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Using Bongo, record a video that is 3 to 5 minutes long

Module One Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric


In this course, the Learner-Faculty Connect video assignment will be used for reflection as well as to discuss your preparedness for upcoming weeks. This is a private conversation between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to deeply explore the concepts presented.


In this mentor-focused video check-in, you will look at the project scenario for MBA 540 and have an asynchronous discussion with your instructor regarding any initial concerns about the project scenario and the course project submission due in Module Nine. Review the course infographic to review the course structure and check when each of the three milestones, which pave the path to the project, is due.

As you record the video in the Bongo Q&A tool, consider the criteria listed in this assignment.

You are highly encouraged to continue reaching out to your instructor so any concerns and questions are addressed prior to when Milestone One is due. Discuss your progress and these concerns with your instructor through this video submission.

Record a short video sharing your expectations and understanding of the MBA 540 project. Address the following criteria:

  1. Identify any initial questions or concerns you have regarding:
  2. In preparation for the upcoming milestones, address the following:

If you have any additional questions or require additional support from your instructor, let your instructor know either in this video or through an alternative format.

What to Submit

Using Bongo, record a video that is 3 to 5 minutes long. 

If you are not able to record a video, submit this assignment in an alternate format, such as a 1- to 2-page Word document or a 1- to 2-slide PowerPoint presentation.

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Using rhetorical theory as a frame for textual analysis

Below is the source,

Purpose of the Assignment: To practice using rhetorical theory as a frame for textual analysis. To practice using rhetorical theory to find the intent and exigence in sources.

Intended Audience: Classmates. Instructor. Writing Teachers. Individuals interested learning more about writing and rhetorical theory.

Assignment Description: *NOTE: It’s a good idea to print this out and keep it nearby as you work on this assignment. There is a lot of information in here that will be directly helpful to you as you work through the process.

Step 1: Locate a text, and remember that a text is a broad term in this assignment, and identify and analyze the rhetorical situation of that text. A text can be defined broadly, but for this assignment, you’re going to choose from either of these two categories:

a) choose an assignment that you were given by your teacher or professor in a class that you have taken within the past six months. You must have the original document that came with the assignment and supporting materials such as the class description, the class syllabus, and other information about the context within which you received the assignment.

b) choose a written communication that you directly composed for professional or personal reasons in order to solve a problem. This text must be significant. It could be the text you wrote about for the Writing to Solve Problems assignment if that seems like it will provide enough substance and interest for you to analyze. By significant, I mean that you had to go through multiple stages to get this text written and sent; it must have had a strong exigence (reason) and you had an important argument to make, and you went through stages of a process to compose and create it rather than simply writing it in a few minutes and sending it. Think carefully about this option.

c) if you can’t find an example within either of these categories, you must make an appointment with me to discuss an alternative option before beginning your writing process for this assignment.

You have to have an authentic copy of your text for this assignment; this constraint will factor in to your choice of a topic. You’re going to need to attach the text to the end of your assignment so that your reader can refer to it as they read your analysis, so make sure you have a copy of it that is shareable and that you have permission to share. Work e-mails can be sensitive, for example, so if you chose that option, then do what you need to do and consult whom you need to make sure it’s shareable. If it’s too difficult, then it would probably be best to choose a different text. 

Think about the text you intend to use for this assignment and make sure you fully understand how to apply the theory of the rhetorical situation to that text.  Don’t choose a text that is too difficult to analyze or has very little content or substance. Choose a text wisely, and make sure the text you choose has plenty of rhetorical content to address and examine so you can demonstrate your knowledge of rhetorical situations in the paper. Watch this video by Kyle Steadman to help you understand what rhetorical analysis is and how it works:

Step 2: Now create rhetorical data to examine and use to write the paper. This will take some time. Use the following questions to help you generate content for the analysis. The goal is to learn as much as possible about the details of the text before writing the paper. 

  1. What is the exigence and purpose for the text? Why was it made? What is the text reacting to?
  2. What is the main argument the text is trying to make? Where is the argument set up and established in the text?
  3. Who are the intended audience(s) for the text? How do you know these are the audiences?
  4. Who stands to gain something from the arguments and information in the text and who does not stand to gain? Why?
  5. Who are all the rhetors responsible for making the text? The writer, sure, but what about the academic department, the educational institution who created the requirements and learning outcomes for the class? Or if it’s yourself writing an e-mail, for example, did you have anyone else look at it before you sent it? Was it critiqued by anyone else? Try to identify all of the individuals responsible for shaping the text. Those are the rhetors. There can be a main rhetor, but there are always contributors to a text.
  6. Does the text have a picture or image? Who made the image(s)?
  7. What types of constraints existed for the rhetors?
  8. What deadlines and limitations did they face? How did that limit the text?
  9. What advantages did they have? Did they have a strict timeline to work around?
  10. Did they only get to use a certain amount of words, pages, or images? How did these issues constrain the work?

The answers to the questions above will serve as a way to collect rhetorical data. The more complete and comprehensive the answers to those questions are, the more rhetorical data you have to examine and analyze for this assignment.

Step 3: Once you’ve answered some of these questions, start to shape a central statement about what you’ve learned. Use the “Backpacks and Briefcases” article to set up terms and ideas and to support and elaborate on your rhetorical analysis. Collect quotes from “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that connect to your own ideas in your paper and that you can use as support for your ideas in your paper, like you are having a conversation with the author Laura Bolin Carroll in your paper.

To craft your thesis statement, think about this questions:

What did the rhetorical information you collected about the text teach you?

What did you learn about the text after examining its rhetorical data? You looked at the text rhetorically. How did that frame for examining a text provide you a different perspective of the text?

What did you learn about the text from studying is rhetorical components? How did rhetorical theory help you see below the surface of the text?

Step 4: Draft your paper. In your own words, tell us how the text is rhetorically situated using your data and the articles from the course about rhetorical situations. The final assignment must be 750-1000 words and follow a citation format like MLA or APA carefully and accurately. Please use a handbook or Purdue Owl (Links to an external site.) to guide you. 

Here is a general guide for organizing your paper:

Introduction: Give us some background about your text. What is it, why did you choose it for this assignment as an example of a rhetorical situation? End the introduction with a thesis statement that synthesizes all of the elements of the rhetorical situation into a clear analysis. The thesis statement should be the answer to a question, or a combination of the questions above–in general, how did you come to see this text differently by using the concepts of rhetorical situations to analyze it? Your thesis statement must be a single sentence.

Body: Write several paragraphs. You can write one paragraph about each of the elements of the rhetorical situation, starting with the exigence and argument, audience, rhetors, constraints. Use the questions above to help you fill in the details. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph, which includes the topic of the paragraph and what you’re going to teach us about that topic in the paragraph. The topic sentence has a direct relationship to the thesis. You can think of it as a leg that the thesis is standing on. The body of the essay breaks up the big idea/central statement/thesis statement into smaller, digestible parts that each get their own paragraph. Each paragraph speaks for one part of the thesis. That should be very clear in the paragraph. It takes multiple revisions to get it as clear as possible, so expect to keep reading and re-reading your drafts as you work on this assignment to try and make this connection as clear and obvious as possible for your reader.

Then, after the topic sentence, introduce your idea in your own words; bring in an example from your text that illustrates this idea; explain what this example means and how it connects to your idea, in your own words. Then bring in a quotation or paraphrase from “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that is in conversation with your idea. Introduce that quote or paraphrase in your own words, with a signal phrase like “Carroll states in “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that [insert quote or paraphrase here] (page # from the article where the quote appears). Then explain in your own words how that quote relates to your idea.

Finish the paragraph with a sentence that reminds us what you wanted us to learn in this paragraph! That’s a sentence like the topic sentence, only it’s even clearer and uses different words.

Conclusion: Summarize your main points from the paper again in new words. Restate your thesis in new words. What should we take away from this paper and keep thinking about? This can be a recommendation, a prediction, or an opinion about the big idea of your text.

Works Cited: You’ll need to include MLA or APA* citations for Laura Bolin Carroll’s article as well as your own text. I don’t think you’ll be needing any other citations for this paper, but if anything comes up, I’ll be sure to announce ti.

Your text: copy and paste the text into the last pages of your paper.

* If you have a good working knowledge of how to use MLA or APA or a strong preference for either one, you may use it. If you are new to these style formats and citation, please use MLA for this paper, which I am providing examples of. I’m happy to help with citation and formatting, and you should also make an appointment at the TCC Writing & Tutoring Center to go over your paper and get additional help if you think you need it.

Look over some of these examples for the assignment: 

  • Links to an external site.
  • Example Paper #2
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Describe your recent experiences in the BA in Organizational Leadership program using contractions and first and second persons in writing your academic papers.  

PART 1- WRITING DISCUSSION Module 1 – (SHEILA)- Use of Contractions & First & Second Persons in Formal Writing

·         Describe your recent experiences in the BA in Organizational Leadership program using contractions and first and second persons in writing your academic papers.  

·         Did you consistently write your academic and research papers using what is considered “formal writing”? That is, writing completely in the third person and without contractions.  

·         Did every professor demand and expect your papers to be written using “formal writing”.  Discuss the experience.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your initial post should be at least 150 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

PART 2- DISCUSSION Module 1 – (SHEILA)- The Nature of Competitive Rivalry 

Given the nature of competitive rivalry prevailing in the marketplace:

What strategies, resources, and competitive capabilities must your organization have to be successful?

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your initial post should be at least 150 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

PART 3- ASSIGNMENT Module 1- (SHEILA)- Strategic Planning

Describe the strategic planning process and explain the importance of strategic planning.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Assignment should be 2 pages, formatted and cited in current APA style, and incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

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Make the data look professional by using formatting options such as borders and table styles to place the data into a table.

  • Microsoft Excel

You will analyze the data you collected and provided in your assignment last week. As you are working on each of the steps below, think about the analysis that you will provide to the research team. Follow the steps below to complete this analysis.

  1. Copy the file you created in week 5 and rename the new one “YourName_COMP150_W6_Assignment”.
  2. Open the file and duplicate the sheet where the initial table and data were created
  3. Rename the new sheet as “sorting & filters” and move it to the right of the original sheet
    1. Make the data look professional by using formatting options such as borders and table styles to place the data into a table.
    2. Select one of the text-based data columns such as names, cities, or addresses and sort the data by Z to A.
    3. Create a custom filter to any part of the data except where you did the sort. For example, if you sorted by patient’s name, then filter another set of data.
  4. Duplicate the original sheet again and rename it as “conditional formatting”. Move it right after the “sorting & filters” sheet.
    1. Implement conditional formatting to any of the number-based data sets. For example, showing higher numbers in green, while showing lower numbers in red.
    2. Add an IF function and apply it to the entire set. For example, you could create a function that says if x number is higher than x number, then you are at risk. The purpose is to show how an IF function works so creativity it is permitted in how you use the function.
  5. Use the “conditional formatting” sheet to create a pivot table.
    1. The pivot table needs to be on its own sheet.
    2. The pivot table needs to be meaningful so make sure to select data that will make it clear for your analysis.
    3. The pivot table should have data selected on the columns, rows, and values fields. Make sure to consider the data when adding the values selection
  6. Create a minimum of two charts. Make sure to select the right chart that explains your analysis. Each chart should be on its own sheet and should have a title. Make sure the purpose of the chart is self-explanatory just by looking at it.
  7. Update the documentation sheet
    1. Update the date.
    2. Add all the new rows for the sheets created.
    3. Provide a brief written analysis for each of the new sheets. Explain what you want the research team to learn about each sheet.
  8. Review all the sheets to ensure it looks professional. Try to keep the same style, colors, and formatting, Make sure the file is named “YourName_COMP150_W6_Assignment” and submit the file




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research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience

Goal: Demonstrate the ability to create a final project that uses both research-based and personal content while using presentation software to communicate with an intended audience. 


During the first six-weeks you formulated a project plan, researched the content of the plan, and collected quality academic and non-academic sources. For the week 7 Final Project you will create a presentation (CO8) that builds upon the week 2 Project Plan and the week 4 Location and Access (Source Organization worksheet) that effectively communicates the knowledge you have gained during COMM120.

Please consider the following:

  • Presentation will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and properly formatted reference/work cited slide in the citation style of your degree program (APA, MLA, or Chicago).
  • Clear evidence that the topic was researched and expanded upon the week 2 Project Plan (CO2 & 5).
  • Presentation provides audience with information to increase their knowledge of the topic presented (CO1).
  • Presentation engages the audience by using elements such as images, graphs, and charts. Appropriate citations must be included.
  • Three (3) vetted credible sources. One (1) of the sources must be scholarly and from the library.
  • Appropriate length 7-9 slides.

If you have multimedia skills and want to add creative content to your presentation, please do! Try to add any of the following enhancements and as you do, think about how it will impact your presentation and improve communication with the intended audience.

  • Voice narration, closed captioning, script.
  • Appropriate background music (must be cited on reference page).
  • Creative use of slide animations and transitions.

After submitting your presentation, review your TurnItIn Originality Report. (Note: Review the individual flags, decide why that text is flagged, and make corrections as appropriate.). Please see the attached rubric for grading guidelines.

Note: The Week 7 Final Project is a presentation and be turned in as a PowerPoint, a Prezi, or a different type of presentation software. If you chose something other than PowerPoint, you have to do the following




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Using System-Monitoring Tools

Case Project 4-1: Using System-Monitoring Tools
 You recently became the server administrator for a company. As soon as you walked in the door, users were telling you the network is running slowly quite often, but they couldn’t tell you when it happened or how much it slowed down. What tests and measurements could you use to try to determine what’s going on?
Case Project 5-1: Deploying Remote Access
 You’re consulting for a company that uses Windows Server 2012 R2 servers in a domain environment. All computers are running Windows 8.1. You have been told to come up with a remote access solution for the company’s mobile workforce. Employees will be using company-issued laptops that they can use when they’re on the premises, too. The solution should provide access to the company network when employees have an Internet connection without them having to specifically initiate a connection. The solution should be secure and allow IT staff to perform maintenance tasks via Remote Desktop sessions on the laptops when they’re connected locally or remotely. What remote access solution do you recommend, and why? Are there any configuration options you should consider for this solution?
List the Case title, questions and answers.

Writing Requirements

  • 2-3 pages in length  (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • APA 6th edition, Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.
  • Please use the Case Study Guide as a reference point for writing your case study
Writers Solution

visual observations and CCD imaging using the 1-metre telescope at the Allan I

Moon Observations Assignment
The Moon is familiar to everyone. Its monthly cycle of phases are readily visible and the full Moon in particular is often a source of interest to the news media. The Moon is a source of interest of Science articles, poetry, epic fictional stories and movies.
In this exercise however, we will introduce you to the “real” Moon, revealing craters, plains of dried lava, phases, etc., through both direct visual observations and CCD imaging using the 1-metre telescope at the Allan I. Carswell Observatory (AICO). Remember, when visiting the Observatory to view the Moon, dress appropriately for the weather. The temperature in the dome at the telescope will be the ambient temperature outside.
Each student will receive 2 (digital) images of the Moon (taken at the AICO) to analyze.
Reserving an Observing date
The best time (or at least the most convenient) to view the Moon is arguably around first quarter phase.
Observing will (likely) be done with the 40 cm telescope of the AICO, accessible on the Arboretum Parking Arcade. (Renovations to the observatories domes over the summer will preclude observing with the 1-metre telescope.)
Note that you do not have to attend an observing session to complete the assignment. However, you do have the opportunity to observe the Moon in essentially a “private” (class) session so you are encouraged to take this opportunity.
Appropriate dates will be made available to the class for viewing on eClass. Obviously viewing is weather dependent and thus several nights in June and July will be available for sign-up. Observing will begin normally between 8 and 9:00 PM on the dates available and conclude around an hour later. A viewing session will run no more than an hour (normally much less). If you sign up for a session and it is clear, please proceed to the observing location where staff will conduct the Observing session. Each session starts promptly at the time specified.
Please note that only 15 students will be allowed in each observing session to minimize wait time and maximize your enjoyment. Book early!
In-person Moon Observing
Upon arrival at the telescope, you will be given a quick summary of the telescope operation (including the all-important focusing process). You will then be given the opportunity to observe the Moon under low magnification. Think of this as a “Galileo moment”! Pay close attention to the variety of surface features and the roughness of the terrain especially near the terminator. For those interested in attempting a cell phone image, ask the staff about this possibility. (No guarantee on the success of such a photograph but many good images have been taken.)
Assignment Requirements

  1. Record the date and time of the Moon images you are provided. (1 mark)
  2. Determine what the date of the last New Moon was prior to your Observing Session. (1 mark)
  3. How “old” was the Moon (a number of days since the previous new Moon) on the date of your Observing session and what was its lunar phase? (1 mark)
  4. Print your (PDF) images of the Moon sent to you following your Observing session. (I recommend to use a “Landscape” printing option.) Alternately to printing, use a program that will allow you to “mark up” the images. From your CCD images, identify and name three natural features. Mark the relocations on your CCD images. These can be mountains, craters, seas, etc. At least one of these features must be a crater. You will need to research lunar maps and features. (3 mark)
  5. Name and identify where on your image one spacecraft mission from any nation resides. This can include a controlled landing or a crash site. Again, research will be required to identify such a location. (1 mark)
  6. Once identified, briefly summarize (a couple of sentences each) the pertinent information about all four features such as their size, formation, date of impact, etc. (4 mark)
  7. Mark on both the CCD images the cardinal directions (North, South, etc.) (1 mark)
  8. Measure carefully in millimeters your identified crater from 4 above. Knowing its true size in kilometres, determine the scale of your image in kilometres per milimetre. Show your working. (2 mark)
  9. Look up the average diameter of the Moon in kilometres. With your scale from 8 above, what would be the diameter of a lunar image in milimetres? (2 mark)
  10. Inspect each of your two images. Decide where the least and the most heavily cratered sections on the images are located. Draw two, 5 cm boxes encompassing these two sections being sure not to include any portion of the terminator or limb. Carefully count the total number of craters
    (ALL sizes) within each of the boxes and record the numbers. (2 mark)
  11. What does the difference in the number of craters in each box suggest to you? Explain your reasoning. (2 mark)
  12. Be sure to include the references you have used to locate and describe your lunar features. (1 mark)
    Submission of the Assignment
    On the course eClass website, you need to submit the responses to the above 12 questions along with the annotated lunar images you have used. The cover page should include your name, student number, course (PHYS 1470) and the date. Submit the assignment in a PDF format only. (You are permitted to include lunar images in a variety of picture formats.)
Writers Solution

What method are you using to help you schedule your priorities?

Create one to two paragraphs describing an important topic you studied in this course and how it will help you to be a successful student in your future classes. Answer the following:

  • What method are you using to help you schedule your priorities? Is it working? Why or why not?
  • Have you been able to deal with stress in a positive way? Explain why or why not.
  • Do you need to make adjustments to your time management process to help ensure success in the future? Explain.


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web is a time-consuming and rather inefficient chore: even when using quality search engines, you may have to sift through dozens of irrelevant “hits” to find the information you want

As you may have found searching the web is a time-consuming and rather inefficient chore: even when using quality search engines, you may have to sift through dozens of irrelevant “hits” to find the information you want. In no more than 1-page, critically reflect on your search process. Interpret the success and challenges you faced when finding sources for your research study. Was it difficult to find scholarly resources on your topic? What are some hints or tips you would have for your peers in conducting a search for sources via the internet?  please make your reflection personal.

This assignment will be assessed by your instructor using the rubrics in the link.

Reading Assignment. 

Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (2020). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.  Pubrica Academy. (2019, August 8). Why is it important to do a literature review in research?  3.Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Annotated bibliography examples. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 4. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Writing a literature review. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 

Optional Video

1. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part one): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube.  (5:21)  

2. Taylor, D. (28, June 2010). Writing the literature review (part two): Step by step tutorial for graduate students [Video]. YouTube. (7:40)

  • This is a two-part series of videos that will explain how to write your literary review.

3.  University of Washington Libraries. (2011, July 19). What is a scholarly journal article? [Video]. YouTube. (2:55) 

  • This video gives you a specific explanation and examples of what scholarly articles include and shows you how to locate them


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Produce a career development plan using APUS resources, services, and networking opportunities

Career Development

Produce a career development plan using APUS resources, services, and networking opportunities.

Conduct a career search for a position of choice or search other post­graduate choices to share in the discussion.

Argue the importance of civic and social responsibility as it applies to student’s discipline or career choice.


Create a presentation that covers the following in detail:

3-5-7 year plan for your career development–give a timeline of your goals–be sure they are S.M.A.R.T goals! S.M.A.R.T goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. See link for more details about S.M.A.R.T goals.

Needs/Plans for further learning/professional development–what do you anticipate needing and how will you acquire it?

Incorporation of service/giving back in your future career aspirations-provide argument for why this is/is not important to your career plans


Your design should be aesthetically pleasing, easy to read and should not include too much text/data on the slides themselves. Be sure to include additional information the “Notes” section of the slides to support your recommendations and elaborate on your suggestions. Your “Notes” should support your recommendations with references and citations from your readings and a minimum of five other sources such as career sites, Bureau of Labor Statistics, etc.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 8-10 slides.

Your presentation should include a reference page on the final slide in APA format.

Utilize the “Speaker Notes” section to expand upon the bullet points in your slides OR record a video of your presentation and include the link with your submission.

Please note Wikipedia, Investopedia, and similar general websites are not credible academic references.

Grading Criteria:

Please review the grading criteria provided for details on how this assignment will be evaluated.

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Rubric Name: MGMT HRMT PowerPoint Rubric

Assignment 2: Select Artifacts

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Course Objectives:

Revise artifacts from previous coursework throughout the program based on feedback from the instructor.

Organize a significant collection of artifacts in an ePortfolio including projects, papers, and other relevant examples showcasing work completed during the program to demonstrate mastery of the program objectives.

Artifact #1 ==> Paper or Report

Using submitted work from a previous class, locate a research paper, case study, or another report to submit as your first artifact. You will want to spend your time this week reviewing and critiquing your document before submission. You should have all of the following corrected:

Submit your assignment once you have ensured that all corrections have been made. Make sure you keep the final version of the assignment as you will begin loading it into your Portfolio in Week 5. This assignment will NOT be submitted to Turnitin as it was previously submitted by your faculty member.

Grading Criteria:

Please review the grading criteria provided for details on how this assignment will be evaluated.

Due Date

Jun 19, 2022 11:59 PM


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