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Discuss how you think your theory can be applied where you currently work or in a position you would like to hold in the future

Unit I Research Paper Topic In Unit VII of this course, you will submit a research paper concerning a leadership theory and how it is applied in the workforce. In the finished paper, you will evaluate leadership roles and strengths, analyze the leadership theory you chose, evaluate leadership behavior and motivation, analyze leader influence, analyze research in leadership, demonstrate how leadership skills are used, and compare and contrast how leadership approaches are used to lead organizational learning and change. 

Later in this course (Unit V), you will submit a literature review focusing on relevant literature related to your leadership theory and its application. 

For this assignment, you are asked to conduct a search of the different leadership theories (trait, behavioral, contingency, and contemporary) and identify a theory that draws your interest and that you would be interested in exploring for the literature review and final research paper. You can review these theories in the textbook and do additional research in the Online Library. The first step involves choosing, exploring, and focusing on a topic. Write a one-page project topic paper discussing why you chose your theory. Include the following components in your research paper topic: 

  • Discuss how you think your theory can be applied where you currently work or in a position you would like to hold in the future. 
  • Discuss how your theory can be applied to improve organizational behavior and increase diversity in organizations.
  •  List at least two possible research questions you could investigate concerning application of your theory. 

Your research paper topic should be at least one page in length, not including the title and references pages, which are required as part of this assignment. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the Waldorf Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations

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Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care

  • 3 PAGES
  • Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care.
  • Analyze how providers at each location try to return their patients to their highest level of functioning.
  • Explain how a physician practice communicates with the hospital to foster high-quality, efficient, and effective patient care.
  • Analyze three peer-reviewed articles that each discuss one of the topics above.
    • Description or summary presents the what of the article, but analysis will pursue the question of so what?
    • Why do these ideas matter and/or how are these ideas connected?
    • What are the potential gaps or questions that remain?

Organize your paper with the following headings:

  • Title Page.
  • Agenda.
  • Introduction.
    • Professional introduction (1 paragraph).
      • You have license to be creative as you imagine the background you would bring to a position like this one.
    • Agenda (bullet points).
      • Preview the main goals of the lunch-and-learn.
      • Refer to some of the scholarly sources you will summarize.
  • Continuum of Care.
    • Describe where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care.
    • Analyze a peer-reviewed article that discusses where the physician practice and the hospital fall on the continuum of patient care.
  • Care Quality.
    • Describe how a physicians practice maximizes patient care quality to return them to the highest level of function, addressing quality standards such as:
      • Maximizing value-based reimbursement.
      • Positive patient experience.
      • Maintaining operational efficiency.
    • Analyze a peer-reviewed article that discusses how a physicians practice maximizes patient care quality to return them to the highest level of function.
  • • Operational Strategy. o Describe the communication between the hospital system and medical practices to provide effective, efficient, and high-quality care. o Examine a peer-reviewed publication that examines how hospital systems and medical practices interact to promote effective, efficient, and high-quality treatment. • Concluding. o Summarize the key points of your lunchtime lecture. o Make judgments based on data from at least two of the articles you summarized. o Provide concrete examples to illustrate how these concepts can be applied in real-world situations.
  • References


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Where Can I Find a Company’s Annual Report and Its SEC Filings?

Strategic Planning & Implementation

Competency Assessment Title: Strategic Analysis

Total Number of Points: 100

Assignment Directions Step 1: Choose a Company In the first Competency Assessment, you completed a SWOT analysis on a successful company that demonstrated a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Now you will shift your focus to look at a company that is failing or experiencing challenges in the area of financial performance.

Select and research a company that is having financial difficulties or is on the brink of bankruptcy. You may also choose to use your current employer or a company you’ve worked for in the past as long as you have sufficient data to complete the assignment.

Review “Where Can I Find a Company’s Annual Report and Its SEC Filings?” from Investopedia.

You can also access specific information about a variety of businesses in the University Library by searching the following databases:

• University Library > Databases > B > Business Source Complete • University Library > How Do I > Company Information > Find Annual Reports > EDGAR (SEC Filings) • University Library > Databases > P > Plunkett Research Online

Step 2: Write an Analysis Conduct a strategic analysis of the company’s current financial operations. Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.

Write a 750- to 1000-word strategic analysis. When writing your analysis, complete the following:

• Evaluate the company’s current financial plan, including charts and/or graphs showing financial data from the struggling company and make recommendations for improvement.

• Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance. • Create a plan to implement the strategies you selected. • Include at least 3 sources.

STRCB/581 Competency 2 Rubric Page 2 of 2

Copyright 2021 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Competency Assessment Rubric

Assignment/Performance Criteria Mastery 100%

Meets Expectations 85%

Not Met 0%

1. Evaluation of the company’s current financial plan and recommendations for improvement

(weight 30%)

Comprehensively evaluated the company’s current financial plan from a creative and innovative perspective, included fully relevant charts and/or graphs of company’s financial data, and made a comprehensive, creative, and innovative connection between recommendations for improvement and company’s current financial state

Partially evaluated the company’s current financial plan, included mostly relevant charts and/or graphs of company’s financial data, and made a partial connection between recommendations for improvement and company’s current financial state

Narrowly evaluated the company’s current financial plan, included some relevant charts and/or graphs of company’s financial data, and made a narrow connection between recommendations for improvement and company’s current financial state; or did not evaluate the company’s current financial plan, did not include relevant charts or graphs of company’s financial data, or did not make a connection between recommendations for improvement and company’s current financial state

2. Strategies for achieving sustainable competitive advantage

(weight 30%)

Thoroughly evaluated strategies for achieving sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance from a creative and innovative perspective

Somewhat evaluated strategies for achieving sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance

Narrowly evaluated strategies for achieving sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance or did not evaluate strategies for achieving sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance

3. Plan to implement the selected strategies

(weight 40%)

Created a thorough, creative, and innovative plan to implement strategies

Created a thorough plan to implement strategies

Created a narrow plan to implement strategies or did not create a plan to implement strategies


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big data analytics brings to light several possibilities where errors may exist in data due to noise

The article in this week’s readings regarding uncertainty in big data analytics brings to light several possibilities where errors may exist in data due to noise, incompleteness, or inconsistency. Considering the market basket approach presented in Chapter Three of the course text, write a 2-3 page, APA 7th edition-formatted paper discussing where potential errors or ethical challenges may exist in data gathered and used for marketing purposes. For example, in 2012, Target’s data analytics discovered that a teen girl was pregnant before her family knew based on purchase history and began sending related advertisements. Identify 2-3 ethical and legal issues surrounding the collection of consumer data and consumer privacy. How might these issues impact areas such as diversity, equity, inclusion, or targeting of social groups? Address what steps a business may take to clean their data or reduce inconsistencies.

with reference and citation 

no question and answer formatChaudhary, K., & Alam, M. (2022). Big data analytics applications in business and marketing.




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My local community where i live in is East Los Angeles, CA

Look for a current news article depicting a specific incidence of violence in your local community. 

My local community where i live in is East Los Angeles, CA

1. Article can be from any local News source – You should have the link or a picture of the news clipping that you will be uploading here as an attachment.

2. The “Incident” must have occurred within the last 3-5 months. (no more than 5 months ago)

3. The  Article must be more than 2 paragraphs long (the more information, the better able you will be to decide on a theory)

4.  upload the following to the discussion post:

a scanned copy of the article or a link to article 

a very brief summary of why this incident is considered violence (2-3 sentences)




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Identify which theory are you connecting it to and why (2-4 sentence explanation)  —–YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE THEORY

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What did Kiera do right when evaluating her team? Where did she need improvement?

Case Study Assignment & Instructions

Please analyze the case Leader as a Coach B.

You need to follow the rubric given in the Turnitin assignment above and use the resource materials given with case A as well as the following questions in your analysis.

  1. What did Kiera do right when evaluating her team? Where did she need improvement?
  2. What are some possible reasons Kiera’s team might not have performed to her expectations? What obstacles has she created?
  3. Now that the second quarter is over, Kiera has an opportunity to make some changes and give some feedback to her team. How should she do that?

4. What should Kiera do after the feedback meetings with her team members?

What are some motivational methods, besides financial incentives, that Kiera should consider?


Davidson, Martin N. “Feedback.” Technical Note OB-0746. (Darden Business Publishing, 2001).

Gabarro, John J., and John P. Kotter. “Managing Your Boss.” Harvard Business Review (January


Hill, Linda A. “Becoming the Boss.” Harvard Business Review (January 2007).

Maccoby, Michael. “Te 4 R’s of Motivation.” Research Technology Management 53, no. 4 (July– August 2010): 60–61.

Time. Winchester, VA: Oakhill Press, 2004.

Scott, Susan. Fierce Conversations, New York: Berkley, 2004.

Stone, Douglas, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen. Difcult Conversations. New York: Penguin Books,


Turk, Wayne. “The Art of Managing Up.” Defense AT&L 36, no. 2 (March–April 2007).

Wiseman, Liz, and Greg McKeown. “Bringing Out the Best in Your People.” Harvard Business

Review (May 2010).


Introduction, problem identification, Critical analysis, Proposed action and Conclusion

All answers must include APA 7th in-text citation and APA 7th edition references.

Minimum of ten (6) scholarly references.




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Rubric for Individual Case StudiesPoor QualityFair QualityGood QualityHigh QualityExemplary QualitySCORE
0 pts5 pts10 pts15 pts20 pts 
Problem Identification 20%Does not recognize the main problem or mentions problems that are not based on the facts of the caseMentions problems that lack significanceRecognizes one valid problemsRecognizes multiple problems in the case.Recognizes one or more key problems in the case. Indicates some issues are more important than others and explains why______OUT OF 20
key character anslysis 20%Does not recognize the perspectives of any characters in the caseConsiders the perspectives of characters who lack significanceConsiders the perspective of one key character in the caseClearly describes the unique perspective of multiple key characters in the case.Clearly describes the unique perspective of multiple key characters in the case. Explains how the perspectives are intertwined and related.______OUT OF 20
Analysis of at least three Approaches 20%Does not have a clear understanding of the facts in the caseAccurately lists facts in the case but does not understand the relevance of these factsConsiders facts in the case and understands relevance of these factsDiscusses facts in the case and cites related knowledge from researchDiscusses facts in the case and cites related knowledge from research and adds knowledge from personal experience______OUT OF 20
Proposed Action 20%No action proposedAction proposed is not feasibleAction proposed is reasonableMore than one reasonable action is proposedProposed action best deals with key issue(s)______OUT OF 20
Length and Quality of submission 20%Submission lacks originality and does not utilize Turn it in for the assignment with original work.Submission is beginning to develop a quality paper, but less than 5 pages.Submission utilizes Turn-it in for original work and has 5 complete pages with minimum errors in the paper.Submission is original and utilizes an organized manner with detailed analysis.Submission is original and utilizes Turn it in for 5 complete pages for the assignment. Highly organized through out the paper._____ OUT OF 20
      Total________out of 100
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Choose a service project at an accessible location where you have an interest and passion for making a difference

GEOGRAPHY PROJECT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The Geography Project Plan is a research paper and a capstone assignment whereby you will apply geographic and research skills toward solving a real problem.INSTRUCTIONS . The project must be feasible in scale and scope for a student’s time and budget. Choose a specific location rather than a grand scale project like ending world hunger. Your plan must be 1,000–1,250 words, use Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins, include a cover page, the required sections (shown below), a reference page, a map, and a realistic budget. Cite at least five scholarly sources (other than Scripture, the textbook, and Wikipedia) in current APA format.The project can have an environmental focus, e.g., access to clean drinking water; preserving natural habitats; reducing air and water pollution; or dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters like floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes. Many students choose humanitarian projects focused on health, education, and financial needs, e.g., educating illiterate populations; helping start businesses; feeding the malnourished; or resourcing underserved schools, health clinics, hospitals, or orphanages. Your project may be as simple as building a wheelchair ramp for your neighbor or building a new playground at your church. The project may expand upon an existing service, but you must identify what services currently exist and how the services may be expanded based on your contribution. You must include realisitic materials, transportation, labor, and other associated costs. For example, is there a need for additional homeless shelters? If shelters exist, where are they located and what populations do they serve? Is there a need for shelters to safely house families, or just women and children? How much would it cost to erect and operate a homeless shelter for the number of clients that you are proposing? Step 1: State the objective (what will be accomplished) and location of the project, e.g., “I will provide clean drinking water to the rural population in Nimba, Liberia by digging three wells.” Then give a brief explanation based on your initial research for why this project is needed. Step 2: Research, analyze, and describe the problem through a geographic lens. Consider the terms and concepts in the textbook and the five main themes of geography. Step 3: Describe a feasible course of action to solve the problem. The paper must explain the who, what, why, and where of this project. In the end, this paper is about the proposed solution, or Project Plan. Step 4: List and describe the detailed costs of the project (i.e. materials, transportation, labor, etc.) Step 5: Utilize and bold highlight at least five geographic terms from the text. Step 6: Incorporate the five main themes of geography into their required section headings.Use the following 10 required main sections when writing your paper. You may include subheadings as needed.GEOG 200Page 2 of 3I. IntroductionII. General Overview and RationaleIII. Region RelevanceIV. Location RelevanceV. Place RelevanceVI. Movement RelevanceVII. Human-Environmental Interaction RelevanceVIII BudgetIX. SummaryX. ReferencesHINT: The CIA World Factbook is a helpful place to begin when studying another country.Start by describing and analyzing the significance of location. Is the problem unique to a specific location or region? Why or why not? Describing the location of a low income rural town relative to regions of industry or agriculture can be revealing. Is the location a conurbation, technopole, forward capital, or primate city?Follow with a regional analysis that might include physiography (climate, terrain, bodies of water, flora and fauna), culture, population data (demographics), the economy, political geography, urban development, industrialization, and agriculture. How would you characterize the people, i.e., their culture, lifestyle and beliefs? How do language, gender, religion, and cultural traditions and values affect the project? Are the people part of a shatterbelt? Think about the sectors of the economy and development. Is the area you are addressing a periphery, semi-periphery, or core state, and how does that help or hinder the solution to the problem? Are the people subsistence farmers? Describe the population. Analyze the population distribution and density. Is it a floating population? Look at demographics like the birth rate, infant mortality rate, overall longevity, ratio of physicians to population, per capita income, average years of education or illiteracy, and the dependency ratio. What do those statistics indicate regarding the problem to be solved?Movement, or connectivity, is often a key component in any geographic analysis. Will you move people, goods, or information? How will you do that? What are the challenges of movement? Can you hand out brochures or a Bible if the people receiving them are illiterate? Do they have access to the internet? Is there adequate transportation infrastructure to move people and goods? Are roads improved or unimproved? Is there access to public transportation? Analyze physiography as it relates to movement. Think about transferability of goods, distance decay, or the movement of people through immigration or emigration.Study the cultural landscape and develop a sense of place. This can add insight to the culture and the economy. Can the type of places of worship indicate cultural or ethnic diversity in a location? Where is the nearest hospital or college? Do most people live in single-family homes, or do most residents rent? Can the number of traffic lights in a town indicate size?Consider the cause and effect of human interaction with the natural environment as it relates to your project. It may be as simple as studying the general climate and the seasonal effect on GEOG 200Page 3 of 3activities and services. Do the people contend with devastating drought, earthquakes, tsunamis, or hurricanes? Have people permanently altered the natural landscape through deforestation or the construction of dams, levees, or canals?Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.GEOG 200Page 3 of 3activities and services. Do the people contend with devastating drought, earthquakes, tsunamis, or hurricanes? Have people permanently altered the natural landscape through deforestation or the construction of dams, levees, or canals?




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The power traces are stored in a CSV file, where each row indicates the power consumption of one AES execution

Introduction to Hardware Security
General Instructions:
• Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
• Late submissions will have penalties.
• Any sort of plagiarism will be penalised. If you are referring to any materials online or books, please cite them accordingly otherwise it will be considered as plagiarism.
• Please submit a detailed report explaining how you have solved the assignment.
In this assignment, you will be provided with the power traces of AES. The power traces are stored in a CSV file, where each row indicates the power consumption of one AES execution. For every row, the first entry is plaintext, the second entry is ciphertext, and all the subsequent entries are power consumption values. Your task is to write a code for Difference of Mean Attack, and use that code on the given power traces to recover the 4th and 5th bytes of the secret key used in the AES execution.
Note: You will be provided with a CSV files, you have to use one according to your group number. (e.g., if your group number is 6, then use HW power trace 6.csv) Deliverables:

  1. The solution for the assignment should be submitted as a zip file. The file should be named
  2. The submission should contain the following:
    • A python file.
    • The report (as pdf).
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 Black Eyed Peas w/ Justin Timberlake Where is the Love? 

 In at least 600 words, analyze the song’s lyrics and images to help the reader make the connection between the song and the need for civic engagement. Use the assigned course reading materials to support your argument. Use the music video below.


 Black Eyed Peas w/ Justin Timberlake Where is the Love? 

Please see attached for proper formatting Rules

Students write an essay or “primary assignment” each week on a different topic. Keep in mind:

· The 3+1 Rule is mandatory and so be sure to familiarize yourself with it.

· Organization should follow this format:

1. Introduction that summarizes what will be discussed and provides a thesis statement.

2. The body of the essay. It should be multi-paragraph. Each paragraph should discuss one aspect that supports the thesis statement.

3. Conclusion that summarizes what was discussed.

4. References in APA.

5. In-text citations are also required


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Are You looking for Assignment and Homework Writing help? We Provide High-Quality Academic Papers at Affordable Rates. No Plagiarism.


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One of Natalie’s friends, Curtis Lesperance, runs a coffee shop where he sells specialty coffees and prepares and sells muffins and cookies.

Cookie Creations (Chapters 9 and 10)
This assignment will focus on the Cookie Creations case study from Chapter 9 (page 9-37) and Chapter 10 (page 10-42) of your textbook. There are two parts to this assignment. Review the case situations for each part (i.e., in each chapter), and then complete the instructions.

Part I
One of Natalie’s friends, Curtis Lesperance, runs a coffee shop where he sells specialty coffees and prepares and sells muffins and cookies. He is eager to buy one of Natalie’s fine European mixers, which would enable him to make larger batches of muffins and cookies. However, Curtis cannot afford to pay for the mixer for at least 30 days. He asks Natalie if she would be willing to sell him the mixer on credit.
Natalie comes to you for advice. She asks you to address the questions below.
Curtis has given me a set of his most recent financial statements. What calculations should I do with the data from these statements, and what questions should I ask him after I have analyzed the statements? How will this information help me decide if I should extend credit to Curtis?
Is there an alternative other than extending credit to Curtis for 30 days?
I am thinking seriously about being able to have my customers use credit cards. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of letting my customers pay by credit card?
The following transactions occurred in June through August 2020.
June 1: After much thought, Natalie sells a mixer to Curtis on credit, terms n/30, for $1,150 (cost of mixer $620).
June 30: Curtis calls Natalie. He is unable to pay the amount outstanding for another month, so he signs a 1-month, 8.35% note receivable.
July 31: Curtis calls Natalie. He indicates that he is unable to pay today but hopes to have a check for her at the end of the week. Natalie prepares the journal entry to record the dishonor of the note. She assumes she will be paid within a week.
Aug. 7: Natalie receives a check from Curtis in payment of his balance owed.
Answer Natalie’s questions in a Word document.
Prepare journal entries for the transactions that occurred in June, July, and August in an Excel spreadsheet. Round to the nearest dollar. Note that the company uses a perpetual inventory system. Use the Part I Excel Template to record your transactions.
To reiterate, you will write your responses to Natalie’s questions (1–3) in a Word document, and you will complete the journal transactions in an Excel spreadsheet. Your responses to Part I (Natalie’s questions) should be a minimum of one page in length, and you will add your responses for Part II to this document before submitting.
Part II
Natalie is also thinking of buying a van that will be used only for business. The cost of the van is estimated at $36,500. Natalie would spend an additional $2,500 to have the van painted. In addition, she wants the back seat of the van removed so that she will have a lot of room to transport her mixer inventory as well as her baking supplies. The cost of taking out the back seat and installing shelving units is estimated at $1,500. She expects the van to last 5 years, and she expects to drive it for 200,000 miles. The annual cost of vehicle insurance will be $2,400. Natalie estimates that at the end of the 5-year useful life, the van will sell for $7,500. Assume that she will buy the van on August 15, 2020, and it will be ready for use on September 1, 2020.
Natalie is concerned about the impact of the van’s cost on her income statement and balance sheet. She has come to you for advice on calculating the van’s depreciation.
Determine the cost of the van.
Prepare three depreciation tables for 2020, 2021, and 2022: one for straight-line depreciation (similar to the one in Illustration 10-9), one for double-declining balance depreciation (Illustration 10-13), and one for units-of-activity depreciation (Illustration 10-11). Use the Part II Excel Template to determine depreciation. For units-of-activity, Natalie estimates that she will drive the van as follows: 15,000 miles in 2020; 45,000 miles in 2021; and 50,000 miles in 2022. Recall that Cookie Creations has a December 31 year-end.
What impact will the three methods of depreciation have on Natalie’s balance sheet at December 31, 2020? What impact will the three methods have on Natalie’s income statement in 2020?
What impact will the three methods of depreciation have on Natalie’s income statement over the van’s total 5-year useful life?
What method of depreciation would you recommend Natalie use, and why?
Use the same Word document that you used to record your Part I responses (one page in length), and add your responses for the Part II questions (1–5), which should be one page in length.
In summary, you will submit one Word document containing your responses for Parts I and II (two-page minimum) and two Excel spreadsheets containing Natalie’s journal transactions from Part I and the


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on One of Natalie’s friends, Curtis Lesperance, runs a coffee shop where he sells specialty coffees and prepares and sells muffins and cookies.