Writers Solution

conduct Gram stains on “young” cultures

lab summary of 300 words minimum on Gram staining.


Gram stains: see images at the end of this exercise.

The Gram stain is a differential staining procedure developed by Dr. Hans Christian Gram in 1884. The Gram stain differentiates between 2 groups of bacteria: the Gram positives and the Gram negatives. Almost all bacteria can be clearly separated into one of these 2 groups. For this reason, the Gram stain is the first critical step in characterizing and identifying bacterial species. The basis of the method is a difference in cell wall structure, or more accurately, cell envelope structure (includes everything from the cell membrane to the outermost part of the cell). Gram positive cells have a much thicker cell wall which allows these cells to maintain the primary stain (crystal violet) upon being treated with decolorizer solution. The relatively thin cell wall of Gram negative cells loose the purple-violet color of the primary stain when treated with decolorizer. They then take on the red color of the counter-stain (safranin or basic fuschin). Hence, Gram positive cells stain purple and Gram negative cells stain red. Unfortunately, the method doesn’t always work perfectly. Several variables can affect the results. Do not try to “cut corners” on the Gram stain. Learn how to conduct the method properly. Practice Gram stains many times before unknown time, otherwise, you could have serious problems identifying your bacterial species. Things to remember when conducting Gram stains

1) You must conduct Gram stains on “young” cultures. Most bacterial species used in this lab will grow sufficiently to conduct a Gram stain within 18-24 hours given optimum growth conditions (media, temperature, etc.). It is possible that a culture will require more incubation time to grow sufficiently. If so, conduct the Gram stain as soon as growth allows. Why does the age of the culture matter? NOTE: old Gram positive cultures tend to stain Gram negative. This trend is not universal and cannot be depended upon. In general, the older the culture is the less dependable the Gram stain results. The culture will become “Gram variable” which means that some cells will stain purple and others red.

2) Try to conduct Gram stains on cells collected from isolated colonies. This idea applies mainly to bacteria on Petri dishes but may apply to cultures on a slant. Eventhough a culture may appear pure, you cannot be sure. Two neighboring colonies may be different species. Pick one to make sure. If working from a broth, this is impossible. Gram stains should NOT be conducted from broth cultures.

3) In addition to the unknown culture that you stain, you must also stain “control cultures” of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. These control cultures must also be young when you stain them. As mentioned above, Gram stains don’t always work perfectly even if you adhere to the steps. As your grandmother says, “you have to hold your mouth right.” This is why we use controls. Lets say that your unknown culture stains mostly red, but a little purple tint is present. If your Gram negative control looks the same, you can be fairly confident that your unknown in Gram negative. Without a control, you would not have a clue.

4) The importance of a good smear to accurate Gram stain results cannot be over-emphasized.

  • NOTE: Thick smears of Gram negative cells are likely to stain Gram positive – Gram variable. If your smear is thick, examine the stained smear in a thinner area.
  • Over-mixed smears yield cellular arrangement that is not indicative of the organisms’characteristic cell morphology.
  • Staining and examining cells in a smear that was heat fixed while wet is a complete waste of time. Start over.

5) Decolorization is the most critical step in regard to the color accuracy of the Gram stain. You must perfect the method that works best for you and the amount of time to decolorize. This may vary depending on the thickness of the smear, how vigorously you squirt decolorizer on the smear, the angle at which you hold the slide, the time delay between applying decolorizer and rinsing the smear, etc. You should start with 5 seconds and work from there. Over decolorized Gram positives with look Gram negative. Under decolorized Gram negatives will look Gram positive.

6) Some organisms yield inconsistent Gram reactions even if you follow the rules. Examples include species of the Gram(-) genus Neisseria which often stain purple, and an encapsulated organism (we will talk about capsules later) such as Klebsiella pneumoniae. The capsule is a cell covering which may partially prevent the Gram stain reagents from reaching the cell.

Gram stain procedure – I prefer (and we will use) the modified method on the next page.

1) Prepare smears of the unknown culture(s) and the Gram stain control cultures on a single slide, preferably with the unknown(s) between the controls. As I said earlier, I like 3 or 4 smears / slide.

2) Place the slide on the staining tray smear-side up. Cover the smears with crystal violet and allow to sit for 30-60 seconds. Rinse the smears thoroughly but gently with distilled water. The stream of rinse water should not fall directly onto the cells but above them, allowing the water to sheet across the smears. Shake off excess water.

3) Cover the smears with Grams iodine solution (the mordant) for 60 seconds. Rinse as above. Shake off excess water. The mordant helps “lock” the crystal violet into the Gram positive cell wall.

4) CRITICAL STEP: hold the slide at a 45o angle over the sink. Squirt 95% ethanol solution (decolorizer) onto the top edge of the slide so that it sheets down evenly across each of the smears. Depending on the organism and smear thickness, 2-5 seconds of decolorization should be sufficient. Watch the decolorizer as it flows off of the smear. STOP decolorizing immediately when you no longer see color leaching from the smear. Rinse IMMEDIATELY and thoroughly (front & back) as above. Shake off excess water.

5) Lay the slide on the tray. Cover the smears with safranin or basic fuschin (the counterstain) and allow to sit for 60 seconds. Rinse thoroughly as above. Blot dry with bibulous paper. It is microscopy time.


* Your success accurately determining Gram stains depends as much or more upon smear quality and

aptitude at microscopy as it does on the Gram stain procedure itself

* Good Gram stains require practice. I would like for you to Gram stain one or more different

organisms each week. This will give you a lot of practice and will help you to become familiar with the

morphology of our organisms.

* Unless I tell you differently, use the Philadelphia Gram stain procedure (next page). It is very good.

* Dr. Gram would appreciate if you capitalize the first letter of his name (Gram).

Philadelphia General Hospital Gram stain modification

1. Prepare smear and heat fix in the normal manner.

2. Add 1-2 drops of crystal violet to smear.

3. Rock back and forth a few times and wait approximately 10 seconds.

4. Add 2-4 drops of 5% sodium bicarbonate to CV on smear to insure (-) charge of Gr (+) envelope.

5. Rock back and forth a few times to mix CV & SB (critical). Wait approximately 10 seconds.

6. Pour CV-SB off slide. Tilt slide over sink and RINSE with a few drops of Graham’s iodine.

7. Add 5-6 drops of Grahams iodine to smear and wait approximately 10 seconds.

8. Pour GI off slide & RINSE with a gentle stream of water.

9. Add acetone drop wise (NOT a stream) to upper end of tilted slide until purple color no longer

comes out of smear – usually takes 2-4 seconds. Watch closely here – easiest step to mess up.

10. Wave slide a few seconds to evaporate the acetone and air dry the smear.

11. Add safranine to cover smear.

12. Rock back and forth a few times and wait approximately 10 seconds.

13. Pour safranine off slide & RINSE with a gentle stream of water.

14. Blot slide dry with bibulous paper and view with microscope.

IMAGES of Gram-stained bacterial cells: under “Laboratory: cellular morphology images”

Gram positive coccus: Staphylococcus: note clusters of round cells

Gram positive coccus: Streptococcus: note chains of round cells

Gram positive rod: Bacillus

Enteric Gram negative rod: Escherichia coli

Non-enteric Gram negative rod: Alcaligenes faecalis




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Each young person has a complex history before entering care that manifests in different ways

SCENARIO: Each young person has a complex history before entering care that manifests in different ways. Below is a scenario regarding a Young Person aged 13 who has been in residential care for 2 weeks.

Georgia was in the primary care of her mother who had substance abuse issues and a string of violent boyfriends. Georgia was exposed to high levels of aggression and violence towards her mother and occasionally herself. Georgia and her siblings moved from one place to another with their mother, often couch surfing at the homes of her mother’s drug associates.

Georgia is quick to become angry and struggles to control her emotions or self-regulate once heightened. She is guarded with any affection, often threatens her carers and is hyper vigilant. Georgia has a history of self-harm, often leaves the placement for long periods of time requiring her frequent absences to be reported to SAPOL. When Georgia is escalated, she is known to damage her carer’s property, vehicles as well as the walls and furniture within the placement. Georgia is not able to have contact with her mother and siblings due to her dysregulation.




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What are three distinct challenges young adults face as they become independent and enter the workforce?

.   What are three distinct challenges young adults face as they become independent and enter the workforce? Incorporate at least one theorist’s (e.g., Levinson, Erikson) work into your response.

2.   What factors help or hinder young adults in terms of forming a “work identity?” What role can social networking sites play in these transitions?

3.   What are some of the “pros” of entering middle adulthood in terms of physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development? What are some of the “cons?”

4.   Compare and contrast two types of marriages as per Cuber and Haroff’s research. What are the pros and cons of each type?

5.   What effects can extended deployments have on military members’ romantic relationships/marriages and on their relationships with their minor children? Personal examples are acceptable if applicable, but give specific examples from the research literature to support your personal observations.




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The Negative Impact Of Social Media On Children And Young People

The Negative Impact Of Social Media On Children And Young People (2000 words Paper)

 1.  Introduction (Heading 1) (300 words 

2. Main Body (800)

3.  Limitations and Further Research (300 words)

4)   Conclusion (300 words)

  Abstract—Write a summary of your literature review. Write this section last. (200 words)


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Case Study: A Young Caucasian Girl with ADHD

Not only do children and adults have different presentations for ADHD, but males and females may also have vastly different clinical presentations. Different people may also respond to medication therapies differently. For example, some ADHD medications may cause children to experience stomach pain, while others can be highly addictive for adults. In your role, as a psychiatric nurse practitioner, you must perform careful assessments and weigh the risks and benefits of medication therapies for patients across the life span. For this Assignment, you consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with ADHD.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, including the Medication      Resources indicated for this week.
  • Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatments you might recommend      for the assessment and treatment of patients with ADHD.

The Assignment: 5 pages

Examine Case Study: A Young Caucasian Girl with ADHD. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.

At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your decision and moving throughout the exercise. Before you make your decision, make sure that you have researched each option and that you evaluate the decision that you will select. Be sure to research each option using the primary literature.

Introduction to the case (1 page)

  • Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure      to include the specific patient factors that may impact your decision      making when prescribing medication for this patient.

Decision #1 (1 page)

  • Which decision did you select?
  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your      response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources,      including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the      exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant      and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support      your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources      (including the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan      and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Decision #2 (1 page)

  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your      response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources,      including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the      exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant      and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support      your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources      (including the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan      and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Decision #3 (1 page)

  • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your      response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources,      including the primary literature.
  • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the      exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant      and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.
  • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support      your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including      the primary literature).
  • Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan      and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Conclusion (1 page)

  • Summarize your recommendations on the treatment options you      selected for this patient. Be sure to justify your recommendations and      support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific      resources, including the primary literature.

Note: Support your rationale with a minimum of five academic resources. While you may use the course text to support your rationale, it will not count toward the resource requirement. You should be utilizing the primary and secondary literature




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Writers Solution

Young children and teens tend to be “picky eaters


Young children and teens tend to be “picky eaters.”  This may lead to an imbalanced diet, poor intake of vitamins and minerals, and an increased risk of nutrient deficiencies.  In this discussion you will gather and share ideas to help with this problem.  Your first post should include the following three points.

1) Choose to discuss either toddlers/children OR ‘tweens’/teens.  Briefly discuss the reason for your selection.

2) Using the HON website from Unit 1, research to find a reliable source for specific tips and strategies on how to encourage children to eat a well balanced diet. Include the web link to the specific article.

3) Using your research, describe at least one idea which might be used to support with eating/feeding challenges of children.  Do you think the idea will work?  Why or why not?  Have you tried any of the ideas with your family or seen others use the suggestions?  Discuss.

Responses that are copied and pasted from the Internet will not receive credit.  You will need to post your initial work before you can view the work of others

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an explanation of the importance of safeguarding children and young people

Record of Assessment Cycle
Learner name
Assessor name Amy Norman
Planned Assessments Unit /
criteria Due Date
‘Please keep me safe.’ This simple but profoundly important hope is the very minimum upon which every child and young person should be able to depend.
“Protection of Children in England ‘A progress report 12th March 2009’”
Task 1
In order to support the above statement you need to compile a folder which includes:
• an outline of current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people
• an explanation of child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people
• an analysis of how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people
• an explanation of when and why inquiries and serious case reviews are required and how the sharing of the findings informs practice
• an explanation of how the processes used by own work setting or service comply with legislation that covers data protection, information handling and sharing.
Task 2
An important part of safeguarding children and young people is working in partnership with other organisations to ensure a robust support system. Add to your folder the following:
• an explanation of the importance of safeguarding children and young people
• an explanation of the importance of a child or young person-centred approach
• an explanation of what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding
• a description of the roles and responsibilities of the different organisations that may be involved when a child or young person has been abused or harmed.
Task 3
Policies and procedures form an important part of work place practice. It is vital to ensure that all staff have a clear understanding of the requirements and responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding of children, young people and staff. Add to your folder the following:
• an explanation of why it is important to ensure children and young people are protected from harm within the work setting
• an explanation of policies and procedures that are in place to protect children and young people and adults who work with them
• an evaluation of ways in which concerns about poor practice can be reported whilst ensuring that whistle-blowers and those whose practice or behaviour is being questioned are protected
• an explanation of how practitioners can take steps to protect themselves within their everyday practice in the work setting and on off site visits.
Task 4
It is important that as a child care practitioner you are able to respond to a child or young person who may have been abused or harmed. Add to your folder the following:
• a description of the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding
• a description of the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line with policies and procedures of own setting
• an explanation of the rights that children, young people and their carers have in situations where harm or abuse is suspected or alleged.
Task 5
As bullying appears to be more prevalent in society you will need to be able to identify and manage situations where bullying may occur. Add to your folder the following:
• an explanation of different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people
• an outline of the policies and procedures that should be followed in response to concerns or evidence of bullying and explain the reasons why they are in place
• an explanation of how to support a child or young person and/or their family when bullying is suspected or alleged.
Task 6
An important part of safeguarding is to empower the child or young person so that they can develop strategies to protect themselves. Add your folder the following:
• an explanation of how to support children and young people’s self-confidence and self-esteem
• an analysis of the importance of supporting resilience in children and young people
• an explanation of why it is important to work with the child or young person to ensure they have strategies to protect themselves and make decisions about safety
• an explanation of ways of empowering children and young people to make positive and informed choices that support their well-being and safety.
Task 7
E-safety is an area of growing importance and you need to be informed of the issues involved in new technology. Add to your folder the following:
• an explanation of the risks and possible consequences for children and young people of being online and of using a mobile phone
• a description of ways of reducing risk to children and young people from: – social networking – internet use – buying online – using a mobile phone. CYP 3.3
7.2 25/11/2021
Assessor Signature Date Learner Signature Date
Feedback – Comment on the assessment criteria covered and units completed

an explanation of the importance of safeguarding children and young people

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Guidance of Young Children. Pearson (any edition is fine -tenth is currently out of print) Porter

Reading list
Your core texts for this unit are:
Marion, M (2015) Guidance of Young Children. Pearson (any edition is fine -tenth is currently out of print) Porter, L (2016) Young Children’s Behaviour. Routledge (this is an e-book — available for download chapter by chapter via the library)
Bentzen, W (2008) Seeing Young Children. Cengage Learning.
Each week there are specifically chosen readings from these and other sources; other sources can be accessed through the Blackboard reading list.

  • Due to unavailability of the Marion text from publishers, the Porter chapters have been provided alongside the Marion readings each week. Students are encouraged to complete either/both readings as these readings complement one another. If you are unable to download the Porter chapters, please try again later as the library online version has a three-user limit at any one time.
    Please contact your tutor or lecturer if you have any issues accessing the readings.
    Study Schedule
    •Meek Mod3 Date
    Guiding Children:
    guidance and strengths- Chapter in Ebbek based approaches & Wanniganayake) see reading list Porter (2016) chapter 2 Marion Ch 1
  • Haerron &
    2 1 5 August Humanist approaches to guiding children’s
    Marion Ch 2, 3
    Porter (2017
    Chapter in Ebbek & Wanniganayake) see reading list Porter (2016) Chapter 8, 1 1
    3 1 12 August Humanist approaches to guiding children’s behaviour: putting theory into caregiving practice Porter Chapter 12
    Marion appendix 353-360
    4 1 19 August Behaviourist and cognitive-behavioural approaches to guiding children’s behaviour Marion 54-58;
    5 2 26 August Children’s behaviour in context Porter Chapter 18
    Hildebrad (2005)

6 2 2 September Children’s behaviour in TBA context: parenting programmes
7 2 9 September Observing Children’s Bentzen Ch 1,2,3 behaviour: purpose, Marion Ch 6
8 3 16
9 23
September ethics and process
Qualitative and
Quantitative methods in observing children’s behaviour
Online week Bentzen
Assignment 1 Due

10 3 9 October Frameworks for Bentzen Ch 13 understanding and Marion Ch 3 interpreting children’s behaviour
11 3 14 October Special topics in Porter Chapter 7, guidance: Self-esteem Ch 13 and self-regulation Marion Chapter 7
12 3 21 October Special topics in Porter 15, 16 guidance: Social and Marion Chapter 8 Emotional competence

13 3 28 October TBA Assignment
2 Due

Assessment Overview

Assessment Due date Percentage

Child Observation Project Week 13: 29th October 50%
Assessment 1 — 50%

Weighting 50%
Format Case studies
Word limit 1500
Date/Week Week 8: 13th September
Submit Via Turnitin Blackboard
Assignment Overview
What? You are a worker within a child-parent centre working with a range of families on guiding children’s behaviour. Create a 500-word report on each of the 3 presented case studies (total word count 1 500) to guide the centre’s work with these families. Your report should include the following information:
Possible reasons for the child’s behaviour that examine or refer to context, culture, gender
Strategies you would recommend for responding to the child’s behaviour, explanations of these strategies and your reasons for recommending them (your reasoning should be attentive to context, culture, gender and/or cultural competence)
A clear explanation of the theoretical approach(es) from which these strategies derive
A programme within the child-parent centre or relevant service that you might recommend the child/family attend and why.
Reports aim to clearly transmit information about a topic that has been compiled as a result of research and analysis to a specific audience and for a specific purpose. As such, it is an essential communication skill needed for business, government and academia.
Problem solving
Being able to effectively solve problem is a highly sought-after skill by employers. You will develop your problem solving skills in this assessment when you identify and evaluate the relevant aspects of the issue /problem, break them down into their constituting parts, consider various ways of approaching and resolving the issue /problem, decide on the most appropriate way to overcome it and propose a way to monitor and seek feedback on the solution you put forward.
Where? Blackboard Assessment 2 Turnitin Dropbox
How? This is an individual assignment.
Marking criteria
A marking rubric is available in the assessment tab on Blackboard. Please read through the marking rubric to ascertain expectations for the assignment.
Learning Outcomes addressed by Assessment 1
1 . Deconstruct the underlying assumptions, goals and strategies applied in humanist, behavioural and cognitive behavioural approaches to child rearing and parenting programs.
2 Describe the relationship between changing social, cultural and family structures and approaches to child rearing in the Australian and international context.
3 Explain the influence of context, culture and gender in the Australian and international context in the determination of what is deemed socially acceptable behaviour for children from birth to twelve years of age.
4 Discuss the role of cultural competence in understanding, interpreting and managing children’s behaviour.
5 Observe, interpret, plan strategies and evaluate children’s behaviour using a range of assessment techniques.
Unit Content addressed by Assessment 1

  1. Theoretical approaches and strategies for guiding children’s behaviour
  2. Contextualising children’s behaviour and adult responses to it.
  3. Interpreting, evaluating and planning strategies to respond to children’s behaviour

Case Studies for Assignment 1 2021
1) A two-and-a-half-year-old child who attends a supported playgroup with her mother is reluctant to engage in any activities. She hides behind her mother or won’t leave her side. She is often quite tearful and quite fearful and doesn’t like other children looking at her. The parent has told you (the case worker) that it is very draining: the parent would like to talk and join in and meet other parents in the group, but the child doesn’t allow this to happen.
2) A parent from a culturally and linguistically identified background comes to a transition to kindy session quite distressed. They have recently been told by a doctor that their almostfour-year-old should be able to dress and feed themselves without adult support. They report that they began to ask to the child to do so, but the child is refusing and insists that the parent continue to dress them and support their eating. The parent feels distressed about creating conflict in the relationship and feels that they have done the wrong thing by not teaching the child these skills earlier although they are just doing what they did with their older two children. They are also worried that the child will be disadvantaged in fouryear-old kindy next year as there will be no parent to support their dressing and eating needs.
3) The family support coordinator at your centre has been in conversation with a family in need of some additional support in guiding their child’s behaviour and asks you for advice. The child is 7 and the parents report that she is highly sensitive to criticism, won’t try new things at school or at home and responds angrily when the parents try to help her to do her homework or school readers. The parents are frustrated by the behaviour and tend to respond by telling her she needs to make an effort and that she won’t get to be good at anything if she doesn’t work at it. They are worried that she doesn’t have many friends at school and have noticed that she tends to be quite controlling when she does spend time with her friends.
4) You work in a supported playgroup at the child and parent centre. A two-year-old child who attends the playgroup with his mother has started to hit other children, sometimes with toys. The child hits mostly in situations when another child tries to play with toys that he is working with. The mother has not intervened when the child hits and seems to laugh it off as ‘boys’ behaviour. Other parents have started to ask you if the child can be excluded from the playgroup because of his behaviour, which they term ‘antisocial’. When one of the child’s older siblings attends the playgroup, you notice that the older child is quite physical both with the younger child and with their mother.
5) Write a case study of your choice and respond to it according to the provided questions*.
*Please note, if you choose this option you won’t be specifically allocated marks for the case study preparation; as the marking rubric sets out, you will only be allocated marks for the report that you provide. However, the quality of the report will be dependent on the quality of the case study you write, as the marker must be able to judge whether your responses and recommendations are appropriate.

CHN3203 Assignment 1 Marking criteria: CASE STUDIES
Criterion HD Credit Pass Fail Score
Strategies Strategies are an excellent fit with behaviours described; developmentall y appropriate and strengthsbased Strategies are a very good fit with behaviours described; developmentall y appropriate and strengthsbased Strategies are a solid fit with behaviours described; somewhat developmentall y appropriate and begin to use a strengthsbased approach Strategies are a sound fit with behaviours described; approximately developmentall y appropriate No strategies chosen, strategies are inappropriate or poorly chosen; uses a deficit approach; no or incorrect relationship between child’s developmental capacities and strategies
Explanations of strategies and reasons for recommending them Excellent explanations of strategies which expertly link the strategy to the behaviour; are theoretically rigorous and attentive to child’s self esteem; excellent reasons for recommendatio ns which are very clearly attentive to context, culture, gender and/or cultural competence Very good explanations of strategies which clearly link the strategy to the behaviour; are well supported by theory and attentive to child’s self esteem; very good reasons for recommendatio ns which are clearly attentive to context, culture, gender and/or cuftural competence Solid explanations of strategies which link the strategy to the behaviour; are supported by theory and attentive to child’s self esteem; sound reasons for recommendatio ns which are somewhat attentive to context, culture, gender and/or cultural competence Sound explanations of strategies which begin to link the strategy to the behaviour; however not necessarily attentive to child’s self esteem or theoretical support; some reasons for recommendatio ns which are beginning to engage with issues of context, culture, gender and/or cultural competence No or incomplete explanations, no or minimal link between strategy and be haviour, no or minimal reference to context, culture, gender or cultural competence
approaches understanding of how the strategies are underpinned by theories and explanation of the theories Very good understanding of how the strategies are underpinned by theories and explanation of the theories Sound understanding of how the strategies are underpinned by theories and explanation of the theories Solid understanding of how the strategies are underpinned by theories and explanation of the theories Explanation of theories missing, incomplete or incorrect; incorrect choice of theories in relation to strategies
recommendatio n Recommendatio n of programme/ser
vice demonstrates wide research in the field, an excellent fit between service and child’s developmental (st)age and behaviour, and thoughtful engagement family context Recommendati on of programme/ser vice demonstrates research in the field, a good fit between behaviour, child and service and good engagement with family context Recommendati on of programme/ser
vice demonstrates some research in the field, a reasonable fit between behaviour, child and service, some engagement with family context Recommendati on of programme/ser vice is appropriate, though may be general or not well suited to the behaviour or with little reference to family context No recommendatio n of service, inappropriate recommendatio n or recommendatio n does not relate to behaviour, family context or child.
In text referencing Always correct Few errors Mostly correct Attempt made with some errors No attempt
/rarely correct
Reference Page Always correct Few errors Mostly correct Attempt made with some errors No attempt
/rarely correct
The academic writing within this document is indicative of the standard required at university level, Yes
The academic writing within this document is NOT indicative of the standard required at university level, resulting in a lower score than that is evident within the Rubric. Please access the Academic Services that are available both online and on campus so that you can progress positively with your studies. Assignments with academic writing that is not of university standard will not be able to score over 59%, regardless of the proficiency of the content





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Romantic Red Revisited: Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Young, but not Menopausal Women

For this assignment, review the two articles provided:

“Romantic Red Revisited: Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Young, but not Menopausal Women,” by Sascha & Singer, from Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (2013).

“Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Turnover Intentions among Teachers in the Offinso South District of Ghana,” by Addai, Kyeremeh, Abdulai, & Sarfo, from European Journal of Contemporary Education (2018).

Read through them carefully and write a summary of each article. Write about the articles in everyday language, explaining the theory each was testing, the method used, the most important results, and the main points in the discussion. Be very careful not to plagiarize at this stage (please reread the course materials on academic integrity (plagiarism) and the APA guide on paraphrasing).

Use 500-600-words for EACH summary (for a total of 1,000-1,200-words), following this organizational structure:

1. A description of the article’s purpose and main hypotheses

2. A clear statement of the study’s design: Experimental or correlational? What were the main IVs or PVs? What was the main DV? Who participated?

3. A methods paragraph in which you mention each key variable in turn, followed by how it was operationalized. (e.g., “The study measured the variable self-compassion using a self-report questionnaire developed by Neff; it had 25 items that were rated on five-point scales.”)

4. A paragraph in which you describe the main results. If they used regression, you must describe the main relationship as well as what it was controlling for (e.g., “Self-compassion predicted well-being, even when controlling for self-esteem and emotionality”). If it was a factorial design, describe the main effects and interactions.

5. A short paragraph about the authors’ conclusions.

Turn in one document with both summaries; make sure to distinguish which summary belongs to which article with appropriate APA headings.

PSY-260 Topic 5 Article Summary

Your Name

College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Grand Canyon University

PSY 260: Introduction to Psychological Research and Ethics

Dr. My Instructor

Assignment Due Date

PSY-260 Topic 5 Article Summary

Article 1: Romantic Red Revisited: Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Young, but Not Menopausal Women

Purpose of Study and Hypotheses

A description of the article’s purpose and main hypotheses.

Research Design and Variables

A clear statement of the study’s design: Experimental or correlational? What were the main independent variables (IVs) or predictor variables (PVs)? What was the main dependent variable (DV)?


Describe the subjects who participated in the study.


A paragraph in which you mention each key variable in turn, followed by how it was operationalized. (e.g., “The study measured the variable self-compassion using a self-report questionnaire developed by Neff; it had 25 items that were rated on five-point scales.”)


A paragraph in which you describe the main results. If they used regression, you must describe the main relationship as well as what it was controlling for (e.g., “Self-compassion predicted well-being, even when controlling for self-esteem and emotionality”). If it was a factorial design, describe the main effects and interactions.


A short paragraph about the authors’ conclusions.

Your summary should be 500-600 words.

Article 2: Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Turnover Intentions

among Teachers in the Offinso South District of Ghana

Purpose of Study and Hypotheses

A description of the article’s purpose and main hypotheses.

Research Design and Variables

A clear statement of the study’s design: Experimental or correlational? What were the main independent variables (IVs) or predictor variables (PVs)? What was the main dependent variable (DV)?


Describe the subjects who participated in the study.


A paragraph in which you mention each key variable in turn, followed by how it was operationalized. (e.g., “The study measured the variable self-compassion using a self-report questionnaire developed by Neff; it had 25 items that were rated on five-point scales.”)


A paragraph in which you describe the main results. If they used regression, you must describe the main relationship as well as what it was controlling for (e.g., “Self-compassion predicted well-being, even when controlling for self-esteem and emotionality”). If it was a factorial design, describe the main effects and interactions.


A short paragraph about the authors’ conclusions.

Your summary should be 500-600 words.


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What impact did an undescended testicle have on this young man’s risk for developing testicular cancer?

The answers must be in your own words with reference to the journal or book where you found the evidence to your answer. Do not copy-paste or use past students’ work as all files submitted in this course are registered and saved in turn it in the program.

Answers must be scholarly and be 3-4 sentences in length with rationale and explanation. No Straight forward / Simple answer will be accepted.  

Turn it in Score must be less than 25 % or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 25 %. Copy paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.

All answers to case studies must have reference cited in the text for each answer and a minimum of 2 Scholarly References (Journals, books) (No websites)  per case Study

 Case Study 1 

Mr. JS presents today to your office for a follow up appointment after a BP reading at home of 166/95 last week. He is a 52 y/o male with a PMH of HTN and Angina secondary to CAD, which is well controlled, experiencing less than 1 attack per month. On today examination, MR JS’s vital signs are as follows: Temperature: 96.8º Heart Rate: 68 bpm Blood Pressure: 168/92 Respiration: 14 Ox Sat: 95% at room air Pain: denies pain. Labs: Last LDL on records (6 months ago): 189 Current Medications: Atorvastatin 40 mg/day Metoprolol tartrate 10 mg/twice/day 


1) According to the recently released American Heart Association guidelines on hypertension, what should be the BP goal for a patient with chronic stable angina and hypertension? 

2) In addition to diet and lifestyle modifications, what is the medication of choice to control the BP of a patient with chronic stable angina? Provide rationale 

3) Provide at least 3 (questions) you would ask your patient RELATED to the case presented and provide rationale. 

4) Please explain whether you would request any laboratory or screening tests for this patient and why (if any) 

5) How would you achieve the B/P goal recommended for this patient according to the guidelines provided above? 

6) Provide References in APA style 

 Testicular Cancer 

Case Studies A 21-year-old male noted pain in his right testicle while studying hard for his midterm college examinations. On self-examination, he noted a “grape sized” mass in the right testicle. This finding was corroborated by his healthcare provider. This young man had a history of delayed descent of his right testicle until the age of 1 year old. Studies Results Routine laboratory studies Within normal limits (WNL) Ultrasound the testicle Solid mass, right testicle associated with calcifications HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) 550mIU/mL (normal: <5) CT scan of the abdomen Enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes CT scan of the chest Multiple pulmonary nodules Diagnostic Analysis At semester break, this young man underwent right orchiectomy. Pathology was compatible with embryonal cell carcinoma. CT directed biopsy of the most prominent pulmonary nodule indicated embryonal cell carcinoma, compatible with metastatic testicular carcinoma. During a leave of absence from college, and after banking his sperm, this young man underwent aggressive chemotherapy. Repeat testing 12 weeks after chemotherapy showed complete resolution of the pulmonary nodules and enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes. 

Critical Thinking Questions 

1. What impact did an undescended testicle have on this young man’s risk for developing testicular cancer? 

2. What might be the side effects of cytotoxic chemotherapy? 

3. What was the purpose of preserving his sperm before chemotherapy? 

4. Is this young man’s age typical for the development of testicular carcinoma? 

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