Writers Solution

What is the central focus or big idea of the lesson?      

Be certain to attach any handouts, activities, templates, PPT decks that will be utilized with this lesson.

Central Focus for the learning segment: What is the central focus or big idea of the lesson?      
Content Standard(s):  State Standards (CCLS, NGSS, etc.) List the number and text of the standard. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part(s).        
ITSE Technology Standard(s): Visit to determine the applicable standard(s) for this lesson. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part(s).
Learning Objectives: Thinking Skill – What cognitive process(es) will students be engaged in during the lesson? Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy or Depth of Knowledge. Content – What content will students have access to during this lesson? Refer to the standards referenced above. Product –What will students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson?      
Language Development: Language Objectives – What will students be expected to utilize when illustrating or demonstrating understanding? Vocabulary – What key vocabulary is in the lesson?
Materials/Resources: Provide a list of the materials and resources you will use as sources of input for the students during this lesson.  At least one resource must be technology used for instructional purposes that is supported by the ITSE standard(s) referenced above.    
Context:  Knowledge of Students: Prior learning and Prerequisite Skills: What prior knowledge do students need to use and build upon to be successful? Misconceptions: Identify common misconceptions regarding the concepts that are addressed in the lesson.Explain how your plans linked student’s prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets to new learning.      
Plan Details: Write a detailed plan that describes the procedure of your class session including model of instruction, conceptual/skill development, activities, questions, and conclusion.      
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks:  How will you support diverse student needs? Include what you and students will be doing:      
Differentiation and planned universal supports: What will you use for the whole class, individuals, and/or students with specific learning needs? How will you address the needs of GATE, EL, or students with special needs during this lesson? Students with IEP or 504 must be included indicating necessary supports to achieve the learning objectives.      
Literacy Skills & Strategies :  A. Literacy Strategies: Identify at least one strategy used to help students comprehend and/or compose text within the lesson. B. Skills: Identify the requisite literacy skills students will develop and practice while learning the identified literacy strategy. C. Connection between Reading/Writing: Identify how your lesson helps student make the connection between reading and writing.      
Type of Student Assessments and what is being assessed: How will you know whether students are making progress towards the learning goal(s) and how will you assess the extent to which they have met the goal(s)? You must justify at least 2 formative or summative assessment strategies that occur in your plan. You must describe how the assessment is aligned with the stated objectives, which objective(s) it is assessing, how the strategy provides evidence of student understanding, and how you will provide feedback to the student on each of the 2 assessment strategies. Formative Assessment:      What objective(s) is this assessing? How will you know students have mastered the objective(s)? Summative Assessment:      What objective (s) is this assessing? How will you know students have mastered the objective(s)? Modifications to the Assessments for students with diverse needs:       
Evaluation Criteria and/or Rubric:        
Relevant theories and/or research best practices:       APA References:
Lesson Timeline:        
Explain multicultural communication and its origins
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