Writers Solution

National Museum of Women in the Arts

For this week’s forum question, review the article  “Taking the Measure of Sexism: Facts, Figures, and Fixes.”  (Links to an external site.)   Next, explore the  National Museum of Women in the Arts  (Links to an external site.) .  You should begin with artists from the  21st Century  (Links to an external site.) .  Continue to the “Learn” and “Support + Advocate” sections to learn more about diverse women creating culture today.

After reviewing these resources, identify one contemporary (still living) creative woman with whom you were previously unfamiliar, and discuss her contributions to contemporary culture.  In your discussion, compare her visibility with creative women from other eras, such as the Renaissance, Victorian, or even the modern period.  How do women continue to face challenges with visibility or representation?

In your initial response, embed a multimedia piece such as a video clip, an audio clip, or an image.  You should discuss the multimedia that you include and explain its significance to your argument.  For video and audio clips, please limit the length to five minutes.  You can post a longer clip, but if you do, you should specify the part of the clip that you want the class to view/hear (no longer than five minutes) by including the time stamp range.  Your posts should include textual examples from this week’s required or recommended resources to support your arguments.  If needed, you may supplement your course content with outside resources, but you should select first from our assigned resources (multimedia and readings).

Your initial post is due on Thursday, and your replies to classmates are due on Monday.  You should post in the discussion on a total of four days during the learning week.  Your posts should have a combined word count of at least 500 words




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Writers Solution

Did Women Have a Renaissance?

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review  Did Women Have a Renaissance? (Links to an external site.)  and  From 1971: Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? (Links to an external site.)  Also watch  The Story of Women and Art: Episode 3 (Links to an external site.) .

For this assignment, you will examine women’s contributions to the creation of culture in western society through a discussion of three key figures (artists, poets, writers, dancers, performers, composers, etc.) from our required or recommended resources. In your paper, you will also analyze how western society has shaped these women’s lives and their creativity.

Begin by selecting three key figures from different time periods and different genres who have made artistic contributions to our culture. You may either consider these elements separately as explained below or weave the ideas together as you discuss each of your key figures. Having selected your three key figures, analyze how their creativity made important contributions to culture in their own era and in some cases, how their contributions reverberated to different disciplines and different eras and time periods, perhaps even being felt today. You should provide detailed discussion of examples from their creative work (paintings, poetry, performance, methods of dance, music, etc.) to support your claim on the importance of their contributions. This section must be three to four pages in length.

Next, as you examine how society has shaped these women’s lives and creativity, consider some of the following questions.

· How did prescribed gender roles for women impact their creativity?

· What images defined women (seductress, mother, virgin, etc.)?

· Which images and roles were acceptable and which were outside the norm?

· How did these narrowly-defined gender roles and images (such as the “nature of women”) shape the lives and work of your three key figures?

Some women may have outwardly conformed to these expectations while their work challenged the roles/images in subversive and creative ways while others openly rebelled. As you delve deeper into these issues, consider the dynamics of gender and power in creative expression. For example, how does the subject matter in paintings and texts (or performance) reflect the dynamics of gender and power? Who has privilege? Who has power? How do these creative women sometimes deconstruct (break down) dominant male patterns while reconstructing female experience?

As you discuss how society has impacted women’s creativity, remember to consider the significance of race, class, and/or ethnicity of the three key figures. How does the artist’s class, for example, impact both the importance of her contributions and the ways society shaped her life and work? Does her ethnicity or race determine what subjects she writes about or paints or how she performs? Again, provide detailed examples from the creative women’s work (compositions, performances, sculpture, paintings, writings, etc.) to support your discussion (three to four pages).

In Summary, be sure that your Women Creating Culture Paper:

· Identifies Three Key Figures from Different Time Periods and Genres, and Discusses Their Artistic Contributions to Culture

· Discusses How the Identified Key Figures’ Made Important Creative Contributions to Culture in Their Own Area, and Provides Detailed Illustrations from Their Work

· Analyzes How Western Society Has Shaped the Lives and Creativity of the Identified Key Creative Women

· Analyzes the Impact of Race, Class, and/or Ethnicity of the Three Identified Key Creative Women’s Lives and Work

The Women Creating Culture paper

· Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s  APA Style (Links to an external site.)  resource.

· Must include a separate title page with the following:

· Title of paper

· Student’s name

· Course name and number

· Instructor’s name

· Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to  APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.) .

· Must utilize academic voice. See the  Academic Voice (Links to an external site.)  resource for additional guidance.

· Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

· For assistance on writing  Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.)  as well as  Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.) , refer to the Writing Center resources.

· Must use at least two scholarly sources (from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library, or the Week 1 required articles by L. Nochlin and/or J. Kelly-Gadol) in addition to five of the required or recommended resources from Week 5 and previous weeks for a total of seven sources.

· The  Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)  table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

· To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this  Quick and Easy Library Research (Links to an external site.)  tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

· Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s  Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)  guide.

· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the  Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)  resource in the Writing Center for specifications




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Writers Solution

Anemia in pregnant women

Description of the Problem 

Anemia is a condition that happens when the hemoglobin level within the body is lower than the level supposed to be. This, in turn, leads to a decreased level of oxygen being carried to the parts of the body and also a lower case of red blood cells to other tissues. Anemia is prevalent in affecting a wide group range of people; however, pregnant women and children are the most prevalent ones. In a study carried out by (Stevens et al.), they reported that the prevalence of anemia in non-pregnant women, pregnant women, and children is 29, 38, and 43%, respectively. Furthermore, in a study carried out by the WHO, in pregnant women, anemia has been labeled with a level <110g/L. However, other sources have also showcased that anemia is more prevalent in developing countries which have recorded 43% cases, as to developed countries which have recorded 9% cases. However, anemia has been linked to affecting people with different lifestyles and social-economic factors which differ from the different cultures. One of the most common complications during pregnancy is anemia. It is frequently regarded as a risk factor for unfavorable pregnancy outcomes and may lead to issues like premature birth that endanger both the mother and the fetus’s lives. 

According to global statistics, up to 56% of pregnant women who have recorded cases of anemia are from countries that are still developing. However, its prevalence is higher in pregnant women. Read more on this topic at nursing expert writers. The pregnancy chances of preterm birth have been linked more with pregnant women who have reported to have anemia as to pregnant women who do not have anemia. The impaired immune which the mother is subjected to as a result of anemia, and increased cardiac diseases can increase the chances of preterm birth and also other complications that lead to stillbirths. Furthermore, preterm births have also been recorded to be among the leading cause of neonatal deaths. With such increased death rates, it raises the need to be a public health issue within the health sector. The increased costs that hospitals have to incur while taking care of the preterm babies, has made treatment to be more expensive as the hospitals need extra costs. Considering that it is the goal of many hospitals to reduce the cost of treatment being used, there is also the need to reduce the cause of preterm births, which have been linked to being from Anemia in Pregnant women. 

Causes of the problem 

The amount of blood rises during pregnancy. Therefore, in order to produce more red blood cells, more iron and vitamins are required. Anemia can be brought on by a lack of iron. Although the red blood cell count drops very low, it’s not regarded as odd. The baby utilizes the mother’s red blood cells during pregnancy for development and growth, especially in the final three months. The body can utilize any excess red blood cells that are present in the bone marrow before becoming pregnant. Iron-deficiency anemia can develop in women who don’t have enough iron reserves. Pregnancy-related anemia of this kind is the most prevalent. Prior to becoming pregnant, it’s crucial to eat healthfully to assist build up these reserves. Protein and red blood cells are produced with the help of vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can be avoided by eating foods derived from animals, such as milk, eggs, meats, and poultry. Vegan women are most prone to suffer from a vitamin B-12 shortage than other groups of women. During pregnancy, strict vegans may require doses of vitamin B-12. B vitamin folic acid, often known as foliate, helps in cell growth when combined with iron. Iron deficiency may result from a lack of folate when pregnant.  In the first trimester it is important for the mother to consume the  folic acid as it will help in the development of the baby and also help the baby evade abnormalities within the spine and the brain. An alternate explanation is that iron deficiency makes erythrocytes and the fetoplacental unit more susceptible to oxidative damage. A key risk factor for preterm birth is maternal infections, which can boost the formation of CRH. Iron deficiency may also raise the risk of these infections. A vitamin B12 deficiency may increase the chance of birth malformations such as malformed neural tubes and premature labor in pregnant women who don’t consume meat, poultry, dairy products, or eggs. 

Impact of the problem 

Health Impacts 

Anemia has several impacts on the health of the baby and also the health of the mother. Anemia in pregnancy is associated with difficulties in breathing, fainting, and feeling tired easily. Mothers with Anemia have also been associated with having high risks of developing perinatal infections, preeclampsia, and also bleeding. In a study carried out by (Moreno-Fernandez & Diaz-Castro, 2019), he also reports that some of the mothers who had anemia showed postpartum cognitive impairments and behavioral difficulties. Anemia during pregnancy prevents the body from receiving enough oxygen-rich blood. They may feel exhausted or weak due to the lack of oxygen. Additionally, they could experience headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, and an irregular heartbeat (Kang & Sunwoo, 2020).  On the child, anemia can persist and cause Developmental delays and behavioral issues like reduced motor activity, social interaction, and task-focused attention. Numerous studies reveal that iron shortage increases the risk of mild or moderate mental retardation, even if it has not yet developed to the point of Anemia (Safiri & Grieger, 2021). Through pregnancy, there are higher chances of affecting the maternal and fetal wellbeing, which can then proceed to the death of the baby. Having anemia during pregnancy has also been linked with low birth weights, which can also affect the survival chances of the baby too. Iron has been named to be a key factor in the development of the fetus. Iron is important in facilitating the production of new red blood cells, brain cells, and also muscle development. If the baby does not get enough iron which is supposed to come from the mother, there are higher risks that the baby might fail to have enough red blood cells, which can lead to conditions such as anemia. 

Economic impacts 

Anemia in pregnant women that leads to preterm birth has health effects and also economic effects that have become a global concern. This health condition has been linked with affecting the global economy both directly and indirectly. Preterm births have been associated with a cost of $26 billion venery year. This is due to the fact that babies that have been born even a week earlier have higher rates of being hospitalized. These babies will currently develop breathing problems that need to be responded to quickly. However, there is also another study carried out by (Walani, 2020), who concludes that up to 15 million babies are born prematurely based on yearly statistics. Of the 1 million numbers that die, up to 75% could have been saved if the current cost-effective intervention were available to all. This shows that even the amounts that are being produced by the WHO for the premature babies to be taken care of are not enough, which leaves others to suffer more. This has put pressure on the World Bank to further look into and provide more money to take care of premature babies. With such, it then conforms that the World Bank is suffering financially while struggling to ensure that they are meeting the finical demands raised. In statistics, children who are not born prematurely may need one or two days in the hospital; however, the children who have been born prematurely tend to stay longer in hospitals (Maier & Zeitlin, 2018). This shows that the medications and also oxygen for some who are not able to breathe on their own will have to be catered for by the hospitals. Instead, if they could have been born mature, then their medications could have been used for other purposes. 

Intervention description and how it works 

Offering education to women who are trying to conceive and also those who are pregnant on the importance of ensuring that they take foods that will help them have high folic acids and also have a high level of Vitamin C will help reduce the cases of anemia in pregnancy. However, this strategy requires high financial support from the global perception.  To offer education, there will be the need for more health practitioners who will take the roles of offering education. This will also mean that there will be more enrollments in the colleges to meet the demand. According to studies done by (Saepul & Platini, 2019), many women claim that they do not take foods rich in iron as they do not know which foods they are supposed to take to help them. In developing countries, many families have not invested in taking balanced diets. This has been associated with the fact that even though some might know the constitutes of a specific food, they could not even be in a position to afford them. However, offering education and also aligning along with more finances that are to support such poor families in helping them have a balanced diet could help reduce the cases. Considering that after the education, many of the people will know how serious the issue of anemia is in pregnancy shows that it will have achieved success as people will focus more on taking the foods, which they will have been educated on that can help them. This, in turn, will lead to reduced rates of anemia cases as high nutrition and even healthier babies will be born, reducing the extra costs that the World Bank submits to taking care of preterm babies. 

The rationale for conducting this systematic Review 

The urgency of having the current systematic review on the increase in chances of having preterm birth as a result of anemia in pregnancy has raised the need to be familiar with anemia during pregnancy. This has also been associated with the fact that there is currently not enough evidence. Furthermore, there is also not enough evidence that the mothers will react well to the education to be offered to them about taking foods with a high level of iron that is to help them reduce the chances of anemia while pregnant; this review has been chosen to ensure that the gap that exists in the literature has been filled. In previous studies, offering clinical books to mothers’ that contain educational information about the dangerous effects of anemia in pregnancies has been tackled. However, the literature has not considered the best educational ways that they can employ. According to (Aston & Paynter, 2021), it has been reported that many mothers look for the book when they are going to appointments, and when they come back, they don’t bother reading them. (Graham, 2018) This further supports them as a large portion of the population believes that the books are for the medical practitioners to fill in data. However, some research (Indonesia, 2020) proves that the expectant mothers who take the notes from the book seriously end up recording healthy pregnancies. Many studies have, however, claimed that many of the women who are affected by anemia in pregnancies come from poor countries, and they cannot afford a balanced diet. However (Herforth & Masters, 2020) other literature has proved that for someone to record a balanced diet, they do not necessarily have to go through high costs of expenditures; instead, the major problem is that the women do not know what to eat and what benefits the basic food that they can afford have to their bodies. With such gaps existing in literature, this research is aiming at filling the gaps. 

Aims and Objectives 

The researcher underrating this review has had five years of working in the maternal departments, where many cases of preterm birth have been reported with the association of the mother having anemia. Considering the reviewer’s previous background, many of the mothers do not know how to help boost their immunities by taking. However, the organization of communal education to the mothers on the basic foods that can help them improve their iron deficiency without them having to go an extra coin will help solve eth challenge. Hence with this at hand, the research is aiming at reviewing the effectiveness of offering communal education to mothers on how they can balance their diet to ensure they fight iron deficiency during pregnancies.  The main objectives are: To review the effectiveness of communal education to help boost iron deficiency in pregnant mothers by reducing preterm births.   To review the main cause of anemia in preterm births.  
 LITERATURE REVIEW Up to half of women experience anemia during pregnancy, the most noticeable hematological manifestation of pregnancy that mostly affects those of low class position globally. In affluent nations like Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, the number of anemia in women reported ranges from 9% to 51% (Baldi & Pasricha, 2020), (Malinowski & Daru, 2019).   These statistics stand in contrast to those of developing nations like Ghana, Sudan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India, as the prevalence of anemia ranges from 44% to 81 % (Baig-Ansari & Goldenberg, 2008).). Between 40 and 72 percent of the load is shared across the states in India (Sohail & Raziuddin, 2015). Jharkhand has one of the highest recorded rates of anemia during pregnancy, just over 71 percent of any Indian state (Iips, 2017). Previously published data shows substantially higher prevalence in the state, with pregnant and postpartum women experiencing 86 percent and 72 percent, respectively. A worldwide issue for mothers and babies, anemia during pregnancy and in labor results in roughly 115,000 deaths and 590,000 perinatal infant deaths each year  (Feleke & Feleke, 2018). Due to compromised immunity and differences in hormonal orchestration, anemia during pregnancy and delivery increases the risk of bleeding, labor difficulties, and abnormal delivery, as well as infection to both the mother and growing embryo (Robinson & Klein, 2012). In the majority of developing nations, especially in south-east Asia, the significant effects of anemia during pregnancy include gestational problems, maternal deaths, low birth weight, and bad birth outcomes (Rahman & Shibuya, 2016). Anemia remains a mystery for pregnant and giving challenges to mothers from countries that are developing as India (Branca & Mustafa, 2014), despite advancements in obstetric technology, successes in MCH-related difficulties, and nutritional awareness in MCH campaigns for the last ten years. However there have been many interventions developed with the aim of boosting the heath of pregnant mothers, but still 15 million babies are born preterm each year, and their commonness is a worldwide epidemic, especially in countries that are developing (Iams & Goldenberg, 2008). The risk of unfavorable outcomes for both mothers and newborns is increased by anemia, which has long been recognized as a sign of both inadequate nutrition and deteriorating health in general among women. Maternal anemia poses a risk for preterm birth,  and also a number of further prenatal problems, including the possibility of miscarriages, stillbirths, intrauterine growth restriction, and postpartum hemorrhage. These difficulties are brought on by a disturbed physiological balance as well as a buildup of gynecological and obstetric variables. Preterm deliveries, low birth weight, reduced hemoglobin concentration, and maternal mortality has all been associated with maternal anemia throughout pregnancy and delivery. There have been conflicting reports about how maternal anemia contributes to poor birth outcomes and low birth weight. Anemia during pregnancy and in postpartum women has been linked to preterm delivery, low birth weight, and maternal death, according to certain authors (Steer, 2020), whereas other authors have reported an increased risk of premature and low birth weight. Unfortunately, despite improvements in obstetric equipment, a variety of current public health and health check measures, with the years of preterm study, India is among the countries with major challenges in preterm births. Preterm births and low birth weight remain to have a major negative impact on the cost of maternity and child health (MCH) care in this nation (Interventions, 2012). If India intends to get better its record for mother and child wellbeing, it must address the issue of unfavorable birth outcomes, particularly PTB, in light of its scope, associated illness, and associated death. Rarely has the relationship between maternal early and late pregnancy hemoglobin levels and unfavorable birth outcomes been studied. In light of the startling anemia status of 69 percent and 71 percent in male and female, which is a high number when compared to any other states in India.  (Iips, 2017), investigated if women with anemia and/or without anemia have a high risk of experiencing preterm birth. Because it enables the start of threat treatment for women at risk, the identification of risk variables is useful for predicting preterm birth. Finding these risk variables could help us better understand the processes that lead to preterm birth. This study considered the prevalence of early labour that are caused by susceptibility of  infections, poor level of nutrition’s and low level of blood in pregnant women. Through this research the author considered carrying out investigations and even data collection on a regional level. To the best of our knowledge, the inquiry into maternal health care, data collection on preterm birth and low birth weight, and the first systematic report from its sort from the high priority and risk region, i.e., Jharkhand, is a place that is not just mostly ignored but also understudied and neglected. The fact that the initiative and research were taken in the first place indicates the importance of this work in supporting the idea that healthy mothers give birth to healthy children, which is a key component of programs for sexual and family health care. Additionally, our initial attempts to construct and re-orient much-needed region-specific techniques for evaluation, diagnosis, intervention, prevention, and treatment while providing a platform for governmental decision-makers based on evidence. The current results promise to offer a broad range and multidisciplinary facts that can help analyze and intervene in women issues especially in low and middle income societies. These societies are usually affected by low healthcare services, low funding, shortage of food that mainly contribute to effects on the health of the mother and the child. Maternal infection, hypoxia, and oxidative stress are three of the key molecular mechanisms that have been suggested to cause preterm birth. 16 A low-grade chronic hypoxia caused by low hemoglobin levels may increase the risk of maternal infections and stress in both the mother and the fetus. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis can be triggered in either the mother or the fetus by an immune system that is overactive in the presence of infections and inflammation and corticotrophin-releasing hormone or cortisol that is generated after a stress reaction. In turn, this may start labor and ultimately lead to preterm delivery.   Hong & Park, 2020 investigated if risk variables varied between subgroups of premature labor in research regarding risk factors for preterm birth in a healthy cohort. They discovered no correlation between anemia and premature delivery. They came to the conclusion that the absence of a link is consistent with other researchers’ findings, which showed that the majority of the cause of preterm birth are still unknown. In a control-cases analysis, Xiong & Hao, 2021, found that anemia at any point in the second trimester was positively linked with premature delivery. However, this association did not account for the significant ethnic variation in preterm birth rates. These same authors discovered a slight correlation between maternal anemia in the early third trimester and preterm in another investigation (Youssry & Patel, 2018). According to Ballestín & Bartolomé, 2021, a high hematocrit (Ht) was linked to fetal retardation and preterm delivery, especially when the level of Ht was equal to or higher than 43% around 31 and 34 weeks gestation. Any initiative aimed at promoting nutrition must start with nutrition education (Aramesh & Hassanzadeh, 2020). For the health of mother and fetus, understanding good nutrition and a balanced diet throughout pregnancy is crucial. Nutritional issues during pregnancy can affect both the mother and the fetus, necessitating specific attention. Anemia and other nutritional deficits can result from an inadequate diet during pregnancy. Therefore, it is essential to get enough nutrients while pregnant and should not be ignored. A woman and her family can improve their nutrition by making decisions and taking action with the aid of maternal nutrition counseling. This comprises choices and behaviors on the kinds, variety, and quantities of food a woman should eat to achieve her dietary needs, the quantity of exercise she needs, and the use of dietary supplements. Even while dietary counseling is a strongly advised part of healthcare, many women don’t really obtain high-quality services. With the help of this program brief, UNICEF country offices and its partners may learn how to increase the accessibility, efficacy, and justice of maternal nutrition counseling in low- and middle-income nations. Preconception (for individuals intending a pregnancy), pregnancy, and postpartum care are covered for adolescent girls and women between the ages of 20 and 49 (Govender & Taylor, 2020). The nutritional status of women is crucial to their health and wellbeing, particularly before, during, and after childbirth. If women are free from any form of malnutrition when they become pregnant, if they have nourishing diets, if they have access to necessary nutrition services, and if they adopt ideal dietary practices during pregnancy, they are more likely to have a healthy pregnancy that are less likely to experience life-threatening complications. Additionally, newborns of adequately fed mothers are more likely to have a healthy birth and grow and develop normally in infancy. Following birth, women must have adequate nutritional care in order to meet their nutrient needs, which are high among breastfeeding mothers, and to replenish their bodily stores of nutrients. All you need is do my history assignment for all your history writing needs. The World Health Organization set goals to reduce the incidence of anemia in women of reproductive age by 50% and the prevalence of low birth weight by 30% by 2025 in recognition of the critical role that maternal nutrition plays in health (World Health Organization, 2020). Progress towards these goals can support worldwide efforts to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goal goals of reducing child stunting, wasting, and overweight because maternal nutrition directly affects the nutritional condition of children. The rate of development is currently too sluggish to achieve the goals set by the World Health Assembly for maternal anemia and low birth weight. An estimated 571 million women of reproductive age experienced anemia in 2019 (30%), whereas the frequency of low birth weight stayed at 15% between 2012 and 2019 (Kinyoki & Hay, 2021). Throughout 2012 and 2015, the prevalence of preterm labor stayed at 15%. There is still a public health issue with maternal underweight (thinness), which affected 170 million women (9%) in 2016 (Kinyoki & Hay, 2021). Poor diets, poor access to necessary nutrient-rich services and subpar procedures continue to impede growth. Premature birth, mother and infant mortality, and infectious illnesses have all been linked to low hemoglobin levels suggestive of mild to severe anemia during pregnancy. In utero and throughout time, developments may also be impacted. In contrast, adverse pregnancy outcomes like preterm labor and low birth weight may also be linked to hemoglobin levels higher than 130 g/l at sea level. Iron supplementation, iron-fortified staple foods, nutrition and health education, parasite management, and hygienic improvements are only a few of the interventions used to avoid iron deficiency and IDA in pregnant women. Women must take in more iron throughout pregnancy to make sure they have enough on hand to avoid an iron deficiency, as a result, in the majority of low- and middle-income nations. Visit for more.  Iron supplements are therefore widely utilized by pregnant women in the majority of low- and middle-income nations to prevent and treat iron deficiency and anemia during pregnancy. This recommendation was made after updating an earlier Cochrane systematic analysis that evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of iron supplementation in healthy pregnant women (McCauley & van den Broek, 2022). Overall, women who took daily iron supplements had LBW babies less frequently than controls, and the average birth weight was higher for newborns whose mothers took iron during pregnancy, at 30.81 g. Neonatal mortality and preterm birth had no discernible impact. Daily iron supplementation decreased the likelihood of iron deficiency and maternal anemia at term by 57 percent and 70 percent, respectively, but had no discernible impact on infection risk. A fifth of the population of the globe carries an inherited hemoglobin problem. Because of advancements in hematological therapy, impacted women with hemoglobinopathies frequently seek conception when they reach childbearing age. Nutrition education and counseling are common methods to enhance the nutritional status of pregnant women (NEC). NEC strategies typically center on improving maternal diet performance by enhancing the variety and quantity of foods consumed, achieving adequate weight gain through consuming an adequate and balanced amount of protein and energy, and utilizing supplements, and fortified foods consistently and continuously. Nielsen et al.’s review found that pregnancy NEC initiatives had a beneficial effect on pregnant adolescents’ understanding of nutrition and diet quality. Interventions also slightly enhanced birth weight and gestational weight increase. Another analysis of data, mostly from developed nations (HIC), found that prenatal nutrition teaching decreased uncontrollable gestational weight gain. 14 Last but not least, a Cochrane systematic review from 2010 discovered that explicit recommendations to boost protein and energy intake while pregnant. Only two of the five trials included in this Cochrane review had results for maternal weight increase, birth weight, and premature delivery. 15, 16, and meta-analyses did not have any bearing. 


The introduction to the systematic literature Methodology A systematic review uses scientific methodologies in identifying, analyzing, and evaluating evidence that has already been presented of an existing problem to ensure that it produces an unbiased conclusion. This is an effective method of carrying out research as it is more linked with providing comprehensive, precise, and evidence-based research (Glasziou & Colditz, 2001) With the high number of research that is being posted on the different websites, there is the need to evaluate the resource and classify them in relation to sources that are more relevant and those with desired outcomes too. Hence they aim to make more informed decisions in relation to preterm births in pregnant women with the cause of anemia.    Hence by doing a systematic review, a more advanced report will be developed. This will also be impactful for anyone looking for data online. This will also be impactful as it will address all the gaps that have been left by the existing literature hence improving the quality of data available. In a study done by (Glasziou & Colditz, 2001), he concludes that systematic review is strict on the selected questions, provides precise eligibility questions, a more reputable approach, and offers an extensive search of the resources (McCauley & van den Broek, 2022). Generally, conducting a comprehensive systematic review helps the researchers advance the existing data and also advance the available in-depth data. However, it is subjected to various limitations, such as can be time-consuming, and with lack of awareness, there are higher chances that this could take longer time than thought it could. 

Search Strategy  

In previous research, a systematic review has to be carried out by more than two researchers to ensure that there is less bias. However, this research was considered by a student underrating a master’s degree in Public health. To ensure that there is a high level of transparency, the researchers used a PRISMA flow chart and also employed the Cochrane handbook written for the systemic review of interventions. When carrying out research, it is important to use a wide variety of sources to collect relevant data. This is considered that there are many websites that offer information regarding the health of people. For instance, considering that EMBASE, CINAHL MEDLINE Pubmed, and Sci direct are an example of databases within healthcare, PsycINFO and ASSIA are among databases that offer such but within social science. With a search strategy, it is easy to identify such. Through the literature, we only considered data that are from peer-reviewed journals from websites such as Pubmed, direct science, Medline, and EMbase to ensure that the outcomes that have been reported are clinically based. 

Search bibliographic Databases 

Online sources are easy to find as they are usually updated to meet the current changes. This makes it easy for one to locate them. Hence with online sources, the researcher considered doing searches for the relevant articles. Databases considered were EMBASE, CINAHL MEDLINE Pub med, and Science Direct. Through this study, the researcher considered only articles that have been published not older than five years, which considered a review comparison with mothers who are pregnant with anemia and those who are pregnant without anemia. During this search, only English work were considered. However, this was considered that during translation, the translator could miss some words or even understand the author wrongly, which can, in turn, lead to altering of the meaning. This is one of the bases as to why the research only considered articles that have been written originally in English and not in other languages. However, this raised some bias as some research (Neimann Rasmussen & Montgomery, 2018) claimed that excluding sources that are not in English can result in language bias. However (Delgado-Rodríguez & Sillero-Arenas, 2018) claims that there is no noticeable language bias to be identified when carrying out a meta-analysis outcome. To ensure that an extensive search has been attained, the author considered using relevant keyword searches and also considered paying visits to the library to find any sources that could help have adequate data. Search key terms and Search Strategy In a study carried out by  Boland et al. 2017,  after identifying the bibliographical resources, keywords were developed to ensure that a search strategy for every database had been developed. Through the search strategies, various parts of research questions were developed to ensure that a broad search has been attained. With the Cochrane review, strategy research design population and intervention questions are to be addressed. This then promoted the use of the PICO tool to help in identifying and searching the terms. However, synonyms of keywords such as anemia, pregnancy, and preterm births were used for extensive results. In a research done by (Bramer & Kleijnen, 2018), he reports that keywords and medical subheadings are of high importance in developing a search strategy. Furthermore, there was no limitation on the number of materials to be explored. However, in truncating documents, the researcher used an asterisk (*) alongside an operator, which could be AND, OR, NOT, to ensure that even though a wide search is aimed at, it is all linked to the relevance.  To ensure that ether was no bias when making the choices, all the searches were conducted after a tutorial with the expert librarian. This then followed an immediate screening that considered the title and the Abstract check removal of duplicates. The remaining articles were then reviewed in full to determine the scoping review and synthesis of the findings that met all the criteria required. Review questions for the systematic review This review has been created to locate, analyze and synthesize available data while trying to address the causes of anemia in prenatal women that result in preterm births. Furthermore, this review will analyze possible interventions, especially offering communal education to mothers on the foods that can help them fight iron deficiency.  There are different frameworks that can be used while structuring systematic review questions. In this research, we will consider the PICO framework, which is a common framework applied when dealing with quantitative analysis. PICO has proved to be an effective framework for analyzing interventions. In analyzing the PICO, the major components to be considered are (Lasserson & Higgins, 2019) (Population intervention counter intervention, and Outcomes). With this, it is also easy to locate useful sources. Furthermore, this also plays an important role in helping determent the research questions of the study.   
 Selection of studies To ensure that a more clear focus on the issues at hand and sources to be used have been chosen appropriately, there is the need for precision. This then calls for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Furthermore, having an inclusion and exclusion criteria is one of the requirements for a systematic review that brings the difference from narrative reviews (Siddaway & Hedges, 2019). Hence the research used the PICO framework to determine the criteria for including and excluding resources. Type of participants (p) Expectations mothers from the age of 20-40 were considered to be major participants of the study. This study considered this age group as it all included mothers who just became mothers and they have not established their lives, and also an age gap of a mother who became pregnant and still has established their lives. However, studies that involved minors who were pregnant and had anemia was included as they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Types of Interventions (I) Many studies have studied on ensuring that each pregnant mother has a clinical book that contains adequate education (Hosseini Tabaghdehi & Motaghi, 2020). Other studies have also called for the government to come in with more funds to support the poor families by providing supplements or even making food donations that will help them  (Siddaway & Hedges, 2019). Furthermore, this research will consider offering communal education on how to balance the available food to ensure that the iron deficiency has been tackled.  Types of Counter Interventions (C) Blood transfusions Types of Outcomes (O)  The outcomes of anemia in pregnancy that leads to preterm births were preterm births, breathing disorders, chest pains, delayed millstones or stillbirths, antenatal visits, number of haemogram tests, and experience of anemia in pregnancies. However, there was also a difference in social-economical factors such as income,   level of education, and the occupation of spouses. Types of Studies for this writing help In an evaluation of the different qualities of the findings, there are various ranking systems that can be used. The hierarchy of evidence has affirmed that the RCT is one among the topmost when placed in the evidence pyramid. It is then followed by the observational studies, and then the uncontrolled studies are at the bottom of the pyramid. Further, randomization will be used in the studies to reduce the bias and also equalize the confounding factors within the groups. Furthermore, only studies that are related to the major keywords will be considered for the general study. Data Collection An excel sheet was used to portray the relevant data collected considering met analysis data, baseline carters of the population used, a summary of the studies that were used, and data for the narrative synthesis. Through the study, it included The data to be extracted will include information about the sources, design of the study, geographical location, the aim of the study, the population used, and the conclusions made of the study. Within the baseline characteristics, the study will consider information such as the study ID and the race, which will include all the races such as Black, white, and others, gender, and rural-urban classification. In the third section, which is the statistical data of the meat analysis, the research will consider the mean and standard deviation statically attained from the designated groups separately. In the fourth section, data for the narrative synthesis will include data collected for the study, ID the outcomes, the results, and measures results. Through the data, different tables will be created for the different sectional data. Religion Languages and date of publishing This study was not limited to a certain geographical; hence it reviewed literature from a global perspective. However, only articles that had been written in English as the research was limited to translating articles considering the chances of errors while transcribing. This also included that any work that was originally written in another language but later translated was not included too. The study considered articles with a publication age of not more than five years. This was to ensure that all the studies used were dated. 

Quality Assessment 

It was important to ensure that the studies that have been chosen have also been assessed to measure the quality of the studies being used. This is a step that was done during data extraction. This was to ensure that the researcher was able to respond to any quality assessment questions. Furthermore, this could also play a big role in helping avoid selection bias in such collecting data, not minding if they support or they contradict the hypothesis. Following this procedure, it plays an essential role in removing the poor-quality work that could affect the findings of the researcher. Furthermore, it also saves time as it excludes the extraction of data that is not required. Through quality assessment, it was easy for the researcher to identify reliable research that was designed, and after evaluation, the researcher was able to conclude if the research was relevant to answering the main question or not. Through quality assessment, the researcher got the different perfections and the different methodologies and the outcome that the different resources had posted that helped the researcher to know the value and how to rate sources as poor quality and which one to be considered of high quality.  In the systematic review, there are various tools that could be put in use to measure the quality of the sources. However, it also depends on the type of question to be addressed. In many instances, Scales have been used, while others consider the use of a checklist as they are more comprehensive and can also be studied by other people to measure the quality too. Critical appraisal skill program and new castle Ottawa scales are among the majorly used scales. Considering that many of the studies were observational, the National Institute of health quality assessment tool was considered to be the most appropriate tool. This tool focused on studying a source with different questions, such as judging the clarity of the questions used in the study. What kind of population has the study used, the participation numbers, and the inclusion/ the exclusion criteria that have been used in the said sources. The justification of sample size, time frame, the follow-up procedures definition validly, the rate of exposures, the measure of outcomes, and the sufficient level of the outcomes were used. Through the analysis, the researcher considered giving answers with no, yes, applicable, and not applicable depending on the findings that the researchers will find after studying eth sources with the above questions. With the procedure, which took a lot of time but yielded good results, the research had the capability of utilizing only resources that were qualified.   Characteristics of included studies          Study ID   Study Design   Site   Population age   Study Aim   Conclusion     Moreno-Fernandez, & Diaz-Castro, 2019   Systematic Review      m 24 to 36 weeks   Determine the Effects of iron status on preterm infants’ growth and development parameters   Most of the time, premature newborns need iron supplements and are prone to ID or IDA development, which may influence postnatal behavior and cognitive development.     Kang & Sunwoo, 2020   A systematic review and meta-analysis   China   22.6 to 34.8   Utilizing a meta-analysis to determine the association between anemia and the risk of maternal depression.   Anemia was linked to a higher incidence of maternal depression in both the antepartum and postpartum periods, according to a recent meta-analysis of observational epidemiological studies.     Safiri & Grieger, 2021   Quantitative   Global   15-49   The current study details the burden of anemia on a global, regional, and national scale, as well as its underlying causes.   Despite the multifaceted character of the condition, dietary iron deficiency is still the biggest contributor to anemia worldwide. Therefore, nutritional interventions must get more focus, followed by efforts to reduce the burden of chronic diseases, parasite infections, and hemoglobinopathies.     Walang, 2020   Quantitative   Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.   20-42   Analyze the major causes of Preterm births among women in developing countries   The global preterm birth rate of 11% is a result of anemia cases experienced by women before and during pregnancies.     Maier & Zeitlin, 2018   cohort studies   European Regions   22 + 0 and 31 + 6 weeks   To compare the length of hospital stays for infants who were born very preterm and extremely preterm in 10 different European locations and track changes over time.   Policies to optimize discharge decisions in terms of baby outcomes and health system expenditures should be informed by a better knowledge of the discharge criteria and care practices that cause the significant variations in the very preterm length of stay across European areas.     Sample & Platini, 2019   Quantitative design   Indonesia   15-49   This study attempts to ascertain pregnant anemic women’s understanding of pregnancy nutrition.   Based on the findings of a study on the nutritional intake knowledge of pregnant women with Anemia at Puskesmas (Community Health Center) Sukamulya Garut, it can be said that nearly all of them lacked such knowledge.     Aston & Paynter, 2021   Qualitative   Canada   20-40   This study looked at how first-time moms used online and offline resources to get help during the first six months after giving birth and how social and institutional discourses shaped their experiences.   These online discussion boards provide useful information for medical practitioners trying to enhance postpartum care for moms and highlight the necessity of creating places where new mothers can interact.     Graham, 2018   
     Indonesia, 2020   Quantitative   Central Sulawesi   22-48   The goal of this study is to determine how the smart book on pregnancy-postpartum care affects husbands’ knowledge and the incidence of difficulties with reproductive health.   The postpartum care book educated men about pregnancy, labor, and postpartum issues.     Baig-Ansari & Goldenberg, 2008   Quantitative   Pakistan   20-48   To assess the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women residing in an urban population in Hyderabad, Pakistan, as well as the dietary and socioeconomic factors related to anemia.   At 20 to 26 weeks of pregnancy, a significant portion of women experienced mild to moderate anemia. Anemia was linked to a pica, drinking tea, and eating a few eggs and red meat. Prior to getting pregnant, in particular, women of reproductive age should receive nutritional education about food sources of iron and how food choices can either improve or interfere with iron absorption.     Rahman & Shibuya, 2016   systematic review and meta-analysis   South Asia sub-Saharan Africa   15-49   systematic review and meta-analysis to calculate the population-attributable percentage (PAF) of these outcomes that are caused by anemia in low- and middle-income countries, the pooled prevalence of anemia, the relationship between maternal anemia and pregnancy outcomes,    Maternal anemia continues to be a serious health issue in low- and middle-income nations. In low-income nations and the South Asian region, the percentage of unfavorable pregnancy outcomes attributed to anemia was greater.     Youssry & Patel, 2018   cohort study   –   20-45   Our study’s objectives are to determine the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women and the impact of anemia severity on maternal and perinatal outcomes.   His research made it clear that anemia, especially mild anemia, is common among expectant mothers. Maternal anemia must be managed, and the perinatal outcome is strongly impacted by early diagnosis and therapy beginning in the first trimester. The most frequent maternal and neonatal problems are prematurity, low birth weight babies, and postpartum hemorrhage.     Ballestín & Bartolomé, 2021).   Qualitative   –   20-47   In this review, the research on how nutritional deficits affect maternal and infant morbidity will be summarized.   Micronutrient deficiencies have a negative impact on pregnant women’s health and the pregnancy’s outcome. Since there are multiple inadequacies, repairing or supplementing one won’t have much of an impact while there are still others that need to be addressed.     References  Aramesh, S. H., Qaitasi, A., Masnavi, E., Qaitasi, I., & Hassanzadeh, S. (2020). Prevalence of Preeclampsia, Eclampsia and Related Factors in Pregnant Women Referred to Imam Sajjad Hospital in Yasuj in 2016. Armaghan Danesh, 25(1), 129-139.  Aston, M., Price, S., Hunter, A., Sim, M., Etowa, J., Monaghan, J., & Paynter, M. (2021). Second opinion: negotiating agency in online mothering forums. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 53(4), 327-339.    Baig-Ansari, N., Badruddin, S. H., Karmaliani, R., Harris, H., Jehan, I., Pasha, O., … & Goldenberg, R. L. (2008). Anemia prevalence and risk factors in pregnant women in an urban area of Pakistan. Food and nutrition bulletin, 29(2), 132-139.  Baldi, A. J., Clucas, D., & Pasricha, S. R. (2020). Anemia and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)—is there really a link?. 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Asian American Women in our society today

article 1

article 2

article 3


Please review the current online articles ( I post the link of 3 articles above) and video for this week. The articles and videos serve as an example for the post you need to complete. For discussion #3, you will need to find an article or video that addresses a current issue/stereotype that is affecting Asian American Women in our society today. You will need to include the link to the articles, news/scholarly article, video, movies, etc. to the issue. Please complete the following:

  1. Provide a summary of the issue that should include a link to the article, media, video, etc.
  2. Explain how this issue affects Asian American Women
  3. Address how this issue is different or similar to women of other race or ethnicity in America
  4. Include examples from the reading if there are any (optional)
  5. Conclusion: Have you had a similar experience? What are your personal thoughts about this issue? How can we move forward to resolve or change this issue?
  6. Reference at the bottom of the post


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Managing Survival Economic Realities for Vietnamese American Women

Read: Managing Survival Economic Realities for Vietnamese American Women (page 237) Linda Trinh Võ  (I attached the file below)

Please write the summary ( Economic Realities for Vietnamese American Women (page 237))to include main points. Keep in mind your peers may have not read the chapter you selected so you would like to provide them with an overall summary of the chapter reading.

Requirement: In your summary/analysis, you must provide citations from the reading which should include title, page numbers, and a reference page.  However, on the week of your final, there’s no “reading discussion” forum.

Your post should include:

  1. Title of Article and Author
  2. Summary of article selected: a paragraph with citations
  3. Reflection of the reading: a paragraph
    • A reflection can include your own personal experience that’s related to the readings, a connection to the reading that you found in a news or academic article, movie, YouTube video, etc.
    • You can also include your thoughts, views, or opinion about the chapter reading you selected.
    • If you’re having trouble, you can answer the following questions:
      • What did you find interesting about the reading?
      • What would you have done in their situation?
      • How would the issues in the chapter be in today’s political climate?
      • Where does issue the issues stand today?
      • What policies or suggestions do you have to improve the issues?


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Women bear a disproportionate burden in the agrarian system of sub-Saharan Africa

Women bear a disproportionate burden in the agrarian system of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America. In addition, their productivity is low. Explain these statements with specific examples from individual developing economies. What measures/policies have been implemented to deal with these two issues? Once again discuss with specific examples from individual developing economies


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The Subjection of Women

Read The Subjection of Women, Chapter 1. Analyze the women question and respond. Base your analysis on the themes and concepts from the readings and lectures. Provide evidence for any arguments you make with quotes and paraphrases accompanied by in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Any outside sources must be properly cited. 

500 Words in MLA format – Parenthetical citations for in text citations. Works cited for references and cover page.


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SACR-3530. Women, Power, and the Environment

This course focuses on environmental issues as they affect women across cultures. It provides a feminist critical analysis of the power relations in modern societies that cause environmental degradation and examines the theories, policies, and institutions that contribute to unsustainable practices. Emphasis is placed on the women-nature debate within various environmental social movements and the historical role women have played as activists. (Also offered as Women’s and Gender Studies WGST-3530.) (Prerequisite: Semester 5 or higher standing and one course at the 2000-level or above from Women’s and Gender Studies.)


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Society today is complicated. You’ll learn how to unravel its most urgent issues in this program that is focused on research, analysis and communication — skills relevant to a wide range of fields. You can tailor your degree by picking courses that match your interests. The department is small, ensuring you’ll get lots of personal attention.

  • Sample Courses: Foundations of Social Life; Social Dilemmas; Sociology of Families; Perspectives on Culture; Crimes of the State: Genocide, War Crimes and Ethnic Cleansing; Social Movements
  • Career Tracks: Immigration officer, human resources manager, community relations worker, mediator, case worker
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Standpoint Theory and what it meant for sociological research for women and minorities

Please explain Standpoint Theory and what it meant for sociological research for women and minorities. Paraphrase the contributions to classical sociological theory made by early women sociological thinkers, especially in regards to feminist standpoint theory.  Discuss W.E.B. Dubois theoretical contributions in the area of race, particularly the concept of double consciousness.





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did Women’s Studies emerge in the academic community? Why are Women’s Studies programs inherently interdisciplinary?

Women’s Studies emerged in the academic community in conjunction with the second-wave feminist movement whose goal was to bring women from different backgrounds together and to become more knowledgeable of their experiences. The academic discipline of Women’s Studies started during the 1970s and it observes women’s lives from around the world. It focuses on how gender interconnects with other differences such as disability, class, age, ethnicity, race, and sex-orientation. Women’s studies is an interdisciplinary field and it examines gender as a social and cultural construct, the social status and contributions of women, and the relationships between power and gender. Women Studies disciplines consist of history, politics, literature, theory, psychology, and sociology. Literature is one of the most important disciplines in Women’s Studies. We rediscovering of old texts and while trying to understand the symbolism in the writings so that the women’s point of view can not be ignored or lost by the males point of view and contesting sexism in mainstream literature. Old literature during the first wave of feminism that I really admired while taking me World Lit Class was “A Room of Ones Own”, by Virginia Woolf. She spoke of how the only way for a woman to thrive in society during that time was to have her own home and maintain her own finances. The only reason she was able to maintain her own way of life was because her Aunt had passed and left her money. However other women had to rely on the finances of men.

Project 4: System Development or Application Assurance

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It is critical that cybersecurity professionals be able to use all applicable systems, tools, and concepts to minimize risks to an organization’s cyberspace and prevent cybersecurity incidents. In this project, you will demonstrate your understanding of how to apply security principles, methods, and tools within the software development life cycle. You will also apply your knowledge of the cybersecurity implications related to procurement and supply chain risk management.

This is the fourth and final project for this course. There are 13 steps in this project. Begin below to review your project scenario.



Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

• 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.

• 1.5: Use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.

• 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.

• 9.4: Software Security Assurance: Demonstrate secure principles, methods, and tools used in the software development life cycle.

• 9.5: Software Security Assurance: Describe the cybersecurity implications related to procurement and supply chain risk management.

Step 1: Assess Software Vulnerabilities

Project 2 outlined the steps involved to produce a final vulnerability and threat assessment, and Project 3 covered risk analysis and mitigation. Those assessments were across the entire enterprise and included numerous elements outside the realm of systems and technology. However, they did uncover opportunities for improvement in the application software processes.

For this step, return to the vulnerability and threat assessment from Project 2 and focus on all areas of application software that were itemized. Give additional thought to uncover software that perhaps did not make the list or were assumed to be secure and simply overlooked.

The assignment is to create a more comprehensive list of application software that could place the enterprise at risk of a breach, loss of data, loss of production, and/or loss of brand confidence.

The assessment should include the application of secure principles, development models such as the maturity model or integrated product and process development (IPPD), software development methods, libraries and toolsets used in the software development life cycle or systems development life cycle.

Use the Software Vulnerability Assessment Template to submit your results for feedback.

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In the next step, you will review your organization’s software procurement policy.  

Step 2: Review Software Procurement Policy

Upon completion of the software specific vulnerability assessment, conduct a review of the organization’s software procurement policies for software development methods.

Note that there is no submitted assignment for this step. Your review will be used in the submission for the following steps.

When the review is complete, move to the next step, where you will create a table or spreadsheet that lists recommended policies for software procurement that address certain questions or concerns.

Step 3: Create a Software Procurement Policy List

You’ve reviewed the organization’s policies for software development methods. Now it’s time to create a policy list for software procurement. The following are some sample questions to be included in a software procurement policy:

• Does the vendor provide any cybersecurity certifications with the product?

• Does the vendor provide access to the source code for the product? Are there other security issues in source code to be addressed?

• What is the guaranteed frequency of security updates to be provided for the product?

• What is the implementation process for software updates/upgrades?

What are additional questions or concerns that should be included in the procurement process? Create a table or spreadsheet that lists recommended policies to properly address these questions or concerns.

Use the Procurement Policy Template to list the cybersecurity implications related to procurement and supply chain risk management and submit your results for feedback.

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In the next step, you will generate assurances or controls to address each of the policy issues identified here.

Step 4: Document Relevant Software Acceptance Policies

Now that the procurement policies have been identified in the previous step, what assurances or controls should be established as policy that would evaluate the security implications during the software acceptance process? The objective is to provide a one-page overview of security testing that would be included in the acceptance of a vendor’s application.

The next step in this project will document the actual testing and validation. This step is simply to verify the congruence between the procurement process and acceptance process. In other words, do the procurement policies establish the correct cyber security framework for software purchase and do the acceptance policies match?

In considering the security implications of the in the software acceptance phase of the development cycle, use the Software Acceptance Policy Template to document recommended tests and assurances for the procurement policies identified in the previous steps.

Submit your results below for feedback.

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In the next step, you will research software testing and validation.

Step 5: Research Software Testing and Validation Procedures

Based on the software acceptance policies created in the previous step, consider what testing and validation procedures could be used to assure compliance.

Note that there is no submitted assignment for this step. You will submit the final list of recommended testing and validation procedures in the next step.

Step 6: Document Software Testing and Validation Procedures

You’ve completed the research, and it is now time to create testing and validation procedures that follow a specific process to assure compliance. The key to the success of this step is to document exact procedures to be followed by a testing team prior to installation.

At a minimum, the procedures should address the following questions:

• What are potential vulnerabilities inherent in the application platform?

• How well does the vendor document preventive measures built into the application?

• Are there alternative solutions provided by the vendor or in the application in case of a breach?

• What additional safeguards can be added to ensure the security of the software environment?

The testing and validation procedures should address each of these concerns.

The executive team will want to see specific steps for the testing team to follow as the team members complete the tests and assurances you recommended in the previous step.

Document your specific testing and validation recommendations from a cybersecurity policy standpoint in the Test Script Procedures Template and submit for feedback.

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In the next step, you will consider procedures for upgrading software.

Step 7: Review Software Upgrade Procedures

In the last step, you documented testing and validation requirements. In this step, it’s important to review software upgrades. Installation of a software upgrade has similar, yet unique requirements from the previous steps. In most enterprise environments, software updates and upgrades follow a specific change management routine. However, complete reliance on this procedure can lead to unintended oversight of cybersecurity issues. The change management process is generally focused on detecting errors and the auditing and logging of changes in the operational environment after the upgrade has been performed.

From the cyber perspective, this is not enough. As demonstrated in previous steps, significant effort is required to ensure a secure environment, not just an operational one. The question to be answered is “when” should the upgrade be performed during an application or system change. Should it be performed multiple times during the update?

Think through this issue thoroughly and make notes on your thought process. It is important that the risk analysis associated with an application or system change is conducted at the optimal time.

Note that there is no submitted assignment for this step. However, the research and corresponding notes related to this step will be applicable to the final report for Maria and the other executives. When this is complete, move to the next step, where supply chain risks will be considered.

Step 8: Review Supply Chain Risks

Following the previous steps relative to the supply chain and previous projects, it is time to thoroughly review risk within the supply chain.

Like many companies, your organization is dependent on a supply chain, so the software development process must include a supply chain risk management (SCRM) plan to minimize the impact of supply chain-related risks on business operations and the security of the infrastructures and data.

Note that there is no submitted assignment for this step. The identified supply chain risks will be reported in the next step.

Step 9: Document Supply Chain Risks

After review, it’s time to document supply chain risks. This portion of the overall report requires a two- to three-page narrative that addresses the following supply chain concerns:

1. Describe cybersecurity implications related to the procurement process.

2. Provide recommendations that would address these concerns.

3. Include appropriate supply chain risk management practices.

Where appropriate, cite references to support the assertions in the recommendations and conclusion.

Submit your report on supply chain concerns here for feedback.

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Then, move to the next step, in which you will consider how the procedures of acquisition, procurement, and outsourcing line up in the organization.

Step 10: Consider Alignment Issues

Based on the review and recommendations on the supply chain described in the previous step, consider how well the policies and procedures regarding the acquisition, procurement, and outsourcing of software in your organization are aligned.

Outline a strategic approach to getting all the functions in alignment. There is no submission for this step. The alignment recommendations will be submitted in the next step.

Step 11: Develop an Acquisition Alignment Report

Keeping the alignment issues in mind from the previous step, prepare a one-page plan to align acquisition, procurement, and outsourcing of software applications for the enterprise. This should be a strategic approach to getting all the functions in alignment. Start with a request for information, proceed through acquisition, testing, and implementation, and finish with ongoing maintenance of the application.

All the work has been done in the previous steps. This step is designed to “bring it all together” in one easy-to-understand approach. The approach will be used in the final step to complete the supply chain analysis with a mitigation plan as it applies to software acquisition and maintenance.

Submit your one-page plan to align acquisition, procurement, and outsourcing efforts with your organization’s information security goals here for feedback.

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In the next step, you will consolidate all your work thus far.

Step 12: Consolidate Your Work

The acquisition plan alignment is complete. For this exercise, collate all the material presented in the previous steps into a cohesive presentation that describes the entire software risk analysis processes and articulates specific supply chain cybersecurity threats and the technologies and policies that can be used to mitigate them.

You will use your consolidated results in your final project submission in the next step.

Project 4: System Development or Application Assurance

Step 13: Write the Risk Analysis/Supply Chain Threats/Mitigation Report

Management is always interested in solutions, and Maria Sosa and the other executives at your company are no exception. In the case of cybersecurity, there are no absolute solutions to an ever-changing environment. However, there are steps to mitigation that might eliminate or minimize the results of certain vulnerabilities. This final step is to describe the mitigation strategies recommended as a result of all previous steps in the project.

The final report for the executive meeting should be five to seven pages, only one to two of which will have to be written in this step. The remainder is from all the previous steps in the project.

Use the Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Final Report Template to submit your specific testing and validation procedures.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

• 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.

• 1.5: Use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.

• 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.

• 9.4: Software Security Assurance: Demonstrate secure principles, methods, and tools used in the software development life cycle.

• 9.5: Software Security Assurance: Describe the cybersecurity implications related to procurement and supply chain risk management.

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