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Power BI on the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)

Your task is to create multiple charts using Power BI as part of your continued analysis to help TC Ice Cream grow its business through improved operations and sales. Follow the directions in the Module Seven Power BI Assignment User Manual to create a trend chart and a column chart in Power BI.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Create a trend chart to represent the subcategories of the data.
    • Use Power BI on the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) to complete this step.
    • Use the TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook available to you on the VDI.
    • Recreate a trend chart in Power BI from your completed TC Ice Cream “Division Analysis” worksheet.
    • Articulate and appropriately label the chart you created in Power BI.
    • Take a screenshot of the chart, paste it in a Microsoft Word document, and convert it to a PDF.
    • Name the PDF as follows: Power_BI_Chart3.
  2. Create a column chart to represent the subcategories of the data.
    • Use Power BI on the VDI to complete this step.
    • Use the TC Ice Cream Excel Workbook available to you on the VDI.
    • Recreate a column chart in Power BI from your completed TC Ice Cream “Division Analysis” worksheet.
    • Articulate and appropriately label the chart you created in Power BI.
    • Take a screenshot of the chart, paste it in a Microsoft Word document, and convert it into a PDF.
    • Name the PDF as follows: Power_BI_Chart4.

What to Submit

Submit each Power BI chart screenshot in a PDF format. Name the charts as instructed in the prompt: Power_BI_Chart3 and Power_BI_Chart4.

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Virtual Gallery Tour

As we will end this course in the 1960s, your final project is intended give you a window of the space between then and now. Your final project is based on these two parts:

Part 1: Mini Research Paper (2-3 pages) – worth 100 of 310 total points

Part 2: Virtual Gallery Tour – worth 210 of 310 total points 

First, select from the list of possible artists, offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  1. Email me with your first and second choices. PLEASE MESSAGE ME WHICH ONE YOU DECIDE ON SO I COULD EMAIL MY TEACHER!
  2. I will return your email with approval of one of the artists (or another alternative ifneither of your top two sections is available).
  3. After you are given artist approval, you must email me a paragraph about yourartist and your planned perspective, as well as the possible sources that you plan to use. Send your paragraph no later than one week from receiving your artist approval.

Please see attachment for the rest of this part in more details !!!

Part 1: Mini Research Paper

For your final project you will choose an artist who has made work from 1970 to the present. One page 2 is a list of possible choices, but you are more than welcome to propose an artist to me that is not on the list. I have chosen artists that are a bit more well- known, in part, because you will need to access at least 3 accredited sources on them, either on-line or otherwise.

The first part of your final project assignment is to write a 2-3 page research paper that includes a brief biography of the artist, the movements they are/were included in (if any), their influences, your opinion of their work, and why the artist made the choices they did in their work.

This mini-paper must include:

In-paper citations

Works-cited page in MLA format

Double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font,

Submitted online by Monday, August 29th by 5pm CST.This part of the project will make up 100 points of the 310 total points of your grade. The assessment rubric on page 3 describes how your instructor will assess your work.


Part 2: Virtual Gallery Tour

The bulk of your grade will rest in developing an online gallery tour in PowerPoint format of 3-5 pieces of your chosen Artist’s work. You will develop an introduction to that artist, relevant pieces of their bio, and notes and thoughts about the reasons they created the artwork and your own opinion.

This part of the project will make up 210 points of the 310 total points of your grade. The assessment rubric on the following page describes how your instructor will assess your work.


If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please do not hesitate to ask. Try to be creative with the way you are looking at these artists, and interpret the project to match your interests and goals. Parts of this should be fun!

Plagiarism Warning! If you plagiarize any component of this project, you will fail this course.

Plagiarism is against the policies and standards of the College of St. Scholastica.

Plagiarizing is when you directly copy someone’s writing and/or information and don’t give them credit in the form of a citation, thus giving the impression that the text you are using is your original thought. A link to more information about what plagiarism is:

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.



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virtual reality existence that people are opting towards much perfection

Every brand has become so competitive due to the virtual reality existence that people are opting towards much perfection. Consumers are now fully interested in understanding the concept of the brand name and what they actually sell For that it is important to understand woven labels are an essential element of your designing activities. You should implement catchy phrases and intellectual elements to your designs making the much more prominent on any product and giving the product the finishing it requires. There are multiple sellers/designers out there providing some incredible services in terms of design & development, you can easily hire them via many social platforms




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on virtual reality existence that people are opting towards much perfection

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Virtual Landscape Collage: pick a place you are unfamiliar with; find 6 online images

Select ​one​ activity option from each of the following categories.   
Read the related prompt ​before​ you start.
You can find more specific suggested activities on the last page if you’re having trouble with this

Select a Geography-related article that is interesting to you (it must be over a full page
when print previewed).
Comparing perspectives: find a Geography- related issue and find two different (cultural,
political or economic) perspectives on that issue.
Read the first chapter of a non-fiction, Geography-related book.
Watch a documentary related to physical or human geography.

Virtual Landscape Collage: pick a place you are unfamiliar with; find 6 online images,
carefully reference the source and write detailed captions.
Review an online exhibit related to physical or human geography.
Virtual Field Trip: find a virtual field trip for location(s) you’ve never been to before.
Cultural Products Collage: pick a country you are unfamiliar with; find examples of
cultural artifacts, traditional or modern, multimedia or photos (music, art, pottery, dance,
clothing, language, literature/poetry, food, customs, etc.)

Respond to all parts of prompt (numbers); each part in its own complete paragraph. You will
have three paragraphs for each activity response.

Get Critical Prompts:
1. Provide an in your own words summary of the important points.
2. What has to do with Geography? Include terms from class, with in your own words
3. For the last paragraph, choose from…
a. What were your reactions to what you’ve read/watched? Describe and detail at
least two reactions/thoughts.
b. What consequences can you identify or future predictions can you make?
Describe and detail at least two.

Get Virtual Prompts:
1. Briefly introduce the activity: what did you do? Where did it virtually take you? Why did
you select it?
2. What does it have to do with Geography? What could you connect to our class? What
spatial perspective questions did you have? Were you able to find answers?
3. Reflect on our early discussions of globalization and global communications technology.
What do you think of the experience of connecting to the world virtually? Beneficial or
not? What about the places you visited, are they accurately represented? Do they get
the same access to your world?


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Virtual Landscape Collage: pick a place you are unfamiliar with; find 6 online images


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Module 4 SLP Assignment

  • Sell stock, calculate return, and explain price volatility

Please download the Module 4 SLP Template. You will type your answer into this Excel workbook. When finished with the SLP assignment, please save the document with your last name and submit to the dropbox.

  1. Sell all of your interest in at least one company that pays a dividend and include the following information in the Excel template:

Company NameTicker Symbol52-week High52-week LowDividend Yield

  1. Assume you bought the stock mentioned in 1. above at the 52-week low and sold it at the 52-week high. What would the rate of return be for this stock? (Hint: be sure to include the dividend yield).
  2. Choose the stock with the most price volatility over the project. Attempt to explain why this fluctuation occurred using information about the company, the industry, and/or the macroeconomy
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Virtual Currency Applicability

Project 3: Virtual Currency

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Virtual Currency Applicability

As the exploration of emerging technologies continues within cybersecurity, your third of four projects investigates the phenomenon of virtual currency. The assignment should take about 22 days to complete and consists of 12 steps that will guide you toward a Virtual Currency Applicability Report.

This report and accompanying formal business presentation should include research, supporting documentation, and recommendations for financial and cyber policy perspectives. Proceed to Step 1 and contact your CIO (the instructor) if you have questions or need additional guidance.


Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

• 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.

• 5.4: Define and appropriately use advanced cybersecurity concepts and terminology.

• 8.2: Evaluate specific cybersecurity threats and the combination of technologies and policies that can address them.

Step 1: Examine the Terms Virtual and Digital Currency

The concepts of virtual currency and digital currency can be difficult to comprehend. Since the financial industry is generally founded on physical assets, the thought of conducting business in a medium that cannot be carried in your pocket or put in a safe is unnerving. The underlying concerns are the standards by which the currency is measured.

Consider the characteristics of virtual currency and digital currency, and how they compare to one another. Additionally, think about these in regard to the context of virtualization and cloud computing. Remember that you must include technical content within your final report, but it is also important to be prepared to provide less technical explanations to decision makers, especially in the executive summary, conclusion, and the recommendations you provide. Once you are comfortable with these terms, consider these and their relationship to one another throughout the project and proceed to the next step, in which you will research virtual currency.

Step 2: Conduct Competitive Research of Virtual Currency

Even though Bitcoin is the best-known brand in the category, your interest in any virtual currency is being driven by the encryption method and if it is applicable to the institution’s cybersecurity policy requirements.

Develop a spreadsheet that will be used to gather your research. In the first column, list Bitcoin and other virtual currency options available, if any. In column 2, list the corresponding encryption method for that specific virtual currency. In column 3, assess what characteristics or cybersecurity technologies used by that virtual currency that makes it unique.

Proceed to the next step, in which you will take a look at virtualization and cloud computing, specifically the policy constraints of those elements.

Step 3: Identify Policy Constraints on Virtualization and Cloud Computing

You assessed cybersecurity technologies during your competitive research of virtual currency in the previous step. Now, take these technological elements and consider the policies that include aspects of virtualization and cloud computing. Consider the cybersecurity policies and constraints that affect these specific elements.

Make a fourth column in the spreadsheet for policy constraints and document the findings. Once this is completed, proceed to the next step, in which you will compile those findings.

Step 4: Summarize Virtual Currency Findings

In the previous step, you identified the technological elements of virtualization and cloud computing, and now it’s time to fully assess the inherent policy issues and challenges of these cybersecurity technologies. Discuss core concepts and developments in cryptography and cryptanalysis for the benefit of your financial audience from a cyber perspective and the financial implications of virtual currency. Also, consider information assurance needs for the business.

Provide a two- to three-page summary of the findings thus far and an overall assessment of virtual currencies, the encryption technology, and the subsequent policy issues that might arise.

Submit the Virtual Currency Overview, along with the spreadsheet of the recorded findings as an addendum for feedback, and proceed to the next step.

Submission for Project 3: Virtual Currency Overview

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Step 5: Assess Bitcoin Encryption (Blockchain) and Technological Capabilities

Bitcoin has become a successful globally appropriated form of virtual currency and digital currency (cryptocurrency) through its accomplished technology and practices. By many, it is still considered an emerging technology in the realm of cybersecurity.

Within the first few steps, you reviewed virtual currency and gained an overview of cybersecurity methods such as encryption methods and other technology traits associated with various virtual currencies. In the next few steps, you will investigate the cross-cutting effects in Bitcoin’s use of blockchain technology and perform an external Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Audit for your company. You will scrutinize policy, budget, and technological capabilities (where they exist) to address cyberthreats, as well as how these effects are managed at the enterprise, national, and international levels. Feel free to pull items from your findings thus far to frame this assignment.

In this step, develop a record-keeping system specifically for blockchain. This can be in the form of a table, spreadsheet, or other format. Keep in mind that this will be submitted as an addendum to the final project, so it should be organized and easily understood by the instructor.

Determine variances from a cybersecurity perspective, consider Bitcoin’s encryption method, and other technological capabilities at the enterprise, national, and international level. Include other virtual currency technologies and reasons why they might have a better impact in these areas.

In the next step, you will determine any policy limitations of the use of blockchain technology.

Step 6: Determine Policy Limitations of Blockchain and Similar Technologies

As CISO, you direct the focus of the research into blockchain as the underlying encryption technology to the dominant virtual currency—Bitcoin. As you have learned, emerging alternatives tend to have a disruptive effect on current technology. Blockchain and other options would be expected to have similar results.

In this step, continue the comprehensive review of blockchain and related technologies regarding policy impacts. Review limitations which might be imposed or might involve other business affairs in the company’s cybersecurity arsenal. This should also include the perspective at the enterprise, national, and international levels.

Next, you will consider budget and resources for blockchain.

Step 7: Assess Blockchain Technology Budget and Resource Trade-Offs

In the last two steps, you have considered policy and technology capability impacts of blockchain and related technologies viewed from enterprise, national, and international levels. As you probably have found or predicted, budget and resource trade-offs now need to be acknowledged and will be the final piece of your External Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Audit. This should also recognize and accommodate potential enterprise, national, and international constraints.

Provide a three- to five-page External Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Audit. Incorporate what you have identified during your cross-functional analysis of blockchain and digital-currency technology alternatives in regards to technological capabilities, policy, and budget trade-offs relative to enterprise, national, and international restrictions. This should be directed to senior leaders about the pros and cons, the options, and the alternatives that would facilitate their strategic decision making in defense of cyberthreats.

Submit the External Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Audit along with the recorded findings document as an addendum for feedback.

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Next, you will consider the risks involved with virtual currency.

Step 8: Analyze the Risk Implications of Virtual Currency

Based on what you have learned about risk management, dust off your competitive research spreadsheet, add a final column, and address the cybersecurity risk in each alternative and how to manage it. Address the application of virtual currency and encryption to other aspects of the institution’s cybersecurity. Where do they fit?

Virtual currency could expand the attack vectors of cyber criminals. Include information on this expansion of cyberattack technologies.

Summarize the risk implications that were found during your research in a one-page summary for the category of risk from your research. The next step will focus on managing the potential risks.

Step 9: Classify Technical and Policy Risks

As you better define the information to be delivered in the final report, the Virtual Currency Applicability Report, you recognize the need to distinguish between the technology and policy issues that are involved. As an update to your ongoing analysis, categorize the risk as technical or policy.

The classification is based on risk, not the solution. In other words, you might have documented what appears to be a technical condition or change that actually triggers a policy risk. As such, for the purpose of this reporting, it would be classified on the policy risk side of the ledger.

Record the findings and proceed to the next step, in which you will come up with a strategy to mitigate risk.

Step 10: Develop a Virtual Currency Risk Mitigation Strategy

Now that you have categorized the risks, it’s time to consider risk management for virtual currency. Begin the process of addressing those risks from a strategic response perspective. What direction will be taken in the event of one or more of the identified risks occurring?

This brief, two- to three-page report is an integral part of the Virtual Currency Applicability Report. It is not intended as a play-by-play procedures manual in the event of a breach. It is intended, as is the final report, as an overview of a strategic response should risk mitigation be required.

Submit the Virtual Currency Risk Mitigation Strategy for approval and proceed to the final series of steps to complete the Virtual Currency Applicability Report.

Submission for Project 3: Risk Mitigation Strategy

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Step 11: Compose Formal Presentation Elements

The next two steps will prepare you for the final submission of the Digital Currency Applicability Report. By now, you should have received feedback from the first three assignments.

To present this as a formal document to stakeholders, additional elements should be present in the final Virtual Currency Applicability Report. The table of contents should easily reflect both the submitted work and supplemental materials.

You should also provide an executive overview to set the stage and address concerns expressed and implied by the assignment. This will provide senior leadership streamlined information that you have found during the cybersecurity review of virtual currency and related concerns. This should include future opportunities and risks.

Finally, an abridged conclusion should be prepared for the mitigation.

It is now time to move to production of the final Virtual Currency Applicability Report.

Step 12: Construct the Virtual Currency Applicability Report and Recommendations

The final assignment for the project is the Virtual Currency Applicability Report. The completed report should be 12 to 15 pages.

Organize the report with a table of contents, executive overview, and conclusion. Also include the three assignments for this project and other supplementary materials as addendums.

Finally, provide recommendations on other issues that may have yet to be addressed. As the CISO, the primary issue and area of expertise is cybersecurity. Senior leadership is likely going to want answers to several questions, such as:

• Can we use an encryption technology without virtual currency?

• Has a cost-benefit analysis been conducted?

• What would be the impact on our customers?

As you can see, the concerns are not simply technical. The decision includes financial and policy questions that must be addressed. The presentation should provide a strategic approach to addressing these concerns based on the research and CIO feedback.

Submit the Virtual Currency Applicability Report.

Submission for Project 3: Supporting Documents

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Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

• 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.

• 5.4: Define and appropriately use advanced cybersecurity concepts and terminology.

• 8.2: Evaluate specific cybersecurity threats and the combination of technologies and policies that can address them.

Submission for Project 3: Virtual Currency Applicability Report

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What are virtual appliances?

Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

Your organization is investigating virtual appliances to run certain applications. 

  • What are virtual appliances?
  • How could the company benefit from using them?
  • What virtual appliances are available to implement network storage?





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What are virtual appliances?

Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

Your organization is investigating virtual appliances to run certain applications. 

  • What are virtual appliances?
  • How could the company benefit from using them?
  • What virtual appliances are available to implement network storage?





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Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory

Working with Virutal Machines
WEEK – 6

  1. Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  2. Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  3. Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
  4. Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
  5. Revert to a Snapshot
  6. Delete an Individual Snapshot
  7. Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    Week 6 Manage virtual machines (Template, clones and snapshot)
    Objective: Perform virtual machine management tasks
    In this lab, you will perform the following tasks:
  8. Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  9. Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  10. Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
  11. Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
  12. Revert to a Snapshot
  13. Delete an Individual Snapshot
  14. Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    Task 1: Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
    You unregister a virtual machine from the VMware vCenter Server™ Appliance™ inventory. Unregistering does not delete the virtual machine from the datastore.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
    • vCenter Server Appliance name
    • vCenter Single Sign-On user name
    • vCenter Single Sign-On password
  15. If VMware vSphere® Web Client is not active, open a Web browser and connect to the vCenter Server Appliance home page at https://vCenter_Server_Appliance/vsphere-client and log in.
  16. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  17. Select the your_name##-4 virtual machine and click the Summary tab.
  18. View the Related Object pane and record the VMware vSphere® VMFS datastore name where the your_name##-4 virtual machine resides. __
  19. Right-click the your_name##-4 virtual machine and select Power Shut Down Guest OS.
  20. Click Yes to confirm the shutdown.
  21. After the your_name##-4 virtual machine is shut down, right-click it and select Remove from Inventory.
    Do not select Delete from Disk. This operation is not recoverable.
  22. Click Yes to confirm the removal.
  23. Click the Refresh icon in vSphere Web Client.
  24. Verify that the your_name##-4 virtual machine no longer appears in the inventory.
  25. In the Navigator pane, click the Storage tab and expand the view.
  26. Right-click the your_name##-4 virtual machine’s VMFS datastore and select Browse Files.
    You recorded the VMFS datastore name in step 4.
  27. View the folders.
    Does a folder named your_name##-4 exist?
    Task 2: Register a Virtual Machine
    If you removed a virtual machine from the vCenter Server Appliance inventory but did not remove it from the managed host’s datastore, you can return it to the inventory by registering it with the vCenter Server Appliance.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
  28. In the list of virtual machine files in the right pane, right-click the yourname##-4.vmx file and select Register VM.
    The screenshot shows an example selecting of Register VM.
    The Register Virtual Machine wizard starts.
  29. 2. On the Name and Location page, enter your_name##-5.

is the number of your ESXi host.

  1. In the Select inventory location pane, select the LabVMs folder and click Next.
  2. On the Host/Cluster page, select your ESXi host and click Next.
  3. On the Ready to Complete page, review the information and click Finish.
  4. In the Navigator pane, click the VMs and Templates tab and verify that the your_name##-5 virtual machine is in the LabVMs folder.
    Task 3: Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
    You can remove a virtual machine from the vCenter Server Appliance inventory and delete allassociated virtual machine files from the datastore, including the configuration file and the virtual disk files.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
  5. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  6. Select the your_name##-5 virtual machine and click the Summary tab.
  7. View the Related Object pane and record the VMFS datastore name on which the your_name##-5 virtual machine resides. __
  8. Right-click the your_name##-5 virtual machine, select Delete from Disk, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  9. Verify that the your_name##-5 virtual machine no longer appears in the inventory.
  10. In the Navigator pane, click the Storage tab and expand the inventory view.
  11. Right-click the VMFS datastore name and select Browse Files.
    You recorded the VMFS datastore name in step 3.
  12. Verify that the folder and files from which the your_name##-5 virtual machine was registered no longer exist.
    The folder has the original virtual machine name: your_name##-4.
    Task 4: Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
    You take a snapshot to preserve the state and the data of a virtual machine at the time the snapshot is taken. You use snapshots when you must revert repeatedly to the same virtual machine state but do not want to create multiple virtual machines.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
    • Virtual machine administrator password
    • Software ISO image location
  13. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  14. In the left pane, select the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
  15. In the center pane, click Launch Remote Console on the Summary tab.
  16. If necessary, log in as the virtual machine administrator and enter the password.
  17. On the task bar, click Start and select Run.
  18. In the Open text box, enter C: and click OK.
  19. Resize the window as needed so that the files in C: and the Recycle Bin are visible.
  20. Create a text file on Desktop iometer.
  21. Drag the iometer file to the Recycle Bin.
  22. To completely remove the iometer file, right-click the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty Recycle Bin.
  23. Click Yes to confirm the file deletion and leave the virtual machine console open.
  24. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Take Snapshot.
    The Take VM Snapshot wizard starts.
  25. Configure the snapshot.
  26. Click OK and monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane.
  27. Create a text file on Desktop cpu-busy.
  28. Return to the virtual machine console and drag the cpu-busy file to the Recycle Bin.
  29. To completely remove the cpu-busy file, right-click the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty Recycle Bin.
  30. Click Yes to confirm the file deletion and leave the virtual machine console open.
  31. Return to the vSphere Web Client.
  32. In the inventory pane, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Take Snapshot take another snapshot.
  33. Click OK and monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane.
  34. Connect the ClassFiles-vSphere.iso file on the CD/DVD drive to the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    a. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Edit Settings.
    b. On the Virtual Hardware tab, select Datastore ISO File from the CD/DVD drive 1 dropdown menu.
    c. Select the Classfiles-vSphere.iso file and click OK.
    d. Select the Connected check box.
    e. Click OK to close the Edit Settings dialog box.
  35. Return to the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  36. If the D: drive does not open automatically, open Windows Explorer and go to the D: drive.
  37. Copy the cpubusy file from the D: drive to the virtual machine’s desktop.
  38. Disconnect the CD/DVD drive from your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    a. From the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Edit Settings.
    b. On the Virtual Hardware tab, click the arrow next to CD/DVD drive 1 to expand the view.
    c. Select Client Device from the drop-down menu and click OK.
  39. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and take another snapshot by select Snapshots Take Snapshot to take another snapshot.
  40. Configure the Snapshot.
  41. Click OK.
  42. Monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane and wait for completion.
  43. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots. You should see three snapshots. The difference in icons is due to whether the Snapshot the virtual machine’s memory check box was selected when the snapshot was taken.
  44. Leave the Snapshot Manager open.
  45. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Task 5: Revert to a Snapshot
    You can return a virtual machine to the state it had at the time the selected snapshot was taken.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
    • Virtual machine administrator password
  46. Verify that the your_name##-3 virtual machine is powered on.
  47. In the Snapshot Manager, select the Without iometer or cpu-busy snapshot and click Revert to.
  48. Click Yes to confirm the reversion.
  49. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q1. Did the virtual machine power off, and what is the reason?
  50. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine in the inventory and select Power Power On.
  51. Launch a remote console to the your_name##-3 virtual machine and wait for the boot process to finish.
  52. If necessary, log in as the administrator with the password.
    Q2. Is either iometer or cpu-busy on the local disk (C:)?
  53. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  54. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots.
    The You Are Here pointer should be below the snapshot named Without iometer or cpu-busy.
  55. In the Snapshot Manager, select the With cpu-busy snapshot and click Revert to.
  56. Click Yes to confirm the reversion.
  57. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q3. Did the virtual machine power off, and what is the reason?
  58. Open a remote console for the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    Q4. Is cpu-busy on the desktop?
    Q5. Is iometer on the desktop?
  59. Minimize the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Task 6: Delete an Individual Snapshot
    You can use the Delete All function to commit all the intermediate snapshots before the current state.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
  60. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots. The You Are Here pointer should be below the snapshot named With cpu-busy.
  61. In the Snapshot Manager, select the Without iometer or cpu-busy snapshot and click Delete.
  62. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  63. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q1. Did the virtual machine power off?
    Q2. Is cpu-busy on the desktop?
    Task 7: Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    You can remove a snapshot from the Snapshot Manager. The snapshot files are consolidated and written to the parent snapshot disk.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
  64. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots.
  65. Click Delete All and click Yes to confirm that you want to delete all the remaining snapshots. The You Are Here pointer should be below the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    Q1. Were all the remaining snapshots deleted from the Snapshot Manager?
  66. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
  67. Return to the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Q2. Is cpu-busy on the desktop, and why?
  68. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  69. Leave the vSphere Web Client open for the next lab





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What are advantages of cloning virtual machine in VMware Workstation?

Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

Research information about two current data mining projects being conducted.

  • What are advantages of cloning virtual machine in VMware Workstation?
  • Compare the configuration of a physical network to a virtual network.
  • Compare and contrast clones and snapshots.





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