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Theoretical perspectives and theories underpinning working with families at risk

“Compare and contrast theoretical perspectives and theories underpinning working with families at risk.

Choose two theoretical perspectives or theories that underpin working with families at risk from those covered in this subject: i.e. functionalist perspective; conflict perspective; feminist perspectives; symbolic interactionism; individualisation perspective; family life cycle/developmental perspective; family ecological model; attachment theory; social learning theory; or family systems perspective.

Compare and contrast your two chosen theoretical perspectives addressing the following elements:

  • ▪  Brief overview of each theoretical perspective
  • ▪  Key concepts of each perspective
  • ▪  The application of each perspective to working with families at risk
  • ▪  The limitations of each perspective
  • ▪  Conclusion and implications for practiceYour responses should incorporate reference to current literature and relevant theory (minimum five academic references) and adhere to APA7 referencing style.”
    Please confirm which of the theories that you will be working on so that I may print that part out from our textbook. I attached assessment 2 as well for you to look at later but please focus on assessment 1 as it’s due in just two weeks. I also attached some materials I think that might help.Thanks in advance and please advise.


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IT security intern working for Health Network

Scenario: You are an IT security intern working for Health Network, Inc. (Health Network), a fictitious health services organization headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Health Network has over 600 employees throughout the organization and generates $500 million USD in annual revenue. The company has two additional locations in Portland, Oregon and Arlington, Virginia, which support a mix of corporate operations. Each corporate facility is located near a co-location data center, where production systems are located and managed by third-party data center hosting vendors. 

Company Products

Health Network has three main products: HNetExchange, HNetPay, and HNetConnect.

HNetExchange is the primary source of revenue for the company. This service handles secure electronic medical messages that originate from its customers, such as large hospitals, which are then routed to receiving customers such as clinics.

Many of the company’s HNetExchange clients manage safe payments and invoices using the HNetPay online interface. The HNetPay online gateway, which is housed at Health Network production facilities, communicates with credit card processing businesses and accepts a variety of payment methods. In order to help Health Network consumers discover the appropriate level of treatment at the appropriate locations, HNetConnect is an online directory that includes listings for physicians, clinics, and other medical institutions. It includes the personal details of the doctors, their workplace addresses, their credentials as physicians, and the range of services that the clinics and doctors provide. Doctors receive credentials and have the ability to edit the data on their profiles. All three of the company’s goods are accessible to Health Network’s clients, who are the hospitals and clinics. Using HTTPS websites that are accessible via the Internet, doctors and prospective patients may update their profiles and make payments. Overview of the Information Technology Infrastructure Three production data centers where Health Network operates offer high availability for all of the business’s products. Around 1,000 production servers are housed in the data centers, while Health Network manages 650 business laptops and employee-owned mobile devices. Threats Recognized Following an evaluation of the present risk management strategy, the following dangers were found: Loss of data due to hardware removal from production systems; Loss of data on lost or stolen company-owned property, such as laptops and mobile devices; Loss of customers due to production outages brought on by various events, such as natural disasters, change management, unstable software, etc.; Internet threats because company products are available online; Insider threats; and Alterations in the regulatory environment that may have an impact on operations Organizational Request Health Network’s senior management has concluded that a new risk management strategy has to be created because the organization’s current one is out of date. Senior management is supportive of the effort to create a new strategy and dedicated to it since risk management is crucial to the firm. It is your responsibility to create this new strategy. During the risk assessment process, when reassessing the present danger environment, additional hazards beyond those already mentioned may be found. Due to senior management’s intention to respond to any and all major risks identified in the new plan, the budget for this project has not yet been established. It is possible to estimate realistic expectations based on the company’s yearly sales.


This project is divided into several parts, each with a deliverable. The first four parts are drafts. These documents should resemble business reports in that they are organized by headings, include source citations (if any), be readable, and be free from typos and grammatical errors. However, they are not final, polished reports. 


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Working with Addicted Populations

Assessment Description: .
In the following Case Study you will be required to formulate a number of components in developing a case plan
for working with an addicted client. The aim of case studies is to give students a sense of working with an ongoing
client. It is important to note that whilst there are no right or wrong answers the client has a number of issues
that will need to be identified if not addressed.
Case Study
Brad is a 22 year old male who has been referred to you by a mutual friend of his mother who has asked if you
could have a chat with him as he seems to be getting into more and more trouble which she believes is due to
his excessive drinking. He has also recently lost his driver’s licence for high range drink driving.
You agree and are contacted by Brad’s mother Sandra: she is clearly very anxious and distressed about Brad and
she gives you a blow by blow list of his negative behaviours over the past 2 years and this is a sign of Working with Addicted Populations.
Sandra reports that Brad was diagnosed with ADD at age 9 as was his sister Samantha who is a year older. He
has been failing at University over the past 12 months and has become verbally aggressive at home in particular
towards herself; he is coming home at all hours and will often sleep all day unless she nags him to get up. She
believes Brad is becoming an alcoholic just like her father was and that he needs someone to make him see that
he is ruining his life. She states that Brad was such a lovely young man before his drinking escalated with the
world at his feet. She also believes he needs to talk about an accident he caused 4 years ago whilst driving drunk
on a friend’s farm which has left one of his mates with a permanent brain injury. She goes on to say we have
given him the best private school education and supported him in whatever he has wanted to do scholastically.
He was top of the school in rowing and has been studying law at University after a gap year in England.
She says Brad is willing to talk to you and sets up an appointment.
Brad attends his first session; his mother has dropped him off and is waiting outside in her car until he’s finished.
Brad appears well kempt and healthy: he is over six foot tall and a good looking young man. He initially seems
reluctant to engage with you and has difficulty making eye contact; when you enquire as to why he thinks he is
here he says, “I’m not quite sure – what did mum say”
You state that his mother is concerned that he has a problem with alcohol but would like to hear what he has to
say about that. Brad goes on to defend his drinking by saying that it’s not that bad and that his friends drink the
same way he does and that his mum is just freaked out because her dad was an alcoholic which I’m not!
You discover that Brad experiences memory loss frequently when drinking but he thinks that’s normal as his
mates have had similar experiences. His mates have also told him that he can become aggressive and will often
start fights when out with them. He has a tendency not to believe this and thinks they are exaggerating.
He minimizes the drink driving charge as just bad luck and not being all that serious however he does appear to
be concerned with Working with Addicted Populations when you describe the consequences of such a charge and he is open to seeing you again if you
can help with that.
 How would you proceed with this session and beyond?
 What are the presenting issues for Brad?
 What assessment tools might you employ?
 What modalities might you use in working with Brad?
 Formulate a contract and case plan for Brad.BASS – COU301A Page 3
Marking Criteria:
Max. in
Answering the question and responding to the topic 30
Links to theories and concepts 10
Number and choice of appropriate references 4
Word count, readability, and structure 3
In‐text references and reference list, accuracy and use of
correct referencing style 3
Total: 50
Comments:BASS – COU301A Page 4
What we want to see:
This Report will incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion; as this is a report,
the introduction and conclusion, as well as individual sections addressing different issues should
be flagged by subheadings.
The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We
recommend you work with your Academic Writing Guide to ensure that you reference correctly. You
will find a link to this document on the main page of every unit, under the ‘Assessments’ section.
Correct academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you need to learn. We
recommend a minimum of ten references.
Referencing: References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic
sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a
reference, but not the Study Guide and lecture notes. We want to see evidence that you are capable
of conducting your own research. Also, in order to help markers determine students’ understanding
of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page
number/s if shown in the original.
Researching: You can search for peer-reviewed journal articles, which you can find in the online
journal databases and which can be accessed from the library homepage. Reputable news sites
such as The Conversation (, online dictionaries and online
encyclopedias are acceptable as a starting point to gain knowledge about a topic. Government
departments, research institutes such as the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC), international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local not
for profit organisations such as the Cancer Council are also good resources.
Formatting: The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other
formats may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other
formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.
What we don’t want to see:
Plagiarism: All sources of information need to properly be acknowledged. Please refer to the
plagiarism website on blackboard i . By clicking the ‘Upload this file’ button you acknowledge that you
have read, understood and can confirm that the work you are about to submit complies with the
Flexible and Online plagiarism policy as shown in the JNI Student Handbook. Like other forms of
cheating plagiarism is treated seriously. Plagiarising students will be referred to the Program
Word Count: Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you
may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.
Late Submissions: Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10%
penalty per day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 30 will incur 3 marks
penalty per day.
No submission: Students must attempt all tasks to be eligible to pass the unit.
More information can be found in Think Education Assessment Policy document on the Think
Education website.BASS – COU301A Page 5
Resources Available to YOU:
1. Academic writing guide link
2. Writing & referencing: The link to the Learning and Academic Skills Unit
(LASU) is on the left pulldown menu on the blackboard home page:
LASU also provides a series of academic skills tutorials. Please contact Caroline
Spaans (, 02 949 232 14).
3. Researching: A guide to researching is available on the library page
Please contact the online and Pyrmont librarian for Health, Dawn Vaux
( if you would like further help or a tutorial on how to do
research this way

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Maryland Department of Natural Resources is working to identify the undeveloped lands that are most critical to the state’s long-term ecological health



The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is working to identify the undeveloped lands that are most critical to the state’s long-term ecological health. These lands, referred to as Maryland’s green infrastructure, provide the natural foundation needed to support diverse plant and animal populations, and enable valuable natural processes like filtering water and cleaning the air to take place. Identifying and setting priorities for protection of the green infrastructure is an ongoing process. Review this description of  Maryland’s green infrastructure, Links to an external site.  including county-by-county maps.

Using Maryland’s approach as a guide, find out how your community treats its open spaces. If you live in an urban area, does your city protect urban forests or other natural areas? If your community is suburban or rural in nature, is agricultural or habitat protected in any way? What water quality protections are in place at the local level? State level?




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Working as software developer in telecom company

Course 1: DSRT  Infer Stats in Decision-Making

Course 2: DSRT professional writing and professional development 

Question 1 – Briefly explain any steps you are taking, or plan to take, to gain hands-on experience in your program of study. (50 – 100 words)

 Question 2 – State two goals you hope to achieve through applying your coursework this term to your workplace experience. (50 – 100 words)

Due to the embedded practical experience component in the curriculum, students must identify their work-study, internship, cooperative education experience by the start of the term.Please answer the following questions to identify what you have done to prepare for success in your INTR course this semester. 

Syllabus :

Introduction and Descriptive Statistics Read:

1, Exploring Statistics – Chapter1: Introduction

2. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 2: Frequency Distributions and Graphs

3. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 3: Central Tendency

4. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 4: Variability

5. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 5: Other Descriptive Statistics

Correlation and Regression Tests Read:

  1. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 6: Correlation and Regression
  2. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 7: Theoretical Distributions Including the Normal Distribution
  3. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 8: Samples

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Read:

1. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 11: Analysis of Variance: Independent Samples

Exploring Statistics – Chapter 12: Analysis of Variance: Repeated Measures

2. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 13: Analysis of Variance: Factorial Design

t-tests Read:

  1. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 9: Effect Size and Null Hypothesis Significance Testing – One-Sample Designs
  2. Exploring Statistics – Chapter 10: Effect Size, Confidence Interval, and Null Hypothesis Significance Testing – Two- sample Designs




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principal without having a working knowledge of the research world and how it works?

Using headings to organize your post, respond to the following:

  1. From your early understanding of applied research, would you agree or disagree that it is difficult to be a highly effective teacher or principal without having a working knowledge of the research world and how it works? (Support your answer with the readings from this Unit, as well as knowledge from your own experiences.)
  2. Jumping right into your research proposal, what topic would you like to explore and why is this of interest to you or important for you to research?
  3. List your two to three “applied research” questions that will guide your research proposal.  (Remember that applied research questions must be bias-free, cannot make assumptions on the outcome, focuses on solving a current educational problem involving students, and includes the intervention [strategy] that you plan to implement and study.)

That note that 

Research Questions A typical study will have two to five research questions. At least one of the questions should be answerable through qualitative data gathering and analysis and at least one question should be answerable through quantitative data gathering and analysis. Good applied research questions must be open ended (never answerable with “yes” or “no”). Quantitative questions frequently start with “How”, “What”, or “Why” and specify the dependent and independent variables. Use terms such as “Relate” or “Compare” when establishing connections between multiple variables in research questions. Qualitative research questions frequently begin with “How” or “What” but, seldom “Why” (“Why” frequently implies causality) Qualitative questions generally include the phenomenon under exploration as well as the participants and research site. Research questions must be answerable through observation and measurement and NOT counts alone. Most importantly, research questions must be answerable based on the outcome of the study

Your Discussion should be a minimum of 250 words in length and not more than 500 words. Please include a word count. Following the APA standard, use references and in-text citations for the textbook and any other sources.


  1. Choosing & Using Sources: A guide to academic research. (n.d.). Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.

     2. Aylesworth, G. (2015). Postmodernism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

     3. Education trends.  (n.d.). Edutopia.

     4.  Baron, M. A. (2008). Guidelines for writing research proposals and dissertations. University of South Dakota.

    5.  Hine, G. S. C. (2013). The importance of action research in teacher education programs. Issues in Educational Research, 23(2). 

    6.  Painter, D. D. (n.d.). Teacher research could change your practice. National Education Association.

     7. Current trends in education. (2012). TeAchnology.

    8.  Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). Where to begin. Purdue OWL Online Writing Lab. 

Supplemental Readings

     1.  Guerrero, Y.Y.G. (2012). Exploring the effect of exposure to LD through activities inside the classroom. The University of Pamplona, School of Education. [PowerPoint slides]. SlideShare.


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What happened to working-class New York?

write two paragraphs for each article


What happened to working-class New York?

What are the author’s conclusions about which factors have contributed to the shrinking of union power in New York and the financial challenges faced by middle- and lower-income New Yorkers today?


Coached for the classroom: Parents’ cultural transmission and children’s reproduction of educational inequalities

Provide specific details of the ethnographic method used in this study. Do you feel this was an effective research method? Why or why not? What do you think are the implications of the findings for understanding the impact of social class in the educational setting?

  • Cite any sources, including assigned readings, according to APA citation guidelines.
  • Write two paragraphs for each articles


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Create a working advanced statement outline

accomplish the following tasks: 3 pages

1. Create an overall thesis. Consult You, Writing! on pp. 31-36. 

2. Create a working advanced statement outline. Consult You, Writing! on pp. 37-46

3. Write two different introductory paragraphs. Decide also which introduction you like the best. Why? Remember the introduction should grab the reader’s attention. Since it is a narrative, the thesis may be implied or explicit. Traditionally, a thesis should be the last sentence of your first paragraph, but for now, you are still in the invention and drafting stage. Therefore, do not worry so much about getting it right. 


  • Submit the thesis, outline and two introductory paragraphs as a DOCX file (Microsoft Word default). If using another word processing program, click “Save As” for your document and choose 


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You are working at CampWithMe, a store that sells tools, clothing, and equipment for camping and traveling.

Using the tool of Data and Business  Analysis as your preference, apply what you learned in data Analysis  program

  • You are working at CampWithMe, a store that sells tools, clothing, and equipment for camping and traveling.
  • CampWithMe always struggled with having good visibility on how its different branches are performing, so you suggest creating a dashboard that monitors the performance of the store at all times, and gives better visibility to the decision makers.
  • Using the dashboard, let’s understand how the different product lines are performing and contribute to the revenue, and brainstorm ideas on how to improve it.
  • To submit: a report that includes the analysis of the data, supported by visualizations
    • Communicate your thoughts on each visualization you share in the report
    • Provide insights/suggestions/observations on what you believe can help the business and how


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  • You are working at CampWithMe, a store that sells tools, clothing, and equipment for camping and traveling.

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    You are a Programmer working for Phoenix IT Solutions

    Case Study – “Work From Home Tracker“
    Your role: You are a Programmer working for Phoenix IT Solutions.
    The current climate has forced many employees to work from home. Diamond Realty, a local real estate agent, has contacted you to write a program to help them track the hours worked by their seven (7) employees from home. The “Work From Home Tracker” program will track the daily hours worked from Monday to Friday, and then calculate the total weekly hours worked for each employee.
    You have met with your client (teacher) and have obtained the project specifications for the program you will build as outlined below.
    Program Specifications
    Program Interface
    The program needs to present a suitable interface (menu/form/web app depending on your chosen programming language) where staff can:
    1. Enter Daily Hours Worked
    2. Produce Hours Worked Report
    3. Quit/Close/Exit the Program
    Program Functionality
    a) For Option [1] Enter Daily Hours Worked, your program must request and process data for all seven (7) employees. For each employee record, your program must ask for:
    • The Current Working Week Number
    • Employee ID
    • Employee Name
    • The hours worked from home for the 5 working days Monday – Friday. For this, create a data structure, Data Structure 1, such as a single dimensional array (or similar) to store the hours worked for each day of the week. For example:

    Data Structure 1 – This stores the hours worked each day by an employee
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

    b) Once all hours have been entered, process the daily hours worked in Data Structure 1 by outputting an appropriate message to the screen as shown in the table below (messages may be customised):
    Hours worked Error message output to screen
    Less than 4 hours a day Insufficient hours worked on this day ”
    More than 10 hours a day Too many hours worked on this day
    Less than 30 hours a week You didn’t do enough work this week
    More than 40 hours a week You are working too hard!!
    For example, if an employee worked less than 4 hours on Thursday, the message “Insufficient hours worked on Thursday” will be output to the screen.
    c) Your program should then write each employee record to file and include the following information:
    • Week Number
    • Employee ID
    • Employee Name
    • Hours worked for each day
    A sample entry in your text file (or .csv file) might be:
    Week 2, 123, Vicki Brainsworth, 3,6,8,12,9
    Week 2, 345, Joey Genius, 8,12,6,11,7
    d) Add up the daily hours worked for the employee and store this in a second data structure (such as a list), Data Structure 2. This information will be used later to produce the Employee Weekly Report on the screen after you have entered the work pattern for all employees. For example:
    Data Structure 2 – This stores the total weekly hours worked for each employee
    Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 Employee 4 Employee 5 Employee 6 Employee 7
    38 44 33 43 36 37 38
    For example, Employee 5 worked 36 hours for the current week
    e) Once all 7 (seven) employee weekly hours have been stored, process Data Structure 2 and output the Weekly Employee Report to screen which displays:
    • The number of employees who worked less than 30 hours a week
    • The number of employees who worked more than 40 hours a week
    • The number of employees who worked between 37-39 hours.
    f) Once all records are processed, your Program must return to the Main Screen somehow.
    g) For Option [2] Produce Hours Worked Report, your program is required to read the employee records from file and display them to the screen with the latest entries at the top of the list (sorted). You must give the user the choice for the number of records to be displayed. For example, if the user enters “5”, then the 5 most recent records will be displayed. The program must be able to return back to the Main Screen.
    h) For Option [3] your program must exit/close appropriately
    Sample of “Work From Home Tracker” running as a Console Application
    This sample shows what the program might look like running as a console application. This could vary depending on your interface (for example Web App, or Form with buttons etc). It is the functionality that is important.
    This assumes the user has selected [1] Enter Daily Hours Worked from the Main Screen.
    * * * Add Employee Working Hours * * *
    ? Enter Current Working Week: 2
    ? [Employee 1]
    ? Enter Employee 1 ID: 123
    ? Enter Employee 1 Name: Vicki Brainsworth
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Monday: 3
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Tuesday: 6
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Wednesday: 12
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Thursday: 8
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Friday: 9
    ? **************************************
    ? Summary for Employee 123
    ? Insufficient hours worked on Monday
    ? Too many hours worked on Wednesday
    ? Total Hours worked for Week 2: 38 hours
    ? [Employee 2]
    ? Enter Employee 2 ID: 345
    ? Enter Employee 2 Name: Joey Genius
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Monday: 8
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Tuesday: 12
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Wednesday: 6
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Thursday: 11
    ? Enter Hours Worked for Friday: 7
    ? ***************************************
    ? Summary for Employee 345
    ? Too many hours worked on Tuesday
    ? Too many hours worked on Thursday
    ? Total Hours worked for Week 2: 44 hours
    ? You are working too hard!
    ? . continue adding records for all 7 employees
    ? . once complete, a Weekly Employee Report should
    ? . be displayed as shown below
    ? ***************************************************************
    ? Weekly Employee Report
    ? Number of Employees who worked Less than 30 hours this week: 2
    ? Number of Employees who worked more than 40 hours this week: 3
    ? Number of Employees who worked Between 37-39 hours this week: 2
    ? Press 1 to return to the Main Screen or 2 to Exit _?
    Your Task
    Following basic language syntax rules (and relevant programming standards), you will develop the application for your client whilst following the Mandatory Coding Specifications Checklist below.
    Mandatory Coding Specifications Checklist
    1. Program must make use of Sequence, selection and iteration constructs ?
    2. Usage of datatypes, operators, expressions ?
    3. Appropriate usage of operators and expressions ?
    4. Declare and use variables, appropriate data types, and variable scope ?
    5. Make use of at least two (2) library functions ?
    6. Usage of at least two (2) types of commenting techniques ?
    7. Expressions in selection and iteration using logical operators ?
    8. String manipulation techniques ?
    9. Usage of two (2) different Data Structures ?
    10. Reading and writing to a text file ?

    Client Requirements Checklist
    Use the Client Requirements Checklist below to ensure application meets initial client specifications.
    Client requirement checklist Completed
    (tick box if yes)
    Appropriate Interface and Layout suitable for application ?
    Application is suitable for target audience ?
    Application runs as required:
    a) Program allows user to enter all Employee Records ?
    b) Totals are calculated and displayed correctly ?
    c) Appropriate messages displayed to screen ?
    d) Records written to file correctly ?
    e) Records display correctly on the screen ?
    f) Program returns to Main Screen appropriately ?
    g) Program exits/closes appropriately ?
    Evidence of testing has been demonstrated to client ?
    Major bugs/errors have been rectified ?
    Game/Application is free from grammatical/spelling errors ?


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    You are a Programmer working for Phoenix IT Solutions