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The United States Department of Agriculture website


This unit examined the role of costs and prices in decision-making. For this assignment, you will answer a series of questions in the form of an essay. Support your answers with research from peer-reviewed journal articles (2015-2020 references/sources if possible).
Research elasticity information for two particular goods: one with elastic demand and one with inelastic demand. Using elasticity information you gather, predict changes in demand. The United States Department of Agriculture website has a good resource to help with this.
Describe how marginal analysis, by avoiding sunk costs, leads to better pricing decisions.
Explain the importance of opportunity costs to decision-making and how opportunity costs lead to a trade.
Evaluate how better business decisions can benefit not just the producer but the consumer and society as a whole. In your evaluation, contrast the deontology and consequentialism approaches to ethics.
Your essay must be at least three pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least four peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your essay, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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What can we, as citizens of the United States, do about this? Is taking action against injustices our responsibility as citizens? Should it be?

  • Part 1In this unit, you have learned about human rights. What can we, as citizens of the United States, do about this? Is taking action against injustices our responsibility as citizens? Should it be?For this activity, you will be exploring these difficult questions. In Part 1 of this activity, you will analyze how citizen participation can help achieve political and social change, specifically the treatment of women. You will need to find two different examples of e-mail campaigns, boycotts, blogs, podcasts, protests, demonstrations, or letters to editors in which the sole purpose has been to change the treatment and role of women in the United States. Next, you will analyze how effective or ineffective these efforts have been.Use the following questions to guide your research and record your answers.
    1. What is one example of citizen participation that has aimed to change the role and/or treatment of women? Describe this example.
    2. Analyze and explain how effective this example was in changing the treatment of women.
    3. What is another example of citizen participation that has aimed to change the role and/or treatment of women? Describe this example.
    4. Analyze and explain how effective this example was in changing the treatment of women.Part 2For Part 2 of this activity, you will be exploring the roles of citizens on the local, state, and federal level. Do you feel that being an active participant in the equality of women (or any people for that matter) is the responsibility of citizens?Though many people would answer ‘yes’ to this question, it is not a mandatory responsibility for citizens. But, what are the mandatory responsibilities of citizens?Visit the suggested websites (or any others that you find useful) and fill in the chart below separating the responsibilities of citizens into either local, state, or federal. Find at least four for each column. Be sure to indicate if each responsibility is Mandatory or Voluntary (note that some responsibilities may fall into more than one category).Suggested Websites:
Writers Solution

Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States

 Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce.

Scenario Information

You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diversity areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources.

Diversity Areas (Select one, and continue to use for all modules)

  • Race


As the Director of Human Resources, the CEO and other executive leaders have requested you to design a training session on “Best Practices” for managers on diversity in the workplace. You will need to create a presentation to be included in your company’s online training platform. In your training guidelines, you will want to address the following areas:

  1. Introduce diversity importance to managers.
  2. Assess some common mistakes or problems that may happen if management of diversity is not used.
  3. Provide suggestions for best practices managers can take away from the training.
  4. Conclude your training.

Grading RubricFFCBA01234Not SubmittedNo PassCompetenceProficiencyMasteryNot SubmittedIntroduction did not summarize or stress the importance of the diversity training program.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program using clear examples.Introduction included overview and importance of diversity training program using clear examples and a well-defined synopsis of the presentation.Not SubmittedUnclear discussion on common mistakes managers could face if diversity is not addressed.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed using clear examples.Discussed common mistakes or problems managers could face if diversity is not addressed using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedUnclear discussion on best practices for management.Provided best practices for managers.Provided best practices for managers using clear examples.Provided best practices for managers using clear examples and well-defined reasons.Not SubmittedNo noticeable attempts to summarize or conclude the presentation.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers using clear examples.Conclusion summarized the importance of diversity planning for managers using clear examples and demonstrated an understanding of best practices for management

Writers Solution

Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States.

You must write an essay (500 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics:

The fundamental values that inform how are democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States.

  1. Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.

Those ideals and principles are discussed in the first and second chapters of your textbook. You can also visit the following websites to read the original document in which these fundamental values were first stated and how they were later incorporated in the American Constitution:

  1. Identify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on our society.

The history of the United States has been marked by the progressive expansion of voting rights and the protection of its citizens through legislation and Supreme Court decisions. At the same time, executive orders, particularly in periods of crisis led to the violation of individual rights. Throughout this module these issues are covered. In chapters 3 and 4 you will find the information you need to answer this question. You are also encouraged to visit the following websites for further details.

Instructions on Writing Your Essay:

All essays must be written using proper English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Four (4) points will be deducted for each spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation error. Work that contains more than five (5) spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation errors; or work that does not meet the minimum number of words required will receive a grade of F (No points).

Essays are automatically submitted to SafeAssign. Work that SafeAssign identifies as having more than a 10% rate of similarity (plariarism) after quoted material and small matches (10 words or less) are excluded will not be read and will received a grade of F (No points)Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at CapitalEssayWriting.comCLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT

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United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari (refused to review the lower court’s ruling) in the case of Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., 804 F. 3d 202 – Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2015.

The United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari (refused to review the lower court’s ruling) in the case of Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., 804 F. 3d 202 – Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2015.

Tell me what you would do if you were the Supreme Court.

That case let stand the ruling of the Court of Appeals which can be found at the following website:  last accessed February 9, 2019.

Writers Solution

The United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari

On April 18, 2016, The United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari (refused to review the lower court’s ruling) in the case of Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., 804 F. 3d 202 – Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2015.

Tell me what you would do if you were the Supreme Court.

That case let stand the ruling of the Court of Appeals which can be found at the following website:

Please write a 500-word summary of fair use as this court decision says it. In APA format with citations and references must.