Writers Solution

Reducing Juvenile Weapons Crimes

Assignment Details:

Explain the Youth Firearms Violence Initiative. Choose one of the strategies and tactics shown in Table 8.2 (p. 246). Explain the program in depth and its effectiveness in reducing juvenile weapons crimes.
• 2 pages double spaced
• At least two reliable sources used other than the text (not Wikipedia)
Text Book: Juvenile Justice Sixth Edition

Site: Cleveland
Total Budget and Configuration:
• $685,342
• 27 Officers, 2 Sergeants

Street-Based Activities:
• Residential Area Policing Program (RAPP) Houses: located in neighborhoods with high violence, staffed around the clock for 90 days
School-Based Activities
• None
Community-Based Activities
• RAPP House officers coordinated cleanup and youth activities
• RAPP House used for neighborhood meeting
GIS/Crime Analysis
• Department had GIS capability prior to Youth Firearms Violence Initiative (YFVI)

Law: Reducing Juvenile Weapons Crimes

(University Affiliation)

(Professor’s Name)

(Student’s Name)


Youth Firearms Violence Initiative


            Youths at their adolescent stages are always associated with delinquent behaviors and this has remained a serious problem in many cities in the US. However, although the problem is risky, it can be solved, (Hemenway, 2006). Youth violence remains a complex issue, which requires the intervention of the society before the problem becomes entrenched. The Youths Firearms Violence Initiative is a programme especially designed for law enforcement agencies in order to help them to develop some strategies of dealing with the use of firearms by youths in solving of conflicts. Many strategies can be employed in the reduction of juvenile firearms crimes.

Strategies for Prevention of Youth Firearms Violence

            The Youth Firearms Violence Initiative  was developed in 1995 and COPS provided funding to over nine police departments in the United States in order to help roll the initiative. This program developed many strategies and tactics, which included partnerships, crime prevention, community policing, civil abatement and enforcement of zero-tolerance laws, (Koper, Woods & Kubu, 2013).

Community Policing Partnerships to Reduce Juvenile Crimes

            Premise of success of juvenile prevention relies on the fact that the police can perform effectively if they get the necessary cooperation, assistance and trust of the citizens that are affected. The main roles of the police under this strategic capacity are to make the community feel safe in addition to encouraging them to cooperate with local police agencies. Many, due to a number of reasons regard this strategy as a success.

            The community policing strategy provides direct engagements between the police and the community and thus allows the police to get information on the immediate problems facing such a community. Therefore, the police will be proactive in their engagements in crime prevention since they are free from their emergency centers. This strategy in freeing police officers from their confines allows them to be more accountable for their roles in the community, (Fagan, Hanson, Hawkins & Arthur, 2008). This program in decentralizing and allowing police officers to mingle and patrol the community makes them understand better the community.

            One such program of community policing is the Youth Firearms Violence Initiative (YFVI), which as mentioned above, is run by COPS and it major aim is to reduce gun violence among the youth. Working in over ten 9 cities in the US, COPS provided each city with 1$ million to develop YFVI strategies that included development of cooperation with other cities in education, prevention and other intervention programs regarding safety and use of guns among the youths.           The other strategic focus of YFVI relates to the development of programs which are community based and that are designed to address youth violence and use of guns. In additions, the community benefits from programs that…………………………..
