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The federal government regulates the EBP by ensuring healthcare professionals have the necessary skills to adopt it

Evidence Based Policy

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Organizational Policy

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a proposed policy that is applied in the healthcare sector by different stakeholders, including the healthcare providers, patients, and management (Mcgrath, 2019).

The federal government regulates the EBP by ensuring healthcare professionals have the necessary skills to adopt it.

The performance benchmarks target evaluating the medical errors, re-hospitalization rates, and recovery rates.

Evidence-based practice, often known as EBP, is used in the healthcare industry by various stakeholders, including patients, healthcare professionals, and management. The EBP is now being regulated by the federal government, which is doing so by ensuring that healthcare practitioners possess the essential competencies to implement it. The evaluation of medical errors, re-hospitalization rates, and recovery rates are the primary focuses of the performance benchmarks that are now being carried out.


Adoption of Informed Practice

Physicians recently are the stakeholders that have agreed to adopt the EBP in their intervention.

EBP entails following strict clinical criteria to choose the best course of action for the patient, frequently placing more importance on processes than on the client’s desires or the physician’s knowledge (Breslin, 2018).

Adopting the evidence-based practice (EBP) is critical in the healthcare sector because it improves decision-making, ensuring that the patient’s interests are addressed accordingly. Until recently, physicians concentrated on providing healthcare through evidence-based practices (EBP). EBP entails following strict clinical criteria to choose the best course of action for the patient, frequently placing more importance on processes than on the client’s desires or the physician’s knowledge (Breslin, 2018). Several academics and researchers have questioned the validity of EBP because it ignores the patient’s beliefs and principles while making treatment judgments, which is difficult to understand.


Practice Guidelines

The evidence based policy is a public policy guideline that is applicable in the healthcare sector helping in improving the processes, programs and procedures of care.

The health providers are considering the policy due to the fact that it ensure that previous data and researches are used to inform the decision made in healthcare.

The evidence-based policy is a public policy guideline that is relevant in the healthcare sector and helps in improving the processes, plans, and procedures of treatment. This guideline was developed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The fact that it ensures that past data and researches are used to inform the decisions that are made in healthcare is one of the primary reasons why health professionals are contemplating the strategy.


How a Proposed Policy and practice guidelines will affect how a stakeholder group does its work.

The nurses and physicians start working towards a patient-centered care model.

The healthcare providers work as an interdisciplinary team where they cooperate, integrate, and communicate care of the teams.

Application of quality improvement where nurses and physicians can identify errors and the disease diagnosis before intervention (Breslin, 2018).

Provide patient-centered care, which means recognizing and caring about patients’ differences, values, preferences, and expressed needs; relieving pain and suffering; coordinating continuous care; listening to, clearly informing, communicating with, and educating patients; sharing decision-making and management; and always advocating for disease prevention, wellness, and promoting healthy lifestyles, with a focus on population health. Work in teams with people from different fields, and ensure care is continuous and reliable by cooperating, collaborating, communicating, and integrating care. Use evidence-based practice. For the best care, combine the best research with clinical expertise and patient values, and participate in learning and research activities as much as possible. Apply quality improvement: find errors and risks in care; understand and use basic safety design principles like standardization and simplification; understand and measure the quality of care in terms of structure, process, and outcomes in relation to patient and community needs; and design and test interventions to change processes and systems of care to improve quality.


How EBP will improve Stakeholders Group Outcome

Patient-centered care is based on the professional interaction between clinicians and patients, which gives patients a chance to say what they believe, what they want, and how they want to be treated.

This is based on the idea that health professionals can better make clinical decisions because they have more specialized knowledge about the subject (Tran, 2020).

Patient-centered care is based on the professional interaction between clinicians and patients, which gives patients a chance to say what they believe, what they want, and how they want to be treated. When making therapeutic decisions, doctors have long taken a paternalistic approach, acting on behalf of their patients and their families. This is based on the idea that health professionals can better make clinical decisions because they have more specialized knowledge about the subject (Tran, 2020). Even if this is true, this way of making decisions doesn’t consider what the patient wants. To ensure patients are safe and happy, they need to discuss therapy options and procedures.


Benchmarking of Evidence Based Practice

Benchmarking compares and evaluates a healthcare organization’s performance versus that of similar organizations across the country.

Benchmarking the EBP is critical and has also been adjusted to the nursing area, especially in long-term and acute care hospitals.

The relevant benchmarking methods include quality control, patient happiness, and patient safety.

Benchmarking compares and evaluates a healthcare organization’s performance versus that of similar organizations across the country. Leaders can use it to see how their organization stacks up against other organizations that provide the same service. There is also a national-level sharing of best practices and evidence-based practice (EBP) clinical trial results. Benchmarks can be adjusted to specific nursing areas, such as acute and long-term care hospitals, hospices, and home health institutions. Quality control, customer happiness enhancement, patient safety enhancement, and ongoing improvement are the four cornerstones of clinical practice benchmarking.


Collaboration with Policymakers

Collaborating with policymakers ensure that policies directed towards healthcare support the evidence based practice policy that support healthcare providers.

Policymakers should consider use of the evidence based policy structure in developing laws that help healthcare move to the next level.

Working together with those who determine policy to ensure that policies pertaining to healthcare support the evidence-based practice policy that aids in the provision of healthcare is an important step. When drafting regulations that will help the healthcare industry go to the next level, policymakers should give serious consideration to using the evidence-based policy structure.


Strategies of Collaboration with Stakeholders and Colleagues

Stakeholders, especially nurses and physicians, play an important role in implementing evidence-based practice since they are the main implementers.

The healthcare providers agree to participate in the training and education program on using the EBP and skills to deliver quality services (Tran, 2020).

Patients also adhere to the EBP protocol that the providers adopt and accept to receive patient-centered care.

Since they are the primary implementers, stakeholders—and nurses and doctors in particular—play a vital part in the process of putting evidence-based practice into action. The healthcare providers have indicated that they are willing to participate in the training and education program that will focus on using EBP and skills to give quality services. In addition, patients agree to follow the EBP protocol accepted by the providers and to take part in the patient-centered care being provided.


Impact of EBP change

The primary goal of the suggested reform is for doctors to identify, respect, and attend to each patient’s condition as a unique experience based on their values, principles, and requirements.

Patient-centered care that offers critical information about the ailment, available therapies, and therapy options and empowers patients to make their own decisions is another desirable outcome.

The approach can improve health outcomes and boost patient satisfaction by involving patients in their care. Patient engagement in clinical decision-making will necessitate training for professionals, which will add to the expenditures.

The primary goal of the suggested reform is for doctors to identify, respect, and attend to each patient’s condition as a unique experience based on their values, principles, and requirements. Patient-centered care that offers critical information about the ailment, available therapies, and therapy options and empowers patients to make their own decisions is another desirable outcome. The approach can improve health outcomes and boost patient satisfaction by involving patients in their care. Patient engagement in clinical decision-making will necessitate training for professionals, which will add to the expenditures.


How to Achieve the Changes

To achieve the EBP goal, health care providers should be educated and trained to recognize the importance of incorporating patients into the decision-making process.

To achieve this goal, patients and their loved ones must understand the importance of actively participating in discussions on therapeutic treatments and expressing their thoughts and desires.

The inability of patients to effectively communicate their wants and needs to healthcare professionals may also result from service fragmentation throughout the patient care process.

The goal of evidence-based practice (EBP) should be accomplished by educating and training health care practitioners so that they know the significance of involving patients in the decision-making process. To achieve this objective, patients and the people closest to them in their lives need to comprehend how vital it is to take an active part in conversations on therapeutic treatments and to communicate their thoughts and wishes. Service fragmentation throughout the patient care process may be another factor contributing to patients’ incapacity to properly convey their goals and requirements to the medical professionals treating them.


Financial and Health Implications

When used with patient-centered care, a practice that is based on evidence leads to better health outcomes.

After getting a lot of training, patients can choose treatments that are tailored to their needs and preferences.

Because patients are safer and happier, there are fewer lawsuits and claims of malpractice (Mcgrath, 2019

When used with patient-centered care, a practice that is based on evidence leads to better health outcomes. After getting a lot of training, patients can choose treatments that are tailored to their needs and preferences. Because patients are safer and happier, there are fewer lawsuits and malpractice claims (Mcgrath, 2019). If the suggested change is not made, practitioners might not see how important it is to include patients in the decision-making process. If the patient’s wants and needs aren’t considered, this could lead to lawsuits and other financial problems.



Breslin, B. (2018). Evidence-based practice: The art of the rule of nursing. Current Research: Integrative Medicine, 03.

Mcgrath, B. (2019). By the patient, for the patient. Determining the critical quality of care measures for improving tracheostomy care. Medical Research Archives, 7(11).

Tran, B. (2020). Strategies for effective patient care: Integrating quality communication with the patient‐centered approach. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 15(1).








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