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ESL strategies to use in your toolkit which will enhance learning for English Language Learners

1)You will read about ESL strategies to use in your toolkit which will enhance learning for English Language Learners.

2) Explore ESL and ELL strategies and add appropriate ones to your Toolkit.


Review the following:


Explore ESL and ELL strategies to add to your Toolkit by viewing the following link:


Add ESL strategies to toolkit from assigned resources. You should be working on toolkit each week , and it will be successfully complete by due dates. 

Share what you learned from the resources and  a favorite strategy you found on Engagement and one for ESL /ELL students.  Post by Friday – Sunday morning  and then respond to 2 others by Sunday evening . 

Be sure to refer to Discussion R

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Describe a situation in which you resisted a personal or an organizational

Organization Change and Transformation

Module 2 SLP  

Individual Resistance to Change

As we have established, resistance to change occurs at various levels: Individual, group, and organization. Moreover, resistance to change is both a workplace and a personal phenomenon. Therefore, organizational change theory applies in both contexts.

For Module 2 SLP, you will consider either a personal or workplace situation in which you resisted change.

In a well-written 3- to 4-page paper, to include 2 scholarly sources from the Module 2 Background and Required and Optional Readings List, please respond to the following:

Part One: (Description): Describe a situation in which you resisted a personal or an organizational (workplace) change.

Part Two (Application and Analysis):

  1. Identify the specific reasons that contributed to your resistance to change.
  2. What measures, if any, were taken (by yourself, by others, by top leadership, etc.) to decrease resistance to change?
  3. What was the outcome of the change, and how were the concerns you identified in question 1 of Part 2, resolved?

Part Three (Insights): Now that you have a better understanding as to why individuals resist change,

  1. What insights have you gained that would affect how you would approach this change today?
  2. What have you learned that you can use to enhance your ability to lead change?
  3. Will you approach the change process differently in the future?

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Your SLP should be 3 to 4 pages in length (not including Title and Reference pages).
  2. Be sure to cite and reference (using APA Style) a minimum of 2 scholarly sources listed in the Course Materials and Bibliography (Module 2 required and Optional Reading List), or in the Module 2 Background Page: Required and Optional Readings.
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Value-based care is a healthcare delivery model in which providers, including hospitals and physicians, are paid on the basis of patient health outcomes

Value-based care is a healthcare delivery model in which providers, including hospitals and physicians, are paid on the basis of patient health outcomes. Value-based care includes three key goals: improved population health, increased patient satisfaction, and reduced cost. Each of these goals affects the stakeholders differently. For example, value-based care aims to lower costs across the board, which would result in the insurance companies having to pay lower reimbursements. If insurance companies incur lower costs, they are less likely to raise premiums and deductibles.

Before you begin working on the assignment, review the module learning resources. These resources will help you with additional guidance to complete this assignment.

In this assignment, you will choose two acute care hospitals in your state. Do not select critical access hospitals for comparative analysis. Because critical access hospitals are exempted from sharing information with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), you may not get enough information about these hospitals for comparison. You will compare the selected hospitals on the basis of various quality metrics defined by the CMS. Then, you will conduct a comparative analysis of both the hospitals using specific quality metrics: patient survey ratings, complications, and death rates and unplanned hospital visits. This analysis will help you understand how value-based care and quality metrics in healthcare impact stakeholders. Also, this assignment will help you understand how stakeholders influence the decision-making process in healthcare.


To complete this assignment, you will submit an analysis report that includes the comparative analysis of two chosen hospitals. In this assignment, you will choose two acute care hospitals from your state and conduct a comparative analysis. Use module resources to understand how to conduct the comparative analysis on selected hospitals. You will use quality metrics and national benchmarks defined by the CMS. You will then create an analysis report that includes the comparative table and a summary of your analysis to demonstrate your findings.

You must cite at least three sources to support your claims. For additional help with completing this assignment, refer to the Shapiro Library Guide: Nursing – Graduate item in the Start Here module. You may also use the Online Writing Center, located in the Academic Support module.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Selection of Hospitals: Justify your selection of two acute care hospitals for comparative analysis.
  2. Analysis of Patient Survey Ratings: Analyze the comparative performance of selected hospitals pertaining to patient survey ratings quality metrics. Consider the following questions in your response:
    1. How does the patient survey quality metric impact the government and private insurance reimbursement?
    2. Why is the patient survey one of the essential quality metrics for value-based care?
    3. Did underserved/vulnerable populations participate in the patient survey? Why is their inclusion essential?
  3. Analysis of Complication and Death Rates: Analyze the comparative performance of selected hospitals pertaining to complication and death rate quality metrics. Consider the following questions in your response:
    1. How do complication and death rate quality metrics impact the government and private insurance reimbursement?
    2. How do the complication and death rates impact value-based care?
  4. Analysis of Unplanned Hospital Visit Ratings: Analyze the comparative performance of selected hospitals pertaining to the unplanned hospital visits quality metric. Consider the following questions in your response:
    1. How does the unplanned hospital visits quality metric impact the government and private insurance reimbursement?
    2. What does the unplanned hospital visits quality metric indicate about value-based care?
  5. Summary of Analysis: Summarize your findings from your comparative analysis of the two hospitals. Include the national benchmarks for the quality metrics you have used for your analyses. Consider the following questions in your response:
    1. How do value-based care quality metrics impact healthcare stakeholders such as insurance providers, hospitals, and patients?
    2. Do the mentioned three quality metrics or any other quality metrics defined by the CMS include underserved/vulnerable populations’ challenges related to value-based care?

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style

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Topic on which you will examine its causes and its effects.

In this assignment, you will choose a topic on which you will examine its causes and its effects. You will also learn some basics of using outside source material.  Feel free to choose any topic you wish, exciting or mundane, serious or humorous.   Choose a subject that you know a lot about and that you can easily explain. 

As you write this paper consider the positive and negative effects associated with your subject. Examine both the benefits and detriments connected with your cause. 


  • Three – Four pages double spaced
  • Academic style – 3rd person, active voice (no be verbs!), college-level word choice, no contractions (see Academic Voice Handout  Download Academic Voice Handout)
  • Relatively error-free writing (free of spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanical errors)
  • One short outside source MAY be used only as a support for your ideas.  If you incorporate outside source information, you will need to give credit to whatever sources you used.  You learned about crediting sources in the Documentation Unit; follow MLA guidelines for documenting sources.  Remember – this assignment is NOT a research paper, and outside research is NOT required.
  • Proper MLA formatting –  MLA Essay/Document FormattingDownload MLA Essay/Document Formatting
  • To demonstrate the ability to create a draft on your own, you are not required to submit a rough draft.  Submit the final draft.


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Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting

DirectionsPart 1: Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)

You will draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.

  1. Complex Issue: Select a complex issue from the provided list. Describe the “who” and “what” behind the issue you have selected so that your mentor can provide you feedback on the appropriateness of how you’ve situated the problem and your proposal for addressing it for your audience:
  • Issue explanation
  • Sociopolitical and historical context of the issue
  • Importance to the stakeholders in impacted community
  1. Annotated Bibliography: Remember, your mentor has been very clear that an appeal to your audience’s passions is not sufficient in addressing your complex issue. Provide research and evidence that supports your explanation of the complex issue and your recommendations around this issue:
  • Use relevant and credible sources that represent a variety of perspectives
  • Explain how sources inform potential and logical next steps based on resources
  1. Your Position and Course of Action: Next, address the “why” behind the issue in your proposal ensuring you:
  • Explain your position on this issue
  • Describe a logical course of action or actions aligned with your proposal and supported by evidence
  1. Audience Analysis: Lastly, look carefully at the “who” again and “where.” Potentially there will be individuals in your audience from diverse cultures aside from your primary audience. Discuss the following and how you will ensure your visuals and verbal or text narrative will address:
  • Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting
  • Communication strategies appropriate in addressing your primary audience
  • Communication strategies appropriate in addressing multicultural audiences that differ from your primary audience (for example, are there linguistic preferences or nonverbal signs that would be preferable or not preferable?)

Part 2: Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)

Now that you’ve completed your plan and have a concrete approach around your idea, you feel even more confident about communicating your position! You have many choices for presenting yourself (slide deck with speaker notes or video with transcript). You know your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position. Your choice of vehicle (slide deck or video) and the information you include in the speaker notes or transcript must address all of the following:

  • Presentation of Issue: Set the stage for your audience:
  • Situate your issue by clearly identifying it
  • Briefly describe the sociopolitical context (local, regional, national, or global)
  • Recommendation: Ensure you concisely and clearly cover:
  • Main Idea
  • Call to Action
  • Communication of Explanation: Ensure you are using your speaker notes or video narration/transcript to ensure your narrative:
  • Aligns to the norms of the public venue in which you are presenting
  • Addresses cultural needs and expectations of the group
  • Appropriate Practices: Use conventions that are:
  • Appropriate to persuasive argument
  • Suitable for a variety of cultural backgrounds
  • Necessary to avoid communicating bias, either intended or unintended
  • Articulation of Response: Clearly convey meaning, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose:
  • Correct grammar
    • Avoid slang and jargon
  • Sentence structure
  • Spelling

What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

  1. Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)Draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.
  2. Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)Choose a vehicle (slide deck or video) and include information in the speaker notes or transcript. Your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position.

Please help me to add the following feedback to my paper. 

Complex Issue: Describes a complex issue that is of importance to impacted community supported by sociopolitical and historical context

Criterion Feedback

9/27/23 – Niovy, the feedback provided on 9/21 has yet. to be applied.  Again, please incorporate some additional insights to frame the sociopolitical context and there should be substantive research to support your analysis. With the historical context, it is not clear which events have contributed to the problem or what was the catalyst that created a need to examine this issue further. Why did food insecurity become such an important focus? Why did we start to consider this issue? Does it date back to the conditions after the war or during the Great Depression? Is this a newer challenge that arose after a specific series of events? Identify the events and incorporate research for support. In examining the sociopolitical context, think about who is impacted most. Are there certain geographic locations experiencing more issues with food insecurity than others? Are specific populations more affected than others? What research can be used to substantiate your evaluation?

09/21/23 – Niovy, you are making good progress; however, you need to incorporate some additional insights to frame the sociopolitical context and there should be substantive research to support your analysis. With the historical context, it is not clear which events have contributed to the problem or what was the catalyst that created a need to examine this issue further. Why did food insecurity become such an important focus? Why did we start to consider this issue? Does it date back to the conditions after the war or during the Great Depression? Is this a newer challenge that arose after a specific series of events? Identify the events and incorporate research for support. In examining the sociopolitical context, think about who is impacted most. Are there certain geographic locations experiencing more issues with food insecurity than others? Are specific populations more affected than others? What research can be used to substantiate your evaluation?

Annotated Bibliography: Describes relevant and credible resources representing a variety of perspectives, and how those resources support your explanation of this complex issue

Criterion Feedback

9/27/23 – The feedback provided on 9/21 has yet. to be applied.  Again, please include at least three annotations (you currently have two, but need to incorporate an additional source). Also, include an analysis of credibility and relevancy for each source using the guidance from the previous feedback.

09/21/23 – Again, good work, but the previous feedback has not been fully incorporated. Given the complexity of your topic, please include at least three annotations (you currently have two, but need to incorporate an additional source). Also, include an analysis of credibility and relevancy for each source using the guidance from the previous feedback.

9/2/23 – Niovy, you are off to a great start in this area as well!  But take another look as your annotated bibliography.  You will need to include at least three (3) sources and address each of the elements below:

Clearly evaluate each of your sources against these five (5) criteria:

Authority: Authority refers to the credibility of the author or creator of the information. A person with authority is an accepted expert in his/her field.

Accuracy: Accuracy refers to how factual the source is. An accurate source has reliable references to back up its claims – references that can be verified.

Currency: What is current varies from subject to subject. Medical research relies on a shorter time period for currency than literary or historical studies.

Relevance: Is the source really relevant to your topic? Does it strengthen your argument? Some sources may only relate to your topic in a loose way, especially topics with multiple subcategories.

Objectivity: The point of view and purpose of a source can help you determine how objective a source is and how much bias plays a role

Please address the criteria, for every source in this section, and clearly state why it meets or does not meet that criteria by asking these questions.

Are the authors an authority? Why or why not?  

Is the information presented factual? Why or why not? How do you know?

Is the information current? Why or why not?

Is the source really relevant to your topic? Does it strengthen your argument?  

Is the point of view objective?


You have a good start to compiling the entries for your annotated bibliography. For your next submission, you must have at least three entries.  

The annotated bibliography provides the research foundation for your challenge and helps to guide your position around the topic. To achieve mastery, please ensure your annotated bibliography is in the appropriate format, which will help to analyze the credibility of your sources.  

Project Resource:

Each entry needs to include these elements:

-Identifying the source authors and discussing their place in society. You need to state information about the author’s education and career background. What makes them an ‘expert’ in this topic? This should be stated in the introduction to the article. Sometimes this is listed at the conclusion of the article.

-Discussing the purpose of the piece and why it was written.

-Explaining the value or ideas behind the content in the source.

-Addressing the credibility of the piece (why or why not). You need to determine if the author based the article on credible, cited research – look at the Reference list of resources. For example – if it is a blog and just based on opinion, this may be useful information but is not as credible. If you use a blog, you need to note that is or is not research-based.

Your Position and Course of Action: Explains your position on the issue and course of action or actions aligned with that position and supported by evidence

Criterion Feedback

9/27/23 – The feedback provided on 9/21 has yet. to be applied.  Again, please fully discuss the course of action and your plans. For example:

First, I propose XXX, which is aligned to the research by Smith (2019); Second, I propose xxx. This will allow you to fully discuss the course of action and your plans.  As you develop each course of action, consider how to implement each recommendation, which will guide how you structure each action. A very important aspect of this area is to include supporting rationale. Please be sure to provide significant supporting evidence for each course of action, which will be evidenced by the use of in-text citations and significant discussion of how the recommendations align to the research.

09/21/23 – You are heading in the right direction, but as stated in the previous feedback, more is needed to address this area fully. It is important to keep in mind that courses of action are recommendations that can be implemented to address the issue. Additionally, it may be helpful to format the courses of action similar to the following. First, I propose XXX, which is aligned to the research by Smith (2019); Second, I propose xxx. This will allow you to fully discuss the course of action and your plans.  As you develop each course of action, consider how to implement each recommendation, which will guide how you structure each action. A very important aspect of this area is to include supporting rationale. Please be sure to provide significant supporting evidence for each course of action, which will be evidenced by the use of in-text citations and significant discussion of how the recommendations align to the research.

First I propose X (action/solution), according to Y (source) this is beneficial…





Use the “Interactive: Methods Map” found in the Unit Resources under Research Methods and Research Methodologies to review methods and problem-solving approaches to consider when addressing the recommendations for a given research question or complex challenge. The “Website: Reading Scientific Research” found under the Unit Resources under Research Methods and Research Methodologies presents a strategy for quickly locating key information in scientific research articles. In the Unit Resources: Evaluating Sources: “The Importance of Relevance Sources” explores the importance of relevance related to sources found throughout the research process.


You have a good start to this rubric item. For your next submission, you need to explain why this civic issue is important to you and why you chose this issue for your proposal.

The course of actions identified are good strategies; however, be sure to discuss how the evidence listed supports the identified course of action(s). This will be evidenced by the use of in-text citations and significant discussion of how the recommendations align to the research.  Provide a brief summation or overview of how the source supports the course of action. This will provide credibility to your recommendations.

As you develop each course of action, consider how to implement each recommendation, which will guide how you structure each action. A very important aspect of this area is to include supporting rationale.  

Consider putting in your proposal a well-laid out plan that has recommendations supported by the sources that you have researched.  This will provide credibility to the recommendations as well as show how each connects to the research. For example:

First I propose X (action/solution), according to Y (source) this is beneficial…





Presentation of Issue: Provides brief description of the sociopolitical context to situate your issue and provide context for your audience

Criterion Feedback

9/27/23 – Same here, the feedback provided on 9/21 has yet. to be applied.  Again, please incorporate some additional insights to frame the sociopolitical context and there should be substantive research to support your analysis. With the historical context, it is not clear which events have contributed to the problem or what was the catalyst that created a need to examine this issue further. Why did food insecurity become such an important focus? Why did we start to consider this issue? Does it date back to the conditions after the war or during the Great Depression? Is this a newer challenge that arose after a specific series of events? Identify the events and incorporate research for support. In examining the sociopolitical context, think about who is impacted most. Are there certain geographic locations experiencing more issues with food insecurity than others? Are specific populations more affected than others? What research can be used to substantiate your evaluation?

09/21/23 – Unable to provide feedback. Presentation was not included as part of this submission.

9/2/23 – Same here, you are off to a really good start but need to situate your complex challenge by incorporating more background insights from the research. More is needed to understand the sociopolitical and historical contexts that impact the issue.  

Sociopolitical Context

Is this issue a recent issue or did a specific event contribute to more stressful work environments (i.e. Financial Collapse, Great Depression)? Additionally, as you consider the sociopolitical aspects, consider the following questions. Does the challenge impact specific industries, cultures, or occupations more than others?  Is this a global, regional, or national issue? Be sure to cite your sources as you incorporate these insights from the research.  

Historical Context

More is needed for the historical context is to show how over time this challenge initiated and evolved to being an issue today.  For example if you were focused on climate change you would be able to trace back to 1800s, human activities became the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas)…in 19XX the auto industry added to the emissions issue, 19XX when more factories were being built, 20XX presented a rise in housing developments; cutting down forests to create new homes or commercial properties, or for other reasons.

That historical context is needed to show a longitudinal advancement of the issue over the course of time.  Having multiple instances/dates in history help tie the cause and effect in a way that helps to explain why your topic is so important to your audience.


The revisions requested for your proposal will also need to be done for your this rubric item in your slideshow.


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An area of contemporary Australian life in which racism is evident

Assignment Details:

Please answer one of the following questions, utilizing at least eight sources (at least six of which must be academic sources).

Remember, you should seek to apply relevant key concepts and the theories you have learned from the unit within your essay.

Important: Your essay topic cannot use the same area of focus as your assignment 2: academic writing skills exercise. Keep this in mind when making your choice from the options below.

Word limit: 1500

Option 1:

Identify an area of contemporary Australian life in which racism is evident (for example, an ‘area of contemporary Australian life’ could refer to media, health, immigration/asylum seeker policy or cyber-racism).

Explain how racism manifests in this area and discuss its significance.

Option 2:

To what extent is feminism supported and/or criticised in Australian contemporary society, and what do you think might explain this?

Option 3:

Does life in Australia currently offer its citizens the opportunity to have ‘a fair go’? identify and focus upon between one and three examples specific to Australia ( for example, wage disparity, housing affordability, class consciousness) to illustrate your answer.

Please ensure that your answer is framed as an academic eassy, including:

1. An introduction: The context, argument, and a brief list of the main point you shall discuss.

2. The main body: clearly themed paragraphs that cover the main points you listed in the introduction to support your argument.

These points can be supported by your eight academic sources.

3. A conclusion: summarize and show how your argument was consolidated in light of your discussion.

4. A reference list: APA 7th edition style

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What does the documentary say about the ways in which gender influences family life? 

Preparation for Writing Paper 1:

Review course materials on gender and the American family.

Watch the Documentary Gender Fluidity (CNN’s This Life): (Links to an external site.)

Focus on the questions below while watching and take notes. 

Your notes will help provide more detail for your answers and analysis. 

Your paper should include the following:


Explain what the documentary about by using the following questions as a guide. 

What does the documentary say about the ways in which gender influences family life? 

What message does the documentary have about gender as a social construct. 

Overall Body of Paper

This is where you bring in course materials while discussing gender socialization and gender roles in the American family. This is where you also include stories or examples from the documentary. Also think about the following: 

1. What role does the media play in gender socialization? 

2. How are gender stereotypes perpetuated in school, among peers, and within family relations? 


Why does this documentary matter? Give us a summary of what you observed. 

Reference Page

Include a reference page with the documentary listed and class sources you used. 

You may also bring in outside sources (not required). 

An excellent place to start is the “Web of Science DatabaseLinks to an external site.”, which you can access via the FAU library website (you do not have to be on campus to access the database – you will just have to log in via off-campus access).

If you are a fan of Google, be sure to check out the library’s tailored google scholar search. It allows you to access the content available through FAU directly and request it via inter-library loan (again a login is required to do this off campus).

You must list your four resources in reference formatting APA or ASA.

Don’t forget that the librarians are available to help you with your searches!

Following Directions

Paper 1 should be 2-3 pages in length.

Make sure that all of the required information is clearly detailed.

Here is what we will use to score your paper: 

You will earn an A if you your paper meets all the required parts; Your references are in APA or ASA formatting; and have a strong intro that includes the answers to the guiding questions, a compelling literature review and examples, followed by a strong conclusion. Use in-text citations.

You will earn a B if you turn in a good paper 1, but are missing minor parts and/or formatting is off.

You will earn a C if you are missing details (or parts) in one of the sections of paper 1. Your work is difficult to follow or sloppy, your intro/conclusion is weak.

If you earn a D or F, this means you are missing significant details or sections from Paper 1.




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Which terrorist organization do you think is the most dangerous to Americans and American interests?

Write a one-page report that answers and covers the following questions while adhering to the requirements of the assignment.

Which terrorist organization do you think is the most dangerous to Americans and American interests? Instead of an organization, you may think a lone wolf attacker is the most dangerous. Whichever you decide, explain why you selected that organization or individual. Think about their history, the impact of their attacks, their weapons, and their capabilities (such as if they have a long-range reach or have access to a large amount of money). Also, provide a short summary of the group or individual.

This completed case study must be at least 1 page in length (not counting the title page and reference page), have at least 1 outside sources / references. The report must be written at or above a master’s level Quality. The paper should follow APA 7 guidelines to include in-text citations, references, and appropriate headings and subheadings.




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Describe the methods you use to study for tests. Which methods seem to work most effectively for you? How might interleaving improve your memory?

Take Test: Unit IV Assessment


  1. In thinking about a typical day, describe how you use each of the following types of memory: nondeclarative, episodic, and semantic.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.


  1. Describe the methods you use to study for tests. Which methods seem to work most effectively for you? How might interleaving improve your memory?


  1. Using the principles of operant conditioning, suggest at least three strategies for reducing the significant problem in society of drug use.


  1. Explain your definition of learning, and describe one learning experience you have had using observation.


  1. Choose one theory of intelligence presented in this unit, and explain what it means in your own words. What are the common characteristics of intelligent behavior? How can you tell if someone is intelligent?


  1. Academicians studying decision-making generally fall into one of two camps. Those in the first camp believe that humans are essentially irrational and tend to make poor decisions in a variety of situations, often based on impulse, emotions, or circumstance. In contrast, members of the second camp argue that, although humans do sometimes make poor decisions, they are generally quite rational.

Discuss the two camps of thought on human decision-making, and identify which you align with and why. You must support your beliefs with examples of various decision-making methods presented in this unit. What evidence is there that people tend to make poor decisions? What evidence is there that people tend to make good decisions?


  1. Describe the development of speech, from infancy to approximately two years of age.





CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Describe the methods you use to study for tests. Which methods seem to work most effectively for you? How might interleaving improve your memory?

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MNC (NY Stock Exchange listed) which has gone through an international stock market financing

Choose an MNC (NY Stock Exchange listed) which has gone through an international stock market financing or international public debt market financing in the past 5 years, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the decision-making rationale and provide an in-depth discussion about the related financial/business environment. 


 Rationales, impacts and critiques should be the major directions of your research 


So, Select any other MNC for the paper 




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on MNC (NY Stock Exchange listed) which has gone through an international stock market financing

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Acquisition of Walt Disney and twenty – first – century Fox


At starting began, global investors, such as financial services, is now becoming increasingly important for certain businesses, who want to profit from such operations. In addition, the major reason for Target firms is to increase business investment together in combination of two companies as opposed to a single company.

Especially in a fast-changing business world such as the national press, union membership has become increasingly important for businesses, not only for his\her capacity to process authority on the watchful, but also because of their desire to respond quickly to the increasing competitiveness of tangible and web Hulu plus and Amazon Web services. Consumer demand inside the industry is essentially shifting toward digitization, forcing media organizations to upgrade their necessities and adapt to rapidly changing situations.


As per the Global Trade Leadership’s assessment (2021), The United States’ media and entertainment (M&E) business is the biggest in the globe, accounting for a third of overall entire M&E business in 2021 and estimated to generate upwards of $800 billion to the national economy. News and television programming has transitioned away from being tied to telecoms and has become progressively entwined with technological as types of methods change to digitally. Media and entertainment are now accessible to us 24/7 a day, seven days a week via computers, cellphones, tablets, and eBook readers, due to social media as well as the advent of digital material. (pp.1)

On the flip side, published report on Deloitte news platform (2022), COVID-19 has hastened massive reforms in entertainment and media because of the need for community separation. The larger societal processes underlying the contemporary era seem to be merging with technologies and intensifying transformation as we approach 2022. This encourages greater choice and creativity, yet it puts pressure on organizations strategies to adjust to changing consumer preferences. (Deloitte media, 2021,pp. 2-3).

Walt Disney overview:

A firm ’s global cinematic and serialized television programming manufacturing and marketing operations are included in the DMED section. Major lines of industry, such as parks and adventures, as well as consumer products, are included in the DPEP section. Walter Elias Disney created the corporation on October 16, 1923, and it is in Burbank, California. (CNN Business, 2021). Comprising main businesses: news channels, theme parks, entertainment industries, consumer goods, and digital entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, including its subsidiary companies, is a major diversified multinational families arts and entertainment organization. (Miller, 2019).

Furthermore, as a report shows on Morningstar financial statements, in the year 2019 to 2021, the Walt Disney revenue is increased from 69 billion to 73 billion while the net income was drastically decreased by 11 billion to 3.50 billion. So, basically, it’s also effect on operating income from 2019 to 2021 which is 11.85 billion to 5.5 billion respectively. (Morning star, 2022).

21st Century Fox

Twenty-First Century Fox Company, based in New York City, had been a global mass media corporation founded by Rupert in 1980. The company claims to have 28 live stream TV stations in the United States, which show entertainment, athletics, and certain other content, and in general create roughly 1,000 hours of local media on such a daily basis. Moreover, until that was purchased by Walt Disney in 2019, twenty – first – century Fox was the fourth largest multimedia company in the United States. The Fox Entertainment Group, Fox Telecom, and a large investment in National Geographic Ventures were among the organization’s assets, as were other unknown stations like the prominent Indian TV space operator Star Asia. (Ramírez-Montoya, 2022).

According to a document released by Bloomberg (2021), 21st Century Fox shareholders decided in July 2018 to give their assets to the Walt Disney worth about $70 billion, which encompassed a substantial percentage of the business’ future capabilities. On March 20, 2019, Disney completed its acquisition of 21st Century Fox, following which the company’s surplus reserves were distributed across Disney’s various divisions. (Mark, 2022).

Rationale deal

As comparison to 21st Century Fox with Disney seems to be a massive corporation. So, while deal was originally revealed in 2017, Walt Disney’s market valuation was even more than 3 times that of Fox. Additionally, at the time, Disney full-time employed with 195,000 employees, whereas Fox employed 21,000, resulting in a 9:1 ratio. According to the facts provided, Disney becoming the fourth largest media conglomerate in the United States is not even a surprising action.

Moreover, according to Neal (2020), roughly $70 billion was awarded to the prior shareholders of 21st Century Fox Common Shares because of the merger, which included $35 billion in actual dollars and over $35 billion in Walt Disney Common Stock. Disney Company’s Shares was exchanged for 0.4517 shareholdings of 21st Century Fox Ordinary Shares. Disney acquired about $20 billion in cash money and nearly $ 20 billion in debt from 21st Century Fox. Even before implications of acquisition in the second budgetary year after the end of the transaction, Disney’s earnings per share (EPS) were also projected to go up, as well as the purchasing is found to give roughly $2 billion in price collaborative energy sources by 2020/21 from activities that are carried out by the mix of business organizations. (Neal, 2020).

Last but not the least, in 2018, Walt Disney again faced competition by Comcast, who sought to underbid Disney and gain ownership of the agreement. That didn’t happen, as Walt Disney, joined by 21st Century Fox, boosted its demand to a 10% high price above Comcast’s $65 billion, pushing something over $54 billion to $71 billion. In addition,  21st Century Fox also saw Disney as a much more enticing buyer of their assets; thus, they went with Disney from the beginning, although Comcast also was a keen seller. The final purchase pricing was also agreed upon by both parties, topping Comcast’s offering in terms of clarity. (Anderson, 2022).

Walt Disney acquire 21st century Fox – Reason

The compensation sector would be profoundly shaken whenever Disney bought Fox’s television and Film creation house, as well as several of their cable providers.

I. Growing market competition

The same forces which have sparked a wave of centralization in the American multimedia sector, such as AT&T’s $85 billion merger to Warner media and Discovery’s $12 billion acquisition for Scripps Channels Worldwide, also sparked the potential of acquisition. As digital behemoths invest their unrivalled riches in planning and process, entertainment behemoths were recognizing it is wiser to collaborate. Moreover, this is all about the 2 companies’ operational cooperation energies being increased instead of functioning separately.

II. Developing a consumer benefit as well as keeping clients engaged

The acquisition should increase Disney’s content collection, giving its browser capabilities plus, as a result, their buyers greater value. A typical shopper nowadays does have a plethora of content consumption options, ranging from Google to Services such As Netflix. Keeping the demand of the products has become a top priority for multimedia companies these days. This is yet another reason how Disney acquired 21st Century Fox, as the company is known for distributing movies and other content underneath an array of diverse banners, including 20th Century Fox, Fox Flashlight, Fox 2000, etc., many of which will fall under Disney’s regulation after an acquisition.

III. Disney’s demand and product availability seem to be out of whack.

Walt Disney only releases a few component movies annually, which does not provide a robust workflow for its legitimate functionality in the future. Buying the Fox production would already have allowed them a lot more flexibility and a larger archive of stuff to fertilize the workforce on.

The Fox to settle down- Reasons

I. Walt Disney makes a huge proposal to the Fox owners.

The acquisition deal gave Fox stockholders, including the Murdoch family (owners of Fox), a roughly 25% share in Disney. If Disney’s perception of real – world applications succeed, the owners will have a greater motivation to increase the price of such agreement.

II. Media sector is changing.

Every journalism industry is becoming increasingly response to requests, and this is just the beginning. Having standard tools including Services such As Netflix in place, offering buyers content in their own homes, Fox had essentially left the component with customers for the purpose of easy loaning. Disney had already planned to launch its own platform service. This union was primarily motivated by a technological purpose, which is apparent how Fox entered the deal.

III. Walt-Disney’s industry ranking

Living side by side with Disney not only would have provided that all-around declared information a phase to be communicated to costumers following growing importance, but Disney’s going to stand to expressing personal feature films (below numerous stars and stripes, for instance, Marvel, Pixar, etc.) would also have additionally added towards the value of the crystallization.

IV. Disney’s offer seems simply too good for turn on.

Made the release of an agreement, Fox supply increased by around 25% throughout the next four months. It was a positive indication because the wealthy donors seemed happy with the decision. Furthermore, the overall amount paid by Disney was not really a bad deal according to any terms. When folks examine that Disney overbid Comcast with a much better contract, it is indeed clear that Disney was very serious about the acquisition.

Issues during Acquisition

I. Comcast has a favorable deal.

In December 2017, Disney and Fox announced a $52.4 billion merger agreement, which is awaiting approval by the Us Bureau of Justice’s Antitrust Directorate. In just about any scenario, Comcast tackled rumor too about mending Disney’s proposed acquisition of Fox subsequently in May 2018. Throughout this vein, Comcast made a $65 billion proposal again for 21st Century Fox assets which have been slated to somehow be acquired by Disney in June 2018. As a result, Disney and Fox announced that they would have amended the previous merger agreement, boosting Disney’s bid to $71.3 billion (a 10% discount over Comcast’s $65 billion bid) while providing stockholders with the option of accepting funds instead of shares. Comcast’s objection increased the final cost of acquiring for Disney significantly.

II. Ethical Concerns

Considering Walt Disney owns American Broadcasting Company, Comcast owns NBC, and 21st Century Fox owns Fox, a complete acquisition of Fox via Disney or Comcast might have been illegal underneath the National Telecommunications Committee’s laws preventing merger at all between the two of the three primary transmitting companies.

III. Technology’s limited sponsorship

The US Attorney general’s Office granted Disney competition approval in exchange for transferring Fox’s 22 regional gaming networks within ninety days after their closure, which is something the company had agreed too. This seems to be necessary because a comprehensive acquisition of Fox by Disney might have been illegal underneath the National Telecommunications Committee’s rules prohibiting consolidation at all between the 3 of the 4 major communication companies, as it would have placed Disney during a remarkably monopolization position mostly in communications company sector.

IV. The Entertainment Sector’s Significantly effect on the Acquisition

As according to Brookey & Zhang (2020), Disney Company as well as 20th Century Fox  had 15.25 percent and 12 percent of the market (movies and TV) share, respectively, implying that their consolidation could create a deeply severe juggernaut component in the industry. Comcast, other bidders for the deal, held 11.49 percent of the pie by that moment in time. In addition, if Comcast (who owns Universal Pictures) had breached the agreement, that would have been a huge agreement in terms of absolute market share, coming in at around 20% cognizable. All then again, the Disney-Fox merger resulted in a significantly larger merger of roughly 30 percent of the whole business, putting it ahead of the nearest competitor Warner Bros. by 13.25 percent.

In furthermore, twenty – first – century Fox had much more cinematic trademarks over 20th Century Fox. Considering additional names such as Fox Pavilion, Fox Millennium Films, and many others inside Fox Digital Company, such merger has indeed probably created a multimedia goliath which currently dominates global entertainment industry by a large margin over competitors.


Marketisation with shifting user behavior prompted the Walt Disney – Fox merger. That era of content consumption is dominated by internet technologies and content delivery to the homes. Typically, media conglomerates believe it is difficult to compete with digitally services like Amazon prime and Netflix. Even though a business has a strong market position and a sizable market share, if it does not adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands, this should plummet in value and eventually die. Consumers generally are more interested in having their content delivered to people, and they seek that 24 hour per day, seven days a week. By renting its content on such specific properties, news behemoths risk losing a considerable amount of value, since these authorities profit off their content and begin to rule the roost mostly in industry. Disneyland and 21st – century skills Fox were two of the most successful entertainment companies in the world. As a result of these events, Disney acquired 21st Century Fox and the two companies were merged. In every case, such massive consolidation amongst massive corporations limits the quantity of organizations in the market, resulting in oligopolistic.

So, it’s not truly healthy again for organization in the long term if the larger corporations maintain to purchase each other though. When it comes to Disneyland, the company now owns not even just Marvel Studios and Pixar, which have produced a few of the highest-grossing movies in history, such as Thor Infinity and other Disney films, but also 20th Century Productions and Spotlight Company, who have produced films such as Avatar. As a result, Disney controls a significant range of detail and intellectual property protection. Following the merger, the major film studios remaining are Warner Bros., Hollywood, and Paramount, which together control over 70percent of the annual of the industry. As a result, the film industry is indeed a monopolistic competition.



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