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This culminating project guideline is written in a template format so that you can use this template directly to type in your final project report



Your Name in Title Case

Highest Degree Achieved (not MEM), Name of University, City, Year Obtained

A Culminating Project (EM 670)

Submitted to:

Committee member names



This section is optional. You may opt to acknowledge those who helped you on this project here.


Abstract should be a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the report. It should not exceed 300 words. It should describe the problem of the project in one sentence if possible, the objective, methodology in brief, and the results of the study. The implications or application of the project can also be stated here. Please note that abstract is NOT written in a paragraph format. Therefore, do NOT indent the first line of the abstract and do NOT include more than one sentence introducing the project.



LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………………………………….vii

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………………… viii


I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………… 1

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 1

Problem Statement…………………………………………………………………… 2

Nature and Significance of the Problem ………………………………………..2

Objective of the Project……………………………………………………. 2

Project Questions ……………………..…………………………………… 2

Limitations of the Project…………………………………………………………….. 3

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………….. 3

Summary……………………………………………………………………………. 3


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………….4

Background Related to the Problem…………………………………………….. 4

Literature Related to the Problem………… …………………………………… 4

Literature Related to the Methodology ………………………………….. 5

Summary …………………………………………………………………… 5

III. METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………………. 7

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Design of the Study……………………………………………………..…… 7

Data Collection ………… ……………………………………………………………… 7

Data Analysis ………………………………………………………………… 8

Budget………………………………………………………………………… 8

Timeline………………………………………………………………………. 8

Summary…………………………………………………………………….. 8


Introduction………………………………………………………………….. 9

Data Presentation…………………………………………………………… 9

Data Analysis……………………………………………………………….. 9

Summary …………………………………………………………………….. 9


Introduction………………………………………………………………….. 10


Conclusion………………………………………………………………. ….. 10

Recommendations…………………………………………………………… 11



A. Sample Test Questionnaire…………………………………………………………..

B. Table of Specifications………………………………………………………………….

[The exact wording and capitalization used in the text should be used on these

pages. Roman numerals, dot leaders and numbers should be aligned on the



Table Page

1. Unit and Steam Modeling Assumptions and Results………………………………… 7

2. Comparison of Lean Techniques used at

Company A, B, and C ………………………………………………………………………. 8

[The exact wording and capitalization used in the text should be used on this

page. Dot leaders and numbers should be aligned on the right.]


Figure Page

1. Sample Chart…………………………………………………………………………. 13

2. A Group Meeting…………………………………………………………………….. 15

3. The World ……………………………………………………………………………… 15

[The exact wording and capitalization used in the text should be used on this

page. Dot leaders and page numbers should be aligned on the right.]

Chapter I



Introduction should be short, may be a paragraph or two. It should focus on what a reader should expect to read from your culminating project report. Please note that the final project report should be written in past tense because the project is completed, in a third person format, and should be at least 50 pages in length not including the title pages. Do not use the words “I”, “you”, or “we”. Instead, you can use the term “author.” The first line of every paragraph should have 0.5” indentation.

This culminating project guideline is written in a template format so that you can use this template directly to type in your final project report. However, this template does not completely adhere to the style guide set by Graduate Studies. For more information on exact formatting and style go to: Starred Paper Manual” on the Graduate Studies website or buy a style guide from the Husky bookstore. You can also get additional help from Graduate Studies at a fee to format the report based on their requirements. This guideline document will help you in preparing the actual content of your final project report.

Problem Statement

A problem statement identifies the root cause (why) for conducting the project and is stated very briefly – may be in a sentence or two. In other words, you need to state why undertook this project. Remember to write in past tense. Do NOT write the objective of your project here.

Nature and Significance of the Problem

State the importance of the problem here and explain how the project was useful.

Objective(s) of the Project

List specific objective(s)/goal(s) of your project. The objective of the project can be described in a sentence or two. For e.g., the objective of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of lean implementation at ABC Company.

Project Questions

In most case, you will be using “Project Questions” as your heading. Hypotheses are essential when working on experimental type of project, whereas research questions provide guidance for the kinds of data the researcher should collect, analyze, and interpret. It is a common practice to have at least 2-3 questions based on the problem of your study. Avoid writing yes/no type of questions. These questions are answered when you actually execute the project. Stating your questions starting with “what” is a good example.

Limitations of the Project

State the limitations of your project. Usually, the limitations emerge after the project is completed.

Definition of Terms

State precisely what the terms in the problem and the project mean. See an example below:

Lean Manufacturing. An overall methodology that seeks to minimize the resources required for production by eliminating waste (non-value added activities) that inflate costs, lead times and inventory requirements.


Briefly summarize what was covered in the chapter and lead the reader into the next chapter.

Chapter II



Provide a brief introduction on what will be covered in this chapter or in other words what should a reader expect to read from this chapter.

Background Related to the Problem

Here you can describe in detail the background related to the problem you had undertaken. Description of the company, the type of products they manufacture, description of the area you are analyzing all go under here.

Literature Related to the Problem

Use the SCSU library website and go to the database related to your discipline. Then search for articles published in journals or conference proceedings that focus on problem similar to yours. You can also check the Engineering Management Journal (EMJ) in the library database for articles related to Engineering Management. It can be located under “Business Source Premier” on the link:

Describe these articles here. Also, you should explain how this literature is related to your problem. There are several ways of doing in-text citations. See the examples below.

Smith (2008) stated that such and such. Moreover, Jones (2004) describes the practical application of Y methodology in the following manner, “Exact quote here” (p. 20). It has been found that the economy is getting better and is expected that there will be 20% growth in the area of engineering and management (Smith & Johnson, 2009). If any of the information is obtained from a website you need to cite it as well (retrieved from:

Literature Related to the Methodology

Similarly, describe the literature related to the methodology that you are using in your project. You may be able to find several books or articles on the same topic.

If a figure or table is copied from source, it should be referenced. Table headings should go above the table. Figure headings go below the figure. When referring to Figure 1, “F” should be in capital. But, when stating this is shown in the figure on page 3, “f” should be in lower case. All the tables and figures should be cited and explained in-text.


Briefly summarize what was covered in the chapter and lead the reader into the next chapter.

Chapter III



Provide a brief introduction on what will be covered in this chapter or in other words what should a reader expect to read from this chapter.

Design of the Study

Describe the framework of your study. You can specify if you are going to use a quantitative approach, qualitative approach, or a mix of both. You should also provide a rationale for using a particular approach. For e.g., explain why a qualitative method works better for the project over a quantitative method?

Data Collection

Here you should provide a detail description about the data collection process. The information should be stated in a manner that can make the process repeatable by another person conducting the same project.

Data Analysis

You will just describe the tools and techniques that were used to analyze the data. The actual analysis of your data should be illustrated in the next chapter.


If your project involved any type of cost, itemize it here. Alternatively, if the cost were covered by a company, state it as well.


Describe the timeline for the completion of your project. You may use Microsoft Project software to develop a Gantt chart. Apply your project management skills to show the timeline for each deliverable, sub-deliverable, and milestones of the project.


Briefly summarize what was covered in the chapter and lead the reader into the next chapter.

Chapter IV



Provide a brief introduction on what will be covered in this chapter or in other words what should a reader expect to read from this chapter.

Data Presentation

In this section you will present the actual data that was collected. It may be easier to read if you can organize the data collected under different categories or sub-headings. It is important that you explain all the tables and figures illustrated in your report as a part of your write up.

Data Analysis

Explain the statistical or any other procedure that was used for analyzing the data. Also, interpret the analysis here.


Briefly summarize what was covered in the chapter and lead the reader into the next chapter.

Chapter V



Briefly explain the content of this chapter.


Summarize the overall methodology and the project and discuss the results obtained from the study. You should also state each of the project questions and describe how each question was answered by this project. It will be best to organize this part in a question and answer format.


Conclusion section should bring all the loose threads together. Describe in few paragraphs precisely what the study was about and what has been accomplished through the project. The conclusions should be entirely supported by the data presented in the report.

In conclusion, this document was prepared by Dr. Hiral Shah to help the students in the Engineering Management program with their final culminating project report. The content of the report was presented in its entirety.


Although, an effort was made to write the template using the Starred Paper Manual provided by the Graduate Studies at St Cloud State University, it is highly recommended that you go through the actual manual for formatting details or get the formatting done from Graduate Studies at a nominal charge.

Similar to the above paragraph, provide some recommendations for future work related to your project and/or recommendations on how to use the results of your study. Once your chair/committee has approved the report you need to submit ONE spiral bound copy so your final grade can be changed by the committee chair.


Cite your references using the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. Only the works cited in-text in your report should be listed here. For more understanding on writing up your project report you can refer to:

Leedy, P.D., & Ormrod, J.E. (2010). Practical research: Planning and design (9the.d.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6thed.). Washington, DC

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Win; the sale exceeded $500 so the contract must be written to be valid.

1. Saul orally agreed to sell Ramie some land for $500,000. Ramie paid Saul the $500,000; Saul gave Ramie the deed to the land. Ramie took possession of the land and began building a cabin on it. One month later, Saul tried to retake possession of the land by arguing that the contract for the sale was invalid because it was oral, not written. Saul sued Ramie to invalidate the contract and retake the land.

The court will likely conclude that Saul will:

Win; the sale exceeded $500 so the contract must be written to be valid.

Win; all land sales contracts must be written.

Lose; because the contract was fully executed Saul cannot rescind the contract.

Lose; because Ramie had begun building a cabin on the property, Saul cannot rescind the contract.

2. Kelly, Lars and Mona agreed to be partners in Neighborhood Deliveries (ND), all splitting the profits equally. Kelly contributed 70% of the capital upon formation of the partnership.   Later, the partners agreed to dissolve the partnership as it was not as profitable as they had expected, and its liabilities were greater than its assets.

The losses are paid by:

 a) All the partners in proportion to their capital contributions.

b) All the partners in proportion to their share of the profits.

c) Kelly alone because she contributed the most capital.

d) Lars and Mona because they contributed the least amount of capital.

3. Ed hired Frankie, who is 13 years old, to buy a computer on Ed’s behalf.

Which of the following identifies the legal relationship between Ed and Frankie?

This is a valid agency relationship even though Frankie is a minor, and Ed would be bound by authorized contracts Frankie enters into on Ed’s behalf.

This is a valid agency relationship even though Frankie is a minor, but Ed would have the option of disaffirming any contracts Frankie enters into on Ed’s behalf.

This is a valid agency relationship even though Frankie is a minor, but Frankie would not be entitled to any payment under the terms of the agency because he is a minor.

This is an invalid agency relationship because Frankie is a minor.

4. . Nat signed a two-year contract to play soccer for the Scores, for $100,000 per game. During the second year of his contract, and just before a big game, Nat demanded that the team owner pay him an additional $5000 per game on his contract, starting with the current game. The owner reluctantly agreed to the new contract terms because Nat was the team’s leading scorer. At the end of the season, Nat demanded the additional $5000 per game; the owner refused to pay. What best describes the new contract between Nat and the owner?

It is unenforceable because the owner agreed to Nat’s contract terms under economic duress.

It is unenforceable because both parties did not give new legal consideration for the new contract.

It is enforceable because both parties gave legal consideration for the new contract.

It is enforceable because under the common law, all contract modifications are valid if the parties consent. 

5. Assume a salesperson intentionally made one of the following statements – knowing that the statement was false – to a customer considering a purchase. Which statement could create liability for fraudulent misrepresentation if the customer made the purchase?

“In my opinion, this car is in flawless mechanical condition.”

“This crane will probably lift about 10,000 pounds.”

“This car is a real gem.”

“This is an original painting by the artist, Pablo Picasso.”

6. Don promised to buy his girlfriend, Sophie, a new car so Sophie sold her old car. Don now refuses to buy Sophie the car. Sophie has a job that requires her to have a car to get to work. If Sophie sues Don to enforce the promise, the likely result is that the promise will:

Be enforced under promissory estoppel because Sophie reasonably relied on Don’s promise, to her detriment.

Not be enforced as Sophie was not unjustly enriched simply because she did not receive the car.

Be enforced because the car is a necessity for Sophie and all contracts for necessities are binding and enforceable for all parties even if contract formation is flawed.

Not be enforced as Don’s promise was a gift to Sophie; Sophie gave consideration, but Don did not.

7. X and Y agreed that X would sell Y his small business, including the land on which the business was situated, for $500,000. Both X and Y knew at the time the contract was formed that the business was actually worth $800,000. Is this a valid, enforceable contract?

Yes, provided the contract was in writing, in accordance with the Statute of Frauds and the parties freely consented.

Yes, provided the contract was in accordance with state statutory law that permits real estate sales for 40% or more below market value.

No, because $500,000 is not valid consideration for a business worth $800,000.

No, because X has no pre-existing legal duty to sell his business.

8. Ralph, a 16-year old minor, is manager for the high school football team. Ralph signed a contract to purchase alcoholic beverages from Liquormart, Inc. for the team party. This contract is:

Void as a matter of law because it is illegal to sell alcohol to minors by state law.

Void only if Ralph misrepresented his age and told Liquormart he was an adult.

Valid and enforceable, but Ralph has the right to disaffirm because he is a minor.

Valid and enforceable, if Liquormart knew that Ralph was a minor.

9. Which of the following activities may involve the use of a contract, and/or constitute a sales contract?

Purchasing medications from a pharmacy.

Hiring a contractor to make home repairs.

Purchasing insurance policies from an insurance agent.

Selling books to customers in a bookstore.

All of the above.

10. CC’s Day Spa, LLC, is a member-managed limited liability company. So long as it is in accordance with state law, and unless the members previously agreed otherwise, voting rights will be apportioned according to:

a) Participation in management.

b) Capital contributions.

c) The number of members.

d) Each individual transaction of the LLC, and will vary with each transaction.

11. Kisha operates River Valley Soccer, an athletic equipment shop as a sole proprietorship. Taxes on the business’s income are paid by

a) The Federal Government but only if Kisha is operating under a Ficticious Name.

b) Kisha as the sole owner.

c) The state or federal government if Kisha holds a Small Business Administration loan acquired to start her business.

d) The business entity of River Valley Soccer, not Kisha personally.

12. Distinguish which of the following is an advantage of limited liability companies (LLCs) over corporations.

a)   Only one member of a LLC must have unlimited liability as compared with corporations in which all shareholders have unlimited liability.

b)   LLCs can be formed without any specific steps being taken by the owners as compared with corporations that must file Articles of Incorporation with the State.

c)   In most cases, a LLC can choose whether to be taxed as a partnership or corporation, as compared with corporations that are subject to double corporate taxation.

d)   LLCs can choose whether to sell shares publically to investors, as compared to private corporations that must sell shares publically to investors.

13. Restitution allows for the return of any monies paid if

There is a material breach of the contract

There is a minor breach of the contract

If there has been complete performance

Any time the Buyer is unsatisfied with the products delivered.

14. A contract may be discharged by the Parties if there is

Mutual Rescission


Accord & Satisfaction

All of the above

15. A Quasi contract

Confers a benefit on another even though there is no formal contract.

Can never be enforced.

Are contracts in law.

Would cause unjust enrichment to not cause a party to pay for a benefit received.

A & C

A & D

A, C & D

16. If a contract is to be assigned notice must be given by

The assignor to the third party.

By the assignee to the third party.

By the third party to the assignor and the assignee.

Any of the above.

17. The Statute of Frauds was created

To allow for verbal contracts in certain circumstances.

To allow for the rescission of a contract prior to performance.

Require that certain contracts be in writing to be enforceable.

All of the above.

18. In order to prove undue influence, a party must show:

That a fiduciary relationship existed between the Parties.

It must be shown that one Party has a mental incapacity.

There must be a dominant Party who used unduly used their influence to cause the other party to enter into the contract.

A & B

A & C

All of the above.

19. In order to prove fraud which of the following elements must be present?

There must be an intentional misrepresentation, with reliance on the misrepresentation by the other party.

There must be an intention by the wrongdoer that the other Party rely on the misrepresentation.

There must be harm.

A & B

B & C

All of the above

20. An illegal contract is:



Fully enforceable.

None of the above.

21. A contract made by an emancipated minor for necessaries is:

Voidable because the Party is a minor

Void because the Party is a minor

Fully enforceable.

All of the above.

22. A contract made by a minor may be ratified

At any time up to the time of majority.

Never. A contract made by a minor is void ab initio.

Only after the minor reaches the age of majority.

At any time.

23. An acceptance is effective:

After it is received by the offeror.

When the offeree performs

As soon as the offeree executes the acceptance.

As soon as the offeree transmits the acceptance

24. A unilateral contract requires:

A bilateral exchange of promises

An offer

A written acceptance

An acceptance by performance

All of the Above

B & D

None of the above

25. A contract must always contain the following:

A. An offer, acceptance, and consideration

B. A writing

C. A legal purpose

D. A handshake

E. A, B, & C

F. A & C

G. All of the above


Place a T for True or an F for False in front of each of the following statements.

_____ A contract that has been fully performed is an executory contract.

_____ A written contract to buy a home is an express contract.

_____ A void contract is often referred to as a contract where one party has the option to void the contract if they wish.

_____ A revocation of an offer is effective as soon as it is sent to the Offeree.

_____ An advertisement for sale is not considered an offer.

_____ If a Party makes a counteroffer, then the original offer is considered to be terminated.

_____ At common law, if an Offeree changes the terms of the offer received, they can still accept the original offer with the changes made.

_____ If there is a contract and one of the parties dies, the contract must be carried out by the Estate of the dead party.

_____ A General Partner in a Limited Partnership has the right to make any decisions on behalf of the partnership; without consultation to the Limited Partners.

_____ If I make a promise of a gift, there is not an enforceable contract created.

_____ If I promise to pay my 16 year old son $5,000 if he refrains from smoking , this is an enforceable contract.

_____ Corporate shareholders are only liable to creditors of the corporation up to the amount of their investment.

_____ If I promise to buy my wife a new car and as a result she sells her old beat up car I have created an enforceable gift based upon the theory of quasi contract.

_____ In a General Partnership, each of the partners are jointly and severally liable for the debts of the business.

_____ A parent is liable for the contracts made by their emancipated minor children.

_____ A Principal is responsible for the torts committed by their Agents outside the course and scope of their employment.

_____ A contract that contains a usurious interest rate is an example of an illegal contract.

____ In general, if there is a unilateral mistake in a contract, the party making the mistake will be allowed to rescind the contract in order to avoid an unjust result.

_____ If I give my wife a card to sign telling her that it is a note to our family and on the back of the card is a power of attorney allowing me to sell all of her assets; this is an example of Fraud in the Inception.

_____ In general if there is a written contract; the Parol Evidence Rule will not allow additional documentation to interpret the written contract.

_____ A Principal is typically not responsible for the torts committed by their Independent agent.

_____ The named beneficiary of a life insurance policy is called an intended beneficiary.

_____ Liquidated damages are determined by the court in order to compensate a Plaintiff for actual damages.

_____ A writ of garnishment is a court order that directs that bank accounts or wages of a defendant are paid over to the Plaintiff after a judgment has been issued.

_____ An Agency Agreement is terminated only if the Principal dies; not if the Agent dies.


Answer each question in complete paragraphs; do not list or answer in phrases (points will be deducted for doing so).

None of these questions can be adequately/comprehensively answered in just a paragraph, so be comprehensive, in depth in your answers, but be careful to not include irrelevant information. If you are using a legal term, be sure to define it and provide the requisite elements. Provide alternative theories and don’t just pick the most relevant theory to discuss.

Points will be deducted for answers that are not well justified, not sufficiently comprehensive.

Use APA in text citations and references, as appropriate but please do not use direct quotes. Use only classroom notes/comment and assigned reading or watching materials as resources, which is all you need to complete the exam.

DO NOT use any outside, internet resources as they are often inaccurate.

Follow directions carefully. Answer all parts of each question.

Be sure to directly answer the question(s) asked.

Note: The second Essay appears on Page 13; EXTRA CREDIT appears on Page 15.


Scenario: Tom owned a house set on 1 acre of land that he wanted to sell when he retired in April, 2017. On April 1, 2016, Mary and Tom orally agreed that Mary would purchase Tom’s house and 1 acre of land for $350,000 cash on April 15, 2017. In the meantime, Mary and Tom agreed that Tom would continue to own and live on the property. On April 15, 2017, Mary presented Tom with a cashier’s check for $350,000 for the house and Tom transferred the deed to the house and land to Mary in her name. Mary and Tom properly filed all the documents necessary for the closing on the real estate sale.

Mary and Tom had also agreed previously that Tom could remain on the property following the closing of the sale on April 15, 2017 until April 17, 2017 to give him time to move out. On April 17, Tom refused to move out claiming that their oral agreement for sale of the property was invalid and unenforceable under the Statue of Frauds.

1. Was the sale originally subject to the Statute of Frauds and if so, for what reason(s) and why?

2. Is the contract for sale of the property valid so that Tom has to relinquish possession of the property? Why or why not?


Scenario: Eva owns Finest Enterprises, a clothing shop, as a sole proprietor. Eva wants to obtain additional capital to expand Finest, but she does not want to lose control of the business. Also, Eva has chosen not to take out any sort of loan to obtain additional capital to expand.

What is Eva’s best option to obtain additional capital to expand and yet incur no further debt and retain control of the business? Why? Explore all possibilities and analyze why some may not be appropriate. For purposes of this question you should consider Eva forming a new business entity that may meet her business objectives.


Scenario: Brenda is purchasing agent for Commodities Corp. Dennis, a Commodities corporate officer, gave Brenda written authority to buy for Commodities Corporation as many computers and support devices as necessary. Dennis signed the written authority document. The next day, Dennis called Brenda and told her to buy only 50 notebook computers and nothing else.

Brenda went to E-Products, Inc. the next day, showed the written authority from Dennis to E-Products and entered into a written contract with E-Products to buy 60 notebook computers and a selection of printers and scanners to support the computers. E-Products promptly shipped the order to Commodities.

Dennis claims Commodities is not liable to E-Products for the sale because, Dennis claims Brenda exceeded her agency authority and thus was not acting as a Commodities agent in the purchase with E-Products.

A. Is Commodities liable to E-Products under the sales contract for the computers, printers and scanners? Why or why not?

B. Is Brenda personally liable to E-Products to pay for the computers, printers and scanners? Why or why not?

C. Is Brenda liable to Commodities for exceeding her agency authority and thus liable for paying Commodities for the purchases? Why or why not?





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Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School

  • Read the following sections of “Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School”: the Abstract, Introduction, Participants and Setting, Procedure, Measures (paragraph 1 only), Data Analysis (paragraph 1 only), Results (paragraph 1 only), and Discussion (paragraphs 1 and 2 only).

Nelson, J. A. P., Young, B. J., Young, E. L., & Cox, G. (2010). Using teacher-written praise notes to promote a positive environment in a middle school. Preventing School Failure, 54(2), 119-125.


  • APA style 
  • This assignment requires that at least FOUR additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and in-text citation from each source MUST be included.In an essay (500 words), use the scenario presented above to answer the following questions:
  1. What statistical test was used in “Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School?”
  2. Did the authors use the correct statistical test? In other words, what was their rationale for using this test (i.e., were the variables discrete or continuous and was the test appropriate for this type of data?)
  3. What was the research question? How did the statistical test address and answer the research question?
  4. How did the authors interpret the results of this study?

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Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School

  • Read the following sections of “Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School”: the Abstract, Introduction, Participants and Setting, Procedure, Measures (paragraph 1 only), Data Analysis (paragraph 1 only), Results (paragraph 1 only), and Discussion (paragraphs 1 and 2 only). see attachments
  •  APA style
  • This assignment requires that at least four additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included. 


In an essay (500 words), use the scenario presented above to answer the following questions:

  1. What statistical test was used in “Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School?”
  2. Did the authors use the correct statistical test? In other words, what was their rationale for using this test (i.e., were the variables discrete or continuous and was the test appropriate for this type of data?)
  3. What was the research question? How did the statistical test address and answer the research question?
  4. How did the authors interpret the results of this study?





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Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School

  • Read the following sections of “Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School”: the Abstract, Introduction, Participants and Setting, Procedure, Measures (paragraph 1 only), Data Analysis (paragraph 1 only), Results (paragraph 1 only), and Discussion (paragraphs 1 and 2 only). see attachments
  •  APA style
  • This assignment requires that at least four additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included. 


In an essay (500 words), use the scenario presented above to answer the following questions:

  1. What statistical test was used in “Using Teacher-Written Praise Notes to Promote a Positive Environment in a Middle School?”
  2. Did the authors use the correct statistical test? In other words, what was their rationale for using this test (i.e., were the variables discrete or continuous and was the test appropriate for this type of data?)
  3. What was the research question? How did the statistical test address and answer the research question?
  4. How did the authors interpret the results of this study?





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The Analects, the teachings of Confucius written down by his students after his death

Primary sources are first-hand accounts of historical events, including materials like government documents, autobiographies and memoirs of participants, and archives.

In this assignment, you will read a primary source, an excerpt from The Analects, the teachings of Confucius written down by his students after his death:





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. teachings of Confucius written down by his students after his death

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Develop an extensive “written” Big Data toolbox that will accommodate all of the conventional database methodologies


As the senior data analyst for Exact, LLC, an information clearinghouse, you have been tasked to develop a comprehensive Big Data toolbox that will be used by all of the Data Analysts in your department. The use of this toolbox will allow your company to stay ahead of its competitors.


Develop an extensive “written” Big Data toolbox that will accommodate all of the conventional database methodologies such as SQL Server, NoSQL, and NewSQL. This toolbox should compare the various tools and techniques required for moving data. Include an instruction set that explains how to use each of the tools listed. In addition, you need to prioritize the issues pertaining to data governance and how it applies to the use of these tools to keep your company ahead of its competitors. Your toolbox needs to consist of at least 3 pages and be professionally written using Word.





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the importance of verbal and written skills. It can be very common for people to struggle with providing the information in a concise manner. How do you recommend professionals work to improve this much needed skill?

 the importance of verbal and written skills. It can be very common for people to struggle with providing the information in a concise manner. How do you recommend professionals work to improve this much needed skill?

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A mission statement is “a written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time.

Make sure to provide scholarly and educational material and work that is engaging and substantive.

A substantive reply includes at least 150 words (PER THREAD) analyzing the thread as well as adding to the research and concepts put forth in that thread. The goal is to create meaningful discussion. To simply restate the idea already put forth or to concur with the first reply is not adding substantial discussion. That is why it is good to do additional outside research.

Thread #1 – Read & Reply


A mission statement is “a written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time. Properly crafted mission statements (1) serve as filters to separate what is important from what is not, (2) clearly state which markets will be served and how, and (3) communicate a sense of intended direction to the entire organization” (http://www.businessdictionary/definition/mission-statement.html).


In her article, “When You Fear Your Company Has Forgotten Its Principles”, Sue Shellenbarger discusses the importance of speaking up when it seems like the organization you are with is going against its mission statement and principles. According to Shaellenbarger, companies often inflate their mission statements in an attempt to inspire and encourage a feel good environment, and this can backfire. In a pursuit to fulfill the mission, people will often go against organizational principles to get there, in a sense making the mission statement itself null and void.

Shellenbarger discusses several examples of situations in which employees spoke up and questioned the organization. When this happen, employees do put their jobs at risk, face ridicule, and are often seen as disloyal. She offers advice on how to approach your organization in a positive manner. For instance, keep any of your arguments calm and civil, have respect for other opinions, and acknowledge any flaws in your opinion. She always suggests framing your opinion as something that is positive and will benefit everyone.


Mission statements do attract employees. If someone sees that an organization’s mission statement and principles are in line with their own, this will greatly increase the likelihood that they will accept a position with that organization.

As with everything in business, Christians should approach and state their concerns in a calm and positive way, but they should definitely approach. On average, a person spends forty hours a week at their place of employment. If the organization’s principles are out of line with their mission statement, that can be very discouraging and stressful to the individual who was drawn to the organization by the mission.

The author gave a great example about how to be creative and add strength to your argument. In the last few years, a large pharmacy chain stopped selling cigarettes because it was out of line with the mission, and someone was willing to bring the concern to higher authorities. The person did not focus on how obvious it was that selling cigarettes is in conflict with their mission. Also, if they quit selling cigarettes, it probably would not make people quit smoking. However, to put a positive spin on it, they pointed out that their willingness to stop selling could attract more healthy people into their store to support their decision.



In today’s extremely competitive business environment, companies have to be well equipped with necessary strategies and plans on how to stay successful and at the top of the game.  Regardless if a business is small, large, or even global, its internal and external environments are constantly changing, and managers must plan and strategies accordingly to accommodate and compensate for those changes.   One strategy that will be greatly beneficial for any type of business is digital forecasting. During forecasting, managers and top leaders become aware of their weaknesses and through implementing better effective controls they can overcome these weaknesses with proper forecasting steps.

One company that has successfully updated its forecasting strategies to meet future demands is Nestle.  The article How Demand-Driven Forecasting paid off for Nestle by Freddie Pierce, discusses how through help from: “innovator and expert in sales forecasting Charles Chase has helped Nestlé improve its forecast accuracy and make multi-million dollar reductions in their inventory by removing human judgement and enabling the predicting of future demand through ‘demand shaping” (  Mr. Chase created technology that senses demand signals verses trend and seasonality, which instantly informs a business of what demand signals are actually influencing consumers’ purchasing of products up and down a scale. This program allows Nestle to use ‘what if’ scenarios and measure the effect of advertising and price.  Nestle’s goal was to have the ability to: “sense demand signals associated with sales promotions, price, advertising, in-store merchandising and economic factors to better understand what things influence consumers to buy their products”(  Once this measurement was done mathematically, their next step was to use this information to run ‘what-if’ scenarios to shape future demand.

All in all, Nestle’s decision to update its forecasting on a digital platform has paid off. According to the article: “Today, 80 percent of the Nestlé’s forecasts are driven right out of the solution with no human judgement at all … They were eventually able to take out anywhere between 14- 20 percent of their inventory safety stock, reduce it and still meet consumer demand with this improved forecasting capability” (
