The Project has already been started the only parts that need to be filled in for the research are marked in red on the template.
Detailed Procedures
Present a description of the processes needed to complete the instruments by the participants or observers. Suggested length 3-4 paragraphs.
Identify and present the potential threats to reliability and validity (quantitative techniques) or trustworthiness (qualitative techniques). Include a proposed plan to mitigate the noted threats. Suggested length 1-2 paragraphs.
Proposed Data Collection
Describe sampling, recruitment, data collection procedures, and potential ethical considerations.
Sampling Strategy, Number participants
Describe, explain, and justify the sampling strategy to be used. Suggested length 2-3 paragraphs.
Recruitment Procedures
Provide a recruitment process to identify, screen, and recruit participants as it aligns with the methodological approach. Present the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participating in the project. Suggested length 2-3 paragraphs.
Your project framework should be clearly defined and include population, foundations, phenomena, and variables. The framework consists of three elements:
- Methodological Approach.
- Describe the proposed methodological framework that aligns the topic, problem, gap, and project questions.
- Population and Sample (including site if necessary).
- Describe the proposed target population as it aligns with the topic, purpose, and questions.
- Foundations, Phenomena, Variables.
- Present evidence and explanation for the final choice of framework.
Data Collection Process
Provide a logical step-by-step data collection process as it aligns with the methodological approach. Suggested length 3-4 paragraphs.
- Describe the proposed data collection procedures and potential ethical considerations associated with your data collection. Data collection begins once informed consent is confirmed. Describe where your respondents or data are, and how you will gather information from those individuals or sites. Indicate the steps necessary to gather and secure data.
Proposed Data Analysis Plan
Articulate data analysis techniques appropriate to project framework.
Present a plan to analyze and present data with techniques that are appropriate to the project, framework, data sources, and sample size. Suggested length 3-4 paragraphs
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