Writers Solution

Explored various aspects of culture and intercultural communication

Oral History Interview
Throughout the course, you have explored various aspects of culture and intercultural communication. To learn more about other people’s cultures and subcultures, conduct an extensive oral history interview with a person who is somewhat older than you and from a different culture or subgroup from you. This person can be a relative or acquaintance who is from a different generation. It can be someone who immigrated to this country either recently or some time ago. Or, it can be someone who belongs to a different subgroup from you and whose cultural experiences you believe would be very different from your own. Obtain permission from the person you are interviewing to record the conversation (either an audio or video recording) or to take handwritten notes during the interview.
Your overarching goals during the oral history interview are
To learn more about the culture and subcultures to which your interview subject belongs.
To determine how their culture and gender have influenced the way they communicate with others.
To discover what issues they have encountered in their life when engaging in intercultural communication.
To relate concepts you have studied in this course to the experiences of this person.
When conducting the interview, ask the interviewee at least six questions from this list (in addition to at least three questions you create specifically for your interviewee):
How far back in time can the person remember? What is your interviewee’s first childhood memory? (Consider how it reflects the interview subject’s culture or subculture?)
What does the person remember of the experience of being an immigrant or a subgroup member in that time?
Which impressions or experiences from that time are most vivid to your interviewee today?
If your interviewee immigrated to this country, what was the country of origin like in terms of geography, government, transportation, economic system, and education system? If your interviewee was raised in this country, what were these aspects of life like during childhood?
What does the person recall of the communication with members of the dominant culture? What barriers to effective communication did your interviewee encounter?
In the United States today, what is different about your interviewee’s life in terms of language, religion, family customs, diet, recreation, and work, as compared to childhood?
What role did the news media play in the interview subject’s life and in supporting or contesting the views of the interview subject’s culture? How did the media influence the subject’s individual beliefs and opinions about males and females, masculinity and femininity, and other aspects of gender belief systems and views about race and ethnicity? (Cite specific examples given to you regarding these two specific issues.)
If your interview subject spoke a different native language, ask your interviewee to discuss differences between that language and English (consider the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis).
What are some of the most significant differences in day-to-day life in the past versus today?
In addition, you must ask at least three original questions that are specifically tailored to the individual that you are interviewing. You should expect to spend at least 30 minutes interviewing your subject, but some interviews will go longer. Do not rush your interviewee! Give your subject the freedom to talk as long as possible in answering each of your questions.
As part of this assignment, submit a copy of your interview. The following options are acceptable ways of submitting a copy of your interview:
Submit an audio file of the interview to Waypoint. (If you use an audio file, please make sure you copy the link onto your Word document and then upload the document.)
Submit a video file of the interview to Waypoint. (If you use a video or screencast, please make sure you copy the link onto a Word document and then upload the document.)
Create a typed transcript of the interview and submit it as a separate document to Waypoint.
Include in your Final Project a hyperlink to a website where the interview can be watched/heard.
For your Final Project in this course, create a report of the oral history interview that you conducted. To create this report, review your recording of the interview and any notes you took during it, and write a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper (excluding the title and references pages), in which you discuss aspects of this person’s culture and/or subcultures and communication issues related to your interviewee’s cultural identity.
In your paper
Define the concept of intercultural communication.
Explain what can be learned about intercultural communication by conducting an oral interview.
Identify the name of the person you interviewed and their relationship to you.
Create a thesis statement that previews the conclusions you reached as a result of conducting this interview.
Describe the interview subject’s cultural background and the culture and/or subcultures to which your subject belongs.
Analyze the interview subject’s answers to each of the questions you asked during your interview to connect the concepts covered in this course (do not simply provide a transcript of the interview subject’s answers).
Conclude what you learned about intercultural communication as a result of conducting this oral history interview.
Your paper should be written in paragraph form, not in a question and answer format. Thus, you must weave the information you present into a coherent narrative form, paraphrasing the information gleaned from the interview or using direct quotations from your interview subject, as appropriate. Your primary sources of information for this paper will be the interview subject. However, it is important that you also reference material you have studied in the text and other course resources to help support your analysis of your interview subject’s answers. Every chapter in the course text is potentially of relevance to the Final Project, depending on who you interview and what that person focuses on.
Please note: If you received feedback from a Writing Center consultant on your draft from Week 3, please be sure to submit a second document describing, in one paragraph, how you revised your rough draft based on this feedback. This document will be in addition to your Final Project. This additional document describing your revisions based on the feedback you received from the Writing Center is evidence of enhancement of your draft and can raise your score for the final assignment, so be sure to submit it along with your Final Project if you have done this. Working with the Writing Center is highly recommended, but not required.
Please note that if you are a Communications Studies major, this assignment will be an element in your graduation portfolio. If you have not set up your portfolio yet, you may do so by selecting Folio from the menu in your classroom on the left-hand side. If you have set up your portfolio, you can access it the same way. You will be working with your portfolio extensively in the Communications capstone course, COM480. If you are a Communications Studies major, please add this paper to your portfolio. Other students are not required to do this. View the Folio Quick Start Guide for guidance.
For your reference, these are the elements that are required to be included in your portfolio:
COM101 Week 1 assignment “Perspective on Communication” and Final Paper “Personal Communication Skills Assessment”
COM223 Final Paper “Persuasive Campaign for Online Education”
COM325 Final Paper
COM345 Final Project
COM355 Final Paper “The Future of Communication Technology”
COM370 Week 1 assignment “Personal Cultural Profile” and Final Project “Oral History Interview” (This Paper)
COM425 Final Paper
SPE103 A speech of your choice from the class
The Oral History Interview Final Project
Must be at least 1,500 to 2000 words in length (not including title and references pages), double spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following (see Sample APA Title Page):
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph (see Introductions and Conclusions) with a succinct thesis statement (see Writing a Thesis Statement).
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must use at least six references (one may be the textbook); include additional resources found on the University of Arizona Global Campus Library Library website.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Be sure to integrate your research rather than simply inserting it (see Integrating Research).
Must include a conclusion that summarizes the main points and restates the thesis (see Introductions and Conclusions).
Must document all sources in text in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (see Citing Within Your Paper).
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (see Formatting Your References List).
Resource: Before you submit your written assignment, you are encouraged to review The Grammarly Guide: How to Set Up & Use Grammarly tutorial, set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so), and use Grammarly to review a rough draft of your assignment. Then carefully review all issues identified by Grammarly and revise your work as needed

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information systems with specific purposes are available to employees at various levels of seniority and responsibility. For example, senior managers might use an Executive Support System (ESS) to formulate strategy

Subject Code and Name CMP1042 Information Systems
Assessment Number 1
Assessment Title Visual Presentation
Assessment Type Individual Presentation
Length or Duration 500 words +/- 10%
Subject Learning Outcomes SLO 1
Weighting 20%
Assessment Purpose
In any organisation, information systems with specific purposes are available to employees at various levels of seniority and responsibility. For example, senior managers might use an Executive Support System (ESS) to formulate strategy and monitor progress towards its implementation.
This assessment asks the student to populate a hierarchy of information systems and to describe these individual systems and their relationships to each other.
Students are also asked to describe how the functioning of these systems might be improved by the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Assessment Task / Item
Submit a set of six (6 ) presentation slides and associated slide notes, that describe a set of four (4) information systems and their inter-dependencies, as described in ’Instructions’ below.
This is an individual assessment.
Assessment Instructions
Using presentation software, like Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi or similar, you must create a visual presentation of six (6) slides that addresses each of the tasks below.
Each slide should include images or diagrams explaining the information being discussed. The slide notes for the set of six (6) slides should total 500 words. Both the slide images and the slide notes are to be submitted as completion of this assessment.

  1. On one (1) slide, create a hierarchy of information systems diagram based on ‘Figure 1’ below, using the following systems:
    a) MIS
    b) DSS
    c) TPS
    d) ESS
    In your diagram, specify which system goes in which section of the diagram, and explain why in your notes.
  2. Using four (4) slides (one per system), describe the inputs, outputs and purpose of each of these systems, and their relationship to other systems in the hierarchy.
  3. On one (1) slide, create summarise the possible benefits of replacing some/all/any of these systems with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
    All work must be submitted by the due date via the Learning Management System, in the assignments section appropriate to this brief. Please ensure the above mentioned submission date and/or time are adhered to, or penalties may apply.
    When submitting your work, please save your files using the naming convention below.
    [Student_ID][Surname][First Name][SubjectCode][Assessment_#]
    E.g.: 1234_Singh_Visha_PRG1002_Assessment_01
    For more information on late submission, please see the Assessment Policy.
    Academic Integrity
    The integrity of the assessment process is fundamental for ensuring appropriate evaluation at AIT. All work submitted should be your own, and where additional resources are used, they must be referenced according to the Harvard style. Additionally, TurnItIn is available in the LMS to test plagiarism in your writing.
    For more information on academic integrity, please see the Academic Integrity and Academic Integrity Penalties Policies.

Fair application of the assessment rubric, rules and guidelines should be administered for each assessment. If you feel an evaluation requires further consideration, you may be entitled to an appeal.
For more information on your right to an appeal, please see the Assessment Appeals Procedure and Policy.
For access to the policies mentioned above and related to education at AIT, please see the footer of the AIT website, and follow the link named Education Policies and Procedures. Website:
Assessment Rubric
Task Descriptor (F)
Fail (P) Pass (C) Credit (D)
Distinction (HD)
High Distinction
Describe the inputs, outputs and purpose of each information system
35% Description of inputs, outputs and purpose of each system missing or
Fewer than 2 correct examples provided for both
inputs and outputs;
No examples provided for each system;
Figure 1 incorrectly
Description of inputs, outputs and purpose of each system provided,
with some
significant errors;
2 correct examples provided for both inputs and outputs, but without clear imagery;
Examples provided for each system, though not all are correct;
Figure 1 correctly populated
Purpose and description of inputs, outputs and each system provided, with some minor errors;
2 correct examples provided for both inputs and outputs, supported by clear
imagery and labels;
Correct examples provided for each system;
Figure 1 correctly populated Clear description provided of inputs, outputs and purpose of each system, with few
3 correct examples provided for both inputs and outputs, supported by clear
imagery and labels’
2 correct examples provided for each system;
Figure 1 correctly populated
Complete, concise and accurate description provided of inputs, outputs and purpose of each system, with no
4 correct examples provided for both inputs and outputs, supported by clear imagery and labels;
2 correct examples provided for each system, supported by clear imagery and labels;
Figure 1 correctly populated
Describe the relationships between the four systems (ESS, MIS, DSS, TPS)
25% Description of the relationships between the systems and the data exchanged and/or shared
missing or incorrect
Description of the relationships between the
systems included;
Information about the data exchanged and/or shared unclear or not completely accurate
Clear description of the relationships between the systems included, and supported by evidence;
Information about the data exchanged and/or shared provided and supported by examples, but with minor errors Near complete description of the relationships between the systems included, and supported by relevant evidence and simple
Information about the data exchanged and/or shared provided and supported by relevant academic resources, examples and with
minimal errors
Complete, succinct and accurate description of the relationships between the systems included, and supported by relevant evidence and clear, engaging
imagery and labels;
Information about the data exchanged and/or shared provided and supported by relevant academic resources, and accurate examples without error
Summarise the possible benefits of replacing some/all/any of the four systems (ESS, MIS, DSS, TPS) with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Description of an ERP system not included
Organisational benefits of replacing some/all/any of the Description of and
ERP system unclear
Organisational benefits of replacing some/all/any of the four systems with Basic description provided of an ERP system, with some inaccuracy;
Organisational benefits of replacing some of Clear description and example of an ERP system
Organisational benefits of replacing all four Accurate, concise description of an ERP system provided, supported by a relevant example and explanation of

20% four systems with an ERP not
an ERP system included, but unclear or insufficiently explained the four systems with an ERP system clearly discussed systems with an ERP system clearly discussed and supported by examples why example been
Organisational benefits of replacing all four systems with an ERP system clearly discussed and supported examples and relevant academic evidence
Quality of information presented
Information is unclear, inconsistent or
Document missing a lot of key information
Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always
clear and logical, with minimum information
Some inconsistency or ambiguity in the writing
Information, arguments and evidence are reasonably well presented, with some information a little ambiguous, but all key elements and pages included Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented, logical, clear and well supported by evidence
Almost all information is written clearly and concisely All information is written very clearly
and concisely, and is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas
and argument;
Engages and sustains audience’s interest in the topic, and uses diverse, relevant imagery
Correct citation of key resources and evidence
10%. Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas Demonstrates use of some resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not relevant, current or cited correctly Demonstrates use of resources to support and develop ideas, with a few errors in the citations Demonstrates use of credible, current and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements, with most citations correct
Demonstrates use of high-quality, credible current and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements with no errors in the citation





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Various problems with language such as ambiguity

You will discuss various problems with language such as ambiguity, equivocation, and vagueness as well as the importance of using words correctly. Completing the reading assignment for this unit will allow you to more effectively and productively engage in the Discussion. After posting your response, please remember to review and respond to the posts of your classmates. Problems with Language Consider a situation in your own life where vagueness, ambiguity, equivocation, or loaded language resulted in some type of misunderstanding or confusion.

Construct an argument that is two paragraphs at a minimum and explains the misunderstanding, or offers an apology to the person involved. Aim to compose an argument following the organization in the chapter and avoiding the pitfalls of fallacies or errors in reasoning.





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            There are several words that we often use while conversing with other and these words can others misunderstand the information you trying to convey. Some of these words include ambiguity, equivocation and vagueness. The use of these words may lead to a language problem and wrong conclusion. This paper discussed problems that arises when words such as ambiguity, equivocation and vagueness.


            Ambiguity is described as sentences, phrases and words that are understood to mean more than one way. The ambiguity becomes useful in expressive writing but becomes a problem with language when used as a way of………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

…………………………………………………………….problems with language such as ambiguity……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………the parking area and he told my mother to pay 10 dollars for parking the car in the wrong place.


Huang, J. (2008). How Accurate are ESL Student’s Holistic Writing Scores on Large-Scale Assessment? A Generalizability Theory Approach. Assessment Writing, 13(3): 201-218.



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Network technologies can be employed in various ways to meet business needs.

Network technologies can be employed in various ways to meet business needs. Developing a solution begins with a set of requirements that must be understood and met. Following is a scenario that requires the use of a variety of network components and technologies. When working on developing a solution, all requirements may not be explicitly stated. When in doubt, post targeted questions. When making assumptions, be sure to include them in your design document. 
The construction industry has struggled over the past years due to the economy. Nearly a dozen companies, including builders and subcontractors, banned together to develop a strategy to increase their business in the greater Washington, D.C. area. This consortium of builders and subcontractors called themselves BLDRS-DC. 
BLDRS-DC engaged a well-known marketing company that recommended that they use a Web site to exhibit their services, capabilities, and availability. Other social media sites would be represented in the final solution as well. This site would tie together their sales and scheduling information. They also identified the need for the project managers to have access to project details from the construction sites. This remote access would ensure tasks were completed correctly and decrease construction time considerably.
In addition to engaging a marketing firm, BLDRS-DC hired a company that develops and manages Web sites. The Web site management company would be responsible for developing the software to connect sales materials and scheduling information to the Web site. Fortunately, all the companies involved use the same scheduling software and database software for sales material. 
As the network specialist selected to plan and coordinate all of the activities, you need to develop a design document that outlines the technologies needed at each company to connect their unique information to the Web site. Specify the necessary network components that each company would need to enable customer access and scheduling. 
In addition, you need to identify a solution for allowing construction managers to securely access drawings and other pertinent construction details remotely. 
Prepare a Word document that is approximately 3–5 pages in APA format.
Be sure to include the following. •Title page •Introduction •Description of the network components needed to allow access to marketing materials and scheduling information •Specified technologies needed to allow construction foremen remote access to construction details •Explanation of any challenges or considerations uncovered from the research conducted 

IT Management: Network Design Document For BLDRS-DC






(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


            Having coordinated activities in the construction industry is important in ensuring efficiency and effective construction process. However, having a set of technologies is important in ensuring effective coordination of the activities. Assuming I am a design specialist for BLDRS-DC, the following is an outline of the technologies that are needed in the individual companies to connect their information their website. The necessary network components needed by the individual construction company to enable customer access and scheduling are discussed. Finally, any challenges and considerations uncovered from the research that was conducted are discussed.

The Network Components Needed To Allow Access to Marketing Materials and Scheduling Information           The first network component that is essential for all the companies is the virtual private network. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private network that employs public network (the internet) (Cisco, 2008). Thus, this allows for an easy access to marketing materials and scheduling of information. The BLDRS-DC has a number of employees, who would wish to connect remotely to the company LAN remotely in their variou………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Conscious capitalism is reflected in various manners in an organization

Conscious capitalism is reflected in various manners in an organization. How does the military  organization practice conscious capitalism? How could your organization further its understanding and implementation of conscious capitalism? 

ETHICS OF CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM Ethics of Conscious Capitalism Institution Affiliation Name of Professor Name of the Student Date of Submission1 ETHICS OF CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM 2 Ethics are very critical as far as conscious capitalism is concerned. Generally, conscious capitalism involves a condition at which firm leaders and managers think beyond their self interests as a way of demonstrating care to their employees and stakeholders. Alternatively,conscious capitalism involves businesses which focus on improving the interests of all major employees, customers, communities, investors as well as suppliers. Conscious capitalism is made of four critical pillars that are used by business firms in performing socially responsible and ethical-practices (Acton, 2012). These pillars are: – stakeholder, purpose, culture, and leadership.Ethics help in creating ethical leadership across all organizations which is a key component of organizations. Ethical leadership is a form of leadership which considers and respects ethical beliefs and values for firm employees and stakeholders. Therefore, ethical consideration helps firm leaders to prioritize interests of their stakeholder………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

What are the various aspects of decision making that are important to understand when developing effective decision support systems?

 analytics and the Support of Decision MakingOverview

Focusing on the analytics, decision support systems (DSS), and business intelligence (BI) frameworks and how BI and DDS support key issues of managerial decision making, assess aspects of decision making that are important to understand in order to develop effective computer support for decisions makers.


Write a 3–5 page paper that summarizes your conclusions. Address the following questions in your paper:

  • What are the various aspects of decision making that are important to understand when developing effective decision support systems?
  • What are some examples of application areas for analytics that support decision-makers?
  • What are the challenges and considerations, both technological and organizational, that need to be addressed when adopting business intelligence initiatives?
  • How does the introduction of analytics and business intelligence initiatives affect users, and how does it influence decision making at different levels of an organization?

In your paper be sure to address the major frameworks of computerized decision support in analytics, decision support systems (DSS), and business intelligence and how those frameworks support key issues of managerial decision making with the use and applications of business analytics.

As you complete your assignment, be sure your paper meets the following guidelines:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Scholarship: Use at least 5 professionally reputable sources to support your main points and analysis. Be sure to include scholarly sources. Course readings may be included among the 5 required sources.
  • APA formatting: All resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Length: 4–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Writers Solution

Data Scientist in a big retail store, say Woolworths, and your task is to optimise various retail processes such as inventory management, product placement, and customised offers.

Unit Code: COMP2200/COMP6200
Unit Name: Data Science
Duration of exam: 3 hours in a 6 hour window
Total number of questions: 8
Total number of pages: 5 (incl. this cover sheet)
Total number of marks: 100

Answer ALL questions in a single word processor file and upload your answers to the provided Turnitin submission page by the due time. You can upload a Word or PDF file.
Collaboration with others in completing this exam is not allowed. The work you submit should be your own. Any evidence of copying or collusion will be referred to the Faculty Discipline Committee. Note that your submissions will be passed through Turnitin to identify copying from the Internet or from other students.
1. (10 marks) You are working as a Data Scientist in a big retail store, say Woolworths, and your task is to optimise various retail processes such as inventory management, product placement, and customised offers. Using the CRISP-DM model, can you explain what you will do in each stage of the data science project life cycle, what your input will be, and what you will deliver at each stage? (Write no more than 500 words in total)
2. The following graph shows the relationship between the US spending on science and the number of suicides (by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation). Based on this graph, answer the following questions.

(a) (5 marks) What does the correlation mean in this context? What does the R2 value mean? (Write no more than 200 words in total)
(b) (5 marks) One of your friends Mr. Citizen thinks that this correlation is because of the increasingpressure on researchers to continuously produce output. How would you evaluate this explanation? Looking at the numbers in the data displayed, can you determine whether this explanation could account for the effect shown? (Write no more than 200 words in total)
3. (a) (5 marks) For the following data scenarios, which chart should you use to visualise? Justify your answers. (Write no more than 200 words in total)
(1) Bureau of Meteorology data having average monthly rainfall in Sydney from 2016 to 2020.
(2) Hospital data having systolic pressure and weight of 2000 patients.
(3) Australian Bureau of Statistics data having yearly household expenses (grocery, transport, education, rent/mortgage, and entertainment) for Australian population
(4) Australian Bureau of Statistics providing Census data showing population density for each suburb across New South Wales.
(5) Bureau of Meteorology weather data having multiple weather conditions in Sydney with features including date, precipitation, max temperature, min temperature, wind speed, and weather (drizzle, rain, sunny, snow, and fog).
(b) (5 marks) You are working on a project that analyses the census data provided by Australian Bureau of Statistics. Table 1 shows a sample dataset. What data cleaning and normalisation techniques should you apply on this data so that you can apply unsupervised learning methods? (Write no more than 200 words in total)
Table 1: Sample Census dataset from Australian Bureau of Statistics
Census Code Suburb State Area sqkm
CED101 Berowra NSW 78644.32
CED101 wentworthville New South Wales 89232.53645
CED101 north sydney nsw 10324.45
CED101 mt. druitt 10583.12
CED105 st. Kilda Vic. 8524.96762
CED105 South melb. vic 45321.87
CED105 gelong Victoria 24534.2534
4. (a) (5 marks) I have data on different laptops from different brands with features for weight (grams), size (cm), RAM (GB), Hard Drive (GB), Processor (Intel core i5, Intel core i7, Intel core i3, AMD Ryzen, AMD Athlon, etc), and price (Australian Dollars). I want to cluster similar laptops based on their specifications. Discuss your approach to applying a clustering algorithm on this data. What transformations would be needed before you could work with this data and why? (Write no more than 200 words in total)
(b) (5 marks) You built a regression model to predict baby length based on mother’s height and mother’s age. Based on the training regression model using training data, the model coefficient’s for mother’s height and mother’s age are [0.2539,-0.0075] and intercept is 4.7623. What is your interpretation from these coefficients and intercept values? Can you figure out how change in variables effect the baby’s length? (Write no more than 200 words in total)
5. You plan to build a machine learning model to predict whether a patient in a hospital is “healthy” or“not healthy” based on the patient’s medical measurements. The dataset is highly imbalanced where “not healthy” outnumbered “healthy” individuals.
(a) (5 marks) To evaluate the performance of a trained model, you can create a confusion matrix for the comparison between the predicted results and the testing data class labels. From the confusion matrix, you calculated accuracy score. Explain why reporting accuracy score on such dataset is not indicative of model’s true performance. What measures you should take to mitigate any inflated results. What other metrics can you formulate from confusion matrix which are true indicative of model’s robust performance. (Write no more than 200 words in total)
(b) (5 marks) If the training data size is very big (e.g., 1 billion data instances) and the testing datasethas 1000 instances, which model do you prefer to use, KNN (k-Nearest Neighbors) classifier or Na¨ive Bayes classifier? Justify your answer. (Write no more than 200 words in total)
6. There is a robot in an animal shelter which needs to learn to discriminate Dogs and Cats based onthe fur and colour features. You are required to train the robot with classification models on the following dataset (Table 2) and make a prediction on a testing data instance. The feature Fur takes one of the two possible values (Coarse and Fine), and Colour also takes one of the two possible values (Brown and Black). For denotation convenience, you can use X1 and X2 to represent the two features respectively, and Y to represent the prediction target during the inference.
Table 2: Animal Data
Index Fur Colour class
#1 Coarse Brown Dog
#2 Fine Black Cat
#3 Coarse Black Cat
#4 Coarse Black Dog
#5 Fine Brown Cat
(a) (5 marks) You are required to build a KNN (k-Nearest Neighbors) classification model and predict the class label for the following data instance (#6 in Table 3). You can randomly choose k from its possible value range to consider the k-nearest neighbors. The distance between two data instances is calculated as the number of features having different values. For example, the distance between the 1st and the 2nd data instances is 2 because they differ from each other on both features ‘Fur’ and ‘Colour’. Specify the value of k you will use, and show the details of learning and prediction. Table 3: Testing Dataset
Index Fur Colour class
#6 Fine Brown
(b) (10 marks) You are required to build a Na¨ive Bayes classifier from the dataset and predictthe class label for the data instance #6, using the Laplacian correction technique if the zeroprobability issue occurs. Show the details of learning and prediction.
7. (a) (5 marks) The linear regression model can be regarded as a simple type of artificial neural network. From the perspective of artificial neural networks, what activation function corresponds to the linear regression model? Specify the mathematical form of the activation function. Is it a good idea to build multi-layer neural network models with this activation function? Justify your answer. (Write no more than 200 words in total)
(b) (10 marks) As the gradient descent method can be used to learn model parameters in neuralnetwork models, you can use it to estimate the parameters in a linear regression model. You are required to perform the initial steps of gradient descent on the following dataset (Table 4) to estimate the parameters w0 and w1 for the linear regression model y = w0 + w1x. The sum of squared errors is used for the loss function. Concretely, you need to formulate the loss function
L(w0,w1) and derive its gradient ). Then, pick a pair of values randomly to initialize w0 and w1, and evaluate the gradient with the w0 and w1 values. Show the key steps of inference and calculation.
Table 4: 2-Dimensional Data
Index X Y
#1 1 1
#2 2 3
(c) (5 marks) Based on the gradient obtained in the above step, update the estimate for w0 and w1. Assume that the learning rate ? is 0.5. Show the key steps of inference and calculation.
8. The following dataset (Table 5) describes COVID-19 testing records for 5 people. You want to builda decision tree classification model from the dataset to predict if a person suffers from COVID-19 or not according to the two symptoms Cough and Fever. Both the feature Cough and Fever take one of the two possible values yes (having a symptom) and no (not having a symptom). The target attribute COVID-19 also takes one of the two possible values yes (infected) and no (normal). For denotation convenience, you can use X1 and X2 to represent the two features respectively, and Y to represent the prediction target.
Table 5: COVID-19 Data
Index Cough Fever COVID-19
#1 no no no
#2 yes yes yes
#3 no yes yes
#4 no yes no
#5 yes no no
(a) (10 marks) You are required to build a decision tree with the Gini impurity heuristic. Show thekey steps of inference and calculation.
(b) (5 marks) Which issue might the decision tree model built above suffer from, overfitting or underfitting? Propose two different strategies to mitigate the possible issue with justification. (Write no more than 200 words in total)

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Weigh in on the various definitions of equality (fundamental equality, social equality, equal treatment for equals, equal treatment for equals and unequal treatment for unequals)

  1. Weigh in on the various definitions of equality (fundamental equality, social equality, equal treatment for equals, equal treatment for equals and unequal treatment for unequals): which of these accounts best expresses your own understanding of equality? Why? Bring this definition of equality to bear on Ronald Dworkin’s conception of the best way, politically speaking, to respect and uphold human rights.
  2. The American philosopher, John Rawls (1921-2002), advanced an influential view of “justice as fairness.” Assess his argument for his version of egalitarian liberalism: what is included in his account of justice and what sorts of rights do people have in society? Do you agree with this kind of liberalism, or do you think it falls short in bringing about the kind of just and fair society Rawls envisions? Finally, explain and evaluate the communitarian (be careful not to confuse communitarianism with communism) critique of Rawls’s atomistic, abstract individualism.
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Understand the various theoretical models of accounting

Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Unit Code: HA3011
Unit Name: Advanced Financial Accounting
Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Due: 11:30pm, 26th June 2020
Weighting: 25%
Total Mark: 50 Marks
This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Understand the various theoretical models of accounting
2. To apply knowledge and understanding to specific financial reporting issues unit to AASB accounting standards
3. Discuss the theoretical constructs of contemporary financial accounting
4. Evaluate and explain the need for the development of a conceptual framework for accounting, and discuss the influence of such a framework on accounting practice.
5. Understand the Australian accounting regulatory framework and the conceptual framework
6. Be able to understand how to account for assets, non-current assets and liabilities
7. Be able to calculate for revaluations and impairments of non-current assets, and then journalise
8. Account for leases for both lessees and lessors.
9. Account for company income taxes
10. Accounting for extractive industries
Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 6 to 10 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document.
The questions to be answered are:
Week 6 – Question 1 (10 Marks)
An item of depreciable machinery is acquired on 1 July 2016 for $280 000. It is expected to have a useful life of 10 years and a zero-residual value (straight-line). On 1 July 2020, it is decided to revalue the asset to its fair value of $150 000.
Provide journal entries to account for the revaluation.
Week 7 – Question 2 (10 marks)
On 1 July 2018 BMW Ltd issues $2 million in 10-year debentures that pay interest each six months at a coupon rate of 10 per cent. At the time of issuing the securities, the market requires a rate of return of 12 per cent. Interest expense is determined using the effective-interest method.
Formula for PV of $1 in n periods =1/(1+k)n
Formula for present value of annuity of $1 per period for n periods = k where, k is the discount rate expressed in decimal
(i) Determine the issue price of the debenture.
(ii) Provide the journal entries at 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019.
Week 8 – Question 3 (10 marks)
FRM Ltd acquired an item of equipment and enters into a non-cancellable lease agreement with FEN Equipment Ltd on 1 January 2015. The lease consists of the following:
? Date of inception: 1/1/15
? Duration of lease: 4 years
? Life of leased asset: 5 years
? Lease payments (annual): $550 000 (annual) which includes $80 000 for
Maintenance and insurance costs per annum.
? Guaranteed residual value
(Added to final payment): $190 000
? Interest rate: 7%
Formula for PV of $1 in n periods =1/(1+k)n
Formula for present value of annuity of $1 per period for n periods = k where, k is the discount rate expressed in decimal
a) Determine the present value of minimum lease rental payment. (5 Marks)
b) Prepare the journal entries for FRM Ltd (the Lessee) using the Net Method for the following;
(5 Marks)
i. Transfer of control
ii. Payment of annual payments for 2015 and 2016.
Week 9 – Question 4 (10 marks)
A. You are provided with the following information form the accounts of BBS Ltd for the year ending 30 June 2019
Cash Sales 950 000
Cost of Goods Sold 35 000
Amount received in advance for services to be performed in August 2019 9 500
Rent expenses for year ended 30 June 2019 9 000
Rent Prepaid for two months to 31 August 2019 1 200
Doubtful debts expenses 1 200
Amount provided in 2019 for employees’ long-service leave entitlements 5 000
Goodwill impairment expenses 7 000
Calculate the taxable profit and accounting profit for the year ending 30 June 2019.
B. GYV Ltd has the following deferred tax balances as at 30 June 2019.
Deferred tax asset $9 00 000
Deferred tax liability $7 00 000
The above balances were calculated when the tax rate, was 20 per cent. On 1 December 2019 the government raises the corporate tax rate to 25 per cent.
Provide the journal entries to adjust the carry-forward balances of the deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability.
Week 10 – Question 5 (10 marks)
“Mining, explorations and other similar extractive businesses are naturally and fundamentally possessing risk, in addition to uncertain outcome” consequently all expenditures of such activities should be accounted for as expenses as and when incurred.
Assess, evaluate and briefly discuss this statement.
Submission Directions
The assignment has to be submitted via Blackboard. Each student will be permitted one submission to Blackboard only. Each student needs to ensure that the document submitted is the correct one.
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is highly valued at Holmes Institute. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Written assignments that include material similar to course reading materials or other sources should include a citation including source, author, and page number.
In addition, written assignments that are similar or identical to those of another student in the class is also a violation of the Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy. The consequence for a violation of this policy can incur a range of penalties varying from a 50% penalty through to suspension of enrolment. The penalty would be dependent on the extent of academic misconduct and the student’s history of academic misconduct issues. All assessments will be automatically submitted to Safe-Assign to assess their originality.
Further Information
For further information and additional learning resources, students should refer to their Discussion Board for the unit.

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Analyze the nature of the various posts. Are they emotional memories? What figures were typically present? Parents and grandparents? Animals?

Each student must post (1) substantial initial post at minimum of 270 words per topic by 1/15/2020. Then, reply to at least (2) of your classmates’ initial posts by 1/17/2020. Each reply post should be a minimum of 120 words per reply. All replies in the discussion forum should enhance the discussion. Non-informative messages posted in the discussion forum will not be counted towards the required number of posts.

​Discussion Topic

You were once an infant, so you too have probably experienced infantile amnesia. In this assignment, you will identify your earliest memories, possibly with a little help from a photograph.

1. Review this unit’s required readings.

2. Identify your earliest memory, and consider the questions below. Then, post your responses to the Discussion Board:

● Describe how old you were in your earliest memory, and what you remember. ● Has anyone who was older ever actually recalled the event to you? If so,

what did the person tell you? Is the description the same or different? ● Do you have any pictures of the event? If so, post the picture and identify

people and things you recall.

3. Be sure to read others’ posts and respond to at least two posts by adding clarification, asking questions, or adding constructively to the discussion. To guide your responses, consider the following questions:

1. Analyze the nature of the various posts. Are they emotional memories? What figures were typically present? Parents and grandparents? Animals?

2. Do you think memories are clearer when you have other recollections or a photograph to draw from? Or do these data obscure the pure memory you have?

3. What do you think conditioning has to do with the nature of these memories, if anything?