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Embracing Technology and Adaptability Through Change Management

Assignment Overview

Managing Change

Change Management

Rapid technology changes in workplaces can cause stress, prompting employees to resist adopting new tools. This resistance stems from fear of obsolescence, disrupted routines, and perceived tool complexity.

Addressing these anxieties through effective communication and training is crucial for smooth technological transitions.

**Complete Case 4 before SLP 4**

Case 4 Resources

Embracing Technology and Adaptability Through Change Management (2023)Technology Modernization Requires Cultural Change (2023) America’s generational divide doesn’t apply to technology. (2023) Resistance to Change: Workflow Evolution Across Generations (2023) 2023 Work in America Survey (2023)Workplace stress affects most workers despite employers’ efforts (2023)Artificial Intelligence (2023) You may create a free login to access more information.Text: 10.1 Organizational Structures and Design (2023) Text: 10.2 Organizational Change (2023) Text: 10.3 Managing Change (2023)  

Scholarly Readings:

As AI Spreads, Experts Predict the Best and Worst Changes in Digital Life by 2035 (2023) 

Technology Supported Change

Investigate the role of technology (AI, data analytics) in facilitating change. How has technology transformed the landscape of change management in recent years? (1 ½ pages). Research Required.

Technology Resistance and Adoption

Analyze the challenges and advantages of managing a multi-generational workforce in the age of rapid technological change (1 ½ pages). Research Required.

Workplace Stress & Coping Mechanisms

Examine how changes in technology can cause workplace stress. Research how managers and organizations mitigate adverse effects for smooth tech transitions (2 pages). Research Required.All research for this case should have been published within the last two years. 

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper; not a personal one based on feelings. The paper must be written in the third person. This means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate.

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Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements

Topic is Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements 

Locate the “Prospectus Template” on the DC Network and download either the quantitative or qualitative template depending on your selected methodology. This assignment requires the inclusion of at least two scholarly research sources related to this topic and at least one in-text citation from each source. Based on the methodology of your potential dissertation topic, select the appropriate prospectus template: “Quantitative Prospectus PPT” or “Qualitative Prospectus PPT.” Revise/complete the following template slides to describe and defend your potential study. Your choices must be defended with relevant current research. Proposed Dissertation Topic Title My Topic is Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements Alignment Table (fill in from corresponding slides below). Note: The purpose statement box is not required for this assignment. Literature Review: Background to the Problem Literature Review: Problem Space Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations Literature Review: Review of Literature Problem Statement Variables (if quantitative) or Phenomenon (if qualitative) Research Questions (and Hypotheses if quantitative) Methodology Justification. Note: Include a rationale for not choosing the other methodology. Design. Note: Complete the entire table per the slide requirements. Feasibility.

1.     Proposed Dissertation Topic Title Must be 12 words or less 2.     Alignment Table (fill in from corresponding slides below). Note: The purpose statement box is not required for this assignment. 3.     Literature Review: Background to the Problem 2-3 paragraphs written GCU style: no citation in the first sentence (topic sentence), supporting citations and no citation at end of the paragraph. This is to be about the history of the issue. For your final Proposal, this section will be the history of the research on the issue. 4.     Literature Review: Problem Space Your 5 empirical articles from 2020-23 and each written following this formula: Citation, “conducted a (method/design) study with (# participants) to investigate (what) and found (what). The recommendation for further research was (what?). 5.     Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations: graphic of the theory you are using with an arrow to the parts you are choosing. (If quant—this theory comes from the instruments and you are using the entire theory). Author of the theory and citation 6.     Literature Review: Review of Literature: list only the topics—you do not need to start to populate the topics yet. But if you have started—go ahead and include. NOTE: these topics must align with either your variables (quant) or theory (qual) 7.     Problem Statement: Align with the method you are using 8.     Variables (if quantitative) or Phenomenon (if qualitative) Use the feedback from previous assignments 9.     Research Questions (and Hypotheses if quantitative) 10.   Methodology Justification. Two cited definitions for EACH method; summary for each method “this method is most appropriate when…”; AND 1-3 studies on your topic that are recommending further research using your method. 11.   Design. Qual: all five designs; Quant: all six designs. TWO cited definitions for each with a summary: “This design is most appropriate when… 12.   Feasibility:  Follow the prompts that are listed in the notes section of the PPT

My draft from previous assignment Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements       


Business-related pressure, burnout, and the battle to balance serious and fun activities have become huge difficulties in current working environments. Associations have gone to adaptable work plans, like working from home and strategic scheduling, to resolve these issues (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). In any case, the effectiveness of adaptable work game plans in further developing representative prosperity remains unsure.

The Existence of the Problem and the Need for Additional Research

Ongoing investigations have featured the pervasiveness of business-related pressure, burnout, and diminished balance between serious and fun activities among workers, stressing the need to resolve these issues. Organizations have recognized the significance of offering work flexibility to mitigate the difficulties posed by today’s workplace requirements (Ab Wahab and Tatoglu, E. (2020). Adaptable work courses of action, like working from home, strategic scheduling, packed work-filled weeks, and occupation sharing, offer representatives more prominent command over their plans for getting work done and areas, taking into account further developed work-life reconciliation.

However, regardless of the rising adoption of adaptable work courses of action, the viability of these practices in further developing representative prosperity stays uncertain. While certain investigations have announced positive results, such as decreased pressure and expanded work fulfillment, others have found blended results or adverse consequences on representative prosperity (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). These irregularities feature the requirement for additional examination to comprehend the effect of adaptable work plans on representative prosperity and recognize best practices for execution. 

Furthermore, the research questions probe into the mechanisms and contextual factors surrounding this phenomenon. For instance, “How do flexible work arrangements affect work-life balance and stress levels amongst employees?” and “Are there generational or demographic transformations in the insight of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being?” investigate into the fundamental processes and possible variations in the impact of flexible work arrangements. The questions help uncover the nuances and complications associated with the phenomenon, auxiliary addressing the problem statement (Mache et al., 2020). The research questions are designed to systematically investigate the problem statement’s concerns concerning the impact of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being, cracking light on the phenomenon’s numerous facets and causative to a more inclusive understanding of this important workplace issue.

How might the answers to the research questions inform the problem space?

The answers to the research questions may considerably inform the problem space by offering an all-inclusive understanding of the link between flexible work arrangements and employee well-being. Perceptions gained from the research may direct organizations in tailoring their policies and practices to enhance well-being, which is particularly crucial in the context of evolving workplace dynamics. Knowledge of the most operative types of flexible work arrangements may help organizations make informed decisions on which options to offer, leading to advanced employee satisfaction and retaining. Understanding how flexible work arrangements impact work-life balance and stress levels can inform beleaguered interventions to alleviate stress and improve work-life coordination (Mache et al., 2020). Likewise, identifying generational or demographic differences in employees’ discernments can help organizations implement inclusive and impartial policies. The research findings may directly shape the problem space by offering actionable information for organizations to augment their approach to flexible work arrangements, eventually fostering a healthier and more fruitful workforce.

Top of Form

Top of Form

Theoretical foundation that will ground the study

The study on is grounded in the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model, which hypothesizes that employees’ well-being is affected by job demands and job resources. Flexible work arrangements, including teleworking, flexible hours, and compacted workweeks, can be viewed as valuable job resources that enable employees gain greater autonomy and control over their work. According to the JD-R Model, these arrangements can alleviate the negative effects of job demands, like high workload and job-related stress, finally leading to improved employee well-being (Ray and Pana, 2021). By investigating how flexible work arrangements affect employees’ perceptions of job demands, resources, and their general well-being, the study seeks to contribute to the existing body of research on work-related well-being and offer insights into how establishments can successfully utilize flexible work arrangements to augment the health and satisfaction of their workforce.

Key concepts/Constructs of the study

The theoretical foundation and conceptual framework for the study on “Enhancing Employee Well-being through Flexible Work Arrangements” comprise several essential concepts and constructs. The first one is Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs). The core of the study, FWAs encompass various methods such as telecommuting, flextime, and compressed workweeks, allowing employees to have more control over their work schedules and locations. The second one is Employee Well-being. This multifaceted construct represents the overall health and satisfaction of employees, encompassing physical, emotional, and psychological dimensions, including job satisfaction, work-life balance, and stress levels.

This is followed by Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model. In this case, a theoretical framework that introduces the concepts of job demands and job resources to explain their effects on employee well-being, with FWAs acting as potential resources to mitigate job demands. The other one is Self-Determination Theory (SDT). This puts a lot of emphasis on intrinsic motivation, SDT inspects how autonomy, competence, and relatedness can influence employee well-being and how FWAs might contribute to fulfilling these needs. The other one is Social Exchange Theory.  This is a concept that explores the reciprocal dynamics in social relationships, suggesting that employees may respond positively to organizations offering supportive work arrangements like FWAs through increased commitment and well-being. The last one is Positive Psychology. Rooted in positive emotions, engagement, and meaning, positive psychology principles are applied to understand how FWAs may contribute to enhanced employee happiness and satisfaction.

Generational and Demographic Differences: Acknowledging the influence of factors such as age, gender, and demographics on employee perceptions and experiences of FWAs, this aspect adds depth to the analysis, allowing for a nuanced understanding of the impact of FWAs on diverse employee groups. The key concepts and constructs cooperatively form the underpinning of the study, guiding the investigation into how FWAs affect employee well-being and the fundamental mechanisms inside the affiliation.

Explain how the theories or conceptual frameworks guide the research topic identified from the problem space

The selected theories and conceptual frameworks play a very significant role in guiding the research topic acknowledged from the problem space. For instance, in this study, the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model directs the examination by helping identify the specific job demands and resources related to flexible work arrangements (FWAs) and how the elements affect employee well-being. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) offers insight into the mental aspects of motivation and autonomy, helping elucidate why and how FWAs might impact employees’ well-being. Social Exchange Theory directs the exploration of the mutuality between employees and organizations when it comes to FWAs, shedding light on the possible benefits and costs involved. Positive Psychology philosophies give a lens through which to inspect the positive emotional and engagement aspects of well-being associated with FWAs. The frameworks cooperatively inform the research’s structure, theories, and understanding, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic within the problem space.Top of Form

Defend why the theoretical foundation or conceptual framework was selected over other alternatives.

The chosen theoretical foundation and conceptual framework were chosen over other alternatives because they offer a holistic perspective and a well-established basis for comprehending the complex relationship between flexible work arrangements (FWAs) and employee well-being. The Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model, Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Social Exchange Theory, and Positive Psychology principles cooperatively offer a comprehensive framework that considers psychological, social, and organizational aspects of the topic. The frameworks are widely recognized and expansively studied, making them well-suited for guiding research in this field and ensuring the robustness and reliability of the study’s findings.

Relationships between the components

The components of the selected theoretical foundation and conceptual framework are inter-linked in a way that improves our comprehension of the research phenomenon. The Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model identifies job demands and resources related to flexible work arrangements (FWAs), explicating their effects on employee well-being. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) helps expound the psychological areas of motivation and self-sufficiency, skimpy why and how FWAs influence well-being. Social Exchange Theory guides the examination of the reciprocal dynamics between employees and organizations in the context of FWAs. Positive Psychology philosophies offer insights into the positive emotions and engagement linked with well-being through FWAs. Together, the constituents offer a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of how FWAs affect employee well-being, considering psychological, social, and organizational magnitudes.

Problem Framing: Size and Scope of the Problem

The issue undermining the study involves analyzing the effect of adaptable work game plans on representative prosperity. Work-related stress, burnout, and poor work-life balance between serious and fun activities have huge ramifications for the two people and associations. Representatives encountering these difficulties are bound to experience the ill effects of diminished work fulfillment, decreased efficiency, and expanded turnover rates (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). In addition, the negative effects can impact overall organizational outcomes like employee engagement, organizational commitment, and performance beyond the individual level.

The size and extent of the issue are significant, taking into account the rising pervasiveness of adaptable work game plans and the rising interest in work-life joining. With the fast development of remote work because of mechanical progressions and the COVID-19 pandemic, associations need to comprehend how various kinds of adaptable work game plans impact representative prosperity. This understanding is imperative for associations to foster successful methodologies that advance representative prosperity, keep up with efficiency, and encourage a positive workplace (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021). 

Variables Derived from the Problem Space

In this quantitative study, two key factors have been identified: flexible work arrangements and employee well-being. Employees can choose from flexible work options that give them more control over their work schedules and locations (Rozlan & Subramaniam, 2020). These choices incorporate working from home, which permits representatives to work remotely; strategic scheduling, which empowers representatives to have adaptable beginning and end times; compacted work-filled weeks, which include working longer hours on fewer days; furthermore, work sharing, where at least two representatives share the obligations of a solitary position. These various kinds of adaptable work courses of action are fundamental to looking at their effect on representative prosperity.

The concept of employee well-being is multifaceted and includes a variety of aspects of an individual’s overall well-being. Regarding this review, representative prosperity incorporates aspects, for example, actual well-being, mental prosperity, balance between serious and fun activities, work fulfillment, and personal satisfaction. These aspects mirror the comprehensive idea of prosperity and catch the key regions impacted by business-related pressure, burnout, and diminished balance between serious and fun activities (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021).

The issue space upholds these factors by featuring the difficulties representatives face in balancing fun and serious activities and the likely advantages of adaptable work game plans in tending to those difficulties. The pervasiveness of business-related pressure and burnout and the adverse consequence of balancing fun and serious activities highlight the need to examine the connection between adaptable work plans and representative prosperity. By looking at these factors, the review expects to give experiences into how various sorts of adaptable work courses of action can impact different elements of representative prosperity.

Concise and Focused Problem Statement

“The issue of work-related stress, burnout, and reduced work-life balance between fun and serious activities has become progressively prevalent, requiring the investigation of the effect of adaptable work game plans on representative prosperity. This quantitative review intends to explore the connection between various kinds of adaptable work plans and different components of representative prosperity, giving experimental proof and commonsense suggestions for associations to improve representative prosperity and advance supportable workplaces.”

By acknowledging the problem’s statement and the need to comprehend the impact of flexible work arrangements on employee well-being, this problem statement effectively addresses the problem space. It expresses the review’s goal: to examine the connection between adaptable work courses of action and representative prosperity across numerous aspects (Ray & Pana-Cryan, 2021). The articulation of the issue also underlines the meaning of the concentrate by featuring its capability to give exact proof and functional suggestions for associations looking to develop representative prosperity further and establish reasonable workplaces.


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MNC (NY Stock Exchange listed) which has gone through an international stock market financing

Choose an MNC (NY Stock Exchange listed) which has gone through an international stock market financing or international public debt market financing in the past 5 years, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the decision-making rationale and provide an in-depth discussion about the related financial/business environment. 


 Rationales, impacts and critiques should be the major directions of your research 


So, Select any other MNC for the paper 




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Acquisition of Walt Disney and twenty – first – century Fox


At starting began, global investors, such as financial services, is now becoming increasingly important for certain businesses, who want to profit from such operations. In addition, the major reason for Target firms is to increase business investment together in combination of two companies as opposed to a single company.

Especially in a fast-changing business world such as the national press, union membership has become increasingly important for businesses, not only for his\her capacity to process authority on the watchful, but also because of their desire to respond quickly to the increasing competitiveness of tangible and web Hulu plus and Amazon Web services. Consumer demand inside the industry is essentially shifting toward digitization, forcing media organizations to upgrade their necessities and adapt to rapidly changing situations.


As per the Global Trade Leadership’s assessment (2021), The United States’ media and entertainment (M&E) business is the biggest in the globe, accounting for a third of overall entire M&E business in 2021 and estimated to generate upwards of $800 billion to the national economy. News and television programming has transitioned away from being tied to telecoms and has become progressively entwined with technological as types of methods change to digitally. Media and entertainment are now accessible to us 24/7 a day, seven days a week via computers, cellphones, tablets, and eBook readers, due to social media as well as the advent of digital material. (pp.1)

On the flip side, published report on Deloitte news platform (2022), COVID-19 has hastened massive reforms in entertainment and media because of the need for community separation. The larger societal processes underlying the contemporary era seem to be merging with technologies and intensifying transformation as we approach 2022. This encourages greater choice and creativity, yet it puts pressure on organizations strategies to adjust to changing consumer preferences. (Deloitte media, 2021,pp. 2-3).

Walt Disney overview:

A firm ’s global cinematic and serialized television programming manufacturing and marketing operations are included in the DMED section. Major lines of industry, such as parks and adventures, as well as consumer products, are included in the DPEP section. Walter Elias Disney created the corporation on October 16, 1923, and it is in Burbank, California. (CNN Business, 2021). Comprising main businesses: news channels, theme parks, entertainment industries, consumer goods, and digital entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, including its subsidiary companies, is a major diversified multinational families arts and entertainment organization. (Miller, 2019).

Furthermore, as a report shows on Morningstar financial statements, in the year 2019 to 2021, the Walt Disney revenue is increased from 69 billion to 73 billion while the net income was drastically decreased by 11 billion to 3.50 billion. So, basically, it’s also effect on operating income from 2019 to 2021 which is 11.85 billion to 5.5 billion respectively. (Morning star, 2022).

21st Century Fox

Twenty-First Century Fox Company, based in New York City, had been a global mass media corporation founded by Rupert in 1980. The company claims to have 28 live stream TV stations in the United States, which show entertainment, athletics, and certain other content, and in general create roughly 1,000 hours of local media on such a daily basis. Moreover, until that was purchased by Walt Disney in 2019, twenty – first – century Fox was the fourth largest multimedia company in the United States. The Fox Entertainment Group, Fox Telecom, and a large investment in National Geographic Ventures were among the organization’s assets, as were other unknown stations like the prominent Indian TV space operator Star Asia. (Ramírez-Montoya, 2022).

According to a document released by Bloomberg (2021), 21st Century Fox shareholders decided in July 2018 to give their assets to the Walt Disney worth about $70 billion, which encompassed a substantial percentage of the business’ future capabilities. On March 20, 2019, Disney completed its acquisition of 21st Century Fox, following which the company’s surplus reserves were distributed across Disney’s various divisions. (Mark, 2022).

Rationale deal

As comparison to 21st Century Fox with Disney seems to be a massive corporation. So, while deal was originally revealed in 2017, Walt Disney’s market valuation was even more than 3 times that of Fox. Additionally, at the time, Disney full-time employed with 195,000 employees, whereas Fox employed 21,000, resulting in a 9:1 ratio. According to the facts provided, Disney becoming the fourth largest media conglomerate in the United States is not even a surprising action.

Moreover, according to Neal (2020), roughly $70 billion was awarded to the prior shareholders of 21st Century Fox Common Shares because of the merger, which included $35 billion in actual dollars and over $35 billion in Walt Disney Common Stock. Disney Company’s Shares was exchanged for 0.4517 shareholdings of 21st Century Fox Ordinary Shares. Disney acquired about $20 billion in cash money and nearly $ 20 billion in debt from 21st Century Fox. Even before implications of acquisition in the second budgetary year after the end of the transaction, Disney’s earnings per share (EPS) were also projected to go up, as well as the purchasing is found to give roughly $2 billion in price collaborative energy sources by 2020/21 from activities that are carried out by the mix of business organizations. (Neal, 2020).

Last but not the least, in 2018, Walt Disney again faced competition by Comcast, who sought to underbid Disney and gain ownership of the agreement. That didn’t happen, as Walt Disney, joined by 21st Century Fox, boosted its demand to a 10% high price above Comcast’s $65 billion, pushing something over $54 billion to $71 billion. In addition,  21st Century Fox also saw Disney as a much more enticing buyer of their assets; thus, they went with Disney from the beginning, although Comcast also was a keen seller. The final purchase pricing was also agreed upon by both parties, topping Comcast’s offering in terms of clarity. (Anderson, 2022).

Walt Disney acquire 21st century Fox – Reason

The compensation sector would be profoundly shaken whenever Disney bought Fox’s television and Film creation house, as well as several of their cable providers.

I. Growing market competition

The same forces which have sparked a wave of centralization in the American multimedia sector, such as AT&T’s $85 billion merger to Warner media and Discovery’s $12 billion acquisition for Scripps Channels Worldwide, also sparked the potential of acquisition. As digital behemoths invest their unrivalled riches in planning and process, entertainment behemoths were recognizing it is wiser to collaborate. Moreover, this is all about the 2 companies’ operational cooperation energies being increased instead of functioning separately.

II. Developing a consumer benefit as well as keeping clients engaged

The acquisition should increase Disney’s content collection, giving its browser capabilities plus, as a result, their buyers greater value. A typical shopper nowadays does have a plethora of content consumption options, ranging from Google to Services such As Netflix. Keeping the demand of the products has become a top priority for multimedia companies these days. This is yet another reason how Disney acquired 21st Century Fox, as the company is known for distributing movies and other content underneath an array of diverse banners, including 20th Century Fox, Fox Flashlight, Fox 2000, etc., many of which will fall under Disney’s regulation after an acquisition.

III. Disney’s demand and product availability seem to be out of whack.

Walt Disney only releases a few component movies annually, which does not provide a robust workflow for its legitimate functionality in the future. Buying the Fox production would already have allowed them a lot more flexibility and a larger archive of stuff to fertilize the workforce on.

The Fox to settle down- Reasons

I. Walt Disney makes a huge proposal to the Fox owners.

The acquisition deal gave Fox stockholders, including the Murdoch family (owners of Fox), a roughly 25% share in Disney. If Disney’s perception of real – world applications succeed, the owners will have a greater motivation to increase the price of such agreement.

II. Media sector is changing.

Every journalism industry is becoming increasingly response to requests, and this is just the beginning. Having standard tools including Services such As Netflix in place, offering buyers content in their own homes, Fox had essentially left the component with customers for the purpose of easy loaning. Disney had already planned to launch its own platform service. This union was primarily motivated by a technological purpose, which is apparent how Fox entered the deal.

III. Walt-Disney’s industry ranking

Living side by side with Disney not only would have provided that all-around declared information a phase to be communicated to costumers following growing importance, but Disney’s going to stand to expressing personal feature films (below numerous stars and stripes, for instance, Marvel, Pixar, etc.) would also have additionally added towards the value of the crystallization.

IV. Disney’s offer seems simply too good for turn on.

Made the release of an agreement, Fox supply increased by around 25% throughout the next four months. It was a positive indication because the wealthy donors seemed happy with the decision. Furthermore, the overall amount paid by Disney was not really a bad deal according to any terms. When folks examine that Disney overbid Comcast with a much better contract, it is indeed clear that Disney was very serious about the acquisition.

Issues during Acquisition

I. Comcast has a favorable deal.

In December 2017, Disney and Fox announced a $52.4 billion merger agreement, which is awaiting approval by the Us Bureau of Justice’s Antitrust Directorate. In just about any scenario, Comcast tackled rumor too about mending Disney’s proposed acquisition of Fox subsequently in May 2018. Throughout this vein, Comcast made a $65 billion proposal again for 21st Century Fox assets which have been slated to somehow be acquired by Disney in June 2018. As a result, Disney and Fox announced that they would have amended the previous merger agreement, boosting Disney’s bid to $71.3 billion (a 10% discount over Comcast’s $65 billion bid) while providing stockholders with the option of accepting funds instead of shares. Comcast’s objection increased the final cost of acquiring for Disney significantly.

II. Ethical Concerns

Considering Walt Disney owns American Broadcasting Company, Comcast owns NBC, and 21st Century Fox owns Fox, a complete acquisition of Fox via Disney or Comcast might have been illegal underneath the National Telecommunications Committee’s laws preventing merger at all between the two of the three primary transmitting companies.

III. Technology’s limited sponsorship

The US Attorney general’s Office granted Disney competition approval in exchange for transferring Fox’s 22 regional gaming networks within ninety days after their closure, which is something the company had agreed too. This seems to be necessary because a comprehensive acquisition of Fox by Disney might have been illegal underneath the National Telecommunications Committee’s rules prohibiting consolidation at all between the 3 of the 4 major communication companies, as it would have placed Disney during a remarkably monopolization position mostly in communications company sector.

IV. The Entertainment Sector’s Significantly effect on the Acquisition

As according to Brookey & Zhang (2020), Disney Company as well as 20th Century Fox  had 15.25 percent and 12 percent of the market (movies and TV) share, respectively, implying that their consolidation could create a deeply severe juggernaut component in the industry. Comcast, other bidders for the deal, held 11.49 percent of the pie by that moment in time. In addition, if Comcast (who owns Universal Pictures) had breached the agreement, that would have been a huge agreement in terms of absolute market share, coming in at around 20% cognizable. All then again, the Disney-Fox merger resulted in a significantly larger merger of roughly 30 percent of the whole business, putting it ahead of the nearest competitor Warner Bros. by 13.25 percent.

In furthermore, twenty – first – century Fox had much more cinematic trademarks over 20th Century Fox. Considering additional names such as Fox Pavilion, Fox Millennium Films, and many others inside Fox Digital Company, such merger has indeed probably created a multimedia goliath which currently dominates global entertainment industry by a large margin over competitors.


Marketisation with shifting user behavior prompted the Walt Disney – Fox merger. That era of content consumption is dominated by internet technologies and content delivery to the homes. Typically, media conglomerates believe it is difficult to compete with digitally services like Amazon prime and Netflix. Even though a business has a strong market position and a sizable market share, if it does not adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands, this should plummet in value and eventually die. Consumers generally are more interested in having their content delivered to people, and they seek that 24 hour per day, seven days a week. By renting its content on such specific properties, news behemoths risk losing a considerable amount of value, since these authorities profit off their content and begin to rule the roost mostly in industry. Disneyland and 21st – century skills Fox were two of the most successful entertainment companies in the world. As a result of these events, Disney acquired 21st Century Fox and the two companies were merged. In every case, such massive consolidation amongst massive corporations limits the quantity of organizations in the market, resulting in oligopolistic.

So, it’s not truly healthy again for organization in the long term if the larger corporations maintain to purchase each other though. When it comes to Disneyland, the company now owns not even just Marvel Studios and Pixar, which have produced a few of the highest-grossing movies in history, such as Thor Infinity and other Disney films, but also 20th Century Productions and Spotlight Company, who have produced films such as Avatar. As a result, Disney controls a significant range of detail and intellectual property protection. Following the merger, the major film studios remaining are Warner Bros., Hollywood, and Paramount, which together control over 70percent of the annual of the industry. As a result, the film industry is indeed a monopolistic competition.



The Walt Disney family of companies. The Walt Disney Privacy Center. (2021, October 14). Retrieved April 22, 2022, from

Miller, T. (2019, October 23). History of Disney: Timelines & Facts. The street.

González-Pérez, L. I., & Ramírez-Montoya, M. S. (2022). Components of Education 4.0 in 21st century skills frameworks: systematic review. Sustainability14(3), 1493.

Hundert mark, S. (2022). The Fairest Evil Looming over Earth: Representations of the Evil Queen in 21st Century ‘Snow White ‘Adaptations. In Gender and Female Villains in 21st Century Fairy Tale Narratives. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Neal, A. (2020, May 13). Disney’s purchase of 21st Century FOX explained. Thesis insider.

Writers Solution

Budget Reconciliation Explained Through Chutes and Ladders 

Please read the links and respond   with the piece of information you used/plan to use in  Process analysis or questions/comments about the examples

Clarity and Conciseness (Links to an external site.)” from Duke’s Writing Studio

 Here are some good and varied examples of processes explained. Some are lists/graphics. When you read those, imagine how one might turn the info into paragraph breaks and transitions.

Process Examples:

1) “Budget Reconciliation Explained Through Chutes and Ladders (Links to an external site.)” by Ailsa Chang on NPR

2) “Thrown For A Curve (Links to an external site.)” from the Exploritorium


4) Please Explain (Links to an external site.) from New York Public Radio (lots here, so pick one of interest to listen to)

5) “200 Years That Changed the World (Links to an external site.)” from Hans Rosling (this source is a bit outdated, but I think it’s fascinating)

6) Adobo Seasoning: a Guide to This Savory Latin Seasoning (Links to an external site.)” by Hector Rodriguez at The Spruce


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conversation to Erika’s post; through a patient’s and/or physician’s

APA format

175 – 265 words

Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference

Respond, agree, and further the conversation to Erika’s post; through a patient’s and/or physician’s point of view; or through supportive research to her claims.

Erika Cortez

Hi Dev,

I agree with your post that in social media, potential patients can advertise for consumer choice; however, what surprised me was that findings suggest that most medical tourism providers are not fully utilizing the potential of social media for tourism marketing. Medical tourism marketers should initiate more interactive forms of communication and promote more through social media and other online platforms. Online visitors’ comments, reviews, and queries must be monitored, and adequate responses have to be posted quickly to generate a positive destination image among medical tourists, residents, travel and tourism operators, and other stakeholders to ensure increasing growth in this sector. I also believe that saving money is another reason why people are turning to medical tourism, making price clearly a factor. For most patients, however, knowing the quality of care is world-class is the most important factor in their decision


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Have a better understanding and visualisation of the data through an interactive report

Assignment 1: Hollywood Movie
Description and goal
In this assignment, as a data analyst, you will provide data analysis advice to your client AussieMovies. The organisation is an investor in movies. You are required to develop an interactive report within this business context. The specifications below indicate what you need to produce, but not how to produce it.
Using a multitude of factors, the company managers want to
• Have a better understanding and visualisation of the data through an interactive report.
• In addition, it should help understanding
o the factors influencing positively or negatively the potential success or revenues of future movie projects, and
o the evolution of the market over the years.
Use your business analytics skills and SAS Visual Analytics to solve those questions.
The data set, available in SAS Viya, was obtained from several movie databases using both automated as well as manual means. It is more than likely that some of the values are captured/entered incorrectly. Hence, the accuracy of the data set cannot be guaranteed. This data set can be used for descriptive and predictive modelling.
The data dictionary is provided on the next two pages.
Additional information
• The report is to be submitted to the Moodle site before the due date.
• Interactivity implies the use of filters, buttons, etc…
• You might need to convert data items to measures or categories. You can also create new calculated items and custom categories if you think it is necessary.
• The questions are open on purpose: it is up to you to know what to show.
• An export of your interactive report should be attached to your written report as well (i.e., your submission will be a single file containing both).
• Due date: 26-Jun-2022 (Sunday in Trimester 2Week 6) before 11:30 p.m. AEDT.
• Maximum 2,500 words (excluding illustrations and appendices). Keep it simple (no need for references and executive summary).
• Do not forget to include a cover page with your name, student number, subject, and assignment details.
• Students can submit as an individual or group (2 or max 3 students) assessment.
• Filename: MBAS902_SYD222_Al_fhame-lname.docx


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Increase in revenue reimbursement through inpatient length of stay and outpatient vendor relationships

Primary Task Response: Using the budget information from Unit 1 and the financial plan and operational budget from the Unit 4 Intellipath Assignment, discuss the need for the following: 

  • Increase in revenue reimbursement through inpatient length of stay and outpatient vendor relationships
  • Allocation for the proposed improvements and required partnerships
  • Partnering with local skilled nursing facilities and home health organizations
  • Increase in salaries

Be sure to discuss the following areas: 

  • Funding sources
  • Your methodology in revenue forecasting
  • How the new services will impact revenue?
  • Fixed and variable costs
  • Project inpatient and outpatient visits based on current trends


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SACR-3380. Stuff: Seeing Culture Through ‘Things’

Why do we need so much stuff and how has it changed over time? An examination of the representation and interpretation of the material artifacts of culture in a global context, including theoretical approaches to objects and cultural products way artifacts and objects are interpreted, used and represented in our social and economic institutions, our everyday lives and in a global context. We ask: What is the function of objects in contemporary capitalist societies? To what degree do we ‘need’ things to make our way in the world? How do objects inform our social identities? The course draws on a variety of theoretical approaches to explore the meaning, circulation and production of objects, including the relationship of objects to consumption. Topics may include cultural products and commodities, advertising, consumption and technologies, places and museums, media and visual displays. (Prerequisites: SACR-2130 and SACR-2910, or SACR-2200 and SACR-2910, and semester 5 or higher standing).

Popular culture is the set of practices, beliefs, and objects that embody the most broadly shared meanings of a social system. It includes media objects, entertainment and leisure, fashion and trends, and linguistic conventions, among other things. Popular culture is usually associated with either mass culture or folk culture, and differentiated from high culture and various institutional cultures (political culture, educational culture, legal culture, etc.). The association of popular culture with mass culture leads to a focus on the position of popular culture within a capitalist mode of economic production. Through this economic lens, popular culture is seen as a set of commodities produced through capitalistic processes driven by a profit motive and sold to consumers. In contrast, the association of popular culture with folk culture leads to a focus on subcultures such as youth cultures or ethnic cultures. Through this subculture lens, popular culture is seen as a set of practices by artists or other kinds of culture makers that result in performances and objects that are received and interpreted by audiences, both within and beyond the subcultural group. Holistic approaches examine the ways that popular culture begins as the collective creation of a subculture and is then appropriated by the market system. Key issues in the sociological analysis of popular culture include the representation of specific groups and themes in the content of cultural objects or practices, the role of cultural production as a form of social reproduction, and the extent to which audiences exercise agency in determining the meanings of the culture that they consume.

General Overviews

Classical sociologists spoke generally to the concept of culture and culture’s role in shaping human social life, but without distinguishing the specific form of popular culture. The Frankfurt and Birmingham Schools, discussed in Classic Works, fostered interdisciplinary analyses of popular culture that include a number of sociological perspectives. The general overviews listed in this section offer broad social and sociological analyses of popular culture. Storey 2015 has used cultural studies to open new lenses for the study of popular culture, and this book is now in its seventh edition. Grazian 2010 and Kidd 2014 are both written as introductory texts for the sociology of popular culture, but they also serve well as field guides for scholars studying popular culture. Similarly, Holtzman 2000 and Danesi 2012 provide an introduction to the study of media and popular culture from the perspectives of communications and anthropology, respectively. Gaines 1998 is a study of youth music cultures in the 1980s, while Gaines 2003 is a memoir of writing a sociological analysis while also participating in the rock and roll culture of New York City in the 1980s. Gamson 1994 provides a detailed history of the celebrity concept in American culture. Lopes 2009 provides a broad historical account of the development of the comic book industry


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Plaintiff Weltee Wolo through her counsel, Tyler W. Brennan, Tyler W. Brennan Law

TO: Plaintiff Weltee Wolo through her counsel, Tyler W. Brennan, Tyler W. Brennan Law,

LLC, T3 Building, 323 N. Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401.

Pursuant to Rule 34 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendant Whispering

Pines Assisted Living, Inc. (“Whispering Pines” or “Defendant”) requests that Plaintiff Weltee

Wolo (“Wolo” or “Plaintiff”) produce and permit Whispering Pines to inspect and copy the

following documents, electronically stored information, and things, within thirty (30) days of the

date of service hereof.

In responding to the following requests, unless the context indicates otherwise, you are to

construe them in light of the following:


1. The term “Document” shall have the broadest meaning which can be ascribed to it

pursuant to Rule 26 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure. Among other things, the term

“Document” refers to and includes any written, printed, typed or other graphic matter of any kind

or nature, all computer materials, processes, data and compilations thereof from which information

can be obtained, including, but not limited to, papers, letters, correspondence, telegrams, inter-




Case Type: Employment

Weltee Wolo,



Whispering Pines Assisted Living, Inc.,


Court File No.

The Honorable





office communications, memoranda, notes, notations, notebooks, reports, records, minutes of

meetings, schedules, tables, charges, transcripts, publications, scrapbooks, diaries, E-mail,

electronic mail, voice mail, electronic bulletin board postings, tabulations, vouchers, accounts,

statements, affidavits, abstracts, agreements, contracts, diaries, calendars, plans, specifications,

drawings, sketches, photostats, photographs, charts, graphs and other similar objects, and any kind

of transcript, transcription or recording of any conversation, discussion or oral presentation of any

kind, and any information stored on, and reproducible in documentary form from a computer or

other electronic, magnetic, optical or laser based information storage device, including but not

limited to floppy disks, hard disks, tapes, backup tapes, CD-ROM, DVD’s, USB drives, thumb

drives, external data storage devices, handheld PC’s, or PDA’s and any drafts, revisions or

amendments of the above, in the possession or within the control of Plaintiff, her attorneys or

agents, or known by Plaintiff to exist, including materials deemed to be subject to any evidentiary

privilege. The term “Document” specifically includes Electronically Stored Information.

2. “Electronically Stored Information” or “ESI” shall include all electronic

information permitted to be discovered under Rule 34 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure,

including, without limitation: Internet web pages, word-processing documents, spreadsheets,

presentation documents, graphics, animations, images, email (including attachments which shall

be kept with the email), instant messages, text messages, voice mail, audio, video, and audiovisual

recordings, databases and database subsets, and other user or machine-created computer files or

other digital information which is stored on computer networks, servers, computer systems,

desktop computers, laptop computers, home computers, the Internet, an Intranet, archives, discs,

CD’s, diskettes, drives, zip drives, tapes, cartridges, flash drives, and other external storage media,

personal digital assistants, handheld wireless devices, smart phones, cellular telephones,


blackberries, pagers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, and voicemail systems. All of the ESI requested herein

shall be produced with all metadata preserved.

3. The term “Communications” means all forms of oral, written, and nonverbal

communication, including, but not limited to, communications taking place face-to-face, via

telephone, facsimile, electronic mail, voice mail, electronic messaging (e.g., instant messaging),

or by means of correspondence, letters, statements, or otherwise.

4. The term “Person” refers to and includes natural persons, corporations,

partnerships, proprietorships, joint ventures, unincorporated associations, trusts, estates,

governments (and agencies thereof), quasi-public entities, and other forms of legal entities.

5. The terms “reflecting,” “concerning,” “evidencing,” “referred to,” “related to,”

“regarding,” “depicted,” or “displayed” mean and include, without limitation, regarding, showing,

reflecting, referring to, alluding to, responding to, relating to, connected with, commenting upon,

with respect to, consisting of, comprising, constituting, discussing, recording, or in any way

touching upon or pertaining to.

6. The singular form of a word shall also refer to the plural, and words used in the

masculine, feminine, or neuter gender shall refer to and include all genders.

7. “And” includes the disjunctive “or”; “or” includes the conjunctive “and.”

8. “Defendant,” “Whispering Pines,” or “WPAL” shall refer to Whispering Pines

Assisted Living, Inc., as well as its agents, attorneys, or anyone acting or purporting to act on its


9. “You” or “Your” shall refer to Plaintiff Weltee Wolo, as well as her agents,

attorneys, or anyone acting or purporting to act on her behalf.


10. “Plaintiff” or “Wolo” shall refer to Plaintiff Weltee Wolo, as well as her agents,

attorneys, or anyone acting or purporting to act on her behalf.

11. “Complaint” shall mean the Complaint filed and served by Plaintiff in the above-

captioned matter, and any subsequent amendments thereto.

12. “Answer” shall mean the Answer served by Defendant in the above-captioned

matter, and any subsequent amendments thereto.


13. You are requested and required to produce each Document designated below that

is within your care, custody, or control or otherwise available, including Documents in the

possession of your attorneys, accountants, advisors, or other persons directly or indirectly acting

for you or with you. If all Documents requested cannot be produced in their entirety, produce each

Document requested to the extent possible, specify the reason for the inability to produce the

remaining Documents, and state whatever information or knowledge you have regarding the

unproduced Documents. If you maintain that any Document has been destroyed, set forth the

contents of the Document, the location of any copies of the Document, the date of and reason for

such destruction, and the name and address of all persons who ordered, authorized, or participated

in such destruction.

14. If any Document is withheld from production on the basis of privilege or otherwise,

identify each such Document and the grounds upon which production of each Document is being

withheld. Include:

(a) the date;

(b) the author;

(c) the type of Document;


(d) the addressee(s) or other intended recipient(s);

(e) the title, heading, or other designation numerical on the Document; and

(f) the privilege type and basis for the privilege.

15. These Requests shall be deemed continuing so as to require supplemental responses

if ACA obtains further information between the times responses are served and the time of trial.


REQUEST NO. 1: All Documents and Communications that You referred to, relied

upon, consulted, or used in any way to draft the Complaint, Your Initial Disclosures, and/or Your

responses to Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff.

REQUEST NO. 2: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting any of the allegations in the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 3: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant failed to pay You for Your accrued,

unused vacation time, as set forth in paragraphs 9 and 35–38 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 4: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant’s stated reason for terminating You is a

mere pretext for discrimination and reprisal and/or has no factual basis, as set forth in paragraphs

14–15 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 5: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant failed to pay You earned wages within

24 hours of Your demand, as set forth in paragraphs 19 and 31–34 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 6: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant’s decision to terminate Your employment


otherwise occurred under circumstances that give rise to an inference of unlawful discrimination,

as set forth in paragraphs 20–24 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 7: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting the allegation that Defendant took adverse actions against You in

reprisal to activity protected under MHRA, as set forth in paragraphs 25–30 of the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 8: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting your allegation that other employees of Defendant were similarly

situated to You, but treated more favorably than You, as set forth in paragraphs 25–30 of the


REQUEST NO. 9: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to, and/or

reflecting any and all complaints of any kind that You allege to have made to Defendant at any


REQUEST NO. 10: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to, and/or

reflecting any and all reports of discrimination and/or reprisal that You allege to have made to

Defendant at any time.

REQUEST NO. 11: Journals, diaries, calendars, appointment books, agendas,

notebooks, and notes written or maintained by You from 2018 through and including the present

relating to or referring to any of the allegations in the Complaint and/or Your employment with


REQUEST NO. 12: All Documents and Communications relating to Your employment

with Whispering Pines Assisted Living, Inc. and any change in Your employment status, job

duties, promotions, and/or job transfers, including but not limited to all contracts, agreements,

memoranda, policies, handbooks, complaints filed, performance reviews, performance


improvement plans, warnings, disciplinary actions, termination notices, resignation letters, and

reports that are related to any of the allegations in the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 13: All Documents that are the property of Whispering Pines Assisted

Living, Inc. or that you removed or directed to be removed from Whispering Pines Assisted Living,

Inc.’s premises, including but not limited to its physical premises and computer systems.

REQUEST NO. 14: All Documents relating to, referring to, supporting, and/or refuting

the alleged discriminatory culture which existed in the workplace, as alleged in paragraph 12 of

the Complaint.

REQUEST NO. 15: All Documents and Communications submitted to or received from,

the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Minnesota Department of

Human Rights (MDHR), and/or the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic

Development (DEED), including but not limited to documents relating to any charges of

discrimination and/or applications for unemployment benefits that You have made since 2016.

REQUEST NO. 16: All Documents and Communications relating to any administrative

charge or proceeding or lawsuit to which You were a party within the last ten years relating to

Your employment with any Employer that rely on or are similar or related to the factual allegations

or claims at issue in this lawsuit.

REQUEST NO. 17: All Documents and Communications relating to any complaint of

harassment, discrimination, or retaliation that you alleged against any employer within the last ten


REQUEST NO. 18: All Documents and Communications relating to Your efforts to seek

employment from December 11, 2020, through and including the present, including but not limited

to any resumes, applications for employment, cover letters, reference letters, job inquiries, offers


of employment, employment agreements, independent contractor and consulting agreements or

arrangements, job advertisements or postings, rejection letters, and any other communications with

any Employer.

REQUEST NO. 19: All Documents and Communications relating to the termination of

Your employment from any Employer, whether voluntary or involuntary, occurring at any time

after the end of Your employment with Whispering Pines Assisted Living, Inc.

REQUEST NO. 20: All Documents and Communications relating to any training or

education that You have applied for or received from December 11, 2020, through and including

the present.

REQUEST NO. 21: Documents sufficient to show any income or other compensation

received by or owed to You, including but not limited to paychecks, paystubs, invoices, settlement

payments, statements of work, Form W-2s, Form 1099s, social security benefits, social security

disability benefits, unemployment insurance benefits, workers’ compensation benefits, and long-

term or short-term disability benefits from December 11, 2020, through and including the present.

REQUEST NO. 22: Your federal and state income tax returns for the tax years 2020

through and including the present, including all supporting documentation.

REQUEST NO. 23: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting Your claim for damages in this lawsuit, including but not limited to

documents relating to the claim for damages as set forth in paragraphs 20–38 of the Complaint,

your initial disclosures, and/or the calculation of damages claimed.

REQUEST NO. 24: All Documents and Communications relating to, referring to,

supporting, and/or refuting any injuries, including physical, mental, and emotional injuries, You

allegedly sustained as a result of Whispering Pines Assisted Living, Inc.’s conduct from 2018


through and including the present, including but not limited to all medical records and

psychotherapy notes.

REQUEST NO. 25: Completed and executed authorization forms for the release of

medical records and psychotherapy notes for each physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist,

social worker, or other healthcare professional identified in response to Interrogatory Number 11

of Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff with whom You have consulted and/or from

whom You have received or sought treatment.

REQUEST NO. 26: All Documents and Communications relating to and/or referring to

each expert you intend to call as a witness at trial, including but not limited to all Documents and

Communications sent to or received from each expert, resumes, curriculum vitae, and reports.

REQUEST NO. 27: All affidavits, sworn statements, notes, and other documents sent to,

received from, or otherwise relating to any person you intend to call as a witness at trial, either in

person, through deposition testimony, or through an affidavit regarding, referring, and/or relating

to any claim or allegation in this Action.

REQUEST NO. 28: All affidavits, sworn statements, and communications regarding,

referring, and/or relating to any claim in this Action.

REQUEST NO. 29: All social media postings relating to any of the allegations in the

Complaint, including but not limited to postings on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube,

Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, blogs, wikis, and other social media sites.

REQUEST NO. 30: All Documents and Communications that contain or otherwise relate

to facts that you contend refute, in any way, any of Defendant’s defenses in this Action.

REQUEST NO. 31: A complete copy of all the Facebook information from January 1,

2018, to the present, for any Facebook account currently or previously maintained by You. You


can download a complete copy of such information by logging into each applicable Facebook

account, choosing “Settings & Privacy,” choosing “Settings,” choosing “Your Facebook

Information,” and then choosing “Download Your Information.” On the “Download Your

Information” page, you can then select the date range of January 1, 2018 to the present, selecting

a Media Quality of “High” or “Medium,” and selecting “HTML” as the Format before clicking

“Create File.”

REQUEST NO. 32: All Documents identified in Section 2 of Your Initial Disclosures.

Dated: November 19, 2021 SPENCER FANE LLP

By: /s/ Randi J. Winter

Randi J. Winter, #0391354

Jose A. Castro, #0399696

100 South Fifth Street, Suite 2500

Minneapolis, MN 55402

Telephone: (612) 268-7000

Facsimile: (612) 268-7001

Attorneys for Defendant Whispering Pines Assisted

Living, Inc




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ony is a manner of expression through which words or events convey a reality different from and even opposite to appearance or expectation.

The “Cask of Amontillado” is a fictional short story that has established itself as a fascinating candidate worthy of a detailed analysis. The author Edgar Allan Poe’s extreme use of symbolism and irony throughout the short story, revolves around revenge, murder, torture, and addiction set in a massive underground Italian catacomb. Poe takes the readers on a voyage into his dark and mysterious psyche, which shows the pain, hate and desire for revenge. The basis of the story involves two men: the narrator Montresor, who seeks out revenge against his friend Fortunato. Fortunato, a proud man that brags about being an enthusiast on wines, which eventually leads Fortunato to being blindsided and resulting to his death by Montresor. Poe’s crafty use of strategies are utilized to create this horrific and exciting masterpiece.

Irony is a manner of expression through which words or events convey a reality different from and even opposite to appearance or expectation. The use of such device in the story provides it with humor and wit, and makes the piece more sophisticated. The sustained irony is detected through style, tone and the clear use of exaggeration of Montresor, the narrator.  From the very beginning we notice the irony in the story. The very name Fortunato would clearly imply that this is a man of good fortune, when the actual case is that he is about to suffer a most untimely death. The setting in which the story takes place again shows an ironic element. It is during Venice’s Carnival that the characters meet. A Carnival is supposed to be a time of festivity and happiness for everyone. However, in this short story it is a time for revenge and death. The atmosphere changes drastically when the two characters leave the cheerfulness of the carnival for the gloomy and desolate catacombs beneath Montresor’s palazzo. We learn from the narrator that when he first meets Fortunato the latter has apparently been drinking and is dressed in many colors, resembling a jester. His costume suggests that he will be the one playing the fool. On the other hand Montresor is dressed in a black-colored cloak and has his face covered with a black mask. At this point one can mention the presence of symbols: the black mask and ensemble might be a representation of evil. Such figure foreshadows the events taking place later that night in the damp catacombs.  The way the narrator treats his enemy is one of the clearest examples for ironic elements. When the characters meet, Montresor realizes that Fortunato is afflicted with a severe cold, nevertheless he makes a point of him looking “remarkably well”. Montresor acts in the most natural and friendly way towards the man object of his revenge, and even praises his “friend’s” knowledge in the subject of wines. Also upon their meeting, Montresor begins a psychological manipulation of Fortunato. He claims that he needs his knowledge to ascertain that the wine he has purchased is indeed Amontillado. Fortunato is forced by his pride to accompany Montresor to the vaults where the Amontillado is kept, dissipate his doubts and also to prove his higher status as a connoisseur of wine. In fact, during their way down under in the catacombs, the twisted mind of Montresor, dares to give Fortunato the chance to go back, due to the almost unbearable dampness and foulness rampant in the vaults and Fortunato’s state of health. The narrator clearly knows about the stubborn nature of Fortunato, and is positive that his pride would not allow him to retreat. Thus, Fortunato continues his journey towards death by his own will.  “The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre.” “Let us go, nevertheless. The cold is merely nothing. Amontillado!” ( ) Another memorable lines in the story are given by Montresor in response to Fortunato saying, “I will not die of a cough.” To what Montresor responds, “True– true…” And then also when the hypocritical narrator toasts to Fortunato’s long life, already knowing that he was taking to effect the devilish crafted plan of revenge.  Further evidence of ironic components is found with Montresor as a “Mason”. We anticipate this means he is a member of the distinguished group of men, yet he actually is a stonemason, someone whose job is to prepare and use stone for building. Montresor makes use of his skill as a mason as well as of the trowel he had shown his rival to build up the wall that will lock up unfortunate Fortunato inside the catacomb.  When Fortunato is trapped behind the wall his avenger built, Montresor “re-echoes” and even “surpasses” Fortunato’s yelling apparently to sympathizing with the victim. He is evidently being ironic since he is actually delighted by what he has done and only stops shrieking till Fortunato is silent. The story ends with Montresor’s words, “In pace requiescat!” (May he rest in peace.) His words are unmistakably sarcastic: since he has just committed a dreadful murder. The story also contains many accounts of symbolism. They can be classified as reinforcing; that is, their meaning is not always obvious to the reader. It is only after several readings that the symbols begin to be clear. The first example in the story was mentioned earlier, the fact that Montresor’s costume is black would suggest beforehand that he would be playing the role of an evil being.  The coat of arms of Montresor’s family is perhaps the best example of symbolism and foreshadowing in the whole story: “A huge human foot d’or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel” (). It is clear that a metaphor has been constructed. In this image the foot is symbolic of Montresor and the serpent of Fortunato. Fortunato had wronged Montresor and had offended both him and his ancestors. Although Fortunato has hurt Montresor, the coat of arms suggests that Montresor will ultimately crush him. Montresor is determined to uphold his family’s motto: “Nemo me impune lacessit”, which is the Latin for “No one can injure me with impunity”. The sinister narrator seeks his vengeance in support of this principle.  A further manifestation of symbolism is the vaults in the end of the catacombs piled with skeletons. The accumulations of human remains may be an implication of human detriment. The absence of light and the dark murkiness that surrounds the characters are sensory images that aids for a perfect setting of horror and makes the reader capable of getting the sensation of an impending doom.  Finally, the very title of the story: The cask of Amontillado, represents the imminent ruin of Fortunato: his pursue of the cask which, in the end, will be his own casket.  The Cask of Amontillado is a carefully crafted short story. Every trait of irony and symbolism Poe uses contributes to a single and meaningful effect: the plot to maneuver Fortunato to where he can wall him up alive is anything but straightforward. In fact, from the very beginning, every action and bit of dialogue is characterized as being just the opposite of what is obviously stated yet, it is conveying his message clear and effectively.

AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of the Book Being Referenced. City Name: Name of Publisher, Year. Type of Medium (e.g., Print).

LastName, First, Middle. “Article Title.” Journal Title (Year): Pages From – To. Print




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