Writers Solution

Principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting?

Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

  1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.
  2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.
  3. Consider the course discussions so far and any insights gained from it.
  4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources if needed, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.


Reflect upon the patient experience, patient safety, and healthcare cost as well as Joint Commission’s role in quality healthcare. Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

  • How would you apply the principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting?
  • Reflect on your current or future role in healthcare. How you would you, in the role of director of nursing or healthcare administrator contribute to improving cost effective quality care, patient satisfaction, and patient safety?
  • What practices would you apply to minimize medical errors among front-line nursing staff?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500-2000 words in length

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment.  Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module 1.docx”)

Submission: Submit to the D2L dropbox for grading 

Writers Solution

The Triple Bottom Line: Measuring Your Organization’s Wider Impact

The concept behind the triple bottom line is that companies are responsible to all their stakeholders. This includes everyone involved with the company, whether directly or indirectly. It also includes the planet on which we all live. This approach views shareholders as very important stakeholders. This approach also recognizes the need for companies to consider other important stakeholders in the company, including employees, customers, vendors, and the larger community.

Before writing this week’s discussion posting, review this MindTools article, “The Triple Bottom Line: Measuring Your Organization’s Wider Impact,” for more details on the triple bottom line.

This Week’s Discussion Post

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:

How would you implement the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept at your chosen company, whether you are using the snack food company scenario or the company of your choice?

Keep the following format in mind as you complete this week’s discussion:

  • Profit: When looking at profit from this theory’s perspective, the idea is that profits will help empower and sustain the community as a whole. Profits are more than just a benefit for shareholders. Briefly explain your approach.
  • People: Describe your approach to caring about suppliers, customers, employees, and the community. For example, one way to care about employees is to provide a good working environment, training and development opportunities, and health care.
  • Planet: Explain your approach to minimizing your company’s impact on the environment. For example, your company might develop a process to minimize waste or reduce energy usage, such as using recycled materials in its production process.

Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


  • Textbook Chapter 14, “Social Responsibility & Sustainability,” pages 259–270, provides additional detail on this topic.
  • You will use the information from this discussion post and the feedback you receive in the Social Responsibility section of your Week 8 assignment, Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan (With Financials).

In your response, include: 

1. A brief description of your business (name of the company, what you do, what products or services you are selling)

2. Use the 3 headings (People, Planet, Profit) and discuss per the instructions. Specific examples of what you will do at your company are required.

Additional resources:

Check out these videos to see how the concept is applied at Honest Tea Company.  

  • “Dr. Woody Interviews Seth Goldman of HONEST Tea” (6 min 1 s)
  • How entrepreneurs can change society – the story of Honest Tea: Seth Goldman at TEDxMidAtlantic
Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at

Writers Solution

Donabedian, Juran, Deming, Triple Aim (IHI) – Berwick

Post your definition of quality, and apply it to the work of one major quality theorist (e.g., Donabedian, Juran, Deming, Triple Aim (IHI) – Berwick). Identify a practice problem that you have had some experience with as a customer or as a practitioner, and explain how eliminating wasteful practices could have improved the experience. Include how your definition of quality applies to that experience.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Your posts need to be written at the capstone level (see checklist).

Notes for Initial Post: A 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old).