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Exploring the Realm of Managerial Accounting Research: Insights and Trends

Get more information on Managerial Accounting Research: Insights and Trends from the writing experts at Managerial accounting research is critical in offering insights into organizational decision-making processes. It focuses on how accounting information is used internally for planning, controlling, and decision-making. There has been an increasing interest in examining many areas of management accounting in recent years, spanning from cost analysis and performance assessment to strategic decision support. This article will go into the world of management accounting research, emphasizing its importance, important areas of attention, and developing trends.

I. Managerial Accounting Research’s Importance

Managers benefit from managerial accounting research because it enables them to make educated choices and maximize resource allocation. It serves as a basis for budget planning, performance evaluation, cost analysis, and finding areas for improvement. Organizations may improve their competitiveness and achieve long-term success by mastering the ideas and procedures of management accounting.

II. Managerial Accounting Research Focus Areas

A. Cost Analysis and Budgeting: Fixed costs, variable costs, direct costs, indirect costs, and relevant costs are all investigated in managerial accounting study. Cost behavior analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis, and cost allocation approaches are covered. It also looks at cost-cutting approaches including activity-based costing (ABC) and target costing.

Managerial accounting research focuses on establishing performance measurement systems that capture critical parameters to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational operations. It delves into topics including key performance indicators (KPIs), balanced scorecards, and benchmarking approaches. The study also looks at the use of non-financial variables to offer a more complete picture of success.

C. Budgeting and Forecasting: Budgeting strategies studied in managerial accounting research include standard budgeting, rolling budgets, and zero-based budgeting. It looks at the function of forecasting methodologies in projecting future financial performance and assists companies in aligning their objectives with available financial resources.

D. Strategic Analysis and Decision Support: Managerial accounting research aids strategic decision-making by offering tools and methodologies for assessing investment projects, measuring profitability, doing break-even analysis, and performing cost-benefit analysis. It also looks at how management accounting may be used in strategic planning and performance assessment.

III. Managerial Accounting Research Emerging Trends

A. Accounting for Sustainability: With a growing focus on corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability, managerial accounting research is investigating methods to integrate sustainability measures into decision-making processes. It addresses environmental cost assessment and reporting, carbon accounting, and the incorporation of sustainability performance indicators into management accounting systems.

B. Big Data Analytics: With the advent of big data, new paths for managerial accounting study have opened up. It focuses on using sophisticated analytics approaches to big amounts of data in order to find patterns and draw insights for improved decision-making. It looks at how data mining, machine learning, and predictive modeling may be used in management accounting.

C. Behavioral components: Behavioral components of decision-making are increasingly being considered in managerial accounting research. It investigates how cognitive biases, incentive structures, and organizational culture affect management decision-making processes, as well as the consequences for accounting methods and results.

D. Automation and Technology: The incorporation of technology, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and robotic process automation, is altering management accounting methods. This research investigates the advantages, disadvantages, and consequences of technology adoption for managerial accounting activities such as data management, reporting, and analysis.

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Trends That Will Shape Hospice in 2022

Question 1. Based on, “Trends That Will Shape Hospice in 2022″Actions, material attached

  • Discuss the factors impacting hospice providers as well as the patients and families in need of their services.
  • Are there any additional trends that you think may impact end-of-life care in the future?

You must cite class material and reference each source separately using the APA method 2 to 3 paragraphs

Question 2.

There has been much debate regarding “common core” and improving educational outcomes. What would be the most important change(s) that could be implemented to achieve improved educational outcomes for all students?  cite material apa method 2 to paragraphs please check attached files

Question 3.

The text notes that women’s midlife review is influenced by its societal context. Please discuss issues and life changes, if any that will be relevant to today’s generation of young adults when they reach middle age. This must have at least 2 sources or more thank you




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Current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia

  1. Identify two (2) examples of existing information will you need to know about the client when commencing an assessment and where you may source this information. (100 words) 
House Medical Aod use Present oad use Presenting issue Source; review client referral form, reserech online, consult with relevant healthcare professional, phone calls, emails Background If interpreter is needed
  • Research and discuss two (2) current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia. Ensure you cite your research. (100-150 words)
Cocaine Vaping Alcohol weed  
  • Identify three (3) reasons for a client seeking help for AOD related issues (20-30 words)
Family/family reason Health reason Employment/legal reason; court order
  • Discuss three (3) legislations including one (1) specific AOD legislation, and their relevance when working in the AOD sector. (50 words)
AOD Mental health whs  
  • Identify and discuss three (3) examples of organisational policies and procedures related to working in the AOD Sector. (50 words)
Duty of care Whs Privacy/confidentiality Child protection
  • Discuss three (3) examples of risk assessments you may undertake when working with clients with drug and/or alcohol and co-existing issues. (40-50 words)  
Suicide Aod Poverty/homelessness overdose
  • Discuss three (3) strategies you may utilise to work effectively with clients at risk of suicide, self-harm and/or mental health issues. (50-100 words)  
Communication strategies Strengthen connection to live Work on the clients social life/holistic approuch
  • Discuss how you would work with professionals, aged care providers and those providing home-based supports to older people who have alcohol or other drug related issues. In your response outline any possible risks and how you would attempt to mitigate the risks when providing supports (70-100 words)  
  • Outline how you would record discussions, outcomes, and variances to the client’s assessment. (30-50 words)  
Precise Locked Objective Truth; no assumption, personal believe, no opinion
  1. Who may require a copy of any records, variances, or discussions from the client’s assessment and/or intervention, and what considerations must you ensure prior to releasing this information (30-50 words).
  1. State five (5) client issues that may determine service requirements outside of your scope and provide an example of a service you may refer to (20-30 words each).
    Table 14 Scope and referrals  
Client issue outside of your scopeSuitable service/ program including name, and a brief explanation of the services they provide.
Legal issue 
Counselling accommodation 
Financial (centerlink/banking 
  1. Complete the tables below by listing two (2) rights and responsibilities for clients, workers, and employers.

a) ClientsTable 15 Rights and Responsibilities: clients


b) WorkersTable 16 Rights and Responsibilities: workers


c) EmployersTable 17 Rights and Responsibilities: employers

  1. Complete the table:  

Looking at the table below, explain how each of these factors may impact clients seeking help for AOD related issues (30-40 words each)

Table 18 Short Answer Questions 

FactorsYour response
Age of the client 
Developmental status of the client 
Cultural Background 
Impact of trauma 
Forced or voluntary migrated clients  
People with disabilities 
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Clients  
Older persons with co-existing health conditions 
Mandated clients or those with legal issues. 
Health issues 
Geographic location 
  1. Using the following table, provide a brief description of the listed AOD Screening Tools, their purpose and their benefits and limitations. (40-50 per screening tool) 
    1. ASSIST 

Table 19 Research on Screening Tools – ASSIST 

 Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) 
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  
  • Severity of Dependency Scale (SDS) 

Table 20 Research on Screening Tools – SDS 

Severity of Dependency Scale (SDS)  
Key components within the tool 
Suitability/ target audience 
Where to locate/ how to source 

c) AUDIT  

Table 21 Research on Screening Tools – AUDIT 

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)  
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  


Table 22 Research on Screening Tools – DUDIT 

Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) 
Key components within the tool  
Suitability/ target audience  
Where to locate/ how to source  
  1. Drugs can typically be categorised by the class of drugs, their primary properties, their harms and how they are usually administered.  Research the drugs below and provide the relevant information as per the table. Each substance table response should be between 100-200 words not including your references. 
    1. Alcohol

Table 23 Research on Alcohol 

Primary Properties   
How drug is ingested  
Signs and symptoms of use  
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal  
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others  
Preventative/ interventions strategiesBrief intervention Harm minimization strategies, detox, 3d – delay distract and decide, prevention strategies 
 Source of Information: 
  1. Cannabis  

Table 24 Research on Cannabis 

Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategiesAssist
Source of Information: 
  • Tobacco 

Table 25 Research on Tobacco 

Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use  
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategiesHarm minimization, early intervention, Tabs, nicotine sensation strategies
Source of Information: 
  • Illicit Drugs – Select an illicit drug and complete the table 

Table 26 Research on Illicit Drugs 

Illicit Drug
Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategies
Source of Information:  
  • Prescription drug – select a prescription drug and complete the table 

Table 27 Research on Prescription Drugs 

Prescription Drugs
Primary Properties  
How drug is ingested 
Signs and symptoms of use 
Stages and symptoms of withdrawal 
Effects on health, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and impact on others 
Preventative/ interventions strategies 
Source of Information: 
  1. Using the following table, provide a description and example for each of the five (5) patterns of drug use (50 – 100 words per model)

Table 28 Patterns of Drug Use

Pattern of UseDescriptionExample
Recreational/ Social   
Poly Drug Use  
  1. Behaviour can be influenced by a range of factors, such as culture, family situation and the community that a person lives in.

Using the topic of alcohol use to frame your answer, provide examples of how each of these factors could influence a person’s decision to consume, use heavily, or abstain from alcohol.
(20-30 words per response)
Table 29 Contexts of Behaviour

Context of behaviourExample of how each context can influence behaviour

  1. For each of the items below:
  2. Describe how the following approaches in brief intervention practice may benefit the client seeking assistance
  3. Provide an example of the approach being used in a situation with a community/health service client.
    (200-250 words for the whole table)
    Table 30 Intervention approaches and benefits
Approach to support behaviour changeBenefits of the approachExample of the approach in action
Raising awareness  
Sharing information and resources.  
Exploring concerns and strategies  
Helping the person express their feelings, make decisions, and set goals  
Highlighting the benefits of change  
Giving positive feedback and encouragement  
Offering time and support  
Referring to other sources of assistance  
Assessing the persons nutrition and environmental health or wellbeing  

Assessment Feedback 

NOTE: This section must have the assessor signature and student signature to complete the feedback. 

Assessment outcome 

☐ Satisfactory 

☐ Unsatisfactory 

Assessor Feedback 

☐ Has the Assessment Declaration on page 1 of the assessment been signed and dated by the student? 

☐ Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work? 

☐ Was the assessment event successfully completed? 

☐ If no, was the resubmission/re-assessment successfully completed? 

☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event? 
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document. 



Assessor name, signature, and date: 


Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome 

Would you like to make any comments about this assessment? 


Student name, signature, and date 

Miodesta UWANDU

NOTE: Make sure you have typed your name at the bottom of each page of your submission before submitting to your assessor for marking. 





  • Current or emerging trends of drug use in Australia
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    Assess the extent to which crime figures and trends are influenced by social class, and in particular by common assumptions made about the ‘underclass

    You should complete any one of the questions below. 

    1. Assess the extent to which crime figures and trends are influenced by social class, and in particular by common assumptions made about the ‘underclass’.

    2. Labelling and subcultural theories see crime and deviance as the outcome of social processes. What are these processes and how convincing are the theoretical accounts of them? 

    3. Some social groups appear to experience secondary victimisation in which police actions amplify rather than decrease the experience of victimisation. Who is most likely to experience this? Why? What can be done to prevent it?

    (3,000 words criminology assignment help)

    As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Crime and Society assessment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to:

    1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of patterns of crime and the significance of crime in society.

    2. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the respective institutional roles in the criminal justice system and their relationships with each other, and with society. 

    3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of criminological theories and their relationships to each other. 

    4. Demonstrate a basic ability to analyse social, philosophical and legal issues relating to crime, criminal justice and social policies. 

    5. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical issues embedded in analyses of problems, existing policies and options for policy change.

    The critical assessment involves a few steps. First, translating a written argument into a form that can be analyzed using tools you have learned in class. The next step is to use these tools to critically explore the argument being made. The analysis involves doing more than merely paraphrasing the textbook, class notes, or using jargon. It involves things like identifying which model/tool is appropriate for this context, checking to see if the assumptions required are satisfied, identifying any changes in circumstances, and working through the predictions, etc. You need to be able to compare your analysis with the author’s arguments and be able to articulate any differences or similarities in a precise manner. The final step in this leadership assignment help is translating all of this back into clear language that readers can easily understand. Task There will be two writing assignments in this course to give you practice and opportunities to get feedback on your writing. This is an individual writing assignment. For this writing assignment, you will be given an economic podcast and will be asked to critically evaluate it. You will be graded on the quality and thoroughness of your analysis. Therefore, you will also be graded on the clarity, flow and overall cohesiveness of the writing in your work Podcast: How Spotify Saved the Music Industry Work Outline Introduction (5 points): The introduction (first paragraph) briefly summarizes what you consider to be the main point(s) of the article. If there are many, focus on the one(s) that you will analyze in the assignment. Summary (5 points) : A short summary of the podcast should be included. This summary should capture the key points presented in the podcast and any important facts or elements. Do not spend the whole assignment summarizing the entire article. Summaries should be succinct and to the point and be approximately one paragraph. 

    Analysis (15 points): 

    In your own words, you need to explain how Spotify saved the music industry. This is not a summary of the podcast. That was the previous paragraph. Remember, you are looking at this writing assignment through the lens of an economist. You will need to research the short-run and long-run effects that Spotify had on the music industry, going beyond what has been explained in the podcast. Do not copy and past graphs or charts from outside sources. Are there others like Spotify that have changed their own respective industries? What are they? How was the industry affected? Was it good or bad? Your analysis should use the economic concepts you have learned in class. In other words, the analysis should focus on how topics covered in class are applicable/relevant to the real world. Be sure to demonstrate your analysis using graphs and/or models learned in class. Be careful to address the appropriate audience. Remember; to narrow your focus so that your analysis can be more in-depth. That is much more important than hitting every point made in the article. You are required to do in-depth research into this issue going beyond the podcast and text. Assume your reader has taken this course and only understands microeconomic theories in the context of the theories covered in this class. You are expected to use at least one of the concepts covered in class. Policy Recommendation (20 points): This is the most important aspect of this assignment. Students are expected to clearly and in detail provide a policy recommendation. In this section, you need to think of an industry that needs improvement. How would you go about making a change such that it brings about a revolutionary change? Think of the impacts companies like Facebook, Uber, Spotify has had on their respective industries. Again, I expect you to use multiple models in this section. The analysis portion has the potential to be varied in nature. However, I recommend sticking to my guidelines below: Provide a summary of your policy recommendation and explain how it works. Then, critically evaluate your policy recommendation.

    Essentially you should take apart the various steps in the recommendation and see if they make sense separately and as a whole. Can you use the tools learned in class to think about the policy in another way? Check to see if you are missing anything in your argument or have used some tool or method incorrectly or inappropriately. That is, think on the other side of the aisle and find counter-arguments. Is there evidence that contradicts your policy? If so, how would you address them? I expect you to use at least 1 economic model we have learned in class. However, using one model does not guarantee full credit. Your models should also be detailed. Make sure you explain what the models mean and clearly demonstrate the economic implications. All models must be drawn by hand. Any models “grabbed” from the text or internet will not count and will adversely affect your grade. Your hand-drawn models should be scanned and of high quality. Conclusion (5 points): It is important to have a strong conclusion since this is the last chance you have to make an impression on your reader. The goal of your conclusion isn’t to introduce any new ideas, but to sum up, everything you’ve written. Specifically, your conclusion should accomplish three major goals: Restate the main idea of your work, or your thesis statement. Summarize the main sub-points of your work. Leave the reader with an interesting final impression. Works Cited: Works cited completed using MLA format. Must cite at least 3 sources. Class notes/lectures can account for one source. The textbook can account for one source. How to format your assignment Your assignment should be typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and have a font size 12. Minimum of 3 pages (not including models, works cited page). Your models must be hand-drawn, scanned as an image, and pasted to your word document. Grammatical mistakes Students are required to proofread their assignments prior to submitting them. Students are recommended to utilize the campus-writing center to ensure any grammatical/writing errors are corrected. I generally do not give lower grades for grammatical mistakes. However, if the writing is too incomprehensible/unclear, there will be a reflection in the overall grade. You are encouraged to take advantage of Glendale Community College’s Writing Center. (Links to an external site.) 



    Podcast: How Spotify Saved the Music Industry (Links to an external site.) Work Outline Introduction (5 points): The introduction (first paragraph) briefly summarizes what you consider to be the main point(s) of the article. If there are many, focus on the one(s) that you will analyze in the assignment. Summary (5 points) : A short summary of the podcast should be included. This summary should capture the key points presented in the podcast and any important facts or elements. Do not spend the whole assignment summarizing the entire article. Summaries should be succinct and to the point and be approximately one paragraph. Analysis (15 points): In your own words, you need to explain how Spotify saved the music industry. This is not a summary of the podcast. That was the previous paragraph. Remember, you are looking at this writing assignment through the lens of an economist. You will need to research the short-run and long-run effects that Spotify had on the music industry, going beyond what has been explained in the podcast. Do not copy and past graphs or charts from outside sources. Are there others like Spotify that have changed their own respective industries? What are they? How was the industry affected? Was it good or bad? Your analysis should use the economic concepts you have learned in class. In other words, the analysis should focus on how topics covered in class are applicable/relevant to the real world. Be sure to demonstrate your analysis using graphs and/or models learned in class. Be careful to address the appropriate audience. Remember; to narrow your focus so that your analysis can be more in-depth. That is much more important than hitting every point made in the article. You are required to do in-depth research into this issue going beyond the podcast and text. Assume your reader has taken this course and only understands microeconomic theories in the context of the theories covered in this class. You are expected to use at least one of the concepts covered in class. Policy Recommendation (20 points): This is the most important aspect of this assignment. Students are expected to clearly and in detail provide a policy recommendation. In this section, you need to think of an industry that needs improvement. How would you go about making a change such that it brings about a revolutionary change? Think of the impacts companies like Facebook, Uber, Spotify has had on their respective industries. Again, I expect you to use multiple models in this section. The analysis portion has the potential to be varied in nature. However, I recommend sticking to my guidelines below: Provide a summary of your policy recommendation and explain how it works. Then, critically evaluate your policy recommendation. Essentially you should take apart the various steps in the recommendation and see if they make sense separately and as a whole. Can you use the tools learned in class to think about the policy in another way? Check to see if you are missing anything in your argument or have used some tool or method incorrectly or inappropriately. That is, think on the other side of the aisle and find counter-arguments. Is there evidence that contradicts your policy? If so, how would you address them? I expect you to use at least 1 economic model we have learned in class. However, using one model does not guarantee full credit. Your models should also be detailed. Make sure you explain what the models mean and clearly demonstrate the economic implications. All models must be drawn by hand. Any models “grabbed” from the text or internet will not count and will adversely affect your grade. Your hand-drawn models should be scanned and of high quality. Conclusion (5 points): It is important to have a strong conclusion since this is the last chance you have to make an impression on your reader. The goal of your conclusion isn’t to introduce any new ideas, but to sum up, everything you’ve written. Specifically, your conclusion should accomplish three major goals:

    This week we will start the process of compiling your edited and polished work for the assessment portion of your portfolio, demonstrating your mastery of a selected learning outcome from your program. Instructions Select one learning outcome from your program of study. Then, select two graded artifacts (i.e., written assignments, projects, works, discussion posts, or responses) that you feel best demonstrate your mastery of the selected program outcome. When selecting a previous work sample, you can review and retrieve your Waypoint assignments from previous courses from within Waypoint itself. Utilizing the feedback you received on these artifacts from your instructor as well as the things you have learned since submitting this work, revise and expand on these artifacts to create polished and corrected examples that you can add to your portfolio. Utilize track changes to make additions, corrections, and changes to your work in order for the instructor to review the changes that were made. Add two additional professional and current resources to support and improve your artifacts. Submit Combine the two updated artifacts (include track changes) into one document and submit via Waypoint. Then remove the tracked changes from the artifacts and add the polished and corrected artifacts to your portfolio with the correct heading and description of the selected program learning outcome. Insert a link to your portfolio in a Word document and submit via Waypoint. If needed, review the Week 1 python assignment help.

    Create and add to your portfolio some of the important career-portfolio elements as described below. Personal Introduction: Who are you? Describe in one paragraph your strengths, interests, and experiences that make you a unique and valuable employee. This might look much like the introduction used on LinkedIn. This would be an appropriate place to use pictures to create a more interesting portfolio in this history assignment help. Professional Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume: Be sure that you have updated your resume or CV to reflect your status as a doctoral student. Note: It is never appropriate to add the degree to your name until AFTER you have graduated. While you may see people list PhD, ABD, this is not appropriate and should not be used. You may, however, add your expected date of completion or year of graduation. Highlight specific field-related experience, philosophy, or other information. If you are in education or are interested in teaching in the future, you might list your teaching philosophy here. For psychology, you may list your areas of specialization. You may also choose to highlight any specialized training or certification you possess. Carefully consider the design elements of your portfolio, including the use of a professional font, pictures, reference materials, and access for future employees and others. Submit Insert a link to your portfolio in a Word document and submit via Waypoint


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Assess the extent to which crime figures and trends are influenced by social class, and in particular by common assumptions made about the ‘underclass

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    Current and future trends as they relate to financial implications you may face


    As a grade level leader, there will be many times when you wish to share research and trends with your staff and community. Unfortunately, these are all busy people and do not often have the time or motivation to read lengthy articles or books. A “white paper” is one way to share that information in a short, concise, researched paper. By providing this kind of thoughtful work to your staff and community, not only will you increase the likelihood that your audience will read the material, but your staff and community will see you in a more scholarly and trustworthy manner.


    Teachers, and the school systems that employ them, face many challenges during the school year. COVID-19 has taken educational challenges to a new level regarding continued safety and meeting the requirements set forth by federal, state, and local leaders. Imagine that you are the grade level leader of a school where COVID-19 has impacted your community. You are charged by the school board with providing a safe, healthy, and secure school. You need to make sure teachers are using current technology and teaching methods, and that your school is preparing students to be productive 21st-century citizens. The recent COVID-19 virus has shown that your school lacks the bandwidth, equipment, and technology to transition to a virtual learning environment and this has caused concern in the local community; however, the community also believes that the school is adequate if only teachers would work harder.

    You are faced with the task of opening your school during this trying time. You need to make sure the protocols are in place such as the proper social distancing and safety equipment (masks, plexiglass, etc.) for all who enter the school building. The financial implications are a concern for you and the community. Will you need more tables or student desks to adhere to the social distancing requirements? Will you have to lay off any employees (lunchroom workers, bus drivers, janitors) due to a modified school schedule?

    Write a white paper that addresses these current and future trends as they relate to financial implications you may face. Explain in the paper whether you will require more or less funds to maintain the educational level your community is accustomed to. Also, include why you may or may not need additional funds to support an overall upgrade for the school that may include more technology and equipment which would create a positive virtual learning environment during this and any future crisis. Be as creative as you can to determine the best source of where the possible funds will come from.

    Your white paper should be 4–5 pages and should follow this format:

    The Problem
    Proof the Problem Exists
    Additional Problems
    The Basic Solution
    Your Solution (how much funding you need, and where should it come from)
    Minimum of three resources

    This white paper guide may be helpful:

    Mattern, J. (2020, May 1). How to write a white paper [Blog post]. Retrieved from


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Current and future trends as they relate to financial implications you may face

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    conduct an analysis as well as highlight key areas/trends of the income statement and balance sheet

     For this assignment, you will continue researching your chosen company. Compose a paper on the financials of your chosen firm; you will choose two ratios from each category (liquidity, profitability, and solvency) and conduct an analysis as well as highlight key areas/trends of the income statement and balance sheet. Be sure to answer the following questions in your response:

    What do the ratios reflect?

    Does the company appear healthy and headed in the right direction? Explain.

    How does the company compare to another firm in the same industry in regards to financial metrics (for instance, a comparison of Target versus Walmart based on the basic ratio categories mentioned above)?

    Your paper must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two sources. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment


    GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class

    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on conduct an analysis as well as highlight key areas/trends of the income statement and balance sheet

    Are You looking for Assignment and Homework Writing help? We Provide High-Quality Academic Papers at Affordable Rates. No Plagiarism.


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    latest trends in Cloud, Edge and Fog computing

    Explore the latest trends in Cloud, Edge and Fog computing. 

    “Fog computing is a computing layer between the cloud and the edge. Where edge computing might send huge streams of data directly to the cloud, fog computing can receive the data from the edge layer before it reaches the cloud and then decide what is relevant and what isn’t. The relevant data gets stored in the cloud, while the irrelevant data can be deleted or analyzed at the fog layer for remote access or to inform localized learning models.”,relevant%20and%20what%20isn’t


    2- It will be researched and contain proper in-text, paraphrased and quoted citations with references listed in APA format.

    3- It will present your own opinion, be insightful and have supporting evidence through research.

    4- It will be between 250 – 500 words. 

    5- It will have no grammatical or spelling mistakes. 

    DO NOT FORGET TO Include one response as a third-party review for this answer to forum topic


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    CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on latest trends in Cloud, Edge and Fog computing

    Are You looking for Assignment and Homework Writing help? We Provide High-Quality Academic Papers at Affordable Rates. No Plagiarism.


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    Trends in Requirements Management in Chapter One of the Wiley Guide to Project Technology, Supply Chain and Procurement Management

    Choose one of the research areas under the Trends in Requirements Management in Chapter One of the Wiley Guide to Project Technology, Supply Chain and Procurement Management. Those trends include:

    • Data Processing and Modeling
    • Increasing Formality
    • Viewpoints
    • Goal-oriented requirement elicitation
    • Nonbehavioral requirements
    • Scenarios

    In this paper, provide the reader the following for your chosen trend:

    • Introduce information on the trend
    • What research has been done in this trend
    • What exciting new outputs may be derived from this research that could add to how we gather requirements
    • What is next for this trend e.g. further questions to be answered, efforts to use some of the knowledge derived from the research in projects, etc.
    • Assignment Format: APA format
    • Submission Format: MS Word
    • Length: [8 pages (not including cover & references pages)
    • Citations Required: Minimum 0f 5 citations (2 Scholarly and three from other legitimate resources)


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    Future trends in IT

    You will write a short reflection report describing the key learning from the course and future trends in IT. This report will be organized as follows:

    1.     Description – Describe up to 3 key learning points (1.Information security, 2.people in information system, 3. social, ethical, and legal issues from the course).

    2.      Analysis – Connect the learnings described in the previous section with the real-world. Analyze how these learnings are applicable in the real business world. Highlight 2 takeaways from your learnings.

    3.     Future trends – Discuss what you envision in the future. You can discuss the role of new IT systems that will revolutionize business.

    The report should not be more than 500 words.


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    Emerging Trends: Designing for Agility and Innovation

     Module 3 – Case

    Transforming Organizational Structure

    Assignment Overview

    Emerging Trends: Designing for Agility and Innovation

    One of the most critical issues facing organizations is keeping up with digitization of the workplace. The reality confronting organizations is increasingly complex. Leaders trained when organizational structure was simpler, are hampered with outdated skills.

    Organization design must evolve along with the organization and its leadership to support adaptive and innovative workplaces.

    Case 3 Resources COVID-19 Reveals Why Flat Organizations Thrive: Steal Their Secrets  (2021) Organizational Structures and Design  (2020) Skills Needed for MTI  (2020) Managing Now for Future Technology and Innovation  (2020) Reimagining the Postpandemic Organization  (2020)

    Case Assignment

    Using the module’s readings, at least one article published in 2020 or 2021 from Business Source Complete (EBSCO) and at least one article published in 2020 or 2021 from ProQuest Central), research the following:

    Trends in Organizational Design

    · Research top trends affecting modern organizational design. (1 page)

    Workplace Application: Organizational Design

    · Research efficient organizational design in your chosen industry. (1 page)

    Organizational Design and COVID-19

    · Assess how organizations adapted due to the pandemic. (1 page) Research Required.

    No quotations are permitted in this paper. Each paragraph (except the introduction and conclusion) must contain at least one in-text citation .

    Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” on the grading rubric.

    The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate. Refer to yourself in third-person as “manager” or you can write about what the “project team” will do, rather than saying “I” and “we.”





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