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Using Bongo, record a video that is 3 to 5 minutes long

Module One Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric


In this course, the Learner-Faculty Connect video assignment will be used for reflection as well as to discuss your preparedness for upcoming weeks. This is a private conversation between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to deeply explore the concepts presented.


In this mentor-focused video check-in, you will look at the project scenario for MBA 540 and have an asynchronous discussion with your instructor regarding any initial concerns about the project scenario and the course project submission due in Module Nine. Review the course infographic to review the course structure and check when each of the three milestones, which pave the path to the project, is due.

As you record the video in the Bongo Q&A tool, consider the criteria listed in this assignment.

You are highly encouraged to continue reaching out to your instructor so any concerns and questions are addressed prior to when Milestone One is due. Discuss your progress and these concerns with your instructor through this video submission.

Record a short video sharing your expectations and understanding of the MBA 540 project. Address the following criteria:

  1. Identify any initial questions or concerns you have regarding:
  2. In preparation for the upcoming milestones, address the following:

If you have any additional questions or require additional support from your instructor, let your instructor know either in this video or through an alternative format.

What to Submit

Using Bongo, record a video that is 3 to 5 minutes long. 

If you are not able to record a video, submit this assignment in an alternate format, such as a 1- to 2-page Word document or a 1- to 2-slide PowerPoint presentation.

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John Oliver YouTube video segments


John Oliver YouTube video segments on topics related to CRIMINAL JUSTICE ONLY. These include: municipal violations; mandatory minimum sentencing; bail; overburdened defense attorneys/Miranda impact; mental health; ‘scientific findings’; border patrol; 911 operations; utility of forensic science; prosecutors (i.e. District Attorneys); lethal injection; death investigations; state Attorney Generals; prisoners as labor; prisoner re-entry; school police; opioids; marijuana; harm reduction; environmental racism; jury duty bias; police unions; housing discrimination; police raids; police accountability; wrongful convictions; and police reform.

Students are to write at least two pages that provides an overview/summary of the segment (approximately 1 page) and then their opinion and solution (if any) to it (approximately 1 page). Students are allowed one.

I found a video

which has to do with police accountability.


In order to locate these videos, please visit Links to an external site.. Type in ‘John Oliver’ into the search engine at the top of the screen to be directed to the above-mentioned CRIMINAL JUSTICE-RELATED segments. Students should email me for approval to write about additional criminal justice segments other than those listed above (if they emerge). PLEASE NOTE: THESE VIDEO SEGMENTS USE SATIRE AND PROFANITY TO HIGHLIGHT REAL-LIFE SITUATIONS.




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According to the video clip from the Economist, why is the deep sea “the final frontier on planet Earth”?

using the attachments and the video link about to answer the questions below. 400 Words 

  1. According to the video clip from the Economist, why is the deep sea “the final frontier on planet Earth”? What are the needs and/or the advantages of seabed mining?
  2. Childs shows us how Nautilus Minerals have legitimized seabed mining in Papua New Guinea despite rising social and ecological concerns. Dover also argues that we need to tighten regulations on deep-sea mining. Synthesizing these readings, what do you think are the disadvantages/negative effects of seabed mining?
  3. Comparing the pros and cons of seabed mining, what is your own view on seabed mining? Do we need it? If so, when and how? If not, why?
  4. © IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) – 28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland – Tel.: +41 22 999 0000 – Fax: +41 22 999 0002
  5. JULY 2018 DEEP-SEA MINING • Deep-sea mining is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep sea – the area of the ocean
  6. below 200 m. Depleting terrestrial deposits and rising demand for metals are stimulating interest in the deep sea, with commercial mining imminent. The scraping of the sea floor and pollution from mining processes can wipe out entire species – many yet to be discovered. Environmental impact assessments, effective regulation and mitigation strategies are needed to limit the impacts of deep-sea mining. Comprehensive baseline studies are needed to improve our understanding of the deep sea.
  7. What is the issue? Deep-sea mining is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep sea – the area of the ocean below 200 m which covers about 65% of the Earth’s surface.
  8. There is growing interest in the mineral deposits of the deep sea. This is largely due to depleting terrestrial deposits for metals such as copper, nickel, aluminium, manganese, zinc, lithium and cobalt, coupled with rising demand for these metals to produce high-tech applications such as smartphones and green technologies such as wind turbines, solar panels and electric storage batteries.
  9. Deep-sea mining activities within the Exclusive Economic Zones of countries and in areas beyond national jurisdiction © IUCN
  10. So far, the focus has been on exploring the deep sea – assessing the size and extent of mineral deposits. By May 2018, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) – which regulates activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction – had issued 29 contracts for the exploration of deep-sea mineral deposits. More than 1.5 million km2 of international seabed – roughly the size of Mongolia – have been set aside for mineral exploration in the Pacific and Indian oceans, and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
  11. But exploration may soon give way to exploitation. Commercial mining in national waters of Papua New Guinea is predicted to begin by 2020. Mining in international waters is expected to commence in 2025.
  12. Why is this important? The seafloor contains an extensive array of geological features. These include abyssal plains 3,500–6,500 m below the sea surface, volcanic underwater mountains known as seamounts, hydrothermal vents with bursting water heated by volcanic activity, and deep trenches such as the Mariana Trench, which at almost 11,000 m is the greatest depth registered in the ocean. These remote areas support species that are uniquely adapted to harsh conditions such as lack of sunlight and high pressure. Many of these species are unknown to science.
  13. As the deep sea remains understudied and poorly understood, there are many gaps in our understanding of its biodiversity and ecosystems. This makes it difficult to thoroughly assess the potential impacts of deep-sea mining and to put in place adequate safeguards to protect the marine environment.
  14. Based on current knowledge of the deep sea, the following impacts of mining activities could affect its biodiversity and ecosystems:
  15. Disturbance of the seafloor The scraping of the ocean floor by machines can alter or destroy deep-sea habitats, leading to the loss of species and fragmentation or loss of ecosystem structure and function. Many species living in the deep sea are endemic – meaning they do not occur anywhere else on the planet – and physical disturbances in just one mining site can possibly wipe out an entire species. This is one of the biggest potential impacts from deep-sea mining.
  16. Sediment plumes Some forms of deep-sea mining will stir up fine sediments on the seafloor consisting of
  17. IUCN website IUCN issues briefs: Twitter: @IUCN
  19. JULY 2018
  20. © IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) – 28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland – Tel.: +41 22 999 0000 – Fax: +41 22 999 0002
  22. silt, clay and the remains of microorganisms, creating plumes of suspended particles. It is unclear how far these particles may disperse beyond the mining area, how long it would take for the to resettle on the seafloor, and to what extent they may affect ecosystems and species, for instance by smothering animals or harming filter-feeding species that depend on clear, clean water to feed, such as krill and whale sharks.
  23. m
  24. Pollution Species such as whales, tuna and sharks could be affected by noise, vibrations and light pollution caused by mining equipment and surface vessels, as well as potential leaks and spills of fuel and toxic products.
  25. Potential impacts from deep-sea mining © IUCN, adapted from Secretariat of the Pacific Community (2013).
  26. What can be done? A better understanding of the deep sea is necessary to guide mitigation strategies and proper enforcement of regulations in order to limit the environmental impacts of mining activities.
  27. Baseline studies Comprehensive baseline studies are needed to understand what species live in the deep sea, how they live, and how they could be affected by mining activities. More funds are needed for training and educational programmes focused on improving our understanding of the deep sea.
  28. Environmental impact assessments High-quality environmental assessments are needed to assess the full range, extent and duration of environmental damage from deep-sea mining operations. These assessments are also needed to ensure that the loss of biodiversity as a result of mining operations is properly accounted for in mining regulations set by
  29. authorities, well before any decision to mine is approved. The costs to the marine environment should be included in the financial and economic assessments conducted by mining companies.
  30. Mitigation Current technologies may not be sufficient to avoid serious and lasting harm to the environment, including the loss of biodiversity. Mining operations strategies will need to prioritise the avoidance of environmental impacts. This needs to include establishing protected area networks to keep large parts of the seabed undisturbed as well as stringent and precautionary controls on the permissible extent and duration of mining operations. Minimising impacts should involve, among other things, improving mining equipment to reduce seafloor disturbance. Remedying environmental impacts has not yet been shown to be effective in practice.
  31. Enhanced regulation The ISA is operating with the dual mandate of promoting the development of deep-sea minerals whilst ensuring that this development is not harmful to the environment. This challenging and conflicting mandate will require improved oversight by the international community – including government representatives and the general public – to ensure that marine life is adequately protected.
  32. To avoid possible conflicts of interest due to the dual mandate of ISA, the organisation should consider divesting itself of some of its responsibilities, and placing them on independent entities.
  33. Circular economy The repair, recycling and reuse of products should be encouraged to help reduce the demand for raw materials from the deep sea. Enhancing product design to make use of less or alternative materials can also reduce the demand.
  34. Cuyvers, L. et al. (2018). Deep seabed mining: a rising environmental challenge. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Gallifrey Foundation.
  35. Where can I get more information?
  36. MIDAS – Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation
  37. IUCN website IUCN issues briefs: Twitter: @IUCN
  41. What is the issue?
  42. Why is this important?
  43. What can be done?
Writers Solution

Beyoncé’s video for “Formation

1. Part Three Directions- Reflect on scholarly paper discussing Beyonce or Formation

Please read ONE of the attached scholarly articles about Beyoncé’s video for “Formation”. Then write three paragraphs, in MLA format, where you:

1) Give the title, author, and describe the main argument of that scholarly article (one paragraph or more). You are not expected to be an expert in everything covered in the article; what you are trying to do is use the expertise of someone who does know a lot about the subject, to add to your understanding of the thing you are researching.

2) Present at least one quote from the scholarly article and describe whether you think it provides strong or weak support for their argument. Use a quote sandwich, with MLA citations for the scholarly paper and for the video; see attached file below for help with citations. .

3) Then describe your own response to that point.  Based on your evaluation of the video, do you agree or disagree with this point from the scholarly article?  You can also describe whether you agree/disagree/partially agree with the overall argument in the scholarly article, if you choose to.  Remember to refer to specific images from the video to support your analysis.  You can refer to the lyrics if you choose to, but primarily you are trying to analyze the visual elements of Beyonce’s video.

4) For extra credit, you can respond to two scholarly articles in the research paper due Week 6, so I recommend picking out a second article now, if you plan to go for the extra credit points.

 Scholarly articles -PDF of full article, and link to find citation for article in MDC Library system

a) on backlash from the Super Bowl performance of “Formation”   backlash from superbowl.pdf  

or link:

b)  contrasting reactions to a performance by Beyonce vs a performance by Kendrick Lamar in 2016  Beyonce vs Kendrick awards performance reception.pdf  

or link:

c) how Beyonce’s “Formation” video challenges colorism ; includes comparison to film Daughters of the Dust  colorism.pdf  

or link:

d) how Beyonce’s Lemonade album challenges racism and patriarchy  Bey lemonade misogynoir.pdf  

or link:

e) Black Girl Magic throughout Beyonce’s Lemonade album as a way to heal:  BGM and Lemonade.pdf  or link:

f) does Beyonce highlight or exploit queer culture on her Lemonade album? :  Who Slays Queer Resonances in Beyonces Lemonade.pdf or link:  

g) where does Beyonce’s Lemonade album resist vs fit into a white patriarchal music industry:  I Aint Sorry.pdf

  or link:

Other Resources

I) Video of “Formation” by Beyoncé           

II) Lyrics for “Formation” :

III) “That B.E.A.T” documentary on New Orleans “bounce” music (approx. 10 minutes) ; several clips are used uncredited in Beyonce’s video :

IV) Help with citations for “Formation” materials:  Beyonce response paper citations 2021.docx  

V) Help with quote sandwiches: They Say/ I Say Chapter Three in your text or here: They Say Chaps 2 and 3(1).pdf




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Do violent video games encourage players to become violent in real life?

 Write an outline for Speech 3, the persuasive belief speech, following the outline guidelines and formatting requirements (Do violent video games encourage players to become violent in real life?). 

1000-1200 WORDS


Do violent video games encourage players to become violent in real life?


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Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity video showing Social Work faculty sharing perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity

How do you even begin to talk about race and ethnicity? And, specifically in a social work context, how do you broach these topics with clients, families, and communities? In 1994, eight American men of various backgrounds (African, Asian, European, and Latino descent) sat down together in a room to talk about race. What followed was a raw, emotional, and difficult conversation that peeled back the layers of racism’s impact. Although the Color of Fear film is decades old now, the need to talk about race remains.

For this Discussion, you view one such conversation among faculty and then analyze what you observed, considering the various perspectives and how they may inform social work practice. 

To Prepare

  • View the Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity video showing Social Work faculty sharing perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity.
  • Reflect on the video, identifying ideas, experiences, or statements that resonate with you, as well as strategies that were described.

By Day 3

Analyze what you learned from the Voices of Diversity video regarding perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity. Specifically:

  • What idea, experience, or statement resonated with you the most, and why?
  • What is one strategy described in the video that you will apply toward your self-awareness and/or cultural competence? How might this strategy help when working with a client who is racially or ethnically different from you?


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Conduct a phone or video call interview with a real person in your community who has a chronic illness or disability to discover the impact this has on their life

Assessment Title Assessment Task Two – Written Assignment
Purpose This assessment will provide students with an opportunity to engage with a health consumer, to gain insight into the impact chronic illness and/or disability has on the consumers life, and to plan person-centered care in partnership with a consumer. Students will have the opportunity to apply specific frameworks to demonstrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning and the principles of caring for people with a chronic illness or disability. Written consent from your interviewee to conduct your interview is required.
Due Date Wednesday 18th May 2022
Time Due 09:00
Weighting 50%
Length 1750 words (+/- 10%; includes intext citations, excludes reference list)
Assessment Rubric Appendix B of the NRSG372 unit outline
LEO Resource A National Q&A Session will be held during week seven (7) of the semester. The Q&A session will unpack the assessment task requirements. Students will have the opportunity to ask the National LICs any questions or clarifications they require. The recording of this will be made available for students following the session. All students are recommended to attend this session. A link for this will be made available on the Assessments page of the LEO unit.
LOs Assessed LO1, LO2, LO3, LO6
Task You are required to conduct a phone or video call interview with a real person in your community who has a chronic illness or disability to discover the impact this has on their life. You will need to prepare for your interview. McGrath, Palmgren & Liljedahl (2019) suggest twelve steps for conducting research interviews; this article is linked on the NRSG372 reading list.
Identify two (2) relevant care priorities for your interviewee. Present each priority and link this to the same health behaviour theory you chose in Assessment Task One.
For each priority, identify and rationalise where the person sits on the Roper-
Logan-Tierney (RLT) model of nursing independence to dependence continuum.
For each identified care priority, outline one (1) health education topic relevant for the person. It is expected that appropriate evidence-based literature will be used to support your assignment.
Consent Form You will need to gain written consent from your interviewee PRIOR to conducting your interview and inform your interviewee they may be called at random by the LIC to confirm consent. There must be evidence that you have interviewed (via phone or video call) a real person in your community, demonstrated by the consent form and unique circumstances outlined in your essay. If there is evidence that students have not conducted a genuine interview an NN grade for the assessment will be awarded.
Safety Confidentiality must be maintained. You must de-identify your interviewee in your paper, by use of a pseudonym, and state this clearly in your paper. Any identifiable location, organisation, or workplace must be deidentified.
This assessment does not encourage you to diagnose conditions or suggest treatments to your interviewee.
Those under 18 years of age, carers, or currently enrolled students at Australian Catholic University, are not to be interviewed.
Students are not to approach strangers for interviews, or to put themselves into situations of risk. Please be aware of the impact of conducting an interview on your interviewee. Should your interviewee become upset, please finish the interview at that point, and contact the LIC for further advice.
Paragraph Structure Written Assignment should follow the below paragraph structure
Introduction: Introduce the interviewee with a pseudonym (and clearly state it is a pseudonym), their health status and condition(s). introduce your heath behaviour theory, the two (2) relevant care priorities, and the education area relevant to each care priority. (max 10% of word count).
Para 1: Provide an overview of the health behaviour theory you are using to base your interview on.
Para 2: What is your first priority? What information have you used to arrive at this? Where on the RLT dependence/independence continuum (by way of equipment, treatments, or interventions) Be specific and explain the priority in depth here.
Para 3: What will the consequences be if you do not address this as your priority?
This is where you need to justify this being your priority- use evidence to support.
Para 4: As the nurse what is the relevant health education you will provide in relation to the identified care priority? You will need to provide specific information about what exact education you will provide. This needs to be more than “provide brochures” or “how to access information on the internet”. The content of the education needs to be specific and relevant to the person you are interviewing
Para 5: What is your second priority? What information have you used to arrive at this? Where on the RLT dependence/independence continuum (by way of equipment, treatments, or interventions) Be specific and explain the priority in depth here.
Para 6: What will the consequences be if you do not address this as your priority?
This is where you need to justify this being your priority- use evidence to support.
Para 7: As the nurse what is the relevant health education you will provide in relation to the identified care priority? You will need to provide specific information about what exact education you will provide. This needs to be more than “provide brochures” or “how to access information on the internet”. The content of the education needs to be specific and relevant to the person you are interviewing.
Conclusion: What have you discussed throughout the paper? What are the next steps? Evaluation of the education provided will demonstrate what? (max 10% of word count).

  1. Consent Form is to be submitted to the “Assessment Two Consent Form” LEO dropbox on your campus tile. Please ensure you submit to the dropbox assigned to your stream.
  2. Written assignment is to be submitted to the “Assessment Two Written
    Assignment” LEO dropbox on your campus tile. Please ensure you submit Submission to the dropbox assigned to your stream.
    File format .doc or .docx (Do not submit .pdf files or pages files)
    Margins 2.54cm, all sides
    Font and size 11-point Calibri or Arial
    Spacing 1.5 spacing including the reference list
    Paragraph Aligned to left margin, indent first line of each paragraph 1.27cm
    Title Page Not to be used
    Level 1 Heading Centered, bold, capitalize each word (14-point Calibri or Arial)
    Level 2 Headings Not to be used
    Structure Introduction, main paragraphs, conclusion, reference list
    Direct quotes Always require page number. No more than 10% of word count in direct quotes
    Header Page number top right corner (9 point Calibri or Arial)
    Footer Name – Student Number – Ax1 – NRG372 – 2020 (in 9 point Calibri or Arial)
    Referencing Style APA 7th Please refer to the APA7 resource tile on the NRSG372 LEO site
    Minimum References A minimum of 17 high quality resources are to be used.
    Age of References Published in the last 5 years as this area of knowledge is rapidly developing
    List Heading “References” is centered, bold, on a new page. (in 14 point Calibri or Arial)
    Alphabetical Order References are arranged alphabetically by author family name
    Hanging Indent Second and subsequent lines of a reference have a hanging indent
    DOI Presented as functional hyperlink
    Spacing Double spacing the entire reference list, both within and between entries
    Late Penalties Late penalties will be applied from 9:01a
    of the maximum marks available up to a maximum of 15%. Assessment tasks
    received more than three calendar days after the due or exten receive feedback but will not be allocate
    Penalty Timeframe
    09:01am Wednesday to 9am Thursday
    09:01am Thursday to 9am Friday
    09:01am Friday to 9am Saturday
    Received after 09:01 Saturday
    An assignment is submitted 12 hours la
    100 receives 55 out of 100 as a final mark.
    m on the due date
    d a mark.
    5% penalty
    10% penalty
    15% penalty
    No mark allocated
    te and is initially mark , incurring 5% penalty ded date will
    Marks Deducted
    5 marks
    10 marks
    15 marks
    ed at 60 out of
    Return of Marks Marks will be generally returned in three weeks; if this is not achievable, you will be notified via your campus LEO forum.
    Final Assignment Marks for the final assessment (assessment two) of NRSG372 will be withheld until after grade ratification and grade release.
    Assessment template project informed by ACU student forums, ACU Librarians and the Academic Skills Unit


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Dr. Cuadra’s video lecture that social vulnerabilities are easily distinguishable (Cuadra,2022)

vulnerabilities are very similar when it comes to Nepal or any other similar developing countries. We already know a lot about different types of vulnerabilities from this course. I will try not to repeat myself. We can see from Dr. Cuadra’s video lecture that social vulnerabilities are easily distinguishable (Cuadra,2022). First of all, the population of Nepal is very poor. As mentioned in the lecture, it is an ethnic-based society. There are a lot of different ethnicities, sects, religions, casts. And people are treated differently depending on where they are belonging. I know, it is 2022 and sounds crazy but what you can do. Some people think that they are superior to others just because they belong to some sect. There should not be any room for discrimination, marginalization, and inequality in a society that wants to prosper. Economic factors are clear as the sky. A poor country that mainly depends on the agricultural sector and some tourism. Relying heavily on one industry with poor regulation makes people a lot more vulnerable to disasters. Physical vulnerabilities are probably the most distinguishable. The large rural sector with pour construction regulation and almost no roads. Economically struggling authorities set building standards for country regions and do not provide finances to implement the standards on the level required for disaster-prone countries (Grunewald,6). As you know, building standards in highly seismic areas are the most strict and not easy to implement. Not only from a financial standpoint but from a construction standpoint. Where are you going to finds experienced trades with equipment and knowledge required to build a multi-level house per the highest seismic region standards per 7.8 magnitudes (Bhagat,1861)? Especially in Nepal. So, authorities have to be cognitive of that and not just assume that what is in the books is going to be in reality unless it is supervised vigilantly.

Physical factors had a big impact after the earthquake. Many buildings were damaged causing casualties, and help could not get to rural areas on time because of a lack of transportation infrastructure. The economical sector got hurt badly because tourism was a big part of it and many tourist locations were damaged. Also, it took a lot longer for rescue teams to get to rural sectors.     

Cuadra, J. (2022). Week 14 Hazards and Development: Nepal Gorkha Earthquake 2015 Video Lecture.

Grunewald, F. (2016).  Nepal Earthquake: a rapid review of the response and a few lessons learned. (p.6 ).

Chapter 3 and 4. Groupe, U.R.D.

Bhagat, S. (2018).  Damage to Cultural Heritage Structure and Buildings Due to the 2015 Nepal Gorkha. (p.1861). Journal of Earthquake Engineering 2018, Vol 22, No.10,1861-1880


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Promoting a Service Message — Music Video


Part A:  Promoting a Service Message — Music Video

READ SCENARIO BELOW.  Rewrite a response that

  •  Seeks attention by giving sincere compliment that reveals message subject
  •  Continues central appeal while providing needed details
  •  Presents reasoning that leads to request for re-shooting video and subtle reminder of central appeal
  •  Connects specific request with firm’s commitment to develop creative productions


You have negotiated with Thunderbolt to create a music video. The draft you received from Thunderbolt is unacceptable and must be redone. Evaluate the following response. So, you prepared the draft message below and realized it is week and it needs to be strengthened using the four bullets above.  Prepare a stronger message using those bullets expressing why you dislike the video and a need for a reshoot.


We’ve just reviewed the first draft of the Thunderbolt music video and find it totally unacceptable. It must be redone to our specifications.  We made it clear that our target is the YouTube audience, which demands over-the-top entertainment, and indicated the sample clips from the Indigos were similar to what we wanted. Instead, you send us a simplistic video of nothing more than live-concert footage of the band.

Call us immediately to schedule re-shooting of the entire video. 

Part B –Persuasive Claim for Replacement Product: No One Wants Another Bum Cell Phone, worth 50 points.

Read the scenario below, then develop a script conversation for T-Mobile explaining the problem with the current phone and asking for a replacement phone.  



Many families purchase a “family plan” from cell phone service providers. This plan is particularly convenient and cost effective for parents with college students. Long-distance phone charges are eliminated. Family members can easily stay in touch with each other. You are a college student, and your family recently purchased the family cell phone plan from T-Mobile before you left for college. The contract is for a two-year period and includes an upgrade on phones within 18 months. A penalty of $150 is charged for cancellation of the contract.


The college student recently took the phone to a T-Mobile retail store for repair because the volume could not be adjusted high enough to hear conversations. Radio Shack shipped the phone to the service center, and the service center said that it cannot be repaired. The model is discontinued and not available for new contracts because “there were problems with the model.” However, the corporate policy states that the defective phone cannot be replaced with a new model free of charge; the replacement phone must be the old model. The customer is infuriated, saying “It’s unacceptable that the company would expect me to put up with another ‘bum’ phone.


1. What sorts of transformations can you see in figure 11-48? Consider, first of all, the content of Wall’s piece.

2. What does it mean that businessmen inhabit the scene rather than Japanese in traditional dress?

  • Explain how, Fig. 11-2, this process was created.  How beneficial was it?
  • Explain the meaning of the word Photography and its origin?
  • Fig 11-10 describes the scene and its importance to the American people; being able to have pictures such as this?
  • Fig 11-16 The print Moonrise, what is the significance of this print? Do you view photos as deeply as the artist does?
  1. When was color photography created and what entity first used it?
  • Fig 11-23 depicts a woman in a green dress. Explain the difference between this photo had it been in black in white and what color adds or takes away from a photograph.
  1. Compare Film to Video. Which is more advantageous or are they equal? Explain

Write a response to this discussion below –

I am presenting a painting that I found to be very interesting by Ernie Barnes called “My Miss America”. This painting was creating in (1970) and shows an African American woman walking carrying two bags through what it looks to be the sun setting with her eyes closed and her head held high. As the lady is walking wearing a dress the artist created detail to her arms and legs showing them to be in a muscular build. I found this painting to be very interesting and beautiful at the same time. I believe while the artist was magnifying the strength of this woman, he also sums up how life is for African American women living in America facing forms of discrimination even still to this day. 

I believe “My Miss America” shows how strong African American women have to be on a daily basis living in a world that we are not really accepted in. While trying to be feminine this woman is going through this world with her eyes closed not knowing what she will be faced with. While dealing with racism and sexism, African American women are forced to be physically, mentally, and emotionally strong and this this painting the details of the woman muscular arms and legs shows as though. The woman walks carrying her own bags showing her independence while still trying to look like a lady. The role of the artist is him showing universal truths about African American women. 


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Writers Solution

First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals

Gender as Spectrum From EDUC 251

Session Slides

(Links to an external site.)

1) First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals.

2) Next, take two minutes to reflect and journal about the ways in which you have been taught that gender is a spectrum going from masculine to feminine.

· Where have you seen this line or fragments of it? What places you more toward one end of the spectrum or the other? What places you more toward the middle? For example, when have you have been told “As a boy/girl you should … more.” or “Because you’re a boy/girl you need to do … less.” Please note that these messages also apply to people who are genderqueer in the middle of the spectrum except that they are given messages to be or do more or less to fit into either masculinity or femininity rather than being more genderqueer.

· What rewards or opportunities will you receive if you stay where you are or move in one direction or another?

· What costs do you incur or risks do you take if you stay where you are or move in one direction or another?

3) Then, watch Makkai (2002) below for a shelf resource to balance with your self.

4) Now take two more minutes to reflect and journal about balancing your own story of your self with Makkai’s (2002) story from the shelf. What windows and mirrors came up for you?

5) Post your reflection on the discussion board below. Read and respectfully respond to other people’s posts.


Makkai, K. (2002). Pretty. National Poetry Slam




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals

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