critically organized and including all required sections.
Referencing format is rigorously adhered to throughout the essay, with no errors present.

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Develop an understanding of the foundational theories and conceptual frameworks of the profession of nursing from a gender and multicultural perspective

Discussion Question:

Consider your learning in the course. How have you met the course objectives listed in the syllabus? Has the material in the course changed your professional practice? How might nursing theory influence your professional practice?

  • Develop an understanding of the foundational theories and conceptual frameworks of the profession of nursing from a gender and multicultural perspective.
  • Compare and contrast how concepts of person, health, nursing and environment are defined from a variety of theoretical perspectives.
  • Explore the impact of nursing theories on current practice, education, research, and leadership
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and creativity in the application of theoretical frameworks and models to professional nursing roles.
  • Describe methods to evaluate nursing concepts, models, and theories for use in nursing practice.
  • Articulate your own philosophical base for nursing practice, including the knowledge, values, beliefs, standards and ethical principles that influence your practice.
  • Develop an appreciation of different types of reasoning.
  • Articulate the application of reasoning in nursing practice.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.


Putting It All Together

Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least two (2) sources and the textbook using APA citations throughout your presentation. Make sure to cite the sources using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Review the Signature Assignment rubric criteria for this assignment.

This week, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the theories from each module. Please select one theory from each module (1-8) and answer the following questions. You should have 2-4 slides per theory with a total of 8 theories discussed. 

  • Describe the theory
  • Provide 3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice
  • Provide 3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory
  • Explain 3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory
  • Two barriers to using the theory in practice
  • Provide one method for overcoming each barrier
  • Support from literature clearly noted throughout

Make sure to include pictures, graphs, or media throughout the PPT as this is part of the rubric and worth 50 points.

The PowerPoint presentation should include at least two outside references and the textbook. The presentation should contain 2 to 4 slides per theory, for a total of 16 to 32 slides.

Total Point Value of Assignment: 500 points

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 2 to 4 slides per theory, for a total of 16-32 slides

Structure: Include a title slide, objective slide, content slides, reference slide in APA format. Title/Objective/Reference slides do not count towards the minimum slide count for this assignment.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) outside scholarly sources and the textbook are required for this assignment.

Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level. You cannot pass this class without passing this assignment.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PPT document (.pptx) or a PDF document (.pdf)

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)

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Human Resource Management (HRM) theories and concepts and apply them to the modern workplace.

 Subject Title Introduction to Human ResourcesSubject Code HRM100
Lecturer / Tutor Raymond Wiranatakusuma
Trimester September 2020
Assessment Title Final Assessment (Assessment 3)
Learning Outcome/s a) Understand contemporary Human Resource Management (HRM) theories and concepts and apply them to the modern workplace.
b) Define the role and objectives of HRM and its link to organisational objectives and success.
c) Identify the phases of the Employee Life Cycle and how they can help facilitate a competitive advantage for an organisation.
d) Describe the ethical and governance challenge facing HR
Managers in developing policies and procedure
Assessment type Individual
Weighting 40%
Word count Approximately 500 words per answer (approximately 2000 words in total)
Due date Week 11 – Sunday 23:59
Class submission Online ?
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment This assessment is a Written Task
ICMS Cover Page
Five (5) tasks are presented below. Please choose ONLY four (4) tasks and complete them.
If you use information from any sources, these MUST be referenced as per ICMS Style Guide. In addition to in-text references, you must provide reference list in the end of each answer.
You must ensure that your work does not contain plagiarism.
This is an individual assignment. You must not get help from others.
Do not discuss your answers with anyone.
instructions Complete only FOUR of the following tasks. Each task is worth 25 marks.
1. Choose ONE of the following options:
– Front office staff for a 5-star hotel (e.g. Hilton, Marriott, etc.) in Sydney
– Baristas for a coffee chain (e.g. Gloria Jeans, Starbucks, Coffee Club) in Sydney
– Bank tellers for a major bank in Australia
Explain the importance of conducting a job analysis and describe how you would conduct a job analysis for the position that you have chosen.
2. Explain how you would administer each stage of the ADDIE model to successfully plan, implement, and evaluate a customer service training program for front line staff of a supermarket such as Coles & Woolworths.
3. Explain what MBO is. Using a job/position in an organisation that you are familiar with, discuss 2 possible advantages and 2
possible disadvantages of using MBO to manage the performance of the job holder.
4. Discuss the main difference between internal and external rewards. Explain the importance of providing both internal and external rewards. Use examples to clarify your explanation.
5. Discuss the following statement:
“HR has a crucial role to play in ensuring work health and safety”. Choose a company that you are familiar with. Explain how the HR department of that company can help ensuring work health and safety.
Content 70% Excellent summation of sections and detailed explanation.

Excellent use of examples. Impressive summation and
Very good use of examples. Solid summation and explanation.
Satisfactory use of examples. Acceptable summation and explanation.
Acceptable use of examples.
Inadequate or poor summation
and explanation.

Inappropriate or inadequate use of examples.
Referencing 15% Correct referencing as per ICMS Style Guide
Excellent use of at least 2 – 3 high-quality references per answer
References are used to provide definitions and support explanation. Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with very few minor mistakes
Very good use
of at least 2 – 3 high-quality references per answer
References are used to provide definitions and support explanation.
Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with only several minor mistakes
Good use of at least 2 high- quality references per answer
References are mostly just used to provide definitions. Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with several mistakes
Satisfactory use of at least 2 acceptable quality references per answer.
References are mostly just used to provide definitions. Failure to reference correctly by using ICMS
Style Guide.
Failure to use acceptable quality references.
References are mostly just used
to provide
Presentation 15%
Articulated clearly through very good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Articulated clearly through
good grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. Only few minor errors. Articulated satisfactorily, answer contains some grammar, punctuation,
and spelling errors. Articulated adequately with inconsistent, yet acceptable grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Poor articulation that is difficult to understand. Lacking in acceptable grammar, punctuation, and spelling 

Writers Solution

 Trait theories of leadership

Assignment Content

  1. Resources: 
Writers Solution

Theories of Motivation

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the motivation and job satisfaction theories to a specific situation. Describe the theories and key assumptions on what motivates people or makes them satisfied. Apply one of the theories to a specific situation related to motivation you have witnessed or experienced professionally.

In your paper:

  • Define each of the following major motivation and job satisfaction theories: need theories, individual differences, cognitive theories, situational theories, and job satisfaction.
  • Describe a specific situation in the workplace related to motivation and job satisfaction from your own professional experience and apply one of the theories to the situation.
  • Discuss how useful this theory is in explaining the lack of effort or the high performance of employees.
  • Provide examples of the advantages and disadvantages of this particular theory in explaining employee motivation or job satisfaction.

Your paper should be three to four pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages). Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and it must include citations and references for the text and at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library.

Writers Solution

theories of organisational learning

Unit: Organisational Learning and Change
Unit Code: BUS 510
Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 — Organisational change project
Learning outcomes — (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f)
(a) Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning
(b) Critically analyse and explain the dynamics of strategic organisational change
(c) Critically review and evaluate the reasons for different approaches to
Unit Learning change, and demonstrate an ability to apply this understanding to volatile
Outcomes or novel organisational contexts
addressed: (d) Critically analyse and critique common perspectives on the role of, and relationship between, individuals, teams and leaders in the change process
(e) Integrate biblical frameworks into a contemporary understanding of organisational learning and change
(f) Integrate the concepts of organisational learning, strategic and innovative change management with leadership theory and practice
Criterion 1 – Description of the organisation — (5/50)
• Criterion 2 – Understanding of organisational change concepts or
Criteria for theories — (10/50)
Assessment: Criterion 3 — Organisational analysis — (10/50)
Criterion 4 – Recommendations and resource requirements — (20/50) Criterion 5 — References and structure — (5/50)
Assessment Task: The purpose of this assessment is to allow students take on a management perspective to analyse organisational change and propose recommendations with the aim of improving the situation. This project seeks to create a case study of an organization that requires a change intervention.
Students will be required to choose an organisation that they are familiar with and analyse it using relevant change management theories or frameworks to identify areas where change is required. Relevant change intervention strategies are to be proposed.
The organisational change project covers the following:
1. An introduction to the organisation.
2. Internal and external analysis of the organisation to identify areas requiring change (at the end of this section, include a summary of the areas where change is required)
3. Literature review — overview of change management theories or frameworks
4. Evaluation of possible change strategies required to improve the situation.
5. Recommendations of the most suitable strategies.
6. Required resources for implementing the identified suitable strategiec•
7. Conclusion