Writers Solution

Compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field


Course Project Stage 2: Making Connections

As we learned in week 5, the purpose of this two-stage project is for you to compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field.

In Stage 1 you:

  • Identified three specific examples in one humanities field from three different cultures.
  • Found at least one aspect these examples have in common.
  • Identified at least one learning resource from the class to help you compare and analyze your examples.

Stage 2 builds on the information your gathered in Stage 1 by: 

  • Explaining the historical and cultural contexts of your examples.
  • Explaining what your examples have in common and what is different by pointing to specifics in your examples.
  • Applying the terminology or interpretative methods from the learning resources in your analysis of your examples.

For this stage, you will use the same topic and examples from Stage 1  and write a 750-1200-word paper (3-5 pages) that offers specific comparisons between your examples and some analysis using terminology and methods from the course materials in the field of your examples.  Please try to keep your paper to about 1200 words or less and consult with your instructor for what to do if you think you will exceed this.

Instructions for Stage 2

Write a 750–1000-page paper that includes the following:

  1. An introductory paragraph that identifies the Humanities field you chose your examples from and explains why this field was of interest to you. Try to avoid telling the reader what you intend to do in your paper and see if you can preview your conclusion.
  2. Descriptions of each of your examples that include the following information, as appropriate.

3.     An explanation of what your three examples have in common and how they are different based on a detailed analysis of the examples to show how you came to this conclusion. In your analysis, you should:

  1. Use at least one of the resources in the classroom that is directly related to the Humanities field your paper focuses on. For instance, if you are comparing three poems, ensure that your resource(s) from the classroom is about analyzing literature.
  2. Rely on at least two of the terms or interpretative methods from the classroom resource(s) in your analysis of the examples. For example, if you are looking at three poems, you could use metaphor and rhyme scheme.
  3. Underline or bold the terms or methods of interpretation from the class you use in your paper.
  4. Explain the terms or methods before or as you use them.
  5. Provide specifics from your examples that you are analyzing using the terms or methods. For instance, if you are looking at three poems, you should quote the lines you analyze (not the whole poem). If you are looking at three paintings, you should describe what you are analyzing, or you could even use images overlaid with arrows to help illustrate your points.

4.     A concluding paragraph that offers some summative concluding remarks about what you learned about all three of the cultures your examples were from through comparing and contrasting your three examples. Did you learn that all three of these cultures express similar sentiments about parenting, for example? Did you learn that the attitude towards colonization was different in Spain, Africa, and South America? Think about how your examples informed you about the similarities and the differences between humans from the cultures you covered.

Note: Please be sure to look over your paper at least once or twice before handing it in to edit and try to catch any writing issues

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Writers Solution

Compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field


Course Project Stage 2: Making Connections

As we learned in week 5, the purpose of this two-stage project is for you to compare cultural productions in the Humanities from three different cultures using terminology and interpretative processes from a specific humanities field.

In Stage 1 you:

  • Identified three specific examples in one humanities field from three different cultures.
  • Found at least one aspect these examples have in common.
  • Identified at least one learning resource from the class to help you compare and analyze your examples.

Stage 2 builds on the information your gathered in Stage 1 by: 

  • Explaining the historical and cultural contexts of your examples.
  • Explaining what your examples have in common and what is different by pointing to specifics in your examples.
  • Applying the terminology or interpretative methods from the learning resources in your analysis of your examples.

For this stage, you will use the same topic and examples from Stage 1  and write a 750-1200-word paper (3-5 pages) that offers specific comparisons between your examples and some analysis using terminology and methods from the course materials in the field of your examples.  Please try to keep your paper to about 1200 words or less and consult with your instructor for what to do if you think you will exceed this.

Instructions for Stage 2

Write a 750–1000-page paper that includes the following:

  1. An introductory paragraph that identifies the Humanities field you chose your examples from and explains why this field was of interest to you. Try to avoid telling the reader what you intend to do in your paper and see if you can preview your conclusion.
  2. Descriptions of each of your examples that include the following information, as appropriate.

3.     An explanation of what your three examples have in common and how they are different based on a detailed analysis of the examples to show how you came to this conclusion. In your analysis, you should:

  1. Use at least one of the resources in the classroom that is directly related to the Humanities field your paper focuses on. For instance, if you are comparing three poems, ensure that your resource(s) from the classroom is about analyzing literature.
  2. Rely on at least two of the terms or interpretative methods from the classroom resource(s) in your analysis of the examples. For example, if you are looking at three poems, you could use metaphor and rhyme scheme.
  3. Underline or bold the terms or methods of interpretation from the class you use in your paper.
  4. Explain the terms or methods before or as you use them.
  5. Provide specifics from your examples that you are analyzing using the terms or methods. For instance, if you are looking at three poems, you should quote the lines you analyze (not the whole poem). If you are looking at three paintings, you should describe what you are analyzing, or you could even use images overlaid with arrows to help illustrate your points.

4.     A concluding paragraph that offers some summative concluding remarks about what you learned about all three of the cultures your examples were from through comparing and contrasting your three examples. Did you learn that all three of these cultures express similar sentiments about parenting, for example? Did you learn that the attitude towards colonization was different in Spain, Africa, and South America? Think about how your examples informed you about the similarities and the differences between humans from the cultures you covered.

Note: Please be sure to look over your paper at least once or twice before handing it in to edit and try to catch any writing issues

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Writers Solution

Visually present the balance sheet to depict what each company owns and what it owes over the past three years

To measure the financial performance of any company, it is important to analyze its four key financial statements: balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and shareholders’ equity statements. In this assignment, you will:

  • Visually present the balance sheet to depict what each company owns and what it owes over the past three years.
  • Visually present the income statement to depict how much money a company made and spent over the past three years.

The visual presentation and analysis will help you understand and compare the performance of both the companies to be acquired and eventually will help you build your recommendation for the acquisition.


Use the provided data sets of Company A and Company B to create data visualizations of their financial performance in Power BI. Then, based on the visualizations, write an executive summary interpreting the financial performance of Company A and Company B. Include screenshots from your data visualizations as needed in your summary. Follow the directions in the Power BI Executive Summary Assignment User Manual.

To complete this assignment, you will use Power BI software that is located within the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

  1. Assets, Liability, and Equity: Summarize how the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity have changed over three years for Company A and Company B. Include screenshots of your data visualization as follows:
    1. Company A: In Power BI, use the provided Company A Financials and construct a set of three clustered column charts, representing:
      1. The assets of Company A as represented in the data during each of the three years
      2. The liabilities and owners’ equity over the same three years
      3. Once the column charts are created, summarize the insights about how the assets, liability, and equity have changed over three years, as presented in the visualizations using Power BI
    2. Company B: In Power BI, use the provided Company B Financials and construct a set of three clustered column charts, representing:
      1. The assets of Company B as represented in the data during each of the three years
      2. The liabilities and owners’ equity over the same three years
      3. Once the column charts are created, summarize the insights about how the assets, liability, and equity have changed over three years, as presented in the visualizations using Power BI
  2. Revenue and Earnings: Use the provided income statements to summarize the gross revenue and net earnings for Company A and Company B over three years. Include screenshots of your data visualization as follows:
    1. Company A: In Power BI, use the provided Company A Financials document and construct a line chart illustrating the visual relationship of revenue, gross profit, total expenses, earnings before tax, net earnings, and taxes.
    2. Company B: In Power BI, use the provided Company B Financials document and construct a line chart illustrating the visual relationship of revenue, gross profit, total expenses, earnings before tax, net earnings, and taxes.
  3. Conclusion: Summarize your observations about the financial performance of both companies. Include any insights you may have about their performance trends or how they have performed compared to each other over the past three years.

What to Submit

Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations

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Writers Solution

Does humanity learn from history? The Holocaust – Three critical lessons for humanity

Research and produce an 8-10 paragraph research in which you argue and prove a thesis related to Holocaust history. 

Thesis statement The Holocaust was a tragic incident in the history of human being that taught us very significant lessons such as the danger of silence, the importance of standing up against evils, and the power of evil. This tragic event taught us several key lessons that are important today in the life of human beings and will continue to be passed on from generation to generations.

Attached first draft

 1) EXPAND your analysis by adding a few more paragraphs

 2) Add in more direct quotes from more sources


 Night, by Elie Wiesel 

 Man’s Search For Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl. 

 The Holocaust, A Reader, by Simone Giliotti and Berel Lang.

Does humanity learn from history? The Holocaust – Three critical lessons for humanity

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Professor’s Name

Course Name and Code


Does humanity learn from history? The Holocaust – Three critical lessons for humanity

Nothing sends shivers down the spine of humanity more than the mention of the Holocaust. Holocaust refers to the mass killing of European Jews between 1941-1945. (Polgar, M. 2018). The horror of the Holocaust lies not only with the horrendous experience the Jews had to go through. It lies with the fact that the entire world was silent while the Jews were being killed and forced into concentration camps. The Holocaust was a tragic incident in the history of human beings that taught us very significant lessons, such as the danger of silence, the importance of standing up against evil, and the power of evil.

Holocaust taught us the importance of fighting evil. Holocaust was the epitome of levels of evil that humanity can descend to when left unchecked. The Holocaust was state-sponsored. The killing and systemic persecution of the Jews were due to two beliefs the Nazis had. Firstly they thought that the Jews were an inferior race. (Polgar, M. 2018). They did not see Jews as religious but as a race. The killing of the Jews was an attempt by the Nazi government to rid the Aryan race of Jewish impurity. (Wolff, N. (2020). The German Nazis wanted to develop a superior race, so physicians were very much part of the exercise. This cleansing was done by burning the Jews whole in the crematoriums, shooting them, gassing them and starving them to death in concentration camps. (Polgar, M. 2018).

The Nazi government saw the Jews as an obstacle to their political aspirations. Jews promoted social justice, while the Nazis wanted the strong trampled upon the weak. The sheer atrocities and the lengths they were willing to go to because they saw themselves as superior Aryan race is appalling. Overall, the Nazis killed approximately 6 million Jews, representing about two-thirds of the entire Jewish population. The attempt of the Nazis to annihilate almost an entire people teaches us the power of evil and the extent of that evil when left unchecked. The Nazis could accomplish all these by enacting laws that targeted the Jews because universal human rights had not been declared. The Holocaust was an extreme violation of human rights. The declaration of Human rights by the U.N. was to prevent another genocide. (Polgar, M. 2018).

The Holocaust taught the danger of silence in the face of evil. While Jews were being annihilated and forced into concentration camps, the entire world watched in silence. Throughout 1938-1942 American Newspapers reported on the persecution of the Jews. The News reports on the killing and persecution did not cover much space in the Newspapers. (A Holocaust curriculum (no date) LifeUnworthy of Life. )The much that president Roosevelt was to recall the American Ambassador to Germany and issue a public statement condemning the behaviour. The government officials and president Roosevelt denied the reports or termed the reports as simply ‘unconfirmed’ America with much influence that she had should have responded by placing sanctions on Germany or any other sanctions, but she watched. Infact in 1943, U.S. Airforce took photos of people being forced into gas chambers. When the photos were showcased in the US, John McCloy insisted that the photos should be kept secret. (A Holocaust curriculum (no date) LifeUnworthy of Life.)

When the Jewish leaders asked the U.S. for planes so that they could bomb Auschwitz’s gas chambers, they said that was British responsibility, not theirs. On the other hand, the British responded to the polish and Jewish leaders, saying that such a bombing did not constitute tactical efficiency. America proposed that the only way they could help the Jews was by winning the war against the Germans. (A Holocaust curriculum (no date) Life Unworthy of Life.)The silence and deliberate inaction of the allied officials gave the ticket to the Germans to continue killing the Jews. The last-minute bombing of Budapest by America salvaged almost nothing. The real damage had been done in Germany. Their silence meant that they were in agreement with what the Jews were doing in one way or another.

The Holocaust taught lessons on bioethics that should be taught to the next generation so that such atrocities are not committed again. Levine, writing on the role that physicians played during the Holocaust, argues even in commitment to science, physicians should balance between scepticism and reason when searching for truth. (Levine, M. A.,2019) This means that when searching for answers in medicine, care should be taken that the researchers, for the love of science, abandon all reason. The second lesson that Levine proposes is that physicians should maintain a balance between clinical detachment and necessary humanity and intimacy with their patients. (Levine, M. A.,2019) The physicians operating during the Nazi regime helped shape the Nazi ideology. They believed in Eugenics and experimented on patients to further their professional careers. Levine argues that today’s physicians are faced with the same bioethics problem and should learn from the Holocaust. Human rights lessons should also be included in all levels of learning. When the lessons on the importance of human rights are not taught, the next generation will repeat the mistakes of the past generation. (Hahn, C. L. (2020).

In conclusion, the Holocaust experience taught the world many lessons about humanity. Important lessons include the danger of silence, the importance of standing up against evil, and the power of evil. From the Holocaust also declaration of human rights and the development of bioethics also came about. These lessons should be imparted to the next generation.


A Holocaust curriculum (no date) Life Unworthy of Life. Available at: (Accessed: October 12, 2022).

Hahn, C. L. (2020). Human rights teaching: Snapshots from four countries. Human Rights Education Review, 3(1), 8-30.

Levine, M. A., Wynia, M. K., Himber, M., & Silvers, W. S. (2019). Pertinent Today: What Contemporary Lessons Should be Taught by Studying Physician Participation in theHolocaust? Conatus-Journal of Philosophy, 4(2), 287-302.

Polgar, M. (2018). Holocaust and Human Rights Education: Good Choices and SociologicalPerspectives. Emerald Group Publishing.

Wolff, N. (2020). Severing a historical bond: The implications of divorcing human rights from holocaust education. Holocaust Studies, 26(3), 306-328




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Lucy’s monologue occurs three months after Julia’s death

Details: Lucy’s monologue occurs three months after Julia’s death. Lucy is in the emergency room. She is grieving and wants to talk about Julia and their life together. She feels very lonely, but has had some contact with her neighbor Adele and her niece, Nora. There have been other instances where she became anxious and dizzy and slightly confused, stating that her heart was pounding and she feels like she “can’t walk or do anything.” Lucy thinks she has called 911 “about once a month since Julia died” and was transported by ambulance to the emergency department.

Well, here I am again, waiting to be seen by the emergency room doctor. This must be the third time this has happened since Julia died. I miss her so much. I never knew it would be so lonely in that house by myself. Nora comes to visit every once and awhile. In fact she’s on her way here now, with my neighbor Adele. I don’t want to scare them though I know Adele saw the ambulance and must be worried. This has happened about once a month I think. I feel okay, then for no reason at all I just get anxious and dizzy. My heart kind of pounds and I just feel like I can’t walk or do anything. One time I fell, but I didn’t get hurt too bad. This time I almost fell, landed on my couch and scraped my arm. I think I tripped over my shoe that I was going to put on. I was able to reach for the phone and call 911. I felt a little better by the time the paramedics got there, but they thought I should come in and be checked out anyway. I need someone to look at this scrape on my arm. They should probably check my knees too. They’re a little weak. I had surgery on one of them. Most days I’m fine, it’s just once in a while……. I don’t think we ever had to call 911 when Julia was alive. I don’t remember ever having these dizzy spells then. My knees were weak, but I took it easy and never fell that I can recall. I was feeling pretty bad these past few years that I couldn’t walk as far or as fast as we used to. We loved to travel, and hike around new places. We traveled all over. I think my favorite place was Ireland. Julia wanted to go there, she picked that trip. It was wonderful. We rented a car and just drove all everywhere.

We went out to pubs for music every night, and we went to the Waterford crystal factory. It was lovely. It’s so sad to know we’ll never have those experiences again. Oh, we loved our adventures! They are all over now. It’s just me in that old house. Nora visits when she can, every few weeks or so. Neil came once for my birthday. That was nice. My neighbor Adele stops by, but not very often because she has her grandkids to take care of. Sometimes days go by and I never talk to another soul. That never happened when Julia was alive. She always had something to say! I felt safer then. I never had these dizzy spells. Maybe the doctors will figure it out this time.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are Lucy’s strengths?

2. What are your concerns for this patient?

3. What is the cause of your concern?

4. What information do you need?

5. What are you going to do about it?

6. What is Lucy experiencing?




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What are three distinct challenges young adults face as they become independent and enter the workforce?

.   What are three distinct challenges young adults face as they become independent and enter the workforce? Incorporate at least one theorist’s (e.g., Levinson, Erikson) work into your response.

2.   What factors help or hinder young adults in terms of forming a “work identity?” What role can social networking sites play in these transitions?

3.   What are some of the “pros” of entering middle adulthood in terms of physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development? What are some of the “cons?”

4.   Compare and contrast two types of marriages as per Cuber and Haroff’s research. What are the pros and cons of each type?

5.   What effects can extended deployments have on military members’ romantic relationships/marriages and on their relationships with their minor children? Personal examples are acceptable if applicable, but give specific examples from the research literature to support your personal observations.




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What is epistemology? What are the three central issues in epistemology?

INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY EPISTEMOLOGY EXAM STUDY GUIDE STRUCTURE The Exam consists of 30 questions, multiple -choice. Questions will be taken from the content of the course, including: power point presentations /audio lectures and readings . You are permitted to take the exam anytime while it is open. You are allowed two hours to complete the exam upon opening it. The exam must be completed in one sitting: you are NOT permitted to close it and return to it later. Your exam preparation should focus on the following: I. POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS /AUDIO LECTURES Prepare thorough answers to each of the following questions (organized by topic) Topic 6: Introduction to Epistemology 1. What is epistemology? 2. What are the three central issues in epistemology? 3. What is Socratic wisdom/Socratic ignorance? What were the three specific groups of people Socrates spoke to in his pursuit of knowledge? 4. What is the first definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture)? Whic h sophist is associated with this definition? What are problems associated with this definition? 5. What is the second definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture)? What are problems associated with this definition? 6. What is the last definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture), which is also recognized as the traditional definition of knowledge? What are problems associated with this definition? 7. What are the five sources of knowledge? 8. What i s skepticism? Who are famous skeptics, as discussed in lecture? How is skepticism different from ordinary doubt? Topic 7: Plato’s Cave 9. What is the central topic in Plato’s Republic? What are the three parts of the soul according to Plato? What is Plato’s definition of justice? 10. Know the allegory of the cave, including the full setting of the stage , the full narrative of the cave 11. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s metaphysics? What is the role of the sun? 12. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s epistemology? What is the role of the sun? 13. What are Plato’s two epistemic states? What are Plato’s four kinds of knowledge? What is the hierarchy and organization of th ese four kinds of knowledge? 14. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s theory of the education of the soul? Topic 8: Rationalism 15. What is a priori knowledge? What is a posteriori knowledge? 16. What is rationalism? 17. Who is Rene Descartes? Why does Descartes write his book, Meditations ? 18. What is the scientific revolution? 2 19. What is the Church’s response to the scientific revolution? 20. Who are the relevant natural philosophers in the scientific revolution? 21. What is methodological /systematic doubt? Why does Descartes use this method? 22. What are the three arguments (under methodological/systematic doubt) that Descartes presents in Meditation One ? 23. What is Descartes’ sense perception argument? What is his response to this argument? What does this argumen t lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? What remains indubitable? 24. What is Descartes’ Dream Argument? What is his response to this argument? What does this argument lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? What remains indubitable? 25. What is Descartes’ Evil Demon Argume nt? What are the characteristics assumed about this demon? What does this argument lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? 26. In Meditation Two, what is the one thing that Descartes claims he can know with absolute certainty , even through the Evil Demon Argument ? W hat is his reasoning for this certainty? 27. What is solipsism? 28. Which philosophers objected to Descartes’ reasoning for this absolutely certain claim? What are the specific objections? Topic 9: Empiricism 29. What is empiricism? Who are the famous empiricists in philosophy? Which field of inquiry serves as the paradigm of empiricism? 30. Who is John Locke? 31. What does Locke mean by ideas ? What is the theory of innate ideas? What are Locke’s objections against the theory of innate ideas? 32. What does Locke mean by tabula rasa ? 33. What are the three ways ideas are derived under Locke’s empiricism? What are the examples of ideas specifically mentioned in lecture (from Locke) that fall under each way of derivation? 34. What are simple ideas in Locke’s empiricism? What are complex ideas in Locke’s empiricism? 35. What are primary qualities? What are the specific examples of qualities identified in lecture (from Locke)? 36. What are secondary qualities? What are the specific examples of secondary qualities identi fied in lecture (from Locke)? 37. What are Locke’s three thought experiments to support his distinction between primary and secondary qualities? 38. What are Locke’s three kinds of knowledge? 39. What is Locke’s inference to the best explanation for the existence of t he external world? Topic 10 : Skepticism 40. What is David Hume’s methodology in his system of philosophy as discussed in lecture? 41. What are the two kinds of perceptions in Hume’s empiricism? What are the three principles of connection in Hume’s empiricism? 42. What are Hume’s two kinds of knowledge? What are the properties/attributes of each kind? What are the problems/ shortcomings of each that Hume identifies ? 43. What is analytic knowledge? What is synthetic knowledge? 44. Which traditional concepts/beliefs did Hume regard with skepticism? 45. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of God’s existence? 46. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of the existence of the Self. 3 47. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of the existence of t he external world. 48. What are the four traditional components of causality? Which component(s) does Hume treat with skepticism? What is Hume’s argument concerning the knowledge of causality. What kind of knowledge does causality fall under? 49. What is Hume’s “ problem of induction”. What are two responses to the problem? Why does Hume reject each response? 50. What is Immanuel Kant’s response to Hume’s skepticism and theory of knowledge? II. READINGS Know the readings (be able to identify who is the author of each of the readings, the title of each work, the central ideas and arguments, famous passages and their meaning within them)


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What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication?


Question A

What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication? What are the additional elements that can be sent when the handshake fails?

Question B

What are the differences between centralized and distributed network routing? Which method is the most efficient for an organization’s high volume website?


                                                               CLASSMATE’S DISCUSSION

Question A

The elements of a TCP three-way handshake process are as follows:  The first step is the Synchronize Sequence number or SYN by the client.  This sends data packets from the client to the destination server to ensure a port is open to establish a connection.

The second step is the Acknowledgement Sequence Number (ACK) or SYN/ACK packet.  This has two actions.  The first action is the server acknowledging the SYN packet sent by the client.  This is done by sending an ACK packet to the client. The second action is the server sending its own acknowledgement data packet or SYN to the client. I believe both packets are sent at the same time which is why this step is called SYN/ACK. 

The third step is the client sending an ACK to the SYN/ACK packets from the server.   This completes the three-way handshake, the client and server connection is created, and the communications can begin.  If a connection fails, a finish or FIN will be sent by the client and server indicating that the connection has been terminated.  Both will also need to send an ACT to complete the process.

Question B

Centralized routing is a technique for providing routing information that dictates that the routing information generated from the least-cost algorithm is stored at a central location within the network (White, 2016, p. 403). This would be easy to manage because all the routing information is stored in one location but it is also the single point of failure. Distributed routing is a wide area network routing technique in which each node maintains its own routing table (White, 2016, p. 404).  Access to the routing information is available in different locations throughout the network.  This makes it easier to access routing information and provides redundancy.   

In my opinion, a distributed network routing method would be more efficient for an organization with a high volume website due to the availability of the routing information throughout the network.   A centralized routing may get overwhelmed in high volume websites.   


Icommunity. (n.d.). Distributed vs. Centralized networks.,the%20computers%20in%20the%20network.

Shalom, N. (2020). What does Three-way handshake Mean?

The TCP/IP Guide. (2005). TCP Connection Termination.

White, C. (2016). Data Communications and Computer Networks: A Business User’s Approach (8th ed.). Independence, KY: Cengage Learnings.!/reader/9396c456-21f6-4768-90d1-7fb1e42967ce/page/11240395-5886-4788-8e5b-3c472a7e603b


Question A

What are the common elements of the TCP three-way handshake to begin communication? What are the additional elements that can be sent when the handshake fails?

Question B

What are the differences between centralized and distributed network routing? Which method is the most efficient for an organization’s high volume website?


                                                                  CLASSMATE’S DISCUSSION

Question A

When setting up a TCP three-way handshake the sending and receiving device must be setup to send and receive control packets so that they an be synched. The handshake starts with the first device by sending the initiation of a TCP segment with a SYN control set. The next step the second TCP segment will received and return a TCP segment with SYN. In the final step the initial device will send to the TCP segments to the second device leaving an acceptance delivery. If the handshake fails then the server will return an ACK message. The packet will continue to send until a successful exchange or the results will be broken.

Question B

The centralized routing model uses a centralized database to carry out routing, whereas the distributed routing model uses a distributed database. In the centralized approach, one central node contains the routing table, but in the distributed model, each node carries a routing table. I believe that a decentralized network would be the most efficient for a high-volume website. The large amount of activity wouldn’t work for a single use server. The use of multiple servers will manage the load of the high-volume use.


3 way handshake, TCP Three-way handshake, TCP Synchronization. (2022). Omnisecu.

Systems, Z. (2022, February 25). Centralized vs. Distributed Network Management: Which One to Choose? – ZPE Systems – Rethink the Way Networks are Built and Managed. ZPE Systems.


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Think about the organization of the bones in the human body and outline three different ways in which the skeletal system is organized

Step 1 Organize bones three different ways.

Think about the organization of the bones in the human body and outline three different ways in which the skeletal system is organized. Use a visual diagram or chart to present your three organizational schemes. Be detailed and very clear in the presentation of your ideas.

Step 2 Create learning tools for ten bones.

Select ten bones of the body. Create a learning tool or strategy for each bone that would help you or another student to learn the name and location of each bone.

Step 3 Write a paragraph.

Write a brief paragraph that explains how the skeletal system is involved in homeostasis of the entire body. Provide one example of what can happen to homeostasis when a component of the skeletal system malfunctions


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Think about the organization of the bones in the human body and outline three different ways in which the skeletal system is organized

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Three Days to Have the Complete Gift of Life

Three Days to Have the Complete Gift of Life

Most of us take our endowed physical and emotional abilities for granted.  We do not think what we would do and how we would conduct ourselves without our limbs and other abilities such as eyesight, hearing/speaking, thinking, and reasoning.

Imagine you were born with a major disability; for example, you have never seen the environment and your loved ones or heard the sounds of nature, music, and the people around you.  Then, one day, you wake up and miraculously discover that you have the ability to see or hear, but it will only last three days.  What would you do under such a circumstance? What events, experiences, and associations, would you try to crowd into those three days?  

            Your composition should comprise at least three pages.  This is not a research essay; it is rather an evaluation of your creativity, imagination, critical thinking skills, and metacognition.  Hence, you should not include any in-text citations or Works Cited.  Please edit and revise your essay before uploading the final copy on e-Campus.

Please read the article three days to see by Helen keller and follow the instructions on the prompt to write an essay of two to three pages.


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