Writers Solution

Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date.



To develop the first part of a report, do the following:

  • Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date. For magazines, give the date of publication.
  • Write an informative summary of the material.
  • Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.
  • Use direct quotations from the work to illustrate important ideas.
  • Summarize the material so that the reader gets a general sense of all key aspects of the original work.
  • Do not discuss in great detail any single aspect of the work, and do not neglect to mention other equally important points.
  • Also, keep the summary objective and factual. Do not include in the first part of the paper your personal reaction to the work; your subjective impression will form the basis of the second part of your paper.


To develop the second part of a report, do the following:

  • Focus on any or all of the following questions. Check with your instructor to see if s/he wants you to emphasize specific points.
  • How is the assigned work related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course for which you are preparing the paper? For example, what points made in the course textbook, class discussions, or lectures are treated more fully in the work?
  • How is the work related to problems in our present-day world?
  • How is the material related to your life, experiences, feelings and ideas? For instance, what emotions did the work arouse in you?
  • Did the work increase your understanding of a particular issue? Did it change your perspective in any way?
  • Evaluate the merit of the work: the importance of its points, its accuracy, completeness, organization, and so on.
  • You should also indicate here whether or not you would recommend the work to others, and why.


Here are some important elements to consider as you prepare a report:

  • Apply the four basic standards of effective writing (unity, support, coherence, and clear, error-free sentences) when writing the report.
  • Make sure each major paragraph presents and then develops a single main point. For example, in the sample report that follows, the first paragraph summarizes the book, and the three paragraphs that follow detail three separate reactions of the student writer to the book. The student then closes the report with a short concluding paragraph.
  • Support any general points you make or attitudes you express with specific reasons and details. Statements such as “I agree with many ideas in this article” or “I found the book very interesting” are meaningless without specific evidence that shows why you feel as you do. Look at the sample report closely to see how the main point or topic sentence of each paragraph is developed by specific supporting evidence.
  • Organize your material. Follow the basic plan of organization explained above: a summary of one or more paragraphs, a reaction of two or more paragraphs, and a conclusion. Also, use transitions to make the relationships among ideas in the paper clear.
  • Edit the paper carefully for errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word use, and spelling.
  • Cite paraphrased or quoted material from the book or article you are writing about, or from any other works, by using the appropriate documentation style. If you are unsure what documentation style is required or recommended, ask you instructor.
  • You may use quotations in the summary and reaction parts of the paper, but do not rely on them too much. Use them only to emphasize key ideas.
  • Publishing information can be incorporated parenthetically or at the bottom of the page in a footnote. Consult with your instructor to determine what publishing information is necessary and where it should be placed.

(Choose ONE discussion question and expound on it in a response paper; make sure you have a MLA citation for the story so you can quote from it.)

1. What do you think the significance of the title is? What is so “secret” about Walter Mitty’s life?

2. Is Walter Mitty an interesting person? Is his life significant? Why or why not? Why do you think his real life and his imagined lives are so different (in other words, what is the author trying to tell you about his life/lives)?

3. The phrase “He’s a real Walter Mitty” is popular among many people in America in order to describe someone who does not appear to have much skill or personality, but imagines himself or herself to be a genius in the most unexpected situations. Give an example of someone you know who you think is a “Walter Mitty” type.

4. Do you think there are a lot of people in the world who have real lives like Walter Mitty, and imagine alternative lives like he does? If so, why do you think there are so many people like this? What does this say about society in the present day?

Here below is the example she gave


Here is a report written by a student in an introductory psychology course. Look at the paper closely to see how it follows the guidelines for report writing described above.

Part 1: Summary

 Part 1: SummaryTopic sentence for summary paragraph

A Report on Man’s Search for Meaning

Dr. Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning (New York: Washington Square Press, 1966) is both an autobiographical account of his years as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps and a presentation of his ideas about the meaning of life. The three years of deprivation and suffering he spent at Auschwitz and other Nazi camps led to the development of his theory of Logotherapy, which, very briefly, states that the primary force in human beings is “a striving to find a meaning in one’s life” (154). Without a meaning in life, Frankl feels, we experience emptiness and loneliness that lead to apathy and despair. This need for meaning was demonstrated to Frankl time and again with both himself and other prisoners who were faced with the horrors of camp existence. Frankl was able to sustain himself partly through the love he felt for his wife. In a moment of spiritual insight, he realized that his love was stronger and more meaningful than death, and would be a real and sustaining force within him even if he knew his wife was dead. Frankl’s comrades also had reasons to live that gave them strength. One had a child waiting for him; another was a scientist who was working on a series of books that needed to be finished. Finally, Frankl and his friends found meaning through their decision to accept and bear their fate with courage. He says that the words of Dostoevsky came frequently to mind: “There is one thing that I dread: not to be worthy of my suffering.”  When Frankl’s prison experience was over and he returned to his profession of psychiatry, he found that his theory of meaning held true not only for the prisoners but for all people. He has since had great success in working with patients by helping them locate in their own lives meanings of love, work, and suffering.

Part 2: ReactionTopic sentence for first reaction paragraph 

One of my reactions to the book was the relationship I saw between the “Capos” and ideas about anxiety, standards, and aggression discussed in our psychology class. The Capos were prisoners who acted as trustees, and Frankl says they acted more cruelly toward the prisoners than the guards or the SS men. Several psychological factors help explain this cruelty. The Capos must have been suppressing intense anxiety about “selling themselves out” to the Nazis in return for small favors. Frankl and other prisoners must have been a constant reminder to the Capos of the courage and integrity they themselves lacked. When our behaviors and values are threatened by someone else acting in a different way, one way we may react is with anger and aggression. The Capos are an extreme example of how, if the situation is right, we may be capable of great cruelty to those whose actions threaten our standards.       

Topic sentence for second reaction paragraph

I think that Frankl’s idea that meaning is the most important force in human beings helps explain some of the disorder and discontent in the world today. Many people are unhappy because they are caught in jobs where they have no responsibility and creativity; their work lacks meaning. Many are also unhappy because our culture seems to stress sexual technique in social relationships rather than human caring. People buy popular books that may help them become better partners in bed, but that may not make them more sensitive to each other’s human needs. Where there is no real care, there is no meaning. To hide the inner emptiness that results from impersonal work and sex, people busy themselves with the accumulation of material things. With television sets, stereos, cars, expensive clothes, and the like, they try to forget that their lives lack true meaning instead of working or going to school to get a meaningful job, or trying to be decent human beings.

Topic sentence for third reaction paragraph

I have also found that Frankl’s idea that suffering can have meaning helps me understand the behavior of people I know. I have a friend named Jim who was always poor and did not have much of a family—only a stepmother who never cared for him as much as for her own children. What Jim did have, though, was determination. He worked two jobs to save money to go to school, and then worked and went to school at the same time. The fact that his life was hard seemed to make him bear down all the more. On the other hand, I can think of a man in my neighborhood who for all the years I’ve known him has done nothing with his life. He spends whole days smoking and looking at cars going by. He is a burned-out case. Somewhere in the past his problems must have become too much for him, and he gave up. He could have found meaning in his life by deciding to fight his troubles like Jim, but he didn’t, and now he is a sad shadow of a man. Without determination and the desire to face his hardships, he lost his chance to make his life meaningful.

 Concluding paragraph

In conclusion, I would strongly recommend Frankl’s book to persons who care about why they are alive, and who want to truly think about the purpose and meaning of their lives


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date.


Writers Solution

Merge & Center the title   across the range A1:F1, and then apply the Title cell style


Project Description:

In the following project, you will create a worksheet comparing the sales of different types of home gym equipment sold in the second quarter.

Open the file Student_Excel_1E_Gym_Sales.xlsx   downloaded with this project.

Change the workbook theme to   Wisp. If the Wisp theme is not available on your computer, in the Themes   gallery, click Browse for Themes, and then select the theme from your   downloaded student data files.

In cell B3, use the fill handle   to fill the months May and June in the range C3:D3.

Merge & Center the title   across the range A1:F1, and then apply the Title cell style. Merge &   Center the subtitle across the range A2:F2, and then apply the Heading 1 cell   style. Center the column titles in the range B3:F3.

Widen column A to 180 pixels,   and then widen columns B:F to 115 pixels. In the range B7:D7, enter the   monthly sales figures for the Elite Home Gym for April, May, and June as   follows:

137727.85 for April and 121691.64 for May and 128964.64 for June.

  Mac users: Widen column A to 21.83 (136 pixels) and columns B:F to 13.83 (88   pixels).

  Note: If any columns are too narrow to display all the data, apply AutoFit to   the column.

In cell B8, on the Home tab, use   the AutoSum button to sum the April sales. Copy the resulting formula across   to cells C8:D8 to sum the May monthly sales and the June monthly sales. In   cell E4, use the AutoSum button to sum the Basic Home Gym sales. Copy the   formula down to cells E5:E8.

Apply the Heading 4 cell style   to the row titles and column titles. Apply the Total cell style to the totals   in the range B8:E8. 

Apply the Accounting Number   Format to the first row of sales figures and to the total row. Apply the   Comma Style to the remaining sales figures.

To compare the monthly sales of   each product visually, select the range that represents the sales figures for   the three months, including the month names and the product names—do not   include any totals in the range. With this data selected, use the Recommended   Charts command to insert a Clustered Column chart with the month names   displayed on the category axis and the product names displayed in the legend.

Move the chart so that its upper   left corner is positioned in the center of cell A10. Then drag the center   right sizing handle to the right until the right edge of the chart aligns   with the right edge of column E; this will display the legend on one row and,   after you add the sparklines, center the chart below the data.

Apply Chart Style 6 and change   the colors by applying the second row of colors under Colorful. Change the   Chart Title to Second Quarter Home Gym Sales

In the range F4:F7, insert Line   sparklines that compare the monthly data. Do not include the totals. Show the   sparkline Markers. Display the sparkline Style gallery, and then in the first   row, apply the second style.

Center the worksheet   Horizontally on the page, and then insert a Footer with the File Name in the   left section.

Change the Orientation to Landscape. Display the document properties,   and then as the Tags, type home gym, sales

  As the Subject, type your course name and section number. Be sure your name   displays as the Author. Check your worksheet by previewing it in Print   Preview and then make any necessary corrections.

Save and close the workbook, and   then submit for grading

Writers Solution

2021 WFAA investigation, “Banking Below 30” Title: “Banking below 30

Watch the 2021 WFAA investigation, “Banking Below 30” Title: “Banking below 30: Banks own many of Dallas’ high-crime apartments and they’re rewarded for it”Duration: 43:25 YouTube URL: Questions: 

  1. Briefly explain what did the WFAA investigation reveal, and was the information surprising? 
  2. Research and explain the impact of historic redlining policies. What is the impact of these policies on communities over generations?
    1. There are a lot of peer-reviewed articles on this topic.
    2. You are required to cite at least one peer-reviewed source using the Dallas College database; however everyone is encouraged to use more. 
  3. Explain what individuals and different levels of governments can do to make sure housing, banking, education or other areas of society are fairer for everyone?


  • Submission must be at least 2 pages long, * Times New Roman or Arial, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around. (Page count does not include title or works cited pages) 
  • At least one peer-reviewed article that is published no later than 2011and is at least five pages in length.
  • Peer-reviewed article can ONLY be searched for on the Dallas College Library Database – Academic Search Complete.
  • Do not search for Peer-reviewed articles on Google or anywhere else online. 
  • Do not use first person tone. Stick to thrid person.
Writers Solution

What did you watch/tour/experience? Include the title of event and type of cultural enrichment

  • What did you watch/tour/experience? Include the title of event and type of cultural enrichment (such as play/symphony/museum/dance).
  • Where did you find it? (specific website location, physical location, etc.)
  • What are your impressions about the experience? If we were speaking face-to-face, what would you tell me about your experience? Did you like it or not? Would you recommend it to others?  Why or why not? What were your major takeaways from the experience?
  • The reflection should be no less than 3 paragraphs.

Please write your reflection as if you are writing a formal paper for class.

Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 In C Minor Opus 67 Reflection Paper





  • What did you watch/tour/experience? Include the title of event and type of cultural enrichment
  • NO PLAGIARISM, Get impressive Grades in Your Academic Work
    Writers Solution

    Title Company-specific mini-literature review and research design proposal

    Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
    Trimester T2 2021
    Unit Code HI6008
    Unit Title Business Research
    Assessment Title Company-specific mini-literature review and research design proposal
    Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assessment is to ensure a student who requires and qualifies for an approved SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT is able to document a mini-literature review and research design.
    Matches to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
    Weight 100%
    Total Marks Note: The SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT result will be either 50P (a passing grade) or NN (a failing grade).
    Word limit Approximately 2000 words
    Due Date Within 10 days of final results being released to students. Note that this deadline cannot be extended for any reason.
    Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by 12 midnight on the due date, along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
    • The assignment must be a single document in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers.
    • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using the Holmes adapted Harvard referencing style.
    • The Supplementary assessment will be graded PASS/FAIL. To PASS, all requirements must be complied with in full.

    This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a research project mini-literature review and research design proposal.
    It is explicitly designed as a SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT for students who qualify for a Supplementary Assessment and are duly notified thereof. You must complete and submit this INDIVIDUALLY.
    Your task is to prepare a report of 2000 words (the word count does not include your questionnaire and reference list), based on the following scenario:
    Your CEO has requested you to ascertain whether or not she/he should expand the company beyond the shores of Australia, by opening a new branch in the Fijian city of Suva. Please attend to the following aspects:
    a. Use the city you are currently based in (i.e. where your Holmes campus is) as being the current base from which your company wishes to expand.
    b. Choose a business that currently operates in either the retail or manufacturing sector. Ensure that you specify which sector and describe the industry within which the business operates. Explain the company and its brand positioning (this must be an existing brand, not a hypothetical one). Provide details about the current performance of the business, its other current locations, its growth history, etc. [from published secondary data]. Decide on and clearly state the Research Problem facing the company.
    c. Research relevant politico-socio-economic-enviro-legal facts about Fiji in general and Suva in particular.
    d. Research relevant facts about the state of the industry.
    e. Research at least three relevant competitors in Fiji.
    f. For the above three sections you need at least 9 references, of which at least 4 must be academic journal articles. [In your reference list, ensure that you provide the details of each reference in Holmes-adapted Harvard style, plus the hyperlinked URL of anything you accessed online, and the date on which you accessed it].
    g. State the research question(s) that remain(s) to be answered after considering all of the above.
    h. Decide what primary data will be needed to complete your study and state how you would go about collecting it, i.e. your specific methodology design. In particular, specify your sample frame of participants, the type of interviews you would use, and why. [Note: DO NOT actually collect any primary data]
    i. Add the complete questionnaire and explain the data analysis plan ([Note: DO NOT actually collect any primary data]
    Assignment Structure must be as the following:
    1. Official Holmes Cover Page
    2. Introduce the company (a and b above) [approx. 500 words], culminating in the specific Research Problem.
    3. Conduct a research of literature review / secondary data (c, d, e, f, g) [approx. 1000 words, culminating in the specific Research Problem and state the Research Question]
    4. Apply your knowledge of research to propose a research design (i.e. specify what primary data is needed; how will it be collected, analysed, interpreted (h) [approx. 500 words]
    5. Design your detailed Questionnaire (i) designed specifically for the interviews that would be conducted to elicit primary data directly related to the Research Question (word count not specified). Demonstrate an appropriate range of questioning / answering techniques, based on HI6008 lecture materials.
    6. List of references [not part of the word count]

    1. Official Holmes Cover Sheet
    Must be complete and included as the front page of your submitted word document (i.e. the whole submission must be one single word file).
    2. Introduction (a and b)
    (approx. 500 words)
    3. Literature Review (c, d, e, f, g) leading to Research Problem and specific Research Question
    (approx. 1000 words)
    4. Research Design / Methodology (h) incl. sample frame, data collection, analysis, interpretation methods
    (approx. 500 words)
    5. Detailed Questionnaire with appropriate range of questioning / answering techniques (g)
    6. List of References
    in correct Holmes-adapted Harvard format with all detail (including URLs hyperlinked)
    *All sections must earn a PASS in order to complete the unit.
    Note: Inclusion of any work that is not entirely your own OR inaccurate referencing all sources consulted constitutes plagiarism and will result in a FAIL and a recording of Academic Misconduct


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