Writers Solution

Three-year-old Tommy is crying and upset because he can’t draw a truck like Sam’s.


Format: APA writing style, sources cited in APA format

Margins: 1” all sides

Headings: Bold

Times New Roman, 12 point

No page numbers

No headers or footers

* Response must be 4 pages minimum

Let’s say you have been reflecting on your first few weeks as a preschool teacher. You often find yourself asking yourself things like, “Is this child just grumpy, or is there something more going on?” “Why aren’t the children cooperating?” “How can I manage this negative behavior that is occurring? Is there something more I can do?” With that in mind, consider the scenarios in Part A and Part B.

Part A

Three-year-old Tommy is crying and upset because he can’t draw a truck like Sam’s.

For this scenario

· Determine the cause of the behavior. Provide one (1) supporting fact to justify your answer, citing your source.

· Develop a guidance approach that you might use to address the cause of the behavior. Provide one (1) supporting fact to justify your approach, citing your source.

Part B

The block area is a popular area within the classroom. By the time clean-up arrives, nearly every block is on the floor. As clean-up is announced, children move to other areas, refusing to assist in clean-up of blocks.

For this scenario, describe

· two (2) possible causes

· two (2) possible guidance strategies. Justify your strategies.
