Writers Solution

The Influence of Television

1.Discussion: The Influence of Television.

Since the 1950s, some Americans have been worried about the effect television might have on American culture. After viewing the provided resources and any outside research, answer the following questions: Do you believe American television affects culture or does it simply reflect culture? Does television change how people act or function? Should we (as historians) look to old television to learn about America? Which television shows (past or present) do you think most reflect the American culture and values?

To receive full credit for this assignment your post must:

Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately

In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you

2.Interpreting the Cold War: Lady of Maine OR the Forgotten War 

One of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then creating an analysis (or interpretation) of this research. This assignment will allow you to create your own interpretation of the Cold War. Your response should be at least 300 words and contain your analysis, reaction, or connection to a specific issue within the historical narrative that you find compelling. For full credit, your paper must not simply sum up the reading or repeat points made there. Rather, I’m looking for you to create your own interpretation, explain the emotional content of the piece, or discuss some original insight. Include citations as needed. Historians of the same time period vary their research topics in order for us to gain a richer and fuller picture of the past and so that our understanding of the past will be as accurate and complete as possible. In the interest of allowing you, as young historians, to follow your own interests, please select one of the following topics to address.

Lady of Maine:  After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of Margaret Chase Smith and her political career in the 1950s. You might want to consider the following questions, but you are not limited to them: How was Chase Smith’s role as a Senator contrary to the usual depiction of 1950s gender roles? Was Chase Smith’s denunciation of McCarthy warranted? To what extent was her gender helpful or a hindrance in delivering the Declaration of Conscience? Why has she been overlooked in larger histories of the nation?

Forgotten War:  After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the Cuban Missile Crisis. You might want to consider the following questions, but you are not limited to them:  Why is the Korean War known as the “Forgotten War”? What was the soldier experience like? Why was it different than for soldiers and veterans of World War II?

3.Discussion: School Desegregation.

In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional. This began a struggle in many towns and states throughout the South to resist desegregating the schools. After reviewing the assigned sources: Please answer the following questions:

Why did the Supreme Court rule that segregated schools were unconstitutional? Did this only apply to African American students? What were the major issues with desegregation? Was the ruling handed down in Brown v Board of Education a success?

To receive full credit for this assignment your post must:

Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately

In your initial post, include at least one interesting question the readings raised for you

4.Interpreting the 1960s: Campaign Ads OR Freedom RidersOne of the main jobs of historians is to interpret the past by reviewing primary documents, scholarly secondary sources, and then creating an analysis (or interpretation) of this research. This assignment will allow you to create your own interpretation the 1960s. Your response should be at least 300 words and contain your analysis, reaction, or connection to a specific issue within the historical narrative that you find compelling. For full credit, your paper must not simply sum up the reading or repeat points made there. Rather, I’m looking for you to create your own interpretation, explain the emotional content of the piece, or discuss some original insight. Include citations as needed. Historians of the same time period vary their research topics in order for us to gain a richer and fuller picture of the past and so that our understanding of the past will be as accurate and complete as possible. In the interest of allowing you, as young historians, to follow your own interests, please select one of the following topics to address.

Campaign Ads:  After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the early attempts at television ads by presidential candidates and their campaign teams. You might want to consider the following questions, but you are not limited to them: What stood out to you in the early campaign ads? Do you think presidential campaigns were effective at communicating presidential policy or stance on issues? Why was the Daisy ad such a departure from previous ads? Do you agree with the Smithsonian article that presidents are now marketed as products, rather than as people?

Freedom Riders:   After reading your text and reviewing the assigned materials, submit an analysis of the Freedom Riders. You might want to consider the following questions, but you are not limited to them: Though the rides were not completed, did the Freedom Riders accomplish their goals? Why were students uniquely able to be effective protesters? How did the racial and gender diversity of the Freedom Riders affect their ability to push for Civil Rights change?


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