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Theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing

Purpose of the Assignment: To learn about your writing process. To learn that you have a writing process that can be shaped and reshaped. To learn how to think about that process.

Intended Audience: Instructor. Classmates. Writing teachers. Scholars interested in studying the writing process.

Assignment Topic: What have you learned about yourself as a writer from studying the theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing your own data in light of this theory? Describe data that you collect about your writing process over the course of two weeks, then analyze the data to describe your writing process. Use the concepts and terms from the course readings to frame your analysis.

Assignment Description: For this assignment, I want you to examine your writing process and literacy influences and then reflect on your process and influences. You will write an essay describing your own writing process based on a) concepts you’ve learned from the course readings and b) data that you have collected about your writing process. You’ll use discussions and readings from this unit to write a 3-4 page analysis of what you learned from studying your writing process. The idea behind this paper is very similar to that of the Rhetorical Situation Assignment: read and learn what the parts of the writing process are, then compare your own writing process to what you’ve learned and write a paper that a) describes your own writing process using the theory you’ve learned and b) considers what shaped your writing process and how you might reshape it. (If you think about it, that is similar to the first paper, where you learned the parts of the Rhetorical Situation, then analyzed a text that you wrote and described the parts of the rhetorical situation of your text. The third and last paper for this class will also follow a very similar process.)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1) TODAY, start creating some data about your writing process. You’ll keep this log for two weeks. You’re going to post the log and a list to a discussion forum/peer review two weeks from today. You’ll also be attaching your writing log to the end of your second essay, the Writing Process Assignment. It’s going to be one of the sources that you cite for this paper, along with the class readings. Make sure to keep up with it as it’s part of the final grade for the work for this paper.

  • Document your writing process every time you write something for any purpose (a class assignment, social media post, blog post, website page, etc.) over the next two weeks.
  • Keep track of all your writing journal notes in a writing log. If it were me, I would print out a paper chart to keep at my desk, so that I can easily jot down notes in it during writing sessions. Then I’d scan it to a file to save for submission later.
  • Look over this sample of a writing log kept in an Excel spreadsheet Download sample of a writing log kept in an Excel spreadsheet(just one possible way to keep track of your writing data–you could also create a chart by hand, in Word, etc.): Download sample writing logLinks to an external get an idea of what a writing log should or could look like. The writing log should keep track of:
  • When did you write? Write down the date and time you wrote.
  • How long did you write?
  • Where did you write?
  • What did you work on during each writing session?
  • What course or purpose did you write for? If you wrote for a course, what was the assignment?
  • What was hard about each writing session? What was easy? Why?
  • When and how did you get distracted? What distracted you?
  • How long did you plan for your writing?
  • How many times did you revise your writing?
  • When did you have writing bursts? What type of writing?
  • What types of writing did you write well?
  • What types of writing were you doing when you struggled and when you did not struggle?

Keep all of the answers to these questions in a journal or log. Keep as many notes about your writing process as you possible over the next week or two. 

  • Finally, when you start to write the paper, look over the writing process data from your log/journal and tell us what you are seeing about yourself as a writer. Here are the questions to try and answer as you write your first rough draft:
  • a) What are you noticing about yourself as a writer, and what do you need to do to develop your writing processes?
  • b) Which phases of the Writing Process) did you tend to lean more strongly on?
  • c) Which phases did you spend less time on, or skip?
  • d) Has your experience as a student had any similarities or differences to the student’s experience  in the case study in the course reading from Malowski? To Villanueva’s in the excerpt from Bootstraps?
  • e) What are your strengths in terms of the writing process, and which ones can you work on developing?
  • f) Overall, what have you learned about yourself as a writer from studying the theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing your own data in light of this theory?
  • g) Where do you see the potential to develop your writing process and why? What can you say about your writing process or writing processes?

To get an idea of what to aim for and grading criteria:

Look over  this sample final paper for an idea of what the paper could look like. (Link forthcoming.)

Look over the   Evaluation Standards for The Writing Process Assignment

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Discuss how you think your theory can be applied where you currently work or in a position you would like to hold in the future

Unit I Research Paper Topic In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a research paper concerning a leadership theory and how it is applied in the workforce. In the finished paper, you will evaluate leadership roles and strengths, analyze the leadership theory you chose, evaluate leadership behavior and motivation, analyze leader influence, analyze research in leadership, demonstrate how leadership skills are used, and compare and contrast how leadership approaches are used to lead organizational learning and change. 

Later in this course (Unit V), you will submit a literature review focusing on relevant literature related to your leadership theory and its application. 

For this assignment, you are asked to conduct a search of the different leadership theories (trait, behavioral, contingency, and contemporary) and identify a theory that draws your interest and that you would be interested in exploring for the literature review and final research paper. You can review these theories in the textbook and do additional research in the Online Library. The first step involves choosing, exploring, and focusing on a topic. Write a one-page project topic paper discussing why you chose your theory. Include the following components in your research paper topic: 

  • Discuss how you think your theory can be applied where you currently work or in a position you would like to hold in the future. 
  • Discuss how your theory can be applied to improve organizational behavior and increase diversity in organizations.
  •  List at least two possible research questions you could investigate concerning application of your theory. 

Your research paper topic should be at least one page in length, not including the title and references pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the Waldorf Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations

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Using rhetorical theory as a frame for textual analysis

Below is the source,

Purpose of the Assignment: To practice using rhetorical theory as a frame for textual analysis. To practice using rhetorical theory to find the intent and exigence in sources.

Intended Audience: Classmates. Instructor. Writing Teachers. Individuals interested learning more about writing and rhetorical theory.

Assignment Description: *NOTE: It’s a good idea to print this out and keep it nearby as you work on this assignment. There is a lot of information in here that will be directly helpful to you as you work through the process.

Step 1: Locate a text, and remember that a text is a broad term in this assignment, and identify and analyze the rhetorical situation of that text. A text can be defined broadly, but for this assignment, you’re going to choose from either of these two categories:

a) choose an assignment that you were given by your teacher or professor in a class that you have taken within the past six months. You must have the original document that came with the assignment and supporting materials such as the class description, the class syllabus, and other information about the context within which you received the assignment.

b) choose a written communication that you directly composed for professional or personal reasons in order to solve a problem. This text must be significant. It could be the text you wrote about for the Writing to Solve Problems assignment if that seems like it will provide enough substance and interest for you to analyze. By significant, I mean that you had to go through multiple stages to get this text written and sent; it must have had a strong exigence (reason) and you had an important argument to make, and you went through stages of a process to compose and create it rather than simply writing it in a few minutes and sending it. Think carefully about this option.

c) if you can’t find an example within either of these categories, you must make an appointment with me to discuss an alternative option before beginning your writing process for this assignment.

You have to have an authentic copy of your text for this assignment; this constraint will factor in to your choice of a topic. You’re going to need to attach the text to the end of your assignment so that your reader can refer to it as they read your analysis, so make sure you have a copy of it that is shareable and that you have permission to share. Work e-mails can be sensitive, for example, so if you chose that option, then do what you need to do and consult whom you need to make sure it’s shareable. If it’s too difficult, then it would probably be best to choose a different text. 

Think about the text you intend to use for this assignment and make sure you fully understand how to apply the theory of the rhetorical situation to that text.  Don’t choose a text that is too difficult to analyze or has very little content or substance. Choose a text wisely, and make sure the text you choose has plenty of rhetorical content to address and examine so you can demonstrate your knowledge of rhetorical situations in the paper. Watch this video by Kyle Steadman to help you understand what rhetorical analysis is and how it works:

Step 2: Now create rhetorical data to examine and use to write the paper. This will take some time. Use the following questions to help you generate content for the analysis. The goal is to learn as much as possible about the details of the text before writing the paper. 

  1. What is the exigence and purpose for the text? Why was it made? What is the text reacting to?
  2. What is the main argument the text is trying to make? Where is the argument set up and established in the text?
  3. Who are the intended audience(s) for the text? How do you know these are the audiences?
  4. Who stands to gain something from the arguments and information in the text and who does not stand to gain? Why?
  5. Who are all the rhetors responsible for making the text? The writer, sure, but what about the academic department, the educational institution who created the requirements and learning outcomes for the class? Or if it’s yourself writing an e-mail, for example, did you have anyone else look at it before you sent it? Was it critiqued by anyone else? Try to identify all of the individuals responsible for shaping the text. Those are the rhetors. There can be a main rhetor, but there are always contributors to a text.
  6. Does the text have a picture or image? Who made the image(s)?
  7. What types of constraints existed for the rhetors?
  8. What deadlines and limitations did they face? How did that limit the text?
  9. What advantages did they have? Did they have a strict timeline to work around?
  10. Did they only get to use a certain amount of words, pages, or images? How did these issues constrain the work?

The answers to the questions above will serve as a way to collect rhetorical data. The more complete and comprehensive the answers to those questions are, the more rhetorical data you have to examine and analyze for this assignment.

Step 3: Once you’ve answered some of these questions, start to shape a central statement about what you’ve learned. Use the “Backpacks and Briefcases” article to set up terms and ideas and to support and elaborate on your rhetorical analysis. Collect quotes from “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that connect to your own ideas in your paper and that you can use as support for your ideas in your paper, like you are having a conversation with the author Laura Bolin Carroll in your paper.

To craft your thesis statement, think about this questions:

What did the rhetorical information you collected about the text teach you?

What did you learn about the text after examining its rhetorical data? You looked at the text rhetorically. How did that frame for examining a text provide you a different perspective of the text?

What did you learn about the text from studying is rhetorical components? How did rhetorical theory help you see below the surface of the text?

Step 4: Draft your paper. In your own words, tell us how the text is rhetorically situated using your data and the articles from the course about rhetorical situations. The final assignment must be 750-1000 words and follow a citation format like MLA or APA carefully and accurately. Please use a handbook or Purdue Owl (Links to an external site.) to guide you. 

Here is a general guide for organizing your paper:

Introduction: Give us some background about your text. What is it, why did you choose it for this assignment as an example of a rhetorical situation? End the introduction with a thesis statement that synthesizes all of the elements of the rhetorical situation into a clear analysis. The thesis statement should be the answer to a question, or a combination of the questions above–in general, how did you come to see this text differently by using the concepts of rhetorical situations to analyze it? Your thesis statement must be a single sentence.

Body: Write several paragraphs. You can write one paragraph about each of the elements of the rhetorical situation, starting with the exigence and argument, audience, rhetors, constraints. Use the questions above to help you fill in the details. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph, which includes the topic of the paragraph and what you’re going to teach us about that topic in the paragraph. The topic sentence has a direct relationship to the thesis. You can think of it as a leg that the thesis is standing on. The body of the essay breaks up the big idea/central statement/thesis statement into smaller, digestible parts that each get their own paragraph. Each paragraph speaks for one part of the thesis. That should be very clear in the paragraph. It takes multiple revisions to get it as clear as possible, so expect to keep reading and re-reading your drafts as you work on this assignment to try and make this connection as clear and obvious as possible for your reader.

Then, after the topic sentence, introduce your idea in your own words; bring in an example from your text that illustrates this idea; explain what this example means and how it connects to your idea, in your own words. Then bring in a quotation or paraphrase from “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that is in conversation with your idea. Introduce that quote or paraphrase in your own words, with a signal phrase like “Carroll states in “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that [insert quote or paraphrase here] (page # from the article where the quote appears). Then explain in your own words how that quote relates to your idea.

Finish the paragraph with a sentence that reminds us what you wanted us to learn in this paragraph! That’s a sentence like the topic sentence, only it’s even clearer and uses different words.

Conclusion: Summarize your main points from the paper again in new words. Restate your thesis in new words. What should we take away from this paper and keep thinking about? This can be a recommendation, a prediction, or an opinion about the big idea of your text.

Works Cited: You’ll need to include MLA or APA* citations for Laura Bolin Carroll’s article as well as your own text. I don’t think you’ll be needing any other citations for this paper, but if anything comes up, I’ll be sure to announce ti.

Your text: copy and paste the text into the last pages of your paper.

* If you have a good working knowledge of how to use MLA or APA or a strong preference for either one, you may use it. If you are new to these style formats and citation, please use MLA for this paper, which I am providing examples of. I’m happy to help with citation and formatting, and you should also make an appointment at the TCC Writing & Tutoring Center to go over your paper and get additional help if you think you need it.

Look over some of these examples for the assignment: 

  • Links to an external site.
  • Example Paper #2
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Anomie and Strain Theory

Criminology Discussion unit 4

1. According to Anomie and Strain Theory, crime is caused by culturally defined goals being unachievable for groups of people with insufficient means. Would there be less crime if the goals set for lower class people were lower?  Would setting goals lower for some segments of the population be fair?  Who should have the power to determine what goals should be and for whom?

2. In Delinquency and Opportunity, it is argued that the course of delinquency is dependent upon skills and opportunities.  Do you agree with this?  How is this similar or different from social learning theory (prior chapter) where it is argued crime is learned?

3.Crime and the American Dream argues that imbalances in the power held social institutions causes crime, specifically that economic institutions possess too much power in defining goals and means.  Are people simply a blank sheet of paper where society defines everything?  Or are they individuals who make decisions and choose which social rewards to pursue?  Do you have friends or family who are not obsessed with material acquisition or does society really have that much control over pursuits?

4.Other than insanity, can all crime be rational? After discussing the question, provide an example where a criminal act seems irrational but actually is completely rational.

5.Should people be punished for what they did in the past?  Or what they might do in the future?  Phrased another way when punishing people are we addressing a past wrong or trying to prevent a future wrong?




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Nursing theory and its conceptual model and demonstrate its application in nursing practice

Henderson Theory (Nursing Need Theory )

PowerPoint in which you describe the nursing theory and its conceptual model and demonstrate its application in nursing practice. Include the following:

1. Present an overview of the nursing theory. Describe which conceptual model the theory would fall into. Is it a practice theory, midrange theory, or grand theory? Justify your response with evidence.

2. Explain how the nursing theory incorporates the four metaparadigm concepts.

3. Describe how this nursing theory is applied or integrated using examples of three evidence-based practices.

Three Citations needed




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Organizational theory and design concepts


In this individual case analysis, students will be assigned an organizational case analysis where they will be analyzing different approaches to organizational design, structure required to support changes in strategy. The objectives of the case study are to give students an opportunity to illustrate how organization structure contributes to strategy, how different environments and factors affect the organization structure, design, and strategy.

Students will write an APA format case analysis report of 1,600 to 1,800 in MS Word (or another compatible word processor), double spaced, 12-point font, excluding title page or references.  Instructions:

  • This case analysis is to be done individually. Carefully read and review the case study and write a 1,800-2,000-word case analysis report, In MS Word, double spaced, 12-point font, APA standards.
  • Your case analysis must include a minimum of 3 external academic resources.

Assignment Questions

Carefully read and review the case study assigned for this term:

Bivins, S. S. (2014). A transformational change at IBM. Paper presented at PMI Global Congress 2014—North America, Phoenix, AZ. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
  • Analyze the case study using all the organizational theory and design concepts you learned so far in this course. focusing on how the organization changed its structure to achieve its new strategic goals.
  • Make sure that your analysis covers, but not limited to, the following elements:

a. Identify the change challenges and needed changes in organizational structure that were required to support changes in IBM strategy. (Use concepts learned in unit 8).

b. Illustrate how IBM new organization structure contributes to strategy.

c. Apply the concept of organization life cycle to IBM. (Use concepts learned in unit 7).

d. Apply the Change Management Model in unit 10 in the textbook (Experience Change Model/EXHIBIT 10.9/Page 398) to the IBM’s change approach. 

e. What is your overall assessment of the change approach that IBM used? (Use concepts learned in unit 8)


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According to the theory of false claim act liability commonly referred to as “implied false certification

Discussion response


Part A False Claim Act

Hypothesis: According to the theory of false claim act liability commonly referred to as “implied false certification” when defendant submits claim, it impliedly certifies compliance with all conditions of payment. The implied false certification theory ca be a basis for liability

Federal Civil False Claims Act (FCA) The civil FCA, 31 United States Code (U.S.C.) Sections 3729–3733, protects the Federal Government from being overcharged or sold substandard goods or services. The civil FCA imposes civil liability on any person who knowingly submits, or causes the submission of, a false or fraudulent claim to the Federal Government. The terms “knowing” and “knowingly” mean a person has actual knowledge of the information or acts in deliberate ignorance or reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information related to the claim. No specific intent to defraud is required to violate the civil FCA. Examples: A physician knowingly submits claims to Medicare for medical services not provided or for a higher level of medical services than actually provided. Penalties: Civil penalties for violating the civil FCA may include recovery of up to three times the amount of damages sustained by the Government as a result of the false claims, plus financial penalties per false claim filed. Additionally, under the criminal FCA, 18 U.S.C. Section 287, individuals or entities may face criminal penalties for submitting false, fictitious, or fraudulent claims, including fines, imprisonment, or both

Settlement Based on Electronic Health Records Incentive Program (real-life Case)

 On May 31, 2019, the DOJ announced that Coffey Health System in Kansas agreed to pay $250,000 to settle claims that they violated the False Claims Act.  The Coffey Health System operates a 25-bed critical access hospital located in Burlington, Kansas.  The DOJ alleged that Coffey Health System falsely attested that it conducted and/or reviewed security risk analyses in accordance with the requirement under the electronic health records (EHR) incentive program in 2012 and 2013.  The DOJ specifically alleged that the Coffey Health System (Violation) falsely attested that they satisfied the measures of requirements for analyzing and addressing security risk to electronic health records. 

Compliance to minimize exposure risks

A new fact sheet issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) explains hospital payment adjustments under the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program.

Eligible hospitals that failed to demonstrate meaningful use of EHRs for calendar year 2016 are subject to a payment adjustment for fiscal year (FY) 2018, which began Oct. 1. Payment adjustments are applied as a reduction to the hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) percentage increase for FY 2018. Eligible hospitals that failed to attest will see a 75 percent decrease to the FY 2018 IPPS annual payment update.

CMS has contacted hospitals that did not meet meaningful use requirements or file a timely hardship exception and are therefore subject to the penalty in FY 2018. The fact sheet contains additional information on hardship exceptions, which are granted on a case-by-case basis in four categories: infrastructure; new eligible hospitals; unforeseen circumstances; or EHR vendor issues. 

Eligible Hospitals

An eligible hospital demonstrates meaningful use by successfully attesting through either the CMS Medicare EHR Incentive Programs Attestation System ( or through its state’s Medicaid EHR Incentive Program attestation system

Part B Anti- Kickback Statute or stark Law

Hypothesis: Prohibit medical providers from paying or receiving kickbacks, remuneration or anything of value in exchange for referrals of patients who will receive treatment paid for by the government healthcare programs such Medicare and Medicaid.

Under Federal law and federal state laws- The AKS, 42 U.S.C. Section 1320a-7b(b), makes it a crime to knowingly and willfully offer, pay, solicit, or receive any remuneration directly or indirectly to induce or reward patient referrals or the generation of business involving any item or service reimbursable by a Federal health care program, When a provider offers, pays, solicits, or receives unlawful remuneration, the provider violates the AKS, The Physician Self-Referral Law, 42 U.S.C. Section 1395nn, often called the Stark Law, prohibits a physician from referring patients to receive “designated health services” payable by Medicare or Medicaid to an entity with which the physician or a member of the physician’s immediate family has a financial relationship, unless an exception applies.

Financial Arrangements with Emergency Room Physicians

 On April 30, 2019, the DOJ announced that a former CEO of Health Management Associates (HMA) agreed to pay $3.46 million to resolve false billing and kickback allegations.  This settlement resolved allegations that the hospital former CEO caused HMA to knowingly submit false claims to government healthcare programs by admitting patients that could have been treated on a less costly, outpatient basis.  The settlement also resolved allegations that the hospitals CEO caused HMA to pay remuneration to emergency department physicians in return for referrals, This settlement resolves allegations that the former CEO of this hospital chain caused HMA to pressure emergency department physicians to increase inpatient admissions by recommending admission without regard to medical necessity.  The DOJ also alleged that the former hospital chain CEO caused HMA to pay remuneration to EmCare, a physician staffing company, to recommend admission when patients should have been treated on an outpatient basis.   The DOJ also alleged that the former HMA CEO caused HMA to make certain bonus payments to EmCare emergency department physicians and tied EmCare’s retention of existing contracts and receipt of new contracts to increase admissions of patients who came to the emergency department, HMA and EmCare have already resolved their liability to the government related to these allegations.  In September 2018, HMA entered into a civil settlement under which it paid $61.8 million to the government.  HMA also entered into a non-prosecution agreement with the criminal division’s fraud section under which it paid $35 million. 

Violation- False billing, HMA to knowingly submit false claims to government healthcare programs by admitting patients that could have been treated on a less costly, outpatient basis. also violation of physician in return of referrals.

Compliance with Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Policies and Procedures

Policies, procedures, and practices available to help health care organizations remain compliant with both the Stark Law and the AKS. The most overarching way organizations can maintain compliance with these laws is by ensuring their compliance programs are effective and operating as recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG). In the OIG’s Compliance Program Guidance documents¹, there are seven key elements of an effective compliance program including: Implementing written policies, procedures and standards of conduct, Designating a compliance officer and compliance committee, Conducting effective training and education, Developing effective lines of communication, Conducting internal monitoring and auditing, Enforcing standards through well-publicized disciplinary guidelines, Responding promptly to detected offenses and undertaking corrective action, The most notable of these elements as it relates to compliance with the Stark Law and the AKS is implementing written policies, procedures and standards of conduct. By following necessary policies and procedures for these laws, health care organizations can avoid instances of improper referrals and other remuneration fraud or abuse.


Medicare Learning Network 2022 Publication: Medicare Fraud and Abuse PDF

Resources. (n.d.). Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson – Attorneys at Law | Baton Rouge & New Orleans, Louisiana Law Firm |.

CMS releases fact sheet on EHR penalties. (n.d.). America’s Essential Hospitals. 

How to comply with stark law and anti-kickback policies and procedures. (2021, February 2). Strategic Management Services, LLC.

Discussion 5

Health executives have a code of ethics and policy statements that guide their behavior. The American College of Health Care Executives is the most visible Code of Ethics for HCO managers.  Health providers have other professional codes.

Your post this week will answer the question: Does management have a different code than health providers and how can this be resolved? 

Structure of your post.

1. Examine one (specific) portion of the code provided by

2. Describe one (specific) portion of the code used by a health professional you select.

3. Cite the portion of the ACHE and health professional code but do not quote them. Use your own words.

4. Comment on how the two codes may differ in nature. Compare and contrast.

5. Do you anticipate any circumstances or situations that will require resolution? Will the current pandemic, unequal distribution of health services, or biotech advances that may emerge in the years to come?

6. What will help to resolve a dilemma? 

Assigned reading materials:

· American College of Healthcare Executives (2021). ACHE code of ethics. Retrieved from

· Gaines, K. (2020).Nursing Code of Ethics-Summary

· ACHE Website: Using the ACHE’s Code of Ethics Landing Page


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critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts


Behaviour Change Report

Assessment type;

Essay addressing behaviour change in a specific population

Word limit/length; 2000 words

Learning Outcomes

1. critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts

2. evaluate and critique, biological, psychological, social, neurophysiological and systematic factors that impact on behaviour and behaviour change in mental health contexts

3. formulate effective individual and systemic responses to facilitate behaviour change founded on theory, empirical research and recovery principles

4. apply motivational interviewing knowledge and strategies to facilitate coconstructed constructive consumer behaviour change


Select a behaviour that is relevant to a specific population of mental health service users / consumers and propose an evidenced based approach to successful behaviour change. Consider and include in your discussion:-

1. The rationale for focusing the behaviour change intervention with the specific population;

2. A critical review of theoretical perspectives that have been applied to supporting behaviour change in the population;

3. A discussion of potential barriers to behaviour change at the neurophysiological, individual, interpersonal, organisational levels and how these barriers could be overcome.

Specific details of the proposed intervention are not required within this assignment. The focus should be on the justification, the theoretical approach to addressing the behaviour and a sophisticated understanding of obstacles to behaviour change


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Peer-reviewed article that tests or expands a criminological theory

Students are expected to identify a recent (within 5 years) peer-reviewed article that tests or expands a criminological theory we have recently discussed (e.g., strain, differential opportunity theory, general strain theory, institutional anomie theory, rational choice, routine activity, biosocial crim., etc.). Make sure your theory is different of this topic Conservation, wildlife crime, and tough-on-crime policies: Lessons from the criminological literature. Article by Lauren Wilson and Rachel Boratto.. This reflection should be approximately two (2) pages double-spaced and should follow APA formatting guidelines. 

Reflections should include (but not limited to) what gap the study is filling, what are the research questions for the study, how the author(s) is measuring the criminological theoretical elements, how the author(s) are testing or expanding the theory (e.g., did they use any new measures or populations), the findings from the study, what are some limitations of the study, and the theoretical and policy implications.  


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CS5200 Database Theory and Applications

Programming Assignment 1: CS5200 Database Theory and Applications

Retrieve the information from csv file.

In the assignment, you will learn about how to retrieve or query the information from csv file. You need to use the csv file (employee.csv) that is provided in this assignment. You will create program to answer the following questions using any programming languages such as C, C#, Java, Python , .. ,etc.

The questions include with:

1.     How many employees for each gender?

2.     How many employees group by state?

3.     How many employees group by year of DOB?

4.     List the employee records using date of birth (DOB)?

5.     Search the employee record:

5.1   using first name

5.2   using state


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