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Discuss how you think your theory can be applied where you currently work or in a position you would like to hold in the future

Unit I Research Paper Topic In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a research paper concerning a leadership theory and how it is applied in the workforce. In the finished paper, you will evaluate leadership roles and strengths, analyze the leadership theory you chose, evaluate leadership behavior and motivation, analyze leader influence, analyze research in leadership, demonstrate how leadership skills are used, and compare and contrast how leadership approaches are used to lead organizational learning and change. 

Later in this course (Unit V), you will submit a literature review focusing on relevant literature related to your leadership theory and its application. 

For this assignment, you are asked to conduct a search of the different leadership theories (trait, behavioral, contingency, and contemporary) and identify a theory that draws your interest and that you would be interested in exploring for the literature review and final research paper. You can review these theories in the textbook and do additional research in the Online Library. The first step involves choosing, exploring, and focusing on a topic. Write a one-page project topic paper discussing why you chose your theory. Include the following components in your research paper topic: 

  • Discuss how you think your theory can be applied where you currently work or in a position you would like to hold in the future. 
  • Discuss how your theory can be applied to improve organizational behavior and increase diversity in organizations.
  •  List at least two possible research questions you could investigate concerning application of your theory. 

Your research paper topic should be at least one page in length, not including the title and references pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the Waldorf Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations

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Jordan spends a lot of time focusing on what his friends think about him

Touchstone 3.1: Personality Development

SCENARIO: Monica is a single mom who has a 16-year-old son named Jordan. Monica and Jordan were close at one point. As of late, Monica has been noticing that Jordan spends a lot of time focusing on what his friends think about him. Without his mother’s permission, Jordan recently crawled out of his bedroom window and went to a party when he was supposed to be studying for an exam. Upon his return home, Jordan reeked of alcohol and marijuana and was caught by his mother. Shocked and appalled by her son’s recent behavior, she grounded him for two weeks.

What advice would you give Monica about her son’s recent behavior?

ASSIGNMENT: Using what you learned about the adolescent brain and social development, you will answer questions related to this case study assignment below. Your goals are to help Monica understand why her son makes the choices he does and recommend some strategies that may help solve the problem. Use the touchstone response template to answer the questions.

A. Assignment

DIRECTIONS: To complete the assignment, you will answer the following four questions in 5-7 sentences each:

What happens inside the brain of a teenager that makes it difficult for Jordan to weigh the risks and rewards of his behavior? Describe how the adolescent brain weighs risk and reward.

Why does it appear that Jordan values the opinion of his peers more than the opinion of his mother? Explain the psychological concepts that may account for why Jordan places value on his peers’ opinions.

What advice would you give Jordan’s mother, Monica, that would teach him how to make better choices and decisions? Discuss a specific strategy that Monica may implement to help her son make better decisions.

If you were in Monica’s shoes, how would you feel? Explain why a better understanding of Monica’s perspective could result in more constructive advice.


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Using what you have learned about the adolescent brain and social development, answer the questions in this case study assignment. Your goals are to help Monica understand why her son makes the choices he does and recommend some strategies that may help solve the problem. 

For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5–7 sentences) to receive credit for this assignment. You may use your Sophia tutorials as a resource.

Question 1: What happens inside the brain of a teenager that makes it difficult for Jordan to weigh the risks and rewards of his behavior? Describe how the adolescent brain weighs risk and reward.

Question 2: Why does it appear that Jordan values the opinion of his peers more than the opinion of his mother? Explain the psychological concepts that may account for why Jordan places value on his peers’ opinions.

Question 3: What advice would you give Jordan’s mother, Monica, that would teach him how to make better choices and decisions? Discuss a specific strategy that Monica may implement to help her son make better decisions.

Question 4: If you were in Monica’s shoes, how would you feel? Explain why a better understanding of Monica’s perspective could result in more constructive advice.


Touchstone 3.2: Workplace Styles

SCENARIO: Monica and Jennifer are coworkers that have been assigned to work on a project together. Jennifer is very organized and wants her and Monica to do really well on this project. To get started, Jennifer took some initiative and prepared a list of to-do items along with the due dates. She even color-coded the list to indicate who will do which item. Shortly after, Jennifer sends an email to Monica with the to-do list attached. Jennifer wants her partner to know that she is serious about their success.

Monica is happy her teammate has shown initiative but is surprised by Jennifer’s to-do list and feels a bit uncomfortable as she is feeling like Jennifer is micromanaging her. Monica wants to do her part on the project but is feeling anxious because she doesn’t know where she fits in. Monica is worried about working on the project. She wonders if she can succeed in this project since Jennifer is already the leader. Prior to this situation, Monica worked for a separate employer who asked her to work on a similar project. She felt anxious about her ability to successfully complete the project and attempted to communicate her feelings with a co-worker. However, her co-worker didn’t seem to understand Monica’s concerns and said that she should just ignore her feelings and get the work done.

As Monica ponders having a conversation with Jennifer, she starts to feel overwhelmed and thinks it might just be easier to be removed from the project.

ASSIGNMENT: Now, it is time to practice the skills and concepts that you have learned to help your friend Monica navigate through a difficult workplace situation. Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skill, as well as what you have learned about personality traits and emotions, answer the questions in this case study assignment. Remember, you are to help Monica calm her anxiety and find a solution to her problem.

Download and use the touchstone response template to answer the questions.

Psy1010 Touchstone 3.2 Response Template

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review this tutorial for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert: Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

A. Assignment

DIRECTIONS: To complete the assignment, you will answer the following four questions in 5-7 sentences each:

What are the “Big 5” personality traits? Name and describe each of them, using specific details and information from the case study and course lessons.

Consider the different approaches to the project taken by both Monica and Jennifer. On which of the Big 5 personality traits do they most differ? Discuss these differences in their personality traits.

Using what you learned about emotions, what advice would you give to Monica? Describe a specific strategy that Monica can use to manage her emotions and successfully complete the project.

If you were in this situation, how confident are you that you could successfully resolve a workplace conflict like the one that Monica faced? What past experiences or knowledge influence your answer? Explain how your experience or knowledge can resolve a similar workplace conflict.

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Smarter Decisions through Psychology 

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Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skills and what you have learned about personality traits and emotions, answer the questions in this case study assignment. Remember, you are to help Monica calm her anxiety and find a solution to her problem.

For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5–7 sentences) to receive credit for this assignment. You may use your Sophia tutorials as a resource.

Question 1: What are the Big 5 personality traits? Name and describe each of them.

Question 2: Consider the different approaches to the project taken by both Monica and Jennifer. On which of the Big 5 personality traits do they most differ? Discuss these differences in their personality traits.

Question 3: Using what you learned about emotions, what advice would you give to Monica? Describe a specific strategy that Monica can use to manage her emotions and successfully complete the project.

Question 4: If you were in this situation, how confident are you that you could successfully resolve a workplace conflict like the one that Monica faced? What past experiences or knowledge influence your answer? Explain how your experience or knowledge can resolve a similar workplace conflict.


Touchstone 4: Mindset

SCENARIO: Mark works with Monica and Jennifer. He likes to make people laugh but often jokes about his struggles to learn new programs and technology.

The company recently informed the team that there will be a compliance test on new safety policies, which employees will need to pass in order to keep their jobs. The company has provided materials to study, as well as optional practice exams.

Monica, Jennifer and Mark are having lunch in the break room, and Monica and Jennifer mention that they have already signed up to take the first practice test. Mark comments about how hard it is for him to learn a different way of doing the jobs that he has been doing for years. However, later in the day, he stops by Monica’s desk to find out how she is preparing for the test and asks for advice. Given that they have a month until the compliance test, Monica is confident that she can help Mark prepare.

ASSIGNMENT: Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skill and the information that you have learned about the plasticity of the nervous system and motivation and mindset, answer the questions in this case study assignment to help Monica offer strategies to improve Mark’s chances for doing well on the compliance test. Download and use the touchstone response template to answer the questions.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review this tutorial for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert: Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

A. Assignment

DIRECTIONS: To complete the assignment, you will answer the following questions:

What kind of mindset does Mark need to embrace to be successful? Describe the impact of mindset on success.

What type of mindset does Mark currently have, and how does it affect his brain? Explain how mindset affects learning.

What advice should Monica give to Mark, and why? Describe a specific strategy that Monica can suggest to Mark to improve his memory and better prepare for the compliance test.

If Mark were your coworker, what important aspects of the situation would you want to keep in mind when offering advice and strategies to him? Why do you think this is important? Explain the importance of tailoring advice and strategies directly to Mark’s situation.

type Your Name Here

Smarter Decisions through Psychology

Date here

Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skill and the information you learned about brain plasticity, motivation, and mindset, answer the questions in this case study assignment to help Monica offer strategies to improve Mark’s chances for doing well on the compliance test.

For each question, you should write a paragraph-length response (5–7 sentences) to receive credit for this assignment. You may use your Sophia tutorials as a resource.

Question 1: What kind of mindset does Mark need to embrace to be successful? Describe the impact of mindset on success.

Question 2: What type of mindset does Mark currently have, and how does it affect his brain? Explain how mindset affects learning


Question 3: What advice should Monica give to Mark, and why? Describe a specific strategy that Monica can suggest to Mark to improve his memory and better prepare for the compliance test. 

Question 4: If Mark were your coworker, what important aspects of the situation would you want to keep in mind when offering advice and strategies to him? Why do you think this is important? Explain the importance of tailoring advice and strategies directly to Mark’s situation.

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Which terrorist organization do you think is the most dangerous to Americans and American interests?

Write a one-page report that answers and covers the following questions while adhering to the requirements of the assignment.

Which terrorist organization do you think is the most dangerous to Americans and American interests? Instead of an organization, you may think a lone wolf attacker is the most dangerous. Whichever you decide, explain why you selected that organization or individual. Think about their history, the impact of their attacks, their weapons, and their capabilities (such as if they have a long-range reach or have access to a large amount of money). Also, provide a short summary of the group or individual.

This completed case study must be at least 1 page in length (not counting the title page and reference page), have at least 1 outside sources / references. The report must be written at or above a master’s level Quality. The paper should follow APA 7 guidelines to include in-text citations, references, and appropriate headings and subheadings.




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Do you think that all or that some illicit drugs should be decriminalized like Portugal did and why?

1. DECRIMINALIZATION: Do you think that all or that some illicit drugs should be decriminalized like Portugal did and why? Your answer should be at least 250 words.

2. I disagree and why not? minimum words 75.

3. LEGALIZATION: Do you think that all or that some drugs should be legalized in general and why? (See pages 340-341 in the textbook). Your answer should be at least 250 words. 

4. I disagree and why not? at least 75 words minimum.

5. Watch the short video on Harm Reduction and read pages 44- 45 in the textbook. What do you think about harm reduction programs such as needle exchange programs and medication assisted treatments? Your answer should be at least 250 words. 

6. Elaborate more why disagree? 75 words minimum.

7. Why Agree? 75 words minimum.

Please use the reference below:

How Portugal Successfully Tackled Its Drug Crisis

youtube video:

Legalize all drugs

Youtube video:

 Harm Reduction

Why the war on drugs is a huge failure




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Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions?

Many employers use tests and assessments to select those candidates that best meet the essential knowledge,  skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required to perform a specific job:

Questions for Discussion:1. Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions? Support your reasoning based on current research.

2. Can you think of certain positions or job categories where integrity and personality assessments are more relevant than others? Provide specific examples and explain your rationale.

3. Do you think government agencies and companies in the private sector will use more or less integrity and personality testing in the future? Why? Why not?


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Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions?

Many employers use tests and assessments to select those candidates that best meet the essential knowledge,  skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) required to perform a specific job:

Questions for Discussion:1. Do you think employers should use integrity and personality assessments to make recruiting and promotion decisions? Support your reasoning based on current research.

2. Can you think of certain positions or job categories where integrity and personality assessments are more relevant than others? Provide specific examples and explain your rationale.

3. Do you think government agencies and companies in the private sector will use more or less integrity and personality testing in the future? Why? Why not?


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Why do you think social networks have grown so quickly in countries all over the world?

Module Discussion

1.     Why do you think social networks have grown so quickly in countries all over the world?

2.     How can social media make workplaces more engaging? More productive?

3.     What are some examples of social media engagement beyond the ones discussed in the chapter?

Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Be sure to make a substantive original post, backing your work with credible sources.

Among your sources include;

Zahay, D., Roberts, M.L. (n.d.) Internet Marketing, 4th Edition.  Cengage Learning.


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Think about the organization of the bones in the human body and outline three different ways in which the skeletal system is organized

Step 1 Organize bones three different ways.

Think about the organization of the bones in the human body and outline three different ways in which the skeletal system is organized. Use a visual diagram or chart to present your three organizational schemes. Be detailed and very clear in the presentation of your ideas.

Step 2 Create learning tools for ten bones.

Select ten bones of the body. Create a learning tool or strategy for each bone that would help you or another student to learn the name and location of each bone.

Step 3 Write a paragraph.

Write a brief paragraph that explains how the skeletal system is involved in homeostasis of the entire body. Provide one example of what can happen to homeostasis when a component of the skeletal system malfunctions


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McGraw Hill provide a short tutorial on how to approach a case, including how to think about the analysis and how to write it up in case form

MAIN PAPER. (170pts). The primary deliverable is 5-7 page paper (2500 -3000 words) that includes a comprehensive strategic analysis with observations, insights, and recommendations on how to address

Case 10: Beyond Meat, Inc. 

  • Crafting & Executing Strategy, Concepts and Cases, 23th Edition, including CONNECT online software (A. A. Thompson Jr., M. A. Peteraf, J. E. Gamble and A. J. Strickland III), McGraw-Hill.  Note that this semester we have a new edition, 23e.
  • E-book with CONNECT (ISBN: 9781265533359 e-book with CONNECT).  Best value.

MAIN PAPER.  (170pts).

  • The primary deliverable is 5-7 page paper (2500 -3000 words) that includes a comprehensive strategic analysis with observations, insights, and recommendations on how to address the issues identified.  Questions are provided as a guide.  Additional exhibits such as financial charts, graphs, or analytical visualizations should be included but will not be part of the word count. The TURNITIN plagiarism review tool is enabled.

Advice on Assignment completion:

  • Read the two files with tips on preparing a report like this.
    1. McGraw Hill provide a short tutorial on how to approach a case, including how to think about the analysis and how to write it up in case form.
      • Guide_to_Case_Analysis from McGraw Hill.pdf Download Guide_to_Case_Analysis from McGraw Hill.pdf
    2. I have also provided a quick summary from my point of view on additional things to consider.
      • GEB4890 Case Writing Tips.docx Download GEB4890 Case Writing Tips.docx
  • Start early.  If you have an understanding of your case and the questions to address, as we finalize the semester you may find applicable material, concepts, and analytical methods.
  • Review your old finance notes if needed.  The case requires a financial assessment – so you will need to understand what the numbers mean and the implications to your strategic recommendations.
  • Remember your audience.  These are reports to a BOD or Senior management.  Get to the point.  Be brief but be thorough.  This is not an essay it is a business report.
  • Support your conclusions with analysis.  Use the analytical techniques covered in the text or from other classes.
  • The recommendations must be tied in to the conclusions and implications from the case analysis.  No surprises.
  • Ask me questions.

Case Study – Beyond Meat, Inc.

Case Study – Beyond Meat, Inc.

Case #10 Beyond Meat, a producer and marketer of plant-based protein intended as a substitute for animal based proteins, had evolved into one of the fastest growing food companies in the United States.  However, as 2020 unfolded, Beyond Meat was confronted with mounting competition.  How much longer could they keep their advantage and sustain their growth?

Background and Videos on the Company

  • Case #10 in the text provides a background and information on Beyond Meat, Inc.
  • Additional videos supporting the case.
    • Inside Beyond Meat, the Plant-Based Company Disrupting a Trillion Dollar Industry
      • Beyond Meat, The Plant Based Company Overview (Links to an external site.)
    • Beyond Meat CEO Reacts to Beef and Pork Shortages, Talks “Real Opportunity” This Summer
      • Mad Money Overview and Update on Beyond Meat May 6, 2020 (Links to an external site.)

Case Analysis Guidance

You have been asked to complete a strategic review of the Beyond Meat, Inc. business and provide a report that includes analysis, observations, issues identification, and recommendations for them moving forward.  Use the questions below as a guide to your report but remember do not repeat the questions in the report, these are guides to help your discussion. 

Format and Organization.  Please include header (your name, class section), and footer (page numbers).  Please check for grammar and spelling.  Please organize your report and ensure clarity of writing and content.

  1. Strategy Overview
    • Describe the broader strategy/strategic positioning.
    • What is their strategic positioning.
    • What are the key elements of their strategy.
  2. Situation Analysis (using the tools and frameworks from Ch 3/4)
    • Competitive Situation
    • How strong are the competitive forces confronting the company?
      • Do a Five Forces analysis to support your answer. Assess each Competitive Force and provide an assessment of whether you think the competitive force is weak, moderate, or strong and provide drivers and rationale for the assessment.
      • Utilize any additional framework for competitive review as appropriate for additional competitive insights.
    • SWOT Analysis
      • Complete a SWOT analysis and discuss what this analysis reveals about the overall attractiveness of the industry and their situation as a company.
    • Financial Performance
      • Using the financial information provided in the case, prepare an analysis looking at various performance metrics, including elements such as revenue growth, COGS and Operating expense ratios, profit margins, and various other financial ratios as appropriate.
      • Best practice will include a table or some illustration of the financial information and ratios you are analyzing and tie to your conclusions.
      • Determine which aspects of the company’s performance might be characterized as strong and also those aspects you believe are in need of improvement, or may be a strategic issue that needs to be addressed.

3.  Strategic Priorities and Recommendations (think about the content of Chapters 5-8 regarding strategic moves)

  • Based on your analysis of the information and, what are the top 3-4 strategic priorities that the company’s CEO and top management should address? This discussion should be supported by the analysis in the earlier sections of the report.
  • Provide recommendations on each of the priorities identified.  What actions should the company be taking to address the key issues.
    • Use your best judgement and creativity to provide recommendations. Use  the materials covered in class as thought starters for actions the company could take.
    • Some recommendations may be more concrete than others.


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  • McGraw Hill provide a short tutorial on how to approach a case, including how to think about the analysis and how to write it up in case form

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    Think of a recent change within your organization that you helped implement or were involved in. 

    Think of a recent change within your organization that you helped implement or were involved in.  What anxieties did you need to overcome personally?  Did you encounter resistance to the change?  The next time you are responsible for helping to implement organizational change, what would you do differently?

    If you have not been involved in the implementation of a recent organizational change, think about how you might react if you were asked to implement a new organization-wide “acceptable use” policy for employees’ access to the Internet. What kind of resistance would you expect? What anxieties would you expect to overcome?


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Think of a recent change within your organization that you helped implement or were involved in.