Writers Solution

Death penalty is commonly referred to as the capital punishment which refers to the action taken by the government as sanction to discipline and punish law offenders who have been found guilty of committing crime equitable to death

Death penalty is commonly referred to as the capital punishment which refers to the action taken by the government as sanction to discipline and punish law offenders who have been found guilty of committing crime equitable to death. The government conducts the act in line with the provision of the court of law and order. The execution of the death penalty is termed as death penalty or death punishment. The penalties are normally conducted as punishment. The criminals mostly posted on perpetrators of international and country wars and conflicts and treason activities, regional wars and crimes leading to massive deaths and killings, genocide activities and all sort of crimes against the will and desires of the humanity. In most cases the government executes the death punishment through beheading of the criminals. However, most countries have gone against the death penalty terming it unconstitutional and against the will of the human rights. The European Union has gone further to describe the fundamental rights and termed use and implication of death penalties as violation of human rights. Some countries however still apply the death penalties such as Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan countries to punish the law offenders and criminals. The U.S judicial system has also manipulated the death penalty to safeguard the human rights. I personally oppose corporal death punishment and I support the abolishment of the inhuman act since it ruins and interferes with the human rights.

The death penalty is an infringement of human rights and ought to in this way be annulled. Different types of disciplines ought to be applied as opposed to death retribution. Most nations practice capital punishment on murder, war, fear monger acts or injustice cases (Acker, 2017). A few nations then again do the death penalty on inappropriate behavior and wrongdoings, for example, assault cases, homosexuality activities, incest and detailed infidelity hand with strict violations. Some likewise lead the punishment on tranquilize dealers and traffickers. China executes capital punishment on genuine defilement cases just as human dealers and traffickers. In any case, casualties of weakness and disobedience offenses in military missions face capital punishment.

The death penalty is probably the best infringement of Human Rights. This torment of life is against the Human Rights Charter. Nobody has the privilege to end a real existence, in any event, as indicated by the scriptural implication of life. The brutal and savage act is against God’s instructions and it ought to be exceptionally censured. Human activists consistently restrict the death penalty. It ought to be canceled as it denies the Human Rights under the International Human reprieve (Garrett, B. L. (2019). An equal move ought to be made however not just passing. Detainment of the influenced unfortunate casualties ought to be directed with an end goal to rebuff the lawbreakers. We can generally show suspects and unfortunate casualties without delivering enduring in them all in all. Regard individual flexibility and ownership of life.

The death penalty results into responsibility of treachery by executing honest people wrongly. Not all cases have the vital and enough proof in this way cases have been accounted for on improper execution of guiltless individuals to confront capital punishment. Imagine a scenario where executions are begun against the initiators and propellers of capital punishment by human activists. In the United States for example, somewhere in the range of 1992 and 2004, thirty nine demise executions were led without full proof (, 2019). The unfortunate casualties were not especially seen as liable rather advantage of uncertainty was utilized to give the decision. Nonetheless, the recently designed DNA tests issue some proof before the last execution has reinstalled trust in the lives of unfortunate casualties. The confirmations from DNA tests have forestalled untimely execution of around fifteen demise cases promptly it was created and demonstrated. As of now, more than one – hundred and fifty nine detainees have gotten away ‘passing barely’ because of no proof by DNA (Stinneford, 2018). Numerous obscure cases are additionally accepted to exist since not generally the exploited people can pay for the DNA or even the obstruction of the outcomes along these lines coming about into an inappropriate execution. Safeguard faculty consistently focus their endeavors on the customers who have their lives spared instead of focusing on expanding odds of endurance of the ‘demise’ respondents. Unseemly executions can be because of inappropriate court methods. For example, the contention about the abuse of the Drugs Act in Singapore by the Amnesty universal expresses that; suppositions were utilized for indictment. There was no reasonable confirmation. There is a widespread assurance of guiltlessness until an injured individual is seen as blameworthy (Franklin , 2016).

According to the case for Rodney Reed regardless of the evidence provided on innocence, it was evident that no matter what criminal action had been undertaken, the judicial systems needed to obey the human rights. The background of the case was where Mr. Reed was punished following the flow of the new evidences provided in the court of law. His execution was expected to be steady and not cruel not to undermine and limit the provisions of the rule of law. Following Reed’s and other prisoners appeal letter through what is commonly referred to as the friend of the court, they appeared before the jurisdiction. Rodney Reed had been the main suspect for the killing of Stacey Stites who was aged 19 years by the year 1996. She had been raped and dumped across the road at Bastrop. After years of investigations and DNA tests, it was evident that the sperms collected inside the body were linked to Mr. Reed.

Capital punishment is a for the most part a discipline directed principally to exploited people from racial and ethnic minorities and other poor monetary foundations than just to all lawbreakers. The blade cuts just the less favored, for instance, passing cases rotating about African Americans are increasingly inclined to confront capital punishments and the dark litigants are bound to confront capital punishment in cases including white exploited people.

Areas have made feelings intended to forbid capital punishments. For example, the sixth Protocol and the thirteenth Protocol intended to abrogate harmony and different conditions individually were laid out under the European Convention on Human rights were intended to forestall capital punishments. Then again the second Protocol offered agree to America and Canada to annul capital punishment (Garrett, B. L., & Kovarsky, L. B. (2018). Different associations in the universal organization have improved the nullification of capital punishment. The EU censures the capital punishments in European nations with the exception of in Russia however capital punishment cases are uncommon since 1996. The convention nullifies any type of capital punishment which has been marked by practically all nations in Europe. As of late, Poland has acknowledged to sign the bargain to abrogate the death penalty.

Some African nations inside the Sub-Saharan district have additionally clung to nullification of capital punishment. In 2009, Burundi canceled all capital punishments regardless of what wrongdoing, Gabon likewise abrogated capital punishment in 2010 and on 2012, and Benin watched the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights by sanctioning the Protocol on capital punishment (Ulmer, J. T., & Hanrath, L. (2019). Practically all nations have expressed a cancelation of this punishment, even the most up to date nation the South Sudan is among the one hundred and eleven individuals from the United Nations association who completely confirm and bolster the expulsion of capital punishment as concurred by the organs General Assembly. The individuals marked duplicates of the adherence bargain to end and forestall any capital punishment regardless of what wrongdoing and offers a counter strategy for managing violations of death.

In conclusion, the death penalty is against humankind and instead some other lighter punishments should be adopted. The enforcements should include imprisonment, forgiving them and issuing them with new advisory roles in the community to act as ambassadors and guidance and counselling personnel to warn and educate others against crime in the society. I would like to propose immediate implementations of the alternatives in the constitutions and rule of laws for various countries especially the ones who still retain capital punishments. All in all, it is against the Human Rights, Amnesty International, and other universal associations to execute capital punishment to any injured individual rather different disciplines ought to be authorized like detainment. It is in this manner pivotal to look out for such allegations consequently non-legislative associations and human activists ought to be on bleeding edge to forestall any infringement. A few nations anyway still apply the capital punishments, for example, Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan nations to rebuff the law wrongdoers and criminals which is against the United States of America Judicial Systems and the rule of law. I for one contradict corporal demise discipline and I bolster the abolishment of the brutal capital punishment (death penalty) since it ruins and meddles with the human rights.


Acker, J. R. (2017). Scrutinizing the death penalty: State death penalty study commissions and their recommendations. In The death penalty today (pp. 45-76). CRC Press.

Garrett, B. L. (2019). Innocence and the global death penalty. In Comparative Capital Punishment. Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from 

Garrett, B. L., & Kovarsky, L. B. (2018). The death penalty. Foundation Press.

Schabas, W. A. (2019). International law and the abolition of the death penalty. In Comparative Capital Punishment. Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from 

Stinneford, J. (2018). Original Meaning and the Death Penalty. University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy13(1), 44.

Ulmer, J. T., & Hanrath, L. (2019). Disparities in Death Penalty Prosecution and Punishment: A Review of Recent Research and an Expanded Agenda. In Handbook on Sentencing Policies and Practices in the 21st Century (pp. 254-280). Routledge. Retrieved from 

Ulmer, J. T., Kramer, J. H., & Zajac, G. (2019). The Race of Defendants and Victims in Pennsylvania Death Penalty Decisions: 2000–2010. Justice Quarterly, 1-29. Retrieved from 

Writers Solution

Keto X Fit The Word is derived from”Keto” which pertains to ketosis.

 Keto X Fit  The Word is derived from”Keto” which pertains to ketosis. Formed when fatty acids are oxidized. Acetone is primarily created during these reactions. Ketones are produced from the mitochondria of the liver, and then they Are sent to various parts of the body in which they are utilized for energy. Ketones

In normal condition, your body is utilizing the carbohydrates you eat to give energy. This energy is then utilized for driving all of the reactions that take place within the body. This fuel is also needed for the synthesis of new things in the human body and also for the breakdown of items which are not needed.

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Writers Solution

Metabolic alkalosis is a concern for this patient. Which lab findings would you expect with metabolic alkalosis?

Metabolic alkalosis is a concern for this patient. Which lab findings would you expect with metabolic alkalosis? 

Everyone is on the same page for the most part, so here is the additional information/questions that I posted to everyone’s “Part 2”. Please answer these questions and add everything as ONE DOCUMENT and post in this drop box.

Now I’m going to add a few things: you have ordered a CBC, CMP, UA, blood pH, and x-rays. You have stated that you are concerned with hydration status and pyloric stenosis. So, here are your questions for the remainder of your case study:

1. Metabolic alkalosis is a concern for this patient. Which lab findings would you expect with metabolic alkalosis?
a. Na: 128 mEq/L, K: 2.6 mEq/L, Cl: 90mEq/L, HCO3: 28 mEq/L
b. Na: 130 mEq/L, K: 5.7 mEq/L, Cl: 94mEq/L, HCO3: 22 mEq/L
c. Na: 130 mEq/L, K: 3.9 mEq/L, Cl: 98 mEq/L, HCO3: 17 mEq/L
d. Na: 148 mEq/L, K: 4.1 mEq/L, Cl: 108 mEq/L, HCO3: 13 mEq/L

2. What is the underlying cause of S.B.’s diagnosis of metabolic alkalosis?

3. Which of these clinical manifestations might you find with metabolic alkalosis? Select all that apply.
a. Increased respiratory rate
b. Tetany
c. Increased risk for seizures
d. Hyperthermia
e. Neuromuscular irritability

4. What additional assessment findings might reflect the consequences of prolonged vomiting in the infant?

5. The abdominal x-ray reveals a distended stomach with minimal distal intestinal bowel gas. You decide to order an ultrasound, which reveals a thickened pyloric muscle. What is your final diagnosis, as well as 5 other differential diagnoses?

6. You admit S.B. to the pediatric unit with a surgical consult. What are some socioeconomic/familial concerns that you may have in regard to his hospitalization, procedure, recovery, and overall health?
I have included week 1 & 2 to add to the paper please email if you have questions

Writers Solution

Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, Prezi, or Vimeo video, etc. which illustrates one traditional media option (print, TV, radio, billboard,

Assignment Steps 

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, Prezi, or Vimeo video, etc. which illustrates one traditional media option (print, TV, radio, billboard, etc.) and one new (social media) media option for your brand and brand strategy for a product or service of your choice. The presentation should be a minimum of 7-10 slides or, if Prezi or Vimeo video, an 8-minute minimum.

Note: Prezi presentations cannot be uploaded to the classroom. Please provide your instructor with the link to the presentation on the web. Prezi will provide you with a URL link to the presentation.

Discuss in a minimum 700 words the differences between the traditional media option and the new media option in terms of audience, reach, channel and content. A table of differences may be used to concisely illustrate the differences but you must include a discussion of insights/concerns/issues between the media options.

Your deliverable should include an actual marketing piece for the selected traditional media and for the selected new social media option . This can be actual copy, visuals, radio text, layout sketches, storyboard, etc. (possibly including slogans, logos, etc.) to illustrate how you would incorporate your creative recommendations into the two media branding or product strategies. 

Note: Charts/graphs/tables in your Microsoft Word write-up do not count towards the word count.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


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