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Write an Annotated Bibliography for your Capstone Topic with a collection of 12 articles following a set structure.

 Assessment item 3 – Annotated BibliographyValue: 30%
Length: 2000 words (10-12 pages)
Group Assessment: No
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
You are required to prepare for this Assessment Item by:
1. READING the Subject outline,
2. COMPLETING Topic 3, 4 and 5 on sections that discuss how to do an Annoatated Bibliography and a Relective Analysis Paper.
WHAT TO DO: Tasks 1 and 2 below
TASK 1 25%
Annotated Bibliography
1. Write an Annotated Bibliography for your Capstone Topic with a collection of 12 articles following a set structure. The Annotated Bibliography is a critical examination of the most relevant and recent scholarly research on the topic area that is not just a summary of the articles you have read.
2. An Annotated Bibliography is a detailed analysis of sources that can be used later in an expanded Literature Review.
3. Use the latest online search tools (CSU PRIMO, Google Scholar, Online databases) and efficient bibliographic organisers – CSU supports the use of EndNote. (available on iPad). EndNote is a bibliographic citation program, allowing references and footnotes to be translated into a variety of standard formats.
Other tools like Mendeley ( or Zotero ( fine to use as alternatives.
4. As a CSU student you can download and install EndNote X9 for Windows or Mac OS platforms from
5. Ensure that the Annotated Bibliography submitted by you is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and comply with the University’s requirements for academic integrity.
6. You can get help in Building and Writing an Annotated Bibliography from several Topics in the ITC571 Interact2 site sidebar menu and other study advice and tips from:
1. Study Resources (PDF files to download):
2. APA styles (6 or 7) Referencing from
Example below shows APA6 style with 2nd and subsequent line indentation and use of DOI link to source if available:

3. The CSU Library website for LibGuides in Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics at
7. Review the emerging technology (use internet for journals, conference papers, magazines, news articles, online databases, eBooks) and submit a 12-article Annotated Bibliography on your topic.
8. A good place to start a collection of articles in your annotated bibliography is via the PRIMO search tool located on the CSU Library website at
9. Self-Evaluation Report on Originality (100-150 words)
1. Select an 1000-word sample of annotations text only (exclude references) from and submit it for testing at Turnitin
2. Save and append a copy of the originality report obtained.
3. Critically evaluate and interpret the originality report, from your context or point of view as your personal Self-Evaluation Report on Originality (100-150 words).
10. NOTE: Tasks 1 and 2 (below) can be appended into the one document and submitted via Turnitin as PDF or other document format
As an example, the Capstone Topic PRIMO search on a research topic like -IoT security in smart cities- returned the following snapshot from a large list of very recent journals related to the Topic, by using the -articles- filter to cut out books, eBooks etc. Next when applying another filter -peer-reviewed- and a sort by -Date-newest-, joined with a show only -Open access- and -Available Online-, then the second screen reveals a 2019 journal paper not readily seen on the first broader search result page 1:

Library Resources
Information Technology Journal Databases:
Information Technology & Computing LibGuides :
The following questions may be useful while reviewing the topic:
1. What is the new technology?
2. What does it do and what are the special features it has?
3. When is it coming out in the market and how much will it cost?
4. What industry will the new technology affect? (Medical, agricultural, computer, business, etc….).
5. In your opinion, will the new technology be beneficial to society? Why or why not.
6. What did you learn from a critical analysis of your sources of information on this new technology?
TASK 2 5 %
Annotated Bibliography Reflection (300 words)
Write a reflective narrative on your experience from doing Task 1 as a short Reflective Analysis Paper.
This task will analyse and evaluate the findings you have made from doing the Annotated Bibliography.
This will be an active start to a working thesis or overall idea that you are going to pursue and write about in detail later.
The purpose of this assessment activity is for you to analyse your own annotated bibliography as a whole.
Use the Five Reflective Analysis Questions below for your 300 word Analysis paper as a guide:
1. Make a list of keywords for later use in your research writing e.g. literature review, concept mapping etc.
2. What patterns or trends does your collection of articles reveal to you about your project topic?
3. Can you reflect holistically on how all of the sources in your Annotated Bibliography relate to any arguments and themes in your project topic?
4. Are you able to -identify a gap in the literature- as an area of research that is missing and may move you to give focus to that gap? Why or Why not? (Either case is fine to explain)
5. What are the next steps to do, in order to expand the current annotated bibliography into a longer literature review on the same topic?
After submission, post a copy to share with your peers on the ITC571 Discussion Forum.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic.
• be able to critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic.
• be able to apply established research methodologies with autonomy.
• be able to apply project management and information and communication technologies (ICT) tools to plan, execute, record and present their research and project work as a capstone experience.
The rationale of this assessment is to test your ability to review, evaluate, critique and support others opinions as well as existing literature, using a scholarly writing style. You will also demonstrate your ability to carry out independently research and locate information from various sources such as journals, conference proceedings, online databases, eBooks and industry magazines.
The Learning Outcomes being assessed in task include your ability to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic and then to critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic. As the Annotated Bibliography develops, so will also be demonstrating your advanced communication and academic writing skills in transmitting your capstone experiences and ideas to others.
What does a well constructed annotated bibliography contain?
That is a research topic on its own, however I recommend the list of SIX structural elements below
1. Interpretation and evaluation of an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation;
2. Evidence of literature searches and critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic;
3. Critical reflection and synthesis of complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic;
4. Original opinion on the benefits of your capstone project to others;
5. Reflective comments on what was learnt from a review of the literature;
6. Use of correct citations and referencing conforming to recognised referencing format.
The Checklist for the Annotations elements can be used as a quality check as you write:
Content Elements
• Coverage of topic
• Depth of discussion
• Development of argument and reasoning
• Selection of literature
Writing Style Elements
• Structure of review
• Technical competence
• Use of citations and quotations
• Referencing
Task 2 Reflection paper of 300 words
After studying something quite intensely in task 1 Annotated Bibliography, you are now an expert in that area of research. As such, you need to be able to do an holistic analysis and reflect upon the Annotated Bibliography experience as a whole, as each annotations contains its own individual critique, analysis and evaluation. This relates clsoely to the SIX structural elements from 2 to 5 above.
Task 1 Annotated Bibliography 25%
Contains 12 articles on the chosen topic, recognition of research methods used in the articles and synthesis of data, findings and ideas)

Criteria HD DI CR PS
Perform a twelve (12) articles search and extractions of information needed to support arguments and decisions with appropriate research, evidence or literature from the discipline and produce an annotated bibliography.
5.00 Information is located, evaluated and managed from multiple, research-based sources using “best practice” online resources.
Evidence of digital literacy and critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic is apparent;
4.25 to 5.00 Information is located, evaluated and managed from multiple sources using online resources. Evidence of some digital literacy critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic is provided;
3.75 to 4.24 Information is located, evaluated and managed from a limited number of sources and online services. Limited evidence of digital literacy or critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic is provided;
3.25 to 3.74 Information is gathered from a very small number of sources or relies heavily upon a single source of information. No critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic;
2.50 to 3.24
Theme and logical flow arguments and issues in the annotation paragraphs demonstrate familiarity with the sources and a synthesis of ideas available in your topic
5.00 Well organized and demonstrates logical sequencing and structure of arguments. Writing style is narrative and demonstrates active voice, clarity and synthesis of ideas.
4.25 to 5.00 Well organized and demonstrates quite logical sequencing or structure of arguments. Writing style is loosely narrative and demonstrates active voice, clarity and synthesis of ideas.
3.75 to 4.24 Well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or lack of arguments in places. Writing style demonstrates a mix active/passive voice and some synthesis of ideas.
3.25 to 3.74 Organization, sequencing, or structure of the arguments needs refinement. Writing style demonstrates is mixed voice, lack of clarity due to omission or a limited synthesis of ideas.
2.50 to 3.24
Critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize the information and emergent knowledge by commenting on the sources relative strengths and weaknesses, its argument, theory, methodology, contribution and its overall significance.
5.00 All facts and information presented was accurate & opinions informative. Identifies strengths and weaknesses in own thinking: recognizes personal assumptions, values and perspectives, compares to others’, and evaluates them in the context of alternate points of view.
4.25 to 5.00 Most facts and information presented was accurate & opinions informative. Identifies strengths and weaknesses in own thinking: recognizes personal assumptions, values and perspectives, compares to others’, with some comparisons of alternate points of view.
3.75 to 4.24 Some facts and information presented was accurate & some opinions were useful to consider. Identifies some personal assumptions, values, and perspectives;
recognizes some assumptions, values and perspectives of others; shallow comparisons of alternate points of view.
3.25 to 3.74 Few facts and information presented was accurate & very little or no opinions were expressed. Identifies some personal assumptions, values, and perspectives;
does not consider alternate points of view.
2.50 to 3.24
Produce a 12 article, annotated bibliography with full bibliographic details of the source – systematically organised as an APA style reference list in alphabetical order, by the author’s surname.
5.00 Adheres to 12 articles criteria and annotation paragraphs with bibliographic details and the correct APA citation format.
Highly systematic use of tools and techniques (SAGE, EndNote etc.) is evident.
4.25 to 5.00 Adheres to 12 articles criteria and annotation paragraphs with bibliographic details and the correct APA citation format.
Systematic use of tools and techniques (SAGE, EndNote etc.) is evident.
3.75 to 4.24 10 to 12 articles used and annotation paragraphs with most bibliographic details and most entries are in correct APA citation format. Better systematic use of tools and techniques (SAGE, EndNote etc.) could be considered.
3.25 to 3.74 Less than 9 articles used and annotation paragraphs with some bibliographic details missing. Lacking the systematic use of tools and techniques (SAGE, EndNote etc.) and APA citation formats are incorrect or need refinement.
2.50 to 3.24
Self-Evaluation Report on Originality reveals Critical evaluation and interpretation of the report information.
5.0 Critical Analysis
interpretation, insightful of comments and writing style are at the highest level.
4.25 to 5.0 Critical Analysis
interpretation, insightful of comments and writing style are at a high level.
3.75 to 4.24 Critical Analysis
interpretation, insightful of comments and writing style are at mixed variance.
3.25 to 3.74 Critical Analysis
interpretation, insightful of comments and writing style are at the basic level.
2.5 to 3.24
Task 2 Annotated Bibliography Reflection (300 words) based on your Task 1 results 10%
Criteria HD DI CR PS
Bibliographic Reflection and Analysis are evident and relate to the research problem, the aims and to the development of the research questions. The significance of the study is described.
Bibliographic Reflection and Analysis covered the research problem in detail and the significance of the study.
Contains an interpretive insight and high quality analysis of sources and their arguments.
Overall impression:
The reflection paper exhibits excellent interpretive and analytic insight and contains writing of the highest quality. Logical expression and reflective comments included.
Presentation is well structured and exceptionally well written, with a conclusion and APA referencing.
8.50 – 10.00 Bibliographic Reflection and Analysis covered the research problem and other items of significance.
Contains very good insight and quality analysis of sources and their arguments.
Overall impression:
The reflection paper exhibits very good interpretive and analytic insight and contains writing of very good quality. Some logical expression and reflective comments included.
Presentation is well structured and well written, with a conclusion and some APA references.
7.50 – 8.49 Bibliographic Reflection and Analysis covered the research problem and how some source were significant to the study.
Contains some insight and quality analysis of sources and their arguments.
Overall impression:
The reflection paper exhibits some good interpretive and analytic insight and contains writing of good quality. Reflective comments were included.
Presentation is well structured and written with a conclusion and only a few APA references.
6.50 – 7.49 Bibliographic Reflection and Analysis covered the research problem in detail and the significance of the study.
Contains very litte insight, but does included some quality analysis of a few of the sources and their arguments.
Overall impression:
The reflection paper exhibits some interpretive and analytic insight, but the writing quality needed improvment. Very little reflective comments were made.
Presentation had structure but needed a conclusion with APA referencing.
5.00 – 6.49
Analysis of sources & Argumentation
Quality, currency and relevance to the research problem, of an holistic analysis of the collection of articles; logical arguments and suggestions; reflective comments made of the overall implications.

Structure & Writing Expression and sequence of each section; consistent theme or reflective point for coherence and significance.

Presentation & Referencing
Presentation of the reflection paper as appropriate to the aims.
Format, Word length; layout, use of headings; Correct citations and listed APA references, if used.
300 word Journal Synopsis paper based on your Task 1 results
The Annotated Bibliography should be presented in form of:
• submit as a PDF file or other document format
• include a References appendix in APA style
ITC571 – Emerging Technologies and Innovation
Instructions: Please remove all text that is between “ ” and “ ”
Add Project Title here
Subject Coordinator:
Put a picture here if you want to
Name: your name here
Student Number: your student number here
You have previously written a short and brief literature review in the proposal. This comprehensive one is the literature review that describes and evaluates the research articles you have read in the specific topic of your interest.
It also includes a critical analysis of the relationship among different works. Therefore, you need to relate them to your work.
Your Annotated Bibliography should be between 1600 – 2500 words and have the following sections:


Length: approx. 200 words
Give a brief overview of these document in a paragraph. You need to include the following sections (no citations):
1. Introduction
2. Summary of the findings in the literature review
Research Questions

Length: 100 – 300 words (You need to use enough citations to support your statements)
What are the major research questions that your project will address? (3 – 6)
Please explain each listed question.
They should be consequent to the research topic and as specific as the topic. It is recommended to avoid very general questions about the topic technology, technique, or domain.
Literature Review

Length: 200 – 300 words (You need to use enough citations to support your statements). Describe the field of research and show your reader how you will organise your research (in sections with headings). Write your 6blocks, using the following guide: [Please do not discuss paper by paper]
1. Think of this as an extended introduction. Organise the 6 reviewed blocks extracting the important components of your research topic (depending on what is important for you) – you may have noticed categories some research papers fall into.
• By technology
• By results
• etc.
2. Check all papers to see what you can describe together.
3. Describe the research by
• Whatdid they do?
• How did they do it?
• What technology did they use?
4. Evaluate the contribution the work makes to the field
• Why is this work important?
• How does it differ from other work?
5. Show the limitations of the research
• What did the researchers identify as limitations?
6. Reflect
• Whatyou think you know about this topic now
• What you can identify if those articles have not done something
• The gaps and limitations that are justified for this research
• How the research is valuable for your project (link it to your research questions).
7. Identify relationships among studies in the same group/block:
• Note relationships among studies (i.e. this work achieved higher accuracy than other studies using the ROTTO algorithm because …).
• Identify important studies (landmark studies) that led to subsequent studies in the same area.
8. Keep your review focused on your topic: make sure that the articles you have found are relevant and directly related to your topic.
9. If you include tables, diagrams, flowcharts or formulas as part of your review, each of them should be given a figure/ table number and that number must be cited in the main text with a detailed explanation (below the figure).

Length: 100 – 200 words (No Citations)
Summarise the key findings from the literature review

Please note that you need to add all 30-35 references you have collected in your weekly submissions and the other additional references you are appending for each block. That means you should have a reference list of more than 30.
Please do the citation of all these papers in the main document (mindful of the comments on referencing above).
• List the resources in APA 7 style
o Do not forget alphabetical order
o Do not forget the naming style
o Any resource should have a publication year
o Do not forget to manage articles with similar last name of the first author
o Check for any wrong duplicated resources in the list
o Check all references in the list are cited in the text and vice versa
o Check the in-text citations to be in proper format and proper place
• It is recommended to use reference management software
• Check the list before submission. A common problem is incorrect or incomplete bibliographical data.

Appendix A

Start each of your appendices on separate pages; number them with capital letters A, B, C …
Pointers for Success
• Make sure there are no orphaned headers (headings by themselves at the bottom of the page).
• Make sure all pictures have captions under them (See Figure 1).
• Ensure pictures are referred to in the text.
• Ensure all Tables have captions (see Table 1) and ensure they are referred to in your text.
• Ensure all images sources from elsewhere are properly referenced.
• Ensure you use APA 7 referencing style.
• Ensure all work is written in your own words and all ideas are referenced back to the original author.
• NOTE: Please use the “Grammar Check” link in the left side bar in Interact2 to check the grammar of your final report before submitting it.
• Critical analysis and writing are very important

Sample review group (see below for codes A – H)
Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)
[A] Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been used to achieve a more fine-grained analysis in a range of research works. They are generally effective for smaller corpora (Hadad et al., 2016; Colton et al., 2015). However, processing a large corpus isstill computationally expensive due to the high processing time. [B] To overcome this, Abasir et al. (2017) used CNN to train a Natural Language Processing (NLP) systemcreating a RoTT1 algorithm to reduce the training time of a large corpus by several seconds.[C] Lowering training time is important since it lowers computational cost [D] and even though the improvement was not of magnitude, no other group of researchers has been able to achieve this. It points to the fact that the RoTT1 algorithm has potential. [E] In addition to the size of the decrease, the researchers identified as limitation that the overall impact of this reduction is minimal as the data preparation time increased significantly, offsetting the time gains from training.[F]Despite these issues which require further research,the RoTT1 algorithm developed by the researchers is still of interest to the proposed work as it has proven to reduce processing timewhich is one of the aims of this research.[G] The RoTT1algorithm has since also been used by other researchers. An algorithm based on similar principles and CNN were also the basis of an object detection system by Compten and Wells (2018). However, although this adaptation of RoTT1 is interesting, it is field-specific, and the concept may not be suitable foradaptation because the development of a new algorithm is not the focus of this work.It is, therefore, of no further interest. [H] However, of considerable value for our work is the research by Blander et al (2019) which focused on [A] compression of corpora by … Blander at a l (2019) used a multi-layer CNN with the aim adding layers that would sort and condense the corpus
Article adapted for educational purposes from Ho et al. (2018) with permission of the authors.
[A]State the special area this paper is based on [get additional references from general research or from the paper you have reviewed but not used].
[B] Introduce the work you want to discuss and what they did.
[C] Tell your reader why their work is important.
[D] Draw a comparison about this work with existing research.
[E] The limitations the researchers identified themselves.
[F] State why this work is of value to your own research
[G] How has research been used in the field?
[H] Create a link to the next valuable piece of research (i.e. one of the 12) in the same category

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