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Theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing

Purpose of the Assignment: To learn about your writing process. To learn that you have a writing process that can be shaped and reshaped. To learn how to think about that process.

Intended Audience: Instructor. Classmates. Writing teachers. Scholars interested in studying the writing process.

Assignment Topic: What have you learned about yourself as a writer from studying the theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing your own data in light of this theory? Describe data that you collect about your writing process over the course of two weeks, then analyze the data to describe your writing process. Use the concepts and terms from the course readings to frame your analysis.

Assignment Description: For this assignment, I want you to examine your writing process and literacy influences and then reflect on your process and influences. You will write an essay describing your own writing process based on a) concepts you’ve learned from the course readings and b) data that you have collected about your writing process. You’ll use discussions and readings from this unit to write a 3-4 page analysis of what you learned from studying your writing process. The idea behind this paper is very similar to that of the Rhetorical Situation Assignment: read and learn what the parts of the writing process are, then compare your own writing process to what you’ve learned and write a paper that a) describes your own writing process using the theory you’ve learned and b) considers what shaped your writing process and how you might reshape it. (If you think about it, that is similar to the first paper, where you learned the parts of the Rhetorical Situation, then analyzed a text that you wrote and described the parts of the rhetorical situation of your text. The third and last paper for this class will also follow a very similar process.)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1) TODAY, start creating some data about your writing process. You’ll keep this log for two weeks. You’re going to post the log and a list to a discussion forum/peer review two weeks from today. You’ll also be attaching your writing log to the end of your second essay, the Writing Process Assignment. It’s going to be one of the sources that you cite for this paper, along with the class readings. Make sure to keep up with it as it’s part of the final grade for the work for this paper.

  • Document your writing process every time you write something for any purpose (a class assignment, social media post, blog post, website page, etc.) over the next two weeks.
  • Keep track of all your writing journal notes in a writing log. If it were me, I would print out a paper chart to keep at my desk, so that I can easily jot down notes in it during writing sessions. Then I’d scan it to a file to save for submission later.
  • Look over this sample of a writing log kept in an Excel spreadsheet Download sample of a writing log kept in an Excel spreadsheet(just one possible way to keep track of your writing data–you could also create a chart by hand, in Word, etc.): Download sample writing logLinks to an external get an idea of what a writing log should or could look like. The writing log should keep track of:
  • When did you write? Write down the date and time you wrote.
  • How long did you write?
  • Where did you write?
  • What did you work on during each writing session?
  • What course or purpose did you write for? If you wrote for a course, what was the assignment?
  • What was hard about each writing session? What was easy? Why?
  • When and how did you get distracted? What distracted you?
  • How long did you plan for your writing?
  • How many times did you revise your writing?
  • When did you have writing bursts? What type of writing?
  • What types of writing did you write well?
  • What types of writing were you doing when you struggled and when you did not struggle?

Keep all of the answers to these questions in a journal or log. Keep as many notes about your writing process as you possible over the next week or two. 

  • Finally, when you start to write the paper, look over the writing process data from your log/journal and tell us what you are seeing about yourself as a writer. Here are the questions to try and answer as you write your first rough draft:
  • a) What are you noticing about yourself as a writer, and what do you need to do to develop your writing processes?
  • b) Which phases of the Writing Process) did you tend to lean more strongly on?
  • c) Which phases did you spend less time on, or skip?
  • d) Has your experience as a student had any similarities or differences to the student’s experience  in the case study in the course reading from Malowski? To Villanueva’s in the excerpt from Bootstraps?
  • e) What are your strengths in terms of the writing process, and which ones can you work on developing?
  • f) Overall, what have you learned about yourself as a writer from studying the theory of the writing process and also collecting and analyzing your own data in light of this theory?
  • g) Where do you see the potential to develop your writing process and why? What can you say about your writing process or writing processes?

To get an idea of what to aim for and grading criteria:

Look over  this sample final paper for an idea of what the paper could look like. (Link forthcoming.)

Look over the   Evaluation Standards for The Writing Process Assignment

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Writing a Python program to compute the daily pay for an Uber driver


This week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the daily pay for an Uber driver. 

The driver gets paid an hourly rate plus a percentage of the miles driven plus the tips provided by passengers. The driver’s daily wage is based on the number of hours worked times his hourly rate.  The commission pay is based on the total miles driven times the commission percentage rate. The daily total pay should be computed as the daily wage plus commission pay plus tips. 

Write a program that prompts the user for the following input:

  • the number of miles driven for the day,
  • the number of hours worked for the day
  • the amount of tips received for the day

and defines (not prompt) the constant values for:

  • the hourly rate for the driver (pick a reasonable value, e.g. $12.50)
  • the commission rate (pick a reasonable value e.g. 5%)

Your program should compute and display the output for:

  • the daily wage,
  • the commission pay
  • the tips for the day, and
  • the total pay for the day

Your program should include Header comments (what the program does) and in-line comments (the major design steps). Document the values you chose for the cost per paper and percentage rate in your comments as well.

Submit your Python program as a text file (.py) file. In addition, submit a Design outline and a Test plan (3 different test cases) in a Word document or a PDF file which also includes a screenshot of execution of your program for each test case.

Your submission must also adhere to the Submission Requirements document (i.e., Filename and display your name, class, date in the output).


10% – Design – outline proper sequence of steps, calculations (if necessary). Identify values of any known constants (e.g. commission rate). Identify what the user inputs will be and what the output will be.

10% – Completeness of your Test plan (at least three test cases). Include screenshots for each test case.

10% – Documentation – Header and in-line comments. Include documentation for the values you chose as the known constants (hourly rate, commission rate) in your comments as well. Documentation of major steps (from Design outline).

70% – Program prompts and executes correctly on all test cases. Satisfies all requirements, compiles, effectiveness and neatness, descriptive variables, def main.

Important note: This is an individual assignment and students are required to submit their original/independent work and adhere to UMGC academic integrity policy. Your submission should adhere to the Submission Requirements document. It is advised that you read all the material, including the Lecture before attempting the assignment. Also, review the example programs and practice exercises. If you do not understand something, reach out to your professor or the UMGC tutor.

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Writing a placement assessment assistance

Get writing a placement assessment assistance from the experts at Demonstrating your writing skills and talents within a certain time period or word count restriction is often required when writing a placement evaluation.

The stages below may help you properly approach and write a placement evaluation, even if the precise criteria may change based on the institution or group performing the assessment:
Recognize the Request: Read and comprehend the placement assessment prompt very carefully. Pay attention to any particular requirements, recommendations, or inquiries you must answer in your reply. Before continuing, be sure you understand the question being posed.
Create a Response Plan: Spend a little while outlining and brainstorming your ideas. Decide on the key arguments or ideas you wish to emphasize in your answer. Think about structuring your ideas using a strategy that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Make a Powerful Introduction: Introduce your answer with a compelling opening that gives background information and grabs the reader’s attention. Declare your key point or thesis in clear terms and give the reader a preview of what to anticipate in the following paragraphs.
Construct Cohesive Body Paragraphs: Give your thoughts, justifications, or facts to back up your thesis in the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should be logically related to the one before it and the one after it and should only address one key theme. Each paragraph should begin with a subject sentence, which should also serve as a bridge between concepts.
Provide Backing Documentation for Writing a placement assessment assistance: Your arguments or statements should be supported by relevant facts, examples, or statistics. Facts, figures, research results, or personal experiences may be included here. Make sure your proof is reliable, current, and successfully supports your major ideas.
Keep Your Writing Clear and Cohesive: Clarify, condense, and make your writing coherent. Use proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. To keep readers interested, change up the length and structure of your sentences. A lot of jargon or too complicated terminology might make it difficult to grasp.
Address Counterarguments (if Applicable): Recognize opposing viewpoints and address or refute them in your answer if the prompt asks you to discuss counterarguments or provide a balanced opinion. This exhibits critical thinking and the capacity to take into account other points of view.
Finish with a Powerful Summary: The conclusion to your answer should be well-written, repeat your thesis or major argument, and summarize your important arguments. Keep your conclusion brief and to the point, leaving the reader with a clear comprehension of your perspective.
Revision and editing: Spend some time reading, editing, and revising your writing. Verify the accuracy of your language and spelling as well as the logic of your overall argument. Make sure your answer is well-organized and clearly conveys your thoughts.
Manage Your Time: Use your time efficiently and keep in mind any time constraints that may be in place. Plan your writing process so that you can come up with ideas, create an outline, then write and revise within the time allotted.
Keep in mind that depending on the institution or group delivering the placement evaluation, the precise specifications and objectives may change. It is always good to review any supplied instructions or resources and, if necessary, ask for clarification.

Understanding the precise information and criteria is essential when writing a placement evaluation. The institution or group performing the evaluation will choose the specific details, however the following are some typical components you may want to think about:

    Prompt or Question: Your answer will be based on the prompt or question that is given. You can be asked to evaluate a certain subject, provide your viewpoint on a subject, or offer a solution. Before beginning your work, take sure to carefully read and comprehend the prompt.

    Word Count or Time Limit: Placement tests often include word counts or time restrictions that must be met. Keep in mind these specifications and structure your article appropriately. Set aside enough time to think, write, and rewrite while keeping in mind the limitations.

    Consider the target audience for your placement evaluation while determining its purpose. Are the readers of your essay professors, admissions officials, or prospective employers? You may adjust your writing style, tone, and degree of formality by being aware of the assessment’s goal.

    formatting requirements, such as font size, line space, or citation formats, may be included in certain placement examinations. To present your work in the appropriate manner, make sure you follow these guidelines.

    Know the criteria that will be used to evaluate your evaluation by being familiar with them. Clarity of speech, structure, coherence, critical thinking, the use of evidence, and grammar are a few examples of possible components. You may set priorities and concentrate on the important components of your work by being aware of the grading criteria.

    Research Requirements: Depending on the assessment’s nature, you could be asked to use research or cite outside sources. If research is essential, be sure to utilize reputable sources and correctly reference any content that was borrowed in accordance with the required citation style.

    Read any extra instructions or recommendations that were included with the evaluation. They could contain instructions for particular duties, questions to get you thinking, or demands that you incorporate certain ideas or theories in your answer. Pay special attention to these guidelines and use them as appropriate in your work.

    Plan ahead of time to spend on revision and editing your work. Make sure your answer is concise, well-organized, and error-free in both grammar and spelling. Examine your work for readability overall, logical flow, and strong transitions. To assist you improve your work, think about getting criticism from a reliable source or using online writing tools.

Remember that different placement assessments may have different needs and specifics and thus the need of writing a placement assessment assistance from our experts at is crucial to thoroughly read and adhere to the directions given. Understanding and addressing these specifics can help you demonstrate your writing abilities and adhere to the assessment’s requirements.

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Dissertation writing assistance

I can certainly offer dissertation writing assistance at Writing a dissertation can be a daunting endeavor, but it is manageable with proper planning and organization.

Here are some tips for getting started:
Select a topic: To begin, select a topic that you are impassioned about and that has not been researched extensively. Your topic should be pertinent, original, and personally engaging.

  1. Formulate a research question Narrow your topic to a specific research question that you wish to investigate. Your research query should be precise, succinct, and well-defined.
    Create a research proposal by delineating your research query, objectives, methodology, and anticipated results. A literature review that provides an overview of the extant research on your topic should also be included in the proposal.
  2. Conduct research: Collect information through questionnaires, interviews, experiments, and other research techniques. Ensure that your research methods are suitable for your research question and that your sample size is sufficient to yield statistically significant results.
    Once you have collected your data, you must analyze it using appropriate statistical methods. Your analysis should help you derive conclusions from your findings and support your research question.
    Start by composing a comprehensive outline of your dissertation. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure the logical progression of your dissertation. Draft each chapter and revise it until you are satisfied with its structure and content.
  3. Edit and proofread: After writing your dissertation, take the time to edit and proofread it thoroughly. Check for errors in punctuation, grammar, and spelling, and ensure that your citations are accurate and consistent.
    There are many resources available if you require assistance with any of these stages, including online writing services and academic writing centers at universities. These resources can provide direction and assistance to assist you in completing your dissertation.
    Here are some general dissertation writing guidelines:
  4. Use the required format. Your institution may have specific formatting requirements for your dissertation, including font size, margin size, line spacing, and citation style. Make sure you strictly adhere to these requirements.
  5. Structure your dissertation: The chapters of a typical dissertation are the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Ensure that your dissertation has a coherent structure that proceeds from chapter to chapter.
    Use clear and concise language: Write in clear and concise language that is simple to comprehend. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.
  6. Cite your sources It is essential to properly cite your sources to prevent plagiarism and give credit to the authors of the research you are using. Follow the citation style your university or professor requires.
  7. Conduct exhaustive research: Your dissertation should be based on exhaustive, topic-relevant research. Use credible sources, such as peer-reviewed journal articles, literature, and credible websites.
  8. Analyze your data If your dissertation requires the collection and analysis of data, be sure to use appropriate statistical methods to analyze and derive conclusions from your data.
  9. Revise and edit your dissertation Take the time to thoroughly review and edit your dissertation once you have completed it. 8. Seek feedback: It can be useful to seek feedback from your advisor, colleagues, and other professionals in your field. They may be able to offer insightful feedback and suggestions for enhancing your dissertation.
    These guidelines will assist you in composing a high-quality dissertation that meets your university’s requirements and contributes to your field of study.

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Research proposal writing services

Research proposal writing services are professional services that provide assistance in writing research proposals to individuals or organizations. A research proposal is a document that describes a proposed research project’s objectives, methodology, and anticipated results and we at will offer our expertise in this field. Typically, it is submitted to funding agencies or research institutions in order to obtain funding or sanction for the research endeavor.
Research proposal writing services include the following services:
These services assist clients in composing high-quality research proposals that are plain, concise, and well-structured. This includes a summary of the research questions, objectives, and methodology, as well as the anticipated results.
Editing and proofreading proposals: These services assist clients in revising and enhancing their existing research proposals. This includes verifying for errors in grammar, syntax, and punctuation, as well as ensuring that the format and style requirements of the funding agency or research institution are met.
These services assist clients in ensuring that their research proposals are aesthetically pleasing and simple to comprehend. This includes formatting the proposal to satisfy the funding agency’s or research institution’s specific requirements.
Review and feedback on proposals: These services offer clients constructive input on their research proposals. This entails identifying areas in need of development and offering suggestions on how to strengthen the proposal.
When selecting a service to write a research proposal, it is essential to consider the provider’s experience and expertise, the quality of their work, and their ability to meet deadlines. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the service provider is reputable and trustworthy. Additionally, it is essential to consider the cost of the services and whether or not they are affordable.
Several essential components that provide a clear and concise overview of the proposed research endeavor are typical of a research proposal. Common components of a research proposal may vary based on the requirements of the funding agency or research institution, but include the following:
The title page includes the proposed research project’s title, the researcher’s or research team’s name, and the date.
This is a concise overview of the proposed research project, including the research query, objectives, methodology, and anticipated results.
This section provides an overview of the proposed research project and its significance. 3. Introduction: This section provides an overview of the proposed research project and its significance. It contains a literature review that describes the current state of knowledge on the research topic, identifies literature voids, and explains how the proposed research project will contribute to the field.

  1. Research question and objectives: This section presents the research question and the specific objectives of the proposed research project.
    This section describes the research methodology and how the research query will be answered. Details such as the research design, sampling strategy, data collection methods, and data analysis procedures are included.
    This section describes the anticipated results of the proposed research endeavor, including the potential impact on the field of study and any practical applications.
    This section provides a detailed timeline, including milestones and due dates, for the proposed research endeavor.
    This section outlines the budget for the proposed research endeavor, including expenditures for personnel, apparatus, and travel.
    This section provides an inventory of references that have been cited throughout the research proposal.
    Overall, a research proposal is a comprehensive and detailed document that provides a clear and persuasive argument for the proposed research project, defines the research methodology, and identifies the anticipated outcomes and potential impact of the research.
    The budget for a research proposal is a detailed plan that outlines the estimated costs of the proposed research endeavor. It is an essential component of a research proposal because it demonstrates to funding agencies or research institutions the feasibility and financial viability of the proposed research project.
    When constructing a budget for a research proposal, a number of essential components must be considered. These factors include:
    Personnel expenses include salaries and compensation for researchers, research assistants, and other project personnel.
    This includes any equipment or supplies required to conduct the research endeavor, such as laboratory equipment, computer software, and office supplies.
    Expenses related to travel, such as airfare, accommodation, and transportation, that are necessary for the completion of the research assignment.
    This refers to any compensation or incentives offered to research participants, such as gift cards or monetary payments.
    Costs associated with the publication of the research results, such as open access or publication fees.
    This consists of any indirect costs related to the research endeavor, such as rent, utilities, and administrative fees.
    When developing a budget for a research proposal, it is essential to be realistic and precise when estimating the costs associated with the proposed research endeavor. In addition, it is essential to demonstrate how the costs will contribute to the successful completion of the undertaking. Additionally, it is essential to be aware of any funding agency or research institution-specific budget requirements or restrictions. We at will give you a proper budget on Research proposal writing services any time you make your order.

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Capital essay writing experts

Academic writing that focuses on producing essays that are well-researched, well-written, and original is known as capital essay writing experts. Writing great essays that satisfy the criteria of numerous academic disciplines takes a high degree of competence in a subject that is quite competitive at

The numerous sorts of capital essay writing include argumentative, expository, descriptive, and narrative essays. Before beginning to write, it is crucial to grasp the distinct criteria of each sort of essay. Each type of essay calls for a particular strategy and structure.

Research is the foundation of the writing process for a capital essay. To learn more about the subject they are writing about, a writer needs do a lot of research. They may use this knowledge to bolster their arguments and provide proof for their assertions.

The next stage is to draft an essay outline. The outline gives the essay structure and aids in the writer’s thinking and concept organization. The essay’s framework must be well planned, and each part must have a defined purpose.

Since it establishes the tone for the whole essay, the opening is crucial. An effective beginning should draw the reader in and give them a general idea of the essay’s subject. The introduction should include the thesis statement, which should succinctly summarize the author’s position.

The essay’s body should be broken up into multiple paragraphs, each of which should concentrate on a different idea or claim. Each paragraph should begin with a subject sentence that expresses the section’s key idea in full. The author should back up their arguments with examples and supporting data.

The thesis statement should be restated and the essential arguments of the essay should be summarized in the conclusion. Instead of adding new material in the conclusion, the author should concentrate on giving a succinct review of the important ideas.

The style and citation of sources are also essential components of producing a good essay. Whether using APA, MLA, or Chicago formatting, the writer must make sure that the essay is structured correctly and adheres to the standards of the discipline. To prevent plagiarism, all references included in the essay must be correctly referenced.

Producing strong essays is an important part of academic writing. It requires in-depth study, appropriate planning, and succinct writing. An essay writer may create an essay that satisfies the standards of numerous academic fields by using the recommendations provided above.

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The provision of excellent writing services that are customized to satisfy each client’s unique needs is the main goal of Essay Capital. Their staff of expert writers is knowledgeable in a range of academic subjects, and they collaborate closely with customers to make sure the finished output lives up to their expectations.
Utilizing Essay Capital has several benefits, but one of the biggest is the variety of services they provide. They provide academic writing services like custom essays, research papers, term papers, thesis papers, and dissertations. For individuals who have already completed their papers but need assistance with polishing and refining them, they also provide editing and proofreading services.
The writing created by Essay Capital is of the highest quality. They can provide papers that adhere to the necessary academic standards since their authors are skilled in a variety of academic writing styles. To guarantee that the papers they generate are accurate and educational, they also employ the most recent research and analytic methods.
The dedication to fulfilling deadlines is yet another crucial component of Essay Capital. They are aware of how crucial it is to turn in academic papers on time, and they work hard to make sure their customers get their papers in a timely manner. Additionally, they provide 24/7 customer service to respond to any issues or queries that their consumers may have.
Additionally, Essay Capital offers inexpensive writing services. They provide reasonable costs for their services since they are aware that the majority of students are on a limited budget. To assist their customers save even more money, they also provide discounts and exclusive deals to them. is a dependable and trustworthy writing business that offers professionals and students throughout the globe high-quality writing services. They are a great option for anybody seeking for capital essay writing experts because of their dedication to quality, price, and client happiness.

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A guide to resume writing services

Getting a guide to resume writing services are a great resource for job seekers looking to make a strong impression on potential employers. These services offer expert advice and assistance in crafting a resume that highlights a candidate’s skills, experience, and achievements in a clear and compelling way. Here is a guide to resume writing services, including what they offer, how to choose a service, and what to expect from the process at

What are services for writing resumes?
Professional services that create resumes for job seekers are known as resume writing services. These services can assist job seekers at all levels, from those seeking entry-level employment to those seeking executive positions, in crafting resumes that are customized to their unique career objectives and target job descriptions. The majority of resume writers have years of expertise in human resources or recruiting and are knowledgeable about the most recent trends and best practices in the industry.

What services do resume writing firms provide?
Numerous services are provided by resume writing firms to aid job seekers in the creation of strong resumes. The following are a few of the most popular services provided:

Writing resumes: The main service provided by companies that write resumes is the development of a client-specific resume. This often involves meeting with the client to discuss their career objectives, professional background, and talents before drafting a resume.

Editing resumes: Some resume writing firms additionally provide editing services for already written resumes. For job seekers who have already written a CV but need assistance polishing it to make it more powerful, this may be a suitable alternative.

Writing a cover letter: A lot of resume writing services also provide help with cover letters, which are a crucial step in the job application process. Every job application should be customized with a cover letter that emphasizes the applicant's qualifications and interest in the position.

Creating a solid LinkedIn profile is a service that many resume writing companies offer in addition to helping clients create traditional resumes. This is significant since a solid profile can improve a candidate's exposure as many businesses now use LinkedIn to look for prospective applicants.

Interview coaching: To assist job seekers in preparing for interviews, some resume writing businesses also provide this service. This can include tips on how to impress potential employers, feedback on interview responses, and practice interviews.

How to pick a writing service for resumes
It can be difficult to choose a resume writing service, but there are several important criteria to take into account. The following are some criteria to consider when selecting a resume writing service:

Experience: Search for a resume service that employs writers with experience that have a track record of producing strong resumes for job seekers.

Specialization: Because some resume writing services concentrate on particular sectors or job categories, it's critical to select one that has experience in your industry.

Reviews and endorsements: Seek out a resume writing business that has endorsements from happy customers.

Cost: The prices for resume writing services can range greatly, so it's crucial to pick one that is within your means.

Look for a provider that offers this kind of assurance. Some resume writing services guarantee that their resumes will lead to job interviews.

What to anticipate as you write a resume
The steps involved in writing a CV often include the following:

Consultation: The initial stage of the process usually entails a consultation with the resume writer to discuss your career objectives, professional background, and skill set.

Drafting: Based on the data acquired during the consultation, the resume writer will then develop a resume.

After that, the customer will have a chance to evaluate the draft CV and offer comments and modifications.

Finalization: After the modifications are finished, the customer will receive the finished resume.

It’s crucial to remember that we at will offer a guide to resume writing services and if you make your order with us, be sure to get an excellent work done.

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Do my nursing writing research proposal

The topic for their nursing research proposal must be chosen by the students. One of the trickiest tasks for students is this one. Investigational topics should continue to be intriguing and add fresh scientific value. Here is where you should take your own choices into account. It’s important to write papers that are interesting and appealing to you. If you area asking “Do my nursing writing research proposal” then at, we are here for you. Here area some a few tips:

You won’t get bored with the right nursing research proposal themes. Students frequently overestimate their own abilities to write sophisticated studies. Try to recall engaging lectures from important subjects. Review your lesson notes to see which subjects you genuinely find interesting.
Consider these top priorities while considering contemporary nursing research proposal topics: • Medically unexplained symptoms in an emergency room.
• The technological history of vaccine production.
• Health insurance that forgoes writing prescriptions.
• The transmission of health information for sickness prevention.
• The influence of parents on their children’s healthy lifestyles.
• Pregnant obese women: dangers and safety precautions.
Asking seasoned academics is another way to obtain excellent nursing research proposal ideas. Professors from the major fields are accessible. They may provide ideas for writing prompts or pointers to help you concentrate on a few certain topics. As an alternative, hiring degree holders ensures not only the drafting of nursing research proposals but also the discovery of excellent subjects.
There are so many options available when looking for someone to create my nursing research proposal that the results can be overwhelming. We have a staff of skilled writers who have written many different types of nursing research proposals. We always make sure that the writer of your nursing research proposal adheres strictly to all of your requirements. Place your order at any time by visiting our website.

There are a few important points to keep in mind when creating a nursing research proposal. First and foremost, your proposal must be succinct and unambiguous. You must decide on the issue or query you wish to research as well as the objective of your study. Create a proposal for my nursing research.
It is imperative to detail how your study will aid in the problem-solving or question-answering process. You must also be specific about the techniques you’ll employ for data collection and analysis. If you are given the assignment of creating a research proposal, you could feel overburdened. However, don’t worry—help is at hand!
This piece will go into detail about our nursing research proposal writing service and the reasons why you should use us to do your nursing research proposal project. Among other things, we promise original, high-quality work, prompt delivery, and no plagiarism in assignment papers.
What is a proposal for nursing research?
Written papers that thoroughly outline a nursing research study are known as nursing research proposals. The problem being addressed by the research, its goal, the research’s methodology, and its anticipated outcomes must all be stated clearly and succinctly in a nursing research proposal.
A nursing research proposal needs to be clearly stated and structured. A review of the relevant literature that highlights earlier research on the subject and how it pertains to the current proposal should also be included. A thorough research plan and a schedule for finishing the project should also be included in the proposal.
What function does a nursing research proposal serve?
To secure financing for their work, nurses must submit nursing research proposals. It’s not always simple to write a strong proposal, but a few pointers can help. Make sure you are clear on the topic you want to explore and why it is important before you begin.
Second, assemble a capable group of nurses to collaborate with you on the project. Lastly, be sure that your proposal is well-written and understandable. You should be able to produce a solid nursing research proposal if you keep these suggestions in mind.
A nursing research proposal includes the following elements: title, abstract, research questions, methodology, significance of the research, and bibliography.
difficulties students have when composing nursing research proposals
Creating a suitable study question is one of the difficulties students experience when creating a nursing research proposal. The inquiry ought to add to the corpus of knowledge in the nursing area and be one that past research has not fully addressed.
Creating a sound approach that will scientifically and ethically respond to the study issue is another challenge. For the methodological component of the proposal to be approved by the committee, it must be carefully considered and defended.
Finally, most students find it difficult to create a literature review that examines the pertinent research critically and explains why the proposed research is necessary.
Get nursing research proposals for sale
You’ve come to the perfect place if you need assistance with writing a nursing research proposal. We provide skilled and inexpensive nursing research proposal writing services at A nursing research proposal is a written outline of the study project that will be carried out.
A summary of the topic or problem that needs to be addressed as well as the suggested research approach should be included in the proposal. A literature review should be included in the nursing research proposal to give a summary of the field’s body of knowledge.
writing services for nursing research proposals
You might be unsure of where to look for assistance if you are a nursing student and have been required to prepare a research proposal. Fortunately, there are now a lot of internet resources available to you for creating nursing research proposals.
It’s crucial to find a nursing research proposal writing service with expertise in your particular field of interest. This will guarantee that they are knowledgeable with the most recent research and can assist you in creating a compelling proposal.
Cost is still another vital factor. While searching for a service, keep in mind that the caliber of their work should also be taken into account. Since this is a crucial component of your education, you want to make sure your research proposal is top-notch.
On the internet, there are a ton of examples of research projects. You might adopt one as a model and create your own in a comparable manner only to discover that your viewers have already read it. The research proposal writers at Nursing Writing Services create something that precisely outlines the topics you need to investigate and the elements that can have an impact on how specific study scenarios turn out. Our writers apply their expertise to your research proposal to create a paper that articulates a strategic perspective that positions your proposed research as an objective and rigorous scientific inquiry of a problem. In order to convince the review board that you have actually found an issue, we’ll add accurate facts, pertinent information, supporting evidence, and paperwork to your application. A strong research proposal will also demonstrate your ability to use the suggested study to identify a solution.
my nursing research proposal written
Nursing writing services is the finest option for you if you’re seeking for someone to “write my nursing research proposal” for you online. We produce high-quality nursing proposals since our talented writers spend the majority of their time conducting research because we recognize how significant a nursing proposal paper is. Order your write my nursing research proposal request from us; our writers are qualified professionals with master’s and doctoral degrees in nursing. We provide the finest writing assistance. We treat our customers’ requests for us to create my nursing research proposal with the utmost respect and ensure that they receive the paper on time and in compliance with all standards. Thus for us to do your nursing writing research proposal at is no big issue since we have done such before.

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Writers Solution

Best Nursing Essay Writing Company

We at are the Best Nursing Essay Writing Company with research writing help from PHD and Masters writers from all over the globe. For your nursing and healthcare writing needs, let our expert nursing writers craft the best paper fro you

Nursing and the related medical fields require a lot of dedication and time, to study, go for practicum and write many nursing papers. This is in addition to other personal duties that they must attend to. It therefore becomes really tough to complete the nursing training course without the help of the best nursing essay writing company who help in writing some of the nursing papers. Nursing is a career that helps save lives and help the lives of the sick become more bearable and less painful, that is why at the training stage, some help to nurses from the best nursing essay writing company is key. However, getting the best nursing essay writing company is a challenge, because most companies have not specialized in one field, which means that their writers do not have any nursing training background, hence their nursing papers will not meet the expectations and needs of a nursing student and this has lead us at to specialize in the nursing field. Other options that nursing students have, is seeking individual writers, but they also face the challenge of lack of enough time to search for and get competent nursing writers. There will also be time wastage looking for the best nursing writers and vetting them, and still not sure that they will perform a perfect nursing writing job. To be the best nursing essay writing company like ourselves, we have carefully selected and vetted the best nursing writers, who produce the best nursing papers that meet all the academic requirements. All our nursing writers are trained nurses or nurse trainers in their past life, which makes them the most competent and best writers to handle nursing papers and all other nursing assignments. In addition, for us to retain our position as the best nursing essay writing company, we subject all our nursing writers to rigorous tests, and keep retraining them on the best writing methods, to ensure that we remain at the top of all nursing writing companies.

Our nursing assignment help covers a vast range of areas within nursing field in order to provide complete package to students seeking help in Australia. Nursing is an important subject area within the healthcare sector. This profession is aimed at providing care to patients with the intention of achieving improvement in their health performance. The importance of this subject has been higher within students in Australia and this is identified from the increasing number of students enrolling to this course. Nursing profession in Australia is regulated by Australian Health Practitioner Registration Authority (AHPRA) and it is essential for nurses to get registered in order to provide their caring services to patients.

Get quality dissertation writing services from at affordable rates. Relax and wait for professionals to handle your nursing dissertation assignment.

Why choose for nursing dissertation help?

  • On-time delivery

Meeting deadlines is an essential aspect of our professionalism. Our chat feature also allows you to keep track of your assistant’s progress.

  • 24/7 Customer service

Do you have any questions or problems placing your order? We have a professional customer care team standing by to assist you in obtaining high-quality academic nursing dissertation writing services.

  • Professionalism is a high-quality service with highly qualified writers who have established professional academic writing standards. Our authors have a success rate of more than 99.6%.

 Research, reports, essays, and scholarly writing are among our specialties. We use a plagiarism checker, extensive research, and a double-checking method to ensure we deliver original and quality nursing dissertation papers.

  • Privacy and confidentiality

Our professionals have used the most advanced encryption methods to protect your personal information and documents from unauthorized access. We also use End-to-end encryption in the chat system.

You don’t have to worry about leaking information to third parties when ordering our nursing dissertation services.

  • The best nursing dissertation writers

We’ve been on top because we only hire the best—distinguished academic help assistants with a proven track record. Thanks to our resourceful editorial team, your paper will be grammatically correct, formatted correctly, and completed according to your instructor’s standards.

  • Cheap nursing dissertation writing services

We understand that many students struggle financially, yet they have other tasks to attend to in life. As a result, we provide cheap nursing dissertation writing services to ensure they can afford them without too much struggle.

  • Reliable methods of payment

When you seek nursing dissertation writing help from our website, you do not have to worry about losing your money while making payments. We accept secure payment methods like debit cards, credit cards, and PayPal, among others.

When you place any nursing writing assignment with us, you are guaranteed of high quality, plagiarism free nursing papers delivered on time, which a  guarantee that you can only get from the best nursing essay writing company like ourselves. We at are also very keen on confidentiality, so you can rest assured that everything will go on well. We therefore recommend that you place your first nursing writing assessment with us today, and you will love our work, and place more writing job orders with us going forward, after confirming that we are the best nursing essay writing company.

Writers Solution

Nursing Assignment Writing Help

Nursing coursework form part of the final grade in most academic settings. It is necessary for any serious students to amass as many points as possible long before the final exam date and our services at Nursing Assignment Writing Help. To achieve this, the nursing coursework writing should be done to perfection  by a competent nursing writer. To secure the top mark, we ensure that the nursing coursework is done as per the given instructions.

Whether you are a struggling or a top student, we are committed to provide you with high-quality coursework in all nursing topics. Through the years we have been offering nursing coursework writing services, we have assembled a team of nursing coursework writing experts who have high qualifications in coursework writing. Thus, when you place an order with us, you can be sure that a professional with relevant writing skills will work on it and deliver a high quality paper.

Get high-quality nursing dissertation assistance from professionals

Are you nearing the end of your doctoral studies and looking for a reliable source of nursing dissertation help? Here is the end of your search. Whether you study nursing, public health, environmental health, health care, or a related profession.

As specialists who have provided nursing thesis writing services, we know the ins and outs of this type of writing and where most students go wrong. The risks of failing and missing the mark are significant, from topic selection to research and writing.

However, with the help of experienced nursing dissertation writers, you can be confident that everything will turn out well. We have a crew dedicated to managing such research papers at The good news is that we strive for high quality while keeping our prices low to accommodate every student.

  • Most of our experts have completed their post graduation from Australian universities pursuing nursing as their main subject. They can do any kinds of assignment based on this subject.
  • Our assignment makers have the potential to write even difficult assignments specific to Australian environment.
  • Our writers are well aware of the trends and preferences that are being followed in doing assignments based on this subject in Australia.

Nursing assignment writing is almost an everyday day affair on every topic for nursing students. Most nursing students are faced with many nursing assignments to write, yet they have very limited time to split between studies, practical work, having fun and personal time. Nursing assignment writing  require understanding of the topic and the nursing concept, ability to work fast researching and writing and produce quality work within a short span of time. At, we have experienced nursing paper writers, who have specialized in nursing and related healthcare field only, which make us the best nursing assignments writing company. Whenever you seek nursing assignment writing services, we are the best. Place an order for a nursing assignment today and you will love our work. We guarantee that even on short notice, we will deliver your essay, well written and plagiarism-free. Our nursing papers are the best because an expert nursing writer will handle your nursing paper and deliver a top quality one.