Writers Solution

The problem of mass incarceration among people of color in the United States.

Topic: The problem of mass incarceration among people of color in the United States.
Applied Research Proposal
You began your research proposal in Unit 2 and Unit 3, when you completed the first drafts of the Problem Statement and Literature Review. Now it is time to complete an abbreviated version of a formal research proposal on your criminal justice issue and submit it. The following structure (and page counts) can be used to guide the development of your Applied Research Proposal.
The length of the final research proposal should be 9–12 pages long (not including title page, reference section, or appendices), double-spaced, and use APA formatting. Each proposal should have a title page with: name, date, course, term, title, running head; using APA format.
Your proposal should include the following headings and subheadings (minimum page counts are provided in parentheses):
I. Proposal Timeline: Using the percentages mentioned in the unit Reading, create a timeline (with actual dates) for the completion of each step in your proposed study.
II. Introduction (1 page): This would be an edited version of the introduction you completed from the Unit 3 Assignment.
III. Problem Statement (1–2 paragraphs): Insert the problem statement that you created earlier in this course. Make sure you make corrections or revisions, as needed.
IV. Literature Review (3–4 pages): Again, insert the literature review that you completed earlier in this course, after making any necessary corrections or revisions, following feedback from your professor.
V. Methods (4–5 pages): Outline how you would propose to conduct your applied research study.
Make sure to address the following items:
• Main concepts to be studied (e.g., substance abuse treatment and recidivism).
• Conceptual and operational definitions for your primary study variables. For example, you might conceptualize recidivism as re-offending following completion of a substance abuse treatment program; and you might operationalize recidivism as any conviction for a crime occurring within one year of program completion.
• Research hypothesis/questions that the applied study would address/answer were it to be conducted.
• Sampling design or strategy for your study. Explain how you would identify members of the population and how you would select the study sample.
• Research design. Will the data be quantitative, qualitative, or both? Would the study involve: experimental design, quasi-experimental design, process evaluation design, outcome evaluation design, cross-sectional or longitudinal design, etc.? Explain the rationale for your selections.
• Data collection. How would you collect the data? Would you use quantitative surveys/questionnaires, qualitative interviews, participant observation, focus groups, and/or secondary data, for example? Discuss any data collection tools you would use, including examples of questions you might ask or data fields that you might collect.
• Ethical considerations. Describe how you would ensure the protection of any human subjects and confidentiality of data for your proposed study.
VI. Conclusion (1 page): Provide a summary of the problem and plan for studying the issue, emphasizing why the research is important and what would be accomplished were the proposed study to be conducted.
Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English. Use examples to support your discussion. Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format.

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The Problem of Mass Incarceration among People of Color in the United States

University Affiliation




            The United States is one of the leading countries in the world with the highest number of people under the prison system. When compared with other developed countries such as the UK, Australia, Germany, and France, the United States still exhibit high incarceration rates. Recent studies indicated that historians have joined the disturbed groups of politicians, activists, journalists, attorneys and social scientists who have to acknowledge and recognized mass incarceration as one of the growing concerns (Lichtenstein, 2015). The number of youthful people entering prison has continued to surge despite the efforts put in place by the federal and state governments to minimize the number through proportional and community services. The surging number has a detrimental effect on the overall society because both governments spend a lot of taxpayers’ money to house the inmates. Although the problem of mass incarceration has created many concerns, one of the significant issues is the disproportionate impact the mass incarceration has had on the different racial groups in the country. Numerous studies that have been undertaken in the United States prisons have revealed that the people of color are the most affected. According to (Lichtenstein, 2015) though the people of color have experienced higher incarceration rates above their proportion in the society, the rates has worsened over time. The people of color continue to be incarcerated for minor crimes, which would attract bail and community service. The disproportionate incarceration rates among the people of color have negative implications………. mass incarceration among people of color…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

The problem of mass incarceration among people of color in the United States

Topic 2: Reflection: Applied Research Proposal
Now that you are near the end of the course, you will discuss your Applied Research Proposal. Answer the questions below.
• What have you learned about applied research?
• Do you feel that you could implement your plan? Why or why not?
• Do you have specific questions about data collection, ethics, or other issues? Now is the time to raise them and get suggestions and answers from your instructor and other students.

Research Topic: The problem of mass incarceration among people of color in the United States





Reflection on Applied Research

Student Name

University Affiliation

Reflection on Applied Research

            The practice of criminal justice is based on criminological theory. Theories are statements which seek to make sense of the real world. The criminal justice researchers often seek to prove that a theory is valid. Therefore, the criminal justice research remains a critical component of the criminal justice. The study of the applied research that has been undertaken has proved to be informative, providing invaluable lessons that would be applied later in my criminal justice system career. In the course, several concepts and strategies of the applied research have been learned.

            The major concepts that have been learned and have proven useful include conceptualization, operationalization, variables, hypothesis, problem statement, and critique of literature review. Since criminal justice is grounded on theories, conceptualization as basis of theories, will be critical in introducing, communicating, and in the classification of ideas and thoughts. Operationalization will be important in the conceptualization process in describing how a concept will be measured in applied research endeavors.  The knowledge in hypothesis development, statement of problem, determination of research variables, and critique of literature provided invaluable information that would be critical in performing a through criminal justice research process. All the concepts are not only important in applied research but have provided important knowledge that would allow the development of criminal justice research proposal, which would facilitate successful research.             The applied research learning process has been informative and I now feel ready to apply them. The criminal justice applied research course has………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Writers Solution

The problem of mass incarceration among people of color in the United States.

Topic: The problem of mass incarceration among people of color in the United States.
Applied Research Proposal
You began your research proposal in Unit 2 and Unit 3, when you completed the first drafts of the Problem Statement and Literature Review. Now it is time to complete an abbreviated version of a formal research proposal on your criminal justice issue and submit it. The following structure (and page counts) can be used to guide the development of your Applied Research Proposal.
The length of the final research proposal should be 9–12 pages long (not including title page, reference section, or appendices), double-spaced, and use APA formatting. Each proposal should have a title page with: name, date, course, term, title, running head; using APA format.
Your proposal should include the following headings and subheadings (minimum page counts are provided in parentheses):
I. Proposal Timeline: Using the percentages mentioned in the unit Reading, create a timeline (with actual dates) for the completion of each step in your proposed study.
II. Introduction (1 page): This would be an edited version of the introduction you completed from the Unit 3 Assignment.
III. Problem Statement (1–2 paragraphs): Insert the problem statement that you created earlier in this course. Make sure you make corrections or revisions, as needed.
IV. Literature Review (3–4 pages): Again, insert the literature review that you completed earlier in this course, after making any necessary corrections or revisions, following feedback from your professor.
V. Methods (4–5 pages): Outline how you would propose to conduct your applied research study.
Make sure to address the following items:
• Main concepts to be studied (e.g., substance abuse treatment and recidivism).
• Conceptual and operational definitions for your primary study variables. For example, you might conceptualize recidivism as re-offending following completion of a substance abuse treatment program; and you might operationalize recidivism as any conviction for a crime occurring within one year of program completion.
• Research hypothesis/questions that the applied study would address/answer were it to be conducted.
• Sampling design or strategy for your study. Explain how you would identify members of the population and how you would select the study sample.
• Research design. Will the data be quantitative, qualitative, or both? Would the study involve: experimental design, quasi-experimental design, process evaluation design, outcome evaluation design, cross-sectional or longitudinal design, etc.? Explain the rationale for your selections.
• Data collection. How would you collect the data? Would you use quantitative surveys/questionnaires, qualitative interviews, participant observation, focus groups, and/or secondary data, for example? Discuss any data collection tools you would use, including examples of questions you might ask or data fields that you might collect.
• Ethical considerations. Describe how you would ensure the protection of any human subjects and confidentiality of data for your proposed study.
VI. Conclusion (1 page): Provide a summary of the problem and plan for studying the issue, emphasizing why the research is important and what would be accomplished were the proposed study to be conducted.
Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English. Use examples to support your discussion. Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format.





The Problem of Mass Incarceration among People of Color in the United States

Mario Magsby

University Affiliation



March 7, 2019


            The United States is one of the leading countries in the world with the highest number of people under the prison system. When compared with other developed countries such as the UK, Australia, Germany, and France, the United States still exhibit high incarceration rates. Recent studies indicated that historians have joined the disturbed groups of politicians, activists, journalists, attorneys and social scientists who have to acknowledge and recognized mass incarceration as one of the growing concerns (Lichtenstein, 2015). The number of youthful people entering prison has continued to surge despite the efforts put in place by the federal and state governments to minimize the number through proportional and community services. The surging number has a detrimental effect on the overall society because both governments spend a lot of taxpayers’ money to house the inmates. Although the problem of mass incarceration has created many concerns, one of the significant issues is the disproportionate impact the mass incarceration has had on the different racial groups in the country.

            Numerous studies that have been undertaken in the United States prisons have revealed that the people of color are the most affected. According to (Lichtenstein, 2015) though the people of color have experienced higher incarceration rates above their proportion in the society, the rates has worsened over time. The people of color continue to be incarcerated for minor crimes, which would attract bail and community service. The disproportionate incarceration rates among the people of color have negative implications, which include the breakdown of social status and economic impact on the affected families since most of the incarcerated individuals are young productive people.

Problem Statement             Mass incarceration is associated with negative economic and……………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Writers Solution

The problem of mass incarceration among people of color in the United States

Topic 2: Reflection: Applied Research Proposal
Now that you are near the end of the course, you will discuss your Applied Research Proposal. Answer the questions below.
• What have you learned about applied research?
• Do you feel that you could implement your plan? Why or why not?
• Do you have specific questions about data collection, ethics, or other issues? Now is the time to raise them and get suggestions and answers from your instructor and other students.

Research Topic: The problem of mass incarceration among people of color in the United States





Reflection on Applied Research

Student Name

University Affiliation

Reflection on Applied Research

            The practice of criminal justice is based on criminological theory. Theories are statements which seek to make sense of the real world. The criminal justice researchers often seek to prove that a theory is valid. Therefore, the criminal justice research remains a critical component of the criminal justice. The study of the applied research that has been undertaken has proved to be informative, providing invaluable lessons that would be applied later in my criminal justice system career. In the course, several concepts and strategies of the applied research have been learned.

            The major concepts that have been learned and have proven useful include conceptualization, operationalization, variables, hypothesis, problem statement, and critique of literature review. Since criminal justice is grounded on theories, conceptualization as basis of theories, will be critical in introducing, communicating, and in the classification of ideas and thoughts. Operationalization will be important in the conceptualization process in describing how a concept will be measured in applied research endeavors.  The knowledge in hypothesis development, statement of problem, determination of research variables, and critique of literature provided invaluable information that would be critical in performing a through criminal justice research process. All the concepts are not only important in applied research but have provided important knowledge that would allow the development of criminal justice research proposal, which would facilitate successful research.             The applied research learning process has been informative……………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Writers Solution

Prison Population is increasing in the United States

In this Assignment you will have an opportunity to explore reasons why the prison population is increasing in the United States, and what this means for the corrections system. You will look specifically at the intended and unintended consequences of sentencing laws in terms of incarceration rates.
Write a 1,300 – 1,600 word essay analyzing the increase in prison populations in the United States.
Explain how the following have affected the incarceration rate in the United States.





Why the Prison Population is increasing in the United States

 (Name of the Student)

(Name of the University)

(Name of the Professor)


Why the Prison Population is increasing in the United States

            The United States prison population has been increasing over the past 40 years. According to (Phelps, 2016) the United States witnessed a change in its criminal justice policy that has witnessed what the author terms as mass incarceration.  The decision has had profound effects on the prison populations in the country, resulting in more people being sent to state and federal prisons. That in 1981 the United States federal prison population stood at just less than 24,000 prisoners, is hard to believe given the current number which stands at millions. According to (Fairweather & McConville, 2013) the United States prison population has been on the rise since 1981, leading to an increase in overcrowding rates. By 2006, the number of prisoners in the federal prisons had reached over 2.3 million, with the current number as of 2016 standing at an estimated 6,613,500 (Kaeble, Glaze, Tsoutis & Minton, 2016). This tremendous growth in the number of people under prison supervision has been affected by factors such as truth in sentencing, determinate sentencing, states abolishing parole, and sentencing guidelines. The paper will focus on how these four factors have affected the prison population growth rate in the United States.

Truth-in-Sentencing             The prison population in the United States is considered one of the highest among the developed countries in the world. In the last 40 years, the country has been regarded as having been in what (Spohn, 2014) referred to as unprecedented” imprisonment binge”. However, the author asserts that in reality, the increase in the prison population in the country’s federal prisons is not directly linked with the crime rates. As a matter of fact, one would expect that increasing prison population is as a result of increased incarceration due to increased crime rates. Rather, Spohn points that the crimes rates in the United States……………………………………………………………………………………………………


ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED AT https://capitalessaywriting.comNO PLAGIARISM

• Truth in sentencing
• Determinate sentencing
• States abolishing parole
• Sentencing guidelines
Include a minimum of two references other than your classroom reading materials.
Include a title page and reference page.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Writers Solution

You are the emergency manager in a city with a population of 250,000 in the northeastern United State

You are the emergency manager in a city with a population of 250,000 in the northeastern United States. The fire chief has asked you to draft a brief research paper for the new fire service recruits explaining critical infrastructure. He wants you to focus specifically on the key assets that the fire service recruits may deal with during their fire service careers.
those critical infrastructure sectors and key assets that are of direct concern to the fire service. Of the assets you highlighted, which 3 assets are fire service personnel most likely to encounter during the course of their career? Explain.
Which of the 16 critical infrastructure and key resource (CIKR) sectors are of the most concern to the fire service?For each of the sectors of most concern to the fire service, identify 3 associated assets, and describe each asset.Out of all the assets identified, which 3 are fire service personnel most likely to encounter during the course of their career? Explain.Please submit your assignment.






Criminology: Understanding Critical Infrastructure 2

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

February 9th 2021

The Key Assets That the Fire Service Recruits May Deal With During Their Fire Service Careers

            Although the term infrastructure has been evolutionary, it can be defined as the array of public equipment and facilities used to provide social services and support the economic activities of the private sector (Department of Homeland Security, 2015). The increasing threats of terrorism and other natural disasters like fire prompted the federal policy makers into defining the key or critical infrastructures. According to the United States executive order the critical infrastructures include;

  • Telecommunication network
  • Electrical power system
  • Gas storage and oil storage
  • Transportation
  • Commercial facilities sector
  • Water supply system
  • Medical services
  • Rescue services
  • Defense and Industrial bases
  • Critical manufacturing
  • Food and agriculture
  • Government facilities
  • Dams
  • Chemical sector
  • Nuclear reactors, materials and waste
  • Water and wastewater systems

The vital infrastructures are important for the continuation of service provision and the economic growth (George, 2008). However, not all of the……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

The move to an all-volunteer military in the United States in 1973 resulted in a more educated and professionalized force

 1. The move to an all-volunteer military in the United States in 1973 resulted in a more educated and professionalized force. However, the nation has used the draft in the past, and some countries require military service of all citizens. Think of at least one argument for and against each approach.

2. If North Korea does not comply with the current U.S. demands, what will the consequence be for that nation? What have the consequences been in the past? Have they been effective?

3.In the past 10 years, what has caused the dramatic escalation of student loan debt? If you have student loans, what specific plans do you have for paying them back? 
Assignment status
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Writers Solution

The move to an all-volunteer military in the United States in 1973 resulted in a more educated and professionalized force.

 1. The move to an all-volunteer military in the United States in 1973 resulted in a more educated and professionalized force. However, the nation has used the draft in the past, and some countries require military service of all citizens. Think of at least one argument for and against each approach.

2. If North Korea does not comply with the current U.S. demands, what will the consequence be for that nation? What have the consequences been in the past? Have they been effective?

3.In the past 10 years, what has caused the dramatic escalation of student loan debt? If you have student loans, what specific plans do you have for paying them back?

Writers Solution

The United States has a long history of blocking certain Americans from voting.

 The United States has a long history of blocking certain Americans from voting. Voter suppression began at the founding of this nation when the right to vote in most states was limited to white male property owners. Non-whites, women, and the non-property-owning poor were excluded. 

There are three primary forms of state-sponsored voter suppression: The first makes it harder for people to register to vote. The second makes it harder for people to get to the polls. The third manipulates precinct boundaries to dilute or concentrate the vote for one party. There are also illegal voter suppression activities, like the destruction of voter registration cards.

Voter registration suppression examples include:

  • Stricter voter ID laws such as accepting only certain      kinds of IDs, requiring certain kinds of documentation to get IDs,      and requiring certain kinds of photos
  • Residency requirements and address requirements
  • “Intention to stay” requirements
  • Restrictions on voter registration drives
  • Elimination of Election Day voter registration
  • Voter purges (when eligible voters are removed from voter      rolls improperly, often without notice to voters)
  • Felony disenfranchisement

Voting barrier examples include:

  • Closing polling stations. For example, between 2012 and      2018, 8% of voting precincts in Georgia were closed      and 40% of voting precincts were relocated in the state, preventing      between 54,000 to 85,000 voters from voting on Election Day in 2018
  • Barriers related to disability
  • Voter intimidation      tactics like armed observers at polling places
  • Long lines at voting places

Knowing what you now know about voter suppression:

  1. How has voter suppression affected the current presidential      election?
  2. How has the current presidential administration use voter      suppression as a means to win political tactic?
  3. How would you counter voter suppression within your own      communities?
  4. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
Writers Solution

The United States of America and the International Criminal Court (Links to an external

 Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read The United States of America and the International Criminal Court (Links to an external site.),

 Between cosmopolitan and American democracy: Understanding US opposition to the International Criminal Court,

and pages 477-480 and 483 of the Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology (Links to an external site.).

The United States has refused to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) since its inception. The issue of the United States’ reluctance to join the ICC continues to be a matter of international debate. This week’s assignment requires you to take a position on whether or not the United States should formally join, and accept the jurisdiction of, the International Criminal Court. Avoid notions of jingoism, and examine the international community and the responsibilities of the United States as an international actor in both civilian and military affairs. Make sure to explain the consequences of not joining or a decision to join the ICC.

In your paper,

  • Assess the purpose and function of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  • Explain why the United States has not joined the ICC.
  • Examine the pros and cons for the United States to be a member of the ICC.
  • Construct an argument proposing the United States should join or continue to not be a part of the ICC.
    • Provide sound reasoning for your opinions.
    • Examine not just the United States’ reasons for not joining the ICC, but also various international perspectives about the leading military power in the world’s decision not to join this criminal law court.
  • Explain the ramifications of the opinion that you advance to the United States and the international community.

The International Criminal Law paper: