Writers Solution

Diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce

You are tasked with examining a

current (within the past 3 years) diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce.

You will choose a U.S. company or organization to research, identify a particular issue that is affecting (pros and cons) the

company, and its apparent approach to managing the potential issues.

Examples of diversity issues can include a lack of minorities and women in leadership, unequal pay, and hiring

discrimination, and examples of well-known companies struggling to maintain diversity include Google, Facebook, Amazon,

and numerous large banks and tech companies. While these examples offer a starting place, you may select an

organization and issue that interests you.

The outline is listed below:

Introduction: State the name of the chosen organization and the basis of the diversity issue(s) facing the company. State

the profile/bio of the company, including name, leaders, mission and vision statement, and the corporate responsibility statement that includes their stance on diversity.

Key Issues: Identify key issues of the problem(s) and write a solid thesis statement in one to three sentences. Describe

the problem(s) and the significance of the issues’ effect on the overall organizational mentality.

Background Information: Incorporate relevant issues and detailed facts of the problem. Present how changing

demographic makeups have affected this issue or issues. List one to five factors of a potentially problematic issue.

Present the norms of organizational diversity.

Discuss microaggression discrimination that is occurring in the workplace and if it is occurring in your chosen

organization. Provide examples as to why or why not.

Provide possible solutions for the problem(s). Outline the most viable solution for each factor of the problem(s), and

evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Summarize a realistic answer to the problem(s). Justify the rationale of the solution(s), explaining why the solution(s) is

the best, supported with solid evidence.

Recommendations: State-specific leadership strategies to accomplish the solution(s). Provide further actions and the

outline of the implementation plan of the solution.

Your completed case study should be a minimum of five pages in length.

All sources used must have in-text citations and references properly formatted in APA 7th Style. APA 7th formatting of your

paper is also required.


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Can today’s IT shop satisfy business demands?

Read the following article and participate in the class discussion. The overall class discussion is worth 50 points.

Can today’s IT shop satisfy business demands? – Brien, N. (2016). Can today’s IT shop satisfy business demands? Concentric Business Solutions. 

Topics of Discussion
     1. Examine one core competency of Information Technology and analyze its importance.
     2. Describe the value that Management Information Systems (MIS) bring to an organization in achieving a competitive advantage. All discussion posts, initial and response, will include a minimum of two paragraphs with a minimum of five sentences each.

  • Each discussion post will include two references (in addition to the hyperlinked article and the course text) with supporting in-text citations, one supporting each paragraph.
  • Content and reference lists will be formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) standard.


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Issues of Sex and Gender in Society Today

Identify an issue that is facing our society today that is in some way related to sex and/or gender and has opposing sides. Consider a law that was recently put into or taken out of effect or is being debated. You could also look to the statements or actions of a public figure or organization that has generated significant attention from the media. The issue you select should have ample material from which you may pull to gain insight into the details surrounding it. Feel free to email your instructor if you would like to verify that an issue is appropriate or if you would like some suggestions as to what you could cover.

Explore multiple sides of the issue you have selected until you have a good understanding as to why each side believes it is right. Research the historical events that have caused the circumstances of this issue. Engage in discussions with others who have strong feelings about the issue to learn the reasons why they feel they way they do. 

Make sure you research both sides thoroughly as your goal with this paper will be to write it in a manner that does not allow the reader to know which side of the issue that you are on. You will not be condoning or condemning either side- your goal is to be as objective as possible in reviewing the issue you select.

Construct a 1,000-1,250 word essay that demonstrates your understanding of the following:

  • The issue that you have identified (a concise synopsis of what the issue is)
  • Historical context (previous events in history that have contributed to the rise of the issue)
  • Both sides of the current argument (provide an objective review- the reader should not know which side of the issue that you personally are on)
  • At least two possible resolutions to the issue (include the potential ramifications of each resolution for both sides)

Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion, at least 5 cited references (only 2 of which may be your discussions with others, excluding those identified as subject matter experts in your writing), and must adhere to APA formatting.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool.  Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% will have points deducted. Any originality score over 50%  after review will be graded with a 0.  Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work




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Legal Issues Facing Today’s School Leaders


It is important as a school leader to have a working knowledge of the court systems in your state so that you are aware of how and where legal issues are addressed. Legal issues may come your way and a school leader that is informed and knowledgeable of the process that will occur and which courts will likely have jurisdiction will help you navigate the questions you may have.

Follow these steps:

Research your state’s court system. You can do an internet search by typing in your state’s name and the term “state courts” into a search engine. Remember to use official court websites as others may not have reliable information.
Find an issue in your state that is a legal requirement that the courts have ruled on and is of interest to you.
Summarize the issue/requirement in a presentation. Identify the court that made the ruling and explain how the case moved from the local level to the state level as well as the parties involved.
Next, find an issue/requirement that is educational related that had to be heard by the Supreme Court. As you summarize this issue/requirement, trace the path it took from the local court to the Supreme Court.

Now create a presentation. Your presentation can be a PowerPoint or a Prezi, which is compiled of 8-10 slides (not including the cover or reference slide). When your presentation is complete, post it to the discussion board. Make sure that you respond to your classmates in a way that promotes the discussion. Ask for clarification from their posts if needed, or compare/contrast their state’s court systems with yours




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Writers Solution

14-year-old Hispanic female Patient who presents today with mother for an initial psychiatric evaluation

Respond to the following psychiatric evaluation with rationales 2 APA references no older than 5 years 

a 14-year-old Hispanic female Patient who presents today with mother for an initial psychiatric evaluation. Wt 198 lbs, BMI 37.9 Index, 

•  The Patient stated that she has been feeling depressed a lot more than before, and its taking over her to the point that she lays down on the bed and does not want to do anything, and sometimes, will have no energy to do anything. She stated that she does not have motivation at all, feeling depressed and no energy to do anything. This started since October 2021. She stated that she could remember that it started because of the pressure from school work because they were being overloaded with a lot of home works especially during Pandemic. She mentioned that it started first by her pulling, cutting herself on the arms and legs, though it has stopped. Current presenting symptoms: trichotillomania, no motivation, feeling of hopeless, feelings of insecurity and often does not want to take her mask off, and always putting her Jacket on, feelings of self worthlessness, low self-esteem, crying frequently, fatigue, appetite changes, insomnia ( 5 hours), social withdrawal, anhedonia. laying on bed and does not want to do anything, feeling guilt, concentration issue, anxiety and worrying a lot, racing thoughts, irritable, sad, feeling on edge, no focus. She complains of hearing voices so loud she believes were her thoughts. She is not able to sleep at night. 

The Patient rated her mood at 5/10 and anxiety at 7/10 on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the least and 10 being the worst. Alleviating factor: laying on bed. Aggravating factor: any stressful situation. She denies using any illicit drug or alcohol or smoking cigarette. She denies physical, emotional or sexual abuse. She denies SI/HI/AH/VH. Medication reconciliation done

•  Home Environment: living arrangements: living with parents and 2 siblings plus uncle and auntie. , no violence in the home , no exposure to violence in the neighborhood , no smoker in the home. Education: school name: Ida B Wells Middle School, Washington DC , does not enjoy school/is bored in school , no concerns from school about learning or behavior , , goals when finishes school: Physician. Exercise: plays outside , goes to the park , spends most of the time watching TV or playing video/computer games. Activities: Denies , activities with friends and have no issues with peer pressure, no issues with bullying , no gang involvement. Suicide/Depression/Mental Health: feels stressed/anxious most of the time , low self-esteem , has friend/family member to talk to if having problems , has good anger management skills , no behavior problems at school she endorses frequent crying or depressed mood , withdrawal from family, friends or school , no issues with bullying , no history of suicidal thoughts. There was history of self-harm (i.e. cutting), but , no history of violence towards others , no history of homicidal thoughts , no history of emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Safety: feels safe at home , feels safe at school , feels safe in neighborhood (no gangs/territory groups) , uses internet and social media safely. Sleep Patterns: gets less than 8 hours of sleep, have trouble falling asleep , bedtime established , goes to bed at (time): 10:30P , no television / screens in the bedroom 

Diagnosis  Major Depressive Disorder

• Plan: Psychoeducation provided Supportive therapy provided Safety plan setup and encouraged Options reviewed for dealing with triggers for self-harm Appropriate sleep hygiene reviewed Healthy diet encouraged Exercise discussed Mature coping skills reviewed Medication side effects, risks, and potential interactions reviewed medication dosage, frequency, and other instructions Reviewed how long it may take for medication to work. 

• Perform blood analyses, including CBC, TSH/T4, Hemoglobin A1C levels, lipid panel, 

Preventative Medicine

Activity: Get involved in activities that you enjoy and are interesting to you. These activities may be related to school, after school programs, volunteering or community organizations. Try to limit watching TV or playing video games. Consider a family media plan including time for physical activity and unplugged family time. Exercise is also very important. You should get at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. Be careful when using the internet; being online is the same thing as being in public. Remember that anything you share on line you are sharing with many people and it cannot be erased. Do not meet up with strangers you connect with online. All internet use should be in public areas of the home so parents can ensure online activity is safe.. Sleep: Sleep is very important at your age and you need plenty of sleep to do well in school. You should get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Some tips for improving your sleep include: Not watching TV/ phone or screens while going to sleep, avoid napping during the day, avoid caffeine and chocolate a couple hours before bedtime, avoid large meals right before going to bed, and establish a regular bedtime.. Mental Health: Sometimes people get angry, upset, stressed or sad about a certain situation. It is not ok to hurt yourself or others when this happens. It is also not good to use violence (ex: fighting) to solve problems. There are healthier ways to deal with your feelings. If you ever feel angry, upset or sad please talk to an adult or your doctor. You can also call the Access HelpLine at 1(888)7WE-HELP or 1-888-793-4357 at any time. Safety: Everyone should wear seatbelts while riding in a car. Younger adolescents may still need to be in booster seat, low-profile backless boosters may be more acceptable to the adolescent. Your child should continue to ride in the back seat until 13 years of age. Youth under 16y should not ride ATVs. Model safe behavior by always wearing your seat belt. Make sure your child is always wearing a helmet while riding a bike/scooter/skating etc. Use sunscreen with SPF greater than 15, reapply every 2 hours. Develop safety rules with your child such as not riding in a vehicle with someone who has been using drugs or alcohol. Guns, knives and other weapons are extremely dangerous and should not be used to fix problems. It is best not to have a firearm in your home, however if necessary firearms should be stored unloaded and locked with ammunition locked separately. Do not listen to loud music in ear buds

Writers Solution

CYBER SECURITY and how it can impact today’s healthcare system and the future

 Topic is on CYBER SECURITY and how it can impact today’s healthcare system and the future; Start by reading and following these instructions:

Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.


Recommendations Document

Due Week 6

(100 pts)

Main Assignment

  • Recommendations Document

The 1250 to 1500-word deliverable for this week is an initial draft of your recommendations. Note that this is a working document and may be modified based on insights gained in module eight and your professor’s feedback. This document should contain the following elements:

  1. Summary of your problem or opportunity definition
  2. A list of possible recommendation alternatives. In this section, you are not yet at the point of suggesting the best set of recommendations but you are trying to be creative and explore all the different ways that the problem or opportunity might best be addressed. The end result here will be a list of alternatives among which you will choose your final recommendations.
  3. Delineation of your suggested actions and recommendations and your initial thinking about the reasons why such recommendations are the best approaches in your present project.
  4. Delineation of some of the kinds of metrics that would show that you have been successful. Here is a great place for integrating SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) as one kind of metric. To learn more about SMART goals, click here. However, your metrics should not be restricted to just SMART goals. What other metrics would help you and the criminal justice entity know that your plan has worked?


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Asian American Women in our society today

article 1

article 2

article 3


Please review the current online articles ( I post the link of 3 articles above) and video for this week. The articles and videos serve as an example for the post you need to complete. For discussion #3, you will need to find an article or video that addresses a current issue/stereotype that is affecting Asian American Women in our society today. You will need to include the link to the articles, news/scholarly article, video, movies, etc. to the issue. Please complete the following:

  1. Provide a summary of the issue that should include a link to the article, media, video, etc.
  2. Explain how this issue affects Asian American Women
  3. Address how this issue is different or similar to women of other race or ethnicity in America
  4. Include examples from the reading if there are any (optional)
  5. Conclusion: Have you had a similar experience? What are your personal thoughts about this issue? How can we move forward to resolve or change this issue?
  6. Reference at the bottom of the post


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An article pertaining to food culture and some sort of change that is occurring today

Informative Essay Assignment

The purpose of the Informative Essay assignment is to choose a job or task that you know how to do and then write 3 full pages Informative Essay teaching the reader how to do that job or task. You will follow the organization techniques explained in Unit 6

Here are the details:

1. Read the Lecture Notes in Unit 6. You may also find the information in Chapter 10.5 in our text on Process Analysis helpful. The lecture notes will really be the most important to read in writing this assignment. However, here is a link to that chapter that you may look at in addition to the lecture notes:

2. Choose your topic, that is, the job or task you want to teach. As the notes explain, this should be a job or task that you already know how to do, and it should be something you can do well. You may ask your instructor for advice if you have a difficult time finding a job or task to write on. Also, think at this point about your audience (reader). Will your reader need any knowledge or experience to do this job or task, or will you write these instructions for a general reader where no experience is required to perform the job.

3. Plan your outline to organize this essay. Unit 6 notes offer advice on this organization process. Be sure to include an introductory paragraph that has the four main points presented in the lecture notes (again, while your introduction has those main points, they don’t have to be in the order given in the lecture notes).

4. Write the essay. It will need to be at least 3 full pages long. You will use the MLA formatting that you used in previous essays from Units 3, 4, and 5

5. Be sure to include a title for your essay.

6. After writing the essay, be sure to take the time to read it several times for revision and editing. It would be helpful to have at least one other person proofread it as well before submitting the assignment


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An article pertaining to food culture and some sort of change that is occurring today

For this assignment you will find an article pertaining to food culture and some sort of change that is occurring today. You must choose a food culture outside of the U.S. You will then write a paper (2 pages minimum; double-spaced) that summarizes the article and discusses the internal and external pressures that are changing the food custom/culture and your conclusions. You may need to seek out other sources to dig deeper into the topic and answer all the rubric points. All sources must be cited in APA format in both a list at the end of the paper and in the body of the paper.

Here’s an example of internal and external pressures for a fictitious topic/article:

You find an article about rising saffron prices in India. External pressures (those outside of the country) might include decreased demand from other countries and global climate changes that have lowered crop yields. Internal pressures (those within the country) might include a decreasing number of saffron growers, civil war, or issues with infrastructure such as destroyed bridges or roads


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Intricacies and changing world of logistics today

Discussion: Course Reflection

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Class is rapidly coming to an end. Reflect on what you are taking away from the class and what improvements you’ll make to the way you think about the intricacies and changing world of logistics today.

No replies to classmates required.

After responding to the Reflective Discussion above, please complete an anonymous Course Evaluation Survey. Instructors are not able to view course evaluation reports until after the grade submission period is over.


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