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Summarize the cost of an MPI light vehicle repair claim

Operations Analyst Qualification Test


  • Please answer the questions without use of outside sources of information (e.g. internet, Excel Help, etc.).
  • Create a new Word document and save the file to Desktop with your first and last name as the filename.
  • Enter answers to all the questions (except Question 2ai) into this Word document.
  • Save the Excel document provided to your Desktop with your first and last name as the filename. Provide all work to support answers for Question 2 in the Excel document.
  • Please send your answers and excel document to Catherine Minaker, via email prior to the deadline provided in this testing invitation.

Question 1:

A recent publication stated that the average cost of repairing light vehicles in Canada is $6,200. Your manager asks you summarize the cost of an MPI light vehicle repair claim. You are given the following random sample of gross repair costs for 45 claims.


Pleaseanswer the following questions:

  1. Which measure of central tendency do you think is most appropriate for summarizing this sample data? How would you explain to a non-technical audience why you chose this measure? (15 marks)
  2. What kind of statistical test could be applied to the sample to determine if MPI’s repair cost is different than the Canadian average? Why? (15 marks)

Question 2:

On March 1, 2017, MPI management implemented a new process that was expected to reduce the repair cost of lightning claims. Management believes that the initiative has been a success and has asked you to confirm that the new process has achieved its objective for repairable lightning claims.

You request a dataset that includes claims data for repairs performed between March 1, 2015 and February 28, 2019. Another department runs the query quickly and sends you a dataset (provided) without asking any follow-up questions about your requirements. This is the first time you have looked at the dataset.

  1. Use the dataset to evaluate whether the new process reduced the average repair cost of lightning claims.
    1. Validate and ensure that the data set is ready for analysis. (10 marks)
    2. Determine if the repair cost increased or decreased after the new process was implemented, and by how much. Explain the steps you followed to make this conclusion. (5 marks)
    3. If repair costs did change, was it as a result of the new process? If repair costs didn’t change, is it possible that the new process was still effective? Support your answer, including any numbers, tables, charts, etc. that you see as relevant. (30 marks)
  2. What are the limitations of your findings? Is there any other data that you would be interested in obtaining to strengthen your analysis? Explain. (15 marks)
  3. Summarize your findings in an email suitable for a non-technical audience. (10 marks)
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New Industry (Electric Vehicle) & Automotive Industry (Current) 

Assignment details: New Industry (Electric Vehicle) & Automotive Industry (Current) 

1.     Analyze Rivalry Among Existing Competitors

Intense competition for market share can limit a company’s profits when diversifying into a new industry. Consider these questions as you describe the rivalry in your company’s existing industry.

* How many competitors currently supply engines for the automotive manufacturing industry?

* What is each competitor’s position? How much of the market share has each one captured?

* Do these companies compete intensely in the automotive industry? If so, do they engage in rivalry and lower prices to gain market share?

* Do companies compete to provide additional services or constant innovation?

Describe the rivalry among your company’s existing competitors (supplying engines to the automotive manufacturing industry).

  1. Examine Conflict Among Current Competitors
    When expanding into a new industry, a company’s profitability may be constrained by fierce rivalry for market share. As you discuss the competition in the current industry your firm is in, take into account these questions.
  • How many suppliers of engines are there today for the vehicle manufacturing industry?
  • Where does each rival stand? What percentage of the market has each one seized?
  • Do these businesses engage in fierce competition in the automobile sector? If so, do they compete with one another and cut costs to increase their market share?
  • Do businesses compete to offer more services or to innovate constantly?
    Describe the competition amongst the current rivals of your business (which provides engines to the car manufacturing industry).
  1. Examine potential threats posed by new competitors
    Determine if it is simple or difficult for new businesses to start supplying engines to the car manufacturing sector. Then, use the form below to present your conclusions. Always keep the following questions in mind:
    Are there numerous laws or legal obstacles that businesses must overcome before they can start providing engines to the car manufacturing industry?
  • Does acquiring the knowledge required to create products or offer services to the market come at a significant cost?
  • How many businesses are ready to join the automotive sector?
    Describe the dangers posed by new competitors in the car manufacturing sector.
  1. Examine the Suppliers’ Bargaining Power
    Analyze the potential influence raw material suppliers may have on pricing increases. Be careful to respond to these inquiries:
    Are there numerous suppliers, or just a select few, that offer the raw components for your product?
  • Does supplier competition influence the price of some raw materials?
    Is it probable that the price of raw materials will increase if one supplier effectively has a monopoly on certain of them? In general, how will supplier negotiating strength impact the price and simplicity of getting the materials required to sell in the automobile industry?
    Describe the car manufacturing industry’s suppliers’ negotiating position.
  1. Examine the Risk of Replacing Products
    Analyze the danger posed by replacement items for the car sector. Make sure you respond to the following inquiries:
  • Are new items in this sector on the horizon that might challenge those already on the market?
  • What may these rival products be?
  • Are these potential rival products’ production costs lower than those of the market’s present offerings?
  • Are these potential rival items superior in other ways?
  • Could these potential rival items drive your business off the market?
    Describe the danger posed by alternative items for those made in the automobile sector.
  1. Examine the Buyers’ Bargaining Power
    The more pressure customers may apply to your business to offer goods and services for less, the less customers you have. As you assess the negotiating capacity of purchasers, take into account the following:
    The number of organizations or consumer groups that now purchase the engines that your business produces for the automobile manufacturing sector. If there are just a few clients, are they able to exert pressure on the manufacturer to decrease the price of the goods. Exist any groups that allow a sizable consumer base to get together and exert pressure on a company to lower the price of its goods?
    Describe the buying power of the market in the production of automobiles. Describe the buying power of the market in the production of automobiles.
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Pete was seriously injured when the four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle (ATV)

 Case Analysis

In light of your understanding of the civil and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process, consider the following scenario:

Pete was seriously injured when the four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle (ATV) he was driving through the trails behind his house rolled over. As a result of his injuries, Pete is unable to work and has incurred $75,000 in medical bills. Pete has filed a lawsuit against the ATV manufacturer to receive compensation for the financial harm resulting from his injuries. Pete claims that the manufacturer defectively designed the ATV, causing it to have a tendency to roll over on rough terrain.

The ATV manufacturer claims that the ATV is not defectively designed and that the rollover was caused by Pete driving at an excessive rate of speed around a corner.

Consider the steps in civil litigation and ADR, and assess the factors that Pete and the ATV manufacturer will consider when deciding whether they should settle this lawsuit. If you were Pete’s lawyer, what resolution would you advise? Be sure to consider the primary forms of ADR and all ADR factors described in the lesson and textbook.

Finally, research and select at least one case from an outside source to support your resolution to the ATV case. Include an introduction in your paper.

Your answer must be at least two pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

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Incorporating the XPRIZE vehicles into the existing program of launch vehicle assembly

Unit 3 [GM591]
V2.1801D Page 1 of 3
Unit 3 Assignment: Case Analysis – Proposed Rocket Assembly Project Paper
In this Assignment, you will be assessed based on the following outcome:
GM591-2: Apply process groups to project life cycles.
In this Assignment, you will review a case and research the use of programs and portfolios with projects and provide your recommended course of action.
Your company, Space Systems Technologies (SST), has the mission of assembling commercial and military launch vehicles. SST does no fabrication, it simply provides customers specialized assembly expertise, brings the prefabricated parts of the expendable launch vehicle together, and though an assembly process delivers a completed launch vehicle to the launch facility to be mated with the propulsion system prior to launch. SST Corporation assembles many different launch vehicles for various customers who design and launch the cargo launch (payload rockets) vehicles, but lacks the necessary facilities and expertise in rocket assembly.
SST is submitting a proposal in response to the Ansari XPRIZE Competition as a sub-contractor to Scaled Composites. SST will assemble the different competitor rockets and ship to Scaled Composites who will conduct engine mating, launch, and test data collection.
Your vice president for engineering must decide whether to incorporate these XPRIZE rocket assembly projects into the existing program of launch vehicle assembly or, have a separate program or, consolidate the effort into a project portfolio. You have been asked to research the use of programs and portfolios with projects and provide your recommended course of action. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the following:
● Incorporating the XPRIZE vehicles into the existing program of launch vehicle assembly
● Establishing the XPRIZE vehicles into a standalone program, or
● Establishing a portfolio of XPRIZE vehicles
Your paper will provide a short understanding of the situation and problem as it pertains to the mission of Space Systems Technologies, an analysis of each of the options with cited references, a synthesized recommended course of action, and the evaluation of that conclusion from a source reference not already used in your analysis of the problem.
Please go to the XPRIZE website for further information on the XPRIZE Competition. Be sure to focus only on the cargo launch (payload rockets) vehicles that are part of this competition.
Possible Websites:
The Assignment requires you to conduct research to glean insights related to this case. Possible websites that can assist you are below:
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What is the Google lunar XPRIZE? (2017). Retrieved from
Ansari XPRIZE. (2017). Retrieved from (This website explains what XPRIZE is.)
Scaled Composites, LLC. (2014). Retrieved from
Scaled Composites, LLC. (2014). Retrieved from (XPRIZE Winner)
Aircraft. (2014). Scaled Composites, LLC. Retrieved from
Directions for submitting your paper on your recommended course of action to your VP on how to group the proposed rocket assembly projects.
The Assignment essentially requires you to evaluate three options and make a recommendation to your VP for the most preferred alternative. In completing the Assignment, place emphasis solely on the cargo launch (payload rockets) vehicles. Please also recall the following:
● Ansari XPRIZE is the vehicle launch competition. The winner receives $10M.
● Space Systems Technologies (SST) assembles launch rocket vehicles and is submitting a proposal to do so.
● SST will be a sub-contractor to Scaled Composites.
Your Assignment should include an evaluation of three options. Your evaluation must include the advantage and disadvantage of the following three options, which are as follows:
● Incorporating the XPRIZE vehicles into the existing program of launch vehicle assembly
● Establishing the XPRIZE vehicles into a standalone program or,
● Establishing a portfolio of XPRIZE vehicles
Criteria for the Assignment
● You should begin your Assignment with an Executive Summary of the situation. ● You should conclude your discussion with the final selected recommendation based on the recommendations provided and the next course of action that should be taken based on the recommendation. ● Include references to validate key points, factual claims and counter arguments. ● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the project management outcomes.
● Title page formatted in APA 6th edition style with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course number and section number, and date.
● Include a table of contents using the following headers: Executive Summary, Introduction (3–5 sentences including thesis statement), Project Overview, Analysis of Project (Assess the core project concept. Determine the costs and benefits of the project. Assess if the project scope, risk, and strategy was defined clearly. Assess the process groups in the project life cycle.), Recommendation and Course of Action, Conclusion (4–8 sentences stating your
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recommended solutions in terms of project management techniques and tools), and References.
● A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to APA 6th edition formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations.
● The paper should be focused and to the point, containing between 600–800-words from the Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Submit your paper to the Unit 3 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure that you save a copy of the files you submit.
GM591 Unit 3 Assignment: Proposed Rocket Assembly Project Paper
Content (50 pts)
Points Possible
Points Earned
Response successfully answers the assignment question(s); thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Includes a strong thesis statement, introduction and conclusion. The main points of the paper are developed clearly. All arguments are supported well (no errors in logic) using outside sources.
Sources are primarily academic journals, with thoughtful use Web sources. References are applied substantively to the paper topic. Skillfully addresses counter-arguments and does not ignore data contradicting its claim. Refers to sources both in-text and in the reference page.
Analysis (30 pts)
Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Paper shows original thought.
Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations, comparisons, and inferences.
Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions, and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of information.
Writing (20 pts)
Grammatical skills are strong with typically less than one error per page. Correct use of APA 6th edition formatting style.
Appropriate to the assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).
Project is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are double-spaced with a double space between. Project is free of serious errors; grammar, punctuation, and spelling help to clarify the meaning by following accepted conventions.

Assignment status
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Buying a New (or Used) Vehicle

MS Access 2013 Exam Requirements – (Example: Buying a Vehicle)

Grading: 100 Points (Exam 2: MS Access 2013 Exam)

There are 2 Parts for this Exam. Part 1 is 40 points, Part 2 is 45 points, and the 3 website links are 15 points. You should complete MS Access 2013 Tutorial A-D Assignments in your textbook BEFORE you begin this exam. You can choose a different topic for this Exam (i.e. Electronics, Clothes, Shoes, Grocery Store, Airline, Furniture, or just about anything that works for you).

For MS Access 2013 Exam – Part 1 & 2, first you will need tosearch the Internet for information, thencreate a MS Word documentand provide brief responses about setting up database fields and using features in MS Access 2013 for the scenario below.

Note: Type your first and last name at the top of yourMS Word document.Marginsshould be 1”(top, bottom, left, right)and Part 1, Part 2& Web site links should fit on one page only!

Buying a New (or Used) Vehicle (or any other topic that you choose)In the near future you would like to buy a new or used vehicle. Use a search engine (such as to search the Internet and find vehicles on at least three different Web sites. Think about how you could use MS Access 2013 to set up vehicle information in your own database and then use various database features.

Note: Copy andpaste the 3 different Web site links(from the address bar where you found your informationto the end of your MS Word document.

Part 1 – List TEN Field names that you could include in your databaseand provide examples of each, based upon the information you found about vehicles on the Internet (Example: Price, Year, Color, MPG, Engine, Transmission, and options such as Power Windows, Sunroof, etc.). Define the appropriate Data Type (Text, Number, Date/Time, etc. – see pg. AC 7 in MS Office Access 2013 Illustrated Introductory textbook)for each fieldSpecify the Field Length(Number of Characters)for each field.

Part 2 – Describe how you could use each of the following MS Access 2013 featureswithyour database: Queriesto create a query, Formsto create a simple form, and Reportsto create a simple report. For Part 2, there should be 3 paragraphswith a minimumof 3 sentences per paragraph about how you will use these features in a MS Access databaseYou must use specific fields and examples that you provided in Part 1 (above). 

Important: You do not need to create a MS Access 2013 database for this Exam!You must use MS Word 2013 for all of your responses to Part 1, Part 2, and Web Sites Links An example is provided – see Sample – MS Access 2013 Exam – Buying a Wedding Cake